ijRockigham Rocket. &. C. WALL, Editob and Peopeietob. .1 Office: . EVERETT,- WALL & COMPANY'S. OVFR SUBSCRIPTION KATES t - .Om year,... $1.50 Six months, ............................... .75 Three months,..................'.?. ...'.., .40 - ,t All subscriptions accounts must be ,T)aid in advance. Advertising rates' furnished on ap plication. BAD TASTK AND BAD POUTICS.. We notice, with regret, that after a gushing introductory speech by Governor - Gordon, of Georgia, Mr. I .Kandall, ot rennsyivama, openeu jtht Atlanta exhibition by the usual argument of men of his faith, in fa ,vor of the robber-doctrine of taxiflg one industry for the benefit of anoth er. It is a matter of surprise to us that even the Pennsylvania states man (?) should have overlooked the jfact that common decency demand ,ed no allpion whatever, on such an joccasipn,.to political matters in which a large majority of his hearers enter tained opinions, different from his own. The opening of a State Fair or exhibit is not the proper time for the discussion of the tariff; and they at whose call Mr. Randall went to Atlanta would not have'invited any one to take a prominent part in the inauguration ceremonies who would use the opportunity for thrusting his governmental views upon the au dience "which was present If Mr. Randall spoke as his sponsors re squired, then tbey were guilty of. an inexcusable wrong, approaching an outrage. v There is nothing new in what Mr. .Kandall said, iiis speecn was an 4 v.attemjpt to show that whatever of prosperity the country is having, and whatever advancement in ma terial wealth is enjoying, is' due to thje act that Congress has taxed some industries for the benefit of others which are not equally taxed. No sophistry even has established any 'such doctrine. Like all others of his way pf talking, he mistakes the ."post hoc'' for the "propter hoc," as suming that because prosperity fol lows the enactment of a particular law it owes its existence to the law. Every one of ordinary Comprehen aion should know that such a state ment is false. - It has often happen ed in this country, as well as others, that there is an accretion of wealth even when the legislation has been glaringly stupid or intensely cor jupt. It would puzzle any one to understand why the imposition' of burdens on one class, for the benefit " ... of another, could add to the Individ .... - ual advantage of those on whose gnouiders tnew.e.ignt was laid. And yet that is just what Mr. Randall and his ' associates ' are obliged, to maintain. They allege that, though ' the growers of wheat arid' cotton are force- to pay more for their clothing and olher articles used by them in oraer inav ine manuiacturer may . conduct I tis business with profit, th ey nave a corresponding return Jn the higher 'prices tney 'realize by the wjthdraW'al of spin pen capital and abor from agricultural ptifsuits. Any man ought to be able to see jthat if the manufacturer contributes ... to 'them an amount equal to what !he draws from their pockets he gets 'noa'dvanUVge at all. If he gets more, it is clear tharthe compensation al feged' exists only in imagination. f' Randall dwells largely on the fact that tecduse of tKe 'protective tar iff certain goods are tower to the con-J r :. -Vi -' i Burner man iney would naye peen; but for its benificent influence, and jthat provisions are cheaper whilst the wages of labor are higher. ' The purpose of this is too plain. It was Qone to deceive one class of his hear ers: But ' we tnink that' trjey who make 'the bread ah'4 meat' an:& have 'it tosel 1 can riardly see lb e aS vant age which 'comes t9 tlVem.v EqudV: 'Jess certain wages are higher, but' the 'cost of living nas 'lajrgdly' increased also. " The gain isnotj therefore, wnat uiia oinewu emissary oi monopolists; . 'l -'"iV r r " -,.V v ' .;. i - avers it to be,! Country, population has largely in-; 'crea'sed; and 'tftere Kas beeiVa'creat advance 5h' the productive capacity pfmahkihd.Uthis:,sh sidered 1&y ahy one who' desires to )nak'e a Mr argument: " 'i' ' " AVe'.naye ofteh' said that no tax on importsncaW 'benefit1 the -"class for Jrhose;Vge;''?iisdign'a un less" it incteasW the 'prices Which' if' pah get 'for its products." ThTs.in- vut feaaers will upaerstanq, we think, that whether there is a lneh 'tariff (brlax) or a low tariff there is always an increase, of wealth m a creased price must be paid by the consumer. If the tax does not in crease the price there can be no pro tection at all.' No one but a block head can deny the proposition and be sincere. " . ' ' NEWSPAPKK CORRESPONDENTS. We are fond of reading the com munications which .we find in many of our exchanges. - Many of them contain valuable information, and nearly all of them are interest ing. Now and then we find one which, from its peculiarities, is amus ing Locality has much to do with the tastes, habits of thought and modes of expression of those who write letters to the press. This must have been observed by all. newspa per readers. If a writer lives in a cityalas I towns are now very scarce which imagines itself-to be the centre of the earth, his mind becomes saturated with the extraordinary ideas of the place, and to him the ant-hills become mountains, the small dwellings get to be palaces, and each inhabitant a concentration of greatness.' The above has been suggested, in part, by letters from Washington which we have recently seen in some of our exchanges. We are convinced that, as a whole, the correspondents from what was once the Federal cap ital have become saturated with the idea that all the learning of the coun try is to be found in that city, and that all the great men visit it andcon tribute to the immense stock already existing. A half dozen clerks in the Departments, and a few dead-beats who hang around, doing nothing, but managing to live by means un known to the rest of mankind, con ceive that .either they or their mas ters know everything whjch is worth knowing, and that it is the duty of patriotism to ventilate their wisdom through the columns of the press. If a lawyer, of high or low standing, stops $p one of the hotels in Wash ington, attracted thither either by professional or other causes, he is at once interviewed and his oracular communications are forthwith her aided as the opinions of a leading statesman well versed in everything pertaining to the, State which he adorns by residing in it He an nounces, wnn tne connaence or a man whose thoughts are simply law, which one of a half dozen men in his State would make the best can vass for Governor or Congressman, and who is the universal favorite for the Presidency of the United States The people Jiving in the neighbor hood of such a learned man get their first information of his greatness from the newspaper correspondent. But they who do not know him are high ly gratified to find that the State has at least one or more men of great ability in it who can be depended upon at ail times to maintain its character and elevate its fortunes. ' We venture to suggest to the few North Carolinians who live at Wash ington, that the people of this State 4 will probably manage their own af fairs without absolute stupidity, if .they will content themselves by at tending to the business which they are assumed to have in charge and be less suggestive of the duty of H - . j -Others. All persons who stop at Washington are not possessed of full knowledge, and he opinions oi some which are quoted are esteemed, in this State, as having just no value at all.- We have a few citizens who never see the Potomac who know quite as much as they whose wise utterances are so pompously set forth, and who do not think that, simply because a man can get to Washington on a free pass, or is even a member of Congress, he knows all things. We have ouite as eood neo- pie out oi ptiDjic me as tnose wno ; iff. ' .. . L i- are in it ; and we q not relish the idea that we must be informed by newspaper correspondents who is or whp is ijqt, worthy of confidence, ye trust Jhat our party, after a free conference, looking only to the gen eral interest and ignoring the de sires of the ambitious, will agree upon nominations of good and trust worthy and able men for all places. We want character without adroit ness, honesty without pretension. We want men of honor in business mat tersmen who will pay the debts they" chntract, and not dead-beats. We have ' had too many of them That was a startling and sad eventtha happened in the midst of the festivities of the President's re ception at Mempnis, Terin., lastSat urdayi : jf udg'e : Elfett, of the Chan cery Court of that' city, bad made a patriotic speecn extending the hos pitalities of the people to the Presi dent and was listening to thp Presi- dent's reply, -r Just as the President uttered the last word of ; his address, the venerable Judge dropped to the floor of the platform, overcome by heat. . Physicians ran to his -assistance and began to apply remedies. The President and- his party ? were whisked H away from the scene to hold the usual reception at another point in tbe city, leaving the strick en man in the : hands ;. of friends. Five minutes afterwards it was an nounced that Judge Ellett was dead. A solemn illustration of the truth : "in the midst of life we are in death." Special Coarse at Ihe Unlyersity. Editor of Thb Rocket: . .. . . You will oblige me and many oth ers by publishing, in your next is sue, the inclosed circular of the Uni versity, i It is to be hoped that many teachers will avail themselves of the advantages which are offered. The Professors who propose to impart special instruction make a voluntary offer of their services, not one of them expecting or desiring to make a dol lar by the labors which they will undergo. : Very Kespecttuliy, Walter L. Steele. University of North Carolina. ) Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct. 4, '87. The University is desirous of help ing the teachers of the State, and to this end will offer a special Teach er's Course of three months, provid ed at least fifteen teachers will agree to attend. As far as the course ap plies to the common school studies it is designed to be a review of them. A special abridged course will be given in any of the following branches, if applied for by nve or more ot those taking the course. It is seen that large liberty of election is obtainable. 1. Constitution of 11. C. President Battle. i - .2. Elementary course in Mental and Moral Science, with special ref erence to teaching. Dr. Mangum. 3. Elementary Algebra and Ge ometry. Profs. Graves and Love. 4. Short Course in Latin. Prof. Winston. " 5. Teacher's Course in Chemistry. Prof. Venable. 6. Geol. and Phys. Geography of N. C rrof. Holmes. ; 7. Elements of Natural Philoso phy. Prof. Gore. b. Law of Domestic Relations. Dr. Manning. 9. English Language and Litera ture. Dr. Hume. 10. Mental Culture, School Econ omy, and Methods of Teaching. -Prof. Henry. 11. Short Course in French or Ger man. Prof. Toy. 12. Science of Form, and Elemen tary Course in Minerlaogy. Dr. W. B. Phillips. 13. Short Course in Greet. Prof. Alexander. 14. Elementary Entomology and General Zoology. Prof. Atkinson. Tuition is free. A fee of five dol lars will be charged for room rent, servant hire &c. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will give reduced rates and . it is expected that the other roads of the State will do the same. If the session is held it will begin either November 15th 1887 or February 14th 1888. Teachers wish ing to avail themselves of this offer, will please notify either of the un dersigned, and state which of the dates above mentioned is preferred. Act at once. There ia no time for delay. 1 ' Further announcements will be made as soon as replies to this cir cular will justify. Address Kemp P. Battle, President, or Prof. Nelson B. Henry, Chapel Hill, N. C. PURELY VEGETABLE. II sett with extraordinary ffioacy on th , yivER, Sidneys, JL i and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, 1. Bowel Complaints, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, , Jaundice, Mental Depression, , Colle. Ho Household Should Is Without It, and, by being kept ready for Immediate ase. will save many an boar of suffering ana many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE ; 8EEI0NS LITER REGULATOR $ thst yoa gat the genuine with red "Z" a front of Wrapper. Prepared oaly by J.H.ZEILIN & C0..8oleProprietora, Philadelpaia, Pa. . FBICE, SLOO. Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for bruises, cuts, sores, ulpers, salt rheum, fever sores, t stter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns", and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It s guaranteeiN to cive pertect satisfaction, or Money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. , For sale by Thomas S. Cole. . ' I: . - If yon want av-Good Article - Of Plttq Tobacco, ask your dler for "OLD RIP." i muum NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OrJE, TOO, THREE FLOORS! One Hundred and Twenty Feet Long! Fifty-two -Feet Wide, Each ! TO OVERFLOWING WITH THE RICHEST AND RAREST COLLECTION OF HIGH CUSS DRY GOODS ! ; Our efforts in our selec lections this season have been of a most gratifying nature, and to find a more complete and BRILLIANT array of all fashionable fa brics would require a long journey. Silks. Black Silks, Black Francase" Silks, Black Armour Silks, Black Ribbed Silks, Black Failles Francais, Black Satin Duchesse, Colored Silks, all Leading Shades in Faille Francais, Surah and Rhadames, Combina tion, Stripe Velvets, All Silk Moire, Plain Velvets in all new colors. High Class Nov elties in Plush Combinations. Dress Goods. In Dress Goods many new shades are shown. Golden Brouze, Dark Roman Red and many shades of Gray will be leading colors. Plaids and Checks combined with plainer fabrics of deeper colors are stylish. Every Piece Ml Wool. French Drab de Alma, Pin Checks, Plaid Suitings, Flannel Suitings, Tailor Suitings 48 inches, rancv bcotch Cheviots, Check Tweeds. High Colored Fancy Plaids, Im ported Berlin Twill Suitings, Tricots, Ker sey Suitiugs. Every color and combina tion in Cashmeres, illuminated effects to match all plain fabrics, Embossed Robes, Plaid Velvet Robes. Gold and Tufted Robes, High toned combinations, plain and fancy to match, Plush ana Velvet effects, , Black Goods. The assortment in this department is up to the highest standard. New lustrous solid black satin-finish Cacheimere, complete lines of Preistley's Silk-warp Henriettas, nickle board trade mark, Courtland s celebrated Crapes, and all staple and fancy weaves in New Fall Mourning Fabrics. Ginpure, French Im ported Serges, Sebastopoi Cloth, Ottoman buitings, Camel nair, rrench cord, iMec toral Stripes, Electoral Cords, French Satin babel, Diagonale f iceue. Dress Trimmings. We show a very elegant assortment of these goods very stylish and handsome; Jet Beaded Gimp, Silk-loop Trimmings, Jet Beaded Sets with or without Panels, Jet Beaded fehoulder Ornaments. Jet Bead ed Pocket Ornaments. Deaded Jet Beaded Ornaments, Passamentne, Astrachans. Cloths and Cloakings. Fancy Flannels, Eider Down, Yacht Flannels, Grey Flannels. Kid Gloves. A big bran-new line of all shades and sizes Warranted and price only $1 .00. If they rip or tear, money will be cheerfully refunded. Jerseys will be more popular and stylish this sea son than ever before. We show many new styles, Jr'lain Jerseys, with or without vest fronts, Braided Jerseys, "Beaded Jerseys, Tailor-made Jerseys. Lace Tidits. Embroidered Antiqe Tidies, Plush Table Covers, Chenille Table Covers, Lace Bed Setts, Lace Curtains, Embroidered Lam brequins, Tinsel Lambrequins, Oriental Tapestry, Plushes, Turcoman Curtains. Ladies Underwear. A new and perfect line consisting of Chemises, Night Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers. A complete assortment of Ladies' fine Flannel Underwear. Wraps and Cloaks. Specially attractive among our depart ments is this one. All the latest Novelties are shown. Walking-jackets, New-markets, Raglands. Paletot's new colors and cloths, Plush Garments, Seal Garments, Furtrim med Garments, Fur lined Garments, Astra chan Wraps, Astrachan Jackets, Velvet Wraps, every style of Fancy Wraps, Mis ses' and Chifdrens' Cloaks and Jackets in great variety. Prices of above goods rang ing from $7 to $40. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CARPETS and UPHOLSTERY GOODS EVEB SHOWN IN THIS MARKET. BUTTEBICX'S METEOPOLITAK FASHIONS. We are agents for above, and keep con santly on hand a full supply. SAMPLES AND ORDERS BY MAIL. This feature of our business continues to rapidly increase in volume and extent. Parties living out. of town can have sam ples furnished them on application, and or ders by mail receive attention the same day they arrive. LADIES' DRESSING AND TOILET ' V i ROOM. For the convenience of our lady patrons we " p&ik 1 a- Ladies' Dressing and Toilet Room; tliebnly' one connected with a Dry Goods House In the city. Frank Thornton, Fayettevllle, N. C. Oct. 6-tf. . . ; , . The Prettiest ; WEARS A BOUGHT of UJ. T. COlflHGTOH & CO., WHO HAVE" A beautiful line of J erseys, Wraps, Gloves, PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Neckwear, H OSIERY, Andfirvthins' else needed bv the people of this community, all of which will be sold as low as any one W. T. COVINGTON & CO. The Motto the "Quick Sales and And that shall be my motto and practice in disposing of the LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS WHICH: IS 3STOW IN MY STORE. I CANNOT ENUMERATE, Nor do I considerate it neeessary; but I do ask . you, if you need or want anything in the way ofLDry Goods or Groceries, to call and see me, because I can give you some bargains worth coming after. "A nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling," aiid that's the kind of bait I'm fishing with this season. H. C. DOCKER Y. VABSBBBBBBBaaBHBBaBBaHBBlBBBBBBBBB HEAD MR OFF, EVERYBODY, WITH THE (HSU MD, AND BUY GOODS CHEAPER THAN YOU EVER DID BEFORE I I am now receiving the DRY GOODS,! NOTIONS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Sennas, Clothing, Hosiery, DRUGS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, WOODEN AND TINWARE, ETC. The cheapest and best line that has ever been offered to the trade. 1 desire to call special attention to our DPwESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, of which we have a most attractive selection. Call atid see us. Ladies', Hisses' and Children's Hats, UNUSUALLY MGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK, Colored and Black, Koko and Fancy Mixed Straw, Black and colored Felt in great variety. Trimmed Sailor, School and Hack Hats in immense varieties. Fancy Feathers, Tips and Plumes in all the leading shades. Plain and fancy Silk Plushes; Velvets in .every conceiveable shade, fine, cheap and medium quality ; Plain and fancy Ribbons in great variety. Notions. Crepe Lisse Ruching, white, black and colored Collars, Cuffs and Chemisetts, &c. Jerseys, Gloves, Corsets and Bustles in great varietv. Children's Woolen Hoods and Toboggan Caps, Ac, &c. ' - . These goods are direct from New York and are the latest stvles. "Will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. Call earl v and be convinced. i La. LADIES' Potash Victim. Cured by S.S. S. S. S. B. vs. POTASH. h"7B bad Wood po'wm for ton rear. I know I hare taken one hundred bottle of KMUde ot p.i-en in that Mie. lint it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body and limbs were coverud v illi wires, and 1 conld scarcely use my ai ms i.n account of r!:ea ustismitt luy nhoulders. I took S. !S. S., and it has done me mere Rood than all other mdl SSSLi i . itaon- M T,at. ubo?y nl neck lMsrfcctly clear and clean, and my rheu matism ta enUrely cone. I weighed 116 ponn.U when I began the medicine, and I now weieh ? PyldT .My ,'8t bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man. X would not be without S. S. S. for several times its weight in gold; C & HITCHJSLIt W. 2& St. Perry, New York. - CHEAP and FINE GOODS of WEST TRADE STREET B DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WARRANTS, &c.; FOR SALE at thi's Office Girl in To wn JERSEY IN STOCK .else will sell them. - - People Likes: Small 99 largest and best line of Blalxey, BAZAR, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. caution; Consumert tfiould not amfust our Spedjte vUA the numerout imitations, tubttitutet, potash and mercury mixtures, which, are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit, but on the merit of ovr remeily. An imitation is always a fraud aivt a cheat, and they thrive only as liny can steal from the article imitated. TrealiseonWoodandSkin Dineares mailed free, for -hbj alt druggists. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. , JS. Nichols, DEALER IN v ALL KINDS OF Before buying elsewhere, be sure to get my LOW PRICES FOR the LATEST PATTERNS. jit CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE ROCKINGHAM ROCKET AND The Great Fafm, Industrial and Stock Journal of the South, One Year for Sample copies of The Southern Cultiva tor will be mailed teee on application to Jas. P. Haeeison & Co., Atlanta, Ga. RICHMOND COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS and all kinds of Real Estate. All property placed in the hands of this Agen cy will be advertised free of cost to sellers. Strict attention given to all business, and the interests of patrons carefully guarded. Surveys made and plats or charts furn ished to parties purchasing through me. Property rented and rents -collected on reasonable terms.- - Correspondence solicited. - Address - A. M. MoAULAY, Rockingham, N. C. Aug. 14th, 1887-tf. Insure In tho , NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE 60., A Partly Mahal Co., Organized in 1 S 45. J. D. CHURCH, Charlotte, N. C, Agent for North and South Carolina. B. F. LITTLE, Rockingham, N. C, Spe cial Agent. All Policies Non Forfeitable Aflrr Three Tears. This Company offers the best induce ments and greatest security to Policy hold ers of any Company in existence. For terms, &c, apply to B. F. LITTLE, Rockingham, N. C, notice! ANTICIPATING a change in my busi ness. at the close of this season, I take this method of inforning my patrons that are indebted to me, either Iy note or ac count, that their indebtedness .must be closed up by November 1st, as after that date collection will positively be enforced as I am determined to settle them up in some way. . I have been exceedingly in dulgent with you for a series of bad crop years, and trust you will appreciate it by coming forward and saving me the unpleas antness of enforcing my elaims. All Kinds of produce and stoek'will be taken on note or account at the highest market prices. - .. A. STEWART. Sept. l-6t. Where You Can Get WHAT YOU TJArJT At Living Prices ! I can furnish you any kind of a Sewing Machine, Attachment, Part Needles, Oil, Ac, or do any kind of. repairing on them, at the lowest prices. Low and high priced ones always on hand. Terms the Most Literal. Will sell and wait till Fall for the money. '.DAVIS," "NEW HOME" and other first-class machines always on hand. The High-Arm "Davis" is - my . specialty. Don't order a cheap Northern humbug before coming to me ; I can save you money. Js Also ORGANS upon the same terms. JAS. A. WRIGHT, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. To the pu blic. I AM NOW WITH THE Dry Goods House OF Bargraves S; Alesanier9 CHARLOTTE, C. They carry a handsome apd complete line of Dry Goods: Their Stock of IIP. Si SI including Silks, Sarahs, Henriettas, Cash meres, Velvets, Flannels; Tricots, Ac. is Especially Pretty. Their stock of Dress Trimmings is quite attractive, and new. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Cloaks, Jackets and Visetes in great variety. Will take pleasure in showing you the goods when m the city,-or in filling your orders by mail for goods or samples. Remember' we keep everything in the Dry goods line, also large line of Clothing. Very Truly, $vlian ft. giiils. AXLE GREASE SSSr?1 S.box any otherbrand. Tree from Animal Oils. GTOSIVTHI GKNTISK. yOB SAUt BY JSRAIJOta OSNXBALLT. THE UNDERSIGNED has established a Commission Business for the sale, of Horses, Mules, Buggies, Wagons, Ac. Also . REAL ESTATE. Any person having any" of the abeve property for sale will do well to call on ine at BOSTICK'S MILLS, N. C. Terms easy. . ' . ' . S. W. BOSTICK. S Great advantage to both seller and buyer, and they knew where to go for just what they want. - Oct. 1, 'S7-Sm. mm - . t r

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