1. A . Stii A'-.-S'..-?'. irmff an summeK 188. '. '''5$ mOQtb,.....ytM,l ..'"bo rates lumisnoa on F M 0 0. CHAR LOT ft; N J National democratic Ticket. ,OnRj -MEN'S DEPARTMENT is one of the Tar$Cni -at; illii6ii808klBfiBll -stocked -witli tfwhoiooqt labrxca,.. FOR PKKSiPJSiST, .. . . , CLOTHING. t&toerican makes. .TMENT. ' GROVEK CLEVELAND, 1 OUIi BOYS aND OHILDIxKNo lJKr fal-interest every one m pnt-oXmp botb' and childbkns' flTTI? H AftTTJlR .V' TlU! I K RTMT7NT is tboronchlv loaded-dowti witlr ihn vnrions err t OUR UNDER WE AR;lEiARTMENT is'aperfect tern initselfv All the newest and most BtylislilHats !noWHHEPA1H 7 - .- - k "-V tHOM A Sr.A. H END RICKS, JNDIAKA. ;VpB"l&iSpT01l8 "AT LARGE, JOilM STAPLE of Guilford ! W. li. KITClllNV of Halifax Oemorcrat c State Ticket. 1 ftv.rOR GOVEKXiR,' 7- ALFRED 3J. SCALES,., .;Qf Guilford. x" 10ft; LIEOTENAST GOyERJfOR, . CHARLES M. STEDMAN, " Of Kew, Hanover. ' L l"pEk SECBtTARY OF STATE, WILLIAM L. SAXTNDERS, pf Orange. J"03 TREASURER, a.LD W. BAIN, Of Wake. ,Jfoi A1T0RN Ei GENERAL, THEODORE F. - DAVIDSON, ' Of Buncombe. FOR. ' AUDITOR, " ' 'WILLIAM I P. ROBERTS, Of Gates. - J'OR SB? Tf OF PUBLIC IJSTEUCTIOX,: 7; M. FINGER, Of Catawba. yOR kSSOCIAlTE JUSTICE fiUPREME COURT, iUGUSTUS S. ERRIMON, ' ; , .'Of Wake. -fi-Election, Tuesday, November ith, 18S4.1 '. ; .. '-I ,-. ? . ., ;: DON! ? - i r Tl E DIFFERENCE. As between the letters of , accept ance given to the press by the Repub . liciin candidates for President and - Vice-President there is really but one point of difference, that of Logan in the mam being a feeble, imitation of Elaine's, altbo.ugh not covering, by a square acre, so to epeak, so much . ; ground. JBoth of them smack pf the ' 1 '. ! . . I 1 1 it T ''.JV ii uemagogwai anu are cioinea rn ine gatb of a bid for votes. It was left for Lbga,; tHJ AIUUVV . to raise, the bloody shirt and stir the dormant jembers Of prejudice,- hoping . 1 thereby to , consolidat 5..M usual iucij; j'. v , Vyi'-f ; " . rty vie i J 4i ce. In ;--"' : : . .'i.ui'e. -.loess of u0"a111 -- y aS -"e 1 &e sobriqt of Vdirty work ,, Aumittcu tuuu ewiU m and violence" ha& been 5 k in election tiraes - anafereL. been instances in which Demc-.L . i , , . . ; are cbarcreable with it vet at . 4 " " . ii door does the greater sin he ? ... , . . - I liKerjuDhcan nartv. ibroiich ifj I Logati, to hold up its hands horror and assume to: be '.au,f'of the damaable iniquitv, is ron s that just such, methods as tiey attempt to saddle upon Demo- va3. exclusively have been systemat- t-u,.f iursued in the control of elec tions by the Republicans both North jan4 Sjuth ; and lod ay, so scientifi-r , . ,,- . , , ,lly arranged is that svstem of tyran- cauy ai ny, that thousands in the North, for the matter of bread that is Involved, cannot claim their souls as their own when jvotin rr . Ti ty A rvrv- r,a - hut miifif I move Jes-machines at the behest of their employets and . cast'tbeir votes, nokm voknSf in support of their high , It.ife a facV furthermore7 as consis' lent with the narrow and selfish jde- f nniTs oi the party, that thousands of the, cui?efis of the Republican States ofif Maesacnusetts and Hhode Island Lave f noi voice in elections at all I by reas'qa of State laws prescribing a cer lam standard of property and edvica- Ucp'aV qualification, the "' inability i to. . measure up to which practically dis- usueuwcB LueLii. . ivnu mis is cne par - tv of , free suffrage, free ballot, fair . . . . . courithvpoorisv rather I Then turn to tlie South; what can compare with the Lcondition of. abject slavery in ftnich the poor negro, as a voter, gro - veisFf s f laced there and held there, in hundreds of instances at 'least, by ' the iron hand " of "intimidation ,' he o4r6s- not" choose, when .a second so- , ber'thought begins to stir his hitherto pondent actibn 'asVJreemap;":but! the nictfient he shows signs of returning reason tnere ; are agents and tools to ' j psoViiirri,; and. he is bounded from illar ctbst with sribes and leers and I'.. i;;"k i i ikkM&itda his prevented ;ihe :d iWHW ?vly tn the -j.t -..:, c-5-..;.. $$h--l.--tivxit-- -wben. bia own words 'are -belied bv t,-j ui-.. i, . w tt, i -..! - - - . ...... . rVWi rnU ZWKpvWmv Wrx' i? 'f r Lr1." T P Tf-.1"Wgget"'Jlge'!.. brand ; andL,5ground ' l wUt merely, a Question of GROVE R CLEVELAND.' peril ofhis life' tliat be casts a Demo cratic fvoter 'We speak from past ob seitatiou. , It rehiahiB "to ; be seen- whether the negro, now upon- a firm er basis of independent living, thanks o the beneficent effect of Democratic supremacv, ana. drawn closer 10 ma ormer own era id business interests and with greater enlightenment on ublio issues and parties, will remain slaves; to i he Republican parly. Let them decide the iquestion without fa vor or intimidation. TUL INDEPENDENTS. At a conference of Independent Re publicans recently held in Kew York at which Buch men as Geo; Wm. Cur tis, editor of Harper's Weekly, and Carl Schurz, the great German Senator and Secretary of the Interior under Hayes, were among the ruling spirits; a ringing platforoi was adopted, set ting forth their views and embracing in unmistakable -terms their reasons for supporting the ' Democratic notni-1 nee, Cleveland, in preference to their 1 own party man, Blaine. They take the ground that, as at present consti tuted, there is no'material divisiqn in the two great parties as to public questions and the general policy of government offered jn their respective , platforms. They acknowledge their loyalty to the principles of the Re publican party, but they say the par amount issue of the Presidential elec tion this yeaT is moral rather than political.1 And that the Republican party, in nominating Blaine, a man shown, by his own words and ac knowledged act which are on official record, to be unworthy of respect and confidence who has traded upon his official trust for j pecuniary gam; a representative of men, measures and conduct which the public conscience ;-Jmr3 ""P1: T'1H-n illustrate tue very evils that honest men would re- formtbia act proveQ tbe Repub- ,. milj..! i- and should not be .sustained by the honest sentiment of the country. , f ' Such a nomination, say they, does not promiseJnJhe executive cbair in flexi)jie , 0ffic t'elfril calm anc ' . . . . . t ' and wise .judgment, sole regard for the public - welfare,-ice. But they pro- inose to aid in defeatin? the Republi- n fiimiTiBtion' tehinh nf,t. fnr ra- B0n3 of XpediencJ oniy, but for high moral and patriotic considerations, .h. d ref?ardj fo the ReDllblicfln - A and fnr tIa Ampri(ftn iiarfte; ' : . . , i . . . i . rter, was uum 10 ue maae. - Ana uiey I i r. . propose not to stay away irom me -L ...j' :i- L j.r pons, ujub aiuiug. 10 ubieai. uiaiue . . " .. . i)Qgin Cleveland, the Democratic nom inee for President, a man whose name and record is distinguished for hones ty, executive efficiency and" gehuiue reform, they call upon their Republi can, friends who j for any reason can not endorse Blaine, to support' elec tors who' will vote for G rover Cleve land, "in order most effectually to en- force their conviction that nothing , , , . . . : . to name and prove . more disastrous to the public welfate than the deliberate ' .. . 1 , , - ?,V corruption and want of official integ; rity in the highest trusts of the gov- ernment. THE ISSUES. The, Democratic party must not be deluded into ft position . of defence II when it has the Republican party on j tbe "hip already and strictly, upon the defensive. When, you have, jour opponent down, ,as Gen; Laach ears, keep "him down. ' MeEsrs, Blaine and Doga. their, letters of acceptance, I uu .wo luu. ucucvo iuul vue iar- I : .. -. '! r. . "I question, "the, protecUon of Amerr ican industry, is the great question at issue, whea there is a variance of tantt tiewsnn both parties, making 1 n vjtal issue here, since the pJatforms"! oi noiu panics equany ueraana tarm reform-a 4nci tbisneeded reform must J fiDd. will sooner or later come, for the people peremptorily demand it.- Dopk to the records of" the parties. hich j6rity,' has shown a disposition to give 1 relief from the" Heavy hardens of the au r uaa uoijine jttepuoucaa par ty, in every instance where an oppor mmty was onerea ior reiorming xne in the breach and kifed fefQnlit ' The the- hands of ; which i people 'trust' their im w-ll." "''iu-r. ' " ' Daa cD.racvers. m xne county .jfarnest :i:iW wJiarauoo ana' lAga THOMAS A . II K N DKlCKs. premacy. ; Ilis and his party'sprofessions then oil, this subject are mere clap-trap; and', , fortunately, the whole country sees it in that light, Hence, we pre--fer ib- believe with Gov. Hendricks that this, like other reforms, can most safely be entrusted to the party which is not responsible for existing abusers and -the failure to cure them. In. a word, Gov. Hendricks. sayS adminisT trative reform and personal integrity in public olSce will be the leading is sues of the campaign, j On one side you ihave Blaine representing, as charged by hundreds of bis own par ty, phe venal and corrupt, while! on the other you " have Cleveland, en dorsed by thousands of both parties, as representing honesty and. reform. "Under winch-King, Bezonian ?" The Democratic Platform Thought of It. -What is Philadelphia Times, Ind. Rep The platform adopted at Chicago is certainly long enough, if not also broad enough, for everybody to stand upon It is something more than a platform; it is a campaign address, and along with a great deal that is $lear and forcible it contains a distressing amount of unneccessary rhetoric that might have been left for the campaign orators. It has thef merit of being written in go6d English, and the- self-condemnation of the Republicans, who are responsille for nearly, everything in which their platform demands reform, is very clev erly presented. The arraignment c the opposite party, however, is alway much less important than the positive declaration of party purposes. In this respect the Chicago resolutions, in lit effort to be explicit, have run into .the fault of inordinate length. The authors have apparently set out with the deter mination to cover more ground thu the Republicans covered and to leav them no advantage in the Md fo v."0. . ' It will take a good while to find out all there is in this extraordinary document, but there is plenty of time for that. , . Washington Post, Dem. .. The great fundamental dramatic prin ciple that all taxation must be for, revenue is clearly set forth in this platiOi If is as cle-irly ' stated"" that taxation should be reduced bo Jar as to bring the revenue down to tbe actual wants of the Government economically administered. The Democracy on a revenue tatiff platform and the Re publicans on a tariff for protection plank wheel into opposing lines, for a scjuare fight on the greatest political question that has divided parties since : the reconstruction era. . , I, Savannah ews, Dem. While it declares that' Federal taxa tion shall be exclusively for public ' purposes wmcn is only another - way of saying that all custom house taxation must be, for revenue only it disavows any purpose to make such radical and hasty changes as will tend to damage aay industrial interest. This is the position that the majority of the party occupied , during . the tariff discussion at th last session .of the Congress. Some concessions ' are made ' ,to tbe protectionists in the phraseology, but there is no retreat from the tariff for revenue principle. , 1 Gen.' Lozas. savs in his- letter of acceptance, speaking of, the navy, "it seems absurd that we have not the effec tive means to repel a wantont invasion of our coaetT and give prelection to our coast towns and cities: against any power." This is - a nice arraignment of the Republican party, which has been in power for . 24 vears. Instead of building up the navy they have . let it rot. and sold what thev oould of it to junk dealers. Charlotte Observer. lien. Logan says in ma letter accep ting the( nomination for the Vice Presidency: : "This honor, it is well understood, v?as wholly unsought by m."": He didn't seek it, , he struck higher. ; He made a dead set for the first place on the ticket, and -.when Blaine tripped him tip he did the best he could and took the second place, and seems to accept it with "a grate ful-heart." Charlotte Observer,. , A mule was killed in a singular manner in Concord a few days since- A son of Asa Barnhardt was watching a colt in Hoover x Lore's back, lot: a mule be longing to Caleb Fisher was teasing the colt. After vainly endeavoring to make the mule desist,' young Earn hardt picked up a stone and there was anotner JJavid and Uoliatn aflair. Tb stone struck the mule in tbe head and the animal keeled over dead. , The mule was valued at $125.- It was semi accidental affair, -and was not exactly murder, but muleslaughter, so the coroner's jury decided. Charlotte Observer. ' ;-' :r . ;.it' - i " A proclamation of outlawry was made yesterday by Justices E. ,D,' fEall, and b. t;.i Alillis against Pompey. Kneed colored, one of the " most notoriously 4lIn f act never in the history of our, career have .we had a better merit the appreciation of our many friends and the public, and trust to C Orrespondence jlonros Express: The Hon. ;R. T. Bennett is the choice of Stanly for Congress. Let the Radicals put out their favorite Pee-Dea war horse gainst hini, -and his1 majority on the 4th of November will not be three" or four hundred buVwitl run into thousands. ,: en Bauer will run a.tne ureenoaoK candidate for. President. tVegetable Sicilian HAD2 EENEWER vu the flnt preparation perfectly adapted to ear disease of the scalp, and tbe first aoe eeuful rertorer ef faded or. gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It baa had many imitators, but none have to fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and foalp. Hall's Hair Kkhewek hat steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to ererj quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can be attributed to but one cause: IH entire fuljltmeiit of At$promist$. The proprietors. haeT often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where they had never made au effort for its introduction. . Hie use for a short time of Hall's IIaib s ItKNKWEji womlerfully iniirorvs the ier aoual appearance. It cleanses the scalp from I all impurities, cures all humors, lever, and , dryness, and , thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and rigorous growth. -The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara tions, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DTE FOR -THB ; WHISKERS Will change the beard 6 a natural brown, or black, as desired. Ii produces a permanent colorhat will not wash away. Consistingof a single preparation, it is applied without trouble.. f rREPAKED BY E. P. HALL & CO., Kastua, 11 Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. - i .- TOE ALL THE POEMS Scrftilniterlbl, d. Blood Disorders, tbe best remedy, because the most searching ami thorough blood-purifier, is , Ayerfs Sarsaparilla. Sold by -aU rggisSl, six ,botJ!s, Jj- EX-STORE iND to ARRIVE, : BY W A. ROBBIXS & CO. Agents for Horn Fertilizer. A superior lot of Pickles,, genuine Olive Oil, French and German Prepared Mustard. Try them. Beef Tongue, Fish and good sugar cured ShaoKPd Beef, iresh and new A new lot of those superior Brunswick Hams and Jumboes.. Oranges and Bananas, fine and large. A finaTot of New Kaisins, Prunes, Oi trons, and Currants. Something new and nice, cereal Hakes ana oat naaes, can oe cooKea in to- min utes. . Have you seen those cereal and fruit boilers, the nicest tiling known tor boil ing custards ; you .can't burn them. Pearl hominy irom new corn. : , A fine lot of currant jlly pre- serves. ine nnest mackerel mat is known, in beautiful 5 lb packages. If yOu want a nice piece of cheese we have it. : Sauces, mustards, sweet oil, salad dresainzs. " : ' - : I . Bjuck wheat and tme syrup to go with them. ' 1 If you wish a tine chew or smoke, call on us for line chewing and smoking to bacco and fine fsegars. Dry hop yeast cakes, fresh and good. JSelf-raising Buckwheat at 20 cents per package I ulton fiiaj-Ket cornea Deet, ariea oeei Imported Macaroni of best quality. .N ice Butter at 30 cents per fiv A fine lot of Jellies in sugar-bowls, creampi toners and spoon-JioLler jiJd by the pound.- ' r-. m -i. i. , j A fane assortment oi canaies iresn aw new. . .-- - : - ' , . 6f The finest Flour sold iit-Oar. rels", dollar sacks, and per p mrCU Canned Fish. Labrador Herrings, in Tar tar Sauce, . Brook Trout, Macke,el,- oal mon and Shrimp. , " A CannedHeate - - iteviled ham, tongue and, lobster, pot ted ham and ton gne," corned beef, and chipped beef (dried.) 1 L CaimedTebies.-' rGreen peas, tomatoes, stringl ess beans, okra and tomatoes,' oorn, rhubarb, (very fine fot pies) .. . -.. v ;rx-CaniieJ. Fruits.. ': Peaches, apples cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blubemes and pineapples (sliced and grated.) ; - Bice, pearl j hominy, ' cereal -x flakes, wheat flakes, qat flakes (require but 15 minutes'to cook very fine and the best thing known -Tor dyspeptics.) A fine.antele Of New Orleans 'syrup, (new), Crjatat sjrup,.ugar dripsj Porto fiico and'Jnba molassei, . ? .PoweredgTaiated, cut loaf, Btand aril 'XVNew 0rlein4 brown and. granu-. ayra. I .- rut. V W. KAUFMAN & CO.. Clothiebs, Central Hotel g Machine and music I have jast added to climes and bewing Machine supplies, ; ':' 1 . - " - ' f I i '- i'jf PIANOS and other musical instruments nd musical goods. iAs I liavp led and controlled, with increasing demands, alrnpst tlie entire sewing machine trade in this part of the State, by 1 my fair j lioncst dealing and by handling none but first-class goods, bo will I Organ trade here. I shall not handle any innsvcul instrument that 1 cannot fully warrant. The future ;of i my trade depends upon the quality' of goods that I sell at present. I shall sell low apd high; priced instruments, and ray prices will be low for the quality of goods. 1 can stdi any instrument as low as. any one else, quality considered. All I ask trial. : . ' I t,hall continue to keop si full Sewing Machines, Needles, Oil, Attachments. Part?, tSrc., for all machines, ' and 'tlt bct Plaiters. ULvairin4i specialty, I guarantee atisfaclion HS-tt price, quality of goods, terms of sale, and work done S:tvc money anil tioiiMo ly calling on me before you buy. CotrctiK)udence solicited. ' I Eor the next 4 months I shall offer RARE BARGAINS niidwinMaclnnes' must go sJiYni ll.rtnll cn.ritu!.' rrVrtll ffTa'- Don't fail to call and get my prices. The Gash Store. Mr.' EUU'.Th.orima and-myself have mai kets: wliere vie caiefnllv- eulected the in st complete stock of " GElSriilllL, MERCmVNDISE' s -.:-.:- - ' - - . -: , . x'CJGSil ever brought to this market. They are bought in laFge quantities,; and chkae pok thk ckji, and I now offer them v Low Doivn, for the cash, strictly. r ; ,;...;..-'..'.. j. . . - . . i' ., HV ' Let every cotton planter, from his past experience in paying heavy time prices resolve henceforth to deal for cash and stop Imping hn his inphey gies out and the conn try will coon get 6n'! a slid ifouijilij tion. : ' ' . v . , .' ' ,- ' To all parties Who expect to deal strictly for cash', I offer my .eJegarjit 6tock of goods ;My Ironse.will soon bo tilled full of goods and they mnst be sold, and they shall go low down for cash.. So bring along ydnr cash and we will find it to onr mutualinterest. f ' Thanking yon for a liberal patronage, J T;ap;pfy fpffcf$l0 FURNITUKE !. Prices to Stdt the Tiaos TUE -undersigned respectfully informs 4b pubup. that he bas opentnl the? Furniture Business in Laurinburg, and that hererter you can be furnished any; goods in his line as cheap it not for less than nauegton or Charlotte. ?. .?- ' 1 . . . Undertaking a Specialty. I keep constantly on hand all sizes of & COFFIHS,'CASES, and Caskets, Handles, , Studs, Plates, Emblems-' &ei -. T'"'-' ' . JTiimitiirt?, Window Shades, Cords,. Tassels,' Picture Lloulding, &o, j Come and see my , , . i CAKtni XHIBITOM. , Furniture jepjaired,.rdressed and varnished.-, Pictures framed, chairs Reseat ed.. Send, in your old furniture and have it made new, your picture frames clean ed and pojished. "' ' Encourage honte enterprise antf see what yon are getting before paying tor it. Give me a call before leaving your or ders elsewhere, -"Work warranted. Sat isfaction guaranteed. .Orders from the country will be promptly attended to. My motto iss Quick sales and small proiits. Call as you pass.. " , . (First floor iazell Building) 40 LAURINBURG N. (!. ly , rYblJlt'rrAJIl," with bottle of in delible ink and brush, sent post-paid for 25 cents. AddresSJ ' ; ' ; ; J, a, BARNES Rockingham, N. C, supply than! at .thepresent season. ' -U . ,J ' ' f" house! ray large stock of Sewing" Ma f-..,t AND OEGAHS; f endeavor to merit and control the is a fair stock of to ALL GASH BUYERS.' Or at greatly reduced prices, for cash, . J, A. WRIGHT, EOOKIKGHXJI, N. C. C. v .Ml. just retnrned from tlif ortlieto and bought with the cash one of WILSOW'S LIGHTHiriG SEVEJT I 2,000 STITCHES IVIIMUTE. Tbe only afosoln tely flntt-elass Sew Ins machine in tho worli. Sent on trial. Warranted yearo. Send for Illnstrated Catalogne and Cfrenlar B. . THE WI LSOSr SEWING MA-: CHINE CO., Chicago, Ncw prk n4 "STalllnsford, Conn. . EJdenton Enquire!-: Steel rails are now being; laid on the Norfolk :nct Sbatnern llailrOad- i i ( I ' We court an inspection and examination of o excelleiH asprtpfent ' '"J " yy' ir --.: ' " S -Yi corner, CHAKEOTTfi, N. C. FHiLOTICA.IL. WATCH MAKER,: "l And , ealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY.- Etc.. 6 Trade street, above Wilson's drag store, CIlAliLQT'yiS, JS. ii. 4' ly LOUGEE & GOODWIN, ;r (Successors to I. W, Durham,) 417 and 419 FayetteviUe St., BALEIGH, N. C. cbaxeks rsr Foreign and .American JEF'we ask t I CARRIAGES, PHT0NS, BUGGIES, ROAdICARTSV StTv ,ri thft State;- Write ibr Prices, J. & W. P. STANS1LL, GARDEN SEEDS! ....... ....... A fresh lot of the celebrated LAN DRETH garden seeds. Call and get a supply !!!!"!!!ani) pEEKjjE!""...'.... rpAeies 14....... 7Sr"if GOOTECTIOJSTERIES ! Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, Candy, Raisins, 4-. ihfts r y Juts, Crackers, Lemons, Allspice, Pep par, Salt, Canned Goods, &c. A lot of .Xre.sli , IVIackerel. EverythiDg Cheap. D1S O R DE R E D 1 L I V HlXl - ana malaria. From these sources arise three-forxrtbs of the diseases of tho human race. Those symptoms indicate their existence : Ioss of . Appatite, Bowels eostive, Slek Hsd ache, fullaeaa arte eatlnar. RTerilon to .-XMrlkin.af body or mind. Ernetatlosi d spirits; A feeilas oi Iharlas; neglaesed a Ueart, Iots before the eyes, highly col- ' ored IJrine, COWSTIPATIOHi, and do mand the use of a remedy that acts directly cnthoUrer. JLsaLiverraediclneTUTT'S liar o no equal. Their action on the Ki.lneysand SkJn ia also prompt ; removing" nH i'.upariticss tliioiit&i'incse three "kt rngers of tho systewt," producing appe tite, sound disfosv ion, rfjjiilor stools, a clear . cil.-H r 111.1 , 1 ii w ' r. i"-i-i ' fT X'U. IyT .F.ti eariae no rsupea or giipio? ior JUtecfere ?f rilbdailyvorkaEdarelrpffect 'i - - ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. OTre&iAIHBYl Cray Haik ob -Vhiskrbs chanired in stantly to a Glosst BljlCS by a single ap plication of this Dra. SoW by Urugiste. ot sent by exTA-ess on roociptof 01. . . Offlco, 44 Jrlurray Street, Ifew Tork. ' ' -TJTT'S FlariUAL 0? L'3EFUl,BCElrT8 FSEE. Kobe, rhioatJ.ungs. fuilldoa, 88 tt, rooto. ooat, frea. A No HEALTH quids, aeopgs. lltust-rntAd. . All that the doubtful carious of thoaehtfalwaat so, knowi Vlpw aau gut oiuaumjM m Ji2Wd1445o,sob DR. WHiniEB Tne $rreasapeiaua, r.ervou. uwuKv,unpeuumMn to Marriaaa, Oonmltatton and Pampblet trw, j a, -jJI- U I II j V'a 1 V ; - Commission Merchants, 6wCZitrM, Plaster :icoti; Oorn, Hay, Molasses, CojffUt J'fcur, : Glue, Spirit Casks, dsc. pleTstewnboatOo l 4 W ":. hi m n n n IT HEADSTONES, TABLETS", VASES, &C. ' . Alsq contract, for IEON-FENCING; CURBING" ST02IE, AND - j : Cemetery WarJc ofJLvery Descrijitibn. " i . Call or write for Price-Lists and Designs. Cor respondence solicited. Satisfaction Gii en. is a Trial. - We Offer To the Citizens of Rocking ham and vicinity, The largest and best selected stock of Carriage and Saddlery Goods in the State, consisting in part of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Village Carts, I)rays ana uarts, eaaaies, Harness, Trunks, Satchels, Lap Kobes, Horse' Blankets, all kinds of Buggy and Harness material including Boddies and Gear ready for the painter and trimmer. We guarantee our prices lower than any in the State McDO TTGALL & BO WI)EN V' WILMINGTON, N.C. stamping: Ladies, send your orders to MRS. J. B. HARRINGTON (Formerly of Danville, Va;): ' . FOR ' - , That will ot Blor or Kob. Chenele and Arecene Braid, ane a full line of Embroidery material on hand, Don't fail to send your orders. . BADVSTaSiXfHRLOTB, N. O. J. B. Harrington's DINING ROOM - A i . -. Ice" Cream'P.'irlor;.' ' , 3d door above court housfe. Meals at all "Hours. SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. ' ' . Th WrgeM Book Manafscturing; BjitabKshmcnt in the South- A fuU aMortmeat of ah betttr class of miscellaneous booki constantly on hand. - Theototcal "books and Sunday-school song-boo Its and libraries a spaciaky. , Advoesvte. ' ''' General organ of the Metkodnt Bpiscopal Church, South. Twenty page each week. A f are paper for th old and yoang. Only JS a'yeaf.' ' ' thsiadaty seliool Paa-lotlleaJa. Eight periodicals for Sunday-school teacher and scholars; different grades and price iss ted weekly, monthly, and quarterly. Catalogue of hooks Aad-nacisneas of , Christian Advocate and Suodar4chool Periodicals sent free to any address. ' - ' - ....... - ' . Eauauites furaiahad oa all kiads.of Book, and Job Priu. Addreoi ...... Southern Methodiit Pubilshicg House, , MA8HVILLX TBNN j ' V .". , DR. JA8. E. KEA. i . tin Hrtn. U(...' T - i 'V WILMINGTONvN. M. l-U-'i JL'J.:I.ULXJU1 i. -a NO. NEW THINfJ. JSTROfflrSSAKAMiil ; - i Cs4lhioaghootthaooanti,-- 4 .- ..i And th" proved " ' ' - Be Best Llier Meiliins b World. nTn Orininff Pnlannniia nniiHL hat nnvelv VulMa .a. u urn rsuaoie. rrenriMa even dt t njwician A spwdy ; cure for TAvr Oomtdamtt Rwulathin tha noweIaaFuntina'tM nlood. Cleansing from Mttli riut the Taint. A. porftoe ears tar SllZ Eleadiaieia'. OotMtlpotloa aod all SUltona Jlarlcr. Bold ,bjr Drags teta. FocPanirihlots, el.. adias- til . MX Uasja Ml, X VOdiat- Mt-.Y.JUa.; T. L. SK1GLK & ,(;().. IS."N0 W eMPLrE, - and you can rest assured that it.'w;!l : compare with any stock of our lirie in the-State, in yaj-iety, quality .Of goods : and low pneest is well known that I our house is always ahead on all 4,the new novelties in fine goods in eVery d partment, but our .stoclj . this Spring is I it 1- aupciflor iri elegance and Variety j to .any. ever, before t placwl f before' our -ruatomersV. 'l s-ii.V-i,-,'--C'-: ' Mr M ART! N..M . MoHAE will be jplaKl to hae you caako hlra a y call when you isit,t!oor oity and will ' guarantee - prompt attcatiou to all or-, -ders, :Very truly, -, ,'"-'-'' SEIQLE & 00. prno', 1884j , - -i , ti'" .-; , -d AdvertUe your buai busiaess, -A; lis ft- r v. . ...lir- r 1 - A 1 .14 . 4- ' ISS g j ;;Ktfr