-- -I .r - t t---v' - "r - v.. v r- v-,; ,wjX.;.:::si , . ", ' ll I I I II 11 M I ; v" ;: p J V ? t:'r j Rooldnghaffi-;Rdcket :V , C0ITKLIIT2- 'AT LI2T. . 1 in receipt of kjeUer from WiMi?i9 W H. C. WALL;EDrioa KU'vatA a take the liberty I . ,i, f " -. of printing in parties evidence, oi ib wav people are thinking and talkingfin more than one section of Conkling was placredJltfS morning 1 LMM K; 0YK&1 RVCTLETt, "WAll 'COMWLSTf'I is a sad loss to her family alwJ the causepf Christ.n V ' JU3T HECEIifED to W1 fx vrq r ear, .,....... ............., - Six months. . , ' Three months,...'... .40 the State, The writer says s in ,the broad-hall of the Uonkling Mrs. k Pi -wt James Gtoldston fOAcdaFEE, 1TB Attention! S.WAN N ED GOODS, CAliniESlfflTSEAJSilnd ; ev-H L.. Must U WWWH i iiwu, ue uuura were wniwuypeu w .?TU .XT?S ::;.vi poimcaLsigns ot tOft.uww.iln thel the nubiicforonehourdurinff which from UNTBlMMliU UA1,JU85 irom i r. niaailkept in a first-elate gro- New York, which 1 am 'f which wuicbeoJ4.f ! w i " - I LL . . 1 - ZA. J J T. fers snwWirX v " ' in views, are not only on theindenend- features of the distinguished dead. Pu?tisam: EvsTj Thursday. 15 cents no. : Don't eo bare-neaaea whenoa catrhav:ft HatTor'15 centSjany color. na Bnape pesirea.s 1 : :,,t CHE02H0 : CSOASEES. J : , Every .community has its quota of membership in' the guild of croak ers. , They ara rknown of all their neighbors. -The neighbors aforesaid are;oftenmadeto feel?'blue"by them. Threy I meet neighbor any , bright morning and art. ready to.take issue with " him ; J on the characterof the ftojn, ;60 jsents to $1.0Q ;by7pomjng to.ne It is a well-Known iact inaiA.-eu me. weather for that day.' , "Pretty day" I they are Democratic. How strange. Yes,' quoth the croakers, "but it it seems to me, to know the claims is too cool", or, Ht wont last long .V ol SSPK?0 'W tbf : . .V ... . , . . man oforth Carolina, the, terrible . ; A present joy, if not discounted cash is-nek. one ruin, neero insolenceand in hand, is robbed of its flower by a 1 general prostitution of ; individual shadow that is cast before. "Asor-1 and nation, while the' other is intet- views, are Jiot only on theindepend entorper but are jjust rights Xoui At 2 o'clockaftera brief prayer by J TRIMMED HATS, from New York, which do not miss taking the DroDer text. r t nAw"u .,U-oi X,v. t .m io;nCT oat eheaiiO cents hp: 'Yon and then, without any disguise or . , . !. , .. . will wonder how I sell them so cheap when policy sbowingi iJ ad v6cate things was tapo P to the church which you Bee them Don't fail to come, as it rigbi l I' have seen several articles was overcrowded and surrounded by wffl Jjay you vand, besides; .you camsave from you- on' the ; tariff, revenue, la- a vast throng. Dr. Goodrich read borand states rights,; that :I,wish the Episcopal services and a male were in the .hands of every voter ; quartette sang the hymns "Abide and also, in relation to the candi- H.iL , i ,. 4. dates : for Congress, Governor and Wlth. Me," "My God my Father,' the Senate of the United States. You burial chant and; the recessional agree with me so perfectly; pn the hymns, "Now the Laborer's Task is Clair tniiy iianui oox, mat 1 am de- O'er.' "Among the floral tributes -i jr A bunches 'Tips,- Pompons, Plumes lighted With ypur Paper and Views ; - n wreath nf 011 lilie,. int.r- J 0U and Feathers-! the latest slyles .ITOm XULIU W ououca. k-p uuw M Hats and Millinery Goods than they can behonght elsewhere, and a trial will convince you. 'it. cerv cheap as Uie cheapest DON'T: FAIL ngyfisHgjrned from Piew iorx, l.am preparea w oner the lirpit lt Staclof uiiiinery ana fancy Goods eihowniix RocSingham I-wa wycarefol in selecting my stock to get the ivu.M qtT : YORK, STYLES. - - " . " : As I anticipate a large bttnnnw tbis season l wm enaeavor to sell goods than ever. and Bonnets, to eivs me a call when rn want of anything j in mv line. You shall have courteous at- tention, ana jock outwm . My stock consists of ajl theliwUng ahap ia Ladka' and.C i trimmed and Tmtrknnied.'shadod ml solid colors in Tips ' . . i a . . a " r i . ... ucsc-n dren'i H.t. Feathers jS. GOJiPSTOtf. SilkatansWfIl? "a arese tnmmiDn Flowers in all the leading styles and enters, bilk V Hvet r.nd Velveteens in all the dIw Spring shades, Eibbons uv Satin and Mor, shaded 1 icots and jlauredge, from Ko 1 a oofln nnnnn .... i I have" a deligh tful line " - v. - II 11. I. 1' il of rarnsois-in au tire Jcaaicg sxies, very cheap. Also lot of Kid and Silk Gloves, JJusttes. eiung. J ereiry, yorsets. Dress Bnttonj (PeAri and Fancy Leads,) Children's Juace tps, xoys iiaia ana uaps, ana a rreat m-nv er articles that I have not space to mention; v. Call and be con vinced. ' Thanking you very much for past patronage, x souai a coptinance of the same COUNTRY ORDERS carefully and promptly filled. J. Wv GOLE DEALER; IN Hi tow's crown of sorrow" with them is in the forecasting of ghoom that shall inevitably enshroud' the 'present hope. To be happy is an impossi bility with them; they are simply afraid to trust any such feeling, and they will not do it. When they get into the church there is bareryany serenity for pulpit or pew. "Oh, the rarity of Christian charity" when it comes to dealing with the croaker class in a church, and yet they are there, and there to stay. The last ligent, tree; prosperous rule, that here in North Uarolina we should live in doubt as to the result of an election. Tb,ef white, men of North Carolina should not countenance the educa ted white man who will offer, to aid the negroes to trample our liberties and rights under their feet The State convention is at hand twined with blue immortelles sent to Mrs'.-Conkling' by the President and Mrs. Cleveland. ; The remains after the services at the church were escorted to the cem etery and placed in the receiving ..vault, none but the family and rela tives accompanying. tiful Tips 25 cents up. IfiMfl t ;ra..n General Merchandise Has thoroughly and neatly repaired the store-house formerly occupied by J. W. & W. C. Thomas, and opened out an Eldgant Stoclr Iiss 3Lj. E5.Blak.ey, Washington Stxeet,..........-..--.-.".-.",-,-"""IvOCKlAGHAM N (j - . ' . ' : . . 1, ' ' Is in store for those who come first to make eelectipns from my New Spring Good, bt I am now receiving one of the largest stocks of ' Party Loyalty. 1 Satins, Silks; Ribbons, Gauies Mnlls--all colors and prices. In short, anything in the Millinery line, l ean Save You Honey, as I bought largely and paid the CASH for all my goods. Don't tail to come and . AU orders will receive prompt at- I can be found iu my new build- r-OF see me. tention ing, two doors from Mr. Dockery From the Boston Globe. James Russell Lowell , was right nearly, and it has a duty to perform on general principles when he said for good old North Carolina, on in New York the otaer night that which hans?s 'the weal or woe of the ui im a :i uu. P-S-UK T hniM imn isillnn I lOpUFVy W a pUUUC ... d hM ft faU of Dry Qoods, aftd do what von can tn throw ont evil, . Slavish adherence to party un- Notions, Shoes and Groceries which he is fflM, t am jjo.fQA der all circumstances is neither cred- selling as CHEAf as you can buy eise- "6 v.o. I where. Give him a call. our wouiu-De oie men. oo iar as l iuuie iu iue iuui viuuai our ueuiuuiui Nice line of Silk Parasols, cheap. (olaude aqdford as thing they think of is to get out of see, in this and adjoining counties to the country, nor, in the highest the way of other peoples' sunshine Ihe people desire Jarvis or Clark for genSo it good for parties them- a iAr, k I Governor,Dr6ofA (Governor and Lieu- . and enjoy alone the lcom of their r,,.. T, mmo . selves. own makinjr. They have -rights, lu.w ninm nn to innrnASr.f The old Democratic doctrine was the, masses when they readout of "Measures, not men," and it was a the canvass Jarvis and Clark on good doctrine. It might have been their patriotic letters to the people. I expressed still better in the form, hnt a atrain of the .hisheat order of "Measures, not men or party. rights that are peculiar, and they eloat too in the assertion of those I rights. If it annoys their brethren that they should ventilate discour aging "views" about the situation and roll their eyes in holy horror over the decay ing spirit of the church Par- Mas. SUE P. SANDFORD, Rockingham, N. C. April 4, 188S-tf. e Reliable ftouse OF T. L. Seigle & Co. worthiness, which the convention is ties ard of little value except as they ,st7wtoNJ!!!Swln? wlA new and v . t o . invited to view in .comparison with me nunzry set running an over embody measures or policies. The hest citizen one who thouo-htfnll v and the worse that is coming, why, N- c-and writing to every little law- collsidere what best for hiscoun- so much the better for their comfort, uelegateg The day is pat for little try, and then uses his party to se- for the brethren are wrong in look- lawyers at town, to : govern the solid cure that end. But the blind parti- ing at ;the - bright side of things, manhood of the rural districts. We san who votes for "my party, right They ought to permit every fountof. read these days, and read after such or wrong," is a poor kind of citizen croakers. Nobody has any busi- wpuld copy his articles in the Balti- Yet when all is said, it remains nessto be happy in present or an- more Sun. It would revolutionize true that parties are the only means vticipated joy, for the croakers can see the whole nation. I see some speak of accomplishing anything. And as no silver lining to any cloud, That pfCol. Steele. I would be delighted partje8 cannot be destroyed and you should see it, or hope to see it, Z.ZfZ built up in a day, it follows that the IS absolutely a SOUrCe 01 WOITy tO UnlAnrHrl Hnvprnnr trvr nnrinntv wouia give mm arousing vote." them. We meet them also in politics even in the Democratic party. There is too much casting about for a suit able man to run for Governor, say. the croakers. That is, to warrant a belief that the party is not weak in leadership. It argues, they say, that The sweeping victory won by the Democrats of Louisiana last week is an earnest of the tidal wave of tri umph that shall place the solid South on a yet firmer basis Nich ols was elected Governor bv & ma- the party is destitue of a "Saul, son jority approximating 70,000. His of Kish, who towers so far above opponent, Warmoathcarried, we see his fellows as to bo the cynosure of it gtated, only two parishes; in the all eyes and at once accepted as the Sute The negroes, having become "coming man" for the race. To any weaned from their former corrupt but thecrookers it argues just the political associations, in many places contrary that the party is prolific Toted B0lidlv for the Democratic in first class timber. The croakers think that such a lively competition for the nomination means a want of accord or concord . in the party. It means no such thing. As brethren good citizen will overlook or condone some faults in his party for the sake of the good which can be accom plished by its organization. The typical mugwump is as bad as the typical partisan ; one would pet tishly destroy party because it is not perfect; the other would make his party useless by destroying its mo tive for usefulness. The true course for the citizen is in the golden mean; a reasonable, but not slavish, loyalty to party, re serving the right to vote against it when it shall go wrong on import ant questions of policy. Each department is complete in variety. style and quality. BARGAIN ND. 1. Spring Dress Goods 34 inches wide, in j beautiful shades of Browns, Greys, .Tans, tc, in plain, stripe and plaid, at the low price of 26 cents per yard. . . A line of FINE CASHMERES, in all theuew colors at 25 cents a yard, double width. We carry the largest and finest stock of FIXE DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS in the fctate. ueautuui iraia cis ior waists at 50 cents. All kinds of Braid Sets, Gimp, Jets, 'etc., in all shades. We keep everything to be found in a first-class dry goods stove. S& We take pleasure in stating that Mr. JULIAN LITTLE, of Richmond county, is now with us, and any orders eiven us will receive his personal attention. We have a first-class DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT in connection with our business. All of our work ooabast- teed to give satisfaction. Give us a trial, either by personal visit or through our order department. We guarantee satisfaction. L. 8EICLE & CO., 11 West Trade Street, Hatsi Men's ahd.Boys' Clothing, and other General Merchandise. Also a. : Complete Stqch of . DREGS 1D MEDICINES, And Druggists Sundries, in charge of DR. T. S. CQLE. The above eoods have just been pur chased by me in the Northern markets, are brand new, were bought for the SOLID CASH with all the discounts off. and can and wfll be sold as low as' the lowest. Come and try me. "A word to the wise is sufficient." ' . Oct. 18, '87. , J.W.COLE. EXHAUSTED VITALITY Tax science or lite, th reat Xadlcal Wor ot Ui age on UAohood, Nottodj autl Physical Debility, Pre motor Dbdlaav Xrcors of Tooth, and the on told miseries oonaaqneat ttmon, KO pacta I'm, tS prescriptions for all dlsewrs, CIoU, roll cflt. ly $L0Q. b asaO, led. XBaatrattv sample free toattycsuic amd middla-aged mq. Bead now. The Gold and JeweOed Kedal awarded to the author bytbe N. . ttaal XedJeal Association. . Addrea P. a box 1E95, Boston, Xaav. or Dr. W. R: raiUCK3t,'gm(ir T mateot Harrard swncai cuee.Bysar-pnoue In Boston, who may be oonsolted eonfldrafisTTy. Specialty, Dteeases o Xaa. Offleeo.Bainnrast. that 1 ever offered to the trade, and I have carefui&y selected them and bouehl tnem for the cash and am' confident- that I am now able to make prices to suit the times. All I ask is to call and examine my goods and get my prices before you purchase and I know I can suit you. ' .!.-.'! My stock of Dry Goods and notions is now complete ana consists or & beautiful line of Prints, Satines,- Lawns in all colors, Piqu.es, Nainsooki, Linen Lawns, Embroidered Dresses and all-wool and hall-wool Uress cods ux all qualities and shades, Gmghams and, in aet,-every thing -ia the -line ot Dry Goods and Notions. I have also received the largest line of Shoes I ever offered to the trade, and ther are cheaper" than xm -cnea"pest. Aly stock oi Clothing', Wats, Groceries, Tintrire, Wooden and w mow ware, i.Tocaery, occ, lnsvpeauuiui ana wm suit anytXKly. T also keeD on hand a laree lot of X UKIUl LKti. such as Bedsteads. Mattreaw c. Remember the old advice of your friend Don sleep on the floor when yon can buy a bed frame at Watson'a for , the small sum of $2.00. ; v' HJ O. Watson. KRANICH A BACH, ! BEHR BROS. CHICKERING, "EMERSON, HALLET A DAVIS, KIMBALL, NEW ENGLAND. MILLER, WHITNEY, BRIDG1 POET. THOS.B. PACE, ' HAMLET, IT. C. 1 Wholesale and Retail All the New Popular Airs in Stock. NOVELTIES RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. TaaciiBrs AreDf fared Special Indue em BntB. Are of man v cCfferent onalitis. The BEST are the CHEAPEST. Sint 1 cents per dozen all Others, 50 cents ter" dozen. I can furnish ANY make Sewing Machine Orders by mail will receive careful attention. can be made in postage stamps. . er needles, zo ART of any RemiU&Bcei 3T - L EALKIGH, ST, C. T. Charlotte, N. C. candidates. I bey are along time "cutting eye teeth" in this country but we must . believe that, as they become more enlightened and edu cated, they -will gradually accept the competitors, there is no acerbity of truth that the Democratic party is temper, nor; is there a want of bar mony ons vital issues in the party at'1 large. The convention will settle the question satisfactorily to the party, and doubtless to -the satisfac tion of all persons individually con cerned : unless it be the croakers. And then, even forecasting:. beyond the event of a nomination, these mo rose gentry are espying the Radical reefs and Independent tip-raps that stretch between the Democratic craft and a harbor of safety. They fancy that they see the party !; gone to the 4idemnition bow-wows4' already. As if ' the ' Democratic party in- North their sheet-anchor made up, as it is, of the very best element, of the 1 whites of all sections; and that the Republican party made up, in the main, of free booters and character less adventurers is to them a delu sion and a snare. We shall rejoice to see the day when the negro voter in North Carolina shall assert his manhood in politics and think and act as he pleases. A Family Feud. Chicago, 111., April 21. A dis patch from Knoxville, Tenn., says "A series of battles have been fought in the last few 'days between the Jones and Green families in Hancock county and several, persons are reported wounded, two very se riously. Some two months ago Dick Green killed William Jones. Green was on his way to church, with his baby in his arms, when he was as saulted by Jones ; he pulled his pis tol, shot Jones dead in his track and went on to church. " He was lodged in jail last week, gave bond and was released. Sunday morning he was attacked in a field by the father and two brothers of the deceased. Tom Green was badly wounded and yes- 2 X DEALER IN Qeneral Terohandise. Now in Stock and to Arrive: 12,000 yards Calico, Ginghams, and oth er Ureas Uoods. 2,000 vards Pant Goods. $1,500 worth of Shoes. 500 dozen Keer's Thread. 2,000 Balls of Ball Thread. . 10 gross Diamond Dyes. 200 boxes of Tobacco. 35 gross Snuff. 25 Sacks of Coffee. 10 bbls. each Sugar and Molasses. 250bbls. Flour. Lard, Fish, Salt, Canned Goods, Candy, and a fpll line of : GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, : IF YOU WANT TO RAISE FINE CHICKENS, CaU on Da, S. J. WELSH, Monroe, N. C, for eggs from the finest fowls in the South. Elliott & Harsh, Furnihre Mmteers, The death of Roscoe Conkling is an event sincerely regretful to peo ple in -all parties, South as well as Carolina, controlled by the great North. He was not specially a friend terday the war was. renewed, and it; CanRaaiafn raoe, with nnlimited ra- to the South, nor did he at any time ia reported that one of the -Greens i 1 . ? "i a I a i . m 1 ' muuige xne spirit ot naxe xowara tnis flnd one of the Jones were shot, section that has ver characterized Both sides are heavily armed and it ijoar, onerman, ana menoi tnat U R. is im possible to make arrests. Caucasian race, witn unlimited re sources at its back ' and the govern ment in - its hands, is not able' to : take care of itself. It is really a comfort td feel that Victory is assar- Ted in spite of the busy trouble-ma-' kers known as croaker,; i He was a manly man. .And, best of I all, : his record; as a: public man is free from any -charge ;of peculation 6r fraud by , which he was enabled to -tiKiWm u--t jl72L-122a.!- vi , . Ui pue up ncnes ai ine expense or the Tb people of Greeboroand o; fnnticharge thatis justly . : ij.en-ttt ' 3 . . S laid at the door of: so many who ;'T. .JIvtij.t- i i were his associates in the councils of edtot.'tfcelebtatioiivm cxmneinorai ,ii',M:iiaTV-,-:'i J --! U? -; tiontol the'battleCfGoilfdrdourti lDecoomrr- . ,.r:M . HriiitS taWDlacert the battle 1 arnnnd. ffii'v lne 5ih 1888. the anni-l ni Mr- T. K. Bruner, secretary of th( il The ballot law of -Wisconsin is very, .satisfactory to ; the people of that State. Many are : commendine CHARLOTTE, N. C. f Make the Best Common ' Goods Offered. -I " No shoddy goods. - Catalogue and'pnoe list furnished. TRY SAMPL'E LOT and be convinced. - 3m. 1 Admini8tratqr' 3 Sale of 'Lands .; - -.. TY iVIRTUE of svjndgment of the So Notions, Clothing, Ac. Now is the time for those who buy for cash to lay in their summer supplies, i am onenng Special Inducements to the WHOLESALE TRADE and buy. era of large quantities. : Will sell .' MEAT BY THE BOX, Sugar and Molasses by the barrel. Coffee by the back, and all Heavy Groceries in quantities just as low as they can be de livered here from Wilmington or Charlotte. witn a large stock, and my Sledge-Hammer Motto of Cash on Delivery, 1 propose to always LEAD in prices and let others "run alter. 1 am still selling (at the rate of 100 bbls. per month) that good common Flour at $2.25 per sack, ($4:25 for5 to 10 barrels! Very fine Flour at $5.25 to $5.50 perbaarel. Full 200-lb sacks Salt at $1.00 each. , Good Coffee 18 to 20 cents. Granulated Sugar 12 lbs for $1.00. Good Coffee Sugar 14 lbs for $1.00, and other Roods in proportion. I am still general agent for the CART WAGONS, the best one-horse waron aold In the State at the price. Price reduced to $30.UU, cash witb-bed; without bed, $27 cash. Snecial Drices to merchants. Thev are first-class farm' wagons" and warranted to give satisfaction. Come . to Hamlet. TT-a -v :-va, rfS. 4- 4- Z r, 4- -aval -ava T rvlTTH X JUlt5 X X tytlJlOIJ VJI 11 1 111 WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT of 17. T. COVIHGTOH & CO., "WHO HAVE nr STOCK : A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Gloves, prints, dress goods, Trimmings; Neckwear, Hosiery, And everything else needed by the people.of . this community, all of which will be sold as low as ny one else will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON & CO. The Motto the Peopl&Like : "Quick Sales and Small Profits.9' .' :- .-: "- ' And that shall be my motto and practice in disposing f the - LARGE STOC3eEALL,AD WINTER OOPP WHICH IS 3STOAV" MgTOftE. Nor do I considerate it necessary ; hut I do ask yoa, if von need. r want anthing in the way or Lry Uoods or urocenes, to call ana sw.me mcsim rm iv jjoo some bargains worth coming after. "A nimble aixpfenfcia Utter thaS S'alaw shCbre," and Uiati i the kind oi bait i m nsbing witn tois season. - - .st l . G ; DOCKER Y. perior Cpurtof Ricbmond County, jn. call for PACE'S CHEAP, CASH STORE, it to other States,, Th law n,id iSii3rln''TPi and judge my goods and prices for lyour- , Konett iletener, aec a, xne nndemgned r selves. ' - for ajsecret ballot and prohibits the peddling or solicitation of voters wilt sell . to 'the highest bidder; at public sale for: cash,-at the., court house door in j erv7 Restectfulrv - wuimuiw ieefc oi ine DOira. ine l nvk A.t nf .f icaa t i via iuvuuaj nuv f v mwt v t a vw,, nv working of the law is described in a I Lots in said 4own of;Rcjkmghamy adjoin versary of eranizationQf Chft ePe5f.aSriture8 perfect, : Tnj: Ms list of correspondents, so that ! , Omtiori bv HdnD. ScKenck; also, ai in fu.tqre he.ill ave a correspond-: -.; Poem, and isbeeches frbm' 'distin-; ent ineacb tow-nshinin the State, or iruisnea ,men. JromriBu v iu ftbont one: thonsand in all. t Th fi in ...j .. i j v t'--.ivr "Ai.' i. tui i i : " - r ' i Vj Union. VUr Wm.f.m.wtW. Un exoellent idea. ,Tt wiUnak th .r .r wiidTiitn - ann a I l - rahgemotit for a.request to be pres4 Milwaukee paper thus: . "It broke up the business of ticket peddling, ai brow-beating ignorent Voters, and secured a perfectly orderly and quiet election.''T-rCharlott& Chronicle. crop reports of even greater value, as they are issued each month. 'He that reproveth a . scorner get- teth to himself shame ; and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth him self a blot." ; , ing each other, lying on and near Franklin street, between1 lots of E. P; CovirJeton and W. A. Robbins, subject to tha dower of the widow of Robert Fletcher, deceased. The above lands will be sold to make assets for ; the payment of debts of Robert known- in ,tbia market r ieccner,ieaa, ana costs i aaminisiraiiQn, and subject to the dower right of widow. . JAMES M. COVINGTON, . - V ; 1 Adm'r of Rob't. Fletcher, dee'd.. , March 12, 1888,.: , .. ' Still Flourishing. ri l W. JONES is still at hia old' stand XjLeT' and ie doing first-class .work in his lipe. :! Boots, Shoes and Harness made and repaired in the best possible manner and at lower pncesTnarrtney nave ever been Good hand-made . Do not place your orders for job print ing until you get our prices. Wagon Bridles at QI.OO; other, bridles at corresponding low prices. A full stock of Harness and Bridles always on hand, and made to order en shortmot ice by skilled workmen. A. W. JONES. H, 8 LEDBETTER. B. a l.EDBETTEa, 1. LEDBETTKR BROTHERS . - .... . - ..... 'Have just opened out at the old stand of H. C. Dockery, a full and . COMPJi-EE STOCK ' OF ALL" KINDS, .AND- Farm Supplies,. to which. they- invite the attention' of publia . ' ' :,. r Weropbse to sell ai.cheap as anyjn, the market.. Git uS a call, -' . c LEDBETTSR BROS. 21 a P tr 2& l.'.aL $ The tfAnrtna t?txatlr inttr of.trW tJaeeAbaMd y r! Mew Cvelajcr)JCorieiVatory . aataal 7a -A W - a. a. A. leV.O. A .SkB . . f. . . . a. . k f . 1. eVatinr'-aR-a-firoa amoKf; our mtiWaai,--; foHffujfiforiattion about lowaet rlClartnicts; wrtu prtall os mtrr -' i 1 1 -i - i 1 "7NOTNT?!-AND'BA,W MILL FOB jCi'BALE. 1 20-hDTM power Torubi Boiler 1 30-horsa 1 Ueticted Engine : 1 SaV ttfll' Sefcg- lb aia lktely-operated by H. A. DeBerrvt " AddreM MRCKLENRtJRa IRON WORKS, Charlotte, N. C. - i

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