Job Printinrj. jJ7cTwALt,ilDIT6BAifl):JEOPWETOR. Office: '. , OVFR EVRTT, WALL & COMPANY'S. ; gTJBSCEIPTIOST B.ATE3 1 -- ' -. - i One year,............'.............. $1.50 Six months, '"'" ,75 Three months, .V....vf. .40 ggj- All subscriptions accounts must be paid in advance, -iiuii . ggj- Advertising ratea -famished on ap plication. . -. . C.REEN GRASS UNDER THE) SHOW. , The work of the sun is slow. But as sore as heaven, we know; So we'll not forget, When the skies are wet. There's green grass under the snow. When' the winds of winter blow, Wailing like Voices of woe, There are April showers, And buds and flowers, And .green grass "under the snow, j We find that It's ever so ' In this life's uneven flow ; We 've only to wait, In the face of fate, For the green grass under the snow. Annie A. Preston, v ' T : i 1 1 ' Sf. C. WALL, Editor and Proprietor. . TEEMS: 0 a Year in Advance. Vol. VI. Rockingham, Richmond Cotjnt N. 0., February 16, 1888V No. 7. Having recentiy-purchased a first class outfit, we awr prepared to dp all kinds ot PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRlWTIiMQ IN THE - BEST OP STYLE And at Living Prices. THE DETIt, IN DAIJLY What the Story of Christ' Temptation Really Maans. Gen. Aroutrani Is not Crank. From the Philadelphia Times. , Senator Blair having declared in a speech last .Thursday that he did not believe that Gen. Armstrong, of the Hampton Institute,' had ceased to be an advocate of his bill to edu cate everybody at the expense of the Treasury of the United States, the General replies in abetter to the New York Evening Post, in which he says that.lje has come gradually to Hugh 0. Pentecost. ; "Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Man lives not by bread alone, but by doing what is right, by being true to his reason and conscience. This is the law of real life what the Bible calls eternal life. And one phase of our daily, temptations is to violate that law; Man lives by bread, but not by bread alone. The temptation is to live by bread alone. The priest or minister knows the truth theological, political, econ omical. Why does he not speak it, then? It will cost him his bread if lie does. The lawyer knows the truth about his client. He is a bad man who should not be defended. He knows, too, that many laws are unjust or I immoral. Why does he not the conclusion that national aid to education, at least as provided by- R"ght uPon that knowledge? the Blair bill, is unwise and unde sirable. He further says: 'JApply the Blair, hill to the Southern school sys tem and it will check the.growth of ages, not to please themselves but to thus buy the gaping wonder of their neighbors. There are ministers and priests and politicians, editors and states man, aye, even poets, who might be good men but for their love of pop ularity. Many a man has been good and true until he has come to be talked .about, when the praise ol men has been worth more to him than self-respect. Why is this man not a christian? He fears the jeers of the unbeliever. He fears the ill-favor ot the world and isolation. Why does not the other fight for the reform he believes in? It would not cost him. bread He is rich. It would cost him caste. There are persons who will come into this hall and decide whether they will cpme again solely by wheth er the audience is as respectable as they consider themselves. c I have known men who bought the title of D. D. from a christian college, . notwithstanding He whom act j they call Lord and Master said "Be not called rabbi." that religion, as popularly lived, con sists in fearing God -and serving the devil. , This threefold temptation is hard to withstand. It is hard to be poor. to be ostracised, to be a nobody! won, and which almost every one admits to be essential to the public good, are not even considered by Cooarresa. The committee may be hostile ; or committees having great- the best thing in Southern life, the effort of the people to educate th'em selves One third of the Southern children of school age have to-day probably no chance for education ; 20 years ago almost none had it ; 20 years hence I believe all will have it." In other words Gen. Armstrong believes. that Southern education is now assured through the unaided efforts of theSouthern people them selves and that Federal aid would do more harm than good. -j The opinion of a practical educa tor like General Armstrong, who is thoroughly familiar with'the subject of education in the South, should have more weight with Congress than the prosy arguments and dan gerous sophistries of a whole army of cranks like Blair. It will cost him his bread. , 1 have known men who spent a The politician the office holder Uprtune m order to be called hence '-knows the corruption about him torth governor or senator or honor- 6f which, by his silence, he is parta- able or mayor, or even alderman ker. Why does he not tear away You tell me that publicans and the mask which conceals it and harlot3 go to hell ? If so these men boldly come forth to denounce and wiI1 a80 g to hell the D- D- and fight it? the alderman arm in arm. fft mill Anef Kim Viio Hroci a And all this notwithstanding the Th p'ditnr !rnnw K ifritpa th H Son of Man said, "Beware When all when he writes it. Why . does he men speaK wen or you. thus prostitute his pen ? " But must we not care for the good It will cost him his' bread if he opinion ot our fellows f f . . . ... writes the truth. . oi at an expense oi wnat is right The merchant knows his transac- You must dolour duty though men tions are fraudulent that be lies uurau you uuu uairuuiae you j mougu about his wares and robs his cus-e7 call you winebibber and the tomers. Whv does he persist in friend of publicans and sinners; tho' There is no denying it He who passes through the trial will have the heartache; will know mental agony. But there are two points of cheert That which threatens the good man aoes noi always nappen. j tie runs the risk, of starvation, but he does not always starve. He loses one set of friends, but gains a few others bet ter than they. He loses influence, apparently, while he lives, but gains it when he is dead. But the best of all is the angel's niinistratioD-and the rain pf flowers. To do right is worih all it costs. To be crucified is awful, but oh ! it is sweet to look inward on a "clean soul. This joy the pharisee, the hypocrite, the money-getter, i the time-server. never knows. I want you to tion like good men and women, and to remember that the worst evil which can befall you is to lose re spect for yourself. ! This is hell: To know that right and wrong were be fore me and I did uot choose to do right. Cnunltts of CoagrM. , ( : Prom th Youth's Companion. Before - this session ' of Congress ends those who read ' the dispatches from Washington will probably see many statements which will imnlv r l f ii tt -f n - i that a Committer of Oonrrefc noa- OI ne nou8e OI xveprwenianvra ana sesses a great deal of power. Thus, leavf no opportunity for the consid- it may Reasserted that a certairi erauon oi oui, wmcn congress wouia measure cannot be passed, because like to pass if the committees would the comraittee'having it ia' charge KTani u l Privilege. will not report ik Or it may that some bill will be delayed by the tactics of a com- Senator Stanford, of California, HEAVK BOBBKBTr Sates in a Jforfolk Jewelry Store Gatted. " Norfolk, Va., Feb. 6. Norfolk was tprown into a decided excite 1 er authourity may demand the time nent yesterday by the discovery of, a rouuery ai tne jeweiry .es tablishment of Messrs. Chapman & Gale, on Main street at the head of. Market square. The burglars first .! broke -into the shoe store of S. J ThomaSjJmjmediately adjoining, and ' commenced cutting a hole through the partition wall. This proving mittee having control of a different has written the following letter to a f f - 5uildinff and removed class of subjects. Again, we shall constituent who asked his reason for . . nhnnmnil aW read that the Congressman : who re- voting for the confirmation of Mr gkyHght Ty flnd commenced work on the safes, and Why Stanford Toted., for Lamar. they call you a fanatic, a crank.-- Better lose caste and with it reputa tion than, save them and be obliged A Mud river Indian was mistaken for a deer the othr day and shot. As they picked him up be declared that all the pain was assuaged by the evidence that somebody had some use forliim. Tid-Bits. ; that course? Bread! - i The workman knows that the sys- tem under which he works defrauds w e asnamea oi yourseit. and degrades himself, his wife, his children, hie fellow workmen the world over. He knows the way of justice, and relief. Why does he vote, then, on election day against his wife, his children and his fel ports a certain bill from a commit- amar as a Justice of. the united a tee refused to allow an amendment States Supreme Court : to be offered. "Washington, Feb. 6, 1888. "What 1" some unpolitical reader "Your lelter asking rmy reasons will exclaim. ."Do you mean to say for voting for Mr.. Lamar received, that the House of Representatives I voted for bira because I consider- cannot pass a bill because one of it" led him one of the best men in the committees are unwilling? That South for the place. He is, in my Congress will tolerate the intention- judgment, a broad, liberal-minded 111 tiliaf fitf mn rf 1 1 a lnsinnaa litr n I man rt a irrMf oo 1 rf Idnminn J r - I a rpi 1 : t f tt. r r kUKiunticci iiiv uiijr uicuiuci ui a was jjruiceusur ui in w iu a univcr- THE HERO OF THE EXCHANGE. Here's a ThrlUla(Taleef Joha Wood aad a Iflre-Hos. by hydraulic pressure soon forced open the safes and appropriated the, most valuable of the contents, care fully leaving all cheaper articles be hind. They then made off with their packs as noiselessly as they came, lbe nrst the police knew of the affair was the open store, and on entering, the scene was one of perfect wreck around the safes. The bur glars left behind a full kit of bur glar tools of the finest make, and triggers with strings worked from the front and bacs entrances to re ceive signals of the approach of po lice or others. The police say the work is that f experts and all the Congress would be so presumptuous I si ty in Mississippi. I think he is a as to tell the House of Reprcsenta-1 thoroughly converted Unionist, and Uvea i that no member was to offer an I do not think it wise to reject any amendment to a bill without his one on the ground alone that they pcr-uiissiun ?" were engaged in the late rebellion It does seem a little odd until one I think that we want to be onepec gets used to it, but it is all true, pie, politically and socially. Gen. Partly by rule and partly by cus- Grant expressed the idea when he chief cities have been notified: They iom me commiuees nave increased isaia, ".Lie us nave peace. Mr. Jja- believe thev have a clue. uieir powers unui mey are, in many mars loyany ana miegruy 10 ine A negro boatman appeared at the 1 t.L I. il . lT 1 I w - . t From the New York World. .uue yonu me reacn oi me union were passed upon most con- D0i;ce -tation and stated he saw four John W. Wood is a clerk in Sec- bodj of which they form a part, and clusively when both houses of Con- men lcave the uarbor in a sloop last retarv Ely's office in the New York 10 wnicn lDev owe ineir exisience. gress provided ior me succession to n-lRht with satchels. Several susbi- Stock Exchange.! Just before the us maKe an niusirauon 01 mis me presiaency ana maae mm an cious characters have been arrested Exchange opened yesterday morn-1 remarkable state of affairs. heir only a few removes from the examined, and discharged. ing he saw a puff of smoke and! 'When a bill is introduced in the Presidency. I was reluctant to find w w The Blair Bill. Some acrobats are fresh, and somersaults. The last temptation comes through the love of influence and power. The world shall be yours if you dui worsnip me aevii. There are men so rich that money nr lonfffir fnmnt.. tlipm Knt. Ihpv lows? To keep his situation or for ,ov ower Thev do not care to sit a small and soul-damning. bribe. ; t- - Bread! , , trol him who does. They do not How many letters I get from those e . , , . Tislature. who sav. "God bless you ; but who r ,u t 1 . , . J ' They prefer to own the Legislature, will not sign their names because, rp, , ,. - - 1 1 iir iiriii:iiin r i ir- 111 iiiiuri i r a t tlaraes under the rostrum. Mr. Wood House f Representatives, it must, myself not in harmony with all the had evidently been reading tales ofl under the rules, be referred to some Republican Senators, but it was a From the Fayetteville Observer. KIa n!ilifi I Committee. Havincr been SO refer, one -an far oa mv option ra onn. I The nennlfl Invp tn ha hnmhnimu1 iui u - 11 mv jwf4UIV (111 IftUW lllblICO I O I ww .m. J wwv.vm f I J IT - W V L-U J O O in the'temple oT fame by performTng 1 ,ieqi 11 is - wnony irrnwr xnscreiiou 01 1 ccrnea, entirely ior my owir juug-i i vtaitq mnu runj , mi imuiumni f darincr feats at a fire, and so he nr. the committee whether or not to re- raent and conscience, and I voted oared to climb up to a loftv position port it. If a majority of the com- accordingly. in the temple himself. He quickly mittee' are opposed to the bill, the Respectfully yours, I . . 1M1 . 1 ! harnessed himself to a Babcock fire extinguisher and started for the fire. But he was not a skillful man, "Leland Stanfoep." they say, 'You know I must live, and if it were known that I think as I do, or if I associated with those with whom I think, it would cost me my situation.' " I pity these poor souls, for it is not a thing to be desired to be poor. But no angel ministers to them ; no sweet odors hang about them. The devil is their boon companion1. They Verymany of I he healthjest peo ple keep themselves in such condi tion by the occasional use of a reli able cathartic, and they give the preference to Laxador as moire fully serving their purpose than any other similar remedy. Only 25 cents. Sleepless nights and cheerless days will be prevented if you. use Dr. BulPs Baby Syrup to induce are fakin body but living skeletons j DICCp 11114 WUJVOUtC , lJL UUJ Price 25 cents. DYSPEPSIA. '.I 1 !S that misery experienced when we sud denly become aware (hat we possess a labolical arrangement called a stomach; The stomach lathe reservoir from which every fibre and tissue must be nourished, and any trouble with i t Is soon felt through out the whole system. Among a dozen dyspeptics no two will have the same pre dominantsymptoms. Dyspepticsolactive mental power and a bilious temperament are suDject 10 hick, ueaaacnef tnose. , nesny ana pniegmauo nave vonsnpauon while the thin ana nervonsare aoanaone on. aea to gloomy foreboding. Some dyspeptics are wonderfully forgetful;, others have great Irritability of temper."' 4 - Whatever form Dyspepsia may take,, one thing Is certain, j The underlying cause is in thteiiymn, and one thing more is equally certain, no one wlU remain a dyspeptic who will Acidity of the - Stomach, -f Xbrpl fool gases. Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and; at the same Start thf tr tdvorMt- tciien allotJurtrouDie : toon disappear t L M c Some Steiner, of " My wife was. aonfinned. dvtpept three year sto bv the advice of thi S Augusta, she was induced to try bimtioiu Liter KcKuUtor. I teel. grateful 'for the relief it given her, and -may all who ;rea4tl and are afflicted in . any way .whether, chronic or other-. Ue,use Simmon liver Regulator and t feel, confident health will be restored to -all who win he advised." Wm. KkkW. FerYalley, Ga. See that you set the Genuine, with red on front of Wrapper. : rHErAaao'Oin.'i' : i . -; . ;. . H. ZEUXN CO, hlladlphJa,Pa. PAINLESS CHILDBIETH HOW AOOOMPIJSHED. Eve lady hooidknow., BAKKB BEM.00..6ozlMBnffalo,M.T. E RSI AN BLOOM. Beit CopliiaSMtf tltter,-8kiaCnre aad Blemish Eradieator knewM ?ltamp for trial paekago. Addreea aa above. Head ouTr new clubbing offeii. in soul This is the daily heresy of life this "I most live." I tell you that it is not necessary to live. It is necessary that you shall not violate your conscience. If you do wrong in order to live, then you never can be anything but a curse to the world aud most of all to yourself. It is better that a man should gather his wife and children about him and wait for death, with angels ministering to him and flowersrain ing upon him, than that he should live to know, and have them know, that for what he gains in bread he sells all that is. worth keeping. " "Tis man's perdition to be safe when for the truth he ought to die." The delicious sense of erything to them. There are divines who, to become bishop, archbishop or pope, would worship forty devils. Nor is this always a gross temptation. It is oft en subtle and specious as the other?. "Beware how you do that which will destroy your influence," says the devil. YV here you are you nave a laree field and great influence for Consider how foolish it would be tor you to lose 'this very power for good in your attempt to do good." . ''Consider !" quoth the devil to the priest. "You have a parish of 20, 000: souls whom you can lead along gradually into the truth, you love if you are prudent. If you are irapru dent you will lose your influence. Fall down and worship cie and the parish shall still be yours." and in his anxiety to save time tried o prepare the machine for action on Ins way to the fire glass, and a quart of liquid got down his neck. Still his ambition, which, very naturally, was quite nery, could not be dampened even by a Babcock fire extinguisher, and, amid the plaudits of the brokers, he ugged the machine to the fire. Alas! lere he met another obstacle. He could not turn on the stream. The And the second temptation is this: To live in the-sight of . other people, for their wonder or admiration ; to be popular. Had Jesus flung himself unhurt from the temple parapet to the stones L below he would have been a nine days' wonder, and many would have followed him who had no eye for goodness; There are women who wear little cymbals in their shoe heels to gain the attention of the passer by. And alack ! there are men who walk the avenue to be looked at spectacles to behold they are, too, in very deed. "Get priest. thee behind me," said the "The true soul shows no prudence. I. will speak the truth at the post ot influence." . Ana tne an eels and the flowers camfc to the a priest. ' . , Ah ! this subtle lie, that it is bet ter to have a kingdom which you should not have because wth H crimes power to do gobd, has wreck ed many a soul. . "I onlv wish money," says the christian, "to do good with." "I only wish office," says the pol itician, "to use it for good." "We buv voters." said a member - - w of the republican machine in a cer tain city, "because if we did not the democrats would ; and it is better that" the town should be controlled .by republicans than democrats, b- cause the republican is the purer partyVr - But is there no place for ambition in human conduct ? Yes! But not at the expense of what' is right. .- So little is this recognized that Them jirp hersnna who furnish their houses and spend lavishly on equip- sometimes think it not unfair to say easiest way to kill it is to let it lie in the committee-room unreported. We should say here that in all cases we refer to the committees of the House of Representatives. Some From the Murphj (N. G.y Bulletin Th Murphy Bulletin Man Marries Bte Landlady and Rajoiees. m I . , .... it. wv th of the remarks are applicable also to 1 116 K000 D0OK nas 85110 l9al 11 13 the Senate, but it is in the lower we or a man 10 oe aione. it House that the committee system ha8 wying so for about 2,000 plays into their bands in -helping as a general rule, are compelled resort to it to keep the people ' in good humor and themselves 'in of fice. Free education, monev riven j- to educate your children withont L work, is very enticing, and ourgreiifl men advocate it some for one reaV son, some for another ; Democrats -because it is a popular thing among iU. 1 . t ..Li: i -' tuc pvupic ; ivepuuuuaus, oecause is has had its most remarkable devei opments. There is a way in which some measures may be taken away from their committees. That is by a mo tion to discharge the committee from the consideration of the bill. brokers told him to "let it eo" and Such a motion may be made at cer- in rifW ih.ncra wh.oh .h tain, rare intervals, proviaea tne years, more or less, but it was only yesterday that we conceded that such was the case and proceeded to get us v-v 1 1 I a wne. uur reaaers are no aouui well acquainted with the Widow Plodgere, who keeps .the boarding house just around the corner from this office good clean beds and a square meal for fifty cents. There in that mansion it was that the shot I i-a a t . a ..,.i,i nnf Thinbinr. k. I ancaker consents, tnouen not as to .UUtU llUh A lUUftli( MIC UU6C IT UO 1 ' O I - A t 11 1x1 tnrougn our two tenaer nearis. i es, there we saw the Widow Pledgers, stoDDed up he blew his breath down I m .... ......a. it sind about the same tim some one irom a committee is so limitea mat tuiucu uu wuw Buvauit jui f v vwu i c " I . . j 1 . a . m a a . I r rm it wa w ri orfl r u I wm iv m mm if 1 1 1 gave up all thoughts of being a hero A great variety ot examples migbt " then and there,- for the broker who be given to'show the peculiar pow- wotvandW her. It wasonamoon- istin t the machine had ers of the committees, but we have "8" nigm sue approacneu i-Mi.j u: i.:,:. on,-.. nn,.A fnr thm anrl onr rdprs a board bill in her hand, but all un KlilCU. U1UU11IUU. 1I1CY I cv - Mr. Wood up- what there was of will take our word for it that in him, and tenderly laid him down many instances the House of Rep- where the fresh breeze was blowing resentatives is literally unable to and the wild bulls came not. There bring before itself its own business, daunted we fell at her feet and pour ed forth the state of affection that filled our bosom. Need we say that the moon looked down with watery he revived. An alarm had been sounded and" would like to give them, because fir onoinA jlnahori nn .to the Ex- one of its committees opposes iU a change. or to put measures iuto the form it ye8 thro' the dark.8wayinS bouSh8 OI ine oa& l neeu wc eay tuut ucr head nestled on our editorial shoul ders, and she said she would be ! ours ? No 1 but such was the case, and to-night we are a married man. The ceremony I Who can tell about ? There was the parson we Speaker, the situation becomes still promised him $2; there was the more remarkable. "ue wlluo "UUUUU8 It is not. for the Companion to and flowers, and ribbons and smiles, urge objections to the system as it and there was we-the whole is sum is, although merely to state the con- med P in the confession that we dition of things is to condemn it. hereby breath. forth to the brethren nr u; f 101 tne press: we aro no longer n . I WW R rP I f. I LU LUC BUU CLb till ICii T LU I turnea to-morrow. ? . .... .. . . we are us. He stood there proudly, but his PIam wnannigns no. otoerwise n m MWAvrxrtf-i n v rai a w-u rii inn imiiv i . farA nrna arKpH uuutiBwuu -j TM varaiet iwuiaou. "Evervthine shall be returned " newspapers wno nave noi caremuy w . u. suit, aruggist, uippas, ma., everything siiall De returned, constitution of Coneress. testifies: I can recommend Elec- she went on, witft a queenly sweep . , . . trie Bitters as the very best remedy of her rounded arm, "with the ex- Acquaiiuance wun toe power ex- Eye bottle gold hag vejJ relief Q mention, of course, of the caramels ercised by the committees will mate every case. One man took six bot- and the ice-cream." 1 it. clear whj there is such a scramble ties, and was cured of rheumatism fnr onmm dm n soHi when n. new lot iu years lUDainz. j Aoranam t :..i-.v. Hare. drugjrisV BellrillV Ohio, af- . : " l . v " "v """r-j - - . uTha best sellinsr medicine An uncovered electric light will to that of the assembly as a wire had raused the trouble, which whole. When one is reminded that was remedied in a few minutes, these committees are not chosen by Several beams were charred. The the Representatives, nut are appoint- Babcock extinguisher was not hurt, ed on the sole responsibility of the The Ashas of liore. From the New York Sun. "All is over between us, Mr. Samp son, she said, coldly. i he pres ents vou have given me w$ be re- them to keep up the protective tariff. that a surplus may be always ?bnt -hand. But behind the scir.cs there! are other matters that pliold 'con-1 cern ujjmuch more. "Amonghese S. I is a provision in the bill which re-'" quires that copies of the school books used are to be filed with the Interior Department, so that what is taught may have governmental supervision and governmental sanction. Are our people ready. to submit to this, that they may have free education? Are Northern historians that call Jefferson Davis a traitor and vonr parents rebels, and are insulting to all Southern people, to be RtnHirl by your children? Are you willine. or the sake of jnoney, to degrade them and. yourselves, to poison their minds? We hope not. Our State schools are not doing as well as we wish ; but we had far better let mat ters remain as they are than that we should be subjected to the supervis ion of any department of the Gov ernment. Illiteracy in bur State is decreasing, and the people are daily being awakened to new enerev in the matter of education, and we can, if we will, "paddle our own canoe." MaUaln Bettr Thaa Cad Llvar Oil. Dr. Quillan, the leading authority of Great Britain on lung trembles, gives his opinion based upon experiment.-that mullein is better in con sumption than Cod liver Oil. . Tay-J lor'sUherokee Kemedy pt Sweet Uum and Mullein will cure coughsoolds and consumption. irVinmucB mnofa Tt ia nrtt oimtiltrfTi v6. v rr. - r-j firms nonor oi ocmg cuuaen to Berve uu an , . handled in mr twenty important committee, but the actual y-ars' experience, is Electric Bitters., influence and authority that eo with Thousands of others ' have added i, ,;t;n whinh mfiWe the rWm- their testimony, so that the verdict . ' , . . . is ; unanimous that Electric: Bitters ue u w 8- . . eure an diseases of th-Iiver Kid Moreover, the same tacts will show neyg or Blood. Only a half dollar why it is that certain' measures tola bottle at Dr.- W. sL Fowlkes & which there seems to be no objec- Co.'s Drrjg Store. . DOJPT let that cold of yours run on. Yoa think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumo nia. Or consumption. Catarrh is diseustirur. Pneuma. nia is dangerous. .Consumption ia death itself. - The breatbine appiratus must b kept healthy and clear of. all ob-. structions and offensive matter. Oth erwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these oarts . and lunescan be deliehtfallv and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's Ixerman byrup. If you don t know ibis already, thousands and thou sands of people can tell yon. They have been cured by-it, and "know how it is, themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. , Ask any druggist... . When you . come to town next week.'call in and settle your dues to The Rocket and get a premium v .i'l I I; t -if - 5 -

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