X A . -, . : ! - v.--" . 1 .- ; - - -" - , r -. . . ' . r- : v....:vvt. : ' V- - - Rockmffham Rocket. The n6w boiler for Great Eaiu . ' factory has been received and placed THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1888.. , ln , position, and the Mill resumed r operations on Monday last. The Church Directory; new boUer is 45-horse power larger METHODIST CHURCH Kev. ML. bY 2-1,orse power than tho old one ' Vood, Pastor. Services every Sabbath t and to this the managers propose 11 a. m., and at at 7:30 m to attach an engine with which to .Praver-meeting every. Wednesday even- . , w run a portion of the machinery dur ing the dry season when there is a scarcity of water. With its new ing at 7:30. Sabbath -school at 3:30 p. li. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev.Nbedhxm T! Pauti Pflftt.nr -RATtniMw Wf amA Sabbath in every month at II a. m. and etiu,Pmems' reat rails will enjoy 7:30 p. m. - its prosperity of former days, 1 I l i . U 1 O 1. V 1 1 J t - - - " jjaooaui-iscuyui every o&OBajjn at y A. M More Light Wanted We have heard complaint made Postoffice. opens at 7, o'clock Aim. Mails that there are no lamps on the street coins' iast ana , wesis on u. V. Jtlailroad clQse at 8 p. M. Money order department THE MAILS. probably have to do some creditable pedestrian feats to escape the storm which will follow. i We Wish the fair sex all success m their matrimonial ventures, and simply1 throw out these suggestions to a few .celibates who don't want, and probaliy don't deserve wives. Encourage Tour Town Papers. open from 8 A. Mi to 5 p. m. P. W. Stansill, Postmaster. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. R. V. KNIGHT, Local Editor. Have yog learned to write it 18SS yet? - . . - ! from about opposite Mr. C. M. Cov ington's residence to the town limit. ffhe street along there is thickly set tled with a class of people, princi pally, who need light more than any other citizens of the town from the fact that, being operatives in the mill; they have to go to work before it is light in the morning and do not re turn in the. evening until after darki Several of the streets are badly in In cloudy, bad weather it is difficult need of work. "Leap 'ere," said the mud hole to the dainty miss: It begins to look as if we shall have some winter, after all. to get along, and the town authori ties should give them light. The Township Committees. We have been requested to pub lish the names of the persons who compose the different Township Ex- The February term of the Snpe- ecutive Committees of the county. rior Court for thus county will begin We hay o searched our files carefully on Monday, the 13th. Mrv R. T. Hailey, after a three weeks' visit to relatives in this' vi cinity, left for hid heme in Marshall, Texas, on Monday night last. and failed to find any record of the election of such committees either in 1884 or 1886, except for Rocking ham township. The committee for this township, elected in 1886 to serve for two years, is as follows: R."L. Steele, Chairman. D. Stew art, R. L. Nichols, W. C. Hicks, Geo Warburton. Ofceurse if such township com mittees do exist, and the members thereof know of the fact, they should not fail to meet hereon the 13th of Mr. fjohn Lowe has retired from February lor the purpose of electing Messrs. LedbetterBros. have open ed out astock of groceries and farm supplies in the store formerly occu pied by.Mr. H. C. Rockery, and sire mw ready for business. Look , out for their ladvt. next week. the W'adesboro Messenger and Mr. Jas. Gj. Boylin is now sole proprie tor. Gen. C. A. Battle continues as editor, and a forcibleand clear-headed writer he isj too. From one of our exchanges we extract the following, which if lived up to by our people in a community where a newspaper is published would, we are safe in saying, have the happy effect of making better papers in the country. It saj'S : "The way to build up a newspa per and enable it to do something for the town and section in which it is published is for all its readers to take some pride in it arid furnish its editor with whatever news you may happen to know. Call at his office and tell him of it or drop him a pos tal or, if the item or items require it, a letter. Also speak as well, when even occasion presents itself, of the paper as you can conscientiously do. Don't as some few do speak dis paragingly of it on all occasions, of ten times without regard to facts or their conscience. Above all sub scribe to your town or county paper and keep your subscription paid up ; and if you have a business, that re quires notoriety, advertise it in the newspaper. If you are a professional man keep ycfiir card in thepaper all theyear. By advertising in your town paper you get a great many more benefits (which are great) than directly come in increased business you -assist the publishers of the paper to give a better one, and en able them to do more towards de veloping the resources ol the town. The Methodist Advance, of the 11th inst., contains the card of re tirement of its former owners and editors,Rev. Drs. Robey and Bob bin, and the introductory of their successor in its management and. ed itorial control, L. A. Potter Esq' To maintain the paper at its present standard of excellence will demand. Uncommon gifts in the new editor but, judging from the merit, tone and spirit of his initial announce ment, we ha ve assurance of its con tinued success. ' i A fine lot of extra bright dried; fruit just received at Wishart's. Fine Lot of rolled gold plate and "solid gold J eweiry all the Litest styles in sleeve and collar buttons, studs, scarf-pi us, breast-pins, necklaces, ear-drops, ini tial pins, &c, &c., just received at Stewart's and very low for cash, with-a full guarantee as to quality. Call and see them. W. Country Produce is quoted at baying prises COTTON Middling, .TT 9 (d-M Good Middling, (d9h BACON Sides, per lb 0(dl2 Shoulders " 8(10 Hams, " :15fai6 BEESWAX, 1616 CHICKENS 1520 EGGS, per dozen, 1215 i'LtUUii Uountry, per sack,.. ..2.253.Q0 .Northern, " 'i.50(c$3.00 Patent, " (43.50 GRAIN Corn, per bushel, 751.00 Oats, e" . 5065 Peas, " 751.05 HIDES Dry, per lb 8iai0 Greyi, , " 4?3t5 SALT, per Sack, 1.001.20 Lam-intourg Notes and Observations. a chairman forth e county commit- ftee. But, in the absence of such township committees, . we presume, that the duty of electing a new chairman will devolve on the pres- sent County Executive Committee, The Central Express, published which is composed of the following at Sanford, -N, C, comes to us en- gentlemen, elected in October, 1888, larged and sparkling with good edi- to serve for two years : W. F. Brouk torial matter.. It is a credit to Moore shire. J. M. Hines. W. W. Graham, county, more particularly to its J). Stewart, Y. E. Crosland, W. D. thrivingjown at the crossing of the .Townsend, J. Hararave, W. C. Pat- railroads. Mr. M., A. Underwood, of Stanly county,-a gentleman of considerable experience in the newspaper busi ness, lias accepted a position on the Monroe EnquirprExpress, and will assist the editor in making that already good paper better. Two distinct earthquake shocks were ielt by several persons in this town-, on Thursday last, one about six olclock and the othr about ten o'clock a. M. The last one was very perceptible arid rattled the win dows quite distinctl3T in this office. Shocks Were felt at various points in" the Southern States, but no damage is reported from anywhere. Mrs. Martha C. Whitney, mother of jIiss Mittie E. Whitney and sis-" ter of Dr. Wm. Carroll, died at her .home-in Chuckatuck, Nansemond count', Va., on the 7th inst. She was in" hef64th year. Miss Whit ney, assistant teacher in Dr. Carroll's School at this place, was called to Virginia by the sad intelligence. She as expected nextr Saturday and will iresume her duties in school next week. terson, T. J. Wpoten., It would be well if the above com mittee will meet Mr. Tillett in this town on the day appointed, in case it should be necessary for them to take action in the .absenco of the township committees. A good man, a reallv excellent man, when asked to pay his subscrip tion, said : "I didn't expect to pay. I only wanted to encourage the thing." If the paper, has benefited him -or his family we are satisfied, but many such friends would ruin us. Wadesboro Messenger. That reminds us of a joke on a newly-imported son of Erin who went to a blacksmith to have the hoofs taken off his horse. "Why, sir," said the blacVsmith, "what do you-mean? Do you want to ruin your horse?" "No, begorra," said Pat, "I'm goin' to run a race wid 'iin and I vvant to take off 'is shoes so he can run fast." Such subscribers as ; the above don't see that they are sim ply pulling down their paper by such "encouragement." And unfortun ately there are many such. -it. s Sadden Death. We regret to learn of the sudden death of Mrs! Hannah." .Gibson, of Marlboro county, S. C, on Wednes day last,, lltj, inst. She was visit inS Mrs. Lizzie Gibson, at Gibson's Station, this county, and was strick ?Q with paralysis on ' Wednesday horning and died a few hours later. oh Was thu roKnt T,imoa Gibson, E sq. . Young Men, Beware. Every well-regulated almanac that we have seen proclaims the fact that this is leap year. Any one who is disposed to doubt the assertion may prove it by dividing the, figures 1888 by four: There will be no remain der, and this you cannot do in any "of the three years which intervene between the leap"years at leaskyou can't do it often. ' Whoever inaugurated the custom giving to the fair sex one year in ev ery four to woo whomsoever they will and wed whomsoever they can was wise in Ins (or her) day and generation leastwise we presume the girls think so. But the eligible young men don't seem to regard it in that light, and we have heard of some, who were casting about for some way to elude the 'snares which are set for them. To all such we will throw out a few suggestions for what they are worth. It is the custom, you know, that when a young lady proposes to a young man during leap year he must either accept her or present her with a silk .dress. Now, wewould not insinuate that any girl would propose to a fellow simply to get the dress, knowing that he would give her the mitten ; but it is best to pro vide against contingencies. How will you do it ? Well, there are sev era! ways: If a young lady drives around in a buggy to take you out riding, don't go. You can take it for granted that she has matrimonial designs and it would not be safe to go. Tell her you have the rheumat ism, neuralgia and lumbago, and that the doctor said you must stay in the house ; and if she proposes to hitch her horse and go in and sit with you a while, set the dog on her and run and lock yourself in yourf room. If one should happen to catcir you out in a defenseless condition, and should bend her melting glances upon and"begn to whisper sweet nothings in your ear, turn the sub ject that is, the conversation. If she is persistent, ask her how old she is, and why she don't remove the freckles from her face. That will let you out of it, though you will Special Correspondence of The Rocket Capt. W. H. McLauriH was in at tendance upon the session of the Grand Lodge of Masons m Italeish last week. An occasional case or pneumonia shows up as a result of exposure in the cloudy, rain', cold weather that we have nearly half of the time now We see, occasionally, a negro tak ing up stump?., but few steps have been taken in the direction of gen eral iarmi work. Favetteville Fresbytery has lost one of its brightest jewels, the church has lost one or its purest lights, and the Laurinburg 'Presbyterian church has lost a pastur whose place in the hearts of tliipongregation wilt hard ly be filled for many a day. The Rev. Jmn H. Coble passed from time to eternity at 4 o clock on Jan. loth 1888, surrounded by devoted friends and in the midst ot a tainily who.se sole earthly comforter and help he was. Dry eyes in that assemblage could not be seen, for-every. chris tian heart seems to have its -specia bereavement in his death In maturing- plans for advarfce ment this year, keep it in mind that Democratic success must be achiev ed. Richmond county must not wear the yoke of radicalism while ROCKlriGHAM MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY - I. EVERETT, DEALER IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To tot Editor Please inform your read ers that I nave a positive remedy tor the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ot honeless cases have been permanently cured. -I shall be glad to send two bottles 'of my reme- dy fbek to any ol your readers wno nave con sumption if they will send me their, express . and post office address. Respectfully, : " T. A. SLOCDM. M. 0, 181 Pearl st, New York NevV Advertisements. Ellerbe Springs. HIGH SCHOOL Will open again Jan. 9th, 1888. Consid ering the fact that both the Principal and Assistant m Music are regular graduates ol Gollege, this is the cheapest convenient school. Board from ?4.W to. $8.00. per month. Tuition, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 per session- Mu-;ic, $15 to $18 per session. Prompt attendance at opening of session advantageous to pupil, parent and teacher. : THOS. C. BROOKS, Ph. B., Prin. Mrs. M. C. McASKIBL, Music. HORTfllCBB'S SALE. 'ISO Acres of JLand and Public Ferry OJV PEE DEE RIVER. By virtue of the powers of sale contain ed in one mortgage deed executed by W. A. Smith and wife, and duly record ed in "Book NN," pages 13J and 132, the undersigned mortgagee will, on Sat urday, 4th day of February, 1888, at court house door in town or KocKingnam, C, sell at public auction for cash, the lands described in said mortgage, and also the franchise of "Smith's Ferry," to satu.'y said mortgage, default having been made in payment of same. For a perfect description of said lands and public ferry, reference is hereby made to said mortgage, recorded as aforesaid " JAS. T. LkGRAND, mortgagee. This 2nd Jan. 1888. A HAPPY NEW YEAR XL THANKING YOU, ii One-and all,, for the liberal patronage bestowed on me during . tbGpist year, I respectfully ask a continuance in the future. I have a; laf ge3tck of goods of all soils, and only ask you to j .; , - .. vl, H They are too numerous to mention 3 Everything Fiice for the oissekespdr. A Fresk lot of Butter and Cheese, f reserves, Jelly; A FULL LINE OF for cash only. The best cider in town. Snuff at 50 cents per lb GILES m WI8HAH r l .9. PHARR & LONG V CHA-RruOTTlE; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Richmond county, in the case of Patterson, Adm'r, vs. Jowers and others, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Hock ingham at 1 o'clock p, ai., on the loth dav of February, 1888, that tract of land lying m the counties ot niclimond and Kobeson between Shoe.Heel and Lumber River, on both side3 of the road leading from Rocky Ford to Lumberton, being the same de scribed in a mortgage executed hy John Jowers to Gilbert Patterson, Adm'r, and registered in the Register's office in Rich mond county in Book B13. pages 5-2D and 526, to which reference mav oe had. CHASV W. TfLLETT, Commissioner. This 7th January, 18S8. the surrounding counties march on and on in the healthy atmosphere of Democratic supremacy. D. T. H. And Still They Come. Laurinburg, Jan., 16, 1888. Editor r of tiie Rocket: Whih there are so many fine porkers com ing in from the upper end of the county, we have some fine ones in Laurel Hill township.- Monroe Cox recently; slaughtered six of different ages one eight mouths old weighed 153 pounds, and the others from 160 to 228 p-ounds, aged 13 months. E. L. McNair killed one which weighed 402. These were raised in stock-law territory. Yours, &c, . . ; ' McC. It ewart's ! The latest stvlea of Prints, Plaids, Dress Goods' snd Notions now being received and in for the Christmas Holidays; also a full assortment of Confectioneries, Groceries &c, all of which are fresh and bought as low as cash can buv them, and will be sold Hats, Clothing;, Shoes, Rubbers, &c, at prices never before known in Rockingham. Hardware, Crockery and Tinware, Wooden ware, Stoves, Stove-fixtures Furniture and Mattresses constrantly on hand at extreme ly low prices, and almost anything you want tor cash or barter. Highest" prices paid for Furs, Hides, Tal low, Beeswax, Kags, and all kinds of coun try produce. 50-tf. A. P, STEWART. Notice! ' A meeting of the Democratic Township Executive Committees, composed of five from each town ship in the county, is hereby called at the court house in Rockingham on Wednesday, 5th day of February, 1888, to receive the resignation of the undersigned as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of the county to elect a successor In his stead and to ransact such other business as may come, before the meeting. This 3rd day of January, 1888. - '''' CnAs. W. Tillett, Chm'n De'm. Ex. Com. of Rich mond county. NOTICE! 1,800 Acres Valuable . TIMBER AND , Turpentine Lands FORSAEE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Richmond County, the undersign ed will sell at pivblie outcry at honman, a Station on the Raleigh & Augusta Air Liine itauroaa, on TUESDAY, 14TH FEBRUARY, 1888, at-12 o'clock, m., Eighteen Hundred Acres oTLand, situated in said county, three and a half, miles from the Railroad, and five miles from Hoffman. This land is well timbered, and from six hundred to a thou sand acres of it have never been boxed, and it is, therefore, a splendid oppartunity for turpentine men. The timber upon it," and its proximity to the railroad, make it a fine location for a saw mill. There: are also some valuable farming lands on the creek bottoms a one-horse farm. in cultivation, with suitable buildings, &c. The land is composed of a large number of small tracts, and can be sold in large or small bodies, to suit the purchasers. TERMS OF SALE : One-fourth of pur chase money cash; one-fourth in three months, and the balance in six months. The purchasers to give note, with approv ed security, for deferred payments, and ti tle reserved until purchase money is paid infull. - 8fS Possession given immediately. Fqrfurther particulars apply or writej to the undersigned at Old Hundred, N. C. M. JJ. McNEILL, Commissioner. January 13, 1888. TY virtue of the powers contained in a JJ mortgage deed executed by John Ale Pherson to Daniel McNeill on the 4th day of March, 1885, and duly recorded in Book "r 1, Register s omce of Kichmond coun ty, pages 123, 12-5 and 125, conveying two certain parcels or tracts oi land situate m Laurel Hill township, county aforesaid, one of TOO acres and one of 98 acres, as securi ty for' the paymenl of a certain sum of money therein mentioned, default caving been made in the payment of said srinf-bf money according to tho terms ot said mort gage, I will sell said two tracts or parcel land described in said mortgage to-Jthe highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Rockingham N. C, on the 25th day of January, 1888. DANIEL'L McNEILL. Pec. 20, 1887. Mortgagee. By Coie & McNeill, Attys. SUCCESSORS , TO E. D. LATTA & BRO 1- err as r lt: c . .9 zxn- r n A- We nowjiave the nLargeSit; and Best Selected stock of s vs : ' -f - . - v. -: A y. ... q a IJT THE STATE: And we invite all clothing purchasers to an examination, ot our prices and stock. We also have the latest novelties-in Grents7 V Furnishing Goods. And our stock of ;Uats includes everything to be desired. in -this line. We solicit orders from a distance to? which we promise1 our careful and per sonal attention. . . ,,- VVe.will send goodSi to any part of the country on approval, returnable at pur; expense. : -t Ji i .1 . a i i - J , . hH A I.- !I . I'i ' i'... ij'.i , ". " i i t hi " Dr. W. M. Eowlkes M Bm ROCKINGHAM, Q. 5 '. - Pure MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, SHOTJL DER BRACES, CANDIES, STATIONERY, PAPER, PENS, INK.&c. Dr PAINTS, ; OILS, t$At-1 NISHES & DYESTUf&V TOILET AND ' FANCY ARTICLBSvl gCIGAES, TOBACCO -,A)e y C CIGARETTE.!; IfflLJSnBi1 UVU X-Jtl I 1 tIR I.-oq MAEES v l gg gel BUIST'S FRES . ,. - Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day of nighty SPECTACLES AT ALL PRICES Ladies and Gents GOLD AND SICY felt WATGHES, and Clocks soldV.cheap and mended sy PHYsioiAns. warrsntcu. J iii vv iiijii. 1 oi every descrip tion at lowest prices fine diamond Pings, Pins, Studs, &c - - . i X Christmas Has Cosne and Gonl .1 i s And this leaves us with a hrnkpn Ktnok in m:mv linps n - - - J - " k press Goods we nave had a sale such as tve never 'have'.fVad'd'tfhnff p&V t : l . : i r , i ujcrcaiiLue experience, ana oi cQurne inis leaves us wim n oroKen biock.t Now to get rid of this broken linee will, for SPOT ASH, close tfimpi Ollt at sne.h a. ntlCft ns will mrtA". nil thr remnants rind rwrfekf Hi,'k The Louisiana Democrats. ' The Democtats of Louisiana held their State Convention last week, and, after nominating a full State ticket, incorporated in their platform the following endorsement of the present Administration: We endorse the ad ministration. of Grover Cleveland, and believe that the interests, of the Union will be best subserved by his re-election. Notice. rPHE UNDERSIGNED havinc this dav X qualified as executors of the last Will and lestament of James H. Covnigton, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against his estate to present tnem to us, duly authenticated, a8 the law requires, on or befere the 15th day of Jan uary, 1889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. W. T. COVINGTON, J. E. COVINGTON, Execntors of J. H. Covington, dee'd. Jan. 9, 1888. Cole & McNeill, Attorneys. SHERIFFS SALE. I WILL SELL to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the town of Rockingham on Monday, the 13th day of February, 1888, two Lots: in the town ot Liaunnburg, levied on as the prop erty of Georse Leak, colored, to satisfy an execution m my hands from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of Mc Caskill & McLean, plaintffs, vs. Geome Leak, colored, defendant. I J. M. SMITI, Sheriff Richmond Countv, January 10, 1888. " ; Should be ntod a fw montlia teforecotiBnciaont Send for book " To Mothbbs," mailed froo. BBAurxELD RtrLA.TOR Co., Atlanta, Qfc LANDS FOR SALE. N K f ACRES in Laurel Hill township, ad t)J joining the lands of Mrs'. Whitfield Mcintosh and Mrs. Milton Mcintosh. One third of land in cultivation. t)7 pi ACRES, one and a half miles from w I t) town, at the low price of $4 per acre. Four settlements, -with dwellings and outhouses, on it. Terms made easy. 3 ROOM HOUSE, on Pearl street, in good condition. Lot 170x50 feet, f ACRES six miles, northeast of town, OU on which is a good vineyard of scup pernongs 10 acres in bearing vines. 1 tract" land, 140 acres, 1 J miles from town, known as the Elisha Long place. 1 lot known as the Alley .lot.- 1 lot known as the livery stable lot. : 1 lot on Washington street with two stores on same, 40x75 feet. 6. acres, with house on same, one mile from town. ; 1 tract of 50 aeres, 1$ miles from town-; All the above property will be sold cheap and on good terms. Apply to A. M. McAULAY, Real Estate Agent. Many df them are all-wool, double-wide, ("all and xamine:'Elierr ,J5n fact anything we have we proposed to close out at a price that' will h-iVe1 them'in time for Spring.purchases. We are Agents for tire ' : WE- . which is durable and healthful and made from long-leaf pine straw, and is the most comfortable carpet you can use, and it ischeap. t Agents also for Horseford's Bread Preparation, sold all over the'UnTorl $6.25 per case. Buy of us and save the freights. We are also ' Agents "fox! Malloy & Morgan's Bunch Yarn by the hale or hunch. '"' . W will close out the balance of our- Clothing at Jlow price.- Also gaits' anii -latT die Merino and Wool Underwear. We always keep up our line of ladies') geats'tiii children's Shoes, In this line we are always bottom because we buy through a paity on the spot where the goods are offered beiow their"worth. We have a line of, hosiery t we are desirous, to close out. Examine them. We keep Corn, Meal, Sugar. &c . .. Gents' dress and working Shirts. Cuffs and Collars for both gents and ladies. Hand-' ' kerchiefs, Notions, Hats, Tabb and Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Screw-Drivers, Braces, and Bits, Razors. All these goods at lcs3 than you can buy them. In other words; jve want to sill anything we have now- in stock at less than you can buy the satna article anywhere. Thanking you for past favors,. an.d with the compliments of the season, we are Tours, &c., . ; A lussell. i5 1 BAKER'S VITAL REGENERATOR NERVE T0NW removes all consequences of oUy and excess; renews the energy, courage and Tiger of youth. Cores weakness ef mind and body; Nerroos Debility, Spinal Exhaustion, Lost Manhood, etc. A powerful nerronsinvicorator and restorative. Partio. uTars froo. BAJiEB HEM. CO, Box 104, Buffalo, H. Y. GIBSON'S STATION BAUBLE YAH3.. i.i J. W. McElwee, formerly of York County, S. C.has established marble works at thV thriving little town of Gibson's .Station Richmond County. Having bad ten yeatsM experience in the business, he is prepared to do satisfactory work in ;: I. GRAVESTONES AND MONUMENTS. Ji rt it He keeps tba best quality of material, and will use none other than first-class; BaarbJL(f Desjgns and estimates furnished on application. Address .. . . . . J. W. McELWEE, Cibson's Station. H. C. yum - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; neatly done at THE ROCKET OFFIC& 1 ' f". . i f'i r -. i h 1