ijasBBVaataajasiasWtas aUsWMfii"' V.''-.aV-AiM r; m mounce'irmn 4 II ";l.r M 1884. 3V.-.!"'jf,U 1884, .,wi(JM''',Wi''w.' ' Si months. CZ7 On Sp ring: s i i. 14 i i : I, . fiVlTertisiDg rates furnished on application. , . : " j", lingljam, N.'1, Thursday, Aog. 7, 1884.' National Democratic Ticket. Hi FOR-PRESIDENT, . EOVER CLEVELA.ND, :a; .-FjOR VICE PKESIDENT, T IK) MAS A. HENDRICKS; OF INDIANA. ' JVU .ELECTOijS- AT LARGE, I 3QHN n.- STAPLES, of Guilfoi. If KITCIII.V, of Halifax, ocratic State Ticket. j FOS GOVER.SOR.I, LFIIED SQALES, Of Guilford. 6b i.3;utenant govkbnor AKtES H. STEDMAN, . Of New lianover. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, "WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS.i Of Orange. FOB TREASURES,. DONALD W. BAIN, " Of Wk!e. FdR ATTORNEY GENERAL, THEODORE F. ! DAVIDSON, Of Buncombe. . ;.. FOR AUDITOR, I" WILLlAJir PJ ROBERTS, Of (iates. . i FOR SUP T OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION', Mi S. M. FINGER, OF Oatawbar SjAssocrAn-: justice supreme courts AUaUSTUS S. MERRIMON, j Of Wake; Eleetioo. Tuesday, November AT LST. ; i Everybody,, both Democrats and mblicahs, -waited' patiently for a i."'.-long month fortue appearance of the I '.etter? of acceptance of Blaine and '.r.'Nrtn. " Ami every one who has inW v lently read thpsa doQUinents has : c . :rj disappointed There is iu then . ,veiy itue anu tone no utterance oi a i calm and dispassionate statesmanship; j' nut. jtjhe expressions of the skilled 'and ! siir;ejWvl politician. Doubtless the well info rmed oHheir pwn party Tl pa"''''"' . ' ? .annrti nh(l must be c!iamp.v appointed. "There V party platform Lngn loes . " i . - rf:'v.,i U '( .f'-V:' :5abf r.' We !;:d Iork stands, bul , . certain of Blaine and Lc-r -v -people are not. to bde v Vthia .hodge-podge. If a i fty adopts a platform let pon it . ,1 . ': will know. that, this civ- brm means the absolute " Cjfc means that ntted into onr . . X?i railroad ears i X'rid all place's n ..the flame ;: ' j. ""the same rights r j "And socially, ia every '.re to be . made by law the equals of the whites. If the law does not jprovidetfor that now, the Repub lican party is pledged to such legis lation. ' You do. not find this inthe letters of Blaine and Logan, though it la irT their platform. But with D'r, York it is different. He comes out squarely and endorses every part of x,ne piauorm. - jThis is a serious matter, with the white people of this country, both Noi;th and South. It precipitates upOh ua an issue which we wduld like! to avoid, and ia vc-rv much de- 'piored .by the Democratic party. ButJ tle jissae is upon us land we will have to peet it as best we can. Another thing, these a3tute politicians (for their letters show them to bo nothing ejse,) slide over very lightly is in tern -aj reyenue reform. Their national record is against it. Every time any jmpye is made to alleviate the suffer ings of "the people, especially in the i South,' where this system is so'Cor ru;pt and corrupting the Republican parjy squares itself against it. ! j 'And. yet the Republicans in "this State insert in their platform a plank ajdVocating the abolishment of the in ternal revenue system, whon every.- .ody. knows that but' for the "bread v-Jd" butter brigadB,'-6,r federal officsc- flers under . this Bystem, and ; the Mno menp-as oi y. J. mou ana :k itesj ii paf ty could not l ast Hr 'inidst Ttiey.; jtvould , ;. f - : i - t x .11. - t " - : ;-V:;v ; WKt?mWi&& ?me reason, precis to ing.cloth.c-? t-'-'ft4:. ;- '"..-' j - : '---- G ROVER CLEVELAND.' .JUDGE BENNETT NOMINATED. The Convention which, met ioLum- berton on Wednesday, 30tli ult., did a .wise and commendable thing in nominating by acclamation the distin guished gentleman named above. gChis act of the people of the 6th dis trict is a fitting confirmation of the choice made by the people of the whole State two years ago when with unexampled unanimity they placed in his. keeping the standard of the party as their candidate for Congressman-at-Iarge. " The prospects before the party at that time were anything but encouraging. There was imperative ly headed the services of a heroic lead er. The party was practically in a state of semi-disintegration, An un popular measure had lately been pre cipitated upon the people of the State and, instead of being endorsed, had been votejl down by an overwhelm ing majority. ; Every effort was being made bv the opposition party, how ever uinustlv, to saddle the responsi- I bihty for it upon the Uemocratic par ility for it upon t&e Democratic par- ty; and thenj if ever, thought the im placable foes of Democracy, was the time to wrest the power from Demo cratic hoods, ami change it back to its. whilom; channel of venality and cbr ruption, peculation and fraud. Ex traordinary equalities of leadership were called for by the exigency of the situation.' .The eyes of the State instinctively turned to Judge Bennett as the one man available and-possess-ing the high qualification; and, altho' securely enthroned upon the bench, bis 'fitness - for which position was al re'ady an acknowledged fact, yet he cheerfully stepped down from so lofty a pinnacle to obey the voice of his countrymen' and that he might dis charge a responsible duty to which he felt himself irresistibly called- He made the fight ahd carried, the State. The party Tas re-pnited, and now, purged of an element which was only o-ready to seize an opport unity to knife it to death, it stands upon the "nountain top and faces square to sun so. Besides, the record made by - JT5:t"in the u.-voHfint session Y?3 'il.r. nu. ,.-irrf4,hnwwcb4cMcro about frt w Ailn,, c.nAnraa- ment and. promotion by the people. Probably no man of his age has ever yet served in Congress who left upon the country,- after a term so brief, such marked impression of intellect ual power and statesmanship merit as ihae Judge Bennett for the half of one s eBsion ofcly in which be has served. We repeat, then, that the convention of the 6th district acted wisely and well in nominating him by acclama tion; : .;' . ELECTOR FOR TUE 6TU DISTRICT. ; The nomination of Gol. Alfred Row land as Elector, and by acclamation, too, was a deserved compliment to a rising young son .of Robeson county whose,, people seem to love hirn as David did Jonathan. 'His speech be fore the- nominating convention at Lumber ton, accepting the honor ten dered, gave evidence sufficient of his power as a canvasser. ' My. Dog, Blaine. V - Mb. Editoe: Just after the Republican-Presidential Convention I came in possession of two pups, which pups I christened respectively Blaine and Logan in honor (?) of the can didates.:. Logan is a little fice dog of not much consequence here or there. He is very noisy when" there is- no danger aboutj but when danger ap proaches Logan "hie3 away." , Blaine wa3 a very decent dog and behaved very well until he found out that he bore such a distinguished cog nomen, but as soon as he made that discovery he began to hold up .his head and sniff the air in a very lord ly manner. He looks down in" utter contempt on other dogs in the com munity. He like the distinguished character for. whom he was . named, has assumed the aggressivo'policy. He is not at all content to remain in the aphere which nature has circum scribed for all canine animals. Other dogs (Logan included) are content to eat all fruit of the poultry, they find, but Blaine is aggressive and goes for the poultry as well as the fruit, and woe betide the barn-yard that comes within his reach. includ- in his but middle room disturbs. not satisfied to stay " ' - 1 -y'T'-fH ore .compared .with flax, for mak- Java THOMAS A. 1IENDK1CKS. giving her best bed to Blaine. It re quires' iny undivided attention to watch after Blaine.- - Iliear a noise in the . poultry yard .and sally forth to rescue the unfortunate hen. Before that job is! completed I hear the cry in the house, 'This dog' must, be kill ed." I bad hoped that I would' not have to kill the dog until the distin guished gentleman for whom he was named shall be killed, (politically,) whieb wil not be till November next; but unless he learns to behave be must die and that Bpeedily. I have written this as a warning to aH who have pups; -af you have any desire for . domestic peace, and happi ness don't name your dog Blaine, Richmond. Spriii; er 11 ill ltmc Dear Rocket; Did you ever see a better front than is this' year pre sented by the Democracy? Cleve land, of noble record and dauntless un, in the front, with Hendricks. tbe natMn 8 UM ?f true Satness, by his side. Then our own State, with Scales, Stedman, et id omm -genus, such worthy and noble men. . Does it not nerve every arm for a Bannock hoin. viotoryt for the Scotia of Democ racy in the Coming contest ? - Let ev ery man be a hero in the comicg strife and the "bloody chasm" will be forever' closed, with the "bloody shirt" in its depths IJ THE CROPS. ; Just as if the fates were beginning to be propitious, as if men wi re be ginning! to be wise in tbejr nalionul councils, the crop's are apparenilv do ing their "level best." Uoru b. fi l'ing beneath, its load,, potatoes niautliug the hillbidtjs in festoons of green ( and cotton bringing urj the rear iu a aoit of Kingly tread. Well, we li;ive a goodly land; and the people -should no longer "mourn" under the rule of the wicked. Our young people are leaving; for their schools some to teach and sora.? to be educated, while' a goodly num ber remain to tacklo our own schuvlrv thinned- downi to a standr-tliose -Pt- beini the attest, e, pre,eTI 33 to ARRIV 1L' maimng themselves as highly pleased j. those who have gojje back expressing them selves through the Scotch papers in "groanings" nowhere to be uttertd. Cobs Hill. Montpelier, N.C State News. . The track of the WesterniSoth Caro lina .Railroad has' been laid with new steel rails from Salisbury to llorganton. "The -Greensboro Workman, in a phil osophical mood, says that by reason of the large wheat crop bread will soon be abunbant and cheap, and thus laziness will be promoted in the land. There is something in the idea. . The Greensboro Workman - says the tobacco factory of II. S. Foy & Bro , cjf Winston, was burned last Saturday night. There were about 400 boxes of tobacco in the factory. The tobacco and building were fully covered by insurance. . A terrible cyclone passed over Ed enton, Sunday, blowing down the hard ware house of S. Dickinson & Co, and unrooting the stores of J. H. Wood, general merchandise; and Hooper- & Co., drugs, and Barns' s Hotel. A ware house and several wharves were destroy ed. One, child was killed and several persons injured by falling timber. We know of no way that we can ben efit our readers more than by calling attention to Johnson's Anodyne Lini ment. It is the oldest and most valuable patent medicine in the world. Every boby should keep it in the house. It will chock diarrhcea and dysentery one nour, The Greensdorb . Workman says: last Saturday night while Mr. Geo. Hester and wife, of Eidgeville, Caswell' county, were absent at Mr. Jack Hes ter', where they had gone to spend the night, had their smoKe house and grainery burned. A white man who was living on the place was found hang ing dead-by the4 neck about ten steps ofT. .It ia thought that some negroes did the hanging, robbed the houses of their contents and then set fire to them. ."''' r' Mrs. Francis Stegatf, widow of Nick Stegall, aged about 70 years, died in Goose Creek township a week or two. ago. yve nave 6een reliably informed that before dying she made a startling Confession. Sh'a confessed to haying murdered her husband by pouring molten lead in. his, ear. Mr. Stegall died very suddenly about 30 years ago, while drunk, but no foyl play was ever suspected and her confession is a start- llngpieoe of news tothe old people of ine community, ane - naver married again, and so far as we heard: ho cause was assigned lor the ded.--Monro Express. . . -. . ; !, . Lenoir, Topic: It is a singular fact that the firt cotton ever sent! abroad Was raised in Burke county. John Rutherford, Sr., who had learned tho hatter's trade in the old country, raised the cotton as ah experiment, picked and packed it in- bags, carried the cron to Charleston, Si C, in his , wagon,: and K AUF MAN & X)UR MEN'S DEPARTMENT O il K BO i S',AJSL U HILUKENS DE r A KT M E rJ T wiH Hot fail to interest evert? W wanf of STrf is OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT: is thoroughly Ipadfedxlown witli the various grades and Ts&esf Enitish; ; U U K.U WJiK W.JSAi; JJI Art xjai JiiJN T is a pertect gem in itself. All the newest and most s In'fact; never in the history of .our career have: we hid a better supply than' at , the present season. "We court An inspection- ijd eminaSa o olrfixqJcnt aSortoUt and triist to merit the appreciation of our many friends and the public .. ? 1 . 4 l f I ? . . --?T," - 7WH-l I 1 W. KAUFMAIN & CO., Clothiers, Central Hotel corner, CHARLOTTE, N..C. ; . Tha indications points to a united Democratic front in New York, for it is declared by those who are in a position to, know that Tammany mil stand u p to the nominee and that John Kelly will work for Cleveland and the ticket. The defection among all classes in the city is estimated at only 5,u(a). It this turns out to be trite Cleveland will sweep , New' York by ' a tremendous majority, News and Observer. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Th Revr'X. F.TVUdg, weU-lcnora city mitaisnary In Nw Vork, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of tke MBSsaebosette Supreme Coavtr wpUo as follow! : " 78 E. Mth St., Kern York, Mag 1G, 1882. Messs. J. U. Ayeb tt Co., Geutlemen : Lust winter I was troul'luU with a most uncomfortable itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which itched so iutolerably at night, aud burned so intense, ly, that I could w)ly bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a, . severe catarrh aud catarrhal cough; my appetite was .poor, and my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of A V Kit's Sabsai'AKIli.a, by obsi-rTatiqu of many other cases, and from personal use . in former years, 1 began takhig It for the above-Jiantcd disorders. My appetite im proved almost from the nrt dose. After :l short time the fever audi itching vera all:iy.j.I, .and tVi t'gita f a-citit.iou jf .the 3kin d.supteiii-ed. -My catarrh and couyh rire aUo euied by the same means, and my general health "greatly Liiprovci, until it !s ' :i'nv excellent. 1 feel . a . lnuidred ler ceiit .sirimjjer, and I attr(3nile these 'results to the usti cf ilie S.vusii'.siiiLiiA, wiii'-U I recommend itH conil U'iiee a tl-e best blood medicine ev-.-r devised. I took it- in small duses threo times a dayi and use 1, in all, less thau two bottles. 1 place these facts at your service, hoping their publication mav do good. . Yours respectfully, Z.- P. Wilds," The abeve -instance is but one of the many constantly coming to-'ovir nolice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AVElt's Sabsa I'ARir.tA to the cure of all diseases arising fifi'n impure or impoverished biood, and a weakened vitality. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanser, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, aud. theroby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofi Ions .)('-. ', Eruptions of the Skin, Rheu ryJism, C'ttarrJi, flenertii TViw-tty.-and all disor-le:-s resulting: from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. ; rRIIVARED BY 1 Dr. J.C.AyeritCo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Ix-agsts: price ?1, six bottles j , - r i for $5. . AYER'S CATHARTIC Cf PILLS. r Best Purgative- Medicine eure Constipation, Indigestion, Ileadacheaiid all Odious Disorders; ' Sold everywhere. Always reliable. ifr STORE . . " ... uv W. .1. ROBBIE & 10... ' Agents for Home Fertilizer. A j superior lot of Pickles, genuine Olive Oil," French 'and German Prepared Mustard. Jry them. Beef Tongue, Fish and'" good" 'sugar' cured Smoked Beef, fresh and new. -i A new lot of those superior Brunswick Harris and Jumboes. - Oranges and Bananas, fine and l!ge. A fine lot of New Raisins, Prunes, Ci--, trons, and Currants. . Something new and nice, cereal flakes and oat flakes, can be cooked in 15 min- j utes. : Have you seen those cereal and fruit;' boilers, tWe nicest thing known for boil ing custards : you can't burn them. Pearl hominy from new corn. A tine lot- of currant jeljy and pre serves. . The finest mackerel that is known, in beautiful 5 lb packages. If you want a nico piece of cheese we have it. Sauces, mustards, sweet oil, salad- dressings. Buckwheat and fine syrup to go with themi If you wish a fine chew or smoke, call' on us for fine chewing and smoking to bacco and fine Segars. Dry hop yeast cakes, fresh and good. Self-raising Buckwheatat 20 cent9 per. package. - Fulton Market corned beef, dried beuf Imported Macaroni of best-quality. ! .Nice Butter kat 80 cents per ib. A fine lot of jellies in sugar-bowls, cream-pitchers and spoon-holders and bv the pound. A hue assortment ot candies iresh ana new. The finest Flour sold in . bar rels, dollar sacks, and per pound.-- Canned Fish.: Labrador Herrings, in Tartar Sauce, Brook i Trout, Mackerel, Sal mon and Shrimp. Canned Meats. Deviled hamj tongue and lobster, pot ted ham and tonsrn, corned beef, anid'J chipped beef (drieU.) . Canned Vegetables. Green peas, tomatoes, stringl ess beans, okra and tomatoes, corn, rhubarb, (very, fine.for pies) . v Canned. Fruits. f Peaches, apples, cherries,stfnwberries; raspberries, blubemes and pineapples (sliced and grau'd.) Rice, pearl hominy, cereal flakes, wheat flakes,' oat flakes (require but- 15 minutes to cook very fine and the best thing known .or dyspeptics.) ; A fine article qf New Orleans syrup, (new), Crystal syrup, sugar drips, Porto Rico and Cuba molasses, '-. ;- . Sugars. i Powdered," granulated, cnt loaf, stand ard A, New Orleans,' brown and granu lar. ' ' :" "': ' " . " Green Coffees Java, Rio, Maracaibo and Laguayra. . j - Koasted Coffees, V ieggets "Tiger" brand and ground , Arbuckle'a Anosa, . Thurberg . 34 and 41. ' --'.. ; is one of the largest,' and itlOl seasorra well stoc Sewin MUSIC I jhavc just added to my large stock of Sewing" Ma ' chines and Sewing Machine supplies, ; t" ''".'-,' PIANOS and-other musical instrunieTits arid rhnsieal goods..'" As I have led and coatrolled, with increasing' demands, almost the entire sewing machine trade in this' part trf the State, by njy fair honest dealing and by handling none but first-clnss goods, so will I Organ trade here, j I shall 'not handfe nny musical that I cannot ful)y warrant. . lUe future of my trade deijonds upon the quality of goods thait I. sell at present. I shall sell low and high priced instruments, and my prices will pe low for the quality of soods. 1 eaii sell auy. instr'.jiment as low as any one else, quality considered. All I ask is a fair trial. .'!-"'' 1 shall c-ontinne ito keop a full Sewing Machines, Needles, Oil, Attachments, Parts, for all machines, and the best Plaiters. KcpaTring a specialty, I satisfaction as to price, quality of tvave money and truhule by calling on me before yun uu". Correspondence' sol icited." For the next 4 mouths I shall offer R A RE B A Rti A1NS to ALL GASH BU ERS. Or gans and Sewing Mjjchinea must go at greatly reduced prices, for cash, during the dnll suauijer months. t 'Don't fail to call in d get my prices. ' ... j , . . J- A. WRIGHT, 1 j " KOCKTlXGHAir, X. C. . The Gash Store. . !'-";. . ' " . Mr. Ellis Thomas fnd 'myself have just returned from the Northern niai kuts, where wo wajrefuUy selected and bought with the cash one of the m st complete stock of , : :, ! ' CnrJSX! A MEROHANBISiH- . i - 'x ever hronglit to this rarkcr. They are bought in large qtiantities, and cheap fob the cash, hud I Dow offer them ' ' ! " ' . ' : ' . ! i Zoiifp'oimfor llick cash, stnctly. ,-, Let eycry cotton plan Ur, from his past experience in paying heavy time prices, resolve henceforth to (leal for cash, -and stop buying when .his money gives out and' the.eoantry will soon get on a solid fo.nuda tion. ! ; ' ' To all parties who expect to deal strictly Tor cash, Poffer my elegant 6tock of goods.- My house will soon be filled full of goods-' send they most be sold, and they shali go low down for cash. So bring along your eah and we will find it to onr mutual interest.' ...... Thanking voir for a liberal patronage - .Lam very "respectfully I II. C.DOCKErr. FUMITTJEE1 - l - Prices to Syiit tie Times fHE undersigned respectfully infoims the public that he has Opened jthe . CABINET rSDERTARIXG, AM) Furniture Business In Laurinburg, and' that heretJter you can be furnished any goods in his liie as cheap if not for less' than Wiiniirglon gt Charlotte, j! , ' " Undertaking a Specialty. I keep constantly onihand all szes of C0FFI8S, GASES, : and Caskets, Handles! Studs, ?lates, Emblems, &c. . ','. ' ' Iui'nitnro, ;- " Window Shades, Cordsj Tassels, Picture .Moulding, &c. Come ahd see mf CABPET KXlStlSirOK. Furniture repaired, dressed ind var nished. Pictures framed, chain reseat ed. Send in your bid furniture aid havfe it made new," your picture frame; clean ed and polished. ' Encourage home enterprise and leewhat you are getting before paying for it. Give me a call before Jeavingyour or ders elsewhere. AVork warranted. Sat isfaction guaranteed; Orders from the country will be promptly attenied to. My motto is: Quick sales .and small profits. Call ss you pass. .." . . 91. .4. 9l:lofts;!c1. (First floor Bizzell Building) 40 LAURISBUUG., N. C. ly LIHEN MAIIKEES, V YO'lJK :JWA9II?, with'b'otUe of in delible ink and brush,' sespst-paid for 25 cents. Address, i ity'f i " J, B. BARNES, .Rockingham,' C. CO., tylish Hats and house!' A1TD-ORGANS, 'endeavor to merit and control the instrument , ' stock of i guarantee r goods, terms of sale, and -work done IVILSOW'S UGHTNING SEWER I 2.000 STITCHES MINUTE., -: The only absolutely first-class Sew- Ing Machine ln world. Sent m trials Warranted S years. Send lor Illaittrated Catalono and Circular B. THE HILSON SEWING OTA CIIIKE CO., Chieaso, Kcw York nd WalllnjEford, Conn. ; Edenton Enquifer: Steel rails are nowjtein laid on ,th'e Noj-folk a'hd obthrn-Jlaih-oad.; .,, H -1 .en i C H A;RtOTTM?f C. ; - -r BQisarjfjKENs' clothing. - - : tieTtria'hV French and American.rnakes. J f I in 011P HAT DEPAKTMENT. VI-"... A. Haees.1 And eaelr in WATCHES, 6 Trade street, above Wilson's drag LOUGEE & GOODWIN, (Successors to I.. W. Durium,) . ; .,-. 417 and did JFayetteviUe St., BALEIGH, N. C. Foreign and "American AtarOfe & Granite Xtontuuoni I -IRON All we ask CARRIAGES, . PHOTONS, buggies; ROAD CARTS. Largest Stock in the State. Write for Prices, J. M. & V. P. STANSILL. GARDEN SEEDS1 A- fresh lot of the celebrated LAN- DRETH garden seeds. Call and get a supply...... SEED IRISH P8TAT0ES. ;Early Rose, Goodrich. ....AND PEERLESS,. ( ! Groceries Vs' andV.'.V.V.'..'.'.'." CONFECTIONERIES I Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, .Candy, Raisins, Nuts, Crackers, Lemons, Allspice, Pep per, Salt, Canned Goods, &c. A lot of Fresh, iTat Mackerel. Everything Cheap. ........... -j'"' 'Vyp7'sTANSTLL.'''' V'TOHPID ' UUVVbUS, D 1 8 O R D E RED LIVER, and MALARIA. Prom these sources arlseJiiroe-fonrf hs or the diseases of the human race. -These symptoms indicate their existence : Xosa ot Apptite, Bowels eosti-v. SielK Hada . auu,talUM aftcr catiag, amtiiii so exertion of body or mind, Eractatlonv of food, Irritability of tcarprrXr' spirits. A feeling of haTiiig neglected -lomtdutf, Xlzzlne, Flattering nt tho IIejurt,lota before the eyes, hlghljcl ored ferine, CONSTIPATION, and da man J the use of a remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. As a Liver medicine TUTT'S PIIjLS have no equal.. Tlicip action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; removing aH impurities through these three "scav engsrs of tho system," producingf appe tite, sonnd digestion, rcgalar stools, a clear sMaaiulavigorousbody. TBrT'lXI.S 'care no naus' or giipin? nor ; iatorfero . -frith daily work and p.re a perfect ' ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. BoldeTeryvhw,aie. tnlPe.44 Murray at., in . x . TUTT'S HUB DYE. ' Gray Him or "Whiskeus changed in stantly to a OrossT Black by a single ap. plication of this DTE. Sold by Druggists, or sent Iry cipress on recfeipt of SI. Ofnoe, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S KIAK'JAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. CANITAAiUM. Pdverslds, Cal. Tna dry clinjate cores Kus. Xnrottt.LankS.fail iuea, Bb pM roote. oosi.i-eu AND HEALTH CUIDE. 260 pgs. AU that tbo doubnl cnHoaser tUougilwnfct. know. Cloth and alUblndim W eta, ipe2fivMur :W;Th 141 r,V,seni envied, mnrnfm liiustratea DR. WHITTIER p.WscOTa, J T h Brest peclali st, Kemras BguitfJ mpooTmouwj r- ft u ii i ii il v u i m General Snipping and Ponimimon Merchants, - Wilminsftort, jST.1 C- -'' DEaLERS IN. - -r Coal, Lime, Plaster, Bacon, Corn, Hay, Molxsses, Coffee, Hour, a- ff lWagenA3 for Cape FeaP aad Pe4- 'IU's Saams(Mt!o. i ' ? . I?.' ( SawfTji imijwmv M nmj ,-rjirirn!rvrr, ft;e-tr m mih IPfl Ban; BaS tun innia or' ! . 4 ;.Vi CLOCKS JEWELRY, fc, store ,CIIAttl.OTTl5',-.'C CV'-'J i " W!t Mr '7 MA 9 -a r HEADSTONES, TABLETS, VASES, jj Also contract for FENCING, CURBING STONE, AND Cemetery Work, of Every, Description. Call or write for Price Lists and Designs. Cor respondence solicited. Satisfaction (riven.. is a Trial. We Offer To the Citizens of RodMnsr-' ham and vicinity, The largest and beit selected stock of Carriage jand Saddlery Goods : in the State, consisting in part of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Village Carts, Drays and, Cartsl - Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Satchels, Lap 'Robes, Horse Blankets, all kinds of Buggy and Harness material including Boddies and Gear ready for the painter and trimmer. We guarantee our pricss lower than any in the State McDOUGALL d? BO WDEX, . WILMINGTON, N. C. STAMPING! Ladies, send your orders to - MRS. J. B. HARRINCTON (Formerly of anviile, Va.) FOR 9 . . That will SOT-iiES-OSiig? Ohenele and Arecene Braid, ane a. full line of Embroidery material on hand," Don't fait to send your orders, '. Tradb Stbkbt, Chaelotte, N. C. - J. B. liATtRTXGTCN'3 DINING ROOM AND ' ; Ice Cream IParlor; -S- 3d door above court house.' 'IWCeals at all Hours. SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, n NASHVILLE, TENN. I Tbe largest Book Maanfacturing Kstn.ltii&hnint ia . the South. A full assortmebt of the better class of miscellaneous books constantly on hand. Theological books, and Sunday-school song-boolcs and librariek a PY- , chrtstlu AdTOcato. I General organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ' South. Twenty pages each week. A pvre paper for the old and young. Only $2 a year. . . Biiwdwy school Periodicals. rht seriodical far Sundav-school teachers and - scholars; different grades and prices; issmed weekly, monthly, and quarterly. Catalogue of books and specimens of Christian Advocate and Sunday-school Periodicals sent face to any address. Estimates furnished on all Icings of Rook gad Job Printing. Address 3outhern Methodist Publishing House . nashville"tenn.; 1 ' DR. JAS. E, KEA, SURGEON AST) MECHANICAL DENTIST, ' " - No. 3, South Front Street, " . .WIOIINQTON, N. O. JVO lilsmTHEVG. STRONG'S SANATIVE PILLS Used throughout ths country ' FOXt OVBXt. &0 YBArT, . And Urns proretf The Best Liver Medicine in the World. ' 7o6rlpinr. PoisonoosTirnas, bnt pnrr-W Teffetable. s&fa and reliable. - Preseribod even br Puvsicimna. A. fpeetly enre for Liver Complaint, Regulating tho Bowels, Purifyinr the Blood. Clnanerins from Malarial Taint. A. perfect eore far Kick Beadncke, ' Constipation and alt Billons JDIaorOera. Sold by Brujrafc. Vor Pamphlets, etc-, address C. K. HULL & CO., 1 S Ceiar BUtH.TC. City. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., .. , - (- - rnARLOTTE, IV.jc. :.'; GOODS j , IS NOW C()MPLETE, ancl ,,yoii can "rest apsured that .it will compare with any stock of . our Hue in the State, in Vttriety.iquality of goods , and low prices. It is well Known that our house is alwaysf ahead on alt the new novelties ia fine goods in; every de partmeht, but "pur stock this Spring ie stp-rlr in elegance and variety to any ever "before, placed before our customers. "" , . -t Mr. MARTIN M . McRAE Wili be pleased to have you make btm call wlien you rwi& oiir city, and. will", guarantee prompt attention; to all or,, den.'"- Very; truly, - " - . ..' : T. L. SEIGLE & CO. v. ' v April 3," 18S1. 4- Adyertise your busiscss, - 4 .ii..:. - -e.. ' jc-aF(fy.iii an a' y aaVisVnnail.BT9i III II i n r U : ,i!

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