Rockingham Rocket; BY II, C. WALL. OVKR EVEKETT Office: , WALL & COMPANY'S. -:? r ",. 6UBSCKIPTION BATES I One year, .. Six months, Three months, All subscription accounts jmust be paid in advance. , $1.50 .75 .40 W Advertising 'rates furnished on application. ' THE WATER THAT HAS PASSED. repeated by Lawrence liarreix, - xruxu Songs in "The Man 6' Arlic." ' . ,1 -AS Listen to the -water .mill , Through the live-long day, jrow the clanking of the wheels Wf ars the hours away ! Languidly the autumn wind Stirs the greenwood leaves ; . From the fields the reapers sing, ; Binding up the sheaves, ' And a proverb haunts my mind, -; As .a spell is cast 'The miU wIir never grind; -5-- "v ith the water that has pas sed . " . . ,. . . .... : . " ,i Take the lessn to thyself, . Living heart and true ; Golden years are fleeting by, Youth is passing too ; Learn to make the most of life, Lose no happy day ; Time will never bring thee back Chances swept away, ' Leave no tender word unsaid, ( f ' Love while life shall last j "The mill will never grind -: With the water that has passed Work while jet the daylight shines. t ' Wan of strength and will ; Never does tho streamlet glide : J "Useless by the mill.; ''- Wait not till to-morrow's sun -Beams upon the way ; AH that thou canst call thy own . Lies in thy to-day, Power, intellect and health ' : May noi can not last . "The mill will never grind With the water that has passed. Oh, the wasted hours of life That have drifted by ; Oh, the good we might have done, ; . Lost without a sigh ; : ' . L- Love that wo1 once might have saved By a single word ; Thoughts conceived, but never penned, 5 Perishing unheardj , r : s , (Tak the proverb to thy heart, Take I oh, hold it fast I "The mill will never grind .With the water that has passed The Evil of Intemperance. iudk agams Job Printing " Having recently purchased first, class outfit, wq axe preparec to do all kinds of - , .PLAIN" AND, FANCY JOB PRINTING H. C. WALL, Editor and Proprietor, TERMS : $1.50 a Year in Advance. IN THE BEST, OF STYLE Vol. III. Rockingham, Richmond County, N. C: July ,9, '1885. t 1:h.-Hi k U A . No. 28. And at Living Pricei?.f The End of the Man that Hanged Mrs ' rattr-A Suicide. " - ' Sar- 1 lie . servants. No throngs- walked about his remains lying in state. Edwin Stanton was his name. ;A hog he lived. As a hog he died, He was Secretary of War under except that hogs .do not' cut'their Republican rule, and such was his own throats nor have their blood by- lack of good sense and knowledge of spirit hands thrown up in their faces men that he was the cause of the as went tne spatters up into ms race deaths of at least 50,000 men more in a way the attendants at his deatlj than need have been killed during could not understand. Pomeroys the war . t! " e - V a S. Democrat. He was also the brutal, cowardly murderer of Mrs. Sufratt, a woman againnt whom there was not one par tide of truthfuTevidence that- could . Labor and Thought. . in any manner death qf LpTtcoln. To go Beast Butler one wIt is only by, labor," says Ruskin, i ' xv '.'that thbught dan' be made healthy, connect her with the f , , s if x . : ... , J ana omy oy inougni inat xauor uau , v be made happy." Now, if the latter better, and j :'vXi.iiv: are thus to rise one degree higher in in- fl , ; . . , ? the modern processes of industry a titUiV, tJUtilXbUU ClliiXXXCKXCU. HiXi, I - - -1 . aLaa nfMan$m the wrong way, for surely the - , . ,, ., ,. -. J tendency 4of every mvejitive improve excellentchrisUan Ca holic lady.- QIeTihe ?V x- 7 -n Httid thinking .which he had pre P?11 that permitted ioualy: d d to transfer the it to be ever said. ' J ' : j ' A ,j being only ' this little satisfaction and he or s"he would work Ayith a cheerful . hand. Can . any . office- be more trvinsr unon the sense of ease than the duties of a ; nurse does not every nurse put forth efforts which j can never be requited with money? Do not the workers in ten thousand callings add to the , thing 1 BOX NYK VISITS -HIS BIRTHPLACE. ""Where He First Met His Parents" son for American Toutha! -A lies' Mr.! Wilklns Speaks His Mind to Mr. Vias.. ( .!.... .'Jij;fi iiB listrict "thalt ; npminated in the bond - some Utile. en(j ' the other, day that Pltautv have always kept my birth-1 reference to numerous appointments;' ' iX , Then Edwin M. Stanton saw that made his' midnight hours ture unendurable !; Night after nigl did the,' spirit of Mrs. Surratt, pale and with agonized, features, appear at his bedside ond point to the rope marks on her neck. Iii vain did Edwin M; Stanton Im plore her to begone and appear. 'no more. In vain did he turn his face to the wall, and with hands clinch cd over his head, wait and wait for her to depart. But she went not till painstaking' whicli discloses their se cret the secret; that they love their work rather because it fills a place in the sum of earthly, endeavor than because they themselves expect to profit by the extra exertion?: Did the man who mounted the cabinet of 2,000. humming-birds in the mu seum of Central Park, in New York City, expect a return in cash for his toil ? Did Pasteur or Koch or Fer ran! expect to sell the 'microbes by th.e, pair if they should . succeed ip branding and breeding them ? I can that if a man only under- the datum and plan of a city's ight work his home I pre, lor-in jispi erewjqu ith a feeling of triumph over, per- wwr? haps one of the greatest diffieulties some day rise out of the excavation civilization. Maybe he doe's that hi which he then toiled.f The dread- onrna -nxrT T an vf T ful "organization 'of labor" had not clonbt it. - begun. But how is it nowadays ? i T J.wi iw. 4,.ww"i Look over there at that gang of men, mitt;nr out his candle and nackine in the momingf 'misl and his countleS8 kit, if two nlumbeis smoke of a great' city. . They are onu rt0i,0- v,rtr mfitnhiv i - . I ..t.tAAVL 11 JU.bUljl I1A4U 1 .. CJ X than one . alone. He turned scorer them away in the spring of '53, say ing, -"Parents, this is no place for us," it then became quiet. ; It is the only birthplace I have, however, and L hope . that all the years for the public to visii it, and readere wlU. feel perfectly to go banker,:with a round-shaped head' ' , .. - - . ! i therfi Rometimfi ariH visit, iL and rar- AA UAkTi UtLmn tlfi as there didn't seem to , be mucn or - - - -.77-1. rj v . v" H .?yf'' w a ! rush this Spring, I thought I ry their dinner as Idj4. : Extrava: home baUiwick,; Mr..Wilkins cal; " - - . ' 1 TOTif mH 1011 fir. and Avarfl ATOinflr w ra I J - AT T 1 1 wrv4ls ' wmilrt an nnrl visit. itTnvsfilf 1 was I 6""" , u.wuyuuig ea, on ue f osuntuswr vreiieiai wim Last week I.visited my birthplace in the State - of Maine. - L waited 30 I was r isenah i Nyilkins , is an gressman. He has a . district represents - anywhere from 5,000 X9 8,000 Democratic majority.. , He;is a the public did not seem to manifest the interest in my j birthplace that I thought it ought to, and he said I ought not mind that. "Just wait," said he, "till the people of the Uni ted States have an opportunity to yfeit Jy our tomb, jand ; you will be place back.-" Bill Nyet. A CABINET OFFICER'S VIEW. imenaa- that he had requested for his dis trict. He.was Risked for the papers,' and handed out a formidable' bun-'iV die. The Postmaster-Geheral pic' A Continuance of the Spoils System "Would ed UD One and began to read it." -Hfi,:r , x , , . . . , w .... . . . , ... . i said irresentlv V J ' v ' ' 1,1 Ahc nTninismtinn inese.are strong recom surprised to see how they will run lasts the more, confirmed tits nem-tl0n7.,; ltAiY?.rn- c-nnreinn TiTia nr fiiAro A Mnwp. rk -parinf ' tVio laot I asamst the present, mcu: head Lake, or wherever you plant Cabinet officer, ar. of the absoiute presume you;; have read, m 'Mrbd-' yourself.; It will be a perfect picnic, necessity and. extrpiiie .impornce far y... hff ... .. .Tjf:,,lJt Ynnr hold . on the' American Tieonle. nf thft ivil law and of aii;! "Qh, yes.' T have' read it.?: . ' . ' William,, is wonderful, but your which it implies. A Cabinet officer , , ,Veii, mere j'on't find ahv 'charges iil resent!' incumtjeiit L'I:f" e man are no cnarges nere r-- .iu-s'- '4M'4ut x want juu iu uun axx io .man wno iff in- a1 iU . i.j 07 Jul .-'t waiting for 7 o'clock to come. - The niah of long, ago would have begun ii v fear horn" of cowardice, as she was sent by the God of Justice to appear in judgment agaiast him.- 1 am aware that there is prejudice anv man engaged in the-li quor traffic. I do not believe, nfcith er have I ever heard ot any person engaged in the liquor business who did not grow worse instead of better. There is not one man. out often but what will come out worse than, he started in; if he does not in dollars and cents he will in some other way. Look at men who have thrown them-. selves, away with the poisonous stuff, that pught to have made useful men but alas, where do we find them ? Some in the' common .jails,, some in the work houses of the State for life, some in the asylums and some have filled premature graves. All we have to do is to think of the wrecks on either side of the stream of death, of the suicides, of the insanity, of the poverty and destruction coming from liquet Intemperance cuts down youth in its vigor, manhood in its strength; it breaks the heart of the, parents, it extinguishes ;hatural affection ; de stroys conjugal love, bldts put filial attachments, blights paternal hope, and (brings premature age in sorrow and dishonor.,- to the grave. It pro dupes weakness, and not strength ) sickness, not health : .death, hot. life. It covers the: v land with - idleness, misery arid crime. It produces con- wroversies riots. It crowds DUrv peniteht: he, would look 6utand-tith a cry "They never sends two Thpv spuria ii i -r - i x x l 1 1 ivo , 'cIat. lip-irtmh . trt i hi--. .hlaii1e! VUTltj:" ... - r.-"'. ' lone plumber and a 'eiper r l noi.- ana pomiea to inc. rupcmur8 uui -1 - - - f kvll1r, nnw ho :7v - ; " her tliroat! ! rvc;- T, T.tei:- ne was daily rewamed ior nis battles with kitchen-carelessness. -I .1. i m but he did see her. and his. whitd "r .i v.'i - u:J Perhaps, also, tne very unuunt Hveredsoulgrewmoreblanchedw P'--W-3 have some wisdom that a phildso m thc ir, and brings it to tiie earth may add to his own poor little wim uiu uimuui uuuu,c "M8tock of knowledge. I saw two . 1,18 6U"VC11UIU "movers." Thev came down the street, high on their chariot, their on the palms of their hands, . V 1. ' ,11., ox angm,nury -u. Ask. one of these present " a , again and again. No mattcT where , V xi;jU f3 lu x.J pwmDers to a oube. tissue. Previous to uic war; wnen f-ttwin the sodden ground, pushes it to the M. totanton was a worser witn iJ-m- minimum shovelful, raises it at the a norn.ts thouprh never a Democrat at ;i i i' lx; . t. xv.l heart, one of poKtical end? Lontractor wiu pay moriey.and lays Xf arm nstsnnifi.tps wns Hnn. iTiflPfin .1. 1 xi . n ' . xi: : :xU I Sws nf lfe Sma." CaU they went in after the kitchen stove, - t 7 : i LiiemosLcareiuiiv--caicuiai.uu liiLerixii . . -T T ' 1 1 ' ill' I fetate oi rsew i orK, ana ever a truin- ot total inaction. yhy does he pro lui, tsaness genueman, nvmg to tnis a -nv. ortv. - VJoi,-kVo; 9 Rn, day, and still a man of commanding cause he is not makin2 anything. miluence. lot long belore his death tt nn iv-;r, , TV.n wlrl Edwin M. Stanton said: to Judge Indian with all the horrors which Tucker aforesaid:. ,-;-v - . b hnW inflicted nn him. was a no icni x . nr c- xi I xuub - woman, .. xrs. ourratx, is ui x,, - - I U1CL VyJ-CCAbUXC. they walked, witn the ceremonious pace of a pall-bearer. But they came forth, the stove in their. arms, with no slower step. The o'er-ambitous goodwife gazed upon their motions while they were not freighted, and the fire that had often quaked the you the man l want to get in is a - Democrit- j 'y, Tilnlb "A "th'at doesn't comply wnttde-'' quirements." ; . . ,i, "And J.he" man I warit'td get:6utT is a ranting Republican. "".sn "Then you should maKebhiiTges'- "That is-iall the charges I; ferrf ! Another package of indorsements was taten ' up:-but tn'yOTo!11 tixc&sxuau xcuuxxcvx UU. XIXXVX LUUJV lXJC power- Uheir' enemies. ; I am convinced that -'W? ? , r , j tvttr a. ii. . vaa ,,.,,,1 k "I understand vou. do 1. heiSre-' that course, would have flungthe ported assaying,; Jatpti erinntrv inh, turmoil f and, furv ' in requires me to make oath toffltf . Tll i 1 T 1 AiiiH lODorer mav ne 1 i i :i t ? - 1 ' . .1 driving me insa x Bcu iiur, uvy aiit-i u aiuuu uuies r Institute. He mav be nrenarinfr , . . w r i i X-..-1. 1 1 j . 1 -x" - 1 01 lNature. ine oersisrence oi iorcc. !eei municn .on myauuiuer for Girard CoUege. Hemay bemk-- p wprI Hoinc, "the work of nnrm mv tnroaT,. 1 nannot eseane - .1 r . n t . 1 1 :- o x v. .- - : r - mer ior tne v asmnffton or ine IjIck i il . . u ah xi xi, her!" i . : 1' r T 1 4 . T . i lie worm. aii oiucr pcreuua uic- TmnnWin reT.lierl Tiirlo-e ' ! " OHZed abOUt "mOVmg." They mOWl. Imagination, replied Judge K , d d 1ffht d pft . nrol , , x .A & , . Tucker. - : J .0 . "7 uneyaoouui, At nigxu mey ;Koth:bilMt TeherTfpeTrV5 r' had done it all, and it was well done.. 71--! - , to me m presence palpable, as one who is in no hurry. ' She knows that I murdered her, and I kripw that I murdered her to satisfy public clam or, when ; I had full power to save her. She points to her throat and she touches mine with a motion that means the knife ! I shall have ! hd more rest ann -7 . teener;- -Xieei Iirl,or nrA VnowlerW nnrl lfo-ht , , ' r t i I I 4 I lXX W . Ml4X VXXV AJkAJhV MIA A V AJtfc J V I ft a w tlfMI I r V'rx TT n V -v I r IT . her. She ismv NemesisI She comes WUU1U ----- i - , - . ; . , . I lui niia wxctv;xxcvx .xxxuii, morning sees but who this less family thefnext day. death would seem to assure it. and isa-id: to vour, correspondent "aJ, few rf nnrofolliTQ Tm iflfontiNTl nAW I A n ttcs n rrrv "Tint fni- tVtia law rm ri I a Democrat. The existing, but still m a nebulous and the public sentiment whichj opposes .-yF-; "V, , ; t -f.4 f! , r,,h (l, ; .fr gummystate.'V : " : ! merely partisan use pfpu pUce ! "Yhut..m. A iuau ougn ,1101.. to crjucise uib 1 ana.aenouucetj ine epvut y pwrw: w: j -rr-TrbTfrr f;rvf n to-r r if , ,1 t -i 4 ixii, iTT. . j 1 i " Kinn ir T.n f birthplace. ;r presume,. ana yet, 11 1 should, J. am Qonyincea,iaveja rev- were ipuo 11 an over again, x uo no- olution alter or Deiore every presi know whether X would select that dential election, in. a very. few. years, particluar. spot or not. . Sometimes I The hunger fpr office, while it s sin think I would not. And yet, what gularly limited in one way, compar mempries .cluster about that old itively few people being infected with house ! There was the . place where it, is astonishingly vehement and fu I first met jmy parents. It 'was at rioiis. If you could see and. know that time that an acquaintance all the applications for office jihat I snrang uo which has ripened in la- know of vou would be amazed. I make osWill make. 1 r i v i-.jli n 1 1 Li Kiiai.i r-n 1 iiti.u x. nil 1 1111 iiiith r iv 1 11 11 in m i it ii j i . m li i iiiM 1 - . . -1 - teem. It was tnere that what might was shot. He unfortunately was !' "Then! ptke &t be called a casual meeting took I persuaded ' into . the fatal , course ,. of place, that has, under the alchemy ! .rewarding his and some other peo- links, forming a pleasant but ful bond of union between rents and myself.; For that reason ! linno tr Kq cTntr1 r tnv -nnTentfl fnr I nf i4. liirmniT fnrv in I requires, me many years to come.,. : six weeks after the 4th of March: ferxsiyepartship ofalUh Many old memories now cluster we should have seen a repetition of masters you about that old home, as I have said. 1 th wilder eitement of four vears do ypu ?" There is, also, other old bric-a-brac agofwhkh culminated in poor Gar- j , Exac said; th6' ;Posiriiaster- which has accumulated since I was field's assassination. The country General, whp $6hll$0WmB born there.. I took a small stone and the Deniocratic party,! as well, disappearing, but. was fmikerf,,:jf6t from the front yard as a kind of owes & deep debt of gratitude to the Ohioan continued "memento" of the occasion and the President Cleveland lor the firmness , , "Xou needn t trouble vourseii to look anv further., .iou 'won't find , detected yet. j There was another engagement in regard to the publis ahy such amdavits. lniir section stone" in the Vard, so it may be service. l ean sa v . to you 'that he of the. country' 'we have too Bcli;f ' weeks before any one finds out that has been the master of us all in this spect for our neighbors to be filing took one of them. : matter ; and I will add that while I sworn amaavixs againsx weirpjau- How humble the home, and yet believe in civil service reform I never cal character. I want' a lemocrilt what .a lesson it should teach the saw before the absolute necessity m. 1 want a Kepupiican cm like.. I . - VS.-' - ' ;- I r . 4- XX v44 XI " M'W boys of America ! Here amid t barren and .inhospitable -waste , ; r ' . , I . 7 . .J 11- 4- --Wv.'- ,i ,.11 rocks and cold, the last place in the ance, as I have learned to see it publican tninKS that the emocratic world that a great man would nat- since I have been a cabinet officer. Administration is made Xrp ot blaflK- ed tools that it hasn't turned"iiim of out loner ago. .The Democrat thinks . I X x ... ... . 1 t j -xs?i i -n . x I ., - -j. . Tx .,1 L,aJ aiaea enorus, ;in uittrr years rose 10 tne SOOlls svsieiii. xt wuuiu uireu bllU . LiVfcA 41V4g41V VI UUtl444UDW4 WV I V VlX IX VXVlXX . Laramie City, Wy. T., and, with ah itat 6Y4 'J want sworn charges: the hour Let no kind reader think, either, with the cold, dmnerm tne bucket, that t am a pessimist. I have read and who can hardly hope the night ofan axchaic stone-picture revealing will ever come at all?! Oh ! you Ge- j.he m Jthods by which a column was mous oi progress, nasten your re- put in place at Karnac. A thou wards, for the millions are 4 offering sand men-oxen of Ramesesor Sethos' as sacrifices, and the full propitia- time gtood on each side of the pillar. ui, n.A i,4,, 4,;.,, J When the word was. given to tne UU UOl Lll.' ' V4Wli i I.LH 1lVri I n . v . . '- ' w my soul to her, and as I had no m er- cy for he, it is ordered that shall have none lor .mine ,1 ; I wrkiTYruvrfi hv laahorl tho TYier-nTfn v i eii, x,iAn 1 ""jfT7? J " ' t - she ii " iir x- x. - 11 i.i t and the men-oxen, alas ! knew it was t sne himself , many of his old rights. I . . . . , v , , . t xi- tirhe to push, and to push hard.- x ,teu gaV a mason at work m the r.eliar. r. J . . - . MWauceson- y0Uy judge, iny life'is ih hell, and His sreies,xbstera.quarrels,,chh .thVreVbut . It crowds DUrv pemtehtianes vifn t? r ' ' ; -! -xxc. . .It .was; not long after this interview au. Vith the Recreant ;atoriil that and furnishes Victims Jon the scaf- JP1J TX il-i- T T J J?il lum... .4.11 is gamuier,.! x-x.t-ji . ! Qtortfnn iu - - . , . the ihsnimtilvn t hnar the. th Edm M Stanton the piiceim- were escaping from the great temple ... , . i, . , uurs are tne nappiest aays, sorry ub trowel .rang out the march of l,: v . - a hours i the drawers of water mjxed his cement and beclouded the they' iiiay heiy The scourge has been UUI it Wit V U. UUC J.TXCV1 uou D Xb was.,i ! The sun of hope has arisen but ah 1 it is -yet far to the south. The charity of- men is still a cold ray of com?ort. John McGovera, in the "Current."' .- ... .... ,j .;i ,t ; gaxxxxt?xxL xiu uufc.ui. ,to tuuyu.-r- fwittpr or the Rwn lows from the lnn- xiot. honor p terror, :not safety : de- 'iV r,Vfl';T -fei TA''w cwlll?-r1 ine Saii9WS.jrom tue ian snair not hone rniserV' notiharmil grefttQnme be atongd for, he .tem of the spire near by; Ho Lmust spair, not hope, imseryrnotpm: wa) naj epe her.lash.'Edwinr not this mason's heart have some ness..Tt doesUhafeland more it al a- 'a i "frl i: i -ct - not snia-piaBon s heart hae some- V.-Y Stanton nien hv hid nwn Tiatirt -.Hp i t . : c i . ii -ni - murderetheEoul.-.-. iinvcnitell .T"Tr77-r, ?:7S" tnmg or ms noDie .caning in What iWiUnot do, ifyoupnt Uquor 'S r,! WU8t-en0t' M he lJld thc promisbo( many motcin-a .x :-i x xi oi . w i . .4 . - -- Shelby is' proving f itself this year more attractive than ever before. largef vnumberrof visitorsj are, here now than ever before ', at this time o the vear. i The ; Cleaveland Snrings . . , ' xIUS "U VUllBlUCiauic viunu tututuf I western who' knew 'the i :- i .1 r Biorxii-ciouu, m tne x-.. j ,tv.,-: v-s ,e ... - , , - u. I X3 W Utt)N XlUlUlg .U5 4UUUVUP w .'.rr,, " ' , ---p jny and fAugust this piacewiiU)e for him the metempsychosis. of his 1T; u.x:. irtlT Af u some otner material together f died in a pr0per manhpr. tii-i i?i iUV') -r: ; were' they among , the many. .It is 'the father M-WftS heart and i hope? ..This, then, New Era; . pf aU crimWthe motier of all abbm-: : ifUr ?lfB, bor, heaven-given, the only boon for - - inatiohsVthe devil's' bestf friend and Ain(?niaD43orP thf odd t ran -rom which -man,, will; ever in secret re-j We were shown a very pecuhar ' , 7 ,. ' h,o lrrrtotrtliX TK'a 4nm nniiA -4nn u.. -: xi 1- 1. L'1 ix.l jod s worst enemy. Cor. Lenoir Topic. his throat-cut. The fags were car- main thankful, thouerh . he revile it ried away from the house. His throat by day and by night J ' - was bound UD and when his body ..! cannot brinV rnvself. to believe "Bonnets come high this spriiig'I was iprepareAibr huTial.-tiie thWt that every ' man -unon the! earth remarks a fashion paper. :The man was muffle oe' chih Cloths should not .thorouffhlv' understand Who has the misfortune to sit behind were wrapped tight about it to help the work he1 is doinff. ' I s wish ha one at the theatre is fully convinced ke-p the secret. No such burial was mightknow it so well that he should w XHWl. I rriirvtt h,, I i X 1 X 1. .'! 4-4 .,..i MO iu 5 i tv iiwiivaip liuu- jst; xisj UBC1 UlUCM. VJiVB U II Ulil so, too. estimate of the future that seemed almost prophetic resigned before he was characterized as. an 1 offensive partisan. ; ' : Here on the banks 1 of the raging Pjscataquis, where winter lingers in the lap of spring till it occasions a good deal of talk, there began a ca reer which has been the wonder and admiration of every vigilance com mittee west of the turbulent Mis souri. rs.'ii'."'!r -' 'a 1 There on that spot, with no inher itance but a predisposition to pre mature baldness and a hitter hatred of ruin : with no personal property but a mlsfii tsuspendeirAJtone- oruise, Degan a nie nistorywnicn has never ceased to! be a warning to people who sell froceriesbiK credit. 'T. t t 1 ' I fl44i."' . - ,"?1 . 1 , . it snouiu teacn tnoyoutn oi mis Sarali Wouldn't and She Was Right. . There was a wedding tour in this direction the; other day,! and the happy couple were accompanied by three others. It was a sweet specta cle to see the four pairs promenad ing up Jefferson Avenue, with hands clasped and a taffy-like smile spread And so' tip I. MK:Vila;'dnd blank mejf Tevef set T6ot'ixl, jolir department . again. Muwhen you come knocking around Congress for an appropriation, 1?yythlindeiiV 111" see that you either-etir the pudding or give up the; ladled GoOd-day, sir." Paper WJtlx the Eight rName. V The DryWash ;Arina:'"lJyrc tells' this: story ': 'Billy' ' Mascot of faceand hundreds of M divide, has' ider over every pedestrians stopped to gaze and ad TvaanH-i An te- satisned with y--y xyw6-vy, -r If UkfcJJLJL W M W - w ... r The porter that beats the.Dufeh. Evcry Thtirs- of a wholesale y 7m-.uXf r"ur 6WB the "Lyre"' Iwhich 'he 'finds' I'lMing -".'. .... 1 mire. house what he could see, but stopped the "Is it a case of love?" .m : ;if ..iij'..-..-.Tiaki.. 4. there carries it into the hoitseV'Then ai: peaVs aixd:tal it Efrhim'1This Iw hoTv?" same ganuer aieugura w uic-Tfxujxgv.-, iticira'htxhfe'irrduxid his "You bet ! replied the young "Are they extreme UJ Teat, n-hilinor over. . . . i xi ...i f.i homelierht VY liv uuu 11 yu auu who 514. 4v. I , -, , , ... . . v,i . n- ix- , utwv fiH," willin ' hut Sarah -Cht . to imBIhdsoes iViper mil ;v. 1 XV; ux yong land what glorious possibilities fegrchunks on me. I've asked her may lie concealed in the rough and over twentv times to have me. of 4 needles. -1 . the" other1 ddv.'iiwith nf 1 a aouar i vui unuer xns Tvmgi i x w ' tease him, Jim gave hitil'htFentmge ; but ' Mr. Gander kneV It wasA't a it's no go. 1. i:nj a . Af r x-ka 1 'straischf ' iie.wa1adaine mnnentSWhenAx arOUhd the 'stotmhim UliXXCX D1UV 4U m - an worm found in a garden here. It is green in color, and has a head and neck exactly like a bull-dog. No one in this place has ever seen one like it. Idncoln Press. . , - The policemen in Pensacola sport umbrellas while on duty. tough bosom of the reluctant pres ent. It shows how steady persgver-f ance and a gopdjippctite willalways win in the end. ' It teaches us that wealth is not indispensable, and J man telces me to a icircus aiid crawls 1 -ir? jfon that it r we live as we should,, draw nder the eanyass to saye "expenses, ot.vl?-.r aa 'V ' v uui vii r44V,v0 , w x,xVv M444V, and tnen canT seeiue iuau wiui, v and then die a few days before the lemonade nor public absolutely . demand it, the j- wouWnV hiteh! to him- if j matter of our birthplaoo wUl not be had go! out and set a bear trap to considered. . . ' catch a partner !'d)etroit- Free Dim, my uiruipiiuju xq an rigiit asi pyggg. a birth place. It was a good, quiet . . t . . 1 : j : ' 1 l . I . . v-v . . - r T ,.. ii T1 piace in wnicn xo De oorn. i All the i rile in iact, jmibs xxigntnean x ,ve ' Parson's Puipitive1' Pills ia,rc a yn$&;iri peo'lelbf the South "and South-west; iThey effect ually prevent fever'and ague and all malarious diseases .and' cost only 25 ceiits'a boxT'-T--, : "x The report -eifwulatedv Native to the death of , Mr. ilds .or lxaurens, old neighbors said that Shirley was a eood mind to give up art altogethr a very quiet place up to the time I er and yolunteeer for active service. cf the Wizard Oil Troupe m Virginia, was born there, and when I took my She Oh do I . I should so like to j8 not true. ' -JJoth are aiiye "dV,d do.- parents by the hand -and gently, led know somebody in the war Puck, r ' 1

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