, v " " " V"' - ;- ; .: : 4 4 '- ..?;... " r i--j: .- r -y. : .N - I . -. " t' ! V i 1 ,1 Rockingham Rocket THODAjY; APRIL 26,1888. Church Directory. 1 METHQDIST"CHURCH-ritBV.M.;I. Wood, Peitor -Srvis vry$abbatb it a. m., ana at at i;6vr. v.. .. ' Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even V at 7:30. k Sabbath-scnool at 3:30 P. M. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Needha 3 Cobb, Pastor. Services 1st Sunday and Thursl;iv night preceding at 7$) . M.; flUJ third Sunday at 11 a. M.SuaCT:30rp. i Services at Carthage's Creek 1st Sun av in each month at 11 a. nvand Satur SaDoaiu-8uuv every oaiivu.aii axh; . i ' 1U& aiAiu. . Tostoffice opens at 7 o'clock A.MTMifls East and West on G. C. Railroad close at 8 p. to. Money order department open from 8 A. M. to 5 p. M. P. WStansiia, Pestulaster. - LOCAL' DEPARTMENT. R. W.- KNIOHTyjAiMTo- . ''He that hidethj: hate; with lying ips and he that fattereth a slander is afoohw '. i I "- " ttSpeak imJCwraof alfool: or he will "despise the wisdom of at- "Answer a fool according to his oily, lesVhe be wise in his own con Alarge.lot of country hams for fialeaVWisnart's. 'Mr.rWjll Steele says he found Mn N." AMcQueen sheriff of Cumberland county diedtii) afay- ettevule on the 20th ihsi; after a long!aiaessfwrS Before (ngfe83":udiaatnAth at boiyhIdrlp therintihg and sale of itfifecfnt and demoralizing newspapers arid books The minds, of ome bf our p$3pte are becoming sd. poisoned hj,: tire read- ing bf such stuff that l they care for nothing else. They prefer such lit erature , to that which i would m prove them mentally " and orally. to the opinions of others. --T'-., The Rocket 'does not propose to nominate a caSltid&te for Governor, ner wilf it tpreSame' to speak' for chonvfconty, because it does goyiSqy?tha senyrienvtirK,j)eo- Dle. - We have conndetrcevin Uhe Pemocraticv party, ahd-wjbomsoeter it lehall nominate; we "shall help 'to la tjithich contained six or seven jit only shows the deprived state o Teggs erwLsftme kittens ; and he knows morals and nature wnen;they Vll."i .f t it . . ..... ... i I . . . h- M--iiarjt ia.1 rtr NI lhatojadoft bis henswas laving, but he I reaa sued t & ss w doeTPTEpow whether the hen laid the cats or a cat laid the eggs. We suppose it is joint I property of a cat and a hen. ; ! "With 43 ,3JJ3W 0. H.' Bocery to lead us inlKeStva in the nation, -we are sure of a vie torv. Thev both favororotection. I and though Blaine has once been J2 Go in an S hands with hinvw-New York ; Her ald, rva " to flOCKIUBHAU-UARKET.;.-- '. J CORRECTED WEXLY T" ' . ; W. 1. BVERETI?,, "DEALER" IN" GEN- , . -ERAIi MERCUAWmajS, , i $. . . fUt: . ;... . Gut7 ProdoM U qt4 at buying prices . . ..... ....... COTTON Middling,. ... Good. Middling. BACON Sides,' per Ik . 1 JShouWelrs ' t Hams, 4 1 BEESWAX, . VXH.VXUX1k .... "EGGS, per dozen,.......... Written for The Rocket Lib UliaULiO AVJ A . Ck I11UUU AblUW .1 craUc Victorylaw" before our dearFL05!mtry' o rl SttflnfPhtrr mm tnMrrv -thfi I . ti- !', 5-(9 fe9l 810 ;;.810 15(16 16S16J 15CA20 43.00 .00 .50 Peas. HIDES Dry, per lb, Green. " SALT, per Sack, .Our, thanks are due to the Presi- defeated his defeat as'Wtter than dent and Treasurer, for a compli- l a victory. They are both good men ei&rYlcertific&tje 0 "ttembership ndijanaW the lcM topf thyt in the North Carolina TeachersAs-; naton:, P""' Vi'. t.'T : C, --s -, , 1 - - - " pnncipieaiid ar well wisher to the sembly which will hold ita-annual t5o n . V iU R. mvself ft friend .! , . 1 session this year at the Atlantic Ho This is an important year in poll- , n;ti v a r-m -Tl;n 1 8ta-t-lik-. tornado. we naxe. inXSpt GRAIN t mrBt Aiatnptife for: gvPer bushel.. governor, ana ijieuTerranvjrovernor Stedman of New Hanover, for Lieu tenant-Governor. , , t Our own gallant Steele, who would make an excellent upvernor, we need ' to redeem Richmond in ' the coming election. This deponent who has studied- the situation closely, feels sure that Alexander and Sled- 2oCt 751.00, 5065 751.05 810 45 ....1.001.20 .of good, government, .ft - tics, ana every man in me county 1 13th to 2ath. should keep, posted Qtx tW impor taut questions of .the day.. . The Mr Rocket will endeavpr todjscuss the W. D. McRae has received his stock of spring and summer -goods,' The above we picked up on one of the streets of OUr town. We do not know who it was addressed to, or whether it was written for publi- man would carry the btate whelmingly., D issues in a concise and conservative T .. . or,tu; n tKo Arv nnnAa ,1. i. u " Tu;- I-2ii" v , " o '"j. fc, i kuc Dame. xue mot. iiupo v tuio same. riatiori." Then you Bpoke it, brother. O: EL Dockery and James G. Blaine are your last resort Blaine was defeated once; he willle easier con quered next timeif nominated. As for Mr. Dockery, if be is, put;at way, from a Democratic wago point, Hu 8inci 0Q dress goods, notions, and will keep its readera.postedjon.. trimmings, hats, shoes, etc., is very the general news' of the day.f 1 ' attractfve, and cheap. Look out for We want to largely increase our his ad vt next week. subscription list within the next 30 rAtractof land embracing eighteen days. We ought to have a thousand hundred acres, situated on the Rl- the head "of the -Republican ticket new suscribers.donngtbe campaign Jg" AugiuwmuauMuui . hig State he can after tDe and we will hav them if our pre- miies, zrom noumau, wa uiu . , . anction at the court house door here entsubscnbjrs . will help us a little, Saturd to the highest cash Will you doj itT:--bidder.? Mr. S. S. ikdbetter became Wo will send The Rocket during purchaser at the price of eleven hun- the campaign (until Nov. lotn lor I dred dollars.; Sixty-five Cents, Cash, and we want the subscribers. Send them along. Xo name will be entered without1 Ji Pr election next November read in the newspapers of how far he missed the Gubernatorial seat in the contest. Baptist MeacriaT Service. Last Sunday a large congregation assembled at the Baptist church over- McN. The wheat and oat crop in this section is reported as very fine and the prospect cheering. Along the line of the Western North Carolina railroad, from Salisbury to the Blue Ridge, (in Catawba county espe cially) wheat never looked better this time of year An intelligent gentleman, who is a large farmer in Iredell county, iold us that the pros pect U as fine as he ever saw it. We are told mat notwunstanamg we late freezes and cold spells, there will be plenty of fruit of all kinds. Charlotte Democrat. m0 7" J haveust.receiviBQ. a .lmnasome'Uii''i.6f. Spring Clothing which int cau ana examine. ry ouyiug uuny ;jl uuua . them cheap and will sell at close maf gin. The straw hats will be on later; but we hara just opened the finest line of Felt and Wool Hats we ever naa, ana we propose y io y them our low prices will move them out' Everything TJ.be for the Hoilcliccper; A Presh lot of Batter ani tXVtesajtfXt:i A FULL LINE OF GROpERIES .' ' for cash only. -The bert eider in town. Bnuffat50 cent per lhLt VVl LONG PHARR & OHAELOTTE, JV 0-") SUCCESSORS TO .: !: .; E.JJD. Ii ATT A & BRO., it Raceigh, N. C, April 22. Cross and White, the defaulting President and cashier of the State National Bank of this city, confined in jail here for two weeks to await trial, bond and were released from the cash. Remember that ; Marrjed, on the 8th Inst, by Rev J. J.Grigg, at" Midway village, Mr. Archibald Stoie to Misa Flora ebb. Mr., W. W. Napier 'has -finished painting his awellirig on Raudolph streeL It presents a vecy pretty ap pearance.- ' i.. i ' " " r "f Fwm May lt net the Advertis ing Agency, of - J. H. Bates rnay bfe addressed aV38 Park "Row,Y., in stead of 41. Mr. NVaverly Usserv, whose arm was so badly shot by the accidental difwharro of a sun. is cetUng. well The Grand Jury of Meore County Snnerinr Court have brouehtin a here to narticibate tu the memorial gave rn hiirnf i ndictment aeainst Mr. Rftrvioe held in resDect to the late Dr. jail last night at midnight. The ftf fti Vditnr loathe Sanford Ex- Matthew T. Yntesf who died in the bond was $15,000 each, and one of 7 - , i -"r,rz; 5' .-.... . , tv t n rp for libelin? on Judffe Philinf. misninnarv: harness at Shanghai, wnites Donasmen is u. n. uraxes, Tf, .dartre ia based on an article nhiiuLX.'lAmtiar service was held in whosenameoneof the forgeries U r nnbl&hfid in the Exnresssome weeks thron?hont the SUte in the Baptist which Cross and White are to be ao , wWich made erave charges fthiirche Ohtl Bantist friends of ted was committed -f " Ti.T . . 5 ,':T w 1 v 7- -3 against the, Judge. Rockingham wefe especially favored in that they had Dr. Wood, of the By request of H. Sr Ledbetter, Me1 to deliver an ad- inirman! iQeu.uuu, dress temmnemorative of the great missionary who passed so many vears among the Chinese. chairrjna tee, we state that the Democratic town convention, called tameetaLthe "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." An ancient three-pound cannon It . iii l court house on Saturday afternoon JeW him inti- "f l"e l""'!"; " next atN4 o'clock, will not transact Trl r.. , Foundry, No. 533-17,0," has been , a ' , mately,ftwas with? him in imna, ana " , , , , iU business earlier than 5 o'clock, so edifieJhe negation greatly by a overhauled and will be r ad .for he as to afford ample opportunity for a wo?kone by the la- !.rand J lhe ?Ullf ? Bacl !6 general attendance of citizens recital of the work done by mented Yates. His address was An editor works 365 days getting likewise rail ot yaluaoie iniormanon out 52 issues of a paper ; that is la- in relation to mat wonaenui neamen hor. Once in a while somebody land, and oi tne progress maae uy rapidly, we are glad to says . . -j - Don't forget the convention next Saturday to jaominate officers for tKe town - Let- there be a full turn out and a good ticketiiomindted Mr. Ed Nichols returned last week in TTlnrirla brinffine with him curiosities in "the shape of justice later on iwill overtake the last rare mosses, ferns and a live alligator, mentionea creatures .or tae? - . place where they will get their just Mr. Giles Wishart is now ready to deserts ; that's well, it's an un- Ground, near Greensboro, May 5th The Workman says that it is about five feet long, in a good state of pres ervation and in its new spring dress . c 1 I u . : n K " Ol paiul, iiaiks cyciy iuvii u. nuu. pays him for a year's subscription ; the grand missionary movement m The Cannon Foundry is in Scotland, that is capital, adq once in a wmie re - j j ----- crun of a dead-bea takes the paper! for a year Or two and labored in that benighted land than Father gaid the editor8 little then without paying for itordersthe Mattnew i. lates, wrne uuumciy ia the new Emperor of Ger Absolutely Pure. Thiiuowder never varies. A marvel of purity! Btrength and wholesomenss. . More ftcnnomical than tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low teat, ahort weight, alum or ntirtffnha.ta Towders. cold only in cans. Wat Bakiho Powder Co.. 106 Wall st.,N. Y. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. k T.T. iPRRSONS in hereby warned A not to fiah in the waters of tb old Wilev Dawkins pond. The law will be en-! forced against all offenders. W. I. EVEHETTj President Great Falla Mfg. Co. April 18, 1888. Administrator' a Notice. UNDERSIGNED havine auali- JL fied as Administrator of the estate of John W. Sneed, dec'dr before the Clrk of the Superior Court of Richmond county, nereoy nounes an persons uuhjiuk tmiuio against the estate of said John W. Sneed, dee'd. to ure3ent the same. doW authenti- cateJj to the undersigned for payment on or before the 1st of June, 1889, or thfs no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to Ins intestate will make immediate payment to the un dersigned. W. F. GIBSON, Adm'r of John W. Sneed, dee'd. April 17, 1888. ( We now have tha Largest and Beat Selected stock, of . - Men's, Youft's Boy's HolMng IjirTHE STATE. And we invite all clothing purchasers to an examination of our prices and stock. We also have the latest novelties in Gents Furnishing Good. And our stock of Hats includes everything to be desired in this line. We solicit orders from a distance to which we promfie our careful and per sonal attention.' We will send goods to any part of the country on approval, returnable at' out " expense. '' - Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co., EOCKINGHAM. N. Oi . : Pure MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, SH0UL DER BRACES, CANDIES, STATIONERY, PAPER, PENS, INK, Ac. ft t Drugs,: ' . - ' ' jr.;' PAINTS, OILS, YAlfc NISHES & DTE-STUTn : TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. CIGARS, TOBACCO ANI CIGARETTES. postmaster to send it back, or skips the country ; that is anarchy. But death the whole church, without re gard to denominations, mourns sin cerely. m Give Us a Best. We are sick,' tired and disgusted ... A T I I many an editor r i see woen ne sneaks of himself he says 'we.'" "No. my son. That is a word the Emperors have stolen from the edi tors without proper credit." Thousands of people are leading I . r . ,:. I C u serve the public with nice soda wa- comfortably hot location when the with the course pursued by a few in- dUpritin effects of indigestion. ler. " no Bays no w viuijvu nre 19 Kepi wcf buiivuua gas squirter; try Wm. Only a mckle a glass. Y I . The local editor returned Tuesday at noon s from a trip to Troy, Mont- "CardaHdo, for the; marriage of gomery county. The old town has Miss Mary C. -McNeill and Mr. Jas changed but little in any respect, per L. Memory, at Spring HilUBap- since we first knew it, twelve or fif tistchurchMlhll cdfint'May th teen-years ago. The spirit of im 1888. The editot'snkfOTxemfm- provement, has not taken, a hold WW " " 1 vv ' ' ' upon lhe people, and the same old ZlL- buildings which have stood the Last Wednesday some of the coga-Utorms for perhaps "feiient8a are dividuals and newspapers in Worth us try jxador and be happy. mm m . . Oarol'na who seem to think tnat the destiny of the State rests upon their shoulders. For weeks they have been using all their wiles and influence to manufacture public sen timent in favor of thejr chosen can didates for the Gubernatorial nomi An Explanation. What is this 4nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years aeo the word Malaria was comparatively unknown to-day it is as common as any word in the nation, and the effect can be nothr 1 Enelish language, yet this word cov ing less tban demoralizing. - It is era only the meaning of another , , . j ,i j . .k. word used by our forefathers in the business and the duty of the Jq u ,b wUh nery()US State Convention to nominate a can- di8ea8e8 a8 tney and Malaria are in didate for the executive chair, and, as tended to cover what ourgrandfath that assemblage is made up of rep- ers called Biliousness, and all are a ;r,faii;or.t mn fmm caused by troubles that arise from a 'TbelirKeel wa. remedied and WOfkiltT wHl; be largethan old one of the te. it is Dre. diseased conditionof theLWerwhicl. wenton asusual -, J 11 and quite a credible build- St-th are comneten to IPJS. r" n?-IHpf: PPPf choose a man who will be acceptable the ordinary" channel is compelled given ; at the,.iWateon nan lng tie. way, the ptica.L9tttlook, we honeBtly believe- causing nervous troubles, Malaria, niaht, for the benefit o Fever, etc You who: are A very inter--' "j:;. :f i lUttt ,fc "4 uc "'v""" r T suffering can well appreciate a cure. we,ry.5TW r any chrome, pmce-seeker,. or; any We reCommend Green's August Tinl011 man who simply wantethe'offioe.for Flower. Its cures are marvelous. - , . t. . i ii r t:i j i.t Mm. vhat thra mftv be ot Dersonai uon i naa come oacs. xxo uwiw;"EB . . -wv. . mW on the "dring wheel A large courthouse is factory were broken tind i$fi ng recled., the site .of the one dent caused a delay of nearly aay, destroyed by tire some twoyears ago. -1 :m There will be-a musical ootjeert the colored ' church. A very . j J estins Drogramme. entirely oi sapreu Ym-J 2X1 mnnii. has been arranged. . - s O ton wmm ft) jzrreT? if3i . in u2 jm jdBckB CD s-s- fcr Bffi a !E W 3." 5' T.er- 0 lis W 1 1 CI Utter Paer, BUnk Beaks, leeelits, decks, Flie fanfectUiB,tc. BUIST'S FRESH GARDEU SEEDS. - Pure Wines and Lijuors far Medicinal Purpose Always on Hand. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day or aigfcU. SPECTACLES JIT ALL PBICES. Ladies and GnU GOLD AND SILVER; WATCHES, and Clocka aoU cheap and i i fewer xy v r a; tion at lowest prices fine diamond Rings, Pins, Studsj Ac NEW, NEAT AND NOBBY. We tafce this method of informing you that we have just returned from the North and East where we purchased for the trade the handsomest line of Spring Goods we ever offered, consisting of all the novelties. Every thing is new, neat and nobby in dress goods, and, being there on the sDot, we had the advantage of taking choice of immense lines and mak in g sucn Dargains as win jjitw u mo iumui - k..- ..v who bought earlier in the season. Some high-toned, long-winded con- . cerns ay we have to pay for the right to buy goods cheap. In answer to tl ia we say we buy cheap with hard dollars, and knowing where and how to buy we do buy cheaper than those who are no on the spot, and if yoo a iK?nk wa am statin? facts come and see if we don't give you prices lower than the same goods can be sold in the State. We beught more than usual because we could buy cheaper than usual. In a few days we will give you in this column a few prices of the different Hn. For the pr. Bnt we ask only that you give our stock an inspection ; wa think yoo will see something you can use at the price, we name to you. April 24th 1883. mi imm . W .1 . A. . -MA. mm I " II i r iu. hAuav a nri inn nmH i ' . . i wolfil OTonSsefyice. un irie train oi iue -t - Thm TWiocrs.ts of the town on , ' - A m aUigejotof .ummegoodof t; Rockingham are Requested to meet ( . finest Variety to .ell cheap: for bash lbw teCvntion people have righteously, determined convention at tl court house on ; jM-fcO'WCtirt'S ! Ha advertises ihem in thii issue and ' " 4Anno; MaiaCairistia Assor that they Shall be represented and Saturday, April 28th, 1888, at 5 tErobgn THKjltoc f w Hay... heldtoeularSer o ; heretofore wurpglf $gf ? .five Commissioners for the town of jafqr the Spring and Summer; also afott MM tSJ h5S.b'h...ria-SSltSS FfeSS dorrt loreel' tneiore- v I rr-zi .. aj o Do You UJant A NioeSoitofaothes? A pretty Hat? or A dandy pair of Shoes ? DO YOU WANT 4A Calico? A Ginghams? A Seersucker? A Linen? "A Lawn, or a FINE DRESS? DO YOU WANT RICHMOND COUNTY r REAL ESTATE AGMCY TiTILL BUY AND SELL LANDS YY and aU kinds of Rtal Estate. oroMnT tlaeed ia tM baads or uus Atren- r r ... . . . . . . ,Y r wul ba adveraaed rxse oi cost to sellers. trict attention given to aU business, and the interests of patrons carefully guarded. Surreys mad and plats or chart furn ished to parties purchasing through me. Property ranted and rents collected or reasonable terras. Correspondence solicited. Address A. M. UcAULAY, - Rockingham, N. Cl tAag lith,1887-tl - - i .a -W ! ltT.1. T 1 e prettiest iaoies xisw, oountw, Kibbona. Laces. Ac you ever 1 politician, Mi it impnna?-w" "r' ry r . . . --iin- .flras the people of his county, or tne tit, .hould4ni?U.;ndd, for ldy bo d(ire fot G5yorlnd jet L. :iiisitJ .!.(ifArt miist aroused by the 8inging,?ana, asce.uu .114. 'A " .' I . m nrfiDQIVR OraHIIf,II. KSJI j UyHfcMM1 ; j ; I I .AtwiH it gjrapojiv-vuw-- T.Tt - - Mrf aB 1 the people of his county, r me . H- s iDBETTER. Chmli . . ,n 0; Tpn Ex. fJqmmittee opin- con-1 Turpenune fflarnei. indi Dp terr4 Cbtob Tubpkktihb Virt all 'SriTrrr-w i.?'?. C;t't.95 - L ' I ni Jnt we ehould at least be mod- a K?. Wnr-lf. it will he- serAiceasno; aesire xoe- uuiu To see the Flowers, T Wa iK'm ffoods in crest variety, in tm iftiMtt unions, and many more. If yon are posted on goods and prices I can- not lau to seu you. A. u. wvinuiun, RoberdeL N. C. 1 : Spirits Turpentine, per virgin... , Yellow Dip.... 1 75 34 ?2 00 -U ' Hard.. 75 G E. Wishart pays same prices as above est in ourexpressions and charitable quotations, j Hats, Clothing. 5 hoes, Rubbers, Ac., at prices never before known in Rockingham. . -i- , ' CrneVerv and Tinware. Wooden ware, Stoves, Stove-fixtures Furniture and T3n rOTpIL WalVpT GUtlui8. I Matteesseeeonstrantly on hand at extreme- UtUWBU, VY AUS! uwiie. ly low prioes, and almost anything you want for ash or Darter. Highest prices paid for Furs, Hides, Tal low, Beeswax, Rags, and all kirfds of coun try produce. 53-tf A.P.STEWART. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HocMngham, N. O. Office opposite the old postoffice. All Ingrain's Pickery. TlfY FI8HERY AT THE GRASSY XTJL Islands is now catcbrng a large quan Uty of Fiah of the vanous kinds which usually run in the waters of the Pee Dee. They will be delivered in Rookinghsn three or four days each week and retailed at moderate prices. They can be had in quantity at the Fishery, where we hav Ieood accommodations for man and beasts S. B. INGRAIL. - 1 f - 1 4- ; ; ;tiA Krin ritfhfc;-. 1 memento. .1. J i t -.