'3 ' ALAS! Bakers villo Democrat. -Who was it a gentleman of inky race, -Wearing a smiling, dark-like face, Nominated for the second place? j eter jrnicnara. "Who was it the immortal Greene . In old Ashe bo oft had seen, ."Where red-handed crime had been?f. Jeter Pritchard. i JWho was it sought for political fame, -When others reeling in corrupt'd shame f Opposed the mention of such a name? j .' ; -.:.-. ' Jeter Pritchard, ; Who was it wrote to old Jeff HyamsJ j All about poverty and hard times, ( And sought for a few revenue dimes ? '' , Jeter Pritchard. .Who was it forsook his principles loud, ; And sought for position under Dowd, To be in a famous revenue crowd ? Jeter Pritchard. Who is it among that soul-sick throng, : Will hear Democracy's gallant song, O'er the grave where sleeps in sweet repose The last vestige of Republican foes ? : Jeter Pritchard. " The negro who nominated him. tThe killing ot Snyder and son. tA letter asking for a revenue place un tler Democratic rule. Delegate; A Practical Suggestion. .Prom the News and Observer. The Baltimore Manufacturers' Re cord, makes a good suggestion when, in speaking of the large and profit able trade that Is done in ornament- ,al dried plants and grasses, it says : "There is a certain market for ev erything new and pretty that has 6umcient,durability. In no part of the world is there a greater variety of natural growths that meet these conditions than in the South. On uplands and lowlands, in forests and swamps are vines and weeds, palms, lerns ana mosses tnat could Degatti- ered, dried and marketed to the great profit of those wko did it. , The more flexible the fibre, the more delicate and feathery the tracery, the more highly the grasses are ap preciated." The growths mentioned are used for decorative and ornamental pur j j i poses and are imported in large v . . " 6 quantities for the end referred to The philanthropist who will point out," particularly to the women and children of the country districts of ' au o lL v a -hi. i of the South, how to avail themselves of the advantages of the industry suggested, will prove a benefactor indppri The Record notes that "the vast storehouse of medicinal plants in the Appalachian belt had been there for centuries, known only to botanists, until the Wallaces, of Statesville, inade a market for them and then .-r. , i- , . seni a scienunc neroansi 10 msiruci : - 1 '1 ! 1 trie wives ana cnuaren oi me moun- taineers how to gather and prepare them." " And, as it insists, the industry first suggested "and numerous other industries can be commenced in a Binall way, and, anaged thriftily, can be enlarged until they attain importance, and lead to independ ence, if not to wealth."' Electric Bitters. X his remedy is becoming so well lenown and so popular as to need no Rpecial mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song 61 praise. A purer medicine does hot exist aTld it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ''all diseases of the Liver and Kidney 8 will remove Pimples, Boils. Salt Rheum and other affec- tiohs caused by impure blood. Will idrive materia from the system and prevent as weir as cure, all Malarial Fevers. For cure or Headache, Con- tinnlinn nnd Tndifrpstion trv "Rleo- trie Bitters Entire satisfaction guar- anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottler at Dr W. M. Fowlkes & Co.'s Drug Store. The Toiing Idea. From the San Antonia Times. ' The public school" examinations demonstrate ' that San Antonia'hag Within her school walls some bud- flrng humorists. Many of the an- swera to questions wbuld outdo Mark Odin's' celebrated collection. ' One ' boy being asked what an oasis was, said, "it was like an ele phant." He'doubtless thought it an extinct species of animal with a trunk at one en'd ahd'aVdlise at the other. 1 " 1 Another, probably getting some idea of the meaning from the first syllable; said that "a 'caravan used togdrry- goods , on its 'back." The sound evidently got mixed up with his trotion' of a camel. 4 ' Another thought "a harbor was , gooa piace ior goais ana aeer, out bhrbors were" never near vessels." ' When asked about' the motion of the4 ocean;onelad said: 'Ocean j motions on lakes and rivers, exct pt Speaking of maps,1 a Inamed boy said ; Maps are When you can the back and not see the front." Subscribe for the campaign Rocket. Printers' Mistakes. From the Atlanta Constitution. "Jerusalem !" Was the exclamation of the man aging editor as he threw himself into his easy chair and wiped the per spiration from his brow. "Anything wrong?" asked one of his associates who had been too busy to peruse the mornifig paper. "Wrong? Wrong, hell! Have you read my 'leader' on 'The Situation in France'?" "No." The cause of the managing edit or's indignation was just, and it was about as follows : He had taken extra pains to pre pare an editorial on "The Situation in France," and had occasion to write, "when Louis Phillipe ascend-" ed the throne of France." The intelligent compositor set in type, "when Sam Phillips abscond ed, the thieves of France." When the editor saw the proof he was too full for utterance, and with a dash of the pen he wrote on the margin, ''Who the hell is Sam Phil lips?" never dreaming but what the printer would accept the rebuke and see copy and set it as the editor had written it. The printer failed to see an' re buke in the matter, but on the con trary seemed elated over his skill in having set a half column in the ed- itors hand write with only one "out," as he took the WOrds on the margin 0 mean. The compositor soon j)aj lnc mat ter run over nnd the addition o h lhe hej is gam Phillips?" met the eyes of the astonished and indig nant editor in the morning paper. A 'Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics shew con clusively that more persons die from diseases ot the t hroat and Lungs than an v other. It is probable tnat . V everyone, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs in- to the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into jife and develop at first slowly and is shown by a slight iickhner sensa- tion in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend tothe lungs producing Consumption, and to the head, causing Catarrh Now all this is dangerous and if al- VI , 1 1 deatb At the onset you must act with promptness ; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and y lose you your life. As saon as.ffu feel thing wrong with vour lhroat, Luns m Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee 1 n ... . German Syrup, it will-give Syrup. vou immediate relief. Death to Potato Bugs. Commissioner John Robinson fur nishes the following: reoine for de- str0ying potato bugs : Take wood ashes and sift them fine through aflourseive. Mipari? green with the ashes until thorough ly combined, in about the propor tion of one ounce of paris green to one gallon of ashes. Take some of thig mixture in a seive and dust it ,. , L, . , . hS7 on the vines, so that they may be slightly sprinkled with the dry stuff. Early in the morning is tue best time to apply it. This plan , . , , . . decidedly better than using pans greeu mixed with water for the rea: son that the poison remains on the leaves and the bugs get the benefit of the dose as soon as they move , . ... , . , J. about' whlle those on whlch ll falIs are done for within a few hours When applied with water most of the poison run3 off the leaves at mtna anA t,OD vt ,Una aa. Remember that paris green is a violent poison and should be care- fully handled. It need not be touch- ed with the hands at all, and persons with a sore or cut about the hands should not touch or mix it. Sift the ashes on newspaper and put in the poison and stir through with a stick. The Duquesne Steel Spring Fold ing Mattress, the most durable and comfortable spring bed on the mar ket. Price, 03.00, at Stewart's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices Reduced On many goods to cost and a below cost'Ao close Old If ft 1 1 m mm Medium and fine Flour, Molasses, Fruit Javs, $c see. - A. Q. COVINGTON . Kobordel. N. C. Subneribe for the llncki.t. Didn't Know All His Neighbors; A' distinguished clergyman once asked' a gentleman to contribute money for foreign missions, and re ceived the reply : "I don't believe in foreign, mis sions. I don't give anything except to home missions. I want to bene fit my neighbors." "Well," responded the doctor, 'whom do you regard as your neigh bors?" "Why, those around me." "Do you mean those whose land oins yours?" "Yes." "Well, how much land do you own ?" "About 500 acres." "How far down do you own it?" "Well, I never thought of it be fore, but I suppose I own half way through." "Exactly," was the reply. "I sup pose you do, and I want this money for the Chinese, the rrun whose land joins yours on the bottom." C0UGHS,CR0Ufr CONSUMPTION GUP1AHD The sweet elm, i;s : (amo njmie, gnvi;,y the Soiithom !?taii-s, c npftinint nrinrinl-' ti'i: i 1 from a treo of the ; ll.u s:;!il! feam8 in .: ; a fliniii'.at!n? ex- ons t.ie rrtletcm pro 1 rt the cbilu to t:iro-s-i ;TlliC t Use mcir.orRnc in croup and whoopiiiB-coufih. V.'iu n combine J with tho healinu imic:lacinnu3 principle in tlio rnullem plant of the old fieiUs. j'rcfcr.ts in Taylor 3 Cherokee Remedy op vvust Grsi ani AIul 1.EIN the finest known remedy f or Couphs, Croup, Yhooping-conah and consumption; and so pala table, any child i plea -ed to take it. Ask your druggist for it. Price SSc. and Sl.OO. WALTU L.'r.VYLOii.-itliiiitu.Gi. CAPE FEAR k YABK1X VALLEY E. R. CO. Coiidf ncd Time Tab!?. To Take Efiet Monday, June 11, 18SS. TRAINS MOVING XOirnT. BBULL Pasor.gor and Freight cnv.l Mai!. l'asn-;c',.r. Le Bemicttsville, ', (xv.O a m I:l-r . ni Ar Maxtor., 7:0" a m 3:lU in 'Le Maxtun, 7:1 a iii 7:1") m Ar Fayettcvilie, 9:o ) 4 111 lU: i'J a. 111 Le Fayetteville, lJ:lo a i!i 1:1'! m ya Ar iSantKonl, 11:15 a.m 2:-' p r.i Lo Sandford, 11:27 a ni L-3 p m Ar Greensboro, 2:-J0 p m 7:2- p 111 Le Greensboro, ovjQ p 111 I'J: loam Ar Mount ,Airy 7:10 p m 5:15 p in No. 1 dinner at Greensboro. .TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Lo Mount Aiiy, Ar Greensboro, Le Greensboro, Ar Sandford, Le Sandford, Ar Fayetteviile, Le Favetteville, Ar Maxtyn, Le Maxton, 5:00 a in 9:25 a ni 10:05 a m 1:35 p ra 1:55 p m 4:00 p m 4,15 m 6:15 ) m 6:25 i) in 10:15 j) m 4:40 p m ( Ao a in J.M p in 2:o0 i rn 5:50 p ni 0:25. a m V50 a m 10:15 d m 12:15 p m Ar Bcnnettsville r.o'J i) in No. 2 breakfast at Gei'manlon. No. 2 dinner at San ford, FACTORY BRANCH. Leave Millboro, 7:03 a rn Arrive at Greensboro, 0:'. 0 a ;n Leave Greensboro, 3:3') p 111 Leave i-actory Junction, 4:30 rn Arrive at Millboro, 5:15 0 ni Passenger and Mail Train runs daily ex cept Sundavs Frei't and Accommodation Trains run be tween Fayetteville and Bennettsville 011 Mondays, V cdnesdays and Fridays. Frei't and Accommodation train runs be tween Fayetteville and Greensboro Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, and be tween Greensboro and Mt. Airy on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, and from Mt. Air- to Greensboro on Mondays, We Inesdays and Fridays. Trains on Factory Branch run daily ex cept Sunday. W. E.'KYLE, General Passenger Agent. J, W. Fhy, General Superintendent. BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearing qaalities nro nnsurpassed, actually or.tiastlng two boxes of nny other brand Krei iroin Animal Oils. S3"GRr THE GKNUIXB. rOK SiLE ET J.AIJ:Pv3 GENERALLY. PJCHMOND COUNTY REAL ESTATE AGENCY CD'A7CD AXL WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS and all kinds of Real Estate. All property placed in the hands of this Agen cy will be advertised free of cost to sellers. Strict attention given to all business, and the interests of patrons carefully guarded. Surveys made and plats or charts furn ished to parties purchasing through me. Property rented and rents collected cn reasonable terms. Correspondence solicited. Address A. M. McAULAY, RoeVmdu'v x 0 mbound . S D For The NERVOUS , The DEBILITATED The AGED. A deed Eefcrescei with Crder sxi tT8 delay. NaaetMs paper wLss crderirj. M a o M H d b.i $275 mm & $30.00. Ptool and Book I'Yee. Other beautiful styles from SCO to 8:75. Circulars free on application. Special 30 Day offer now reccJy0 Tlie oldest organ manufacturer In Wahiiifrtcn, J. SO yeara mantifacturtng orga-na. This orsran will be sent on 15 days' test trial. 99,000 of those organs now in um. Tlic-jr arc bountiful, they are street, thoy are lasting. Afliircss use manuraenirer, XL W. AM.r.riER, WoiJilngton, N. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Make the Best. Common Goods OjfcTcd. .0 SIIOlIV c ,1-s mi! p:;c- list furnished. THY SAMI'Li-: LOT and 3m. be convinced. THOS. B. PACE, HAMLET, II C. Wholesale and Retail DJ IN 1 v (C. Jyw In Stoel: (i uJ to Arrn-c. 12,000 vaivt.s Cai ;lIi ...u ota- er Iivs :c. ).ls. 2.U"'0 yards Pant O.w. Sl,5'i woi'tii !.' -GOU h -r, L'i .'s i !n 2.' 00 Labs of J lab Ti 10 "Toss L'la!. !"".;': !-'vta. 200 l.'OXCS ef'l'obaCOO. 35 grcso S-.usif. 25 Sacks of CaVve. 10 bbls. cu-li Mi'ar and Mi laSSi. -5ubb!s. Flour. " Lard, i i.-h. Salt, (.'aiu.ed Gouus, Car.dy, ar. ! a full line of ' GROCERIES, FLY HOOb'S, HATS, Notions, Clotl.-.ng, tc. Now is the time for tliose who buy for cash to lay in their .-uniincr sr.iiriics. 1 am oiiviinvr Sjjeciu I Iud u fern en ts lo the WHOLESALE TLAL'E ers of 1-rge (quantities. Will te alHi bu MEAT BY THE BOX, Sugar and Molasses by the barrel, GoIkc by the Sack, and all iieavy Groceries ::: quantities just us. low as U. y can be de livered here from Wilmington ur LlaulUe. With a large slock, and my Sledge -II a miner Motto of Cash on Delivery, I propose to always LEAD in prices and let others "run after." J a:n sull .-eiiin.' (at the rate of 10U bbls. per month) that good common Flour at y-?r t--ack, (S4.25 for 5 to 10 barrels). Very line F!--ur at So. 25 to S5.-V) per baarcl. Full :jO-lb. sacks Salt at $1.U0 eacli. Good Gofl'co 1$ to 2U cents. Granulated Sugar 12 lbs for $1.00. ( lood Cotree Sugar 14"ibs for 1.0U, and other goods in proportion. 1 am still general agent for the CAEY WAGONS, the best one-horse wagon sold in the State at the price. Price reduced to 30.00, cash, with bed ; without bed, 27 cash. Special prices to merchants. They are first-class farm wagons and warranted to give satisfaction. Come to Hamlet call for PACE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, and judge my goods and prices for your selves. Very Respectfully, Thomas b. face. Shoes and Harness! AW. JONES is still at ;ins old stand and is doing first-class work in his line. lioots, Shoes and Harness made and repaired in the best possible manner and at lower prices than they have ever been known in this market. Good hand-made Wagon Bridles at SI.OO; other bridles at corresponding low prices. A full stock ot" Harness and Pridlos always on hand, and made to order on short notice by skilled workmen. R ORGANS W mwMi m 'i NERVE TONIC. , Celery and Coca, the prominent ln- gradients, are tho best and safest Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and. quiets me nervous system, curing Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness, &c AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous humors of the blood purifying and enriching it, and so overcoming those diseases 'resultintr from impure or impover- ished blood. A LAXATIVE. - Actingmildlybutsurelyonthebowels it cures habitual constipation, and promotes a regular habit. It strength ens the stomach, and aids digestion. A DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and most active diuretics of the M atcria Medica are combined scientifically rith other effective rcmedic3 for diseases of the , kidnevs. it can bo reuea on to gn a quick relief and speedy cure. " Eundrodsof tetimonielheb9enreclTwl from persons who have used thit remcdj with , remarkable benefit, bend for oircalirB, giving fall particulars. Trie (1.00. Bold bj DrnggUta. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO., Prop' BUEUSGTOii. VT. rt CM t s Q 0 I a it c ci bo PS . wit S3 C rv 0 o o o 5 c 1 0 tC x m c 3 - CI C V ' .rt THE IEFEVER A&MS COMPAHY MANUI' ACTi'RLiJ: OF Automatic Er.irmerless mm j'adc Willi Tcj Lrur. Price b75 to s:; 'J.JU, Tl.o on'.y ll.u..'.,. -l--s Gv.n ; -ar i v '.v;t n e- ;:! :;:. in every Max-.-ti Blocking tri'"'er ti'.n t- t.iK" u A lit' ii;;it'C U i'or.r.dme lo r.'ti'd cai Ac.'jxir i 1' 'h THE LEFEVER ARMS CO., Syracuse, W. Y. LANDS FOR SALK7 "00 acres of l.ir..'. both, f the Price railroad, 1 miEs from llockinuharn- ! I'er acre 0 -.-r.- r.r lo-.I land m;d". 11,0 lncorrorntion of the t(jrn of f T'.-.. .!-;,-, .!.,.. 1... n . with 1 lug-', and a goi.d 1 stale of ci.iltivatioii. .111. Land in a v id be sold rhcao. . ft A'. RES in Laurel Hill township, ad f)r joining the land of Mrs. Whufk-L 1 Mclnivsh and .irs. Miit.-n Mcintosh. )!.' third of land in ciiUivation. (., , v ALK1l, one and a half mile fn.m t.wn. fit the iu-,v rnce of ?i i.tr u:i-. iuu: seiuemcnis, wan uweil'.ngs and outhouses, on it. Terms made easy. O ROOM HOUSE on Pearl street, in 0 good condition. Lot 170x50 feet, 1. .ti .1 1 (( ACE six rjiks northeast of town, .)J on which is a good vineyard of scup-. peiuon- id acres in Hearing vines. 1 tract land, 140 ncres, 1J miles from town, known as tho Elisha Long place. 1 lot known as the Alley lot. 1 lot known as the livery stal.de lot. 1 lot on Washington street w ith two stores on same, 40x75 feet. 6 acres, with house on same, one mile from town. 1 tract of 50 acres, 1J miles from town. All the above property will be sold cheap and on good terms. A. M.-MrAULAY, Real Estate Agent. . -irv 1- . SOTlfB Tli TRESPASSERS. Lib 1 .LUK).: are hereby warned ii not to nsh m the vator of the oM Wiiey Hawkins pond. The law val! Lc in- lorcod against aii ouviulprs W. !. EVERETT, President Ore-xt VAU Mf.' Co r a i 1 H A 5 -3 A f BY CARRIAGES ! Baby Carriages ! ANDREWS' Fl5?liTSJRE STORE. V v V A Nice Rcccl Body Carriage uj-hol-tered in 1 arasol lop, iroascL SS.SO to $10. Heed Carriages upholstered in Satine, Spun Pilk or Silk Pluth, in popular color, From, 3XO -fco $25. Wound Cane Body Carriages Call and see then; or write for prices if in assorted stock at low prices. E. m. ANDREWS, 31 JsRL O 33" "77" O 3FL IS. S CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufactures and l 4 1 -TC7 AND MACHINERY" OF ALL KINDS. Repairs . Fro KipiSy Attended Tc. JOHN WILKES, Maiiager. mm mmmm a t-.?i. rrTr WEST TM Al'E ST I. EFT ME FULL STOCK OF STATIONERY. a .e,n 1 s?y CrHK 1 d nt roeaa msrelv to top them lor a time, and then hv them re turn again. I mxav A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPTXEPSYor FAILING SICKNESS, A life long study. I warrant my remedy to Cu" the worst cases. Because others have raliMtsno reason for not now receirinK a cure. 8jnd at once lor a trcatis nnd tFur. Rorru ot my IwrAtLiBLii Rkmedt. Gire Express and Post Office It costs you nothing for a trial, and it win cure you. Address H.C. ROOT.M.C. I83PusiSt.,KewTou E mm t J U ti M N ' Dyspepsia, .Ccstivcncc?,n;i:-.. tnatism, SaHov; Skin and Files. There 1 no br.fcr remedy fnrilirtf Pills, n tril LU prove, irirc. i5 Sold Every wlicrc 1 mvi & FOR " Crftcnne or r.arrjic, with either Canopy o in Plush, from $15 to $25. need of a carriage, as I have a large, Truly, Charlotte, H. C. Keeps in Stock ' .- J ' 1 1,LL" S W W iHjiiomps At Koimvs. O ii. Nichols, L E A LEU IN c'7ZZ KIJS'DS OF ldiin& to. 1 lb'f,.rc- i uyi;.c- ck here, le mr? to gt my LOW PRICES FOR c xt t a rr.Trrrn a rrmrn vr CHARLOTTE. N. C. KE.SK 11 YE YOUIl ORDERS FOR UNTIL YOU CONSULT ;QG?E UQB QBEIG-E JoilS V.. UDLE. rEASK Mr.Ml!.l. COLE$ McA FILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. 0:Ticc on corner of Academy Square. MlHLESS CmLDBIRTH r-nT. HAKKK KKM X .Bos YA Bsffmio.K .X. tr.RSIAM BLOOM, tt Ccapltraa Biaa- I tifn r 1 trln TTim m l TMimitih Tii1Whi ml band tuaji tar trial inka. Artr m abev. IIo.V AlX.Vl.Mi'i.l-HEI trr Iwsr tMraM ki PAHKCIfS HAIR DAL8AM rwirnm imimvI lMr. Qui it flu mini hair buinc PARKER'S CiriCERTONIC TBTlnbto tor Ooogta, Ootda. limnl Ptlna. F.ifanann. Onward ! Is the Word. rpiIE PROGRESSIVE FARM EE r- tcrs its third volunie at the folic v. .: . rates : 1 subscriber, 1 year $1 - 5 subscribers, 1 year " 10 subscribers. 1 ye-ar I1- One copy I year ute to the tK-udor : club of ten" Kigbt pagea, 40 clun;n9, weckJy. ca.b, (cbarg! r.rciaid) to L. L POLK, RalejH. N. C l'PA!Kr' CtMOtR TOWO : nliiS X lu-ad hrlrm. I LauaUon. Jn-sJo-' '' ttW v r o. uil ail -n -' cmlui of loa hwnoaca aud iiomcta. boc aX Iti:. HINDER CORNS. 1 1 ' I 11 ' 1, i. i 1 j J L

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