r r ; ; k I TTT: ; " - . . " .-t .' .,..; . . -v: -rj. r-.r-;, .. -' '1 - ' -1 rtn ' JQlB..:iM. J : ' iTTrfiiwiiai.m'.i.: 1 u ' "' 11 1 . ''ti ' iJi . r ' ' ' 1 " ' " "1,f 1 B-r., , . . j. ir i , ii . ji t - ' 1 11 ' " i ni ii n iij .i i r.nimui . " i i i j j i i i i .i j hi 1 i j -! r- f-i n 1 Httt i ii f p 1 '" 'j '" " - -'r ' tti..-. m. ... -.n. - ' i I i a i i i i t i i i .1 H'fiT.V i i j I. j t:V .if ...-. in - 1 - " - ' " ' .. LTTVZ Uditor and Proprietor. J ' TEMMS: $1.5,0 a Year in Advanoe. Rockingham RiCHMONPCo ;j-f r : Jfo. .24: i . i , r-r ."' 1 , . j,, gyn.. fc.T-""." ' ' 1' ' ., ,.n ., ',,. ;j . ' . . ' - ?; gpumau , I "This Biimply illustrates the tni Uoonlight i Bummer the fair, vfth golden alr. V, X mossy nreepj with clorer growing, And UnguiS totlifiixrf wktttt floirtng, : ; j ;; Sninmer theswtet it here. :;' ;'; - Summer thA oLiieth'iernw AndaxtUx young UMs in the neut, Summer the queen of the yw. 0 :. - ' ' plausa And slaughter almost every They are rxearly 411 people who mefc Sunda These preachers believe m ried with criminalrecklefisness. . The .ipeping; their hearers in the best hu other dajfot ' example, down in mor possible; and to people who Penrjsylvania;w$ile a part of bojB have been accustomed to :the good and girls were enjoyiiig- Ithimseltes old Southern, country solemn and at a' party, .one young man bet an devot preaching this doeajaot seem other onev. tiat .hit. t"tooiliftv mtysh tike pteaching at alt A good the boldness .to many vciei. ottiie manv teCTle eo directly from Dr. young ladles on the spot. ' The bet liter comee hum from the flreemy 1 rp-i.j- qa Wfla'takfim T "Will von TnaiW'th?M ; "hj-rr base ballpark to see a match garne. he asked the" gi?L . She said yefcm fJi smiMOTnAraNEW yobk. They! iamr a prefer d 'A .v, . Pyft greaaewjsounaay.especiauy in the summer, j Yesterday the most .rT rWWTfw bfthe great popufer summer amuse- Wttoany apodcase for ayprce mentsKegai m gcd earnest-ase fiR5 ba facing, excuisioris . down lf womeh-in memcinb. rv the bay, up the Hudson, along' the A' moy,em$nt thatj pontjej so'uiidpHniMr is e'Mucation of women 'as supposed to make upa good time." bHysictens amjpecially as nursejsy The mt 01 peopie-ai greai yufff many: lurch v people, f tc)-tiunk ts!UM 'nee nnthln of pHmtf ' fishintf1 -itfr isafling otner nign ana wie were- ie onS.unda; ItaettlaM tnelay iimide esiieciallV ougb a coilrsea ;ihe4icane2 irav. fFof half a dollar aLman can take. They Were all frointhKb: ndent.1 I nae !Uprxn' jtiuason na d&ck, im "wo wo iupwuu Wmf .VAi.ir , T it I au-aar excursion in au - iegajii,i" v-- oe.'..iiw ; sxeamer: ana au uxe ezcuiuuiiH anu --w-i, k. v ii: v- :ii:.T ji t 1 firolwa nre vervxnean. , Tne,ereatl"iS woureu vaa, yxuxessiuuu uuibch, you ever- heard o England and midd . cto of .jple fa hardly at- both in thfa clr and BUj. in waiting for UftapUran. the MS ISZlLi arms, .. -i ; And foldeth them ovt firom chill alarms, ' , Summer the queen of the year. . . Send down thy measure of sweetness j. Bummer the qneen of the year i ' us chan o the pulse oi the sea,.'. inthsong downiliplngttrki hum of bee, I Summer the swee is Jbere. m www jMtwm mm. oosinwTOix W&MyNMa Iik IM Ten From our Special I kuil elucidaSaskeltobert Jackson &?Jhe toed the jaars. , , , I s'ahead. r?S. , ("Well, sah I desiih to.coippunti- ate defack dat I is compris&gly in- lrwHow"; da you knoi vk( ; the yeckon it's inNwdWefusi degree ,MNot-duite soi tad as that : Yoti simply got ; drunk 'ami lay down across the street car track.1 .. V "Oh,I seev eil,ah, I desiab to deviate, de cbnstruckshun to de ;ef fedat TI ; nebber . dun it. If yot lanptcri aoyman whoTlsay dat he 4ber saw, Bobert Jackson, drunk XII present, you .wid fi VatermnVun fb- t "Officer, are.ydu isure that he was ',Yes, sir, and here s a half pint of Whiakey I found beside hhnn f An'hbwdid'I actr v -: You were limpsy as a. rag, una- - Sample from Sam Jenea 8ermwi lind. ; In this wojld usowkig. but in Iihat,; worlds oye-yonder reaping. Some of TOii mfin fiinna last Rnniiav J Wrttmm'-m bomintewpf hiyeowed Wed and reaped, enough. Tr7 '-r . ,7 tOT'oamn tne', world, u tnose seeds HiAs grand&Hier; was Melodist .h tim - to prbpWte . themr preachejr, as were also Beveralpf his gfjves.;? r' - "'' sv -'7 uncles, prornment among -them bfr ' I g0w ? whiskey, reap drunkards,' bf.9,L ?KffiTfl The promise is sound and.the logic valiant services as a-diern , ilhfi ' . n an1 fin - thministrandis.tiow a meinbexlhii ey'andrea pdrunkard: Howl of the. North Georg OonfimM.:? j maiiy inenin this W've Wed t .ine preacner s style when preach- thelinebeyond which they can nev ina to the sinners of Tennessee . is er drunkards j particularly rugged andt forcible. Your crop will be the seed for anoth He appears to have the courage of er crop. A drunken father, the sadr his convictions. : Heis noiad to dest sight in the world I Everybody, attack Tice-in high " places. ' ; He ua rrkW "A.v k . ri i . i I uyimv jvu ua uau uiuuaum jiuiu speaks lJce a,man who beUeves he themomene.is'born. v YburM- is divinely commissioned : to War moderate dmn drinMng win' bring against sin wherever found, Wlth; yo drmdsthatwm power,; . fiifluenceV ixeputation and & ' io' thiff town by and by uiecuBwmBoi society nave no -rer- Oh, iathertemal ifeues are in ev- rot for hiiri. Ji He. denounces ery cup you turn up toy our lips. Sow most popular institutions as fit war ke7f reaP drunkards ! ' I'm not with Cbiytianity. Herebukesf e mad With' men ; Pm mad with wh actions of men that aw;nb il ithafdam ble tosDei3r. and drunk all the wavIZ iZ rrT wcrOre mrougn". 4 enough whiskey in 1 NafihHrcH?fli e- th nUnrmpT m he I e -""hbn u;hi8 j buch the whole country for years polemn d aWhv tah djit d . rirrnmlncn. I ; . I . Duy pouna oi soaa, ana can xaxe Wen, tbatViP Gen; William k, JabWi nro5 S SSS . 1 - mm A MfAU 4VpV' VXIAAA Ir5 r- NrVkand.Brooldyn iaamaO- courses in-4hese schooU and ha 'Jedge1 kin Iresyndi . - thWlcat world dscouragmgly adoBted-ftslinriness !-of nnndmr th Wall baclL" thing, happening just as it does, fci-i, tiui -JkaA -btv "" BU "ejr . wmi ;m andtteento.celfor30d.y "rf BonSe ' SOlM n.' nrfeod that -Jedge-kinlrdicr , , SStiSi WotnS iymboli?Qmy reflefikshuns I i - i :, are feeling all right because all their -v ; v i : i.nes sentences irom ms sermons J I bnVH Are cnrla. and Are not rrtnpfirn- or ii maker- i-6 Nashvi?e neT te gard the whiskey ques- lnaTer8.snowwhatmAnnfrofnrftflrhl ,; jii'.i i .t y . . T " , r . rri I won, oui utb uung you jmow ine BEST' OP -Si. THE CUSAN SWEEP. jid lteM8kylmaili ible0 toi t The . morei xperience.i Ihe ; ne -democratic heads 3f .department i .' ana uureauis gain, we niore uitaixi tjiey seer that there ,lMust;a,H-apV' iy, prbach to a clean 'sweep'ln 'theiFbf-' .v. fices,'if thwp'uldachieVes'ubstali tial reforms.' , r ; Ppartiireit 'of V; ; . ficers J. to,w"hosV !atenti6n' cases of ,J . v- , . suspected wrong doin' ' in their bu- reaus nave oeen urougui are leenng . f - themselves handicapped 1 by CRepub ' T - J , cak'clerks in4 subordinate' . positions. X The atirouble 3 ed by the l)einocraUc rpfficiaX1" $ " Should Uhey esirto'c investigation thev must eitner ex-'.-t- .' amine . the books' eifer br dileeorlttdeb implicated,' are hafidjih gibve1 jnh , -others whose positibA' "chai- ;; aWatstak ters ,4? Mevil jbflfadruhkehsbn , "Igamble, ! htrTe1 ln- with disorderlrTnduct xSl canv it rtrttfiirwm Vhell, if somebody calls me have beeii along there and I: know, aJ- and I tell you I would rather do concern. ' ' A drunken son-in-law! anything than be damned.; A man My God l I?d rather have my girls t ..Mm ; I a very nave had more in Kicnmona county i -rAWM-Miw xwvo. - -,yp ,... . . v.. - ! lit for 60 dav.19 . mrotfTlgtf day: :ttTOi5Br lbeut I NeiroTentlyfor fof skillful Oration lay ii itT h iii vis . k: 1 and knee-breechea and , ride forth married men. nThey offered ft $100 . , f7l V. .'. ..:.:.-- limner a tartv of SOOnreachers toride travelmff. and living naidwhich is! Who called you names Sedldiersalsocaineam from New York to Canada on these a good living and $100 a .month in -"He vhas some strangers to me. said to me "couldn't do anything fafoi butomslghUbr. Sclvea. wift wheyou fieithe New extra cash; Men we sily found me on def street und says because I had such an awful tem- ever than to have them He 'in e ihbusands and thousand and thou4 P?ewher goes as fast ttafcdafof people fonrred parades, dec J ef' orated monumenta-and statues and 1 nobtheAs htteeesin the irraves.huh out -flags' from theirl 1Wheah telegraphed Verr-BomDOUsly observed fl,e day. Uiem Cemocrat., had elected ane- . the abmy of truo. . . .. T" T HI ' . v "ge girlisnot Tirtaous rn?o4ta -far fe." tathf-pablie ffo to WfeUartttt mArkan- ifJgiSalt'ttil & Bm Ineinrtr ked lXa&iZaTvAZZZ when yousee some fellow hblding . tuildtogs, even-the rtreet. cars, had a,and that a number, of negroes there just 21,045 seat. in the hiT0 T,m me4 "ke? trid oTit tteToo7kMW ber arm, but I do tell you that the Sid!. ytffgS lSoM 'r u.wered . h?!ouubiS Vfa ofdscorionshas seldom .mm. 2S pb wbemtte iean diy , with empty OW rfiwaiskey in, the ftft ?.,f; e-very -noteworUbye ittttrtcidBiUi Cumblana'-rifethmibein-ihell ?ih. . jpeeches and jpapers dr no i'dhtoome It T':''" with1 thftbarrefa sitting around ke. aughter p ,n . closetjbr iKUera-ln vjiax buting benox to bist.imj the South, it takes a Very bread but ercat Obadiab; bow does 7 . :j : ; K, ..... . i.t.... -'r..l .i low clutch her by the arm and walk . ' : -t- .;'tiLi tMtflU.(W!iniilJ,V ,'- . . .. .Jiouwameammw as any- to. go; and. they haw. satted for wuj .was uk8 an Unbruted, drunken , y jjangKOK as missionanes, noioitnetvv ! DABEEY. UiDie, DUt oi me wire. , jtiereaner ine I tf"" i in neu. uue leuow eaya ; ; j. never . , , sp here the government of; Siam wiU have tele- . "" VW TT . ." Thkl arm clutch- I wish I had iaiiv of srranhic service.1 ; - ': ; iiuuumw rj, u suv Vu v uA.r THn, paying lasting iionor to last . ittte boutn. ; xases a yery bread bi the Union.' Ullenl fexampte 4he Brboki have fof yrB; Jeed negrp lawyer$ theram; that marrysu: y to Stonewall Jackson. , . .'.:.-.ut , ' . casion io tratp and jto I -howevefrtfcfefe9w Hirai-ia wblilBtory thfe Union -wlt&egtt ttaa sd .little sec- .yy-ytUs T0a- : riday j.nighTwfienT -Vi J A I Wafd 5A;efcehe-weinti5aAn0 piapiorm i U i f bishcrQb(it potipalrot), and guess a co- you oujght never to have, alLjjAnd ytu 4 i v v rri5- I viriuotts, but the boy I ought to havellOOO I . . v ; "V ; ; , t i . , I trust Inm as far as I coul ! "He bAd, no right' to pitch into lashed for the way ybu have treats rne had net ' -l0 ' v & 1 , ybur wife J t n : v fwelL hecertainly hada great Another savs : "I am never eom way. The ghr is always wouldn't this tent New York Sun. could throw gxoe8 in the United.lStatepe: in xne Bouinern states man wiD?W whites, iis'fopling lation is based oii the notoriously correct census returns Toufgee's book," Ah Appeal Timvpr-yriRriin'r discoarSS-Tl CrQWaOI Travir. the sprayer they. snickered suJJ.jmoTe. iTheif-rliere -enough to say: r Hi I had Imown i that a lasarYliSa Iebftny trousers Tfild have caused , so ?nuchamuse- I ment, I certainly Jthe othei leg should ' have torn so as to divide the 4 1 fun equally among the congregation lilfithaa 'afforded you pleasure l am ;;; more. 1 tln ; gratified. . Everybody ' by that time was taughing. Then ! h9 went on with his talk and said : hada great! Anb stock of co-1 never jays.: ' I am never going man trho gees I to 'dance any ; more.' You ought i tr. ' i ..... ,avej?egun.tjjio . Where Pee-wrotoiltavv:tI , Dr. John J. Morah, who attended Poe irihis -. last hours and who: is be a general" movement all ' along; ihe line W subor and there iW no question1 thai it "will A 5 he a reat reforrh- vSeetary: !I - is eaenuyr getung reauy , urf . - y-:.;; rior Department ; . , . ts RepubUcim politicians, here '. arQ( beginning to see that wheri"Mr. Ed- , mundssaid thatj no niaer mtia. : wnat purpose,. ine . Aaniinstrauon started out,-Itheiogicof even ; Dossessioni of Democrats,- he sppkie like a prophet i There '.'tis" evident preparation, among ;ineepuoucai, for - a, fight to If i. e ' ' . '.V ftSSSysaw juS befbret; -&Mf uie t Jextra? sessionbf tiie Senate adf I leu vue luiiuwiiig iuie; . rnoi... f ' , , mtcase -of the removal of any efficient Republicah bfiicer on the c S "iS? alleged ground of offensive Vartisan4 -' ; : ship, and the inomihatibhloF'any , . .v. ;.it. Democratic partisan, in '.his such , nomination will hot be. ,' con- ' Urmea j : secouu, mat in jcase-y any yyyyyy lem.Qcra'lac'.v jpam';causes the ire-, . .. movaL of-''. an', eELcient;-bjn , Cj ' and reives as his reward for caus- , - 1 jS UK BUkU iciuuvtii uic uuiuiuojuyu ao successor to the' 'decapitktod-'qnici - "2'v buuil nuuiiuauuu : irm uuv .uc vun- firme.TvlVor& v;Th;ishme on Saiurday afternoon (oHasi weekj - -r" ii V 'C ueaoud which as seenfrom herey -J -:.V nungsb 'heaviiy wimmousl'ovCT 1 -V.' - there ing world that fhe author- of "The 'Mlnnl t---w-wiT; imiury. A nope mis wui ne aome-r rnanK uoa, any oi U3can inm to- p did not die drunk 'sava ' ' in- F 1V V Vi-rtf:-v,u wK V t ff TO fflfYW uur uc rIf1W B fSrice his death I have made the of 1870 f v J Lri .f; ..iif- -y. h(W?4 im V??v acquaintance of Poes family, and fit tried to scare aU creation-with i S7 -amp -nenByaiowm i'm. discovery as "TbVUa- MSSr t Allows who .would attend a meetm he must look pudC? : ; - .J . whitewash brush trying to dean up, VerL It' was written, in the house fPf i,;! ' ! of 4hevperpetusl mmonist8rr The!: rirtii?'nWr. brrt fibt?ni fesiOTdftRt iliftlA bifhW r,,,1 (irJf r f, m - n0 bof, mmmmm m-;;mm0m wmssss VZm - &m . VvrTfeWfXa1? y"a;cpuundrum .3irhotlvink:that4the or4 veart :'S -ii''wmrfafd , tf h.T companylf song-loving l?terVlrt. niustsiply HardlKever-W not W that tbey.aracmtious SguS'nlSfused SgSS ?Har yououS saw hinive nW father eS&S&dk n I8 1. who paysthe rent fothat his mahuscript to lock-up in' his 6StS grs-f31 :oy?:tof feKs; mMetmd . . mMM. who is!;draggiig; youjdpwniey to deal inlaster5 and clav thTught befb way.Detwsit Pree Press. ;; ;; : know -rshe does Jnopay,the.grent on k shelf ovbr the door of the rbbm that, is gjyen of,a cleaisweep by ists and rich men in the oity to cle- rf": They knbwrWupayTit and -thev on ovr the door of the room imwmm&ikmfr liiii Mmmmm t?7 Steefw undfthe Miwpvai i ine : aevouon oi .. a boh w er. unow uuu uiire gawvicio,: imwi i j:j !, fn Ti0p ' ; ' rvi io w Hbrnmylyalieyi' '" tiye'effectfrt'eU " water spout or a cloud burst,-with' a"' L vkiu.tMb w ii uaiisiAj iica. . xiie iwauJia in the, streams were swelled almost . west of. r 'nobd""At -,thlst pomt'rthieianwttS - The bents are four stories mghand " 'oneT'can look ddwh into f the farm C -r plWtby-: 'tiiEimh oaifblf iuid honest office' whiSa'i vwHcixy m wwgreaYeniheVer inew a Pov to turnout Paaiyi they-o-. r rjouiwear nnecioineff ana r- awwa u" '- hich all the. world wm' Wln4TiaAJ iit W-fallW 4n lva rr Hrtrtt- l'Va ' woayi4irvr'-4Mtilr 1-7:;-! ! - . f. . , r 1 ; holders hi the Sbuthre !a: lot of ad- i i : -u. ; ; -Ji -rmt'7"5'T' " r 'X:" T; viwr rTrvrrrl et was drunlc or dehnous when, he RKSii iv ' vited to: .take a. paruiTherfr.were his mpther. Any inan may fall in. people-jdonVow , what you trote The'Kaven" " ' i- Teniiirer3.:;:W expect the Demq, 900 'Spaniards Present d wniVdnrr man wno is gaiiani to me giri may eratiadinmistrati 'to make; short theni. were '?nn eryistmguished work jbf them. . 'x " j ' ? men'fep;w I! PIVObces in Connecticut. . ; Mrs" C. L.S..Corrhing. adaudti 1 . The little State of Connecticut has er of . the late Richard -.V.' Michaux. became famous all over the country 4- oi i3urKe,'iai;eiy receiyea n-prn for.tN number oTdivorceases.- th.f I.- . iverage m naraora ana xne t j j i v county, of ; which it is the seat has offered as much as $1,000 for one of usually been 10Q cases a year. .This ' them. cruelly neglect the poor, arid-weary wife in after years. But the big boy who is a lover of .his mother at mid dle age is a true knigHt, who will love his wife in the sere-ieaf autumn as he r did. in the daisied spring. There is . nothing .' so 5 beautifully chivalrous ks the love of a big boy for his mother.' Boys; think of this."" greenies, you big old fool, you. , h ' 1 rutins .tough. It will not break; T.A.vUno t -r-.rVAM?';lUiiiWii tilre . KnbKl "if. n.''fvnnlt -nWnn , iuuucuoci -" luu ucai uicu uua. i r- ' j t " j vu, about influence.and youj ! Ijear a may . kick It about' all day , like a man say he hasn't "got any ihflu- foot-ball --and it will be round' and ence. Well, if he hasn't he's a dog. full at evening" -Does not Mr. - Bryr He's a' natural Monstrosity- - aind" j ant say that truth gets well if she is moral blanki. ' Every mari has infiu- run over, by a locomotive,' while err ence, " and is "f ev'day ; of his life t wr dies , of lockja w if p.he scratches Bowing teea mat come up aixer ineir t ner linger r npuse Deiow. .-nreewiaxns oi inesei y- . - bents were, torn away leaving: ;the pii&'h iron rails held, together ter.:iuiffc'i& bar jomt, hanging, suspenledrhigk . f ; a x , in the air. - The tram .coming east -IxV . ; stM TTa ' 'ny?flii -irti.4- "-fcTyx.?-!.. .U11a4 . -'.??: k - Kyeius, peyuuariy suDjeci xo,inese ler- liuv ovuiuia, C5(iueiy itBuuimcr.uuss- spopra "h'eaw 'A "fbrget the e'vlf f jyC on tef evil idfi f Tilfft ? Tt -itri.vgrvfit that should .be emphasized and pbr)- : 1 trayed. in au our poetry and art?; i . ; 111 (Ul UU1 UKiatiub xv v yuy w.uu .rv highest, thoughts and iitnagi nations ; p bebrughtfoierp ; fmor be';'dropffe ail our DUMnejiiaUiWnrsBpeiai in-; -Vi-; ,j tercUrseiri;ijVU leti'tj?;! the;go bifie: roic deed4;iaridgenerous lives, be . 1 -knownCand admired anoTthose. of . : aa-opposite kind be buried in thesi-- . ;v:. 'l: nce.they deserve I 1 ) j " 1 - "f -'M 2" V