- -' - ' ' ' ' -, 1 ' " " " ' -i y " j. fl I AT LAST. The sky is bright, my heart is light, 5 -sThe shade of gloom is past ; ; ' i All fear is o'er. s I greet once more, My loved one home at Jast - -it With eager foet, 1 run to meet, - f ) Uts passionate caress ; His arms entwine ph, joy divine, i Which banishes distress. - Profit In Fruit Raising, 1 When fpuU sells too Jow for profit it is time to preserve it and reap reble gains. , The quickest and cheapest ways of keeping fruit will ro found most profitable, and are Jl 1 T 1 ' : jne oniy ways in wnicn a grower can work off a crop in time to save it. Dripd fruit is' easilyhandled, and is coming back into favor with the knowing housekeepers, who reo ognize good things and know how they should be cooked. No expense for evaporators is necessary. I long since made up my mind that evapo rated fruit is inferior to sun-dried in flavor ; and, talking with old dealers in family stores, find they prefer the -sun-dried for their own use. The ,est joote I ever knew said the same, and there is reason for it. The sun ripens and develops sugar and flavor in cut fruit dried in its rays. To liaye a nice quality of dried fruit, se lect firm, nice, ripe specimens, wipe clean, pare and cut with silver knives, as steel turns them black on Jhp edges, and hurry into the sun a fast as they can be prepared. The cheapest and best way of dry-L ing fruit is to lay it on lengths of cheese-cloth, suspended on a frame out of doors m full sun, with white L' m shreds and insects. This allows the air to reach both 'sides of the fruit at once, and when you want to turn it, the-whole can be swung over on another- cloth, leaving the first ready for a new batch. Apples should bo cored, .pared, and cut in eight pieces. Peaches should not be pared, for the richest flavor is lost With the skin. They should have the fur" removed by dipping baskets of thenq a mo ment into weak boiling lye of wood ashes or common potash and wip ing with "coarse towels. Common peaches only need be cut in halves to dry. We had peaches dried in ttiis way last wjnter, which, when uuuji.eu, wouiu ue nam to ieii rrom th6 best canned peaches in looks. with richer flavor. Lick's Maga zine. ' ' . .. That's How. After a great snow storm a little fellow began to shovel, a path---through a large snow bank before ' iiis grandmother's ' door. He had nothing but a small shovel to work with. " ' . "How do . you - expect to get through that drift?" asked a man passing along. ' "B V JceDillS at it." said the bov. Cheerfully. "That's how." , . . , . , 1 hat is the secret of mastering al- most every difficulty under the sun. If a hard task is before you stick to it. Do not keep thinking how large or how hard it is ; but go at it, and lit tle by liftle it will grow smaller until it is done. If a hard lesson is to be learned, do not spend a moment in fretting do not lose breath1 1 in sayin?, "I can't," 0T "don'l see how j" but go at it, and keep at it steady. That is the only way to conquer it. . V If a fault is cured or a bad habit broken up, it 'cannot be done by merely being sorry,' or only crying a must keepfkhtinff until it is got rid of. If. you have entered your Master's service and arc' trying to be good, you will sometimes find hills of dif ficulty in the way. Things will of ten look'discouraging, anq you will hot seem to make any progress at all, but keep ' at it. , Never forget That's how.',!' -Vsv. : r : - The SmaU post-Offlces. Mr. D wight Lawrence; who is well - known amon? the Rermblicari TXli- ;. . . . v tlCians m New York, IS reported as savini? of the country nbsfmasters in a recent interview upon the subject ot the State election : - ".Most of the work in the various country localities has in the past been done for the Republican party by them." They knew their neigh bors : their . stores were generally the rendezvous; "but now, for. fear of beins construed 'offensive partisans'. they will be rather lukewarm; to say 1q least."'' . ' ' , ': This i&? the abuse which justifies the' removal oi": sucH officers. The post-'dffico is ' properly a public :of , . iice, not q, party headquarters, and iiuie. -koj is reform ? H to be regard- i :r'v;od strictly as such. It follows, how . i - - ' .cver, tnai n is noi, reiorm to ex- IjphancaRep '?'? promotes this abuse for a Democrat ; ': ! who does the same thing, Harper's Weekly, ' . lumbering- in ftliclilgau. " " " . - . - A New Yorker who was prospect ing in Miehigan'last fall came acrors the manager of a saw .mill and bowl factory ( combined, and" naturally asked him how business was. "Welk-pretty fairish," was the re ply- "In debt any V ' -"Well, - there's a mortgage on the saw mill." "Yey?" . " "And we had to mortgage the bowl factory to pay the interest on the other," "I see." "And I believe there's a lien of some sort on the dam." "Ah!" VAnd the man who built the mill race'has a judgment of $600 against us.r? - , . "Anvthin.Gr more?" "Well, he sheriff levied on all our saw-logs yesterday." '" . - . "And then you are pretty near wound up! , "Wound up ! Why my dear man vou don t know us western people That's the 'way we always get ready to begin solid business 5 ' ' Sayings of Josh Billings. The man who gits bit twice by the same dog is better adapted for that kind ot business tnan any otner. There is a great deal of religion in this world that is like a life preser ver only put on at the moment of immediate danger, and then hall the time put on hmd-side before. Exnerience is a school where a man learns what a big fool he has been The man who doesn't believe in any hereafter has got a dreadfully mean omnion of himself and his changes. There are two kinds ot tools in this world those who can't change their opinions and those' who won t. A good doctor is a gentleman to whom we pay three dollars a visit for advising us to eat letes and exer cise more. The ladies of the sewing circle were ousi y engaged, at tneir work-, when the seven-year-old son of the hostess asked Mrs- Bentl-V if she be" PnSeu w au y 'No, Bobby," she replied, anrused at the question. "What put that idea into your head ?" "Pa did. He said 'ou can beat any I lyoman in town drawing the longbow." N.Y.AVorld. . Ice Cold Soda and Mineral Water, the- bes m tuwii. uu ."kuu oivut. . v Rheumatic. i j l suffered with 5 rheumatism for many inonths, at times unable to walk or get abou only oil crutches. I took eight bottles of Swift's Specific, and have been entirely relieved. P. T. Barxum, ilacon, Ga. - From the Mountain ? For many years I have been troubled with a scrofulous affection. Mv riht leg was covered with sores from the, hip to the ankle some of them large and painful, running a great deal. I tried everything I could think of or friends could suggest- The pdysicians did what they could, but brought no permanent relief. My case was well-known in this community, as well as the fearful suffer ings I enbured. Lak fall, at the sug gestion of a friend, I began theusoof swift's Specific. It produced a chan ge so apparent that it astonished everybody, "s nen u,cer after another disappeared, and. none were mnm- nntonishprl than myself. Six bottles produced an entire cure. My restoratisn is due entirely to the use of this medicine. It is the be?it blood purifier in the world, and will come nearer doing whaf is claimed for it than any medicine I have ever tried. , J. M. Watkixs. Jasper. Ga.,Iarch 11 '85. Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ' The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At anta, Ga., 159 W. U3rd t., N. Y., and 1205 Chestnut st., Phila, 39-ly. For sale at Dr. Cole's Drug Store. Hostctter' sStom ach Bitters con qacrs and pre -vents malarial fe vers, dyspepsia chronic constipa. titn a tendency to kidney and bladder ailments and rheumatism and 18 or -tne greatest value in cases j of bodily trouble arising i rom weakness . Uid people. arc greatly, aided by it, and it is liigh- V eeaMe to convlaccents and ladies in J delicate health. It is, moreover, a useful inedieiue to take with one on, long journeys and counteracts the effects of mental ex haustion. ' , j For sale by all Druggist's and Dealers generally. ADUERTBSERS Should make a. note of the fact that TUB ROCKINGHAM ROCKET f IS THE ! Only AU-Eome Paper PUBLISHED IN RICHMOND COUNTY AND GUARANTEES ' t The Largest Circulation. subscription rincE, 81.50 a Yeab - - ' - - oeuu ior buiu pie copy ana aa Address ;' - - 'THE ROCKET," . " ; . - Rockingham, N. C, II, C. Wall, Editor and Proper. rtmt i Killer TWfc STOMACH suites The JtMt Wonderful Famli j Itcncdjr Ever .Known. . u iSCrCURBS Diphtheria,' Croup,- Asthma, Bron chiti3,vNeuraigi, Rhcu- wkn.iam 131 aaCi rt rf . tha j. Lungs, Hoarseness, In- I J ,J Whooping Cough. kittj 1-i FOR , INTERNAL wmm m AND ? PURGATIVE MAKE NEW, RICH BLOOD. . . . . Sositively curd SI(-HSADACHE, UJe"j tiavo no equal. Vrt f w . i;M finthartio and "in -my practice I use no other. J. Dennison, M.; DeWltt Iowal 'Sold JXa'i. moil for 25 ets. in stamps. : Valuable iniormation ffKBB.. I. S. JOH,ISOif a tu., guoiw. ( : It is a -well-known fact that most of tlie Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this couii- g fa fowtlffr is absolntoly pure and very valnaMc. ffi'dWq jsotntns on Kmn win mKo kcus gj lay liKe snenaan'S uonaraon x;ow- ki dr. food. j mac. one lenspnomui m t?c uiui. . It will also positively prevent anti cure j HosCholera, &cf M?: ' ml m, .si.au. CHECKED CHOLERA, joSftw.: l fl. johkbosacu, Dr. Gheray & Darlington A nd Chcraw '& Salisbpiy 1 CB ; " .Societt Hill, S. C, Jan. 5, ISS5. ' On and after Monday, Jan.! 1st, 1885 trains on these Roads will run as follows every day, except Sunday : v DOWN TRAIN. Leave Wadesboro. 7 20 a m Arrive aCCheraw.. Leave Cheraw. Arrive at Florence. ......... ...9 10 am ..........10 25 a to .........11 40 a m UPTKAIN. , .; Leave Florence....... ......... ......4 l)pm Arrive at ('heraw ,, . 5 50 p m Leave Cheraw...... .6 25 p m Arrive at Wadesboro..... 8 00 p m Freight train will leave Florence at 6,im every day, except Sunday, arrive at Cheraw 10 40 a m., leave Cheraw at 2 p m., Darlington at 4 p m., arrive at Florence at . 5 p m., making close con nection with the Northern bound pas-? senger train on Wilmington, 'Columbia & Augusta Kailroad. B. D. TOWNSEND, President. Analysis toy Dr. A. Voelcker, P. R. S., Con ' suiting Chemist, Royal Agricultural Society, England, shows only a trace of nitrates in Blactwell's Bull Durham Tobacco. The sou ot the Golden Belt of North Carolina, in which this tobacco is grown, dont supply nitrates to the leaf i That ia the secret ol its delicious mildness. Nothing so pure and luxurious lor smoking. Dont forget the brand. None gen uine without the trade-mark ot the Bull. - AU dealers have it. When Mine concerts - drive away uleep.y our best solace is iouiiil ra plaekveW Bull VUr ham Ssioklng Tobacco. 1 :.D""v B?s?jfv ' DURHAM Sdksfl,3 ri:v.Nvj Eta trteessmsg. STOEE T0 REN1 M I will sell' as matiy as TWENTY LOTS, suitable .for store lots and residences, and on very noeral terms. 1 lnve also one new store now ready toient. F. B. GlBdONy Gibson's Ktation, N. C. Jan. 7th, 1SS5. The firm of flamp II. Covington & Bro. having been dis Dived by mutual con sent, the undersi oed will continue the business at the s ind formerly occupiod by Jones & Jlort ijWherc I will keep : A 'large stocj4ysters' OF . faCrackers, Ox'oceriesPick1! AND . .- Cheese, kies, , WH ICH WILL' BE SOLD ONLY. FOR CASH. IIAMP II COVINGTON. NOT DM PR BilOKFi! The best stock ever ofTered in Kock ham. " - Watcher all grades. CLOIKS; "FUBXtTURE,. kr Household Bewiny Machines. " ' ....... Also the KOVAL ST. .lOHS, the best machine on the market. . ' , Repairing , done .quick and warranted Thanks for past favors ; a continuance solicited. Call and - see for yoursel vea before purchasing. A trial is all 1 ass 1 . . . Y. S. FOWLKES, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, 40 tf. Rockingham, N: C. 1 Steele Bros.- AND DEALERS IN MISilCHANDISE, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. A FULL STOCK Always-on Hand. Bacon, " 1 Lard,f Hams, a Meal, Floury Oarsfeotiosiei' g3 Kxl-ell other Kraedle tat CTJRES-OatftrrU, Chol ra MorbtiB, Dysentery f Chronic Diarrhoea, Kid ney Troubles nd Smnw Du?Gtte8. Circlars trea. I. B. JOHNSON & VU Boston, juass. EXTEBNAL USE. - .mm j DrtTTT'PT. Cnmnlitlntll. T.TAXlAHIA. ?SS .iS" 5555555' theB9 Pill. Liver Pill.-Dr. T-M. Palmer, Montieeuo, m. T. S. COLE, Agent. S Ralph's Sweet Snuff is fast becoming the TOPUIiAU SNUFF in many sections, and the sales are fast increasing. ; . ' pecial inducements are offered to dealers to ive this Snuff a trial. , Stewart, Ralph & Co., 135 Arch Street, 3?hila,d elpTia, Pa. "The Gurresif?"J Tlie Foremost Wtelh Periodical of Oar Time. ADAMS EXPRESS BUILDING, CI1ICACO, V. S. A. ( : : ' 1 ' Over 3,000 of the most prominent journals of America and Europe have unqualifiedly pronounced Thk Current the finest literary, family and news jour nal extant. Pure injtone and charac ter, presenting ft vast variety of fasci nating literature from Upwards of 600 Contributors!"' giving terse and able comment upon all topics of human interest. Tjik Current is still a model of beauty and brevity, and -does every week what the pretentious magazines oncea month. i Ktrlingquality. N. T. Tribune. -Come to stay. Chicago Tribune. Brilliant and perm-men t. Cotmer-Joimal. Unprece dented suecens. N. O. Tima-Dem. It ideal. Milwaukee Wisconsin. Has no ri va I. San Francisco Al ta. Pen-act and ennobling. Toronto (ilobe. Bom com plete. Atlanta Constitution; A sturdy torchbearer of civilation. Critic, in cb'rhpa'rafele. Living Church. Dazzling from week to week. Memphis Ledger. Not surpassed.---Standard. The best. San Francisco Chronicle. r : The Ccrksnt is constantly providing "' UXEQUAI.ED ATniACTlONSI1 comprising the important analytic pa pers, by many eminent writers, on i'The American Type ; E. P. Koe's greatest of Anieiiciin serials, "An Original Belle," (which began Dec. 6, 1K84 No. 51 and will continue through 1885); such val uable series of papers as "The Land of the Lotos," by ex-United' States Kepre sentative to .Smni, David B. Sickles; "Echoes from Old Acadia," by the Ca nadian Uteiator, (J. G. D. Roberts ; "Col- H. Hooper;: "Among the Michigan Pines," by Charles Ellis ; "Untitled No bility ot Germany and Austria, by Dr. De Uriez Von Konse ; "Destruction ot American l'orests" by rrancu iving Carey, bjesides innumerable Essays, Ta pers, Sketches, short Serials, short Sto ries, and Poems of great power and in terest, from hundreds of the greatest authors. Subscribe at Once ! : PRICE, in advance : One year $4.00 ; Six months, $2.50; single copy, 10 cts. liouuu vols; (six months) gd.Ut). : The Current and Rocket One Year Only $4.40. . FACTS F.1GAR01S3 ma It w!ll purify and qnrlc.li Uie BLOOOrccw?i9 Uie LIVER and KIDNEYS, ami lMtsxOir tiri HEALTH and VIQOS of YOUTI ! ImiA discuses requiring a certain afid e.tlicietTOC!d especially JJysnc pa. Want of Apj)etUe,Im lion. Lack of SI la niKiffi villi luinicdiute and wotutuiiul resrats. ikUi. f-te.. lbs use M mtisclos and m i-ves receive uew foi-o.- EoiiYcila , uie mil) U ana supplies iiralit rowor. BE. HAETEa'3 lilOIT IONIC a sale atxl stee4T ciire. Jt k'vcs rlvnrand hoaUJiy coBiV'oll; Tiio stroimest leslimony to ilie vut&e of lU -IUiiTtK'S lnof Tj.nhj is that fi-ertjtitk:atS at eonnt'vr-ilinirl-iiir only uuih-l tt Hie poitiiJ&. fty ol thi! oiijiiiiitU li yon cnriMwily iWfihn lioiilaf Uo not experimetit fit-t lUe Ox (UNA L Au busts atioa j mr ufa rei n TJM I : St. Lot is. TVIn.. far nur "1 nil ot w UDKe uud useful UR. HAFfTER 3 IHOM TONIC IS SALS CY Alt 1 : Prutgists ans Deaixss EVanYwiicnsi : By yirtue-of an execution in my hands in-iavor of Goldsborough Myers & Pitts, L will sell at the court house door in the town of Rockingham on the firsfcTdoh"-. day in May, 1885, 12 o'clock sharp, the flGUi-E AND LOT situated on Wash ington street, opposite the Presbyterian church, the property of JfA Long, to satisfy the above exectflL-Jl ' BERRY BRYA'NT, Sheriff. : , y -: . .. .A-; . Advertising pays. tf' ' - m D ATIDT H w ith any d isease pecu lll U 1 ES ? i .iniar to your gentle ;sex ' "If sOrto yau wfe bring tidings of comrt 5 taE: iiffiEi) : and restorcd'to perfect health -by usm BradfieldV--' . Regulator! rf i, n Rnpcial remedr for all diseases pertaing to the womb, and any jntelli- i..'.....lf L tVlUn. cent woman can cure nerseu ujr.ii.v- inff the directions, v It is , especially ei Kcacious in cases, of suppressed or pain ful menstruation.-in whites and, partial nrolansus.'" It afiords immediate., icuei and permanently l-estores the menstrual function. As a remeay io.De.useq aur- us that critical period known as (Jhaxge ..... . i of IjXfb," tois mvaiuaoie preparatiuu has no rival.' Saved Her Lite. I.iDGE,-Mclntdsh County, (Ja. Dr. J . Bradfield Dear Sir : I have taken several bottles - of your Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases combined, of sixteen years -w m i r -. . . - 1 standing, and 1 leaiiy neneve i amcureu entirely, for which please accept my hearifelt thanks and most profound grat itude. I know your medicine saved my life, so you see I cannot speak too High ly in its favor. I have recommended it to several of my friends who are suffer ing as I was, ' Yours very respectfully, I Mrs. W. E. fcTEBBixs. ggf Send for Treatise on Health and Happiness 6f Women, mailed free. ' Bkavfield Regulator Co., ' d Atlanta, Ga.' Harper's AVeelrly. illustrated. Harper's Weekly has now, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America. With a constant increase of literary and artistic resources, it is able to offer for; the ensuing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, em bracing a capital illustrated serial story by AY. E. Norris, illustrated articles with special reference to the West and South, including fthe World's Exposition at New Orleans; entertaining short stories, mostly illustrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chief topics of the day. , Every oiio who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and in structive family journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter-press or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harper's Weekly. . , P ; ." : . Hamper's Periodicals. i iER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY, 1 00 4 0J HARPER MAGAZINE HARPER'rf BAZAR 00 HARPER3 YOUNG PEOPLE .2 GO HARPEPJS FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, Ono yt-ar (52 Nos.) 10 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. . The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the ithst' Number lor January ot each year When 'no time is -mentioned, it will? be undersfood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number rioxt after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Har per's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pain, or by ex press (provided the freight does riot ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $ 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on jjveipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post Otrice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ' Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. -. ' Address ' HARPER & BROTHERS, ".-" New York. -' t ' - - . C . C . Rail Road C o. Office !of General Superintendent,, 1 Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 20, 'S4. Change of Schedule. On and after Sept. 21st, 1884, the follow ing schedule will be operated on this road : PASSENGER. MATL A??D TXPEESS TRAIN. J Daily, except Sundays, . i Lieave viimingtonat.... .7 p. m. No. 1 . J- Leave Raleigh at . . . . . . 7: 35 p m J Arrive m Charlotte at. .7.30 a. m. V Leave Charlotte at.... 8.15 p. m 2. V Arrive at Kaleiirh at. . ,9.0ea. m No J Arrive at Wilmington at 8. 25 a. '.m, Passenger Trains -stop1' kt regular stations only, and points designated in the Compa ny's Time Table. i SHELBY J DIVISION PASSENGER, MAIL, EX j PKESSND FREIGHT. ' , ! Tloilif . nTfntt firliT jj ALJ j avjj v MUUUUJ, i 1? Leave Charlotte at. . . .8 15 a. m. I" Arrive at Shelby 12 15 p. m . Ho. 3. . Leave Shelby at I 40 p. m. r A : a r ? i a a - No . Trains No 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R.. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh i t t Through Sleeping Cars between "Wilming ton and; Charlotte and Raleigh and Char lotte. Vs '' Take Train No 1 for Statbsville, Stations Western NCR R, Asheville and points West. t jAlso, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens3 Atlanta and afl points Southwest. .. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. P. Wi.CLABK, General rassenger Agent.' Obtained, and-all Patent business at tended to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the IL S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washing ton. m. . -".', Send model or drawing. . We advise as to patentability free of charge ; and we make no charge unless patent i8 ge cured.; - - - - ; We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt.'ol Money Order Div.,. and to offi cials of the U.S. Patent Office' For cir cular, 'advice,, terms and references to actual clients in your own State df Couu ty, write to ... : - :. C. A". fNOW & CO., "Opp.iFatent office, Washington, D. Cv 'Shadss and1 Stales. S CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS :'; Endless Jas. T. LeGrand. " Chas. W. Tillett, LeGRAUD TILLETT, Attorneys at Law,' , Hockin frliam , iNT. O. ' Will practice in all the courts of the State. Will occupy LeGrancrs law office, where one member of the firm can al ways be found. ' - M.'E'R'C' HANTS We are now prepared to sell you RAILROAD MILLS SM1FF, ' .v HORSEFORD'S - . . BHEflD P EPiRATIOS, AND : :' '- J. & P. Coats' Spool . Cotton, HERE, at precisely the same price you pay for these goods in New York, or elsewhere, and still make a small profit. Then buy ot us and...-,:-. S avie tlie "Er eicrlit : We also offer vou . .. r' PEE DEE PLAIDS AND - - .'- ROCKINGHAM? SHEET1KE At Factoiy Vt ices. EVER ETT, ; WALL & CO . Rockingham, N. C, Sept. IS, 1884. A Great v cause of Human 5 Misery tlxo -Loss of : : : A Lecture on ih& Mature Treatmen t and liadical. cure ot Seniinal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea Induced . by Sel f- Aouse, LnvoiuiiiarytiiHiissilons, jmpo- tency, NervousJDeLihty -ahd- Impedi ments to Marriage: generally f Confurnp tion Epilep?yt?JyPs : fine'ntaJ andf p hybical In ca pacttyi &d.-Bf)0iei (JiTfcVERWELt., Al. D., autliar of tfere 'KJxeen Book,'&c. .-,.; The world-renowned autiior, in this admirablo Lec.ture, clearly 'proves from lis own experience that the awful conr equences ot iSelf-Anuse may "be enectu- ally removed without dangerous surgi cal operation,- bougiesjjfnstruments, rings or cordials: pointing. out a mode of cure at once certain land'eflectual, by wliica every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ihis Jectiue will prove a boon to thousands.aud thousands. Sent .under -sjal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt offour cents or two postage stainiis. "Address Th e Gulverivell 'Medical Co. , 41 Ann S4 Sew l orlf, N. V Post Office Box, 450. 24-ly. 25 YEARS lil USS The greatest Mjal Trih of tha Ags! ' SYMPTOMS OF A -TDRPlD'klVER.-'- L.ossoi appeti Bowel costiv Faiaia the bead, vri h a. dull sensatien in to . back part P;i nan: r the s' osi blade, FKlln as aftc- catins rrS hadi -inclination xcr:i n f body or rain -Irritability ; cap Lowepfrito, w.tB a eelinsof h. , ne ct.d some da Wearinocs, Dlz, cs ff lu-tc-ii 5.tlb Heart, Do fo'rtb. e Ilcadacho over tlio r c e St tlessn with fitful dreams, Hi? r oW f& r i4 CONST."PA5i-"0 t r TTJTT'S PIIXS are csrjeciaUy adapted ; to such casea, ono dose elleets smcIi r , ' chang of feelinff atoasitonirtUtliesufferer They Increase tlie A ppetltcnnd tuuse tbe ! body to Take u "leU, tlmsiha Trtra Ja BonrisHed.arii bythuir Toaric AcSioa on itu liciitiversu.iiL.Kejr"i!vr StooVsore TUTFSHWHYE.' Grat Haik or WEisKBita changed to a Glcwst Black by a single application of this DTE. It linparts a natural eoloi . act " instantaneoasly. SpUI . by Dragtfists, or . nent by express on receipt ofSi. Office, 44 Klurray St., Naw York. KER00SDEBILITY OKGAMIC WSAKKSS3 Dsrn. nn1 nnmRrotll HARRIS' flinctha nklliod "phy- vnuthfcil indiscrotion. A Radical Cure for l?ERVO"JS too freo imlultfance, or over brain work. Avoid iiie imposition ot prercn tious remedies for tlieso trouble; Get our Freo Circulsrrmd Trial Puck age, ani Jean importaw JL0 ll XMJtA yisfj tacts ceterc taiicK ment elsewhere. Taku ft 3SCAY, ST, EIms'itki tnYoun RED thousands, cueo mtcrfcre wita Htcn- 7 ration to business, or caota Tested for ov Years by use ThoucanoC j pahi or ineoTivcninc in jsnv wsv. vFnundcd on Jccitntific Tflfdical rjrinci plea. By direct eeplicatioa 1 io the smt ot disecae its 1. mo aspecifie influence ia felt - 7PM i iaural funotiotiBof tha hu- PACetACE - Pfl'jThc tainiitintl clment8 - trttEATMJZTTT. of life, -which ftave been . wa3ted arepiTen lMf:k,aTid the nn$ii.nhMvimrBchrer Two Months, - e.OOSfTJ, UThroa Month a. 7.QOi ful ami rapkllv (rams lioth trcxifrti iwd eczual rigor. : HASSS REMSSY CO., 'FGCHSa!ST3C soeET. xaivtb e.,nri'. ioir23K:o, , ,. 5 TURED PERSOMSlMotaTruSS. Ink J er A3k for terms of oir AtirllMice. Try us for job printing. i Variety. FOR LADIES ONY . ' A REMEP Y endorsed by the best Phy. biclans and druggists at home. A EEMDY that Mr, C. W.X)'Neil!, God waier, Aia., says raised ms wile from- an invalid's bed, and he believes saved t y her life. - - . -. j " A REMEDY of which a prominent At lanta merchant said : "I would have given $500 as soon as I would a nickl for what two bottles of your medicine did for my daughter." - A REMEDY in regard to which S. J. Cassells, M. D., Druggist, Themasvillt, Ga. says : "I can recall instances Id f ? which it afforded relief after H th . usual remedies -had failed.. r- A REMED Y abou t which: Dr. R. B Fer rell, LaGrange, Ga. writes: 1 hv used for the last twenty years the mKi -icine you are putting tip and consider ; it the best combination ever gotUiif i' together for the diseasd for which it.Is . recommended.' - .1: " ' . .'. ' A REMEDY which the Eev. H B JhH- son, near Marietta, G a. says he has used with the 'utmost satisfaction' and recommended it to three families 'who 7 found it to be just what it is recom- , " mended.' ' -"V A REMEDY of which Demberton, Tvr-" son k LennisQii say : "We have been selling it for many years, with con st-intly increasing sales. The article is a staple with us, and one of absq lute merit.' - , "' A REMEDY of which Lamar, Ranxin A ' Lamar say : 'We sold 50 gross an four months, and never sold it in ally plap -but what it was wanted again. ' ; A REMEDY by which Dr. taugli of L- ' Grange, Ga. says': "I cured "one of the most obstinate cases of Vicarious Mk strcation that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles.' i A REMEDY of which Dr.. J. C. Hum, ; 2sotasulga Ala. says : . 'I am fully eon- ; vinced that it is unrivaled for tliat1 class of diseases which it claims to curs. A REMEDY about which Mj. Johi 0, Whitner, of Atlanta; well and favor ably known all over the United tatoa as a General Insurance Agent, says t . , 'I Used this remedy before the war, on a large plantation on a great number 1 of cases, always with absolute success..' A REMEDY about-which Mr. J. W. Strange, of Cartersville, Ga. certifies that one bottle cured two members ' his family of menstrual irregularity v. : , y many years standing. This Great Remedy is Bradficld's Female Regulator Send for Treatise on the Health a4 Happiness of Woman, mailed free. , -j Bradfield Regulator Co., . ., Box 23.' :! - z "' Atlanta, Ga.:-! ' rr never - till P1ILM 1. q) 45 no eQ -reT S0 UNION SQ UAR E tDti YOWti 0 ' ... MASS. - OX ILL. TOR SSLE BY J . L. STONE, General Agent, ; i r , j' ; Ualeigh, N. -V. : J. A: WRIGHT, Agt. at KockinghftnSu rs i a I wiJl EsiOalsSlf S TDolIar to any gentle- mari or lady out oil employment who will tak( the trouble io answer this adver tisement and inclcsojhe return postage. 1 Will alfo mail you instructions for mak ing ha'oney which will enable you to real ize a fortune. Business new, light, gen teel and strictly honore.. ; Jacksboro, Campbell Co., Tenn. : LINEii HAEKERS.v : your w'YLST-- delible ink1 and brush, sent post paid for 23 cents. Address, - ' - J. B. BARNES, Kockirgfiam, H. C: i i J