$h9i lALLfTEp5xoKiD Paoranro. .Office': EVESB?TT, WALL company's. i , 1 BuBSCEIPTION BATES Six paonfhs,.. ... .75 .40 " -ir--iiS" All BUbscriDtiona accounts must, uv -. uiuu m auvauce. Advertising Urates furnished cn ap- GIVE. 'US YOTJB- EAES, DEM0 V CBATS., . yW think we understand the sit- Ration that gives rise to the plea of ,'tojo ...partisan politics" in our ap proaching town election. It " is the same bid game by which,Hf carried out, the Radicals will, practically, enjoys the triumph and what little nonor ana emoiumenc a,re 10 accrue frnin a. defeat of the Democratic tick- p.t. - It. is the. fnrmnr cnnsideratioii I 4neMn11v that commends this mixed 1 j! l-.i i ; ! i ii x '. i I .UCKet uusints w iuiu, iur tiiejr re- i cognise in it an opportunity for dis- integrating the Democratic nartv. I Thev annreciate the nlausibilitv of -. o O I rf . r r i i : l ' J L . C ! sucn a cry, as useu uy proiewsing j Democrats, for thev know that some! . . . f good Democrats have beetiied ofifby i t : i TV ii uereiuiore. ionsz nc tue uoiii ocxats, as a party, have seen the folly ot compromising with the enemy, even in town elections, it has in ured every time to the strengthening of the Radical lines in our commu nity and in the county. It can' have , - - - I none other than a damaging effect upon the regular organization of the Democratic party. It was high time to quit it, even if we did have to ac cept defeat as the consequence. Bet ter that, on the principle of preserv mg nartv organization and the in- I ierests that are conserved bv it. than i I to acnieve a quasi victory witn au the chuckle ot delight on the side ol jthe Radicals. They must enjoy the situation ; we cannot blame them, But for Democrats who stand for principle ana wno are not asnamea to urge the supremacy ot party where so much is at stake, the duty pelore us is plain. We have an or- ganization in the town as well as in the county, in the State, in the! Union. The sure strenath of the gauiwiuuu ut an ius pans. e snail : : C 11 ;i i rr i ii have need for an unhja&en solidity ; i. iJTTr. . - in our party ranksin the campaigns tof this year. Let us begin at the be ginning and marshal our forces in due time for the fight. At the call - of the town executive committee, let the Democrats assemble in conven tion nominate their candidates good men and true for the various municipal offices to be filled at the election on the first Monday in May next, and then vote for them in solid column. If any objections are to be prged on personal grounds, manage ment,&c., the convention is the place for adjustment of all such. If satis- iOLiwu' ton wgiveii inen anu mere 1 : ii i ,i I why, pull out and bolt if vou wish But if bvvour deliberate xui, ii oy your aeiiDerate absence or failure to object at the proper time things should not be i or failure to obiect at the pone to suit your individual choice, then don't knife the party, out of personal spite, but-defer your griev ance to another time and onnortu- pity. I his is the oiily manly course, jLHE sensibilities ot our corre spondent may well be aroused, as seen on the local page, at the action pt our town board in olaciner the f i town, registration book in the keep- ing of a bar-keeper at his "place of a few "o after the death of three right of the commissioners to have the ministry at an early age and appointed whoni they pleased, un- served the Great Master with faith der the authority of law ; or that mlness until called up to his Feward. prima '"facie the appointee is no a e were shown samples of tobac proper selection to havebeen made: fPk raised ?ear hre b Mr buv if it was understood that the ofXcotC: book was to be kept at his 'fplace of which, inr anpearande, compares fa business" . (see notice at the court vorably with- the. up-country yield, house door, bearing date March Severa of our farmers Greeted barns 15th) or if, with their tacif sanction, ISJ;!;11 W .the bu.si1?tpf the voter is stui ;r.n;4 tk raising the weed last' season, but the ti - ?q- ir ,g 5 ?USiineBS w"' fio ' Paylo as they that place of business in order (6 had' been led-to believeand but lit- register, after the fact has been tie will be planted here this fieason brought.to their ; attention, "tnen we TePorgMnm'Cane growers and syr- do' hot hesitate to sky that the act .aP-maers. 8em to have ?ared betr deserves "the flaHo a- ter, and will continue the use of their deserves the flagellation administer- evaporators for another season. Sev- ed by our correspondent. It is noth: erai hundred gallons of fine syrup ing 8hprt of an insult to the voting ant purchased from farmers here population of the lo'wrt "fftk0Kv if :;': , . -. : s to be continued at the'registrar's fail to bo registered, but oar Mc o every voter is!: 'Seeihpersonhat V.MIJ -cgtaicreu. Xfc will surprifie'nVif we"(lo not seea cratic vote at the next thn ; . . .. . ' .7 ""vm. -Send vonr. w : 7 .. . '-"r" tw Jvu juinung. THE r SABBATH-SCE0OZ MOVE- ' Events are fast Verifying the state Wnt made by Dr. Haygbod,of the Southern Methodist Ctar&ha the Sanday-school causeiis Jthe pre dominating fact of ihe presenVage Thereis no question, economic, po litical, or otherwise, that takes prec- j c iL o j i. i i- edejjceof the Sunday-school n ihe puujic miuu oi ujw wuuirjr. , auo various orthodox denominations are vieing with each other in the spread of knowge and Script. Sunday-school. , The international v . .;. . - . . -I lesson system of Bible instruction has wprktd a revolution in teaching methods and now, certainly .wher ever the English language is known and read, this system is in . use. In the cause is enlisted both clergy and laity of all the churches ; and the work that is being accomplished and the promise for the future is obliged to have important effects upon the civilization of the age. We can im asrine no iafluenoe thai tends mora toward the ubliftincr of humanitv. u . : r ".a i uic vuuserTauuu ot Buuicbj at large, and the preservation of our liberties as a neonle. Wherever the in flnenna finds a lodgment in the hearts of & r w . iL. L.i 'j tue luasses, mas community is sale. The Sundav-school isnronArlv tvni. 1 J J r fied as "the nursery of the church" 3 .t , . , ... uu. even more man mis. ltia nre- servative of the morality of any com- munity. bow thickly the seeds of the Sunday-school influence and, our word for it. there will soon be left no room for anarchy, riot or other infractions of the public peace. Its importance to the State then, as well as to the Church, demands con sideration and well-directed efforts to extend that influence. The con vention that assembled in Raleigh last week imnarted an imnetua to the movement that will Dass through O the vears. and for North Carolina ' - means victory to tne Sunday-school cause, l he btate having been or ganized, the credit for which being due to the efforts of Mr. William Reynolds, of Illinois, it remains for every county io arrange lor period l cai conventions and organize socie- ties for the diffusion of Bible prin- ciples universally. It is a matter for congratulation that the efforts ol faithful Sundav-school workers are being crowned with success everv- . in-. . . 8 tuePUDc ouuaings noted by this writer in Raleiirh last is the new Supreme Court building which in architectural arrangement and convenient appointments seems precisely suited to the various pub lie uses for which it was intended The court room is spacious, airy and exceedingly tasty in style : on a sim liar model of taste and comfort are the Clerks' and Reporters' rooms and ! large library rooms TT j . . . . u w me l capital citv of our Stat nnahf t Ba viaunra tr thrt or, A nm;nA 4U ui.. l , , 1 . .. o J uu"u 1 mg. It is a credit to the State and , .... uviruiug uejruuu i . , . . , , J mo ouuiuunauuu Uiaue nv ihA I .act. I ' 6 aDor and resources , , . e 8 Prison contributed iarf,eiv to the much nA in pn t I .MUV. I Lanrinburg Notes and Observations. Special Correspondence of The Rocket. All classes seem to feel the effects plaints on every hand. The cash rciau ueaiers an complain and wait for customers that come onlv nt lonr intervals. At 5 o'clock on the morning nf th 24th inst Rev. Martin McQueen breathed his last at his home npor wv uio uumc near Carthage, N. C, just one week and r a rl na. who hayejust i" iKi "LtS?' they passed say that no section has I r "Bv HiBMvute,auu tuat f, country second to none m. a.JIj rivsfr- :y A?e .auiogco wuau over iuav country are A, be d with those en- ijoyea nere,- . - D. T. H; c'; ring-Time Reflections. Written for The Rocketjg" i Mb. Editor The' time Vtien ev er loafer is !n his glorjr will soon be here. lliat Mmia the fishing sea son. Everybody, will W getting minnow-hooks perchooks cat hooks, (eafc hoots awfrite with the darkeys), trout-hooks, arjd very kind of hooks that can be. got. The uoiquuous mue nigger will "git lha with his W : mister, ubiquitous little nigger will "git can ti Ketcu yer sum mmners lev- day ?M Tho little niggers generally famish the; loafer small f bait, who is mother tried . to get - him to dig u p two or threefeet of ground for ia cab bacre bed. and his back hurt him sn V UlUl W4U Wli M ... A A.aV UV T II llllOd al x l ' v?' J i bad that1 he couldnYdo it, will now dig over several acres of ' a citizen's low grounds trying to get at. the poor little "yearth worrums," "and never reel tireq whatever. Go down to the factory iond al- . 7 most anv dav m the summer time and you will see enough loafers fish ing there to take the mortgage yoke off the poor farmers' necks in Rich mond county. The fellow will also come up to tell you about that "whale" he "hung" the other day. It is curious how much patience some' people have. They will sit on anold.log away out over the creek on a day when the glorious summer sends down its fiercest rays, and bob, Dob, bob, two or three hours without getting a "nibble." But after a while an end is put to the monotony of tne situation. te raises up one leg. He's got a bite. He looks at his cork" it's gone; Look at him pull I He's got him : when crash 1 splash ! "Gol darn that fish ; he was a little telluw anvhow let him arb " is all he says as he is helped out of tne creeK wet as a "dipped" Baptist. Some of the loafers will be pitch ing horse-shoes in the rear of Louis Daw kins' store all the summer. If vou want to see anv of them, inst go back of there, you will be pretty apt to nnd a crowd at "horse-shoeing." Our town is blessed with more loafers than any place of its size in Christendom, I believe. There are all sorts, little, big, white and black. We ought to have a chain-san? in ofir town and every man or boy who couia n t give a sufficient excuse for loafing, should be placed in it and made to work for the town, if he would not work for himself. There is a pile of lumber lying beside Mr. Steele s store that has not been used up yet. It is the stopping place for loafers especially dark hued de scendants of Ham all the time. The other day an unusual number had congregated on the nile. Thev re minded me of the buzzards that roost below blabtown back of town in rows on the tree limbs, and all hlnk "I It ia tt dlntmeDii thit iTimmimU. Ureat strong, healthy men and boys who could be earning fift een ts or a dollar pei day, and doing nothing. Some of them say, "We can't get work to do." That is ail nonsense Anybody that wants to won can nna plenty ol it Good citizens should shame them about loahng at every opportunity. Satan always finds mischief for idle hands to do. Just such a Populace, is whnt pulls down a town. They are a drag on thecommunity. Tliey are the cause oj nam times, it they the loafers ever get any money, about the first u : .-. i j a . . - - O-- J ""-J , uuuuii fcllC UISI thing they do is to go to a bar-rnnm and it is transferred to the fe ppncr'o till who hna rhanra nF o fn: 1U.1 C r r:1.11 imciuui xvegions, oniy a onuri uisiance iunner. rnnr tho iUnntn U: i-i . , ""' aic uemg lUKen .oy norse-stioe pitchers to ply their 'u.wtM vocauon. ine town commissioners oucht to r.hamp nt for the prnnnd thpu iwinmr u- n VWVU M Vl . 11UVK .1 ll . .. - . . . . iub luarsuai io suppress the pitching Ladies don't want to be passim? where they are in danger of being hit by a flying horse-shoe. Visitors or any- ooay eise coming to our town will say, "Why, this town isn't much nothing but loafers and horsp.-Rhne pitchers." The base-ball fiend will soon he upon US with his bludereon readv to slay innocent blood if none but the umpires, l won t comment on them now. but the next time T Am UU across my abdomen with one of their ... pais the whole gang had better look out, for I'll annihilate them justas we are going to do tne .Republican party nexi jNovemoer. Winter is leaving us never to re- turn i mean this winter of course Y - ------ and "Spring-time witb its sunn smile seems to banish all sorrow and gloom." It don't banish mv eloom worth a cent, it only increases it, for on, me. ine oid 'oman ' will now have me pegging away at that old garaen or new one just as yo please all the good time that i coming, and I'm afraid I will not be able to sit out on a log much and wait for a "nibble" myself. She had me in that "little plat" one day last week, and mv poor back ! T m cm ing to take out a pMicy on my life anu nanas well, 1 can bave the sympathy 6f like sufferers. I went to bed that-night, so tired! and dreamed of seeing myriads of littl Irish potatoes With big eyes dancin; jigs with each other. And tlw. kJ seed that I had planted it was the ipng variety was up and the pod were, all immense swords, and dreamed a big Purple Top Turni with "squatty legs and an impish ey grinned with Bava?eexulttinn i IIP he seized one of theBwords and stabbed me to the heart. And. my Restless 45piru reiurnea to earth and read the epitaph on my tombstone : "He died a martyr to the hoe-cabbage PAHS M Hit a t in W-r.. cause. CHAR1.IE WORLEY. 4! A .-t 1 L " CoL" Steele. From the Rockingham , Broad Axa!v A late issue of the Carthage J5Iad contafas a scUrriloHos Article on the war record-of iMl.VY alter -u. oteeie, of our town. His cafa Inreplytame out last wetk ahd W m ust say it was a manly denial of what he de nounces as a cowardly lie, and has about it the ring of the true metal. His honorable gray hairs should shield Col. Steele from all such ven omous flings, and the good he has done and is now doing in our sec tion should afford a Lethean bath "or any fanlts he may have. His name in many homes in Richmond county is a synonym for all honor and respect, and it is a fact that all thebperatives in the factory, of which he is president, regard him more in the light Of a father than a boss. Granting that it is discreet to attack Achilles at all, it is certainly unman- y to aim a shot at his unarmored head. " BABY BTJNTI1TQ- AGAIN. One1 of the greatest literary hits of he season is the storv of - Babv Bunting ; or, the Alphabet of Love, by Laura Jean Libbey, which is at present being published in the col umns of The New York Family Story Paper. The paper contain ing the opening chapters of this won derfully. popular romance appeared on the news stands this morning. The tremendous rush for that num ber by the ybung ladies of the town shows clearly that the publishers have struck a bonanza. The Fam ily Story Paper is for sale by all newsdealers, or will be sent to any address four months, postage free. lor Jl.UU. Korman L. Monroe, Pub lisher, 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, JNew York. The Governor offers a reward of $200 for the capture of William Mo- Ginn who murdered Mr. Leroy El liott in Mecklenburg county on the drd inst. Two passenger trains on the Pitts burg and Lake Erie road collided on ounaa two trainmen were killed and many passengers serious ly injured. CONSUMPTION SURELY. CUBED. To thi Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for il V 11' . r ' . ine aoove naroea aisease. uy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fbb e to anv of your readers who have consumption if iney win sena me tneir express ana post ot fice address. Respectfully, T. A. SLQCUM, M.C.. 181 Prl St.. Now lorfe. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purityf strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. ' Sold onlv in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., "106 "Wall st., N. Y. Do You UJant A Nice Suit of Clothes? A pretty Hat ? or A dandy pair of 8hoea? DO YOU WANT A Calico ? A Ginghams ? A Seersucker? A Linen? ' A Lawn, or a FINE DRESS ? DO YOU WANT To see the prettiest Ladies' Hats, Bonneta, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, fec, you ever saw ? ' - I have these goods in great variety, in the latest fashions, and many more. If yon are posted on goods and pricse I can not fail to sell you. A. C. COVINGTON, Roberdel. N. C. Burwell, Walker & Guthrie, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hockingliam, IN". C. Office opposite the old postoffice. Ingram's Fishery. MY FISHERY AT THE GRASSY Islands is now, catching a large quan tity of Fish . of the various kinds which usually run in the waters of the Pee Dee They will be delivered' in Rockingham three or four days tach week and retailed at moderate prices. They can bo had in quantities at the Fishery, where we have good accommodations for man and beast S.B.INGRAM. Klin, f wl Wf 7,S:' AcnoT DEALER IN SUGARfcOFFElC MESAMOEASSES," ijFLOURJMIlLTOBACCO, y4 r . - V avA a Tc4 frtTTTWtl " CIGARS SSTTFT, c .i CANNED GOODS, TxrnTT?.a itttr 'RATSTKS .n v firything usually kept in a first-class gro cery store, all or wnica win be sol as cheap as the cneapeet. DON'T FAIL to give me a call when in want of anything in my line. You shall have courteous at tention, and rocc bottom prices lours iruly, J. S. GOLDSTON. J. W. GOLB, DEALER IN General Merchandise, Has thorouehlv and neatlv repaired the store-house formerly occupied by J. W. & W. v. l nomas, ana opened out an Elegant Stock OF Hats, Men's and Boys' Clothing, and other ueneral Merchandise. Also a Complete Stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, . 9 And Druggists' Sundries, in charge of DR. T. S. G0LE. The above cooda have just been par chased by me in the Northern markets, are brand new, were bought for the SOLID CASH with all the discounts off. and can and will be sold as low as the lowest. Come and try me. "A word to the wise is sumcient. Oct. 18, '87. J. W. COLE. THE LEADING r. V. WOOD & SONS 10 S. 14th St, Richmond. Va. Request all Gardeners, Farmers and I nickers to send 'for their HEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1888. It contains descriptions of mm a . ail new and desirable varieties of SEEDS iPLAUTS for the Farm and Garden that aro adapted to the South. Grass & Clover Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. Srm for it. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpst scixxcs or lot, th AfTt Xodlcml Work at U age on manhood. Karroo and FbTEtaU Debility, Prematura DacUna, Srror of Youth, and tba untold miseries oooaaqnant tkarooa. SCO pa Ito, VB prMcrlptlotia for aQ dlieaioa. Cloth, fall cUC oolr ftlJXL b tbH. Maied. I UostraUTa ssmple free to all Txmg and mlddla ayed men. Besdnow. The Gold and JaweUed Xedal awarded to the anther by the Na tional Kedloal association. Address p. o. box 1SSS, Boston, Kaaa, or Dr. W. H. PARKEB, grad nate or Earrard Hedical CoUege, J5 years' practloe la Boston, who may be eonsalted confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man. Office Ko. 4 Bolflnch at. Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Superior Court of Richmond county, N. C, made in the case of Emma L. Pem berton, Executrix of John D. Pemberton, dee'd, against Clarence L. Pemberton and others, defendants, I will sell publicly, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Rockingham, county and State afore said, on the 3rd day of April, 1888, all the land devised to John D. Pemberton by the will of his father, James D. Pemberton dee'd. It consists of the tract known as the dwelling house place, of about 71 acres near Mangum ; also a tract North of the aforesaid tract, containing 36 acres, and of such part of the River tract aa was willed and devised to th widow of James D. Pemberton for her life and after her death to John D. .Pemberton: and also of the 5 art of the River tract devised directly to ohn D. Pemberton, which lies directly be tween the land of the widow and the land of Mrs. Helen Roid. These lands will be aold to make assets to pay the debts of Jno. D. Pemberton, dee'd, and charges of admin istration, which the personal property is insufficient to pay, and the commutation value of the widow's interest in said lands. Terms of sale Half cash ; balance to be paid November 1st, 1888, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from day of sale Title retained. J EMMA L. PEMBERTON, Febroary 28, 1888. Commu,8loneT. RICHMOND COUNTY HEAL ESTATE AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS and all kinds of Real Estate All property placed in the hands 6f this Aeen cy will be advertised free of cost to seffers. btnet attention given to all business, and the interests of patrons carefully guarded vBlirVey' made and Plata or chart furn ished to parties purchasing through me .Property rented and rents cofieeted'on reasonable terms. ' Correspondence solicited. Address A. M. McAULAY, . , . , Rockingham, N. C. Aug. 14th, 1887-tf. Remember, we are prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing on short notice, and will duplicate the prices of any first-class house in this section of the State. Mill SEED nDDSE I, r I mm , m t im mm mm am mm m am m m m , - u -o Having jusi ; returned from New York, I Stock of illinery ever shown in -Rockingham. I was very LATEST NEW As I anticinate a lartraj hnain.. this iMunn f will nrlMvnr - .n - i. .1 than ever. My stock consists of all the o.uw muiicu, uiuuuou auu uukriuimou, 0:11 o-i: !-- o:n in . Silks. Satins. Morie Silka and Q&azMi of Spring shades. Ribbons in Satin and Morie, shaded. Picots and plain edge from iV to a sash ribbon. I have a delightful line of Parasols in all lot of Kid and Silk Gloves, Bustles, Veiling. Jewelry, Corset. Dress Buttons (Petri sua xancy ueaas, unuarenrs ljace vaps, aojtr llaU ana Caps, and a great many oth er articles that I have not space to mention. Call and be convinced. Thanking you very much for past patronage, I solicit a continance of the same UUHlttX UJiDUKS carefully Washington Street,, Is in store for those who come first to make selections from my New Spring Good ft r I am now receiving one of the largest stocks of . ' will that I ever offered to thn iradV nc T Ut for the cash and am confident that I am All T njtk i. in rail - t " .-.-..v, evvua Buu kdv mj urux ueiore you purcnase and I know I can suit yon. r ' Mv Stock of Drv Gtwla an Nntinna ia nnr ..J :.t- -r - 1. . .- , ' . o : y . ,, , ' ""j" wusibu oi a Deanumi line of Prints, Satinee, Lawns in aU colors, Piquas, Nainsooks, Linen Lawns, Embroidered "f- , -"--"". ttuu uau-wuoi .ureas vooas in au qualities and shades, Gmehami and, in fact, everything in the line oi Dry Goods and Notions. I have also received the largest line of Shoes I ever offered to the trade and thev are cheaper than the cheapest My stock of Clothing,' Hats, Grocerie Tinware Wooden and VV lllowware, Crockery-, Ac, is just beautiful and will suit anybody I also keep on hand a large lot of FURNITURE, such as Bedsteads, Mattresses 4c Remember the old advice ofyour friend Don't sleep on the floor when you can buy a bed frame at Watson's for the small sum of $2.00. O. Watson. KRANICH A BACH, BEHR BROS. CHICKERING, EMERSON, HALLET & DAVIS, SHKT3T 1MCTJSIO! All the New Popular Airs in Stock. NOVELTIES RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. Teachers Are Offered Special Inducements. Are of many different qualiti. The BEST are the CHEAPEST. Sinper needlfe, 25 cents per dozen; all others, 0 cents per dozen. I can furnish ANY PART of anr make bewmg Machine. Orders by mail will receive careful attention. Remittance can be made in postage stamps. 3 m 3LZ-a . SS nVLiCIOH, 1ST, c. The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT off 17. T. COVIUGTOH & CO., WHO HAVE IN STOCK A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Gloves, PRINTS, DRESS GOofis, Trimmings, Neckwear, Hosiery, wK,vtnd-uTieryt!,Dg J86 needed hj the PPle of thi community, all of which will be sold aa low as ny on else will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON & CO. The Motto the People Like : "Quick Sales and Small Profits." And that shall be my motto and practice in disposing oftha LAfeGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS WHICH IS NOW IN" MY STORE. I CA1I1T0T EHTJHEHATE, -H.GDOCKERY. H. 8 X.EDBKTTKX. B. 8. LEDBBTTEK, JR. LEDBETTBR BROTDRRS Have just opened out at the old stand of H. C. Dockery, a fall and completp: stock OF . OF ALL KINDS, AND t Farm Supplies, to which they invite tha attention of the public. We propose' o sell as cheap as any in the market. Give us a calL UEDBETTER BR08. am prepared to offer the largest and tt and Fancy Goods careful in selecting my stock to get the YORK STYLES. leading shapes in Ladies' and Children'., u maaea ana soiia colors in Tins and K t v, i i . ."r cjiie vrv riMwm'ntinn -fnr Kaf mnA tbers, the leading stvles. and promptly tilled. lOlealsLoy, -.ROCKINGHAM, N. c. nwrns's Mrfnllw .i,j v j l . . now able to make prices to suit the time KIMBALL, NEW ENGLAND. MILLER, WHITNEY, BRIDGEPORT. Thm finest and mott popular ifttr- int Ufor tht public OHEHUKOKCO 9t thM piano purchased by t Mw Crictand Conservatory M uto, and In daHy uu at that (natitut oft. Doat fail to examine lhM pianos which ar CTMiinf auch a furor amon our bet mate!, i fat. turn infomMisoa' about krwt proas. turn, ata, writ or ea om - XJaTTRTX J1UXO. H. C ENGINE AND SAW MILL FOK SALE.! 20-horae power Porubi Boiler; 1 20-hore Detached Engine 1 Saw Mill, being the same as lately opcrs w by H. A. LV Berry. Addrew MECKLENBURG IRON WORK?. Charlotte, N. C.