a- 1 T 7 i. A fknatr in Wilton coaaty, Ta, x penmen led ImI Mttoo by plan I fl '4&n tttttk diCWt widths jLloi of it war planted th usual Jattar U4; Ml growM the ,ea-: tire ytf 4 thi cotton finally tattting intb twiddle. ' He wy tirt eottoo 'linika wTUf Tbwt eight tWt apart . rnade twice aa much to the acre ttt apjtlr jwiatjwHlh, , tlie 1 experimen. Jw worth tryihg ejftn aa.t9PiaU!t55al.( Wenow P Lgeo Ueirian , who always , plants a part of hU cdtto;tn trisecke, and fie aays it yields better a ttd it lew ex pensive aad lroubleaoma to culti vate. The w4Ie row a ugjud hor M. apewhat 6 aftine prijKipferrgratejr apace and may. ftw desirable, will not torn prtv Creative) lajruer try UT Roaooke Newa. " ' i " jlBss)s JlsffHfc a esaB4 . sfsjissa "When hundred bottle of sarsaparilla pr othr pretentious specific Cut to eradi cat in-born scrofula or eontaeious blood pojfcf fnttterffit B. B. Bv (Bontanie Blood Balm) ha , gained many tBOttsand yicton iiir as inaar ieVmiaffr incurable instances. Seed o.-the Blood Bala Co., Atlanta Qa., for J,Boolf e Wondfrt, and be eoarinced. It is the only Taos blood 'rwr&if? HoWairt X Koada, Qa., writat; "I jwm aflided ataa years with ores. All the medicine I could take did noeao wqtxLn ltkmrn tried B. B. B.. and $ bottles cured me sound ".: : , -, Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Mountain, Texas, Jrtrilee:: A lady friend of mine was troubled with bumDS and Dimoles on her afacenad neck.- Kb took three bottles of B. B. B., and ber skin got soft and smooth, pimples disapeared, and her health improv- V ew a-rww va wea mH 'Wa rr. Soma years ago I contractad blood poison. I had no appetite, my dietitian was rain ed, rheumatism drew- up or . Umbs so I could hardly walk, my throat was cauter ized fire times. Hot Springs gate me no benefit, and ray lift was en of tort ore un til I gave B. B. B. a trial, aadt surprising as it may seam, toe use al Rye bottles cur ed me." i i i ii V? ChtCliatp ts Tea. Last afonday areoing Mr. Asa Pees, of Cbaatatfiekl county, 8. C. armed io Monroe, with bis family for tba purpose of taking the train for Teas. Mr. Deea took up camp with the intention of leaving on the piornlng train, .ut when ha awoke Tuesday oMNmmgVrid counted noses to see if they were all tUee, be found hat be waa minua a daughter. The foissing dangh'ttMisi Ida, bad left a lorer, a Mr. WeUbtinC3jesUrf5eld, and naturally both objactad to a separation. Mr. AVebb followed the migrants to Monroe, and during the night stole "tba lorely Hiss Ida away, and lost too tieae in reaching a ha Ten of amisty beyond tba South Carolina line, and doubtless ere this tbayarAo aAd stiiia Monroe Enorer and Express. fit's only a question of time," and a short ,uaM, too, as to when your iheumatiam ' will yield to Hood's THE LONDON "BOBBY." 6000 UNDER ORDERS, BUT A DUM-; MY UNDER RESPONSIBILITY. , . Wyswleiftin CItO OMiatsar-ajMedtes of tXwk-Ttsrtd-, irea4 Taa Loodoa rolioemaa is by no means a bad sort of fellow. Cm tbe contrary, be is woUderfoUy etrll and obliging, and his to please St stunuiatea oy a dmII nip." , sery straager who visits Lon- aoa will cany away with turn graceful recoi- one of the kindness and courtesy oi jxm eoticeastt' ta showinc Mm bo to find his way throosh the intricate thoroughfares of that great human Dire. Ta sjstmi essployed by those woo concroi tsj Lenta police niakes of them machines, BsmUcisobsdianca to their superiors is tna tiftil irf mmXltm It is their business to abty, aotto think. Gi-re a London pollce- erdera aad be will obey tnem to cne Bat pat him m a position where be orders for nimseir, wnere ne aaa to aot on fads own judgment, aad the Weigh: of responsibility overwhelms hmv Oa bscomes dummy. He snows up worn fast where the Kew York pohceman wooia be a hJa best. wAimro aom hobdibs." t remember oaoe attending a political 'here Leonard Courtney was to address, Mr. Courtney was a Liberal who had not gone orer with Gladstone aa the Irish Question. Consequently he was ot loved by those who had followed Gted- Whsn Mr. Courtney rose to apeak three men, who obviously had no other eVjeos in view than to prevent him from spsaklag. mounted a form and as the top or taalr lungs shouted, 'Turncoat 1 Turncoat! Turuooatf Mr. Courtney could not contend against their combined capacity for noise. Cpivw aad confosion scisued. But the three jssi utiDiiisIs conttnoed their shouting. Standing near were a couple of policemen. "Why dont you put those men outf I oae of them. We haint got no acrders to do it, sir," he replied. "Way, a Hew York policeman would hare tbam out to a jUTy." "May be, sir, but Shis is a rree country, ab, aad hat a political meeting heverybody as a right to bexpreai ns hopinion, nr. Aad he looked at me after a fashion which IndJoatsd that In bis judgment he had shown (he superiority of English institutions. The upshot of the business was that after awhila the majority of those present came to the saw hist on that patienca had ceased to be a Virtu, so they rushed the obstructionists put of the hall and hustled them down stairs at the risk of breaking their necks or limbs. Aad when they were out in the street the policeman arrested (hem for disorderly con- SUnset Cox favors the admission of all the territories except Utah and New Mexico, on the ground that the Democratic ' party might " as well have the good will of the coming States, and he so expressed himself in a long speech in the Democratic caucus of Tuesday night. His view seems largely sentimental, however, and of doubtful practical bearing. The question of the admission of the territories- is purely politi cal and it is difficult to see how the coming-in of Republican Slates would be other than politically dis advantageous to the Democracy. News and Observer. My Poor :e- ".-'- " a a a a - es That's the common exclamation of those suffering with rheumatism or kidney nouoies. - m either disease Paine's Celery Copipound will urely effect a "cure, and there'wu'l no longer be any cause to complain of "poor backs.'', ing confirm dur claims for that grand old I could not sleeo ras constipated and kidneys did not act, back. ; Since I took Pame's j Celery and I can sleep like a child," : Zenu ; u paving been troubled ,with rheumatism to get around, and was, very often con have used nearly-allmedicines Imaginable, tage. '' Having seen Paine's Celery Com mm S3 . Hundreds of testimonials like the follow- remedy. Painess Celery Compound i J- more than an hour, at a time any night, end bed. a good deal of pain in . the Compound the pain has left my back. Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont, for five years, I was almost unable fined to m v bed for weeks at a time: I besides outside advices, but to no advan ponnd advertised, I gave it a trial. I have cured. 1 can now jump around and feel t , ; I :n:: rri fir rraM-nnfS 7 0 V u ' A v . Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why ? Because if it is out of order you are one of the-most miserable creatures iivinsr. Give it a fair, honora bit- chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on too less. If your food ferments and does not digest right if you are troubled with Heartburn, dizziness of the head, coming up of the food after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion, or any oth er trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without imme diate relief. used only one bottle and am perfectly lively 83 ft boy." Frank Caroli, Eureka, Nevada, Fnce $t.QQ. Stxor $500. Sold by Druggists." Send for 8-page Testimonial Paper. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors. . : 6URLINQTON, VERMONT. Ancient Roman Plank Roads. The Prussian minister of education. Von Dossier, having learned that Professor F. Knoke had lately found traces of old Roman plank roads on the moor between Mehrholz and Bragel, not far from Diepholz, in lower ; Hanover, invited that gentleman to fully io- i vestigato the matter. He has just completed I the task. He was able to trace tho lines of I two parallel plank roads right across the ! moor, presenting all those distinctive feat ures which are found inoman works of this kind. One of them shows evident signs of having been demolished by force; the oKSTHnro os xaxx. policeman is nicknamed by the street urchins "bobby." "Cheese it, the eopP exclaim New York gamins when inter- ; taplad by tba approach of some minion of j the law. "Look out, toe comes the bobby, j boys," is the lamruace usually employed by aisffhief making Londoa street arabs when I e policeman looms up in their vicinity. There is a difference in these greetings, and the difference is tn favor of the New York "oop." The "cop" Is a much spryer individ ual than the bobby,' as the name would imply. When toe dyBscnte scare raged in London all the policemen were instructed to look oat for dynamite, but they were also directed so look out for it, I shall never forget pectacla ur canted at the en- to Westminster abbey one 8aturday la eonseqoence of these orders. Qaswdaj is a gree day for country folk to visrt the abbey, and every man, woman and who carried a bundle that to submit its contents to the scrutiny of a policeman before being attowwd to pass into the abbey. The speo- teeW of aa officer of the law exhuming greasy of sandwiches, cake and pastry the recesses of the capacious basket of thrifty farmer's wife in order to dis cover if there was any dynamite there, was very funny. Yoa don't really expect to find any dyna- $ars par ilia, JrfAU naxsstsfe vaaMr ssasr ear. eer fsaaW fiwalrtai aasa . Kseely efl ef fae s41-1 is n way, aa aoase bare 1 Tbswasaaa asaaVwars have j tfHf9lf- SsBBBBsBBBtfBaBBPlBBB J tieaestbeirprefta f31 'priactpsisufha OF PURE COD LIVER OIL prp HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. c. 4i.nl.cd that it eaa be toJcen, Koalmllated bv the most taatiem of the nil -vrith-lie aypopUos- nites Is mnch mere efucaeioas. BoBarkahle as a Sesa pred&eer. Persons gala rapldl j while takieg tt. BCOTT'S EMUiIOH is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best pre pa- ion in the world for the relict and cure ox CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. WAST1NC DISEASES. EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The areat remedy for Uonsumpuan. arte Wasting in Children. Sold. by all Druggists. THOS. B. PACE HAMLET, H. C. pegsto the bearers, having been violently VholeSale ailQ KCtclli uuni swaj.anu uurieu u nio uug wj ma ngub and left of the track. The other road seems to have fallen into decay, but there are signs of repairs executed even during the Roman period; for in places boards have been found fastened over the original planks, tho fashion of both being the soma Tnose repairs seem to nave been car ried out hastily, for In one place a mallet, employed probably to drive home tba pegs, was found on the track, forgotten, no doubt, by the workmen. The local archaeologists feel assured that they have here the pontes longi which were used A. D. 15 by the Roman commander A. Cascina in his retreat from ' Germany to ihe Ems. Scientific American. DEALER IN o CM If) o CO . O O o O I JS d 0 0 0 -p CL-t- QL' 6fi u a 3 0 3 0 H U CO t I Q I a 1 1 3 ft w P3 pq w w o W W CO O a a p. a, 00 te O S 2 13 o 03 a 13 1 s .s & to" 04 f S 1 o o CO tft. C - ! O c O h s I O OS CO O co e E .2 B 0 a m to P a 1 CO .S O T3 '5 eu s CO CP o ai o CO T3 O C '2. a mt ' Cu to i M O o J3 PI o o Pi Hi Pi 'enera W3S& that way, do your I asked one of them. "Bo, sir," was the abashed reply, "1 don't; bat bift borders, sir, and we 'as to hobey Xcaatsa ftm "ww wba C1 bama eeunilstiiy ttkatarM aaya a Astwhkb Will artaaMBta,wiieasUy oftsa T3kawClbet0psr tin WMaWli baif US.btf I, af tasy asaaTlT aystaai is e Ibaa tS pereeai sorsa, bet-goal futuffen i esaaDj bsagttt rtbatsste4tt sjcaaa stare dora- V aasf thf agwr. wTOM to wmuiTi an ixdbcisiox. night I was approaching Black- friar's bridge from the Burrey side. A small knot of people attracted my attention. A CrunkeB triih soldier and a woman were en gaged m an altercation. He accused the iaiss of stealing bis money, and when she denied it he kicked her. "Come bow, move on, move on," said a potlnwnsn in tones of gentle exhortation. "Why ia thunder dont you arrest the brater I asked the policeman. Well, I -dont like to do that He might bava some of his pals about and I might get the policeman replied. After some further exhortation the brute induced to move on, protesting, how that be could lick all creation, and ; especially that portion of it that wore police j'saeato uniforms. He had not gone far when be fell foul of a companion, who was merely trying to get him home, aad kicked him and belabored him unmercifully. Btill the po : Mrf " merely exhorted, him mildly to "mote oar j Tbe feelings of a oeatermonger at length got the . better of him and be exclaimed, "Blast my bleeding beyes, hif I don't 'ave a go at you myself. ut hup your dukes now." Tbe Irishman ran off $ a great rate, but it was the eostermonger, and not the police man, who. bad put him to rout. Few York ? Bsrald. r a l "Hf rws 1 nay. jsssaaaj. a 1W Salvation OU LANDS FOR SALE. t 1 1 1 1 totn sides ot tne Price Rockingham 300 acre? of land on railroad, 4 miles from $1 per acre. 9 acres of land inside the incorporation of the town ol Kockingbam, with two dwell ings and a good barn. Land 111 a lug state of cultivation. Will be sold cheap. K A ACRES in Laurel Hill township, ai joining the lands of Mrs. Whitfield Mcintosh and Mrs. Milton Mcintosh. One third of land in cultivation. X ACRES, one and a half miles from j- I t) town, at the low price of 14 per acre, four settlements, with dwellings and outhouses, on it. Terms made easy. 3 ROOM HOUSE on Tearl street, in good condition. Lot 170x50 feet, (f ACRES six miles northeast of town,! Uv on which is a good vineyard of scup pernongs 10 acres 111 bearing vines. 1 tract land, 140 acres, 1 miles from town, known as the Elisha Long place. 1 lot known as the Alley lot. 1 lot known as the livery stable lot. 1 lot on Washington street with two stores on same, 40x75 feet. G acres, with house on sa:ne, one mile from town. 1 tract of 50 acres, miles from town. All the above property will be sold cheap and on good terms. A. M. McAULAY, Real Estate Agent. Now in Stock and to Arrive: 12,000 vards C.lico, Ginghams, and oth- 1 . ". . 1 er Dress uooas. 2,000 yards Pant Goods. $1,500" worth of Shoes. 500 dozen Keer'a Thread. 2,000 Balls of Ball Thread. 10 gross Diamond Dyes. 200 boxes of Tobacco. 3-5 gross Snuff. L'o Sacks 01 Loije. 10 bbls. each 250bb!a. Flour. Lard, Fish, Salt, Canned Goods, Candy, and a full line of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, : Notions, Clothing, Ac. row is the time for these who Luv f.r cash to lay in their - r-' Summer supplier. 1 am mienng Special In du can e n s THE LEFEVER ARMS COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Automatic Hammerless Suaar and Molasses. to the WHOLESALE ers of large quantities. TRADE andbuv Will sell Ti. afial RepakUcana atoond here fe-aya ft U that J. B. Etrsi u to W tixm cxi0citi'txxxiji (bt. mw id uiinUtratien. In vnt w op- iWtaleBroen who are 4?ftlj, colleetor the ih tftflrekswparvandgr &c. Tbet 'CsliaWr wns ptocoi,; you re ij. tb...t when Han'wQwa in- WhA iiWiaii rpo & ito the irfWxmJm k fwrbine, the aaftfetoMddair and k bJariRton.' a ffirtffflaMa J?owondr North fLiaitak tba' whola contents vf & dtihtfrwtsels all nhL Vim will' Vi' is raWkm. -BsafcMVI aU!3afiairTw.a iW4W!?WMsV ijab aod asja prapaxauoa jor tobies. Priconlr 1 yvu. la taa StrMts mt ToU. Tas streets of Tokio are not narrow like those ef China or of tbe older parts of Euro pean cities. One Is not Jostled as he mores aloof them, and the crowd of slant eyed sasa and women dad tn dressing gowns of all colors of the rainbow is a good natured eae, aad they laugh and bow low to each other aa they meet, The Japanese back is fjacti& The india rubber man at the circus Would wear himself oat in Japan, and th) Japan a bowers seem to never get through. T&ej salaam an salaam and the lower knock tbeir beads against the earth a they go down on their knees in paying respects to their superiors, it bothers to be the recipient of so much attention, American feels his awkwardness he attempts tho Japanese bow. Jt is, not anpieasant, and with it ail Is tittle servility and fawning. I am with tbe open, kindly expression of the Japanese face; They seem to treat trav S&trs as brothers. They welcome them and. are wuung to conccae suae were are other rood things omsida of Japan., They are ssanty.' about it, and the only unpleasant lav wasnevw 1 walk alone tho ttsastsof f Okio a crowd; of men and boys fallow me, and if I stop to bay I find that hi strati Is soon bracked. Frank Q. Carpen ter's Letter. Ihetr aad the aosrerai track COLD HEAD. Try the Cure MEAT BY THE BOX, Sugar and Molasses by the barrel, Coffee bv the Sack, .-md all i'leavy Groceries in quantities just as low as they can be de livered here from Wilmington or Charlotte. With a large stock, and my Sl-edge-Hammer Motto oj Cash on Delivery, I propose to. always LEAD in prices and let o there "run tutor. i am stin seiunu (at the rate of 100 bbls. ficr month) that good common Flour at $2.25 per sack, (if 1.25 for 5 to 10 barrels). Very fine Flour at $5.25 to $5.50 per baarel. Full 200-lb. sacks Salt at $1.00 each. Good Coffee 18 to 20 cenls. Granulated Sugar 12 lbs for $1.00. Good Coffee Sugar 14 lbs for $1.00, and other goods iii proportion. 1 am still general agent for the CARY WAGONS, the best one-horse, wagon sold in the State at the price. 1'nce reduced to $30.00, cash, with bed ; without bed, $27 cash. Special prices to merchants. They are first-class taxm rogons and warranted to give satisfaction. Come to Hamlet call for FACE'S CHEAP CASH STOKE, and judge my goods and prices for your Eolv;,s. Verv llesnectfullv. ' ; THOMAS B. FACE. 3 w I CHICKE RING P IAN O S, Arion Pianos. Bent Pianos. M ATHUSHEK : PI AND S. MASON & HAMLIN PIANOS. Waterloo Organs. Packard-Organs. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. At low prices and on sy terms. WHITE ME FOR PRICES. BEFORE, M UTING. The Largest StocKife in E. n. aUDREl'JS, Charlotte, CI. tj. I 3Et O 1ST S7V CHARLOTTE. N. G. Manufactures and Keeps in Stock Steam Engines & Boilers. AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Repairs Promptly Attended To. JOHN WILKKS. MAnAokit.. ii. Nichols. - DEALER IN f.:li f.-? ALL KI.JfVSM- i Before buying elsewhere; bs sure tO'get my LOW PRICfiS FOR CHEAP and FINE GOODS of' tLie' LAITSHTTEEKS. Made With Top Lever. Price $75 to $350. The only Hamme-leas Gun in the world with compensated action to take up wear in every direction. Automatic Safety Blocking triggers. Rebounding locks. Send for new illustrated catalogue. ' THE LEFEVER ARMS CO., Syracuse, N. Y. EIys Cream Baltri Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Bestores the Senses ot Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 5Qc at Drngatats or by nail. ELY BROTHERS Warren StNew York. Shoes and Harness ! sii, Buckleu's Arnica, Salve. Wjt Sa(.y)s the world for riiises, , pres, uicers, sau, rneiua, iever sores, irfchappod handi, chilblains, corns, and all 'skin" rdptiotis. ' and cositivolv cures Piles, or no pay required, 1 1 is guaranteed to eivo partact aatisfaction, or money, re faoaed. Price 25' cents per box, For sale by. Thomas 8. Colo. 4 W. JONES is still at his old stand f and is doyig first-class work in hi3 line. Boots, Bhoes and Harness made and repaired in the best possible manner and at lower prices than they have ever been known in this market! Good hand-made ..... .. : . r Wagon Bridles at SI. CO; other bridles at corresponding low prices. A full stock of Harness and Bridles always on hand, and made to order on shortnotice by skilled workmen. i A. W. JONES. "When I say Ctteb I do not mean" merely to' stop them lor a time, and then have them re turn again. 1 mean A RAD1CAX. CUSK. 1 have made the, disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Curb the worst coses. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a t re a tine and a JTkbk HoTria of my iNrAXLiBLE Kemkdy. Give Express and Post Offine. It costs you nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. - Address H.C.ROOlYjMJCi 183PEARIST,HEWY0BK rniD !7Nnnn r - fi m - ma sta WEST TRADE STREET. ..CHARLOTTE, N; C. A COMPLETE E1EWSP APER! "THE PRIDE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA TRES&" Do you wnt to aid building np a twper (hat ikaU rfcdeet th graft er4H cn lkt4b 6m hna, ne matte whtre it may be aeen?r Ibem. petretse THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER. Do yoa at a rehaMe paper. giving on alt th news bf tbe wirl4--a'1inomise uuMfi." that eqnehi the btst- h tb 1JC st OicoUtiHr, aed b tot 'tytf-oM y)t omb a part and factor in th (rowh an4 dt-velopmr nt of sht OH toriii State? eabaoribe fr ' : :- THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER "he "DATiT MESSiENOBR,- hr mH, font monfhe en tsUL for.. er?14 liver sli'vye S : Si : Sick 22ea&33- Dyspepsia, Costlvene3S, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There la beite rnncdy fortlieee common diseases than Tutt'a Pills, as a trial xrUX prove. Price, 23c. Sold Everywhere. cuutroos tuny U xaado Xwr U 1, nlf ;3"otxoe, " I have a good cow, fresh to the pail, which I will sell at a reasonable rate. . . M. J. K. McASKILL, EUerbe Springs, N. C..-z Dec. l?t, 1888. iz Farm for Rent.; Good one, two or three horse farm, nrtwn as the Moorman ; lands, on east side of the Guilfotd road, will be rented for 18S9 on reasonable tenns. - Apply to ,. ; :H. C.WATSON, Agentfor Mrs, R. Wl Long. RICHMOND COUNTY HEAL ESTATE AGENCY WILL BUY AND SELL. LANDS and all kinds of Real Estate. . All property placed in .the hands of this Agen cy will be advertised free of cost to sellers, Strict attention-given to all business, and the. interests of patrons earefally guarded, . burveys made and plats or cbarts turn ished to parties nurchaaine throuch me. . .'V rroperty -rfented and rents collected on reasonable terms.-- - - - Correspondence solicited.: Address A. M- MgAULAY, ,; - Rockinghaov N C. PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH HOW -AOCOMrLISHBD. twr lxlr bonldkaow. PERSIAN ELOOMf Bert CtttpleUos tifier. Skin OuMend BieT&isK Kradlamtor tc Sena fftnniy foe talAi papfceae ' Of Interest to Lkdies; Wo will nesd m FBECStMPLl of peoifie for fmaieeoiDplaintto anjlttdr vho wiahae to un urn eincacy oeior puroai powage. efficacy beionpurohuing. Bond (tamp for BAKEB RfMEOY CO., SulOi, BoSsle. 5. t The We-klr lR3SdRIP.E!i3EK'4E,' fttie W W Ut'Ui Ch in aaretiM, Boib Pepera are larpe Eiglit Page Sheets, ftebd pe4-l Ca4 wkh ft ddrrra ef arc person and t eeeire sample eopiee of TKS w&aS&6Sa. RESERVE YOUR ORDERS FOR UNTII YOIJ CONSULT ' For "Samples and'Prices' of WtsiW:; FULL STOCK OF STATIONERY. Our .work and prices wilL cjanipare favor- ' ! ' ! - --. -1 i T, I'-i Ifi"-'. ably TfithauyJ V PARKER'S OINOCR TOMtO wahortdcta. A nm BioSaaal eoiupuusd that eura whaa mil alae f aid. HamiitkwneaaaorCSaeAtfcra lndiveattoa. Inward rains. rrhnMo. Inraluabia for XlwiiMUam, FM)a Wtaknaat, W all jaiai aad dia ordvra ol thm Sioaaaea aad fiwwela. too. it limUi HINDERCORNG- TnaafM.avatajtdbeaimrforOorna,Bonicna.o. BtatM all rain. SnaHi-aa aamfort to Um em. KTr iaitt aa laganta at Prgsai fiiaoex a Co JL Y. J-f I :HAimtli'(l HAIR BALSAM .m tin.- w. w.a. Hvr rum to Rftr wm e nr aa iss sass ss aasa i.nuie ICumioatodiaaamaad aalrtauari PAR KE ITS CI tic C R TO fl I C Ivrateable tor Ooaslia. Colds, Iaward PaJm, Read our new" clubbing offers. J6k' Cd"" iFEyi McNeil " Cole McNeill; AT LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N- C. : ill', ttli.'r Office ori -corner- oJF Academy Aqoa ATTORNEYS GREASE iVveerlat eiMM ete werpeUd. sctojW oesiasung aw- ra -UdXV of nv nthr bna. .7? rromaainuauUs. WGIT TIIK GIMI-"1 Ben'd 'to Eoctei for ' EeedsTMort gages.'LeiosaAjd Terything m tbe ay Job Painting. ; - v

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