' V. fvftO.Kin D'h fn nnlrpf Raleigh, and we doubt not that, with of Stanly county, to bear the banner, ' i - -' I proper uvuperauon on ine, part pi oi ajaeeior. ior mis uisinct. luiwe Dockexy Votes -&r Negroes. : i Cor. State Cnronicle F James S. Goldsitori, Z . ' , 1 v. Jj i 1 i. .iT"t 'r.jiUijiir' il'l-.i.c!li.':i.;r'L:i. ff. C. xy ALL, Edttox ahd PaoriiiKTOB. j wiujiw .or u i riW". r , LiBTyOi June 26,r notice TKr icriucn in nmn raunn nr- mR i inn Tirni - in .uckib lamr: ii ne i i i itv. 4i7.. o - i" : "V -- " " y-". m 'your, iaaiJ88up; inn uicfjjniq party in North Carolinaas w ce,!n aj3?( never had before. Thirty thousand -cratie' cause ; and hepronjises.to "I long to see' the' day comeivlieri, majority for their ticket is what the make a thorough canvass ottbe placing my right hand onthe head i 4 Office: jOyFR EypBETT, WALL ik'- COMPANY'S. auBscBiPTioar katrs: ? -t Kit mrvntlia '..',.......;..... 1. 7S TJhree monthsl.........;......'...... .40 . fr All subscriptions accounts must be jpaid in advance. . ? . Advertising rates furnished on ap plication. "' Vr' -1 ': ; ;; Published Every Thursday. Democrats should aim to secure. District. ONE OP THE ISSUES. The Democratic party, in its con vention at' St. Louis during the month of June, declared that all tax ation must be for purposes of rev enue, and that whatever advantages oquence bottled. The Delegate from North, Carolina. From the Chicago Herald. - - of a little white child and my left hand on the head of a little colored child,-! caiv-pass them' into theSun-: day-school (together.5' I have no reason of doubting the above as I am Dersonallv acquainted 1 . . I Z - K - A a good aeai oi with old Oliver. . m I will state an assertion I heard There is alwavs fan at a Republican convention. The colored brother knows his op-1 him make, ia November, six years portunity ana reiuses to Keep nisei-1 ago. in a country store in Kicii mono Sooner or later he PBOAHIZE? a THE TOWHSfflM. mightUetorybo.inessshould tXZ maif- A. "AH that is needed to insure the triumph of the Democratic party in North Carolina this year is com plete organization. Without it we Are liable to be beaten. We have the strength numerically no doubt countv on the nisrht before the elec tiori.rH.e had At that tineleen ni pointed to control ncgroen iu that part of the countv. When he drove up mere were ou or to negrwes gaiu- uw luctueuuu. xne xiepupucan con- uu . . ' . . . i au a sroQ tuiu ticcu rt i bu cut jr. vention at Ctiicago proclaims that I While the Vice-Presidential nomi- taxation should be so adjusted that J nations were being made O. J. Spears, J ered around him, as a swarm of bees the owners of certain lines of busi- a colored delegate from North Caro- do their eum. and they carried the ness will derive the direct benefit arose in his place to a question old coon in the store. Dockerycall- ( f rp r of privilege. It was no more nor ed for a glass of water, and was greet- and the wants of the Treasury of less than the clrk had omitted to ed with the remark: "Do you not the country, shall be subordinate call North ffcrnl inft to see if she had I a n...! w i - - i uccu flb naau'nuv v vvuvva w ujuav uuufc vum, unu n wiu do noining thereto. 7 One party favors such bnr- a candidivte to put in nomination riean ? "No." wa the rei.lv phort of criminal in us to fail to dens on the people as are necessary "a p.retty privileged question," as the One of my friends remarked to him, v W , D5ALER:IN 4--v,, G&rCOFFEEMEAT. MOLASSES l rLOUR. MEAL, .TOBACCO;. CANNED GOODS, CANDIES. 'NUTS, RAISINS, and ev erything usually kept in a first-class gro cery store,- all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. : DON'T FAIL to give me a call when in want of anything in my line. You shall have courteous at tention, and rock bottom prices ' Yours Truly, . . . J. S. 00W)ST0N. LADIES, JUST RECEIVED AT briber it out to the noils nTt tin. I ' . 1 Chair . . t . jui i,u outrun, ot lue vjrovernmeni, i that 1 vember. Not to do so, and thus per- believing that all industries which Mr. Si admitted. The clerk vowed Are von not ashamed to vote for he had called that State, but that negro for Register of Deeds to- KnaiK etnIr rr i that Ho hart I an O J I bT. nil 1 mittheRadicalparty to get ntrol can be wisely nursued wm ' ' again of our State and county af- dant advantasre or protection. The to the delight of the eager specta- The idea of a white man votioe fairs, win do negiecung simply other party - places itself ubdn the1 ' p. g ana for such a man. ty ground that taxation must be levied, From the fi st sentence to the last eni useii again oniy alter years not for revenue, but to make the h?a nn,tnu i, ., such rule as that party has pro- price of certain commodities higher spasms of laughter of his audience, veu liseH m me past capaoie oi ex- go that the producers will get lhelanrt Mr. Uepew seems to have been Mrs. Sue P. Mkfa, A A UNTRIMMED HATS, just from iJJJ New York, which I am selline from 15 cents up. Don't go bare-headed when you can puy a iiat for 15 cents, any color ana snape aesirea. fing over a brave and patriotic increase rather than the pubHc ex people. e want no more of such chequer. This is the plain meaning jguvciuuicufc w we aaa in me aarx 0f he resolutions adopted J r tr i ma mi 1 T .uaysoi oo-oana mere are nor If a tariff law doea not increase two so far overcome by his sense of the ridiculous as to manifest his delight in a more uproarious manner than is usual with that gentleman. When Mr. b pears appealed to tne ma?- H. C. LODDEBMILK. We publish the above not because we hope thereby to do Dockery any harm or believe it will do the Dem ocratic party any good ; but to utter a protest against a resort to such methods of warfare. The Democratic party, thank (rod, is not reduced to TRIMMED HATS, from New York, which I am closing out cheap 40 cents up. You will wonder now l sell tnem so cheap when you see them. Don't fail to come, as it will pay you ; and besides, you can save from 50 cents to $1.00 by coming to see me. It is a well-known fact that 1 sell Hats and Millinery Goods Attention ! Having just returned from New York, I am prepared to offer the largest and Lett Stock of r.lillinery and Fancy Goods ever shown in Rockingham. I was very ran -fa 1 in selecting my stock to get the LATEST YORK STYLES. As I anticipate a large business this waxn I will endeavor to sell goods cheapar than ever. My stock consists of ull W.r lv!ii.g fliwf-nrnr-l t dies' and Children's Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and nntriuiiiiftl. f I &i :mil coiid o.Jhs in Tips and Feathers, Silks, Satins, Morie Silks and Gauzes nf i very i2ccrijti n fir hat and dress trimmings. Flowers in all the leading styles. and c.lfi, Si!k ;v: tr.d Velveteens in all the new Spring shades, Ribbons in Satin and l.'.ne, M.aJt J JLiciAs ul1 lain edge, from No. 1 to a sash ribbon. I have a delightful line of Parasols in all tin Jeadlnp M vW, vcrv cheap. Also a new lot of Kid and Silk Gloves, Bustles, Veiling, jewelry, i .m-ts. Dress Bottons, (Pearl and Fancy Leads,) Children's Lace Caj, Uoys' Hats and laps, and a great many oth er articles that I have not space to mention. Call and be convinced. Thanking you very much for past patronage, I solicit a continance of the aaroe. COUNTRY ORDERS carefully and promptly filled. Washington Street,. aw .ROCKIKQHAlf. N. C. ways, legitimately Tiewed, of the market price of anarlicle to the naninious magnanimity" of the con- such straiU that it must needs stoop rV"? venuon, Mr. uepew couia not re- j strain his risibles, but gave way to most uproarious laughter. Where upon Mr. Spears turned to him and said, with much dignity, that he! presumed the gentleman wanted him. to say "magnificent magnanim ity," which drew forth still louder laughter. The gem of the speech, however, was in its close, which is to personalities, or rake over the de caying garbage of by-gone battles to fling in the face of an already sadly demoralized and routed enemy. If there be any mud slinging and lying to do, ret the Republicans do it The record of the Republican party, as a party, is sufficient to alienate from it every man of principle and integ- considering inai mawer. ine con- consumer it is too clear for argument jrasi presented -Dy a comparison of that it cannot protect at all. No subsequent Democratic rule with body but a fooL believes otherwise. the former period of extravagance, and nobody but a knave says other- corrupuon ana incompetency, is a wige. But all this, the Republicans Perpetual argument against the re- 8ay, is for the good of the laborim f urn q. mai pany w power, u u oe mD. They do not tell that the suggested that the Radicals haveim- manufacturer gets the benefit and proved, as a party, and could better then navs the laboring man iuat given verbatim : pe trusted another time, it is a suffi- what he pleases. Such is the fact. . Spears I said then, Mr. Pres- rity who really desires the good of .cient rebuttal to point to the person- however. The whole course of the A!lr L:" !ms IV VIa6W' U his y 5 d all the Democratic 7 au . . , i uuiy uj mis vuureuuuu w nominate I i l a j . , . . . nrf worse than ever, barring a Republican partv is governed bv TPMnn rr ,m1 has to do is to keep that re- Striking absen.ee of the carpet-bagger hypocrisy, for it is now and alwavs Connecticut will be satisfied. New cord before the people. The private plement of its leadership, and to has been managed in the interest of Jereey wil1 be satisfied, New York acts and utterances of Dockery or xne animus of the party as illustrated the money power of the country. Vr oe "wsnea, ana unio ; ana witn any other man should not be pa- fn recent Qopy.entions, . wherever That power controlled their recent T ; ."T uThLn. raded before the public as a part of held... No indeed, t will never do convention, and all the professions the bandanna. rL.,,1 nnl.,l the record of his Party, and Demo for the Radical party to control our made for the toiliug masses were Benjamin G. Morton loud laugh- crat cannot afford to stoop to any good Old Stajte -again. Its past and I meant to deceive and betrav That terj and Levi Harrison T roars of such littleness. To do so would be ... I " lu 1 .:n a rr i . . . . an acknowledgement of its weak ness and its unworthiness of public confidence. 150 present record i a standing protest party was organized to set the flnan- aug? "J-"' B' victory Umd gainst u return to power. To , cW py of ,he Government so STlu .w- va- Baapea mat u wouia aavance tne tea, l will move his nomination by ganiation begin at once, and in the profits of wealth and. in process of acclamation. fGreat laughter and fownship as "the unit of county or- time, establish a moneyed' aristoc- cheers lring which the delegate eanization." No township, we trust. I a a mt;A sat down. r:---i.fct 'ii r.T?: "r.loroc l Benjamin G. Morton and Levi -- w- ea to neip iorge me cnams wnicn Harrison is not so bad 1 The Herald puiee wusauDg oi noi less man will enslave themselves. is not sure that it would not be a five, as provided by the "plan of or- . The nomination of Levi P. Morton more attractive combination than ganization,n and prepared to co- for Vice-President nlainlv inditAc lhe.one Put UP- operate with the central committee .h.t mtva Ia .?llP of th.e tongue, as it undoubt- f.i,. jv u,u.,.:il 7 r.! rv,.- edly waslt nearl drove thecon. "' wuu uf ."wuBit iua. wiwi morton bas large wealth. We never vention into hysterics. ue uuiic vwumiiww. xiiw cu-ope- beard tnat he was distinguished for ? 1 ! .1 ..I . . - puon, eacn wun ine omer com mw- anything else. He is a banker in Why should any white man in pes, snouia oe sieaay ana unremii- New York and is expected to use Worth Carolina vote the Republican ting, and constant communication hifi mnnev to mmmt iHa mnnt ticket? Does he not know when ' - J ww m rw M v vv uuvi Tell TOS THE CA1IPAIQ1T. This is an important year in poli tics, and every man in the county should keep posted on the impor- j tant questions of the day. The Rocket will endeavor to discuss the issues in a concise and conservative way, from a Democratic standpoint, and will keep its readers posted on the general news of the da"y. lit A A e want to largely increase our iirv. . . . .... . r-..p - . ...-v., with each .other should be kept up. If he is successful in eettine the a."? 80 18 ln the most prac- subscription list within the next '60 beautiful shades of lireyi. Tana, than they can be bought elsewhere, and convince yon. bunches Tips, Pompons, Plumes and Feathers all the latest styles from Plain to Shades. Nice line of Beau tiful Tips 25 cents up. Satins, Silks, Pvibbons, Gauzes, Mulls all colors and prices. In short, anything I in the Millinery line. 1 can Save You Honey, as I bought largelv and paid the CASH for all my goods. Don't fail to come and see me. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I can be found in mv new build ing, two doors from Mr. Dockery. JSaF" IN ice hue of bilk rarasols, cheap. (olaude aqdford is with me and has a full line of Drv Goods. INotions, Shoes and brocenes which he is selling as CHEAP as' vou can buv else where. Give him a call. Mas. SUE P. SAND FORD, Rockingham, N. C. April 4, 1888-tt e Reliable ftzuze OF T. L. Seigis & Co. is now filled to overflowing with new and stylish opnng INoveltu-a. .ach department is complete in variety, style ana quality. BARGAIN ND. 1. CI " T 1 1 opnng uress uooas inches wide, in tiful BC7Y MJy JL'JLLVaCES ' li in store for those who come first to tnak selections from my Nrw Eprr&g Gooda, irr I am now receiving one of the largest stocks of Sipaftais ama tew (OA that I ever offered to the trade, aad I have carefully selected them and bought thtra for the cash and am confident that I am now able to male prices to suit tie times. All I ask is to call and examine my goods and get my prices before yoa purchase and I know I can suit you. My stock of Dry Goods and Notions is now complete and consist of a bean tiful line of Prints, Satines, Lawns in all colors. Piques, Nainsooks, Linen Lawns, Lmbroidered Dresses and all-wool and half-wool Dress Goods in all qualities and shade, Ginghams and. in fact, evervthine in the line of Drv Gooda and Notions I nave also received the largest line of Shoes I ever offered to the trade, and they are cheaper than the cheapest. Mv stock of Clothine. Hats. Groceries. Tinwtxe Wooden and Wfllowware, Crockery, Ac, is iust beAutifaTand will suit anybody. 1 also keep on hand a large lot of t UKXilTURE, such as Bedsteads, Mattress, Ac. Remember the old advice of vour friend Don't sleeD on the floor when von can hnw m. bed frame at Watson's for the small sum of $2.00. A A a STO KRANICH A BACH, EMERSON. SCHUBERT. HARRINGTON, BAY STATE. n 3; 5' Q ra n Q. O O P w KIMBALL. MILLER, BRIDGEPORT. NEW ENGLAND. BEETHOVEN. o R G A N S RALEIGH. TsT. C. f'rj 'wft-"'i' rouru vj give juagmeni againsi ine that the that he believes n.urrt ia h.lf.r RltaA inn... see that its rQters are enrolled and State of North Carolina in his suit em this State than the white man ? fceep. step with its voting strength. Lfor the recovery of certain "Special Republicans are always prating iei a iew apwye pjen, in eacn town- Tax Bonds" issued by the million VJ , " ua",ul' au" a l.air couni- Ship, mske it their b,iBe ton. in 1868, when the Radical, were in aTtTOrm.rM yass their respective communities nower. some of that wrv inrlffmAnt A.t:o L mi ' W J I ww - w- w ' w wtL 11 til ww LA Vi days. We ought to have a thousand new subscribers during the campaign and we will have them if our pres ent subscribers will help uaa little. 8tock of Will you do it? Wo will send The Rocket during FINE DRESS GOODS and tc, in plain, stripe and plaid, ut the low price ol Zo cents per vara. A line of t'llSii CASHMERES in all the new colors at cents a yard, double width. We carry the largest and finest The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT of 17. T. COVINGTON & CO., WHO HAVE IN STOCK--A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Glomes, V 'a you say the Republican white lead ers will not permit the negro to con trol the Kepublican party. Theoply way in which white Republicans can prevent the control ot their party by the negro is to suDDress andstifle the negro vote in the pri maries and conventions. If thev do suppress the influence and will of ! . . A.B Democratic ticket or make up your mind to be ruled by the neeroes or bv white Republicans who constitute about one tenth of this party. Joldsboro Argus. the campaign (until Nov. loth) for Only Fifty Cents, Cash, and we want the subscribers. Send them along. No name will be entered without the cash. Remember that Buckleu'-s Arnica Salve. The best-Salve in the world for bruises. cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheuia, fever sores. All 1 11 1 letter, cnappea nands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Pilf.or no nav rfimiirArl it. ia mnronfiA.1 to giveVffect satisfaction, or money re- TBD to gve satisfaction lunaeu. irice cents per dox. t or sale by 1 nomas b. Cole. aruDAvrewu? wane up me people may be used in buvine uo voters, all the nominations and through fo a consideration of the serious as- yjn North Carolina support a ticket fhem the government of the State, nects of the case, under the known I k 0 mon k ifthe Republicans are successful. But contipgency j and to enlist them in j people forced to pay for fraudulent the, otherwise to tneni, dijagreeabie bonds? We do not believe it. A . TT- . I scramble otpomics. it is no ume But the resolutions favoring the Y AAAwAA W, .AAAAAOT. 010161111110 8 J 8t 6 HQ Oi COlnEge IS SO ppon such a pretext as "I am tired glaringly hypocritical that we are to death of politics." The question astounded the convention had the fs upop the people, and will not unblushing impudence to proclaim - dW a ffelF Dwa 1J it As a party they opposed the re- nine-tenths of their party they will Pgt aP JRlerl W ponucs, lor monitizatlon of silver, and all intel- 8UPPre?s me win or tne whole peo their se f-preservatiQU, m a vanety wnt neonifl fi.vnr ;t. iint fnr P' wnenever mey get tne power, kfl.- JA KlfQK. I " rA IOU mUSt VOte tB6 r1 F""s? tf0 i uemocrats gold would now be the ! a mi u a"aai i I . ney snouia ?ee p u wai ineir only standard of value. We have interests are projected inside their never 8een such an exhibition of re pwn pariy mai w, ma no comoi- moreeiesa effrontery as is their twad pauon, oi tnai proiessionai ciass dlg in regard to gilver Honest men which is usuallv on hand at Doliti- I u ' ' a i.i .. cal " eatherings - to carry through T v V T a Z - The Governor la8t week Pned h"? ftrrj-rv' "f . "f we tnow tnat tne leaders, who cot Aaron Rnnk some self4S.b scheme, shall have the up thi humbuggery, were the basest at the December term, 1887, of tion fai waSfa' wider markeU, freer wnoie voice m se ecupn oi aeie- of Dretehdera when thv HM it Mecklenburg criminal court of the commerce ana gooa government ad gates or in the management of the r.ttuMtM ovJ u i. larceny of one dollar's worth of nro- ministered DJ honest men neighborhood yo. m were not expected either to know or ,he pnmanes, called for selecg care anything for the facts of history. JM J1 aama " 4a M 114 M aMMMMatXmAvaM ' ' .v TRIMMINGS m the btate. Beautiful Braid Sets for waists at 50 cents. All kinds of Braid Sets, Gimp, Jeta, etc., in all shades. we keep everything to be found in a .... . -. nr8t-cla88 ury goods store. Bgywe take pleasure in statina that Mr. JUL-Tf N LITTLE, of Richmond county, is now with us, and any orders given us will receive his personal attention. We have a first-class DRESS MARINO ESTABLISHMENT in connection with our business. All of our work quaean- PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, H - , .-5, - JL KIMMlMUb, IN ECKWEAR J10SIERY And everything else needed by the Deorjli of thiaimrnti'mrv- ?1 r which will be sold as low as iny one else will sell'thein. : Gov. Hill, of New York, made this truthful observation in a speech re-; cently : "The people of this Repub lic have acquired confidence in the Democratic party, and desire its con-' ti nuance in power. The country wants peace, prosperity, lower taxa- visions and sentenced in the penitentiarv. to two years The pardon W. T. COVINGTON & GO. The Motto the Pporiip. TAk "Quick Sales and Small Fronts." And that shall U my motto and practice in dispoaing of the LARGE STOCK OF. FALL AND WINTER- GOODS "WHICH IS NOW m MY STORE. I CAOTOT ENUMERATE, xr j t j . . . - r. The next session beeins Anff. 30 Ti. tl.l ...Tnie "f; but 1 do ask you, if you need or watt anyUuntfio tion reduced to $30 a half year Poor tu- EaS. Im?":!?! 1 75 ? deatt may give notes. Faculty of fifteen tkmS Svi Give us a trial, either bv nersonal visit ; or tnrougn our oraer department. We guarantee satisfaction. T. L. SEICLE CO., 11 West Trade Street, Charlotte. N.C. University of II. Mm, CHAPEL HILL, JV. C. 30. Tui- teachera. ThroA full Knnrui nt j i.. j TUTP t . I , v,. oiuui icu Aue.wiiuixAiai.Buya.Emzaoein v;y I mg ia aegrees. mree short courses for BY AOOLAMTIOIT. rh5 Congressional Convention was granted on the certificate of the has produced a head of cabbaee that I training of business men. teachers y equipped. HON. county superintendent of health, the weighs eighteen pounds and meas-1 Ph7sician.8 d1 phannaciste. Law school SfiHiMt.rtP onrl l'nrlrra that tk nn.... Una fmii foot anrnaa r,rA t a I IUUV eQUlDDed. Write for na.ta.lru!mAt H. C DOCKERY. solicitor and judge that the prisoner ures four feet across, and intimates wu very, ui oi lypnoia ieyer, ana ms l,na' l was grown oy a lawyer. me was Denevea to be dependent upon his release. The Charlotte should be. fully attended, and every body Jake aTban, so, aj to insure the true representation of a tp?yn- rm. s- , iit I u:i a ttrM ... . v . I UDOn niS release. Tftfl llhnHntfo T- i! snip. ae w uytuiug more im- wuijsu Hies in yriimington last week, pt..,. mnvau' i tlr j yonsuinpumi AacuraDie f . ... 1 At-' T ' . I tVfAt- 1 t' -1 .1 ... . . I wm.waa.waw Duwo viACAb IT UCU tilC UUTUUIl I . - - . ponant mn inis. rariy nafmpny m m uii.. a a ine commendable thing arrived. hnwvr. RnnU, uaA Kead the followine : Mr. C. H. T ' ' . w W www n wa AA KA.-K. U 1X1 m m . - m all its details or qiganizaipn lsjin nominaUng by acclamation the dead three days. Raleish News Morn8 Newark, Ark., says : "Was a A J J A Al . I 1 TT A V T m ' Af-Vl " - . HAn TT1 f 1 A C -T toe great aeiiupraiuni w oegin witn. l xxon. Aiireu rtowiand, present Ren- anQ voserver. 7. , uungs, ana Then -only can the enemv be fonpht reaentative of th siiiK Aii;nt ; .,,04waua Fiquouuccu . T T. . i , , i s r,. r. it tTi : r:TB-r : w w . uwuu,) ajj i . . i mA.n , fo Ytage. As auxiliary & a m the House. Col. Rowland has proven The Republican party and the gTn Taking "5X 55 t. nrniTflfinn. wnnM .oJ .1. T faUhfni AiUnt awA-ZJiti.S colored voter perform together e ee- rsJl "l??2" 8 ,a wwcov- tabljshed iRi every township a Dem: interests; of his constitiiency i and L? v.' tu"t !1D XLda8 f third bottle, and able to oversee ihi -it a . ." I . . . . . . . . - i "w "j mue auoui nv a r.. . t. ,i SSffiS weJeapVcher. The negro has never aVedicinVevee S c; . Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio OMsays :s "Had it not been for rrtr,r m - - wv-u ah i l 1- . . iKMcuAiwa xj. laijij w a w iiii i iiii kii in n thcregular-ezecutiye mmrtteolr &nA We look for liim tn: win ?I!ree. Wlt? h!? nd: tion" I would have dUn E thetpwnhpand county,?,;Alrdy more and morethefavor of ithe pW grind of living wKia" cornea to in " Trouble8-. Was given up bv doctors. eeis in trouble h nanaiiv i r. - - - . ,. . a.. Democrat for whhVis Store. in aouot to a 27-lm, w rite lor cata ocue to KEMP P. BATTLE. President. mpn Rhonld ha th cnn .K.ii wt,.t u.. L'i,:... L if.r T"T" meaicme ever made." ; r ,w B'mHt iuh.-vu.i, iiv uwi. uii; wiic uicasure oi "va , uwuiihcu wj nave inucn ac- to ;;;apd . let this clubj through its hearing him from the hustings pre- qaintanpe with the management of ' t i c .-:r, nT; f - master hand i8atthehel4m oftbeCen- j prolonged.' tral JiiXecutiVA HnnimitfM in fka TV. . 11 - . i. 1 -...vuuu uvuiiuavCU UV UC- I in rtU i TVT.-,i , . of TrWWtokerq., of I clamation also S. J. Pemberton, Esq., I -Kansas CitvTimeV ' - Do Place ? order, for job print- . . .. ... lujj- uttiu you g( our prices. Sail Woolen Mills Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Cassimeres, Jeans, FLANNELS, LII?EY9, COTTONADE8,tc IS cheaP 'or cash or on shares. WUUJj W AJNT1SD. for which w will . - rv pay casn or exenange gooda. . AuoreM au communication, to o , Q- ?j. WIa5HART. . ' Secy Hamlet Woolen MUls Co Rockingham. N. C. Of Interest to Ladies. a. i. -.A,-.m- u-a ammw ha H. 8 LEDBHTTEB. R. LtDBETTER. Jl LBDBETTBR BROTHERS Have just opened ont at the old 6tand of H. C. Dockery, a full and COMPLETE STOCK OF r OP ALL KINDS, AND Farm Supplies, to which they invite the attention of the public .-. We propose to sell as cheap as any in . .... . . . the market, QiveuaacalL LED BETTER BROS, The finest and moat popular inttrw Tiants before the public ONE HUNDRED of these piano, purchased by the graat New England Conservatory of M uslc, and in dairy use at that Institution. Don't tail to examine these pianos whtck are creating such a furor amonr'cur brt musicians- For full Information about lowest pries, terms, to writ, or call oa J. F. UeKIUCft, Ctntrsl Acat, " unrarxnuna. x. c E NQINE AND SAW. 'MILL FOR 1 SALE. 1 20-Wka Tvrtr PnWK! Boiler; 1 20-horee Detached Engiae; 1 SawMill, being the ume as lately operated by H. A. DeBerrv. Address MECKLENBtJEQ IRON WORKS, Charlotte, N. C,