II a- !1 t ' 4 'A- ATTORNEY AT LAW, " ' BOCKINCH AM, N. C. Robaaoa. Anaoa aa& 'Wilt raotlcw in Richmond. Moor ooot wa. -, . WALTER HEAIif-H AtTOROE Y AT LAV, 4 LAUfUNBURC, N.C' I ! I, - .. v Will pr? ia Riohmond and adjacaat counties.' rniiBiH atWMioacivaa tuall bounces. I R O N V ' i - Y. O. .MORTOJf.' All AND SEK STES fe,MOHTON GROCERIES AKD COKFteTMERIES; Wbhai jofiaddmla Una of fresh Cau.;U j.j-':-Rot. UannetFGooda, etc.. and a fall Kek2i and Fancy Grocefle -Vnd also porpooe keeping a inpp.y of fresh and Bios BUTTER AND EGGS, And All kinds of ediblo. C?HTCAT -t nimi . . morto, and we shall know no otha, 1 . Call a r, mZ Heavy HAILET TfiBlYES -AND- .T. HAPPY Soils Iry Gota, ' Griwwriw, Sboea. ate, SO IX) W that "th n.t iv-s ra aatonUue.!. - - lietore baying. all and aea ln istocfe lit : - t KYGOOIpS G BOCEJRXKS , . ' ' . HATS, BOOTsI . ". SH012S, CTUTLKKT, '. MEAL, fcLOCIt. MOLASSES. ' BACON,' SHIP STUFF. H win tii c;d and ana ma lefr bayinc. It will b UiroiiradTintase. J. J?. PARKS, jan'S iti HjfcnJat, H. O. OXtDER' YOUR Casieis, ani Burial Cases, JASJ C. HUTCHINSON, LENBUG I . a-awX . W V I fmr V V T: KJJXJk. XVI tff- ' pamphlet The implicit o?U mBW bearing An erprmion of t gentwiieM ma pniity of his heart made hm beloved, u ttbU m reveredy' by AH iio taew blm. ' After hl o laertjggjjja ia WifcmoreW nn r death OongreM ,pnraBed biM oouecoon 01 ?!j8SaZ nd i now graces the yongressionai iaaiargen MANTJFACrnJEES AND KEEPS 4oOK -..iV'-V-.-r- ,: ,- Steam Engines and Boilers. Traction Engines, v " , ; 1 ; V iti : v r?:; Sawmills with VArUWe ctian Peed.' V 6ej)arator8 Thieahers And Horse Ibwers iBeaperSjMowers and Bakes f 7 irmn atatirvn P " : gtoam and Water Pipes-Brass Fitting REPARS PROMPWY ATTENDED TO. ess, JOHT1 VVJLKES, tVIanager. WINTER VESTMENTS -1 i iMXTST BE LAID A STOET 7 The cotton moth hr PPad.In the Qw 6Ute, and worm reported ia few oom tied, bnt no dnge as yet has remlted. The plant ii jronerally reported late aad deficient m yet in fruitage, hat in condition to give gooff rteultn with farorabla weather and dterred frcitB, r to show aitcwry depreciationjfrittj 0011 tin aed exceas of rain in one ncetion And drouth in the other. . Helping the Poor. In Amsterdam every common trade hag a Government ln, and the worthy poor when tn rtTjrwk are emiedtliAriS or awiattonr The wage paid are Sty low, only enough to sustain We. Ihe gooda produced are uae whohV by the Government, and t V1 oor-petition with common W' w the resulta are be satisfactory. This plan ia god in Londo , u a way to relieve tW Titter cry." . flaM T .aw fa TwPa vaAlaMlia Icaw ' New Tolt City, PhUf adelpbia -anil P0 or interior Penaaian'aVand HewST gether with the adjacent wwtwetlag places, were visited by ahock of earthqtUkk which lasted fully ten seconds. ! Great alarm prevailed at all points ' vj&tted particularly in New York Gtr, where the shock seems to v ' bat little damage done to pro explo6ion T. ,7, 7 Everybwdj waterin " ""Set-wan New York and Fhilv . reat alarm prevailed. At no point, jowever, was there any perceptible movement of th6 water, ' " Nevr Fhr ExtiaidaAw . A nwAerof the chief ofacers jto the N forj-ire Deparfaneat witnessed a ,moi- stic sewsful exhibition o ws,e Are wctingidsher la that" city a fw da experiment is hus described-Aiargeiot som swung Troot, twenty feet ng by five wide. A i had been at work smarin(r - scantlmg fitln ar-and soakinp with kerosene oil txt he feather Mie COAt 01 th a oonple m barrelalul jot shavings. He then came for W&d with flaming torch, and, upon word btT - nAoAnthng. : Jn gnthefiai"" tearing iwa i uad. After it had bnrned three mjuatestaie extinguisher man appeared, carry- rog sniaasix gallon fire e'ngui8Uer on his back. He gtve a Tar?aw ne top a quarter twiak- md turned the sweam on the groar- ends o the s5anl;Tiigi He kept this np th'T five seaona?, andiiwn the last flame on top onU ot a 6ontlinf in the middle dJ ontj Ho the i-Wted thecrowd to plaoo thei hands Ay? tiben. They wer. cold, and XUO U."" viiwujvw 'Uai uicj COIUd not tgain -be . igi. Next a barrel ot tar and a of: irosene oil were emptied on w ground an? set fire to. The Aame aid heat drove everybody twenty feet away. Tie opera tor got aJWe nearer, with the exVngusher on nis dn. Kwves on nis hands and nnsk nis cc, ana pus on mo fire ia nlnetce: AND Lighter Qnes Donned. HandsorieT TLan Ever WADE5BORO, N. O ' . I f stnrk, all elzos and pricea, alwara on hand. IT" prdoi-a by ttiegT&pu filled on thirty minates notice. - i TEE BARNES JOSS ROCKINGHAM, N. C. ThWn will' always pplied 'with tha market wfTorda.!,. v. ' .KATES j . t the Ts' lo board pei- moath....i.... H'ani wnh nwm. per month Bard per wea. trtm.... ... w-.-. Koard per any, tnau, ianl5 'M tf : " :;' f ..tis 6n u - ...IDS Mto 6 OU ...ilMto SOU H.'"SaKSE3, Proprietor. ! LATEST NOTES: Happenings of Interest to ' All, . ..At Home and Abroad, At Ptiml.rovitz, Bus ia, a mob attacked the .Jews., plundering their dwellings, and killing seven of them. ' - ; Frebh cases of cholera appear in different towns in Fiance, sanitary precautions seeming to be powcrletm to check the spread of the dis ease. ... ' ; ! A dispatch from Foo' Chow to the London ' Times says that France has rejected mediation and that China. has declared war. Admiral Courhct has demanded two thousand men from Tonquin. (. 1 . FutTy 20,000 persona took part in the Irish Natioualwtprocewflon at Monaghan, Ireland. - The Vienna Tayhlall states that a polei Blagazine and five government officers at iKa san, Bussia, were blown np by dynamite or?the 14th inut, and that one hundred persons were killed. The authorities had previously re ceived an anonymous Iwarning, but had disre garded it. j I ) . --It is said that the two officers arrested a few daja ago at Coblehtz while fketchlnthe fortifications have proved to be French spies. . AH the1 French officers stationed at Tojilon have been ordered to f eturn to duty in arSiCr- pation of a war with .China. .' . : The French government will ask for a further credit to enable it to prosecute the campnigu In China and force that country to submit. -J !". A complaint, was made in the British Par liament that the American authorities ar in--differeut to the alleged abduction Of Sheldon in Kans'ts. . J :. . ' : ; i The tondon. World says the Duahest of Albany's infant ia very delicate, and it is aon sidered ddubtrul whether it will be poswWe to rear it. j ' Kopofts from all portions of Arkamas in dicate thSt the yield of cotton this year will be greatly in; excesk or that of any previ)us sea ton in the history of the State. At Altoona, Pa., fire destroyed Easiness property to the extent of f 50,000. . It is authoritfvely stated that Generals Bamirez, Mujia and two others iwpneated la the conspiracy in Mexico have bea shoti 4-Gooff;e Alsop and Theophi;i Graves, two - of the Oect'ied convict whod .he revet ia Mhb PenitSAtkry at Frankfor. Ky. . were pur sued bv a oosiw-aud shot. Ihey shot one . of i I K. tlm Bhei-irTs nartv. ' ,HS Fire1 destroyed nearly d the bnsmeM por W.4:& tionof brenada, Miss. The loss is estimated J&l'-fp at 300,000. . . 'fi. fa n..j,,n.n'Timr Aflfe-a to row either Han- -'f i... or Btach for 2. side on an English ''i' ie course..! ; -' . ' . ." 'f t fit "'" T ' '7 ' ' '" j Kallrqad Chane4n Alabaaaa. a MoNrboMKkT, Axx-W. a Fowler, for -. number! of years conracted with the Columbus J and Western railroat of Alabama, has been ap- ,pointed western a.-ent of the Charleston and hnnnkli f-olV. linna at fontcoaierv. in place of Oi S. Croowell, who has1 been promo ted to be general freight agent of the Atlanta, and West Point railroad of Alabama, to take ' r-n n't ilia firut proximo. v- k The Westerr railway of Alabama has reoeived two iMwcrfali5gers engines, or tnj recently xiost iiAprovd patent, for the exposition and umid xpiss traffac. - :- ty' DejrreMlea In tha .Glass Trade, j x. ' i PTrTSPOBO. On account, of a depression In 1 trade, the green bottle manufacturers have de rided not to resume operations in their factor le until. October 1st, which is one month later than usual. The workmen, who are 'anxious to rotuin to. work, willjOppose the suspension af tr Hprjtenibor . 1st. and assort that they will A T demand 10 per cent increase in wages, to re " V" eompehse ihem for the loss of . one months fork, i Tha window class factories Will all ' '"'AwawawawawawawSawaawaw. The liOqnat. The loqnat is a fruit about the color of an - apricot, one and a half inches length and one ineh in diarn Ahe seeds are small and Savor like that of a cherry, delicate, sub , d good. A gentleman near New Or- Dana, who has trees twenty feet in hight en Innt aecures that for eating fresh, for uca and for pies the loquat has no superior. The fruit does not easily pull from the stem d, in order to ship a long distance, the stem nnst be cut so as to avoid breaking the pulp. Tht loqnat is grown from seeds with the great ,ae,. also from cuttings and layers. In font it ig globular and bne and one-fourth incha in dkmeter. It begins toriDen in Anril . and coatinnes until the first week in Jul v. Te Klectric Mtreet Cr. The new Brush elecrie motor car which was giveuatriai trip about a week ago, was not a coaiplete commercial success, because tha brush which takes the electric fluid fmm the intermediate rails broke, being too tight. new Drusn iiavuig been provided, the ear 1 was again set at work and made irn...r t,i. I U day loaded down with passenger.. Passen- ISr TOW at thfl -aa-tom on sec- MUSICAL ANU DUAMATid . Vil Jn thftaenl. Mr WThl af patHok, introduced, a rceambto and fesolo tlop toking:,to the tel repadiaSon of tha t debt. Thf "pTvmble sets forth that every proper effort h been repeatedly, made by the state to eJTe a settleirent with the holders of its bonds, which efforts ha been ntet with uncompromising resislanee captious ' opposi Bri and technical quibb'ng, that the lot! responsibility patience ad resources are new bi!cvi to be exhausted a the efforts to main tain the otcditof Virgin that no substantial, 2uivalent or vaiuw consideration can be own upon which to base these lxiads; tliat tfae hoider are not boa fide creditors of Th glnla, but merely advnttirous specula tort, who have already realiza from the honds much more thar their orignal cost ; that asyndicate hs beenonned by these opecnlators for the OrpowcVf leitmtoffthedeKaIpx,1,i011l, W ths opl at firginii, And prererftfig a eWoneat of !ris nnproven , debt, so ta thy may" nof have their claims .tested, btt aft OOIll IT, n A tS HrlW intnwuit tharr,-r. . V.4 StJz1011 of tu,s Vo&ral Constitution: Ulftt mt flrnrAa, nn u.. -ii- . ... . . v unaiiersvie opposition to or the interest thereon, and that the auditor of pnbUe accounts- is instructed forthwith to re- SutJff P.ayme, of intents on any bonds alleged to be held againsl Virginia, The rcso- TJ Thtfrctic Explorer , on ther . cent J)isclosure3, - What He nows About the Charms ux vaxuuvnusuu. A Portsmouth (N. H.) dispatch to the New 'i'tsic 3'ns says: , Lieutenant Greely says of the i disclosures regarding the condition of Lieutenant foslijigbury'sbody.that it is news, horrible news, t him. All these disclosures and dreadful charge?, he says, came npon him yrith awful suddenness, and have caused hirii more mental anguish than all the experiences from ,-wiwav. je surferert .in the JTorf.h ft vnogn: re-are looking well in ITanitea !-fW5Vff onnntv. ma. jt . .. Essn soil at five cents nor ton it PjJs"i: tf is i . - ooub ajfloama is cues ;s ,A.'.!.VS(.r-i-. anvewitn political bavrl)V-aif.,Av. ajiOi.icnics.t 'i7-! . r. ' jMhl?-xi; & A- It lsrclalmedfoi the State of Tennessee .thai 'MhMtf .h.iop,iHKu-.v,. .,; .mmmmn Corn of tbiyearVrop is going intll?1f T ket in the towns of Florida. New corn crop of 1884 is sellinj a uuanei in JL auaiiassee, i'la. The State Snortsman'a A bama will rnoe,t in Mobile September 18th. - St. Augustine, Fla., is to have an opera house, street railroad and a skating rink. iation of 4foZmW4 . - . . - . j . uv vucu uiiit ra war rar i. t. iv .t v nor n-i n : The heutenant says that he cm but report Thf ' going to aecay tor want Ff atfehablS Tt '- that if there wds any cannibalikin, and he ad I Pwrs- .f .. .. .. 1. ?ke,.Hoas the. Committee on Privileires !2I 'Elections reported a substitute for the Sen ate inii providing for electoral districts and for future congressional spportionment. i tw i, Tij makes the electoral districts correspond with the congressional dirtricts, and provides for that num'jer of electors to which the State ia at the time entitled unclor the laws of congress and the constitution at the United States. The substitute was adopted. Daly's Araevicaa theatrical company hnl drawn full housos to Toyle's Tlieatro. 1. don. Toole's Theatre, Lon- r ."cNbANT of WilUam Pitt, the famous mair.siuaj., jur. ii. jo. fitt, plays in o' i 7 t " U1,l;lu omger m ine world is said to be M. Jules de Soria, who has been ainjcwg in London sotaety. nT5wi' '7of1 Arrest is still living On titatea Island, whniu .!., .... .jj.i ."5 ,1,1 . , ---..rououin irMUWl lUUBb i uuib mce ute nisionc divorce. ' SaNKET. the Evan rolki!: f .o i fears a lialladist with the Campbell minsh-els. He was known then as Georire Julian fI?TTA H83 pai1 J0a8 an intAllment lhoiVU'H3? m?no of the Boston Park . 7 ' - U . 1. T . . ll. T.aia.ii n ALLAO.K WM t niu tino . m n. i. . i , . . iuiu- bi i4Tn r,Mm!r srye t in India, bora """ pijs juvemie cnaracters. DURINRthi. Lmd,,,, Uventy op,.r:w were put on the stage, "d of these jusl; half were by Italian coin: The oldost theatre that now stands in this wintry is the Walnut .Street, in Phila di. l,,n: 'lh -nott oklnt is the old one in Sa- The Mexican Conspiracy. ICrn of Mexico. Forty persons in all have teen arrested in connection with the con- r splraci General FesSa, ollief of the artillery departnint. and General Eckegary. re im- ached. Eckegary coquanded the garrison a Vera Ciuz under the Diaz administration fivft jearg ago. Peza andKckegary aro great mends and are thought b have had connec oh with the conspiracy, kneral Wiavarrio's wneronta are nnknowt lie had been re moved ftta the barracks, lis son is ont look ing for Lim. vl the pnoners have been turned over .to Juan Perez 6 Laon, first iudg of the distrioji. The aathorties deny that any prisoners have Wen sent , r '.?M Yu catan. The oonspirafv is sported to have i Dluded the imprtsonnvlnt r shooting of Diaz and Goneales, undr tfr& "wdership of Jbrdon, Jditor of "La Opinion" an(1 two coloneJll, SoUdo and Bodriquez. ' ?! government de tectives are said to have obain1 list of tiie conspirators in Jordan's 1X)"iaRsion- Genera Allatorre has not been arre64- "The of the consniraiT ia ;A i,f9 been to recon struct the government as in If70' ,inder Pre.si" dent Lerdo. It is thouirht J 8was be- in t,. raou ojuce, wuw 'KTwife kept in close wn flianager, A. M. Palnien NOW BEING yi" .-if'. '. ' Purchased b? Clir Representative in Hew York City, 4ND AIaBlTIISQ WEEKL1 . Qa den street extension were ushered aboard fiB electric car. Many supposed it to. be an u.aary street car, ana wiiue tney wer wait ing 'or the horses to bo attached the engineer push. d. the lever and the coach moved oft", makinr Hie jog trot speed of an ordinary street car with ease. No load was too heavy for jt. The East Cleveland road will at one extend The weii ki nas .waded to secure or build a theater in ot'iav KJll Vim A THAI. w. - l' - tl'V sbo ukea he mrfodUona inusioi r butter than merely "scientific nm-un" it-.tSIffiOyaifY tnr irt thn c,wi. t RELIABLE GOODS, CORRECT STYLES ! Lowest Prices Guaranteed. CONSTANTLY IN STOCK i. NICE ASSORTMENT OP KM m FfflCY GROCERIES' II Flour, Meal, Meat and Salt, Stgtr, Coffee and.Tea, Bntter and Lard, Molasses, bj the car loadj from New Orleans, and Canned Goods in great Tariety. , "DiAie Boy" and att Plows, SteelPlows, Hoes and Shor- j . els, Hames, Traoes and Collars, Bridles Sad- ' dies, Liaes, Backbands, etc, and - ' Everything TJeeded by an Agriculturiota Silk Maonfaetarc. Bilk manDffcsturing has grown wonderfully in the Unite SUtes during the last thirty- v years, the mostnuurV) increase being from 1870 to 1880, whtn it was 250 per cent. This country stands second now in this branch of industry, France ranking first, and promises to lead before loag. The value , of the silk manufacture of 1880 was $41,033,045, New Jersey leading witi 117,122,280, while New York followed with $10,170,140, Connecticut 5,881,000, Massachusetts 3,7W,2G0, and Penn sylvania $3,491,840. Horn Fnnikare. Tha manufacture of "buffalo-horn" furni ture has become an industry an New York. Tha horns are not those of the bison, as is commonly believed, but are from tattle killei in the abbatoirs. They are sold at the slaugh ter houses for a little more than whtf the but ton manufacturers? give, are cleaned, dried, scraped and poliBhed. The cost oi making these horned goods is less than that f carved wood, but they bring two and threv times more than the latter, the new industr: is al most monopolized by Germans from 8xo,y. the electric line out to the eastern terminm of the Garden street extension, and thtn begin the extension of the tine down town. traved bv baa been arrested and xiineinent. mits that there now seem' to' be 'nc? doubt tibput it, the man-eating was done in secrecy. without his knowledge and contrary to hft"1 diseiglhw. , .. - j . " I chu give" no stronger denial" ,,says tb lieuteiniU. "I have demanded an investi. gation, ant it will come in time, tut lean say nothing iaore than I have already stated. All my ; papen, Kislingbury's . diary, Lock-! wood's diary, md, in fact, every scrap of paper relating to the expedition are in charge of the war department at Washingtn. f'The crew of the fhetis can testify that tha horlv of the last man ftead,Sdmeider, was not were in ouRht to (ilivfe.less stete we are not cannibals-at least notf tbil wf body of cannibals. When I increased "ptSir Ellison's rations, to the detiimeat of all the rest of tisj not a man complained, although knowing that it decreased our spars of life in a terrible degree." Regarding the story of the trouble between Kjslingbury and hinisi?lf, Lieutenant Greely saya it occurred in 1881 , the first year ot the ITrpedition. Kislingbury desired" to bo e heved from duty, and Lieutenant Greelv. no wishing to retain a mall against his will, gave I nun ms uueriy. no went soutnwaru, out tne rroteus wassunk, and ue returnt-d todutv. The lieutenant says thoi e were not two fac tions, with KjslmgUiry at til j head of one of them. AVhen Lockwood diod, Kislingbury was given toe aecenu piaf in me expeaiuonl iieuu-nanc ureeiy aaus max since Ins re turn to his cottage here from Newbury port, every man of the survivors hv cnil nrwtn huu j nun eA-puratily that they knew nothing about the condition of the rod lesor tieir fallen comrades. Each man sol emnly fcvore that, he was innoeentof thedesd v i,0111"0 y" the lieutenant said, "whetbir they told the truth or not, and 1 doubt nan investigation will reveal who are the can-ibals; Perua; those who died last fed upon uh, bidies of i h )se who died before, but all ttk h supposition. I can but answer formyser at,J for my orders to the party, lor daysand ,veeks I lay on my back unable tomoy If in my enfeebled condition t? at-aTfi. ot m? men Ied "In fAJQt,,' iv was beyond my control S; T Uui"1!Ml my knowle Jgef ? v ,AmifrlV i lil not teleraikh at' once S '-' toTmy own 4 14. In Tennessee, there! arfe fUavat.Sal liniw m f-a. factories which will soon be i-euiy for the sor ghum crop. . Kcv. J. & Plummer, near the Tanderbilt Umversrty, Nashville, Tunn., exhibits- two pound tomato. - Among the 1,000 convicts' in the Yiir-inia penifentiary there ia no representative of tha legal profession. The Columbia, H. C., Begister ' claims tlat nearly one hundred tons of hay; ia growing in the streets of that city. , : Seven hundred thousand cocoanuts have been planted on the Florida keys and main land within two years and are growing splen didly. : : The South Caroh'na Itaihuad is building an elepant Btone bridge to replace the present vaimali rive?.00 etl?ctur &e Sa- On September IS, 1833, a lrlchincilB pi , slaughtered inahttl. town of Saxon v -1 meat was sola luges. It was 1. was sold in tha1. and snrrnnt,,!; ;i eaten in a raw ..t meat. From this SCI cases of trichmaSTa known to have occurred, fifty-seven of nroved fabd. Siit1w thii " OI "f11 "Inxpressing ifc For the monument to Mozart to beraisea In V'ienria, in. the design of which fofeigttora are im iitxi to comiojt?, the equivalent of twenty five thousand dollars has boen sub scribed. t,- : Thk first band of minstrels ever formed coitditoitof four porSTn-s: Dan EminettWtl ham lVli, Frank Brewer and William Whit-, lot k. All aro dead but Euunett. They, per formed in New York in 184& Thk first tegular company of players that fver ajipaarod in this country gave their ird ial performance in . Williaiuslnirg, Va., in 1 T.VJ. They pros-e atel '1 he Merchant of Vett ice" and thy farce of ' Lethe. " 1'iiE oiiVst actor living resides in St. Louis N. M. Lu.llow, 87. CSiarles R, Thome, Erimoud S. Uoimor, Jo Proctor, Tho.nas Lyne and Jaiifii & Mur.lock, ai all ovef 10, Macklin, the actt.r, played Shylock at 85, and died at 105. . . i Miss Clara Locisk Keixoqo is very much opp wrxl to the id 'a of singing to Amer-ii-an. oi- ICnglish audiences. in any language save the English. Hhe says if sn had her tv ay she would never sing in any language but her own as Ions as she uvea. PROMINENT PEOPLE. "Eclipse" Cotton Seed Planters, Thomas Harrows, Pee Dee PUuds, Eocldnghirn Sheeting, B B Mills' Snuff; A P. Coats' Spool Cotton, ana Morsefora s Bread reparation at factory prices CO., J c. EVERETT WALL Rockingham, LM. & BURGESS '. WHOLX8ALB AITD RBTAXL DEALES IK ALL HINDS OT Fur&iiure, Wh, Maiiresse., Chirs, Etc. CHARLOTTE, 1ST, O A TOLL STOCK Ot t Cheap Bedsteads, Lounges, Parlor and; Chamber Suits, COFFINS OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ; A ai 8tokof Iwmitart is now betof boofh ia to Jforthera awrkts. Prwnpt atteaUog siwa orden) Growth of Population. It is exceedingly instructive to observe the growth of populution, estimated, in. difftrent parts of the country. The Sanitary Enghcer publishes the weekly mortality Biatistics of thirty-one cities, with estimates of population, percentage of deaths, etc. From the last isrue it appears that Boston now haa 435,000 inhabi tants, a gain of about 75,000 since 1880. Brooklyn is put down at 670,000, a gain of 104, 000. Chicago is placed at 650,000, a gain ol nearly 150,000. f She is picking np onBrook- lyn fast, and will be ahead in a week or two, at prevailing rates; Even at these high estimates of population, the mortality in Brooklyn and Chicago is terrible about 380 per week, or at the rate of 30 per 1,000,000 of population per annum. St. Louis is modestly put down aV 375,000 inhabitants, being an estimated in crease of 25,000 since the census year, yet the deaths are considerably less than half as many as in either Chicago or Brooklyn. It is worthy t' of note that the river cities show a lower ratei of mortality than either the lako cities, eastea citiea of New York, Pennsylvania, and PhuV OAphia or the New England citiea The Ortctn at the "Blue Book." Peter Force, a; New York journeyman prin ter, came to Washington in 1815,' became bo proprietor ox a printing oflioe. and originate1 and for some yean owmpOed without charg, the "Biennial Register," better known froa the color of its binding as the "Bine Book," f which the government purchased a sniall num ber of copies, i Fond of American history, h in time collected a large quantity of rare book; and pamphlets, many of which had beer thrown away from the executive department as rubbish, and purchased by him of the deal ers in waste paper. In 1833 he originated tht idea of compiling and publishing a document ary history of the country under the tijfe of "xne American Archives, and In. order t secure the necessary appropriation from Con gress he associated himself with Matthew St. Clair Clarke, the clerk of the House of Repre sentatives. This publication was a "job; which distributed considerable sums of money, for a number of years, among the politicians at Washington, but it was the only way in which Mr. Force could carry out his plan, and he was nat enriched by it. He was instinctively f" O n.ra mwm awu W TVw.VUW WBValB va a'SrUSVI tall, stalwart, with a boshy head of haire) keen eyes, which would '-'beam with ioyvh? W. H. Vanderbilt's income is a million A month. Max Mullhr, the oriental scholar, keeps his muscles in trim by working in odd hours at carpentry. A ;. !K0i5 of Mr. Blaine is the mother supe rior i one of the largest convents in uw ounVry, in Wilkesbarre, Fenn. The grandson of Daniel Boone, the K.en- tivky pioneer. Colonel Albert Boone, died at AK-ivtr lately, agea seventy-ciguB. i losr.os Coxklino goes out rowing on the Hciicm river. New York, once or twice eacn weef , and is becoming quite noted as an oarsman. Oil of the Central Pacific, rnillionaires, Mr. ker. saa h hearan business at nirw bj spiling oranges and newspapers in tha 8trecs of Troy, sx. Gekkrai." Booth, he founder of the Falvatioa armv. -clauns t.at ho has never dratvn one penny fronnne aimy's tunas since he started it, nineteen years ag. Mis ITEvnnTCKS is a fine-Icoking woman oiaboiit fifty, with dark ayes and hair; she wears eyeglasses, and has uther a distingue apKhrance. She nas no ciuoren, navmg lost ber only boy. Gihteral Bctlbu'S return the assessors J Vif r.Mii M . shows tnatnmvme from . - '. ' - -,T r-ri- Uiai linrcao on1 his protcssion is $iirj,wu. - - yatht America are ralued at $30,001, and his real estate in Lowell at ,500. Tiia mventcr, ' Captain Ericsson, begins vorK at his un;ptentious home in New orfc cityi after an early breakfast, and continues at for sixteen hours daily, either with pea or Jtools. although he is eighty-one years old. rMa DauMMOSD, United States circuit jLdge, is considered to hare one of the ablest legal minds in the country, He wears an over coat shorter than his undercoat, ancient, di lapidated silk ha, broad, beavy, cioo-nop- sring shoos, ana trousers wx j mnnes. . WxXirirfn M.-TTnKTthe New York archi tect, has receiveii from the republic of the decoration of the legion of honor. 'P' Hunt is the architect ot the lenr building an4 W. K. Vw!ta, 'f Va . "a. JrrVt..-...J.M. Ar nOtuWOrthy tension a nauiusik - nad- staruetures: areiiio wtne.--s" '-ZT far rendered Hutmed or Hjeir toiVjnre tjVf, Baikal, it p. . 41i tnert-oi. aj VYhatt1 otrtgrrrrr- releasr VAnv. .PosiibK. Tbomp from the i wgwneei ittt; atrnjey-eiaeral fo rises' that' 4haUe4 etimA should hava veonraa to ina eonna v i Belma Eecelves UrrFfirst VUtv Selma, Ala. The first bale of Ujiew rop of cotton was received Saturday frasa Srown's station, this oounty. It was aold "'a auction for 12 oents per pounds. The time of rr'pt Was nme days behtad the first bale last year. Bank StaXeaaenU Naw York. Loans, decrease, - $183,700, specie, increase, ;698200 ; legal tenders, in crease, $825,200; deposits, increase, 526,800; circulation, decrease, iS8,000; reserve, in crease, $1,397,000. " The banks now hold.$3V 648,000 in exoess of the legal requirements. 1 .WH i r- - ana physically. 1 T' f fS'onsihllily, but V1 1L'.4 n.l.vl nmmrw: a a -s- cajw ouai u o.-l f and lAincoln tn&t I . im oaiu at Vjrv.V. fitf Ntiw Tobk. Louis P. Havt f tiuan, editors and proprietor ""''" oanx note ana Comraemal r. r v i rv m llus city, acconjpaniec1" ' nttothe detract attort:V 'W fJ.SEy ting as I did." tha Qreeiv nartv, avs-a. more or less marked during all Stay m the Arctic regions, erraeu r jLs the Ti men, in a complete divis iiurvivors. As time paseJat the ,V' Cape Sabine, an l the outlook be- V and more gloomy ami human flesh k v. Jl resorted to as food, the stronger - ''vVit-aur'dthehon's share. nwlv. Hosnital Steward Bied- if' and H-ivatA ( Vmnnh -wpre the weakest thtt io-hcn t.ho Tnlinf arritM arrived. a tftatt Matnml-1 Hertr4ar BrninerA nad a little strength left proved fatal cious in death than in life. The New Orleans "World's ?air o je opsned next Iecember, was nrsijutp- to coniiaemorate the centennial of tL (ihijment of six bags of cotton! from Chaiiest s C to England, in 1884; but its scope hat b.',neu largcd so as to embrace all indutriM Tle ' buildings will be larger than those at th'tPbile adelphia centennial; the machineiy hall aVmS V will he 1,300 feet by 900 feet, and Lover thirty- i two acres. . . , It is not generally known that the Amalga- V mated Association of Iron and Steel Workers , clains to be one of the largest associations in tlie world. According to some of the it ports 4 the membership is about 100,000. whiefi di- f rectly and lndjrectlt fcoutrola and influuu. nearfy 1,000,000' working men. At one thetorganization was Kaid to have 875,000 ia'" lta treasury, but the strikes of the hut . two . vears have depleted it considerably. " Federal offlceholilf tuMtuut Ar,Ti!i ar In receipt ' a circular rrom B. F. Jones I -chairman of the National llepubiican Convent tion, calhng upon them for "soap." The co7ut'r' mittee "finds itself deDendent nmn iiia.. lilui. - alityof liepubhcans to make such voluntary- amtributious as their means will permit " and the, officeholder ia requested to forward his draft as soon as possible. Attention is called to the civil service act, but in such a way that HLU look more iiice a threat titan otherwiae. l .H tood by (irealy As none of the others did. it A and snpphed : turn vitb a snare. Ot . tno ".X. i - 1 Qutufj 1 j 1T1 .T " . . .. 1 . IWJamoLS I ..ri miitfl atrrmi?.'' v The former was Mils IleaanlBtT TVark. Fall Rrvvn, Mass. All the mills that have been closed for the past week will resume work on Monday. , . , lm mm Tna Arkansas cotton crop this season is estimated at 1,030,000 bales,r, 800,003 bales more than in any yrevioturyear. A5 attempt to esaapa from the Frankfort (Ky.) jail led to the de th of the ringleader, Joha ToIfe, a forger. Tilree convicts got "aVay; iut two of them George Alsop and Theophilus Graves were traced by a poase to a cornfield, and a bloody hjht took placA. Both oonvicts and one of their pursuers a wealthy farmer namod Cassell ware kdled. A. JL West, of Mississippi, Greenback can rlirlate for Vice President, has also been nom inated for that office by the Anti-Monopolistw- Tme thriving city of Anoka, Minn., has 'Ara miitA acrntl?. v .M on l about short :buntmg expeditions, in which he was ocrampanied by Sereeant Fredericks. The gain, secured was shared by the tw so, sethsh haa ut ftecome by the desperate ei.i.Hwmvj , ' i, J rHced. Theufferkigs of the ethers di&pob appeal to xnem. i"" , .r Er, - CI mined to live together and the others might die. All discipline was gone, api it was struggle a to who should live tue itn-ge&v. A statement was published frort Leigh Smith, of London, the famous Arctic explorer, in which he said the survivors should not have been so wear and prostrated if they had teen living on hunan flesh. The truth is that the first reports tf their condition seem to have been much exaggerated iay regard to Lcng. Fredericks and Brainerd. The first aimed walked unassisted to the stetm launch m a gate that tried the stilors of the-rehef ships to keep their feet. The others were W.te- of them too weak to walk. It is also true that the pangs of hunser were hot such as to lead i L i? Ttmiiwtrri to overeat even had they been given the chance. 3idesthe duct-wliich Long was eating whea re came, two other ducks which had beer bT him were found behind rocks r" winter camp. Here was food for - W or two ri,refully put away. , b t t The men were poor and . thW, oua u A,A so much as mauv u" yi iB aOaiJaf uma vTflI:alJlAra.taarta. for We consumption ia made, sand the out-, Ic?for cotton is very, good for' this time of year, while the chances for. sweet potatoes, peas awl other fall crops are good. . The stand of oottoi m many places is not. good, and this at present constitutes the most serious draw back. But with a. favorable season from this time on DKrg than an -average crop will be gathered . if Wtms- and, other Wights are es- Ther. is a church bell at the depot at Meri- . dia' uJ8a'f haaring an inscription in Latin, of -jiichthe folWnu ig a translatica "Bight Bev. Francis Janssena, iw,vop of Natchez, has -given me to the first missriyui.. i.a founded among the Indians." The rVj designou tow the Church of the Holy Bosary&flx miles Bouth , of Philadelphia, 'Neshoba countJT which, was recently organized by lie v. Father Beokker. Father Beckker has purchased 109 acres of land and designs establishing in connection with the church, a school and farm for tha benefit of the Choc taws in that region. 'xtere are relics of slavery in Delaware yet. - Marriaee licenses must certify colored, people to be free. One issued by John Vasey, Justice of tha poaoa of Middletown, not long ago, read as follows: This is to certify that there Has been sumcien prooi nied with me, John and the tbi-ee strongest would unaouoj rJ"." manv weeks more without relief. ramera, S bThiS, would have been the first TheS wretched existence. When one of the JartybSe too week to get about the m ?Hrict of self-preservation led his companions to look ont only for themsi lyes. KOBE PBOOF FROM THK GKATK. The body of Private William Whistler, of the Greely arctic expedition, was interred in the imvain m Ki-ir.icrieui.inaiaiHh. mun uicccu " . . l , . l mr Aiafiva ihf BarthoUH sUttuef the latter ,bemg prob bly tl occasion5orV fifteen ll klcnitectjwa t the ParU school of fine f arts. toTiut. a-warnment is wlthdrawina . . . ,s ' ... -. tiw sonvu uu indmol ponce Btin oVtaable at the west 01 1-Aind!:4i . ii numrau 008 . "in London sent the mercury up . "T,, rees Bahrenheit. It was the most in to uer,t hM been experieioed in twenty tensa work waa partially aurpended and yjveral deaths from sunstroke oeurreC Ct, J-i.iiese offer to remote all reatric- i tions upon foreigners upon asriah-oonrtttsions . -Crown Solictor Bolton saya informer Casey voluntewed hi evidema m heMaam: trasna murder case. i , .- . v' -The French Congress -refwed to a .. . a.! a elected the anendmeat for- hen devistti bv fire for the fourth time in graveyarainKoclOM 'Ja-t--ifw- seeewwi na.ttv entire t,,.,, .r,.M at toWoal? 10 minutes busaiess par nas net-n vripcu u uy ne t to loOBen the 53 boltaM raise M.e iw oi me flame. Six squares, containing eiguty-eignt bu3diiigs, many of tliem of. brick , and cut atone, were burned over, the losses aggregaf ingnearlyTOO.OOO- A firb at Grenada, Miss., destroyed seventh-eight buildings, comprLsing the greator pjrtaon of the tows business section, and Entailed a total estimated loss of 9 300,000. Joht Pool, of Ncjrth CaroUna, elected a Bepuhlican member of the tjnited Statas Sen ate from that Stat in I8eei atA .. days anoe in Washington, aged! fifty-ight years. During tne w- ne was a p"""- i,flfline onnoes of former aidug on French territory, ,t Pimlic ; A are occurred -t f the "oeace paif" in North Carolina. "Wil i.iaX BEACH, bampion wrsmaa or. Australia, has succeeded lu vanquishing Ed ward Hanlan, of Toronto, for yetrst the world's champion, in a boat-race on tho par river. New South Wales. The mo.-h r.a f,.r ssjOOO and the world s cnampionsmp. boat lcmrths. - Beach SJUUU AJa-aa " first gained prominence aa an cArsman, last year. : , ' , At Dombrovitz, Russia, a mob attacked the Jews, plundering their dwUings and kiUing aevert of them. ; It hs authoritatively reported that Generals Rarnirez, Mejfa and two others implicated in a rec ent conspiracy in Mexico have been shot by -orr of the Mexican president , Maad S. SoM. Robert Bonner has purchased Maud a of W H. VanderbUt and trie mare win k . trotting races. Maud a was delivered to Mr. Bonner on Wednesday. The pnea paid vra ft Ml.OOO. Mr. ing-to jected, figure"' Bonner and He m "Asket The body wrapped in cotvou waste around which a nemp corn, vm Dlacmv a. htanl.Awas found next to the bodv. Whr, th Waiket was removed the tliastlv Hicht nt -m. skeleton was seen. There was notliinR ot the rTjtfiave'ln, head and trunk. ' AH the flesh had been cut from tie limbs. The arms, legs and shoulders were bat bones, t t, Strip of flesh hvi alsa been taken from the breast. The left foot, which had been froz- was not tteh.d, and the left hand v ' liarmed. The face was snnken. bn 'Jv.SVnd the Ordinary corptv, and tho re ' '-",' d uort beard Siade it easy for ?.",9.aeL8 tfi? to ideniify Wra, Ii wis particularly notice able that tie bo., were picied entirely clean; not a vestee of flesh w leftoa thefm.f i he back has nothing on it. In fact, the oftly thiogs left of the man are his head, breaat, intestines, and the felt hand and left . I I The aiearance would show that, w had dow the cutting of the flesh. A 2fJg;t .xammUion by the phymcan, showed bat the rtomach was ent.rely eBpty, The heaa and aeck were unharmed bj -MoawJ J. was incased in a knuiea o. . sealskin. The skeleton m- " tha i"tten covering half tne nanos. ooh; was opened there was a strong odor of alco,i, n farther very ba .1 cnv ... not The;hT8icilln!l made no Pnd win not unless 1 dby the GovcrBment ofho "2 say that Uy report merely a fleshte" man picked as c?ftn SB if his bones wre be v ar niahed. Thged grandparents to ain the body for atuante only before waa agam fastened in tt casket. They ld,,re r.- wa fmt reOk.nwalWi. and BS to tne nor rible osndition of va body they had but 1 tne !S7'n . j-j. "he w a good lad. but it is bette. that he has been eaten rTjr-7m than hft .torrid haeean of l 1 An vumt enw : " I ho in vasey, wu uio juauoes oi me peace. u a-J.vMV-V . i for the county aforesaid, in aeoordanf,-i t4Mt& the laws of the State of Delaware, tifl'ViS.:0i W. Veal isa free colored man, 'ilK,t a ifv Beason is a free colored.rt'ril'i, hereby alhwed to antei6.i? .5 Tht diaeovArw nr2ii$SV&&it6uh 1 Sported: Tn ArifrSr-S-fc'V? 1 neVer f auto -.14 Taking into WfitM the wowas quantity o do' .f ji' will no.nffer efVMfc?;-f ';;.' ings &d be runa?f evlr,e tha.th cember?M iMMmWWUl trip Ttm4,' I'M to be h$M& drawn Tt5itV ' 5..i-'':'..fVaR- A?.K.-.VW -Saifiav : dane Creek, in Lew Syijk hkijiAJ:&i 4 from the raiir'.w J. WWt-'iM.'&$$ 11 o'clock m tne mofe:ft.-foW.TjT'Sr'A-f X5 - 3- W- . V -'..-at .VP.I;. -aV f I - rM . . . . . -v r v i A'tawai ia a ainii iin .VMcwrnmwwiawprCT w..-t t , ; ; ... I his shotgun at u atae, ana ws noraisa, .4. r which he believes aianu o. u ijhicaoo. im ouuaaiava urn weaiwi 1 few feet from ha head, snortingMiSV;fvriT and for this rcason-seus ner - graph Company were fined $WJ for in its fright, Jast JPfSTl-Pf I Iv'f-Vyi whenhebaajbeenoff red l01,0ua Mr thnorI1B' hibitina tie area, the body offJ?l ViM4id-4: says he wiu seep tne. uo "T- .- ,nd atrlmnn2 -u, "th-streets. 1 wtyrf itfaw if ,.;; remote At axicaa w t ' a w. L - .ri i) Mr. Condor, where Mormon services' f progress, and, leaving three men to guilra i, gate, the rest marched to the door and knot '"W l-j for admission. Martin i r, . lw Hudson responded, and were iold t tnrW which deauaud they refused to ao e bneofthemasked?mea struck Oon- akulh whereupon Hudson emptied. - double- : harreUed gmr at the crowd,, kiihng David Eam a farmer, who Uved in the nehbor- ' hood. The fire was returned, and Hudson dropped dead after running a ahnrt distance. . . . . 4i. kuisa Um tinnh Arv1 at two UOing uivu w" v . . ----- nnn of them, named Gibljs, falhug. dead, the top of his head being literally torn away bvtrnckshot. The other tried to escape, tut just as he reached the outside several buir kta entered his body, and he, too. was corpse. -Two other elders manafied to floe from the house, .but they were pursued, nd it ,is believed that fhey Were al; killed, as many shots were fired at them. Another elder was espied " by S the mot: endeavoring to hide behind" Mrs. Condon One of th mob shot at him and fractured ' Urs. Oondar's leg. The elder escaped.. Mrs. Condor witdie from thaffect of vtho wonnd V she reived. Visiting the house-of another ' neighbor, thi -moh found an elder, tied hieJ,. , and took mm to tne wooaa. obom were ueai o, and it is believed tttat he wan killed. 7 ; ' The rceue at the Condor lionse was temcio. form of ludaon lay where it baa fallen M ' 1 V " ,. t t . .... r mm 6 '; i V' , , 7 JiT-.