J v ! , - 4 ' , 1 ' 1 t . : , it" i '. flu. 11 ' 5 the '1 ,1 ! V 1 f f ' V v . 11 .! , '.1 t. 'i w ' ' f ' L ' i"- ' 1 , ' 4 ' f i ' f i " . n , , t i ) -f. 4 s " rorf AUDITOE, ' ' P. ROBERTS, ! t . pf Gates. p . F PCBLIfl IN6TRCCTI0N, it . af. FINGER, j t&tawba. t'E SUI'KrME COtJST, VriRRIiION, ! a COSOR.... . ( BISTBIOT, ISN'T, BENNETT, of Anson. OS ELJCTOB, SIXTH DISTFICT, ,EL IiOWLiND, of JRobcaon. ; flection Tuesday, November TBLlfiX rONTESTIOX. lerally understood that is rere to meet here in last Thursday, 14th bse of making nom- m J for Elector -Y,h v the work ' -" i ets ' uTi f I a ( 4. 1 -.? ' l.' -1 j& nor .man. A ;; v -.tArf. tne remark that there 1 1 j ,j ' ' JU83 in the family but it , ' , , t '' ytled assured us of suf- JAtt ' Jids existing for the talk anit J Jiocrata that the postpone- .J 13ej.fi as probably due'to a want of ? harmony still between tho two factions iu the district which took shape and " form at the L-aurinburg convention a r few months ago, headed . respectively fl V by Manning, 1 of New Hanover, and I Norment, of Mecklenburg. i . 1 : i I The temporary was made perma ij fient chairman, with Harvey Quick as Mvcrdtarr."-.' Tie- commitl.ee on resolu M tions retired and Mabsor-eoL, of New . Hanover unitjuestionably the brains j of the convention made a speech. I Jits' speech was artful aud demagogi- -ij cal ; rt titsue of bald, unauthorized as- ferfiofis; a totally unfair arraignment V, ' v ,t ' '4 'hi.Vn thv'i'drk . . ' . of i,f democratic party without, in a staDlnrve frying to cub- i"r '-Cv.ffWgt .The m'- 'kAXA v-,vfv,uu uuei" ttU imnSs m rignteousness, - 'H-X?-mond and brother. ' - ' . - ffJJ V ' "'t ur Lod has lost a warm , j J JT mt . " t , -I-! " .v viuuvu JL UU1 UO- I . . ' V r:T-iWv 'IX'.Ji' " Kind and i devoted flbYFlVtow. 4 . ; ' ' eUSRPC 'tr , , - . -mmuaity a worthy 111121 CI IP lf ...V :! :' V '''V' brieve at thi V - , i j r ' , i L 1 .: ' , . broths t m . i i TA 4-V"-VV' ' 'H 17 'U ' '4 1 I f tionof strength ; " ' ; " M ' ? 1 V Ht A . ' v ' ,fi i i ; - ' ' ' f r J. ".Jw--, an fitment I.' - ''rrtlV4As'-;VA ' , ."'V JnCth infallibly 'Hr 1 t' V.4v,,; ? " t V rtr. ! Green B31SCUCA18 arned around -V V I. , , were 8ta f were standiag V.4;. 'h&ncl . tibd sent a shock - $4 to the iii arrow of their . -Y-t ...k,. UM fill I iiHIl llfll. ll I 1IIII1HII ,"jLsion, for he was at home i " r nor Hendricks and many en-pat ' viadors were mere to do , cantered along, never- ' ' even choosing his road " that for his hearf rs to do, ith whip and spurs of applause, 1 'go on, go on," until he had , ,- ered among them seeds of thought "'tnocent jokes enough for them m and laugh over for a month. carried away a iagle thing -i'.1--lain haisaid. , vite r from Brixktsville, S. C. August 10th, 1884. Epitok Rocket: To-day is a proud ! day for old Marlboro. Her fields, that extend as far as the eye can reach, are covered with the most bountiful crops of cottdn and corn; perhaps never eqoaled: One of her most sue- j cessful farmers Sim- Gibson -with hi3 twjo machines will thresh about 40 ,000i bushels of grain. Peace, plen ty aud good health are in all her bor dera. . i The Democratic party is most thor oughly organized. Her candidates are out and sure of victory. The word fad has been stricken from her vocab ulary. Her banners are waving, while the banners of her enemies are trail ing in the dust. Her nominees, coun ty State and national, -are secure in their election. All this .will' result from uuited action. No independent will be countenanced. Every com petitor pledges himself in advance to work for his Successful opponent. South Carolina', like the , old North State, passed, tinder the dark and low eiing clouds tof Republicanism, and, like the simoon of the east, its poison ing, withering blast dried up the fountains of her prosperity, exhausted her treasury county and State dis- Lzj.aced'her judiciary, .bronhfe, ruin j DPn hCr educat5al institutionsjand f,'iin every.. lepartment and in .11 l- permitted, wickedness "to -:' VV '.. " was Bepublicanism ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'K' K-fiacil is Republi ' - ' , & But let us , iub aay , . t ' v.-n tossed Lbrtakers, She.is t secure 1 With sock office " --"flQ:tnd as Cleveland and Hsuilui, and with such a crew as they will gather about sxaem. sne will ride secure over the lows, bid defiance to the storm kad id in the haven of rest. 'And is it not time that the old N. ate , bestir herself ? Sly own, my ,'e iative land, awake to your duty and & 1 mt t 1 ' .' . . r .oanger. ine enemy, mougn ort de feated, is gathering up -his forces. Let the language of every true Dem ocrat be, "onward to victory." You remember the language of one of England's bravest Captains, "England expects every man to do his duty." White men of the North and the SouJ.h, let us make one more united effort to wrest our land from Repub lican rule and ruin. B. Tribute of Respect. Hall Carolina Lodob, No. "79, KXIQHTS AKD LiDIBS OfFtflONOB. Whbrbas, It has pleased our IfleavenWy Father, in whose hands alone are t! issues of life and death, to remove from this to another and better world our friend and esteemed brother. "Dr. B. H. Garrett. Dr. Garrett had only been a resident of our city.fbut a short time and had, joined the Lodge of Knights and Ladies of Honor but a short time before he was taken sick had no insur ance, which we sincerely regret and, WLerean, We the members, wish to give expression to our Borrow, therefore, be it. Resolved 1st, That while we bow in m me su "niission to the will of Him t' t ' . : . . . ... i i that the hotel mountain -year. The A London, dispa nounoes . that the dropped dead while entering the War has actually France and China captured Kelung, a seaot point, aW the inhabitants have flf the intern ior- iX The Wilmington Staf'iy Maj. C. W. McCIammy says the" crops in the Scott's Hill section of Pader are look- ing finely. The rains have not injured them in the least. The Ashe ville Advance says: Kirk,1 whose name still lingers with freshness in the memory of the people of North Carolina, is in the city -It is reported that A she ville is soon to have several new tobacco iactories. The Winston Leader says: Good crops are reported everywhere. This will be a big year with us, with full crops, a big exposition, and one of the biggest campaigns and victories eyer yet heard of. Let 'em come t .... - . if, The horrible f story that the A rctic explorers resorted to cannibaham is not incredible. Such things have been done before, but we hope that in this instance it will -prove uutrue. Kews and Observer. 7' The evil consequences resulting from impure blood are beyond hum-in calcu lation, so are the vasr sums expended in worthless remedies. Parson's Purga tive Pills make new rich blood, and taken one anight for three monthf will change the blood in the entire system. Asheville Advance: -' It is a tr;at to visit the carp ponrif of our old friend, T. V. T. Beake, in the : extreme north ern portion of the city and see him feed his fish. He calls them up to the edge ot the pond and feeds them from his hands. Some of them are from fifteen to eighteen inches in length. Charlotte Observer: Mr. Ernest Wil liamsj a workman at Wilkes fo'indry, is preparing to cast a' brats cannon of the fetyle known as the 'trumpet mou tkf Mr. Williams has already sent for the patterns and will have the gun re-uty in a few weeks. It is to weigh ahoui 60 pounds and is to be HubsLcitialiy monnted. Th t0;p 'p.j.i.,,,. Anodyne Liqimenfe is'almoht miriou9. gentleman whose leg was bMu't' th Knee and stirffor twenty yea.a li xd tt limbered by its use, and Itc leg -n?w as good as the other. . The suffering amoa the r:.Ient3 of MechanicsviJIe, a vij2 rf. OJitteriield eountyi near Petersburg, Va;, wliere ?erati""?f th Swift Creek cotton factory, which clOf','' perattons several woeka ago, ha Lectono so' gr.-at that an appeal for re'ief has buei: rn ide to the ouriiv cmin. Warren Ion Uzeiift:.; Tk shinien4 o gi-apes frou.-J Klgway and Warren Plains is now very bAtvy, the phipnicnt from Ridgeway alone being five tn a day. The fruit nets from 5 to 10 cents H pound, according to var.et) aiid .oon dition. There are 9fX) vines per acre, and each vina will average about' five pounds of good fruit, Don't rill the system with quinine in the eflort to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Ayer'8 Ague Cure is a far more potent preventive and remedy, with the advantage of leaving in the body no poisons to produce dizziness, desfness headache, and other disorders. The proprietors warrant it. Sixteen leading Republicans in Buff alo have issued an address relative to the charges against Cleveland. They have mado a thorough investigation. They say 'the general charges of drunk enness and gross immorality which are made against Governor! Cleveland are absolutely false. Hid reputation for morality has always been good., There is no foundation for any statement to the contrary. Star. - . AIVCU TO JMOTHKZtfc. Are you disturbed at night and bro ken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with uam of cutting teeth ? house 5b . ;ft ':f K" ' v- feiTI, "V 1! C-" Art- 4. 4 li Hi, & " OJ' , t..y; -Aih4 aotment of candies fresh and Mrs. Winslow s .Sootlnnjr i-syrup or j : . -. cuidren teething. It? value-is iu'cr.i- aoie. il win rmiv iiiic i.-w;r i n!c , sufferer irumedif. ly. Depeoa upon it, mothers, there is-no mistake about it. It cures d jseu'tey and -diarrhoea.! regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic, softens the gunas reduces inflammation,, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best temale nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. The feeble grow strong w hen ! Uostetter s Sto mach Bitters is used to promote assimilation of the food and en- rich t,hA hioml- Indigestion, the obstacle this hambersX" . ousiui. on th Sthi mst. bhe was iUl ya.ia old older than steam or telegraphy, and almost as old as the - republic ' She retained a fair share of activity to her last days, aact retained a good part ot her mfep-i: vigor. Landmark. - ; AYER'S I Pectoral. s No other complaint? are so insidious in their attack f tboso affecting the throat, and lungs: none so triflsd with bjr the majority of suffer- ' era. The ordinary oouU or cold,- resulting ; perhaps from a trifling or .une6r.cjcnis ex-; posnre, is often but the beginnicg i f a fatal iokies3. Aykr's Chskky pEcrcvtuLt. haa; well pToren its eftlcacy in a forty fight , with rtiroat and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cast without delay. ' A Terrible Cough Cured. ' " In 1S3T-1 took a severe cold, which affected niy lungs. I had a terrible oohsu. and passed night after night without sleeps The doctors' gave me uj. I tril Ayeu's Cherry Pec- : TOKAi, which relieveil my lungs, imiuced sleap, and nilonioii ae the rest necessary for the. 'recovery -of '-toy 'Strength. By tl:e contiHuei use of the Pectokal a p4uiia neiit cure .Was eifeoteil. I am now years old, hla aul hearty, and am satisfied jour CiiKiiitv 1'ECroRAL atel nie. UOUACE FAlRnROTHEK.". ItockingUmn, Yt;, Juiy 15, lb2. Cronp. A Mother's Tribute. " While iit the country last rinter my little boy, three years oldwas taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from straugu '.iitioa. One of the family suggested the Uite Of AT KU'8 C'HEKRV fE(TtRAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This whs tried iu sms! and frequent doses, and to our delight iu less than half an boor the little iHtient ws breathing easily. The doc tor said that the CitF.iiRV l'liroHAL had saved my inn-ling's life. Can you wonder at ,our gratitude? Sincerely vours, ' - Whs. !mma Gktxf.v." 159 West 128Ui St., Kew Vork, May 16, 1882, 'I have tued AVKit'si Ciibkry Pxtopal in iiiy family for sevcrttl year;, and do not hesitate to pronoanre it the n:ost etfeetnal remedy for coug'is and olds we have -ve-Uid. ' A.J. CKAKEf Lake Cn tal. Minn., March 13, " 1 uiFrf.fc'-t for el?iit yers from r'f rc,1itis. And alter try tog tium.v ienuIieB ya S!K'" ' c-s. 1 -aeurcd bYthe use of J v Kn' On '-I'-R I'm it , . - ; Jos' ''H WAU-tJi." iyUaUa,t3liss, April 6. k "1 csncfH savt-noujih in praise of Am'j Cheiihv It:r)HiHA L, believing as 1 ilo tnai but for its use 1 should loiis'Miioe have died from lititg troubles F- liUAkioJ." Palestine, Xejcis, April 22. Ibbi. i Vn ...qa r.T art fftie!l of the tllTOat OT cnambersT" vousiu, on the 8th Cherry lun?s exiaU wWcll eannot be greatly relieved .duril'r; the dllll hlllTinier UlOlllIlS. stivl it -a ill alntyt cv. when t disease u not alroady wyond tUe oontroj ot tut Jichie. DrJ.C.Ayer&Co-.Ldwell.Mass. INf STOKE ATI to.ARRIVE. Br 1, 1. KIIBBINS & CO, Agents for Home Fertilizer. . A superior - lot of Pickles, genuine .Olive Oil, French and German Prepared Mustard. Try them. . Bsef Tongue, Eisli- and good sugar cuted Smoked "eef, fresh and new. A new lot of those superior Brunswick II a mi and Jumboes. . Oranges and Bananas, fine and large. A fine lot of New Kaisins, Prunos, Ci trons, and Currants. Something new and nice, cereal Hakes and oat flakes, can be cooked in 15 min utes; Have you seen "those cereal and fruit boilers, the nicest thing known for boil ing custards ; you can't burn them. Pearl liominy from new com. A tine lot of currant jelly and pre serves. The finest mackerel that is known, in beautiful 5 lb packages. If you want a nice piece of cheese we have it. .Sauces, mustards, sweet oil, salad dressings. BucKwheatand fine syrup to go with them. If you wish a fine chew or smoke, call on us for fine chewing and smoking to bacco and fine Segars. Dry hop yeast cakes,, fresh and good. Self-raising Buckwheat at 20 cents per nackage. , Fulton Market corned beef, dried betf Imported Macaroni of best quality .Nice Butter at 30 cents per ft, A fine lot of Jellies in sugar-bowls, cream -pitchers and spoon-holders &ad - t'he rnti I new. STar 1 fie nuesb riuur ouiu iu rels, dollar sacks, and per pound. Canned Fish. Eg Labrador Herrings, in Tartar Sauce, Brook Trout, Mackerel, Sal mon and Shrimp. V Canned Meats. Deviled ham, tongue and lobster, pot ted ham and to'ngne, corned beef, and chipped beef (dried.) Canned Vegetables. Green peas, tomatoes, stririless beans, okra and tomatoes, corn, rhubarb, (very fine for pies) j Canned Fruits: Peaches, apples, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blubernes and pineapples (sliced and grated.) Rice, pearl hominy, cereal flakes, wheak flakes, oat flakes (require but 15 minutes to cook very fine and the best thing known .or dyspeptics.) A fine article of New Orleans syrup, (new), Crystal syrup, sugar drips, Porto fiico and Cuba molasses. Sugars. i unuciou, Laumauw., v i-.-,.,, -- IU. Ai "V' vncauo, uiunu nu 6'"- xar. Coffees and Laguuyra, Coffees, i rtr 4 . brand and riosa, Thurbes rbM. DEPARTMENT thorongrl F is a perfect gem in itself. career have we had a better in? friAnris niid tlir nnhlif' iend3 and tlie pablic. KAUFMAN & CO., Clothiers, Central Hotel : 4 jewing music I have, just adored to. mj larse stock of Sewip? Ma cliioea and Sewing Machine supplies, 1 PIANOS i. anti other naiHal inBtruments and mnsieal aodfl. As I have lia'tSF?? troj Avith increasing dennd8, almost ine enure eewing inaoaiao iraue in mis pan t- vuv wto, by my fair honest deudtng and ly handling none but first-class , goods,' so Jwill I yrgan trade T shall not handle anj musical instrument that 1 cannot fully warrant. The future of my trade defends upon the qaality of gooda that I sell at present. I shall sell low and high priced .instrjcnts, and my prices will below for the quality of goods. 1 can sell any inswimwit arlow as else, quality considered. All I ask trial. ' 1 shall continue to kepp a full Sewing Alaf.iiiues, .eedles, Oil, Attachments,. iV-ts,: forall machines, and the best xrlaiters. Uepairinjr a specialty, I guarantee .-atisfactiou as to 'price, quality of goods, terms of sale, and vprk ddne. C5ave luoiiey mid trouble by calling Correspondence solicited, , ; For the next 4 months '.'' ' -" ; I shall offer RARE BARGAINS to ALL CASH BUT1RS. Or- ajans and Sewing Machines must go loli' C liit to dtt-jri.i ei my prices. ' J ' The Cash Store. Mr. Ellis Thomas and myself have just returned froa tje Northern nurlietg, where we -carefully selected aud bought with ie rash one of the most complete stock of ever brought to this market. They are bo-nght in lar; oaantitiea, and CHEAP FOB THE CASH, and I HOW offer thetC Low Down for the cash, strictly. Let every cotton planter, from his past experience in paying heavy time prices, resolve henceforth to deal for cash, nnd stop buying when his, money gives out and the eonutry will soon get on a solid .foundation- : ' ' - "' ' To all parties who expect to deal strictly for cash, J offer my elegant stock of goods. My house will soon be filled full of goods and they most be sold, and they shall go low down for cash. So bring along your cash and we will find it to our mutual interest. j Thanking yon for a liberal patronage, I am ve:-yj respectfully, Ji. o.dogkbht. FURNITIJEE! Prices to Suit the Times THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has opened the . CABINET, CKDERTAKltfG, AND Furniture Business in Laurinburg and that hereafter you can be furnished any goods in his line as cheap if not for less than Wilmington or Charlotte. Undertaking a Specialty . I keep constantly on hand all sizes of COFFINS, OASES, and Caskets,' Handles, Studs, Plates, Emblems, &c. Furniture, Window Shades, Cords, Tassels,, picture Moulding, &c. Come and see my CARPET EXHIBITOR. Furniture repaired, dressed and var nished. Pictures framed, chairs reseat ed. Send in your old furniture and nave , it made new, your picture frames -leaned and polished. ? .. ,' ' Encourage- home enterprise an see what you are getting before payins ior it. Give me a call before lea-mg your or ders elsewhere. Work waTanted. Sat isfoctiori guaranteed. Orders from the country will be promptly a-fended to. My motto is: Quick sales and small profits. Call s you pas. A. Mcioiigrntd (First floor JSzzell Building) 40 LAURKURG, N. C. ly LIl? MARKERS, vr4-ttt ,lir. with bottle of iu- " ' dbe iiik and brush, sent post-paid 7 :S5cents- Address,, All the newest land most stylish Hats' supply than at the present season ; " ' Machine' and house! AND 'OBOABS, endeavor to meritad control, the any one is a fair tock of on me before you buy. at greatly reduced, price, for casli, MOM" - A. WRIGlrT, " eockingha;n.c! VILSOM'S LIGHTNING SEVER! :' a,oo 'sfri'i'CMES A. Ko. A -witli Removable Oorer. The only abnolntely firt-cla Sew Ing Machine In tfce world. Sent on trial. Warranted 5 year. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Circular B THE WIIiSON KBWI -M-- CIHSK CO., CUlcago, Sew Vortx ana Walllneford, Conn. : I Edeutou Enquirer: Steel mils are now being laid on the K-rt!61t ands Southtrii Eailroad. in our HAT DEPAKTM ' We conrt an inspection and fc; - ; ' S ? ?.: corner, OHAELOTTJE, K. A. Hal PRACTICAL WATCH And eaelr in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELK 6 Trade street, above Wilson's drug LOUGEE & GOODWIN. (Successors to I. W. Durham,,) : ' 4X7 and 419 FayetteviUe St., RALEIGH, N. C. UEA1ERS IS Foreigft and American Mar Gf e & Sranite Mo iui IRON All Ave ask CARRIAGES, : PHETONS BUGGIES, ROAD CARTS. rrrror-st .'vwanSL wwtW.' T1V5 Tor fiuw, r J. M. & W. P. GARD'eN SEEUSi A fresh lot of the celebrated LAN A iresu DRETH garden seeds. Call and get a supply.. v SEED IRISH MPWATKS.!: Early Rose, Ooodricli AND PEEKLHioS Groceries AND . .,..... Sugary Coflee. Molasses, Candy, Raisins, Nuts, Crackers, Lemons, Allspice, Pep per," Sal "tCanned Goods, &c. A lot of Fresh.riFat Mackerel Everything Cheayj '"" j""m. a" w" -p.- Pansill, TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. Pro n these sources arise tUree-fonrtria Of AdmUU, acne, follneaa after eating, averlon to cxerticn 01 body er mind, jsractation, r food, Irritability of temper, Lovr spirits, A feeling of having neglected e Amy, J)ii.ie, XTwu riuf; at tho iIeart, Iot betbre the eyes, highly col ored ferine, COiSSTIPATIONT and de mand the nso of a remedy that acts directly on tho Lives. AsaLdverwiedioineTDTT'S PltiUS have no equal. Their action on the Ki Jneysand Stin is also prompt moving all impurities through these threfe enters ef the system prodncingf appe tite, sound digestion, regular BtoolSja clear skinanda vigorous bodv. TtJXT'S PnLr.S cause no nausea or sft iping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold eTtrywhorp, 35c. Ofl:fe,44Murmy8t.,N.Y. TOTT'S HAIR DYE. GrT Haik or Whiskeks changed in stantly to a Giosbt Buick by a single ap plication of this Dtk. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 9 1 . Office, 44 Jlorray Street, New York. TJIT'S HAfiUAL OF CSEFUL RECEIPTS FREE- 8AB1TARI3M. Hiversldo, Cal. Tha dry elimats euvss Seme, 'XhroatXants. fuilitlea, So p.. route, ooec trM marriage i ii .ii. -a. at. - tvtiamslW truxiuD IA U I WttUfe vu -twse Guide. 1 r.l6o,eiiKwled, ofy SP'bsr; The areatioeolaUat, Nervoai Debllity.Impedlnianl .WORTH & WORTH, Grciileral Shipping and Commission Merchants, ' Wilmington, N. C DEALER'S IN Coaly Lime, Plaster Baacn, Com, May, Molasses, Cojfte, Jfiourt Glue, Spirit Casks, &c. 16g-Agents for Cape. Fear and Peo ple's Steamboat Co - - ! 1 i - ! ??, 'n J "I 1 it store, Hini OTTn HEADSTONES, TABLETS, VASES, S. 5 Also contiiiGt for i j FENCING, CURBING- HTO;n, AND Cemetery Work of Every Description, CSl or tvrite for Price Lists and Designs, feor-" rapondence solicited. Satisfaction UiWii. r is a Trial. We Oliei To the Citizens of Rockin ham and vicim'tv The largest and best selected tivk of Carnage and Saddlery Goods i h, State, consisting in part of CulriW Buggies, Phaetons, Village irteM and Carte Saddles, Harness, in all kinds of Buggy and Uarnes, nr c ; u including Boddies and Gear read iCK painter and trimmer. 'K We guarantee our prices lov er' .,n any m the State McDO UGALL & hoWBt' V WILMINGTON In'. ,j STAMPINGM Ladies, send your1 orders to MRS. J. B. HARRINGTON (Formerly of Danville. Vi.) FOR That will ot Blur oft Ken.; Oheriele and AreCene Braid, ane a full Kne of -Embroidery material on hand. Don't fail to send your orders. j Teadb Street, Cha-rlottb, N. J. B. Harrington's DINING ROOM AND -'"!'.''. Toe Cream JParlor , 3d door above court house. Meals at all Hovix-.s. SOUTHERH WWm PUBLISHING HOUSE, NA8H"-LS5, TENN,, socially. cjrtto. Ad i. in utu iuu - xig. V" " i I EijlU periodical for Snd ' edwttkly, - hoLiri ; different grade and 3 i , ir' p . .ki . , ,.i.:.-:.w'.?fJ chol toatkly, and quarterly. ' . .Carirtiaay Catalogue ol dook ana ipecuncn m Advocate and Sunday-school PirvwiicJl uemt Ire to any address. - Estimate furnished on all kinds of Book and Job Prating. Address Southern Methodist Publishing Hoyse, ' HASHVILLE TENN. DR. JAS. E. KEA, v SMGION AND MECHANICAL DENTIST,- No. 3, South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. SlfiiffS SANATIVE P1LI.& Used thronghout the ooantiy , "", FOZV OVKH. 40 TSAXtS, i -; And thai prood . - , The Best Liner MBtllcfee fa tlie World. ' NoGrrpruie, PnirononBDrobotimrfjT YiyetM,. wfe and reliable. Preaoribed een oy Pnjwoiana. A Bpeedy care for Lier Complaint, Kegnlatinr to BowefB.Parjfyintbe Biood, Oleansir from MatonU Taint. A. perfect cure tnr Hetutoh Coaatlpatloa aad.all BUIovs WwrdiH Sold by Dnwti For Pamptl, tte tuidty , CI. HULL 3s CO., IS Cedar W.T. W. ' T. L. SE1GLE- & CO., OUR STOCK PF SPRING GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE, and you can rea- asslired that, it mil compare with aiv stock of our line itt the fr'tate, in vaiety, quality pf goods and low prices. It is well known that Our house is always abend on all the new novelties ir fine goods in every de partment, but oar tock this Spring i far ai-rf- in eleganee'and vai-iety to any -ever bifore placed before our customers. ! . . i---. rMr.'MiTlW M MoRACva' will be pleaaid to have-you male him V 4 p call- when vju visit our city, and wttX - I, guarantee jroinpt attention to all or ' ,i - T, L. SE1GLE A CO?. ; ' " W April 3, 84. . ' --;. Adverse your business. iSti , BARNES, Rockingham, N. C.

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