r BY H. C. VALj.: " -. Ofijce: OVBR I KVEBETT, WALL 4 C30MPAY!S. SUBSCRIPTION BAIKS une Year...,-.... 1.50 Six months, . - i : .75 Three months,.".'.... -j .40 1 t& AH subscriptions accounts must be paid in advance. j' ' Advertising rates furnished on ap- I lication. . . -. . '- - V ' THK OLD AND THE NEW. j f The New Year's sun ; in risen upon a party df rituUers crossing the Pee Dee. The placid stream" was emblematical of peace. In recount- S . ll r i f iU ArAA n-nA it. A 4m- jihies' of; the preceding day's jaunt Among the hills; tbo ! pleasure gen uine withal was'ne'vertheless chas tened by tile "reflection that the old I year was dead, . . gone, and with it many a glorious thron Of happy dreams., its mark is on eacl brow, ' - : 5 - Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course' -;-v a ' ?j -. -'t! i: It waved its sceptre o'er'the beautiful, And they were ndtr ItlaHite pallid hand Upon the strong man; bud the haughty tonn ' " Is fallen, and the Hashing eve is dim It trod the hall :of revelry, where thronged The bright and joyous, and the tearful wail Of stricken ones i& heard where erst' the song .': j . ' - And reckless shout resounded ;" and, in the moment of wafting a kindly farewell to the old, la rainbow was plainly marked through the morning' fog, as if "tjhroned in celes tial sheen," and betokening renewed promises for the new year, This editor, sentimentally inclined. noxeq me coincidence, unu, uau uis crayon been atvlharid,.the Rocket's reader's miht' not bave been spared a pi ctiife'bf cheering, if not poetical fancies. Fortuilateiy for them, how- PVAr fhn frl nw wna BV!inpAnt nnd ,now, "forgetting th 3 things" that aire past" ev'eii' ''the pretty hbughts .that dawned upon ; us that lovely moraing-r-Yre can Only be practical ff anything; ahd:, 6' that -end, See heartily wish for pur patrons, one and all; a 'happy 'new year.' A BKIEI" SKETCH ' OF VIRGINIA'S FA- , L- ;?.'3 serroRiTBj son. ftn ill a 1Kt.li "nfrlflfit mnnili . flip Lynchburg was elected by tlie Gen a a va w&au r ua.itivik - A-u a &a. eral'Aisetiibly of Virginia to the U, iliam 'Mahorie, whose term expires : larcin ioc com in ampoei . tfdutity, Va., on the 5th of September - ftiajor uanieji is comparauve- Ty a yong"nran;:the youngest in the Lhite'd Slatc.S Senate, except Sena tor jvenna 01 ycsl Yirania. wno tr Tin ii irj ' " t was born in 1848, Wis. lather lor a long time, as a : WUUgU, UUU1UCU HUJ V 11 111111 VAJUCIr fiP'ltTTela. "itYkfl Vila mnfriitr wna ffiA daughter of Mr.' John 11. Warwick wbo in ante-bellum days was one o business men of liVncnpurg, va. In cohseqfience of the war Major Dan iel inherited from his fathers only their honored natives and those high characteristics of mind and heart ' which are the sure basis of substan- ' 4-Vrtl Am i n An f a ' l?Ai onTruval paa ia V a was a studeht of Lynchburg College Where he stdb'd high in his; class and was noted for fife manly! bearing, genua uisposiiiuu, auu emufc aiten- x He was a stuldcnt under Prof. Wm Carrollj of pur ' town, wh6 re- ; members him as a" brillianft hih souled' and'' intrepi.d boyVnBsaessed . of the vet 'aualiles that 'nl'Eim'fcfc " leadership; 'andf its responsibilities." : When Virginia; called UDon her eons to'defenS'er1"' hoiipr on - the - lei, though a mee - school boy, a . private in lae ran us. At the battle rtf Trifst. Alanassaa he sealed with his Z mon wealth.1 iiisi cool courage and ' -: I... .! , , conspicuous gallantry soon won jut iiiuj pruiuuupu unu? wuuu yet so iyoungj he, was i hoibred with:the star of a maior. While eallantlv leadincr acnarae 01 uie dru Jtjeiment 01 the old. Stonewall is risade in the battia ofther Wildetnes he fell like a liero from a wound that Well nieh tsroved : totfit s a stuaenc 01 law at toe uni- Aitw"it 'va Ann n nnnnr nia orair t the University i'had the honor of -- llrifn1 'ptrtrAd Orator of the Jefferson iori'was a masteriyJ Effort and gave fiiirnefit of his futute career. -1" ' : Iieara in counuu vt tv u . ;n.rs against the; machinations 01 the Arnrnarv -horde, .which, after the 4 , ' .- i...' 1 - Rockingham I Rocket; laiai anu wuiwi jjaa acrfq oun a cripple -in a:surr life.''":. v. After' tiVe' 'clos'ie' of the'arhe en- hostilitiep, came down uponVirginia like an avalanche to 1 consume what UtUQ UCtH 1EU , -- UIG UBV ation of war : and against the designs of some of her own sons who could not resit t the temptation 7 .-v To "bow the pregnant hinges of the knee That thrift might follow fawning. . To him Virginia is indebted for many of her most salutary laws. As a member of the General Assembly he was either their originator or ad vocate." As a lawyer he ranks among the first in a profession where a high order of intellect, solid attainments and untiring industry are requisite o secire any great success and per manent reputation. His work on "Negotiable Interests" is recognized with others as authority in i the courts both of England and the Uni ted States. As an orator his orations on Lee and Washington, as well as his many utterances before the people, attest his claim. Now that he -has been transferred to a broader arena of ac tion, we may expect from him a high order of statesmanship such as will restore Virginia to' her former position and influence, and even add new lustre to the Old Dominion. A man of high and pure charac ter, of unsullied integrity, of broad culture and ripe experience, ready in speech and!, cogent In argum ent, and in sympathy with the spirit of the age, he will stand the peer of any . of his colleagues. The whole country has reason to rejoice at hia election. OXTR "WASHINGTON LETTER. Correspondence of the Rocket Washington, Jan. 2 1886. As usual. the New Year was ush ered in here with" a grand reeeption at tte Executive Mansion. The of- fficial world of Washihston rolled out in its carriases en masse and mages en masse shook before the President's hand. I Just s -4 .- a Presidential inauguration or New Year's reception, the weath er, that always interesting subject, be- comes an apsorpin,g quesuon 01 spec ulation, here. The Signal Service Bureau was frequently interviewed yesterday to learn whether the old year would leave us with sunshine or storm? Blue skies favored the evenjt of to-day however, and there was nothing to mar the success of Mr. Cleveland's first New Year's re ception. The Marine band was there as usual and discoursed fine music from the main ante-room, while the callers: passed in and out. The newspaper correspondents were promptly on hand also and some few drivers of the fair sex were dis satisfied with their accommodations, and wanted vantage ground in the BTue Room where they could more accurately note the dresses ard laces and diamonds. A few minutes before 11 a. rnMthe band commenced playing "Hail to the Chief," and the President with Miss 'Cleveland and the ladies of the Cabinet took their positions in the Blue Room. Only-the Cabinet la dies, neither the Speaker's wife, Mrs Carlisle, "nor Mrs. Sherman, the, wife of the President of the Senatej were of the receiving party. Mr. Cleveland wore a Prince Albert coat, dark necktie and white kid gloves. The Cabinet officers came first on the programme to greet the Execu tive and; his , assistant ; receivers. Next came -the representatives of foreign countries in their 'showy -attire of Velvet, gold lace; sashes,v stars, crosses -ana other insignia of Tank. : England, Fiance, 7 Germany, Spain, Russia, Japan and ' China were con spicuously represented, by bedizzen ed ;. Diplomats, while some of the South American Republics came in Democratic attire, wearing the cus tomary evening . dress of American hgentlemen. .. ;' A ' . '. ; The reception of tbe Supreme Court, and the various courts of the District 56f fcp'lu'mhia;' Senators and Members .of the lower House, "rrulita-f ry and naval officers jfpllowed close. Each division of;, ttfe procession de filed into theiEast Rtionl as iipassed the President.- The Diplomatic corps remained there until it was reinforc ed by. the gilt epauletted officers of the Army and Navy, and the scene became exceedingly k gay,- animated, -variegated, brilliant, picturesqe, stat uesque, etc. etc. For once the sen- J'tferaen outshone the ladies in SDlen- dox;so. attire, and that is' saying m acn, iox vie laaies oi tne tpreign iLegatibns reflected every tint of the i When, all the dignitaries and offir cirtls in Washington ; had grasped t??ie President's hand, and passed on into the 'East; Room and gradually to their carriages again, the people's Teception began. For an-houran- other variecj scene was presented, of gray haireq men anq women, young people, children, and middle aged, black and, whtye, rich and poor. , . The. President bore his mtiguing task patiently and cheerfully, and remarked in reply to some express ion of sympathy -from a friend that this was one of hisv easiest duties. He looked each callerin the eye, and to each greeting gave aThank you," or "I am pleased to see'you." Secretary Bayard gave the. usual diplomatic breakfast to" the Diplo matic Corps after leaving the Presi dent's reception, and'his rather small house on Highland Place was taxed to its utmost to accommodate these foreign gentlemen as there is quite a number of them now. in Washington. The Diplomats continued in full court dress at this breakfast given in their honor, and after that assumed frock coats for general calls. .. The Cabinet ladies repaired , to their homes after the White House ceremonies and held their own New Year's receptions assisted by lady friends. For some years the leaders of society here have, discouraged (He use of liquor as a feature of New Year's hospitality. The ladies of the new Administration also agreed not to begin the New Year by, keep ing an open bar for their gentlemen callers. - ! ' . Falcon. OUR DKCKMBER LETTER 8ISSIPPI. JTROV MIS- Stock Show at Holly Sprine--Dltrerlty la Fanning The Bort of Immigrants "Want ed by Zeb Vance and the Beat of V, Bte, Prom our Special Correspondent. Dear Rocket :V-The first annual fine stock exhibition of the North Mississippi Stock Breeders' Asspcia tion was held at Holly Springs, our neighboring town, last week, and has been very generally pronounced a grand success. The list of entries, in every class, was a full one; and the character of the exhibits so su perior as to attract the admiration o the crowds gathered by a display so unusual in Southern . districts. "Blood-horse" colts, young mules, Holstein and Jersey cattle equal in high grade Qualities to the bl lie grass stock of Kentucky ,'were there m as tonishly large numbers, considering the very short time the Association has been , organized only three or four months." Desoto .colts' trotted off with many ribbons flaunting vic tor to the breeze, aiid bore hand some premiums to their fortunate owners as rewards for the care and attention they have bestowed; in making them; worth showing. AH of which goes to show that the ''di versity system' of farming, so long urged irrtaik with our people, is in actual practice here to a very con siderable extent, and the demonstra tion having been clearly made that we can easily take on the stock-raising industry, so profitable in the" North and West, and make more cot ton than the world wants at any price ; besides, the notion that tee occupy the rich corner in "the garden of the world'' begins to settle serene ly in our "public mind." Now, I've a sort of notion that this ludiversity" system is, after a manner, somewhat like the civil service' system full of benefit to the country at large but actually a "stuffed boost" to a limit ed few f and to become one of the favored few one must, in this or in that, train up for and confine his ef forts to some particular department of the greatly diversified" business comprehended in the common term, farming. In other words, let the di versifying spread but inihe Hands of the public, but, as individuals, let each take up such a crop as he has a fancy for, and concentrate all his energies in its continued production; to the efatire exclusion of all thought or care about any others. Make a specialty of something ; it is hardly probable that all will select the" same kind of crops. Specialties alone give big harvests to commerce, manufac ture and the professions, and I .veri ly ; believe a like success ; would at tend the same. kind of, division in farming; It is highly probable that there is no crop "or particular kind of stock -that will not prove profita ble if it be followed with concentra ted energy year after year, and it is .'highly probable that he who under takes a diversity of crops will be corne poorer year after, year. - Parm ingas understood in the South, is altogether too big a " business too diversified- for any one man to loot after with profit. No one crop is. Teiryour Bostick's , Mills corre spondent' that Zeb Vance is always ready .to extend a warm and honest hand in hearty welcom e to any m an ly or worthy - immigrant that may be attracted to the salubrious clime and generous soil of North Carolina, but that he, no doubt, in common with many of the balance of us, -has ost patience with our heretofore per sistent efforts to convince those of a supposed higher civilization that we of the South do not sure enough have horns and do mortal- injury to such strangers as venture among us,' and is therefore no longer anxious about having Bureaus full of the scary sort umbled into ' the desirable' places that natives to the manor will want before many decades of years have passed away. Check" up the emi gration, from ,your borders, is the thing" ibrgrou North Carolinians to try to do; but' I suppose lit will be difficult for you to accomplish much that way with the. fame of IhU goodly arfd fair land to allure its en terprising and clever citizens ji way. Fal. Hernando, Miss. Nv " Derese In Failure. New YoRK,.0eci 31. K. ,G. Dun & Qo's. mercantile agency reports that the total number of business failures in. the Unte4.. States during gt ioiS was iu,tKS,.wim liabilities or a little more than $124,000,000, as compared "with; 10,068 failures in 1884; with liabilities of $226,000,000. While the failures for 1885' are only 3 per cent less in number than in 1884, the liabihtes have decreased nearly 50 per cent. . The number of traders reported in business in 1885 was 910,990. In 1878, with 674,000 traders, .one in sixty-four came to grief. The average amount of lia bilities )f each failure in 1S85 was $11,678, against20,632 in 1885 and $22,369 in 1878. It is seen from these figures that while tho business casualties have decreased but slight ly in number they- are far less sig nificant in amount and importance. Smoke "My Prescription," the best cigar in town. ' Sold only at Dr. W. M.xFovrlkes & Co.'s drug store. Also fine line of chew ing and smoking Tobacco. '"X--'. tST" DonTfail to call at the Rocket, of fice for prices when in need of Job Print ing. We guarantee satisfaction. - Bargains CD IN- 3al! anti Winter A 11 j."U t " i - i o i 1 I Jtl.ll-:-' 111U JLiiiLUat k3 tV ICS - I --IN : CDJIESS, GOODS ) 4DRESS GOODS (DRESS GOODS) Glotlmigj &C. COME AND SEE. 1 COME AND SEE. f ' 17. D. COcRae & Co. WORTH YOUR ATTENTION. ALL PERSONS Desiring; to purchase snob as the follow- ing articles cannot do better in price or' quality than at the ' .' . : There jou will find always on hand a FUIUPPIiT OF Druqc. LedicinQS, -4 ''ALL 8TANDARD 'Patent Medicines, -Paiiits. -biLSiSHES,- Toilet irtieies. Soaps,-PerfumeryHair ; i Oil, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, ic. 4 ' :! ;H ifixiA V01 J0 9z::'iU Cigars, .;Tol)acco and vSnnfi; FINfi WINES, BRANDIES AND Whiskies for mod ical use at reasonable prices. . '-. ' . "' , ' JB Special attention is given to the compounding " of Physicians! Proserin ttons ana Family Receipts, y SPECIAL v.; 18 CALLED :TO THB FACT THAT ANT ONE WHO : MAY DESIBE TO RETAIL DKUGS, CAlf GET LADA- NTJM, PAREGORIC, CASTOR 0L, iLNjj anything in the drug LINE, AS CHEAB HERE AS AT THE NORTH, THUS SAVING FREIGHTS is. Cole. Novelties sf nnP v0 Absolutely Pure -This Dowder never varies.- A marvel of rmriWf of rem orf Ti nnfl whnlftSOmTieS8."' More w J - O . - - economiftaLthan the ordinary . kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of lowliest, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, v Sold only m cans. IIotal Baking PoWkeb Co 100 AVall OOEC AT rJlY 4 1- lOl'J PRICES I T. L. Seile, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DRESS GOODS. 5-4 Brocade match. Flannel, with Stripes to 6-4 Jersey Cloths, all wool, only $1.00, extra good. 6-4 Dreg Flannels, all wool, $1.00, extra good. 5-4 Dress Flannels, 75c 22, 36 and 3S inch Flannel, ranging in price from Zoo. up. -Jersey C'loths, Tricots. Cashmeres dou ble . and single widths, Keps, Serges, AJamels Hair, Wohairs., ic, 5lc, SILKS, Of all colors and at any price, from 75c. to per yai-d. An elognt stock of the celebrated Nonpareil Velveteens, equal in wear to real ouk Veirets. SI1.K VELVETS in all shades at $1.25 per yard. Ladies', Gents' and childrens' Kid, bilk, Oishmefe'and Lisle thread U lores All Kid Ulores from f 1.2a up warrant ed. Money refunded if not good. . Gentletnens. Ked and White Merine Shirts anU Drawers, all grades anl prices. Ladies Ked and White Merino ests and Pants, all grades and prices. CLOAKS AND WRAPS Of all kinds, Iong and ShorJ. Seal Plush Jacks, Silk Brocade Velvet, Matlasa, Rluck I)ia.i'on.l and Ottoman Killc Dol. nutm. Newmarkets, Russian lUrculars yjsters, Walking Jackets, Ao. - Express charges 'prepaid on all orders trom fiu and up. ' :DKES.SES made to enler on short no tice, ih latest styles. f& Address your orders to If. M iloltAE, who will give them prompt personal attention, t - v Very Kespectfully, 3S-tf V T. L. SCIGLX. (Bargains for Cash; At RusselPs. READ the list of prices given you below and you can see at once where and :how to buy your" goods. Go to the right lace and you can buy more goods witn ollar now tnan you ever did with five ' tie Keeps evervtnniK; out vin eive you only a tew items, witn tne prices: Seven rows of Pins for a penny. A paper of the best Needles for 2 cents. wuliamatic spool (Jotton, 200 yds. 2 cts French Spool Cotton, black-and white, OUU yds. lor 0 cents. -; Beat machine, Kerr A Coats, 200 yds., 5 cents. ,V' - - Spool Silk in all colors and. black. 100 jruB., u eta. : jjresa gooas, i cents ana upward. - Oriental Suitings, 10 cents. . uouDie-wiatn uasnmere m all snades a 15 cents. ; All-wool Cashmeres in colors 36 cents up to $ l.uu. ; bend lor samples. Brogan Shoes, 75 cents and $1.00. The beat make, $1.25 ; cost more to make them '.- Ladies service and dress Shoes from 75 cents. up to $3.99. A large variety,- and some marvelQus bargains among them. . A large stock Hats and .Caps Hats from 25 cents up. AH the new shapes in drese nats irom o cents upward. Big stock Notions, Clothing end Gents' Furnishing Goods, Laces, and White Goods. JJress Trimmings, and in fact everything to be found m his line, with staple Groce- xmjb. t wueo -a.tr xu ana per id. XjV ery thing in proportion to the prices men tionea. -- uaii and I see these and other goods not mentioned, . Nqv, 3d, 1885. m.h.russell: Cooper's EEinir - - ... ..-. .. Positively Cures . ..- C. ; . of " BLADBER- OH . KIDNEYS ' ' Physicians prescribe it, :' DK.;Wv M. FOWLKE3 & CO., Agents, T. W GUTHRIE, , , District Agent , Liverpool & London & Glote. S ' - ASSBT3 OVER $33,000,00(lr. :. Losses paid without (he usual discount. ' Go to Watson's for Chromos, -I pzSPRmGIindESCHOOL,: - N '- ' RICHMOND - COUNTY, N. C -., ' . t N; D. JOHNBOTST, Principal. THE SPRINO SESSION of the Twentieth Annual Term of this well known Insti tution begins the 11th of January, 1886, and continues twenty weeks. uommnnity moral, neaitmui, ana intelligent. ; instruction tnorougn. - Arrangements have been made for fifty boarders. . ,-. iJoard, everything included, -and tuition wec&a, for lurtuer ya.i ucuiaifl, auureisa tue . - I - - MUJNTfJliJ QOOB Tell everybody that my store Is SEASONABLE GOODS, and at made easy for tuo great y.' - - ; Army off Cash Purchasers : I 'have the handsomest FALL STOCK of cnoda erer offered In this market. I will not enumerate, ' but my stock' of l)ry Goods, Mo tions, Llat8, Slioes, Grotieries, &c, &c, is complete and readv for UASH BU YERS. Call and examine. Remember tny motto "Quick sales and small profits. SteamxEngines, Saw Mills k330SSf COTTON General Hardvrarc, Barbed "Wire, Marvin's and Barnes Fire Proof Safes, Dixie -plows, HAND CUFFS, FINE KNIVES, IMPORTED GUU8 AND Mjkilo and FKiiiKG Imii.emicnt8, of all drscriptlona. CHARLOTTE, N. O, ECauf man & Co., CORNER CENTRAL POTEL, y CDARLOTTE. NCi GENTS FDRMSDING GOODS, ELEGANT STOCK OF FALL AND- WINTER STALES ! Just Opened. i We are offering the very finest of For eign -anil American manufactures. Our stock is the LARGEST, MOKf VARIED, and boat yet shown, and represents all the choiceet patterna and latest -designs in Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's Cloth- ing. ' : Worsted Cork-screw Cassimere and Diag onal Suits, Sacks, Cutaways," Double and Single Breasted. - v-" Children's Norfolk Suits. . .. . Plain and Fancy Underwear.- Latest and correct styles of Soft and Stiff Hats. - . . These goods have been specially manu factured for this season's- trade. An early visit of inspection will insure to our cus tomers a choice of selection and correct fit. W, KAUFMAN & (!0 ' r --.- t ' . .. v -. ... - Lending. Clotlaier-ss, Z'; v;;fe--;-v ;v;'-':-.ii:'-:'.?' . . " CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' Oaricers, Tumors, Warts, Ringworms, Ac, rmoTd and no scar - xno - knit used, j guar antee a permanent cur in erery in- 8taHc or make - V NO CHARGE. . Fend for circular gifing testimonials, Address ' , . v,i t-. S. JT. WRIGHT, -1 Gibsn' tJtation, N. 0. from JJSo.ou to qbU,U0 per session or t-wentv jrniiuipai at MONTPELIER, ; Richmond County, H. C. i NE WS.- now laden with an elegant stock of snch LOW PitlCES, hard times are , PRESSES, 'r.'-,.,. '.. For - Your l4ecl P Oneo lBiunnf your mi m u VALLEY MUTUAL LIFS ASSOCIATJON, . OF VIRGINIA. , TWis Company offers yea inturance a cost, and is sale, strong and durable. It guarantees that the nimber ef A iessnaouta shall , not exceed oe per month. . , .- . It i )iproTpd a one of the best plans of insurance now belofe the feeble, in attestation of which we refer to tbe fol lowing r.otos who r policj boldre in the Association: ' , Re. It Ji Led bo tier, Rev. J II Psge, Jas T Lerud, H r Watson; J W :ot iugton, Dr J M Covington, J CEUorbe, VV d McUae, A M UoAulay, J A Wright, II C Wall, and many others, " All priont desiring iNromatiOM M te plan.t. Ac, will plea&V.addrt08 GEO. d JOi:DA Js Selt Ag-mt, . KALEIOII, N. Cifcl F. H. HYATT, ent lL,: JIT. G I LEAD, N. Cr LooEi to Your And in buying goods .be sire jon go to tbe place hero tbe bet articles ,for""the least rnoBCjr .re kept. While nuking , no unuiosl prufcssioDS, at tbo same time we tiiink we re prepared to please the public in goods aud. prices. . Our Mr. 1). A. Parsons lias used his best jndgem'ent in selecting cor stock anu uas jaiain ior us a run uno vi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, , Hardware, tinware, boots and -bh08, 'hats, andi in short, ercrjUiing that is to be .a found in "a first-clnss country store.; We make a spceWlty of a good line of shoes. '"'We -ill pay tbo highest market prices for produce of orery descrip tioni . - - Thanking for past favors wo ex tend a cordral invitation to friend and customers te call - again and Hgaiu ;Wm. parsons, son & co. , Covington; N. 0. 'fQTlf you are determined to get married anyhowdon't forget to buy your wedding nresents of Russell.- He has a handsome line of Silver ware which he sells at the list prices, as it is 'Sofa all over the world.