v. 4. fa 0i r L I 1 luscri - to . marry, old Moorstone her .father marched her upstairs ""Icy her - room .and flocked, herein; 4 with the words You'll stay there until you con&ait id be'bia -ssife.!" 1 'x , . ' Now,"3iJCy happened Jo -be des perately in love th' Ned Braxton, who - stood six feet in his stockings and the ; handsomest man in all tho fQujit iaiMflid -hot propose to in arry - a n im becile old patriarch even' at her fatherwmhiand. ;; .; v . Through! , .Nancy, the- hired girl, she managed to communicate with 'nothl,waseen'jof. Kitty but two tore around, i and ;vowed 'i he would I i'J At i -;1 ri 1 J .i ' Jf.r- "ivi V,tti ' never, never , xorgive inem i v ny, for weeks no one dared say .good morning to him. He was a cold, hard nbab,' and he vowed Kitty shotildyct Btifferfbr having crossed his wilU .' RJpfvi Kitty and herushana Itved hap pily feBtdf a- ftii. Butthea sick ness came and for nearly another half-year Ned lay' a helpless invalid. Th e season proved unfavorable, too and the crops failed. The money Ned had. saved ran out ; and, worse than all, the two-years' lease would soon expire, and Farmer Hopson had given notice that it wouldn't be renewed. At last, when they were reduced to absolute need, and Kitty saw her husband dying for the want of those comforts essential to the sick, she rose and went to ber father to im plore his pardon ahd pity. She even knelt at his feet, but he spurned her away. He had said, the reader will remember, that he would never grant pardcn to his daughter or her husband "not if they were starving or begging on their knees J" and Gomery Hopson was not the man to break his word. 4 That same night - Farmer Hopson. was taken with a deadly epidemic then raging. He had .all along in tended to disinherit 'his daughter, but, like many men, he had a su pcrstitou repugnance to making a will. But now he must act at once, or it might prove too late. "Make haste tq Lawyer Poach ard,",he said to a , trusty .messenger ; "tell him I want a, will made of all my property 40 Marsyas Moorsjtone, and tell him to fetch it all ready to he signed, for I mayn't be able to talk much by the time he gets here." 'The. hivr-ycr returned with the messenger, andwas' conducted di-retlyMfo-tfre shk-rooni, where -he-remained a short time with the far mer. Then two witnesses were call ed .in, before whom Mr. Hopson signed '.-.V.j&per-5 ;wjiish had hardly strength enough to tefithem wa9hia will, and requested them to witness it. "" The lawyer then sealed up the pa per, put it in his pocket for safe keeping and took a hasty leave, say ing that W had another similar er rand to attend tp. Two days. after. Farmer Hopson was followed to the grave by a arge conpoarse of 'neighbors,- headed by Marsyas MoorstoeaSichief mqurner. AfWr the fimeral Lawyer Poach -ard gave put that he would read' Mr. Hopsiih'siJ-iH in:the; presence of such friends as chose to attend at his late residence! i Quito a nurriber assembled" con- BfttAnnntf amAttn Mkim ... II MpQrstbna,. who, ; it was plain, .had received an inkling of his good luck. ; VjattlLJhadwaia to aider, Lajv- Jic uovaaiu, WlUlUg ttUU pul- iing on nis glasses, oroKeruie seal of the envelppQjr andto9kout and un folded! ftkf 1 fmirat;JiocumentV ! wnicn ne onenea and be?n tnrpaH. x. vtusjwituciaisupAii n ran. "ao . property and eiieets, after paying my ia.aL lueiiMC'iu miu iuLiRr.il nynnnaoa . - .j, J, ; ,- r- .uuuw, ! t:The laer came to a lialt with a start t of surprise at what nobodv conld imapine. Remmrho, Via A A.. he instrument himself. .'Then he . f" 7j ' f rj...' v UIJiMLUlC. 1 . 'To'my beloved daughter Kitty." U'ifvltr gD lHI,e ana names of withessralfol towed, all V irx'dae 45 please J astonish-T menVaor .T,larsyas A10pxgtofe: didn't join im " Lawyer ;IMacnarS4in;dl;il : ' . A - few rdays later Mrs. Tabitha Jy britf docutiHTlt;' also drawn- hv It seemed very curious that.the.tcs- tatrix: whose- worldly- coods consist cd onlyjDf herown wearing apparel, a one-eyed parrot and a phthisicky monkey," should leave them to a crusty old bachelor, whom she" had never spoken well of, instead of to her only daughter, Kitty-Tartar. Some 7 charitaHy thought that Gomery Hopson had relented to ward his daughter;during the brief private f conference with..;. Lawyer Poachard. But more suspected that the latter, having the two wills about him, ready for signature, got them mixed, and in the hurry got the far mer to sign Mrs. Plackett's, and vice xr$a. - ' v; Be that as'it might, it was too late to correct mistakes, and the old lawyer discreetly held his tongue. -. Kitty Braxton was able to provide her husband with every comfort now, and his recovery was rapid and complete.'; ;: - . Brace-Up. iou are ieenng aepressea, your annetite ia tioor. you are bothered with" Headache,,, you are- fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, ana want to brace up. urace .up, but hot with stimulants, spring medicines,- or bitters, which have for ii 1 '. 1 - 1 - t 1 meir Dasis very cneap, oaa wniSKey, and which stimulate " you for. an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will nurifv your blood, start healty action of T J tt-:j 1 : talitv. and eive renewed health nnd and strength. Such a medicine you will nnd in Jyectnc Jiitters, and only t50 cents a bottle at Dr. W. M. Fowlkes and Co.'s Drug Store. An Insulting Campaign. From the New- York World. The one journal which applauds Mr. Blaines defense of Trusts de rides the Earmera' Alliance andcon- dems the Knights of Labor. This is perfectly natural. Sympa thy will out. A fellow-feeling with monopolists makes men wondrous kind towards Trusts and wonderful ly malicious against those who op pose them. i The Farmers' Alliance of North Carolina proposes to co-operate in the purchase of family supplies for its members. Being compelled by our tariff to sell their products in the cheapest market and buy their necessities in the dearest market in the world, the farmers seek to gave some of the middlemen's profits in order to have money to pay the in terest on their mortgages. And for this the monopoly organ compares the Alliance to a Trust and asks : Vlf it is wicked and dangerous to the State to combine to sell, why is it not dangerous to the State and wick ed to combine to buy?" The obvious answer is thataTrust or a combination to sell is a conspi racy to killcompetion, to raise prices arbitrarily and to restrict production in order to maintain these prices. The Alliance is simply co-operation to buy cheaply, in large quantities, at the producer's rates, saving inter mediate profits. It does not inter fere with production. Instead of de stroying it encourages competition. To compare it with the Cotton-Bagging Trust is insultingly unjust. So is the characterization of the Knights of Labor a union of work ingmen formed to meet thecombina tions of Capital as "the greatest Trust of all." The Trust-promoting tariff will not be helped by such a defender as this. A HEALTHT OBOWTB. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained - firm hold on the American nermiA unA a ac knowledged td.be superior to all other pre parations. '"-It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it,- Guar anteed ana soia Dy yr w M Jrowlfces & Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mm high school, Male and Female. I. L. WRIGHT, " -p , , L. D. ANDREWS, 1 -Pcipab and J SEVEN EXPERIENCED and well equipped teachers in. the Faculty, in cluding two for Music and one for Art. A large and elegant three-story briek build ing ; instruction in every department thor ough aird .as extended as. can be iad at any preparatory school. . Tuition in English .classea; from ,$1.25 to $3.50 pemoath'; Languages, each, 50 cents extra. Good board can be obtained in private rfamilies, exclusive" :of washing -and lights, at :S8.00 per-month. ;;; c y y:: ', ; ... Monroe If? Va a.mlanTneVVMifiiru'l"'' moral , town, prohibition prevailing by a' the county "save in two townships. - . . . For any information "address xihe'of thei Principals: Mowsr W a . - v r .-.f- ; " Fall .Term opens August 2&h' 188.S-.1 Treo yhiskey. From the Springfield Republican.' t C A - Dialogue of the Future--VI'm an artist and I want sorae.spirits to use in the arts." - " 'Certainly, sir (filling the flask) ; may I ask what your- branch of art is?'' " ' . " - "Painting the town red." WE CAN AND DO unrnnf.Ao A ptpr'a Rlivid Tt".li"rir for it hns tnis country tnavii is superior to au mner preparations for blood' diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic' poisoning, ul cers, eruptions and pimples. 1 It purifies the whole system 1 and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Dr. W M Fowlkes & Co Harried a Month, She Who's is oo? He Oor's. She For ever, and ever, and ever ? He Ess, I is. She Haa oo dot five dollars for j 00 baby, dear ? He Thunder! no, Melinda. Think I ra made of money, ; don't you? Judge - Buss oil call the. .colored I voters "savagea" and Dirty-Dockery I speaks of their wives and uaughters j as wenches. Dockery is sore over the assertion that by' a colored man. the looks of the pervert the truth Yet the colored nearly all vote for him. Wilmfng ton Review. HAPPINESS AND COXTJKXTM KXT surely cannot go hand in hand if wo look on the dark side of every .little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will dure the worst form of Dys pepsia, Constipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at .25 and 50 cents by W M Fowlkes & Co. LANDS FOR SALE. S00 acres of land on both sides of the railroad, 4 miles from Rockingham.- Price $1 per acre. . . . 9 acres of Jan d inside, the incorporation of the tovrn'of Rook'inghain.with two dwell ings and a good barn. Land in a high state of cultivation. Will be sold cheap. X A ACRES in Laurel Hill-township, sd 0J joining the lands' of Mi-s. Whitfield Mcintosh and Mrs. Milton Mcintosh. One third of land in cultivation. K ACRES, one and a half miles from w I O town, at the low price of $1 per acre. Four settlements, with dwellings aca outhouses, ou it. Terms made ea.y GO on which is a good vineyard of ecuix perr.or.gs 10 acres m bearing vines. 1 tract land, 140 acres, 1 miles from town, known as the Eltsb Long place. 1 lot. known a3 the Alley Icp. 1 lot known as the livery- stable lot. 1 lot en Washington street with two stores on same, 40x75 feet. 6 acres, with house cn same, one mile from town. 1 tract of 50 acrea, 1J miles from town.' Ail the above property will be sold cheap and on good terms. A. M. MeAULAY, Real Estate Aeent. GAPE FEAS k mm VALLEY B. L CO. Ceadrasrd Time Table. to Take Effect Monday, Jnno 11, 1S88. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Passencrer and Freight and Mail. Ls Bennettsville, Ar Maxton, Le Maxton, Ar Fayetteville, Le Fayetteville, Ar Sandford, Le Sandford, Ar Greensboro, rasRenger. 115 p m 3:10 p m 7:15 D m 10:10 k ra 1:40 p m 2:30 p ra 1:33 p m 7:2- p m 10:15 a m 515 p m 6:00 a m 7:05 a m 7:15 a m 9:00 a m 9:15 a m 11:15 a m 11:27 am 2:30 u-m Le Greensboro, 3:00 p m Ar' Mount ,Airy 7:15 p m J No. 1 dinner at Greer enaboro. TRAINS MOVING SOUTH Le Mount Airy, 5:00 a m Ar Greensboro, 9:25 a m L GreenBboro, 10:05 a m Ar Sandford, 1:35 p m Le Sandford, 1:55 p m Ar Fayetteville, 4:00 p m Le Fayetteville, 4,15 p m Ar Maxton, M, J6:15ip'r Le Maxton, :'v 6:25 p m Ar Bennettaville. 7:30 ti m 10:15 p m 4:40 p m 7:45 a m 2 00 pm 2:30 p m 5:50 p m 6:25 am ;-fl:50a,m 1015 am 12:15 pm . No. 2 breakfast at Gennanton. . JNo. 13 dinner at Sanford. , FACTORY BRANCH. Leave Millboro, 7:03 a m Arrive at Greensboro, Q.O0 m Lc-avo Greensboro . 3:30 pm Leay Factory Junction, 4:30 p m Arrive at Millboro, 5:15 p m Passenger and Mail Train runs daily ex cept Sundays. Frei't and Accommodation Traina nm Ween Fayetteville and BennettsVille on Mondavs, Wednesdavs and Frida L. aiiwiuuiuujtmja tram runs ue tween Fayetteville and Greensboro Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, and be tween -Greensboro and Mt. Airy on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, and from Mt Airy to ,Greenboro; on : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' Trains on Factory "Branch run daily ex cept Sunday.' - .-. ., . ' - W. E. KYLE, ' t tit ti- Geieral Passenger Agent. J, W. Far, General Superintendent. ; - Sals f "r - " "i"--- "'-- : " ' .V.rtue of a.. mortgage executed by Welcome TTrspw an1 .-;fi. a t? n.. . . . f - wfjsaery so .the undcrsi-necTcn the' 5th day of April, he wasnominaUd 5 immi&mmst$ thing ivnd tries.to " BSSSSS contingent will l t O ROOM HOUSE on Pearl street, in O good condition. Lot 170i50 feet. ACRES six miles northeast of town. .wiu:jie4-.to.,tbe;highest -bidder-: for tpuation;' ' . 0. V . , - . sash, at the court hhns fn 'i Tartia wJir, fc - v:! T? -1:r!i ; 01 JttOCKinS'ham . (in . MhTia'--!,'' iri.U--a.'l of Sentember . To .:t..j said, morteaere. a fnH rfMmt t, x. may. be found in the 'mdo r iK ,r -: A ,W oh -i 1 : ""Bgees. :S55ft!fS5 All Summei-Goods 7-OwyKR.mK rr.OS., ; Win ;iibcW wiif bo eiwedouUt ,:Axe rolling in. ' You can't escape ing the nervous force by muscular ' iners torria a ays. xne 'Compound, that -great ? : strengthen tne nervous v - against the attacks of v reparauon i iuw scientific combination of benefit to body and brain . and has brought new life weakened nerves were the especially valuable at this eo liable to sunstroke, a : fatal. Paine's . Celerr . health, almost entirely re disease. If VOU feel the effects of ft I delay another day before gaining tho vitality only obtained by the use of this great medicine. Sold by Druggists. 1.00: Six for $5.00. . Send for dght-page paper, wlta xaaay testimonials. - .. ..- . WELLS, RICHARDSON i CO. u- BUBLfNGTON, VT, THE 1LLEGEB flRGANS; tr4 ttttmm wiaa mn tu - - mm RtofiS ATlA feftV TS-Mn KA..l.,ll4vu to CSrculn troo ca applicatioa. vpoeiai so Day offer now ready. Th oldert organ monnf actnrwr la Washington, i J- yr mmium fact wring oratuLt, 4ril omn will Ia a.i. . x i . ,000 of these orjrans now la use. T7tf THOS. B. PACE; EAHLET, . C. Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN teeners I i ere nana ise. Now in Stock and to Arrive: 12,000 yards Calico, Oirhacs, and oth er Dress Goods. 2.000 yard i'ar.t Goods. ' $1,500 worth of Shoes. 500 drs.u Kc- r's Thread 2,'jOr' Li of i 'I, a..:. 10 gross Dir.on-.i i-s-. 2(!xj boxes t T-.-:---.o. 35 gro?s 'iiaf1'. 25 Sacks of jfiii'v:.'). 10 5 V , 1 V 250 i i Notions, '.'-'.o:. l;:;, cc. for those wiio Ijuv fr-r iu-'w is the time Summer supplies.' 1 aui otferii.g Special Iiuluceinejis to the WHOLES A E IT.ADE nd buy-f-rs of larg fri i::' t;h. Will : ,11 BY THE BOX, Sugar and Molasses bv the barrel, Coffee by the Sack, and nil ik;YY Grocer;'- ir quantities jus, aa low ns tLev can be :e- nyerea nere iron iiiautou or Char.utte. With a large stock, and ir.y Sledge-Uami?icr Motto of Cash on Delivery, I propose to always LEAD in prices and let others "run ai'ter." I rni svill seiiin (it tho rate of loj ,c:c month) tiiat Rood conj:i:o:i j-'lour 'it :2.L'5 r.,.r s.-u-L- ($4. 25 for 5 tr lObarrsj. Vcrv Sr.e l'lour at to 5O..-.0 i.tr bur.rri. Full 200-lh. sacks Salt at each. Good Cc-ffee 13 to 20 cent3. Grannlafd Rn $1.00. Good Coffee Sugar lAbs for $ 1.00, ana oiner eooaa in proportion. l am Btiu general agent for the CARY WAGONS, the best one-horse wagon sold in the State at the price. Price reduced to $30.00, caeh, with bed ; without bed, $27 caah. Specialpricea to merchants. Thej art flrBtr-claM -farm wagona and warranted to- gire satisfaction. Ckme to :Hamlet call for PACE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, and judge my goods and prices for your selves. Very Respectfully, -. THOMAS B. PACE. Shoes and Harness ! A "W- JONES ia still at his old stand XL am and is doin? firat-r.laR.q wnrV in k:. line. Boots, Shoes and Harness made and repaired m the best possible manner and len ft'- tbftthe7 ve ever been kn0WI1 m lhls market. Good hand-made Wagon Bridles at 81.00; other bridles at corresponding low prices 1. full stock'of Harness and Bndles always on hand, and made to order oa short notice by skilled .workmen. v , a: w. Jones. ' - vIQTICE! . . Valuable Plantation for Sal 7 miles . .west of . Fayetteville, on the Mor IP w"baMi .cka acres oi ercx inning land no swamps known as t HA'19-pt -..it . , ... . L gan ton roaa, containing 233 acres of good I , ? ;awwiui, barns Moathouses,, 50acre3 in'goodltateof fiA-,-hxr-ialliV.. a r- PTiinn,. WrfmTfTfw 5 .f " fu I on"thft wpebm wv,i,-.4 .yeiieviae, ! - . W. B. TyIcRAB. ; '- 3 1 - WJ2JS 9rr.f i v them but you can escape tho deep-" or ' use of Paine's Celery nerve tonic, will at once system, and fortify it ; summer debility. This " cine not a drink. It is a the best tonics, sri vinsr lastinir It cares all nervous diseases, and health to thousands whose cause of their many ilia. It ia season, when feeble Persona ara disease which ia noarlv alwava fCompouncfj by restoring perfect moves the aabihty to this dread fiummer'B hp.it vein rnr.'t nflnril tn . 5o E CM p. Q S mm r 1 - H 115 as o o CO o o -jo o . a , a S 'S. cu 3 CO n la 0 w a rz 30 -3 -g - w 8 k: 5 - o ' o h o co O - ca - 3 Q to O THE LEFEVER ASRS COFASY ma;;gfactup.er5 o? . Automatic Eainrq.er3.ess .Made Vitli Tcp "tltwr. iur v Tho o-'y Ii?!i::..c Orr.n in the wc:M '.v:t:i oi!i.;.f-.r-:if-,i nctioa io inke. up wear jn PVr'ry f'irct:T. Autcmatie Pafty Blocking triggers, ileboundme locks. Send tor ecw illustrated catalogue. THE LEFEVER ARMS CO., 4 Syracuse, N. Y. for r torpid Liver. Sick Headache Dyspepsia, Costlveneas, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. Tfcero Is Wir rm4r fr tk 2Jf?"" Uaa Tatfa LI Tr ruis, m a trial wlU prr. Frlco, S3. Sold Evcryrliero RICHMOND COUNTY REAL EST1T13 AGKCY WILL BUY AND SELL LANDS and all kinds of eal Estate. All oroDertv nlripd in th V,av.t k: a i. 1 j 1 ... iu.. uau.w vi una ntru' cy will be advertised free of coet to selTera. btnet attention the interests of Surveys made . r vj3 LU IShedto nartiea nurijuiri tkrMrrk V 1 ---r- T WUfcWM4U UIO. operty rented and -rents collected on reasonable terms. ' -' ' , ' Correspondence solicited. Address , .1; : A.M. McAULA Y, ; ; '- ' " Rc'5kingh'amN'C. ; TO TiltiSPASSFiRS. .A - LL-PES08. are'- hereby warned XX. not to fh ia tn waters of tho old Viley Dawkics pond.' The law, will to cn forcd against all olTendors. . . - . "-.r" W.-I.-KYUHRTT,, ; t: ' . I Prudent Orca IV Ui JLVfCo.' Apnl 13, 1833. 7 b .--' .1. IfsII abj ' Carriages'!. 'AT 'APKREraS' RIEirrURE STORE. A Nice Reed Body Carr La-p From S8.SO to S1Q. Reed Carriagea opboUtered in Satine, fipua SiOc or Silk Plnx!r;b"opnlncolori, Wound Cane Body Carriages in PlnsiK fircm 515:to:$35. a t '-'. t . ; ' ?. !r rr, n t , . , Call and tee them or write for prices if in. seed of carriart, M r hart a lara. U aortedtockatlwptceC Truly, ' ? T'T I O 3T W O Et K. CHARLOTTE, N. C. y 5Pf !" Ft ' Manufacture 3 and Keeps In Stck- Steam Engines & Boilers, AtlD MACKIfiERY Of ALL KINDS. BspsErs FromgsSIy Attended To. JOHN WILKES, Madager. 0 sv Art(. 5jtS fSM 'v4V DEALER IN pfSf KINDS OF Ffrf hi sites, B : feSr??: FfoPe fcJJ? elsewhere, be acre to t mt CHEAP and PINS GCOI'S WEST TRADE STREET -THE PRIDE OFT H K TVi 4. a t . ... THE WILMI N GTON M ESSENGER A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER. ; THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER RESERVE YOUR ORDERS FOR ...... .... , UNTIL WIIT For Samples .atd Prices of . Work. ' FULL STOCK OF STATIONERY. .hi n d e r c o n ra s i. 4 HUlAia DALSAJVl &JXZ'inPM iH VorthM Color?5 PARKEff'fiCircrfo '.-a ::' Scni m joar orders for jcb prhtia.'" phoitf-r-J in Cretccco or Ramie, with either Cano 1 v Parasoi Tc p, ' 17 lie Nichols, LOW PRICES FOR of tho LATEST PATTERNS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. NO RTiTcAROLINA PRESS" YOU CONSULT Jons W.' Cow.' " ""FtJt-BxMcJTiiU- c ole McNeill, ATTOrtNEYS ' At LAW, ! ' ' . RocxiNcriAii. n. c. rO BtX BT LiXa OtKULUXT. S"rd loTho Errf-tt frr TW. Vrt- IrhOiig i iy-f; Ivrir.t-a.l orrrrthi-.jr ic the -R ; 49 Tm &J4PWCUC3L hi - M CJ TVTtfL. QBE mmim grease '. . -,.;