Rockingham - Hocket. Job jPrintinQr Having recently purchased a. first II. C. WALL, Editor and Proprietor Office: , OVFR EVERETT WALL h COMPANY'S. SUBSCRIPTION rates: One year....... $1.50 Six months, .......;.T............;....... .75-' Threemonths - .40 All subscriptions accounts must be paid m advance. 3? Advertising rates -rurn.ish.ed on ap plication. Published Every Thursday. NATIONAL DEllOCEA'TIC TICKET. ' ' if . Gv WALL, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: $1.50 a Year in Advance. Yol. VI. Rockingham, Richmond County, C., June 28, 1888. , class outfit wcare prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. IN -THE - -BEST OP STYLE No. 25. And at Living Prices. HOLD IT WHILE YOU NAIL IT." A. F. GROW. After "Corrigsa" with a "Chb." Corsespondtjnoe of The Rocket. Mr! Editor : Your correspond- A boy once lived in a house so hemmed ent, "Corrigenda," again favors your in that the light of the sun seldom entered n iimernus' readers with a charac- his room. One day a narrow beam of light r-Utd lAtfpr AUhou-rh time js shone through a window-pane and quiver I .-A,. ! i, t hi on the wall. Filled with delight, he scarce irujui requuco umi j. ouuuiu Teet U1S SUIWiunuo, x lia.mmpr and nails I T'll hold it. whllfi YOU item in our reply was oasea on "is Uaii it assertion that the hrst year we ciaim- against the jobbery and oppression of the great corporations has made him the idol of workmen and labor i . .. '.. organizations. These unquestionable facts render it impossible for any fair mind to see the slightest ground for Republi can hope of reversing the national FOR PRESIDENT, GROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. Are there sunbeams day by day, On our walls that dance and play? Let us every one take care, While we have our loved ones here, Lest those sunbeams disappear, That we nail them there. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, ALLEN G. THURMAN, 4)f Ohio. For Presidential Electors at Large : ALFRED M. WAD DELL, of New Hanover "County. FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK, of Orange County. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor : DANIEL G FOWLE. of Wake County. For Lieutenant-Governor : THOS. M. HOLT, of. Alamance Countv. For Secretary of State : WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake County. For State Treasurer : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake Countv. For State Auditor : GEORGE W. SANDERLIN, of Wayne County. ed to sell goods ai Wilmington prices with freight, &c, added. I repeat that this was done, but that last year and this the business has been con ducted on a somewhat different prin ciple. The Secretary is stated to have furnished hin with a "fertile imagination." I still think he has that appendage, but am afraid it comes "natural.". As regards the Alliance and my severing my con nection with the Club, I told him I knew the advantages of both and was sanguine tKat, if the Alliance got thoroughly organized on the bus iness basis of realestate security, the buying together of so much larger a number must necessarily result ben eficially. ; I was doubtful whether the Club would see it that way, and would be compelled to go where the greatest good would rsult. Now, as to the Club not having done the best it could for its mem bers, or "words to that effect." 1 told him ithat competition had brought prices down and that, as a consenuence. the savinarto members rom the 1-t,ar was not so ereat as it had been thel A correspondent has asked us for two previous years. But allow me a Plain statement of the reasons for Uosay that the fact of competition our faith in the triumphant election being there; is a great advantage of Cleveland and Thurman. We A Scens in the CMc3ga" Contention. There are home3 where rays of light Seldom enter. Oh ! how bright, Radiant, quivering sunbeams are : While they cheer and warm some heart, Let us each one do our part Let us help to nail them there. There are shadows; yss, indeed ! iSo more sunshine than we need Will we meet with anywhere; Listen to each voice that calls : "Bring a hammer!" On our walls, Yes, we'll nail the sunbeams there. Through our journey here below, Lights and shadows come and go;" And it is not always fair. If your hearts are.fiUed with gloom, Let one sunbeambright have roo, And securely nail it there. There are dwellings dark and drear, There are lowly hearts to cheer Who do heavy burdens bear; Let us cheer them ere the night With a beam of heaven's own light Let us help to nail it there. Why We Will Win. For Superintendent of Public Instruction: SIDNEY M. FINGER, . of Catawba County. i -it i . . . i . . alone. No -sane man doubts that WU1 enaeavor u answer me inquiry the Club has been of great benefit to briefly, without overstating any thin erdict of 1884i : For Attorney-General : THEODORE F DAVIDSON, of Buncombe County. For Associate Justices of Supreme Court : JOSEPH J. DAyiS, of Franklin County. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort County. ALPHOXSO C. AVERY, of Burke County. the farmer. that bears upon the grounds of our Now, Mr. Editor, "wherein com- confidence. men sense does the $200 a year paid " e nav-aireaay aweu on me to the Secretary come from?" That, wonderful unanimity of the Demo cratic party lor Cleveland, and ex plained our conviction that the feel ing of the people of the United States toward the present President is akin to that of the masses of his Chicago, June 20. The Tribune this morning published a highly sensational account of the proceed ings before the Committee on Cre dentials late last night in the Wise- Mahone contest. After describing the scene of disorder of which its re porter caught a glimpse, when the door of the committee room was sud denly opened to admit a policeman, the Tribune says it learned that the Virginia row was started between Wise and Mahone. While a Mahone delegate. Alien, was talking, Brady and Wise frequently interrupted. Mahone and Wise were sitting not more than five feet apart on the Fame side of the table. Wise said something in an under tone to Mahone, which no one caught, but Mahone at once jumped up and reached for Wise.-' The lat ter let out for Mahone but members sitting between them prevented any damage. Both were talking excit edly, but attention was i a moment diverted from them by Congressman Libbey, one of the anti-Mahone men, who struck at Allen. Accounts differ, but most members seemed to think that Allen was hit. He was still on his feet and Libbey cursing nun. Alien sirucK and coniu sion prevailed. Several of the Ma hone neoule weut lor lihoev ami bore him to the floor. All the colored ; . : r Arraigns Its Own Party. Wre clip from the Philadelphia Telegraph, a Republican paper, an .able advocate of the party's policy. It is a most strong and biting ar-' raignment of its own party: "If the Republican party will go back to the 'ar 1860, it will see it self making a sublime fight against a divided Democracy for as grand a cause as man ever contended for ; it will see itself as a party of impos ing ideas, of noble, heroic, humane purposes of stern convictions and magnincent courage, an aggressive, progressive party. Is it that kind oi a party now ? it does not advance It does not oven stand still ; it goes backward like the crab. It has changed positions with iu old ad- Asscrled Clippings.' A Card, Now is the time when the thnftj Boone, N. C., June 4, 15S8. young man discourses learneaiy w To the Editor of the Lkxoib Topic: nis oesi gin aooui me prevalence oi l went to j, ft deto lyroioxicon in lee-ereara I. from WaUura countv to the ReDub- WoHd. I i:.n Ct.1. PMtunttnn okiV mt on the 23rd day of May. When I of Oregon elections that the re-1 left, Watauea countv I was conTihc- . . 1 - - - - - a turns liar has been outwitted. The ed that the Dresent s vstem of countv - .-..-- figures kept way ahead of the liar. I government ought to be changed -Salem (Ore.) Vidette. and that the cry of "nigger" brought A Republican exchange cites the I against the Republican party was election of 1876 as proof that the originated by demagogues for polit- Republican party can get along with- ical purposes. After attending that out New York. But can it dispense convention I was completely chang- with New York and all the Southern ed in my opinions, for I saw with Returning.Boardsat the same time? my own eyes negroes jostling their DYSPEPSIA. IB that misery experienced when we sud denly become aware that we possess a diabolical arrangement canea a siomacn. The stomach Is the reservoir from which every fibre and tissue must be nourished, and any trouhlewith itis soon felt through out the whole system. Among a dozen dyspeptics no two will have the Bame pre dominantsymptoms. Dyspepticsotactive mental power and a bi 1 ious temperament are subject to Sick Headache; those, fleshy and phlegmatic have Constipation, while the thin and nervous are abandoned to gloomy forebodings. Some dyspeptics are wonderfully forgetful; others nava great irritability of temper. , Whatever form Dyspepsia may take, one thing is certain, ; The underlying cause ii , in the JLIfElt, 1 and one thing more is equally certain, no one wUl remain a dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of the j Stomach, ' Expel foul gases. Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at the same. -?9S" 3T . - time Start the Liver to worhing? when all other troubles y soon disappear, My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of - Dr. Steiner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator, I led grateful foe the relief it has . given her, and may all who read thi and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other--wise.use Simmon Liver Regulator and I feel confident health-will be restored to all who will be advUed." Wm. M. Kkksh, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you get the Genuine tf " with red 2 on frnl Wrapper, . " ' ntPMED ONIT B7 ' 3, H. ZEUJQ & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ."What it Contained. From the.Asheville Citizen. A valise belonging to one of the Republican delegates to the Chicago convention who left here yesterday (contained several phials of "North Carolina Bitters," a copy of Blaine's second letter of declination, a bos of "Clevelapd" 'cigars, Dockery's record on'the question of selling the free .negroes of North Carolina in .-order to obtain funds with which to carry on the "late unpleasantness," copy of Greene's "Life of Pritchard, J. C.." find an appropriate-inscription toU: placed upon the Republican tomb stone in November next. sir, is a conundrum. I doiit know where it comes from, but I do luoi it never came to the Secretary. I received, the first year, 03, (three dollars), and .'last year a sum lacking a heap of $200, and this year I do not expect to receive the amount stated, , He jthen says: "I meant no reflec tion on the honesty of the Agent of the Club." , Yet, a few .paragraphs below,hein3inuates!th it goods might be billed at a price and a rebate of 10, 15 or 20 .per cent, allowed, as they choose," though he qualifies it (which Fthink makes it worse) by saying "mind, I don't say they did so." ;This suggestion is unwarrant ed, without1 the smalest justifica tion, and is an outrageous, insulting insinuation against the Agent, who does the.. buying, or some else ; and the ybung man making it should hide his head in srjame. But, sir, the family to which this young man belongs were fed and clothed at Wilmington prices, with freight add ed; the Agent went security for them; no one received any pay. for waiting on them, (unless 03.00 can be considered pay) ; therefore, under these circumstances, it shows no gratitude a complete absence of those , nobler feelings which make the man. I In conclusion it would lie well to say that if this young man (who is well 'known here) continues his cnursepf mud-throwing at those who have befriended his family he will find himself as Thomas Hood saw ''Alas ! it is pitiful, In a -whole cityful, Frieiil3 he had none ! Therefore let him pause and con sider whether Jus duty to himself and his neighbors does not require a far 'different line of conduct than that which he is now pursuing. ! Yours respectfully. Joseph L. Galleway. supporters toward Lincoln, after he had been severely tried and found versary ; it stands on the defensive while the Demecracy makes the at tack. It stands up in Congress as a party of obstruction to progress, it stands on the-stump and waves aloft, even on Decoration Day, over the heads of commingling blue and gray clad veterans of war, that tat tered, torn and worn out bloody shirt. It stops to shout for and make heroes of those demagogic or ators whose speechersare full of the venomous bitterness of the war of a quarter of a century ago. It stands by that long ago record, ignoring the present, defending its own Congres sional leader declared as he intro duced it over 25 years ago, to be a war measure of the time, a tempor ary measure, and such, objection able as it was, to be accepted only be cause of the then dire need of it. To day it refuses to revise the tarifflaw which Mr. Morrill so long ago pre sented with an apology for present inz it ; it refuses to let others revise I Tom Sweeney, of Greensburg, Ky , has a limb horn with two perfect, 'tax-Hes, eight ie.7s anj"only 'one head.' No irne to Soothe Her Own Baby. Niffse (to fashionable mother). The baby is very restless, ma'am.' can't ido anything with her. F. M. She's teething:, I sunnose N.-4-Yesfa.' I think if you was to take your arms a little while u might soothe her.. , F. . ? Impossible. I haven't time j to spare, i atnjust making ready, to attend a meeting of thd'So ciety for the 1 Prevention Of Cruelty to itnnnnl:?. Give baby some of Dr. I'hjgc) Huckleberry Cordial. true, and capable. The sentiment is one of intimacy between the people and their chief pnbjic servant, aris ing out of equal devotion to a com mon end and sincere efiort to pro mote it by direct aRtLnlain en deavor. No manifestoes of organiza tions, no journalistic puffs, are need- ed to introduce Lieveianu to tne people. They know him as a man knows his next door neighbor or his brother, and they understand that what he does he does for them in the waV they would like him to do it. They suspect him of no ulterior motive, nor of cherishing an)' scheme for the benefit of himself or any one else hut the people at large. Thev trust him. They have tried him They have found him true, and they will not stop him in the middle o lis work. We believe that this sentiment means votes to be be counted by the millions, aud therefore we think, as we said five months ago, that in the. extent of the Democratic ruaioritv the result of the national election of 1888 will relatively more closely re semble that of the State contest in" 1882 than the conclusion of the Fed eral electoral campaign of 1884. The result of 1884 was a Demo cratic success. From what element can votes now be drawn to reverse it? The Democratic party is not dis tracted . by any important local or factional divisions, jealousies or se cessions, as it was four years ago. There will be more Democratic votes polled for the ticket this year than then. Cleveland has gained strength, and Thurman is, to say the least, as popular a candidate as Hendricks was. ; As we have seen by recent expres sions of influential independent pa pers, "Thurman's popularity is not limited by'strict. party lines. Inde pendents hail his nomination as the best possible. Republicans admire him exceedingly. His early opposi tion to the Chinese invasion renders him the favorite of the Pacific coast, and his, steadfast anti-nionopoly championship of popular "rights it, to permit it to be revised in any men in the room tpok part and the form or to any form or to any de- m5 nf .inns nnd in motion ctee. It has nothing new after so was such that the peace making long a time to offer the country mrmliprs hardlv darpd to nnnroarh. Within a brief while it has delivered Ex-Congressman Bradv, who is itself through its several State Con himoplf nii-rnariotis. v-ns one of ventions ; but what does it offer that Wise's following for whom the Ma- is not musty with age? hone henchmen seemed to feci the Principles it has none, if those deliv greatest animosity. "Don't let Brady erancus represent it. It valorously Ttt away,"' vellecKa voice that sound- demands more pensions lor sold-.ers ed like Mahone's, and a rush wasat nnd sailors, public lands for actual once made for him. ApairofWcs- settlors, civil service reform; it ex tern men at once closed in and sav- presses heartfelt sympathy with hi ed Bradv from much harm. Peace- bor with the cause of Ireland. What makers finally succeeded in pulling else? Nothing; State after State most of the fighters apart, but it was puts on record its dreary list ot ven- not until the policeman at the door erablc, or at least antique platitude, had rushed in and cracked several to represent the spirit ot a great colored heads with his club. One party on the eve of going into one man said to 1c named Mott was es- of the most desperate conflicts in pccially ugly, and could not be qui- which it ever engaged." eted till Sergeant at-Arms Smith, In concluding the article from seized him by the coat exclaiming, which we have so Iiocrally quoted, "stop, stop' and threw him half it pays the foiiowing tribute to the across the room. When a semblance Democratic party : of order was restored, two or three "Isot so the Dcpiocracy, it3 enemy. members were standin? on f-.Mtfiblw It has couraec, convictions, and "is Nashville Democrat. Secretary Fairchild has in the past two days received $2,100 to add to the conscience fund. That is always the way money comes flowing into the pockets of those who don't need it. If this thing goes on the Mills bill will have to be amended in the direction of greater reduction. We never can reduce the surplus at this rate. Manchester Union. Miss Amelie Rives is now Mrs. Chanler. bhe is no longer a mere defenseless girl with a father in a foreign country. She has the love and devotion of a voun?: husband whose strong arm will ever be ready to protect and defend her. Let the literary vipers beware! Richmond (Va.) Critic At the shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pan y in Altoona the building of a complete locomotive ready for use upon the road, was accomplished last Monday in six teen hours and fifty-five minutes. This is reported to be best time on record, beating the Baldwin works, which carried the honors, by seven hours and five minutes. New York World. The bandanna lias been making a great record of late. ' "The Bandan na Baseball Club" is in active exist ence, the "Bandanna Loan aud Sav- i way among the white delegates, act ing uproriously and making them selves unduly prominent in the transaction of business. They look complete control of the convention at times and frequently it was im possible for a white man to get the floor orfto obtain respectful hearings There were two negro secretaries of the convention and during a portion of its silting it nad a negro presiding officer. Two of the four delegates to Chicago were negroes. Altogether there was too much negro in the convention to suit me and, although I have been a Republican, I am a white man and believe in white men ruling North Carolina. I fully ap preciated, for the first time, what the people of the East have to contend with in fighting against negro rule and negro insolence, and mj ideas on county government have alto gether changed. I am in favor of the present system of county govern ment. I take this opportunity also- to state that I do-hereby formally withdraw from the Republican party,. which is responsible for any danger there may be of foisting negro rule upon North Carolina. cting, as I do now, upon prin ciple and being moved by jio desire for personal aggrandizement, I deem it proper to warn the young men of the policeman and Serjeant-at-Arms had squads of bcligerents under their care, while Chairman Hepburn was keeping close eye on Mahone and Wise, The chief object of ever' man's exertion should be to improve him self and to make his home happy ; to surround his wife and children with the. best tnat he can prqeure for their comfort and pleasure. To improve tneir condition tsnoum De the prime object of his ambition. It was in a home where rre was corn, where his young mind blossomed into thoughtful intelligence ; where his heart first responded to the no bler impulses which distinguish man from animals. It is to the home where he leads his wife ; where he hears the first lisp of his children, and where he hopes, when life's race is run, to receive the endearing ca resses of those whom he most dearly loves on earth. . The home shoulc bo "the ocean to the river of his thoughts." It should be his club displaying them. It has become the ignressive party of progress, the party of ideas, of attack. These are the facts that the Republicansshould seriously consider." the country, who. like me. are acta- ngs Company," with a capital of ated b vrrinci Die. from beinccarried tiuu.uuu, has oeen organized in i.iu- awav bv the BDecious and decentive. cinnati, U., while the wanaanna ROr)hi5trv of ReDublican orators- cigar will soon be placed upon the The weifare of North Carolina, raor- market. And the campaign has al political and material , can only oniyusi begun iew lorfe wonu. be gnbserved by the Democratic nd the "Bandanna Spring Bed" is the party of lhe peopie. I the latest enterprise for Wilmington. only wigh lhat eYery y0Ung Repnb- A Cincinnati gentleman and his I lican in the West had done ai I did family, who spent the winter in gone and seen the Republican Florida, became much attached convention for themselves. They while there to a colored waiting maid would have reached the same con- and wished to bring her home with elusion that 1 have. them. After studying the matter over she agreed to come on one con dition ; that was that the family should keep her forever and not sell her. Of course this condition was accepted. The poor creature be lieved that by going to liveas ser vant in the North she became a slave and could be sold. Cincinnati Enquirer. The Canadians seem to be so well pleased with their American colon J. P. Robbixs. The sort of "American labor" that the millionaire manufacturers areso anxious to protect is shown by sta tistics of the nationality of the op eratives, in the Armory Cotton Mills at Manchester, N. H. Of the eight hundred "one-third are French-Ca nadians and the rest of various nationalities, only eighty, pr one tenth of the whole, being native Americans." And the Protectionist paper that prints these facts adds that "what is true of this company is also substantially true of all the great manufacturing companies in New England." This is the result of high tariffs on goods that all the people use and free trade in the "pauper labor" that produces them N. Y. World. Typboid', Scarlet and Yellow Fevers, Meas le, Dlptherla, SmaU-pox, Cholera, etc. ists that they are careful not to do inything to frighten them away. A Canadian Judge at Ottawa has just sentenced two boodlers, members of the County Council and Justices of the Peace, who pleaded guilty to appropriating to their own use over $1,000 of tlje public moneys, to 6ix hours each in prison. In passing this remarkable sentence the' Judge observed that it was necessary to stamp with reprobation the practice of using other people's money with out a legal power of attorney. Ot tawa must be the paradise ot public thieves. N. Y. World. In the discussion of the Indian appropriation bill in the Senate ro cently Mr. Blair sent to the Clerk's desk and had read., a letter from an Indian woman Jiving in Michigan, who writes some sense in a strong, forcible fashion. She says . "I appeal to you as a nation to see that the Indians are educated. Send less theolozv amonz them and f more Christianity. " Send honest peo- Ho Made Then Qe,. From the Omaha Be. A newly elected justice of the peace, who had been used to tiraw- ng up deeds and wills and little else, was called up to marry a con- ' pie in'haste. Removing his hat, ha remarked : "Hats off in the preserice of the court." All being uncovered he proceeded : "Hold up yer hand. You, John Makin, do yer solemnly swear to the best of yer knowledge and belief that yer take this woman to have and to hold for yerself, yer ' heirs, execryterS? administrators and assigns, for yer and their use forever?" "I do," answered the groom, very promptly. "You, Alice Evans, take this yere man for yer husband, ter have and : ter hold forever; and do you solemn ly swear that yer lawfully seiied lnk fee simple and free from all incum brance, and have good right to sell, bargain and convey to said grantee yourself, yer heirs, administrator! and assigns?" "I I-rdo," said the bride, doubt fully. i i "i t .1 i. i house, ms laoor union, Dgrb prophylactic Fluid wiH tion in all public and private mat- ;(1trfi- th infection of all fevers ters should be so sliaped as will best aml all contagious and infeotious pie if you havtf any among you. An advance the interests of his home, diseases. Will keep the atmosphere j dian loves honor and truth, but de- pt any sick room, pure ana wnoie some, absorbing and destroying un healthy effluvia, and contagion. Will neutralize any bad smell what, ever, not by disguising it, but by de stroying . it. Use Darbys Prophy lactic Fluid in every sick room. . A nation of happy homes must be powerful and rich in all the bless ings of prosperity and peace, Cleve land Leader. - ' Read cur new. clubbing pliers. spi3es deceit. We have great' rea sons to be proud that we are In dians. We have never been known to manufacture a lie or drink to de stroy the body and soul; neither have we language to take God's name in vain. .Mr. WJT. Sloan, the keeper of ihb; poor, bouse, hai irt solitary coufln-. ment an insane woman, from whotr) he keeps every thing that may do her harm, , Last week she begged to have her haircut, and he promised to attend to it at ho end of ;thf) Veekr but impatient of delay, she procured a piece of glass from " the window and cuiit as evenly as Jf eut by i pair of;. Bcissors. Fayetteville Oh t " Server. - '-. ' M , .'-. - ;' ' . . - - ' ' S- ": - . .- ; - . .-