ill ft c r i i 15 m I'll US m Mi- :bi, 1 if I ; i -V hi si Si r 1 L ,1 ,! i'fn' 7 S2. ft f - : I'M ! fU I ' r i $9 u it 4 i ft it 1 '7 1 ' V i : t 1 1 Ro Ro nam ' '-V: ' Office:; .' - - v.-. QVFB EVSBETT, WLL & 56kPAiiY; 8;x months, Mtxttv''vv'-VMl Three month8,.ii....v...4.y.'.......... .40 J All subscriptions accounts must be paidinvaric f- .. Advertising .rates furnished on ap- PuBLisHfcp Every Thursday. fflSElISP15OT -'WRr. OJ . The-Wilmington Messebger of the. 14th insf contains abetter from Dan iel I Russell to -Jgfh'h. Harris, giv log a part of his reasons 'for declin ing the nomination 'fo Judge of tha Supreme Court tendered him by the eame noble body of men" Iwho calk ed Gol.D6ckerrom fristirem Why-Judgot Russeli-chosa to make his" views pbHcthrohgh'the columns of a I)einojcratijspaper,!and not the orgaprof thaioble body f meh' we do not kpow ; an,d candor com pels us to say re do not care. 1 The letter ha t& "erii'of ng tetter, written nd freer from reck less assertionCthan 'the ibne whiob Col. Pjfirqt IQs, howeyerVp'ot destitute! of aiiegati'ops which, are far from the, truth, snd is full of ihconslstencieslQo't worthy of n man r. T'n Ana T ntnl 1 ' i ' "I f : i i ome ois statements are true and knowp to be true by all' men who I fvtcv,iayjjr reau ill lue niS- wry 01 ine.iasf twenty-ave years. Some of JtHem" we VlM'quote before we fipish. this article. . . . Judger RpBseit admits that" neither 1 orin yaroxirjpr.any other South ern State Vifljjo, Republican. ' in that we agree' .with h'irn, but not en tirely for. the reasons which he cives. We agree with him that not only vue oonm dui an intelligent men ev erywhere believe, that what he calls the "war amendments" to the Con 6titution, were adopted by fraud and (orcer'and that ' tja'e Reconstruction Acts which rhacfet voters pf a class whom he Senomjates" "savages" were known to, be In violation of the Constitution byUhV very men Who enacted thVml After such 'conduct on the part of the" Republican party they are estopped from all talk about fraud, and, the freedom of the ballot. AH such, declarations ; on thejr part are jthe hypocrisy f We iuiu .uiai uie pouuMs no more, to blame for electing, a sotid defegation to Congress, representing five-fifths of her, population than is Maine and Rho.devIslary3 aiid.Kansas, in which States are at least 150,000 Democrals wh o" h a ve n"o': voice hi Iegista t lori Massachusetts" a nd'Rbode. Island cisfrancnise manT white men for other reasons than "participation in the rebellion, or herjcrimej'unkss ignorance and the want of land are "crimes:" and yet those ttid States', despite Ue' provisions of Seb; Art 14 of the "fraf ameridnSehts," ale not reduced iri'lh eir" D Tepresehtative strengthen thHbuse" of Represeht- atives'bfthe Electoral College ; and yet Judi KtiskI'rridkes no cbfn- plaint agalh$t them. He seems', inVhis letter to be pbsK sessed 6t' a'great dislike ' not only Jto the Democrats-of Hh'Sbutrr 'but to' all the leading citizens of our section for "thTiflsP KrtTTffMf 4r&-"--ra?r I J .J denTfac1attbhsJj:ir)ecessar51y JiTcIudd : WTashingtonf Jefferson, Madison; lonroey a6Wsn, Baylor ' arid many others who were the leading states mef?' 8f th'reotitr' 'Oitr opinion' is that if the services of these' men are tb8e- fdeti(ed 'ii Woflid; leave the country itlili rerna'f Kabiy poor his5-toryV-What'a men dii not"have'theaffv'aritage of his chothsels1 toeeHhe'irt'inX the' wa'OtrtfthP1 t-.m , W6:belieVe that Judge' Russell is hewner wbVoat 'aeres"1 tin Town Jreek ire 'cbttnty'df Brunswick: ,and belongTrth,s of men whom he calls at?'-otder Sf nobili ty "'wn cbltivate hk soil by-'obi; 1 ipi Bcit,uq;uup pie,! rjnj en 1 a. rgea generosity tohkhrr fee 6eems:;to :ad vo- catefbrehfemaWeompl hYrgWenrwlfUanWls wuWTtTp;afflj ?bat he is.. -iLet: Mm.xead i what the- Script- -urea say-of thoae -wher see;motes in-.pth'-'Wfejfe0 faamijHlYa. UAL,,': heiappfaretoiidn mire so-i mHrkmppA wnft en plaeed , him jn all, lK4 .puMip-S 10ns ne ever held n-f,." avigo- ancesiors.'-or tpe s he ever held, ' Wedorjot deny.j -J ,' . t1blingland(seeTrst"drausFit!0f Xeclaratior of Independence) and ttie North were largely engaged in the slave trade and made monev oat olttleefarious traffic," al Cloel ' Masbh of Virginia charactenzeS' if 1 in the convention of 1787. But the negroes ("savages," as Jti$ge'4 call inera;; were slaves m Ainca, tne slaves of men as black and "savage" as they. The chiefs of the tribes then,; as" now,, made slaves of all whom they captured in ' war,i ah4 these' were sold" to humane England and humane eithens of Massachu setts ahdHhode Island who, in their so1dnheTrrto"titi2ens--of-the South.S3Iaahe begmningthey, weie Slatery exists in Africa ; 'to-day, and even fathers' and mothers sell their own i offspring to gratify . the lust of the savages ' amonsrst "whom "the v.' dwell -The' .'Judge equally ror when he alleges that the South ern people, by the aid of the North, "by most monstrous wrong degraded them so that they are ho more fit to bverh than are their't)rehren in Aincaii swamps or so many. Mcpgo Hahs 'dumped aown from, pagan Asia." un tne contrary, whatever may have, been, the -result .to the white race,' the negroes who ' were hroughthere as savages were elevated by their cqncV with .tHe'ir'masters and made to attain a higher degree of civilization than the race lias else wherereached . The Judge says that "the negroes of the South : are largely savages." We do npt concur in this, although we are "a Southern Bourbon Demo crat." That they do not npw; and did not in 168, when the judge's party gave tbera the right of suffrage in violation of the Constitution, pos sess tne requisite intelligence to use the ballot discreetly, but. are held in the most abject political slavery by their masters, we shall npt deny. We know, and all men know', that by terrorism, fraud and money the Republican party has owned ab solutely owned nearly all of these "savages and take them to the polls and vote them according to their own will, the popr,. "savages" know ing no more of the duties and ob ligations of citizenship than the" "poor Indian, -'whose untutored mind seps rGrod in clouds and hears him in,the wind,,", or those "Mongolians from! pagan-Asia," whom (or which) General Benjamin HaTrison, the Re publican candidate for the Presiden cy, desires to continue to "dump" upon tins country. Still they are not "largely savages," as Judge Re sell says. .. Judge Russell says that intelli gence and virtue should rule. So say we. That is just what we want and for which we have ever contend ed. . But are the'savages" managed ,by the "intelligence and virtue" of the .country? No man can say so. And - yet this gentleman desires the suprf rnacy of a party whose strength lies in its "savage" allies 1 We heartily agree with him that this -State; will go Democratic. On that point we have no doubt at all. It will do it even if the Republican party, coalesces with the Prohibition ists, as it is advised to do. But how can it do that? Whatwill become of the few Democrats who went over to "the Republicans fo'r possible loaves and fishes " and with tho that they found their liber-: ty; ta ?4eat, drink.and .be . merry V would be disturbed if the Democrat ic party cqhtmueditt power? What' would' .befpme'bi"' the Riepuhlican candidate for Governor ?:. Oh, wba,t 'f. i . .... - 7 . a'sight it would be to see certain men whom we cb'trld- nafiie marehing: un--der the banner of prohibition ! , But we wiTl desist;, Judge; R,us- sell. letter .afiEbrds a text f95 , very J voluminous sermon, if. we pursued the .subject pur readers would get tire.viWe. sbalji'keep the letter for further comments. ,Jn conclusion, we .wqujd ..suggest that the Republi can.ExeeuUvCQirmittee take Judge R.'s, adyjee, by: withdrawing .theii tickeVand thus aVJt froman ignp-" minipps efea. TbV wppld giye Uiem an opportunity-o. joining the, pem.pcraj&.in searing good and hpu-s ejst government for. all .classes1 of our 'peolelloyer-the country,-and de- the' rPbf ltt(i6rer." a!riH :Hit nnwh,i. Iropg'theRenublica ri fedfty ; - L They rhaye;haroteh ihtihiua ifef alwutiSOOlyei ahd ithe.wage3i 1 paI-workihgnieisithere isabout threeiceiirtperfday:;e 'Cmlf-)' wellitoWpMhia in L.nepipes .an.smqRe it i'i t 0 A Iqt of nice cream cheesehoney, onions and other nice ! things to eat ,iu!st reeeivpd;nt. Wiahnrt'si A - gin cradles for $1 J5 each. ' n - . .: -i-i yi ....... . - fHBHIP00SlTI0AL-PARTY.v 4 Talk to a ; Radical about; the ad-- muted evil qt anenormqas surplus itv thefTreasury and theisteady ac cretiftnf. of the? same- nnder the pres. arly proppse$ remedytMyil m due'time tie is in favqr?o-a fair reduction of the tariff .Jb'ht r should be done by the authors,of the - present iniquitous system in pther . words i-n the house of its friends... The Mills Bill in provid ing for the reduction is admitted to be moderateenough; dnljr "a ce-, ,ductioa.-oX. 7per ... cent ; .but.Demq-. crats; must not ge.t credit for the, re- Ibrm; and,. besides, t;hey intend the Mills BsiU only as the entering wedge to absolute free trade. The Radical points to the record of his party hitherto as favoring tariff reduction. He cites you to the tariff commis feion of 1882 composed exclusively of - Radicals which recommended a red uction of as high as 20 per cent but the"-Radical majority in Con gress refused to make it. ' He refers y6u to the recommendations of for mer Radical secretaries ofthe Treas Ury, both McCiilloch and Folger, iri favor of a marked reduction of tariff taxes. He tells'you his'bwn belov ed President,' 'Arthar, made a sim ilar recommendation in his message to Congress. ' And, lastly, he points you to the speeches of representative Radicals in the' late tariff debate in Congress, replete as they are with promises of the desired reform and the consequent relief to the over burdened masses of" the country. But, admitting all as true, what sort of a dilerrrma does the Chicago plat formso recently endorsed by Messrs Harrison and Morton place our smart Radical in ? The declar ation of the platform is uncompro mising opposition to any, even the least, reduction in the present high tariff rates on the contrary rather than surrender one iota ol the pres ent, oppressively protective scheme of taxation, it is proposedlhat the internal revenue laws shall be abol ished and that, instead of relieving the necessaries of life from a burden some tax, whiskey, not a necessary of life, shall bo free of all tax. See the inconsistency and glaring hy pocrisy of the boasted claim. If the KepuMieans propose to make good their professions in favor of tariff reform, as promulgated by their greatest Jeadffs,:- then surely they cannot support for election the candidates who stand upon the Chicago platform. That platform is a positive guarantee against any future reduction of the tariff; and of course if their party succeeds to power it must be taken as an ex pression of the sentiment of the country that the tariff shall not be reduced. Where then will the tariff reform Radical stand, or where now is ihe sincerity of his claim by aeon trast of his party's former profes sions and the present platform? His professions are simplv dema gogical, hypocritical and absurd. We begin to think t-hat Harrison will not have. an easy . time in cau tuniig Indiana. That State is Dem ocratic except, when Bosses and T 11 i.-r -rr jjuouie jiueriere. xiarrison is re spected for his integrity, hut ; he is as ; cold as an ! iceberg and with out sympathy with the masses. : lie is furthermore not popular with the ureenpacterswith the Labor organ izations, with Republican tax re: formers, with the Germans. Hemav get sortie Of each class, and probably will, buthe. will lose more than he will: receive. Such is.the outlook. The only chance for Harrison .is for Jthe Republican manufacturers to'r'e peat - thefr 'fa'Wics ' of b'ulidoerntr iri 1884 and 1880; and for Money-baj?s to pour out n is treasures tor the nur pose of iiuying up the-, white voters. The news from. Indiana thus' far. is certainly not without encourage fnent for the Democrats. Wilming ton Star.- : '" :v ; No wonder, Andrew Carnegie, the Scotch , .Nabob . in Pennsylvania, sticks t.6 the i Hiffh Tariff and blows f for the Republicanparty; His iron 1 :n 1 ; 1 . . . . mins msxe mm an income eaahidau of $15,000. Be can, afford-to be a Jfrotectionist. Wilmington Star. . The cry for Protection conies only irom, sucn ,, , . j u Rlaines ' Soliibqoi' according the'Deltrdit Free Press :: - to Ye b'ftmVs' and braes o' borinie Ddonj Ye hills o' Scottish nation. - . ; How. qa 11 y 9 look sa ; fresh when I : I ; Hxi-ve. lost the noipina.tion ? Un to date Levi P: Mnrfrm" hno WP inafie' ''a' ! better hbwifjfr before ! lb ft 'ZrW,f tfejendWha .couKetUeipartya ioo8jtonQlpbftv; - j'tiie Szii h'aXdecfded-to let Prince 'rdjB Feri dinaWd may get "a nigliVssleep nt' last : . . - i- ' . Hon.. ArlLaidenh-Gcldstor From the Wilmington MeWngpr. The Goidsboro Argus SAy "Col" Waddell's speech was 6i m ply over .whelning,?and agajn jtviive; ' A wny came azaiivColi Arlh MMit why found himself wiable to; resist -the vociferous and kicafrtnngpaUql the good-natured and hdhiir.rn;';rowd, Whom he ban so uiiarmea wnn m first speech of the evening Uiat they just luust hear him again. His sec ond I speech was even better than the first and increased the avoirdupois of each member of the crowd several pounds by the hearty laulm he cause J them. ! ihuingion Aies- sengen ,-.;What has the-American. wmking mah to sell T "His ' labor tomes, in .without jaying aaax, i arjy kind. Whatdoes the American workingman buy? Taxed clothing, taxed tools, taxed lumber for his housetaxed stoves for his kitchen; mil - . . 1 1 xi 1 r V . . .. inia IS wine way: ine mi 111 prvitw labpr.IiOui8ville;CourierPUTnalri The Jlepnblican. party proposes ,to keep.the- tariff at its present stand ard and raise it if. necessary. The Democratic : , party proposes to re-, form, present abuses by lowering the tariff. - .- Another ' good Republican steps out and says the Chicago platform will not do. Mr JN. O. Nelson, a large, manufacturer, of St.: Louis, re fuses to train with a party that is against reform of any kind. Louis ville Courier-Journal. 100 lbs. Buist's fresh Turnip Seeds, all kinds, for sale at Dr. W. M. Fowl kes & Co. 's drug store. . The Iowa Republicans are repre sented as lieing deeply incensed at the rree hiskey plank in the Chi cago platform. Protection is losing ground all the time. Wilmington Star. Alexander Hamilton was a mod erate Protectionist compared with the latter day Republican lenders. He favored taxing whiskey and he favored a bounty for "the infants" rather than a Tariff levied for their "protection." He did not believe in the great virtue or protective duties. If living to-day he and Cloy would be among the active Reformers, if we may judge their action by their 1 tl'M O. recorus. v 11. oiar. A CniLD KILLED. Another child killed bv the use of opiate givn in me lorra or fcootoins bvrup. w Uv mothers give thir children such deadly poison ia surprisinK when thev can relipve the child of nts peculiar" troubles by using AcRer s Jauy byrup. Jtcoutaiusno opium or morphine. Sold by W M Fowlkes & Co. Leland Stanford, the Pacific rail road magnate, warmly congratulates Banker Morion on his nomination for vice-president. New let Jay Gould do the samp, and we shall have a trio of magnates that will graphically illustrate what the Re publican machine means by "pro tection to American labor." Boston Globe. Go to L. T. Peterson for fine pic tures. He will not Temaiu in town very long. Buekleu's Araica Salve. . The best Salve in the world for bruises, cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chappd hands, chilblains, corns, arid all skin eruptions-, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. 1 1 is guaranteed to mye perfect satisfaction, or, money re funded. Price 25 cents per hox. For sale by Thomas S. Cole. , Gome to See Lie ! In My New Quarters in the elegant new brick store at the stand formerly occupied by Steele Bros. &'Co., & E H::r ,:, where I expect always to . keep a full line jrf all goods usually kept at a general store. I have hour on hand Bleached Goods, Spring. and Suinrner Calicoes, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Piquets and Other press Goods suited to the season. In clothing I offer a variety of Alpaca, Linen and Seersucker Coats and Vests, and also anice assort ment of white and checked Marseilles Vests, some of whiob cannot fail to please-yoo. . PR.T.S.GOLE will also be found there with, his Drug nd Medicines. - We' will Wot be undersold' for the cash, and don't' you "forget iliJ n-.; .,... Juiy.2nd,1SS3.""'-:W-CO,-E- ; GREENSBORO s Jf "EMALE UOLLEGE, , v;;.; n. usx 1 u ,,j -r,.; ,. f. 1 i. URiSSBCJRO, :N. C. rpHE 8ixty-seventlr seion of thlsrbs-.' JL 1 perbus rititatioa.beshiion the 22nd ioYeVcred1 the' f.eP4ft wUfiggj?-, fh tugh grade. .Instruc tion ciyen in TvDB-writincr arid 'Rtr w- o wcoi lxr Dh 'also.,,'Term5ffroderate.v !'C'' - - , Fu;Jbatalogn a i apply to T. M. JON! ONES, President. 1 : Do' iiotf place your, orders: for job' print ing get our prices. . " ' - , T JamesSGdldston rt .: ' DEALER IN -f. i ' SUGAR. COFFEE, MEAT, MOLASSES, j CANDIES. NUTS, RAISINS, and ev- eery ttm all 'of which will be sold as oheap as the cheapest. DON'T FAIL. to give me a call when in want of anything in pfyOine.: r You- shall laye coufteoua at tcntfon, atid rtckJ bottom prices' ' ' Xours -iriUy. J. S. GOLDSTON. RECEIVED -AT- KAA UNTRIMMED HATS, just frosa t)JJ New. York, which I am selling from 15 cents' up. Don't go bare-headea when you ean buy a Hat for 15 centa,-any color and ihape; desired.. : TRIMMED BATS, from New York, which I am closing out cheap-MO cents up. Yoa will wonder howl sell them so cheap when you see them. Don't fail. to coiae, will pay you ; And besides! 'you can save jfrotn 50 cents, to $1.00 by -coming to see me. it is a well-kown fact that 1 aeil Hats and Millinery Goods than they can be bought elsewhere, and a trial will convince you. I 'Si 1 Duncne9 ilVs i ompons, riumes J fJKj and Feathers all the latest styles from Plain to Sbades. Nica line of Beau tiful Tips 2o cents up. Satins, Silks, Ribbons, Gauzes, Mulls- all colors and prices. In short, anything in tne Millinery line, l can Save You Foney, as I bought larcelv and paid the CASH for all my goods. Don't fail to come and see me. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I can bo found in mv new build ing, two doors from Mr. Dockery. JyNice line of Silk Parasols, cheap. f' 1 1 t ' 1 iolauae zrcfora is with me and has a full lir, of Drv (iond? Notions, Shoes and Grf.cpir which be is selling . as CHLAiJ an yem can tuy ciic! where. Give him a call. Mm. StE P. SAXirOTD. RyCkilivl-:i'n. N. C. April 4, 1588-tf. 6fP liehacie 4 w OF is now filled to overflowing with :itw and stylisb Spring .Novelties. Each department is eomplett- in variety, stylo ana quality. BARGAIN ND. 1. Spring Dress Goods 34 i;c;is uide, in beautitul shades of Jirown, tircys, Tans, kc., in plain; stripe an J-'jilaid, at the low price 01 ao cents per vara. A line of FINE UA.SLLMEEES in all the new colors at 23 oi-u'ts a yard, double width. We earn the largest and finest stocic 01 FINE pjlEjSS&QQDS and TitIMMIJ GrS in the State. Beautiful Braid Sets for waists at 50 cents. All kinds of Braid bets, Gimp; Jets, etc., in all shades, We keep every things to, be fouud in a first-class dry goods ' stove. H K"We take pleasure in'statine that Mr. JLUIAN LlTTLEr of EachmondJ county, is now with, uo, and any orders given us will receive his pers'prral attention. We have a first-class DREViS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. in .connection, with our business. All qf our work guaran teed to give satisfaction. 7 Give us a trial, either by personal visit or through tour order department. We guarantee futisfactionl T. L. SEICLE fit'Cd.. r" 11 -West Trade Street, ' : : ' Charlotte. N. C. I CHAPEL Hilt, jc: c. ' The next session begins Aug 30 Tui tion reduced lo ,$80 a half year. Poor stu dents may .grre notes. . FacuHyoP-fafleeo wacners." ibree tauoifrseB nf.ntndv UaA. ing to degrees. . Three short courses, for ' the training of .business men.-teacrrers-f ' physicians and pharrnacists, . lw; echcoil rniiy equipped.,., :Vrrte for cataloeue to . Hon. KEMP, P. BATTLE, 27'lln- " ' " : 'r President. Hamiot Woolen, Mills ; Co.v MANUFACTURERS F " '. ' t -. Cassimeres, Jeans,'' , -' FLANNELS) ij., LINSEYSCQTTOMADES.&c Wdol eariferl cneiji 'foVtsaurr oV oft'sbaYe'i 1 WOOL: WANTED,;for -waich -wvWU pay'cash.oT exchange goods; r- -i.-o , AweikUioonwJlnicationflitd ..: - r. , : peqy namieWppIen-ililCQ., ; , '. , Dv.; ,,T fiockinghajiq. ,' Bb ff .'TR E SAMPLE of ocr wondertnl v FLOUBIJSA W TO UA CCX . Univc was KtMtBT COv, Bx lOi, Buffalo. ' s- VW O , " ni ating mit retnrsa irom IStw iwi.itn preparea vo oner wie largest Mid Utt r V4 - SfocacPuiIIinery ever shown inJ5cirihgbarn. I was vrry run LATEST XFAV As I anticipate a large Insmss this sf.fH;n I will endeavor to sell goods cheat-tr erv 21v-6ck o&nsists lt e.-'h l'"!-"" lauies' and Children's Hfc;s Qtiets, trimmed abd "uiltrirniel. V! t-d t.tA h J:t'. its in Tips and KeatUrt than ever and Bonnets, to a sash ribbon. Silks, Satins, Morie Silks arid UaU2t actr.-y Cf isj.t.t. r. r 1 at and dress tnrntEit Flowers in all the leading etylw tn$cAi,r, Si 'J; "VJyj t trd .H in all the -,' Spring shades, Ribbons m SatinJaad Jjjie. J;i.cxl 1 i t and jlsin edge, from No 1 rfraTe YaeMghtftrttteBTJf Psrasotrtn atttlnrleadirs vrrr ebetp. Alw Ptw lot of Kid and:Btfk76kver-ButJw,'? mUrx, jwity, viir u, Dresa BuUodp, (Pi and Fancy L'e'ads) Childrih' Lace Ca'f.s7 Bt'j's' Hits'snd ftps, and a great masr oth er" articles that have not' space to mention. . Call and be convinced Thanking von very much forpast patronage, I solicit a continance of the same . J5r COUNTRY ORDER3 carefully and promptly filled. Washington-' "Street, Is iri store for those who come first to inake I am now receiving one of the largest stocks that I ever offered to the trade, and I have lor tne casn ana am connaenj. man am now aoie to mate prices to snit tbe tirnei All I ask is to call and examine my goods and get my prices before you purcb& nd 1 know I can suit yon. " ' My stock of Dry Goods and Notions is now -complete and consists of a beautiful lis of Prints, Eatinee, Lawns in all colors. Piques,. Nainsooks, Linen Lawns, EmbroicVrrd Dresses and aH-ttooI and naif-wool Dress Goods in all qualities and shades, Gingture and, in fact, everything' Jn tbe line of Dry Goods and Notions. I have also rectivu the largest line of Shoes I ever offered to the trade, and tfcf y are cheaper than the 'cheapest. My stock of Clothing, Hats, Groceries! Tinwar?, Wooden and Wrllowware, Crockery, Ac; is i'nst beautiful and will auit anybody. I alsd keep on hand a large lot of FURNITURE, such as Bedsteads, Mattress, 4 c. Remember the old advice, of your friend Dou'l sleep on the oor when yon can buy a bed frame at Watson's for the small sum of $2.00. J Ldir P I A N O s K RAN ICR BACU, n 5" a n ca E EMERSON. SCHUBERT. HARRINGTON, Bi.Y STATE. spy1 The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT of fj. tV GOUirJGTOrJ & CO., WHO HAVE- IN STOCK A beautiful line of Jerseys, ,Wiaj)s,.Gloves, - PRlTsAl)RESSrs60VSii:Z ' T RI M MI N GS N ECK WK""JHEY, , And. Trlh,i,D s.e1ueeded by the pebplrfof himtATatniif: all of which will be sold as low as jDy ontiglEe wiU'idjJSeifT:; W. T. COVI The Mmmmt . - - "Quick Sales and Small Profits." j. - .And that shall b ray motto ; large stoge::of4EAile and WINTER 1. which is; k o w !IIOtoke. : - . I AipiQT Elm.nwB Kordol comiderateit Becesaary; lut.LJoask jemfityoO MtH'wrVUing :a O Kyv,f,Dryoods or OrcKweslo rail and aeeiri, becatis To iop bargains worth coming after. '.'A nin.M s r"no ia etterihii rrw lulliBg." ar.d That a the kind of bait I'm fishing with this aeasonr - ---: JT v- ; ; - B. S LEDBETTKB. K. 8. LEDBETTEB, JTL rr 1 1 ' - . (HaVe jnat opened out atf lh old-sUnd -vt hi d ;..- .-: ...... f. ...f. f UaC, Docker",- fall and, ; ' . ' , . , , Jr' .'I Ki f,t.-T;QF:-ft, (j .7 - t Sl.J). " -jiv mm " m mmm III WM4IIUil J k1'7'"11 A!i Ktt OllKi. to ;wbjcbtthe7 WTite the attention , pf thi public. MtW Villi JCil' -r .U ' Wf, .propose to aelt t$ cheap Jiny1 the market. iveusacalL .!'.ct --t ' " A - ' . : , . . ,.ttentiori ! and Fancy Goods .ul in aelectmg toj tiock to- get tie YOllK STYLES. ROCKLNGHAif, N. C. iseltections from my New Spring Goods, for of carefully selected them and boucbt tlea ONE. 0 II G A N S KIMBALL, MILLER, BRIDGEPORT. NEW ENGLAND, BEETHOVEN, s CO P rvi r-H w SeMtmMe : ! tv 1 r I -A.- -T..--m and practica nitpoirig otthe- g H.'JCiXDOCKERY. 1 UML UkU.LLXSt ! 1 vTha flnetrt and most popular nv tianU bafora tha public . ,. '' ONE HUNORCD tf ths ptanoa Durchaaatf bt ths mit Hew-) CnetanJ: Cohsrvatorv 9 M ulc, and bylally uu at thai Inittut 0 Dont fau to examina thaaa rtarws which tn fcreaDng' axch furore -aJDO-vfour bttt nuuciankrpr; JUl Intormaiion atoin v towttt prices, tarma, ale, wrjta or caD cs ;.iJL;ifTU:nSlW, GtairtJ IUBt, T i ft j ., .y f. . .- .. li From iowv until .September 1st I f 1 frill. wIi.prBGood,poUi?ng,H 0OJ)B. 'ISJFrTTWfria f Da bboe? at e1r ark cost, IreigM 1 fand charges ejJded. This is no hum- bug offer I mean it V ' . H. C. Watso. I J t ft f . It f. . ? PJBTOR.Moa;; I ' ! 1 - K .Hi ' .