WWSMm' : . - moiTMOND CO., WBiliKWiMllSM ."i i : 3 1 1 fi : f t fa 1 1., "A deck: NE M FIRM. . NEW GOODS. CALL AKD SKI JOKES fc MORTON MN. TOtJ KAU AND noHFEnTioraiRs. Muta, Gnnod Goods, etc, uid a fall stock of i - Heavy and Fancy Groceries And also parpoao keeping pplj of trwh luid ale BUTTER AND ECC8, Knd all kliuia of'edihlM. flHKAP win msn . - BuUu, knd we shall know nu other rul . , OalPand sea THE PEOPLE ARE HAPPY. "IT: IVl r.oo.!s. Groceries, Shown, et., SO LOW thai tlic nt ivn are aatunished. Before burinf, call and HI 1 , KY GOODS GROCERIES -: HATS, 1 VEAL. ' isoijrs, , 5HOKS. CUTLEKT. rufluri MOLVSSES, BACON, SHIP 8TUW. : I mopti rvery thing newlel ty thepeope. Bo siiiin tj on! nnd ea ino before borina. 'Xt will be Ping. u W. PAR A Hualt S. 0. ERr-YOUR. Ccffias, Castets, anl Burial or- JAS. C. HUTCHINSON, i.- JSS'JSS!"-. .J!!- Pric?, riwvi on 'hand. I --f ' nJiea on tbtrty miaatea notice. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. T-kVit ri aIwJS PPlid with th but tba ''.ros. - i .'Tt 1e bworl per mi'.rtth..... ...... v. ...... SU ( (mm, por uiopthi.... B.rdiw day. from..:;.:;;. r.::.""":;:; I? 3&Z I & J . 1 H. ; BARNES. Piortrieaer- ANSON INSTITUTE, jwADESBORO.N.C, n. a McGregor, a. b., Prlneipaj. KSVW. KrLQO. A. B.. Di M. HARGRA Awlnanta. The Spring Term will ' ermwill hnrl if t ' ' Uion. per month, a. rj aaif T. la xntingcutfeo, $1.00 i?i?l'Hi "Min !, lateUnp; the lbar SetJ ' Clara TkJH.-th rtir w UJinH'T' f . '"" ' r 6he bf m re to little man, , wmetar'. 118 periicallr' nd The "5;iC-iw considerable" violence. inri att,reftk showed itself this time C"..-4jg.tbe spring and now, with the ad Tant 6f snmtnef, i,eems likely to rage as fcevw before. iMy opinirAi ia tha it all toomes bt eqaeBtrianiem, The trousers . hich she wears under the skirt I of her riding habit make her feel masculine and sbe has an uncontrollable desire to ex tend the manliness of costume into ; things Visible,. Her bosom swells with gride joet now under men's neckwear. Flat earfs of light colored silk, with a hwtrf pin Btnck in themt "dickeys'1 of plaited cambric, with standing icollars and arrangements of folded pique; axe il- .Jtutrationa. The vests of satins, bro cades and leather now so fashionable, the gloves of heavy embroidered leather, the fancy for silk and colored' handker chiefs fmd even the return of llneja cufls may be counted as expressions iof the , mania.; Linen collars are still hijih and tight around the neck.' : The culs cor respond. Many of these are of colored linen. I Young ladies incline much to dog collars of ribbon, tied in front and fastened by two or four gold pins with heads of tiny flowers or insects. ; Stand ing cellars sre either buttoned fcith a single button in front or tied with nar row ribbon, pissing through twoibutton holes.) Some also have comers turned over slightly. This last style is attached to a small chemisette when the form of '- thedress requires it. Collars of .colored - percale and of piqie, in white .and col ors, are also liked. The "jaquette gen tleman" is much w)nu It is of cordu roy or of beige cloti. The front 'closes by means of a singlt row of buttons, and falls loose without tarts or small side pieces; the baok is vry short and almost ' tight-fitting, Arotutf the basque is a hem about, one inoh and half deep ngainst which is sewed a second basque hemmed in the same wvy and falling be low the upper one to abut the depth of the hem. This jacket is worn over skirts of coarse fabrics , well jas over elegant lace ones. , Therilk hat and the ; jockeyt cap have long ben in use for equestrian purposes. , A man who had never sen a railroad was -being shown one by ha friend, and inquired the meaning of W md B on the posts. The friend told hire they stood for "ring" and "whistle." He said he could i see that wring spells ring, but how do you get whistle out olR ? JS"x- . HAMLET THRIVES m mill hie, MECKLENBURG R ON MAKUFACIUEES AND KEEPS STOCK Steam Engines and Boilers. Traotion'Xnginei. 1 Saw llilla with Turiable Friotion Feed. Wheat Mfll Ontfik. . Corn MiUa Portab Separators, ThreahMiand Horse Powvrs Eeapera, Mowers and lakes x y Steam and Water Pipes-Brass Fittings .-. . REFARS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 ' ' ' ., V. Address, - . ' JOHN WIUES, Manager. M. ANDREWS, E. FU OF ALL HPS, AT BOTH WHOLESALE iNI RETAIL. I have the largest stock of any honse in the State, sad WILL NOT UE UNDERSOLD. ' '' , I . t . : - . Can fill orders promptly for cheap Chairs, Bedstetds, and anything in the Forai. iSe ICoMnS, MrS,ALIO CASES AND BURIAL SUITS AL WAYS ON HAND. Send for cuts and prices. White Front, next to Wittkowky Barncl OHABLOTTB, K. 0, WINTER VESTMENTS Laid asldei Lighter Ones Ibnned. WEW SPRD Handsomer KOW BEING . .Purchased bf Our Representative in jtew York City, LSD ABBIVINO WKEZLI. RELIABLE GOODS, Prices OONSTAKTLT IN STOCK Ml 41 FfflC! GROCERIES! Flour, MeaL Meat and Salt, Sugar, Coffee and Tea, Butter and Lard, Molasses, by 'the car load, from New Orleans, and Canned Goods in great variety, "Dixie Boy" and Watt Plows, Steel Plows, Hoes and Shov els, Hames, Traces and Collars, Bridles, Sad- dies, Lines, Backhands, etc., and Everything Needed by an Agriculturist. Wilson and Mrs ail ?Eclipse" Cotton Seed Planters, Thomas Sheeting, B R- Mills' Snuff, " a P. Coats' reparation at factory pries 1 ' ; ;' if' EVERETT, WALL J I , Ropklnghairi, WOR 2sT. O. AND GOODS Than Ever. CORRECT STYLES ! Guaranteed. A NICE ASSOETMENT OF Old Hickory Wagons, " Harrows, Pee Dee Plaids, Rockingham Spool Cotton, and Horseford's Bread nto Schley, is about forty yeare of - W Al''V' V ,( ' ' . ff V "',' J V H 5.", He U not a graduate of any of thojnC Yp&H? y i$: " WXt. 'ftfe i'4i- academies. ITaerved throng? the rt'P WM A11' -r$ Private in the federal amy. fikp . e Y ' V ? J V i , isthatofflrethentenantmthel ' " ' ' - pSmJVI HARD DKINKKK8. ' 1 by the ride of the Danefc SUtiatie, m England the consumption of ardenfi.; fnttS Trages one gallon a head annually. 'mAri'tyi.'- rr1" .'' mark the averse i fonr ffallnt,a, KSII S Him W . o , ? ,"M'''VwW''S,-ifiii-'wR-9 '? 4 xne uc countneiin the matter or drink the propoSjU 'sFfe, ViSiv :5 'v:?i ; ..u j elpn&ua Draught UOB ol crime and D&nrxsriim in Bnh ia aW r'i ii' , S3 '"an. I A (Mrmaa'u the same. TEA AND COFFEE. Why do Englishmen, Busaians, Ausjajians and Chinese aU aria tea, -while Fxechmen, Oermana and Irishmen all drink coffy Coffee is the better itiinulaht of the two," tea ! easier of digestion. In America ttere are many tea drinkers, but coffee leadji in. publio favor. Temperance people will be interested in learning that medical experts have great faith in coffee as a substitute for ardent spirita. Generally when a man is able to obtain really first-class . coffee he has no desire for liquor. ! - ....I m Dhk chojlkha. The steady spread of cholera in southern. France leaves little room to doubt that the plague ia on an extended tour. The require ment that all vessels leaving the infected ports shall carry clean bills of health amounts to very little. It is the opinion of medical ei pert that chobra will cross the water and make its appearance in thifv country sometime iujhe latter part of the summer or possibly as late as Novemhsr.f Taking the worst view of the situation the sanitary authorities of this country have several weeks in which to make their preparations; Thorough cleanliness and a rigid quarantine are the only safeguards. CHARLKY ItOSfl. The father of the ill-fated Charley Boss told a reporter, the other day, that he had, since the disappearance of his son, examined per sonally into over 700 oases of kidnapped boys, traveled thousanits of miles and SDent over I t60,xx) in the vain endeavor to trace the bov. xne now case Qveloped the act that there is hundreds ol miasiiie children in this country every year, but whe&er they are stolen or simply lost, it is hnpossiu to say. The extra ordinary efforts made by the police to hunt ttp Uttle Charley and his abduct efTectnally checked the crime of child-ateaha,. pew cnnunals care to commit an offense w.-on a once transforms every father and mother uto a detective. The risk is too great, and the profit at beet is very doubtful. CHEAP IRONi. Iron and steel are now nearly as cheap as they ever were in this country, the Lackawan na iron and coal company's recent quotation of W0 a ton for' steel rails being the lowest ever named in the United 8tates. Similar rails were quoted at t88 to ' $96 a year ago 84 in 1880 and 172 In 1868. The average prioe of (rood AmerioaQ Vn. 1 f-rr- --r-ft n.vrr t i t.)' ;. ;. ' . t)v? - u . tl9.60 to m, v ,'-JZ? n? acout t29 for the past forty years, the lowest price, I1S.60, being reached in November, 1878, and the highest, $74, during the war. while in Febru ary, 1880-, it wis ill Mardiy any iron U be ing imported and aa railroad construction Is comparatively at a stand,' still quotations will probably remain unchanged, for the present. HAT FEVEtt The victims of hay fever have discovered that there is ho known curt for their anndyiiif malady, but It will be some comfort lo be as sured that there is a way of warding off the disease. tr. Dio Lewis, who has been subject tbhay fever Ttt many years; says thtt the geheral immunity enjoyed by women may be traced to their table ' temperanoe. ; Many men of sedentary habits eat as heartily as farm laborers during hot weather and there is little doubt that their feble eieewes bring on the fever. By adopting a vegetable diet, and exer cising freely in the open air, the hay fever can be prevented in the majority of cases. This is one of the instanoea ia which an ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure. When the disease once fattens itself upon a person, it is almost certain to strike him every year A noVeL ?LAft. Pinkertoh, the great detective, once adopted a novel pian for establishing the guilt of a sus pected murderer. He was employed to work up a case against Johnson, a colored man, in South Carolina, who was supposed to haVe committed a very brutal murder. Johnson was not arretted, but on morning when he went to take his plow to the field he found it spattered with blobd. th the field he found little pools of blood. When he went back to the stable he siw the bloody imprint of a hu man hand on the door. Every hoe and rake had blood on it. By nightfall the murderer was paralyzed: with fear and afraid to goto bed. He believed that the spirit Of nil victim wis haunting him. The next day ha out hit throat from ear to ear, and his suicide was regarded as conclusive proof of his guilt. THE CHOLERA PATIENT. A cholera patient feels well up to within a few hours of the attack. Sometimes he is Seized with violent purging atid vomiting im mediately on rising in the morniug. Judicious treatment during this first stage of the disease may bring about a speedy recovery, but if neg leoted, the sufferer complains of intense thirst and a burning heat at the pit of his stomach, and also excruciating pains from cramped muscles. The; pulse is rapid and weak, the respiration hurried . and the voice husky. These conditions continue In the last stage of the disease, but the mind of the patient re mains clear, and he desires nothing but sleep and drinking water. This, stage seldom lasts longer than twenty-four hours, and reaction either commences or the patient dies in col lapse, or passes on to the tepid stage, which, In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, ends in death. , -iS aw- STATUE OF 1.1 BERT Y. The Bartholdi statue of liberty for the bay tf New York has at last been turned over to the"7nited States government, and will soon be transported in pieces toehis country. . The dimensioqg of this oollossal statue are almost incrediblylarge. The figure alone stands 105 feet; the ex-eme length from the sole of the foot to the en of the torch in the outstretched hand is 137 fet, 9 inches; the pedestal of gran ite will be 83 feet high, and the two together will give a grand total of 220 feet for the entire work. The monument .on Fish street hill is only 903 feet high, aid the famous colossus of Rhodes stood only 140 feet without his stock ings. Some people prednt that the statue will never stand, and that tie winds and waves will play hovoo with it Tie engineers, how- leans jcxpoaition, rterbibeeame promm .,V , . ; ,UMiVaW " Uverfare of the opinion that ,3 HLiently - I 2- JESSSSSSST. 2 S3j l-iSifc?S!!5f-.lP ' Aa - J-Mt I fi of the figure is considerable. The peisthe- two and three years. , -IV'''-spaVt' w W ' J J 1 1 atrical, So drapery massive and fine, and the -The Gran. Jury J2art ' tf V,:"' A MlM' general effect Unpcng. It i. owtaialy . mag- SmJoI "h Vv S V . . .K SmfmmV - v TiF n l.naiA .wlf i f tai . jaaosaL"b v& hi via a, wa I nand for- 6tim.i.jke' from foreign countries to America. . It wfll take years of coooon raising before the reeling of silk can be made practicable here. It is worthy of note, however, that other experts L differ with Mr. ftyle. tUcently Mr. Virion des Lsuriershas established in Moore county, a. C.r a ooloxy of Frenchmen who will devote themselves to silk culture. There are thirty families m the colony and 800,000 mulberry trees will be planted at one. Another French colony wiU shortly be located in North Caro lina, and like their Moore county compatriots they wiU make a specialty of silkworm raising. Snsi why Korth Carolina should have been Be 1 acted is not explained. It is generally believed that Georgia is as well suited to this industry at any state In the Union; " rStOTBCTINC AMERICA. A ProrJarmtlan by the PreeMent ol the t'nitea Htate. While quarantine regulations are committed to the several States, the general government has reposed certain .powers in the President, to be used at his discretion in preventing a threatened epidemic; Feeling it my duty, I hereby oall upon all persons who, under existing systems in the several States, are intrusted with the execution of quarantine regulations to be diligent and on the alert in order to prevent the introduction of the pestilence which, we all regret to learn, has made its appearance in some of the coun tries of Europe, between which and the ports of the United States intercourse is direct and frequeht. . : I further advise that the cities and towns of the United States, whether on the ctiast ot on the lines of interior communication, by sound sanitary regulations and tho production of cleanliness, be prepared to resist the power of the disease and to mitigate its severity. And I further direct the Consuls of the United States in the ports where the pestilence has made or may make its appearance to exer cise vigilance in carrying out the instructions heretofore given, and in oommttnicatinir to the government Of the United States any infor mation of value relating to the progress or treatment of the disease. Given under my hand and the seal of the Uni ted States, at the City of Washington this nineteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and . eighty-four, and of the Independence of the united, States one hundred and eight. . .' Chestkb A. Aetstcb. By fee President: Ffc T. FBKTJKOSTJTSXjt, Secretary of State. At the meeting of the Cabinet, at Washing ton, it was decided to take prompt and vigor ous measures to prerent the introduction of . cholera into the United States. The State and Treasury Departments will act in conjunction in enforeinff the Tepr!rT' whi-h a-s .- e pt ?d. Ar. or tier win i-'e Mai pr )kr. biUi.ar I tries for a period of ninety days or for a longor -period if deemed necessary, it w also de cided that the vessels of the revenue marine service should establish a Cordon along the eoast to prevent the landing of all vessels from 'guwrts which do not possess eleah bills THE PROHIBITION CONVENTION, Oev. St. Joba, af Hannt, Nominated for Prealdent Tle Platterm. In the National Prohibition Convention In session in Pittsburg candidates W6re placed in nomination as follows; tit. H H. MeOohald of California, ex-Oov, Jf.v."i P. St. John or Eans&s, Gideon T. Stewart of Ohio, Gen. Clin ton B. Fisk of New Jeisey, and Jsmes Black f Pflnnsylvania. Ex-Governor St. John was nnanunoilsiy cllb'seii by SOS votes when the roll of the States was called. The enthti aiasm was fervent.' The platform was pre sented and adopted. 1 1 con tains a ve ry caustic review of-the Republicans and their candi dates, and arraigns the Democratic party with 6e verily. .-... , It is very denunciatory of the liquor traffic and in favor of all money, coin and paper, be ing made by the .Government, and that Con gress should forbid the sale of all intoxicating drjnks and that the revenues from liquors and tobaccos should be abolished, Another plank suggests that no State should be admitted into the Union unless its constitution shall expressly prohibit polygamy. , AiWte!aaSenso.t1a. The body of the well known nhaficler Tott mar was found in the Seine with a bullet through the head. His ring, which was a val uable one. and all his money except fifty cen times in the waistcoat pocket were missing. M. Yolkmar had recently been greatly depressed , on account of monetary troubles. He was last seen oh Thursday last at midnight in the pa vilion Henri Qaatre, in La Me, St. Germain, with a lady with Whom he is supposed to have bad intimate relations. M, Tolkmar Went to New York in 1881 and loaned 2,000. He then proceeded to London, where he started the Faure Accumlater Company. He sold his share ih the company for a compara tively small sum and came to Paris. Here he speculated on the bourse, and despite losses he recently declared that l,e had a monthly in come of 4:000f, The theory of murder is fa vored because Yolkthttr's pistol was found In his residence untouched. If h oommitted suicide he must needlessly have purchased ail other pistol. The affair causes a great sensa tion in Paris. IacMeats of the Plague Isolated oases of , oholera continue to be re ported in various parts of France, some widely distant from the infected district. A wo man living at Courbevoie, a village only a few miles from Paris, was seined with sporadic cholera on Thursday. She was at or.es conveyed to the hospital, and her lodging was thoroughly disinfected. No ap prehension of further oases is believed to exist in the community. Two eases of chol era have occurred at Narbonne and at St Nazaire, a village not far from Toulon, two deaths from that disease have occurred. One of these deaths was of an especially pathetic character. An unknown woman was seized with the dread disease while passing along the street She fell prostrate to the ground and expired -immediately. A pitiable case is reported from Marseilles. An old wo man of over seventy years was missing for sev eral days. The police at last forced an en trance into her lodging. .They found her body upon the floor in such a condition that she must havefceen dead for some days. Exami nation proved that she was a victim of cholera. ; She had lived abnoet exclusively on fruit ' Alrfu-e Colliery Barnet. The Derringer Colliery at Derringer, a vil lage near Hazleton, Pa., owned by Oox Brothers, has been destroyed by fire. The building was entirely destroyed. The- shops and offices near by were with the utmost diffi culty saved. The breaker was about the largest in the coal regions. It was a new one, having been completed only a year agn. It cost over $150,000, and was filled with the most im proved and expensive machinery. By this fire over six hundred men and boys will be thrown out of work, and the village of Derringer, which was entirely dependent on the colliery, will be paralysed. It is Impossi ble to learn the origin of the fire. y - Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia, has asked the Councils for 910,000 to enable the Quaker Uity to make a good snowing at tne new ur- leaun jbxpiBiuon, Samuel Smith and his iter were waiting on the Bailroad track, near jthey were Strack by a In the opposite direction. killed, and hi, daughter 'grants continue to arrive In 'nnrdssioners of Emigration Sad them all back. . The thirteen Saturday. Garden, New Xork, who claims to be 112 years Three EhOwere lost In the horning' of a btow near juneao, onto, baturaay. Conriderable damage was done near Kings ton, N. X., to the fruit crop by hailstones, on Saturday, A locomotive boiler on the West Carolina Railway burst on Thursday, killing three men and injuring several others. The cruise of the canoe Atlantis has reached a disastrous termination. She was abandoned at sea. Her occupants are safe at Portsmouth, N. H. Seven steamers sailed for Europe Saturday and only one had a good load of passengers. Agents admit that the bottom has dropped out of the summer travel season. A stepfather about to punish a boy led' the, latter to jump into a rapid stream in Virginia, and leaping in to save the lad, whose hands were tied, both were drowned. The anarchist, Kammer, in prison at Vienna, has confessed to the murders of the banker Lienhart and Sentinel Adels of Stras bourg, and of the banker Eisert at Stuttgart. He declares that Stellmacher and other anarch ists assisted him in the execution of his crimes. The new scheme for the extension of rail ways in India is for the purpose of stimulating the export of Indian grain to England. The English tories have organized a coun ter demonstration to the movement favoring the Franchise bill. The number of deaths from cholera in France is much augmented, and the conse quent panic is very great. I A conductor on the Nickel Plate Railroad knocked a tramp off his train and under its wheels causing fatal injur ies. The tramp, who had several hundred dollars in his possession, left it to his sister. -A very tragic elopement is reported from Louisville. A divorced couple were eloping to remarry when the husband accidentally shot the driver of the hack. The private banking house of F. G. Sail has suspended. Liabilities 1 100, 000. Green's Bank, of Jackson, Miss., has sus pended for want of ready cash. It is believed that all creditors wjll be paid in fulL The bricklayers of New York went on strike for a working day of nine hours instead of .ten. The demand was in many cases com plied with, and the men are confident of an early victory till over the oity A young man who prevented one boy from ill-treating ajotter, in Chicago, was shot by the father of the first boy, Wednesday. The fireman of a locomotive murdered his engineer at Jackson. La., Wednesday. '-The most extensive dry goods and notion bouse in St. Lotus failed Wednesday. The Canadian rifle team won the Eoiapore Cup at Wimbledon. At Cortland, N. ST., on Wednesday, While Barnuth. Bailey k Hutchinson's circus was civinc it afternoon oerfonaance to an au- I liepce of 6,000 persons, a heavy storm of wind ! !! ; r.iu". 'it it .'i t)' ' t..l ttr :s I the it us,, w) jch :ig a Xii o. ir - "" " :i I Ml whfehs Wampled-upon seve,ty persons, but none fatally, althongn is fead that several wuldie. - -The miners' strike in the BenevUlem, section ha. failed because of the destitution ol the miners. . -the brig Clart ML Stoddard, reported with vellow fever onboard from Havana, has besn quarano.d at Boston. The Canadian exploring expedition to establish stations in Baidson's Bay sailed from Mova bcotia on Tn" v. p i. Met.jr p ie stockholders' of the Bochester and Pitts twg Bailroad Company are at odds with the management, whom they charge with trying to Wreck the company. -i '' There were St least forty thousand specta tors present in Central Park, New York, Tues day, to witness the unveiling of the statue erf Beethoven, which was presented to the city by. the Beethoven Maennerchor. - John (& t!MOj the embezzler, has rented a handsome house in Quebec, where he will re side with his wife and family. Lieutenant Greely's party are steadily im proving in health under the care of surgeons t?fc John. Queen Victoria has congratulated Presi dent Arthur on the rescue of the Greely sur vivors. The loss at the great fire at Wapping, Lon don, amounts to 12,500,000. M. de Lesseps announces that the com mission studying the Question decides that the Suez Canal must be widened. M. Ferry expects a speedy solution of the Chinese difiicultv, and there seems to be no doubt that China will pay the indemnity de manded. A Yienna correspondent says Bardowskl has confessed that a plot to kill the Czar and Czare witch was arranged at St Petersburg. On Bardowski's information more government employees and eleven students have been ar rested at Warsaw. Among those arrested at St Petersburg is Vera Fiiipoff, who is wanted for having made attempts upon the life of the Czar in 1879 and 1831. Adelaide Bistori, the tragio actress, has made a contract for a tour in America. Sbet will play in English. The Presidency of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives has been offered to Herr Simons, member for Brussels. Baron Dane then presides over the Senate. More than sixty thousand persons at tended the third Sunday concert in Central Park. New York. Officers of the revenue cutter oorwin RVTy n account of a visit to a recently upheaved"! oleano in Alaska, which spouts only steam an volcano and ashes. Nine oars of an excursion train ran off an embankment near Canton, 0., on Saturday, but no one was killed. A heavy rain and hail storm did great damage to crops and highways in Vermont A new comet is reported as having been discovered by an astronomer at Nashville, Tenn. Detective Smith captured Salvator Lan dino. the Italian, who had been in hiding since July 4, when he attempted to kill his wife at her apartments, No. 132 Third avenue, New York. As the prisoner was on his way to the station houee he took a dose of poison and died twenty minutes after reaching the station house. Suit has been brought before Judge Mills, at White Plains, for the annulment of the marriage of Lydia Lvon Wyles with Frederick G. McNally, and of Mary F. Wyles with Henry W. Walling. The parties were two school girls and two cadets in a military academy at Wor cester, Mass. The marriages were the result the young girls say, of an innocent prank, and the grooms soon after the ceremony went to their homes in the West. The receiver of the Gloucester City, N. J., Savings Institution promises to pay the cred itors promptly pro rata as fast as he realizes on the assets in hia hands. '. ! Fonr persons -in a carriage were drowned while crossing a ford in Kansas Wednesday. I George Roth stamped on a dynamite cartridge in the rums Westchester county, Juries which caused his Mr. William DanieL nated for Vice President the candidate for Preaidensf h inent figure in Kansas was ' born in Indiana- He began nraotioe in tlincr in Kansas became He served in both branch and two terms as or a dynamite raowry in 4 -fi S: .' . 1 k' H K ft - r, "'V, . . f m -i iTi tVrp f vv; 'FX j N. Y.and received u-' Z&mi 'l&P ' - fc&M hi 'fc'Vmlvf of Maryland fc ;'mUi, .- Jw?- r, . f r rJM'r;N' wen for Attorn, I'dflrWgSw dorse aeYelandVM::'' m.-:.iViy0444d cratio platform. v a vr endeavoring new Mexican cent, interest. The English tween Port Morant was fired upon darez on the morning of the gunboat says tl quehce of instructions eral at Havana looking vessels laJltV T1 ava AJ-ia3 we- - . sailing vessels. w!ia nr a VkAl ft fr II is ofljci&lly announced th It is expected that Suakirn will be attacked by the rebels after the Ramadan. It is reported from Tangiers that a Fw nob. comedy troupe traveling through Algiers has been massacred by the Arabs near the Moroc can frontier. S Twenty-nine deaths from yellow fever oc curred at Havana during the past week. One hundred arrests have been made at Warsaw, Russia, in connection with the plot to blow up the palace there during the Oscar's visit. The prisoners include Russians, Ser vians and Bulgarians. The public security in the suburbs of Con stantinople has never "been in a worse condi tion. A baud of brigands entered a mosque four miles from the city and, after firing sev eral volleys into the ceiling, rifled every per son present, securing money and valuables. Brigands also attacked and plundered the vil lage of Bozkbali, a few miles outside of the city. A royalist plot is said to have been dis covered in Paris. A dispatch from Bernes states that a storm has occurred on Loke Lucerne. Four boats were capsized and ten of their occupants were drowned. Some of those who lost their Uvea were foreigners. . J5t8 terrorists have been arrested in Mos cowwit incriminating documents in their possession. Warsaw is to be declared in a state of siege. The- Mississippi Bailroad Supervisory law of Mississippi has been declared unconstitu tional. The National Prohibition Convention met at Pittsburg, Pa., and formed a permanent organization. -United States detectives have made the important discovery that the Cuban revolu tionists have shipped from New York city to a depot of supplies at Nassau, New Providence, a large quantity of war materials, including dynamite. A contract for 1,000 pounds of dynamite is said to have been pending. ; The Australian cricketers have been Vii MM. :.A.' . Ktatv I The Engusn agon. -r .i.. i..T,t,a that the Turcomans ; r-Vt soutneassu- ZL,-". uzu w"- absorb Penjded. f j. -The conveej ; ...... ankunwuMU : and Germanv tv over t signedt : Am atBiennti -the buildi prevent nnmbeS --In of (xymmeuBji , Jdson, Chancellor of the flight Hi, Duchy of - ir, stated that the customs officials rropoed to separate butter from but- I t.prinA anrl nlnnmdraaririA in the customs r- I turns. 1 -iT.ien tenant Greelv teleerraphs to his friends in Ngwburyport, Mass., that bis physieiar $ consider a public reception there inadvisaVO , A locomotive crashed into a street railr car near Troy, N. Y., resulting in the kill of an old lady wno was a passenger on , latter. ; V - 'ij The yirginia law preventing omoiais iro i.b.v,. U 1 i-Usa ire a A euVl &rskH rtnnnnaf;! lark III LTUV ill vrts wv.ui vu MHWMva XKftv nanner immitTTaiiits. fbroed to returtl X S terrible scene at the Hamburg pier in New York, and were treated with unnecessary se verity. At Suamioo, near Green Bay, Wis., Joseph Ashley's three little children left home early in the day to pick berries. Not returning search was made and their bodies were found in a stream near by. They had stripped and gone in wading lie victims were Oliver aged 9; Henry, aged 7, and Freddysaged 5 years. The relief ships with the survivors of the Greely expedition are to arrive at Portsmouth, N. H,, August 1st. The bodies of the dead will be sent to General Hancock, at Gov ernor's Island, for transmission to the resi dences of relatives. ' ' . Ex-Congressman John Hill, of the Fifth New Jersey distriot, the "father of cheap post age," and one of the best known of the old school politicians, died at his residence in Boon ton, Morris oounty, N. J. At Piano, Texas, two children were burned to death by the explosion of a can of coal oil with which the oiaer cnua was attempting w kindle a fire, , . w Ellsworth. Diner merchants of I New York, made an assignment--to John A. Pierson, giving preierenoes ior oo,vw w relatives for trust fundi or money left in the business. At Connellsvllle, Pa., A. Overholt & Ca's distillery caught fire and in less than three hours the main building, with three bonded warehouses and seven thousand barrels of whisky, were burned. It is reported that an earthquake has occurred at Massowah, on the Red Sea. Nearly all the houses in the city were destroyed, and the ships in the harbor were violently rocked. The inhabitants were panic stricken and fled to the interior. Mr. ParnelL in the House of Commons, drew attention to the difficulty experienced in obtaining from the House of Lords legislation beneficial to Mr. Parnell Convention The condition the approach extreme. The higher wages. to induce the m-a WmrhA loan of moOfiif . t&ftf;zK?& t J-A Wrm: :f ? . '? :-'': sloop am-m.v, ' ' -: .: : v, s-.v y-: and Port 4vv.-;;''i;:W'' rti?. ', '.NV-1... ;y O V!- j;7? by the Spanish Jir l&rm&9iyiZ: ; LftS VlX v -I ' i -s h of July s.,:UJf'M; xf WH'AV.'-f-.Wm-s from the Car.' , i, ZMjiy ?f 10 iooa ons iw ! i c-is- - JCi'S'wiif -i ' 'w-'&'iXi v .asitwassuKf . , j , , mttf tf-T.: visit to the palace at narsawnaar. .- . :- ft-, i. ,.,,..-;. i.i--r-; wu.".;- nouEoed. Extraordinary precau.4', fctfYjXi: -vV-V 'VV-?f V- V ' -J taken daring the visit to prevent v. ; - , ' 'i ' .'. 'iv';''' violence. No Russian will be allow oti ?y& ':',,; iV-'v ,c;?3, ' ' ? 7:4. V-v''. t the city without a permit. The raihr :' ' vf- L iil & . i r lined With soldiers while the train Jt' t-h ' 'Ni 2 royal personages is on its way. V' if .WM. persons suspected of complicity m--; ...v j : .j, . .. !; :: ! " . . ,V "'.i'.-ij: blow np the palace still continue. 'i: ''f-.$Mi '.rl t?:i?V'-?' -The Warsaw plotters intendedat ing the Czar, to provoke a tebelhon fj$M I'4Vt and Western Russia, and to plunder th'eV JffgmXitJi 'VW-ti The Irish team won the Echo 8LrfA , ';i;P Wimbledon, with a score of 1,583 pointa. "'jV ' ' f , y" W.,'-'4',W8 It is officially announced that the Kaoiera l&fiZyVif-. .-- '4 ? t Marneilles and Toulon is decreasing. I V - v ' ''ft,t' 1 :l . i $. l-'-i ' .. -Two BteamerslCvXn fi:: Some of the passengers ana crew w k 'f landed in Spafn. . .. '1 feW - 1 1 1 r.nn 1 ireiano. ; 1 -.?ZZZ.-jJi "'-K. rAi.TO.V?; denounces Hie Irish League werei'Ji v. .A ,. i'l; to be held in Belfast: I aniw w-;. yng: j a r,: -. . ..;; ,) - , j of Aries in consequence 'or pityv, ","J..i V -? .- Ii t!".H 1 of cholera is deplorable in P" f gtHJiown. W1UH . &V.&.T$XU-f coffinmakers have strufai f -BffigallMratves -An influential deputsnA.,-..- l-p.-frotlfcl .!-:4'4X V-'f f V gentlemen request the LV 1;V k ' LaraS nrjorr7' 1 .;::i ,5lt'Hf move the resections .&t m:$X$33 cattle from Wyomit 1:150;." - -General Cf. A nV, f President of (0$ Orders tr ii .$,t.W: to occupy Ftir.yii ipJMmtyiw -V'- - vm', death, i ?r mmit S , ' , -,' : ; :. . v. I Theaccidbt. ,jr ,. ' I been torn no ' ' . ' :. ' -5 pose el wrecking :'' i.v&"K5: assistant Postmasto, ' ,v N. Y., has not yet been Xl TT.J-A.3 U.t.n 1iTomit.al ifl .v. '- UUIKU u .fit-..1 with a warrant - 's:;f'riiv$ . At Augusta, me., a luaniu the steam whistle of his frv,.' in Honor or. tne iiujuiiiawvHt by the Prohibition National' whistle was believed to b- .4 and the fire Companies . the mistake was disc j"''. 'I,.?'- The President , Brady, of Alaska, 0: ; . . y .-; vania, and Chcs,f, ( , f ..-. , .V.. i' Mr.' Hoz? 1 '"-.".Vt Naval Comm.' 5 l'f,; ' the navy yard. : '.f " 'V American navy is ii an absoluter ' ,:?- ; condition; that it could 'notlevei r against Japan. He sees nothing kf. one first class man-of-war from New York. . j A young woman who lived n a telin Clinton place, New York, :f, -v pile of clothing in her bedroom f j- by it to die. The smell of the.''f the discovery of the fire and th . of the hotel were saved from? 7;?v?' The would-be suicide had bw f . iV' . home lor an old man with wh p V, .era .fji.'.;--i:ii'j THE CHOLERA All Precmtton Pro-V 4 ::v'l'i' . I -i-:-'--:.vvrt-'i Thepubho officlali:'''- I ime panic strict r! . . (&.fy '."I leek the spre-;: :i- . . ;. -, ' I g Toulon v vy,,;, S i. -d .blishTUr.;;.. . .. ,.: .,4 : '.i 'X, 1 ' ' : t ' V :0 ':.,. -: . ; , , - -X ; mm . A IritLV flTlt .''' said he', iX L society of the place. year with the President,, un oiner aays we tase y gether, and discuss at tions which are argued selves wine, except in w y er. Here the Judge paused, as if thanking that, the act of mortification he had .y mentLoned placed too severe a tat upon human credulity, and presently added : "What I say about the wine, sir, gives you our rule; but it does sometimes happen that, the Chief Justice will say to me, when the cloth f is removed, 'Brother Story, step to the. window and see if it does not look like rain.' And if I tell him that the sun is shining brightly, Judge Marshall will some times reply: 'All the better, for our jurisdiction extends over so large a territory that the doctrine of chances makes it certain that it mult be raining somewhere, and it will be safe to take something.'" Josiah Quwcy g Diary. 1 H L Madagascar letter in the Springfield Republican says : When we were ygu&fc ing through Fiheringa, a town ou tbit f inennga JH'Wer, a party u .winy jaieisk-jrt belonging W. Bara trib ''-ajn from 7tbfttHHt I 1 - i ; a j