- 7 N . I - . v- t - 1 - jjockihgliam RorcS;3t: ) .. .v.vyv..-'.. J.v... ., KGHT, Editor nd Proprietor. Office r rr,t --..v-f 7T 9VFB EVfiBETT, WALL A'xjoMPAjnrs. 4 NOTE HEADS j - ; -. .t TJTTT DTJ 1 T-iOl' ' SUBSCM?TION RATES(: - ", One year, i gix Biontns, Y"'"ir!'-'V. .".' Three months,.....; ; ,40 All subscriptions accounts musff be paid in advance.1 -; ; g- Advertising rates' famished on ap plication. --' r :;r: Published JSvery.. ThursdayI ; statenW ENVELOPES,- ....CIBCUAHS...-'? J o . CARDS;" :, a DODGERS, .V. ., v - WKNIGBT; Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: $1.50 a Year in Advance. v TOSTER"''' RECEIPTS, .l Vol. VIL Rockingham, Righmoni) County. Mlwl 7,;1889. No. 6. 2 :,' i 7.)) . V II .--tf.-A- sflt fins -a .ft. Ji J s .:. ..rMB x- f iii f f i ft i it f l i : , f i i r f r j I li ... ' s 1 - . .'. : - --- Our Daily Bread. - ' Heay and sour brj?acli or biscuit j89 a vast influence through thedi gestive organs '.upon the , measut e.of health we enjoy. How important to 0Ur present happiness nd future usefulness the blessing of cood health and a sound institution, jre; ,vr pai only reanze wnen we have lost them, and when it is too Jate to repair the damage. Notwithstanding; vthese facts, thousands oL persons daily jeopardise not only their health but their nves, ana lue-iieajiu ana lives of others, byusing articles in the preparation of their food thehealthr fulness and purity of ; which ; they know nothing.; .Perhaps a few cents may have been' saved, or it may have been -more-convenient "to ob tain the articles used, and the house keeper takes the responsibility and nossibly will never know the mis chief that has been wrought. Pater familias may have -spells of head ache, the children may, have lost their appetites or look palejifrso, the true cause is rarely suspected. The weather, the lack of out-dpor air, or some other cause, is-gwen, and the jnwholesome, poisonous sy s teai of adulterated food goes on. ivext to tue nour, wnicn snouia De made of good, sound wheat and not ground too fine, the yeast or baking powder, which furnishes the rising properties, is of the greatest import ance, and of the two we prefer bak ing powder, and always use the Ko-- al, as we thereby retain the original properties of the wheat, no fermeu tation taking place. 1 he action of the Royal Baking Powder upon the dough is simply to swell it and form little cells through every part. These cells are filled with carbonic, acid gas, which passes off during the process of baking. - - ine noyai is made trom pure grape acid, and it is the' action of tins acid upon the highly carbonized bicarbonate .of soda that generates ihf (TQC n 11 n A a ' t n an1 tKaca inMk. dients are" so paxeand so perfectly ntted, tested and adapted to each other, that the action is mild and permanent, and. is continued during the whole Jtime of baking, and no reeiuueof poisonous ingredients re mains to undermine the health, no heavy biscuits, no sour bread, but if directions are followed! every article will be found sweet and wholesome. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. WOOI. T8. PER CENT During . the -recent tariff debate i benate benator Vance created a panic of -Durham Tobacco Plant. is peculiar Dronnetv in Blaine's bemg " the Premier in "a Boodle . A(l mipistration. . There is nothing like preserving the eternal fitness of things. Wil. Star. We join with the Southern Tobac conist in wishing to see some of our to that devoted friend of protected macbin- NOrth i "Carolina; tobaccoenterprises eryjand high, taxes, the Senator xroni Rhode represented at the Paris Exposition, island, Jlr. Aldnch :". Uur, Mary had a little lamb, And ner heart was most intent To make its wool beyond its worth, .Bring 0o.per cent. But a pauper girl across the sea Had one small lamb also. - Whose wool for less than half that sum 0 She'd willingly let go. Another girl, who had no sheep JNor stockings wool nor flax riut money just enough to buy a pair witnout tne tax Went to the pauper girl to get Some wool to shield her feet, And make her stockings,-not of flax, Uut both of wool complete. When Mary saw the girl's design She straight began to swear She'd make her buy both wool and tax Ur let one leg go bare. So she crid out: "Protect reform ! Let pauper sheep wool free ! If it will keep both her legs warm W hat will encourage me r So it was done, and people said vv here er that poor em went. One leg was warmed with wool and one W ith Ob per cent. Now, praise to. Mary amd her lamb, Who did this scheme invent, To clothe one-half a girl in wool And one half in per cent. All honor, too, to Mary's friend, And all protective acts. That cheaply clothe the rich in wool And wrap the poor m tax. . . .Z -Home SuOTlie? of liaanre. 'Jr: ate iu.the Z-ry-'-Z- - f.te--7 " ;: :; Dogs ' aiid ' ttidr Friends. vtThe farmers are pot braver than lauehter and merriment br a dicnified reci- merciaJ: fertilizers has : caused hesitajlth lawyers it seetois in opposing an xation 01 tne loiiowing apgerai, qi nis own 7 j " .v , ' .-.v ."oS composition, which; he said, was .entitled, hesitation is right and proper ; farm'-; "The girl with one stocking; a protective era should ' Study" the matter , well, pastoral imposed and arranged for te looking. at, no friends. The ravening emnninrf vo aa! :- ,nl 'MDrt&Ai frill v AaA ino4-A 1 - : ' T. 'a 1 i i "Y i ' . ,T -r ' " " -' '4 . . . ""'5 .iuvw, i.0j;vvu; u0uii,u Vie w. r ah tne -UTS i place, . wneo ma' The Wilmington Review has nail ed te its masthead the name of,Maj. Chas. M. Stedman, of New Hanover, for Governor in 1892. Here's our IV brother - Josh ua. The same over here. Fayetteville Observer. S. VVY Hawkins, a Cherokee In dian, is in Washington. He is a tall, copperT-colored, intelligent brave, who spends mucb time. at the capi tal advocating the claims of the red man to full citizenship So Jingo Jeems is to be Secretary of State. If Blaine does not get into a foreign war. before the Harrison term expires it will "be because he dies or is kicked out of the Cabinet. It ia to be a regular Jingo time. Wilmington Star. - nure Is applied to a crp, all, of it is never taken Uj.by he rop a resi duum is always Heft InllKe it be nitrogen it is possible for it to be leached out and lost; if phos phate, there is little danger of-this-it remains in the soil. When, there fore, land has been treated for many years with phosphates'(as most of our lands have been) it' is quite cer tain that there is a: decided residuum of this substance present in them. Cannot a crop be raised on .them, therefore, without a fresh applica- ttrihelthy public sentiment In North Carolina the dog has . al rays on fop arid the poor, helpless evolves are . not more, destructive of sheerr and more hostile .to. the fos- tring pL the wool business thaxk are e n u n gTyogwnarpTOWTirotM The Indiana vagabond who sold himself that is to say, his vote for a hoz estimated himself at his proper worth, and the candidate who bought him is to justly lose his of fice tor herding with swine. Ex. l?o one wants to check honest im migration, but the New. York Her ald is right when it says: "There is but one , fact which stares us in the face we.' have a million or more men in this .country who are idle, the labor market is glutted and- the labor problem is a grave, important and very serious matter. Do we want our national resources taxed by the influx of paupers, criminals and the insane, and the country uooaea wiuv men wno naven t a ... penny to bless themselves with, and who are willing to cut down wages to a starvation figure in order to get work? " , ;. "Next to being President, the best thing'in life is to be an editor," says Gen. Felix Agnus in his Baltimore American. Does this mean that the General would not accept a Cabinet position or a foreign mission ? "The Washington Post of the 16th contains a picture of Col. Oliver H, Dockery of this State, together with a strong recommendation for an ap- net." Oh! ye gods and little fishes L Whither are we drifting? Fayette-. ville Observer. , tion of this substance? One fair erop, at least, can be, and we doubt not that farmers who have used iphosphates freely in the past would j probably ..do well to omit their use gne,.year. The erop raised may not! be altogether as large! as it might have been if fresh applications of fertilizers had been made, but there would be the offset of no guano bills j to pay. " Should farmers decide not to pur chase fertilizers, what course should they pursue : First, cultivate good land only throw out their poorest fields. Diminished acreage will af ford opportunity for better prepara tion : give this by all means. Break deeper than ever before, and repeat the breaking either with plow or Charleston, S. C, Jan. 29. W. J. deep-running harrow, the latter pref- Whipper, the colored lawyer who erable because it can do the work so f T-l?l 111- f. I . 11 T-fc . i v came irom rniiaaeipnia soon alter rapiaiy. itesoive mat alter your the war and who has been conspicu- land is broken a crust shall not form ous in politics here ever since, is in Jon it, or, if formed, shall not remain jail at Beaufort. He is famous "on it more than a few days, from chiefly on accountof being elected now till the crop is laid. Such treat- Judge by a Republican Legislature ment will bring out the full capaci- and being refused a commission by ty of the soil. The tendency of late Gov. D. H. Chamberlain on the has been to trust too much in fertili- grounds that he was a drunkard zers; let us fall back upon the vir and a gambler. tue of thorough cultivation, as did Last fall ex-Congressman Robert the successfulfarmers of ante-bellum Smalls arranged a fusion ticket with times. It has been said, and said the Democrats which reputable Re- truthfully, that "tillage is manure." publicans supported. Coin missions In the next place, every kind of were issued to the officers elected on "manure possible about the farm the fusion ticket, but the old officers should be gathered up and utilized the country. Thus far the sheepin dustry pf North Carolina really amounts to but little, as compared with other States or its capabilities. There is no Southern Stale that of fers better "facilities for a. large wool and sheep product than North Caro lina, and if the destructive dogs were slain or their owners made to pay a big tax for keeping them and made to pay for . all the damaee A Texas Lover's Trials.-, . . ;WjJl Dove, when at ''bQir&lives in Rockland county Texas. He form- erly. dwelt in this county', but", two years ago he moved to the lone star State. ' ' ; ; Jennie Selraah is the pretty daught er of Jack Selman,' who lives at Crys" ,lal Springs. When Will Dove went to Jrexas he'cafried in his heart th iux-fifJj4 Jennie, and 6h e -why sheloveo! Will. But there was a cloud over the blue sky of their happiness. Jennie's father was that cloud. He would not consent to the marriage, Still, the lovers vowed they would marry,, and so last Tuesday Will Dove, with some friends, arrived in Rome, all the way from Texas. By agreement, made through letters, Miss, Jennie was to meet her lover Judge Whipper in a Dtmgeon, done by them, the sheep industry here, but her father would not come .. ....... would no doubt nourish. i in wun ner, owing to the neavy rain Heretofore it has been imno3ible This she let Will know. Not to be to have a law enacted that favored baffled the young man hired a team the sheep industry. Legislators were and went out to get his promised afraid of the owners of dogs and bride, father or no father. Arrivet preferred to throw a bone to Cerbe- at the house, Will weqt in and was rus rather than shelter the lambs cordially welcomed. After a while and gather the sheep under the pro- he made known his mission. Then tecting folds of the law. It looks Pa Selman was mad! He grabbed from a vote in the House that the his gun, ordered the young man ut farmers are not more inclined to of the house and threatened to have brave public sentiment than the a dead Dove right then and there if gentlemen of the law. But it is clear he didn't fly right back to Texas. that it is' the duty of the Legislature Ine young man kept cool ; said it to foster the cultivation of the sheep, was raining too hard, just then, and Why should not useless dogs be managed "to cool the old gentleman taxed? Why should not a guard down. When he did leave the house dog or -a hunting dog be taxed ? be went straight to a justice of the They that dance should pay the peace, swore out a warrant and had ' Mary Semons, ten years of agty has delivered four .sermons in -this-phice, and is becoming quite popu lar as al preacher. She has a good voice and splendid delivery, for one soT young.,' fary is the da ugh tier of a fairly well-too farmerj who lives about four miles , from . this place.-.. From infancy she displayed unusual brigbtn, - Abut eitht". - months . mrjoinern here and said that the Lord had X'l called upon her to preach. She first f . Z addressed a small congregation, at ber father's house,' and succeeded so , well that she spoke next in a church ' near by. The little girl soon had a -reputation throughout this and .1 " neigh boring counties. After several n. months in the counjrv.she preached here, and. her success, was greater" than it was in the rural districts. Under her ministry several person,' joined the church. Many allege that her sermons cannot be surpassed by any grown man or woman. I Mary is ratber small for her years, has , sharp features, black eyes and hair, and is very intelligent. She will continue her services here for sever- -al weeks and then she will go to the larger Kentucky towns.: Falmouth (Ky.) Special to Pittsburg Dispatch. I 8 piper. Wilmington Star. Biblical Opinion of Man. Wife "The Bible says much in favor of women, John. I thought that the Israelites kept their women Mr. Selman arrested. Dove's friends left for Texas to-day, and he will have to fight for Jennie alone. Rome (Ga.) Herald. If the people of North Carolina were as Col.-Dockery pictures them, ii . i i ii i in me uacKgrouna, out ii mey aid, the Dresent would be a fit occasion the Bible, which is their history, for humiliation and prayer, but as doesn t. ' we all know that they are not as he The Advance earnestly hopes that the Legislature will pass such laws as will effectually stop gambling at the Agricultural fairs of the State Legislation on this line is needed. We honestly believe and we hope refused to give up. Judge Aldrich not merely stable and lot manure, our representatives at Raleigh will issued a mandamus requiring them but ashes, bones, &c. Collect all the to turn over their offices to their bones to be found, burn them so successors. Whipper as Probate they can be pulverized, mix them Judge refused to obey the order. fwith ashes, leached and unleached, He was arrested and thrown into and then with lot scrapings; add jail for contempt of Court. a moderate quantity of cheap or re- To-day Whipper issued an ad-fuse salt, and use these in the place dress from his cell in which he as- of guano, on cotton. Apply cotton Berts that he is the victim of poltiti- 8eed to grain, sorghum, etc. Salt is supply the need. Wilson Advance. ' ; ' I . II IIV One Philadelphia man raised $400,- 000 for the Republican corruption fund and everybody understands that he is to be rewarded with a Cabinet position. ' Another Phila- delphia man has given from bis own means $3,000,000 to found a great school for the industrial education of boys; and very few people outside of his own city know the fact or even his name, which is Isaiah V. Williamson. Clevel'd Plain Dealer. Absolutely Hure. Thia powder never "varies. A marvel of purity f strength and wholesomeness. More ttonomical than the ordinary" kinds, and fBhft L. '11 i J '(1 Al 1 -"uul u soiq m competition wrai memui wtude of low test; short "weight," alum or Phosphate , powders. . gold only in cans. oyai, BAxnro-Ppwdee Go.; 106 Wall EDWIN SULLY ' Taylor & Boiling, Importeraad wholesale' -f1- 't ficjYi tiiT- 'S- v- W.'.t" , War Secretary Stanhope, of Great lintaiD, says a thunder-cioua is hanging over Europe and that soon er or later, probably sooner, it' will burst and bring the fiercest and most horrible war ever known. His utterance is very indiscreet, coming from one in his position, unless he has most excellent ground for. his assertion. His words will have weight accordingly.-News-Observer. cal persecution : that he was sub jected to gros3 indignities by the sheriff and deputy who arrested him ; that the deputy is an escaped convict, and that he (Whipper) is confined in a foul, ill-ventilated, un- healthful cell instead of being ad mitted to the privileges of the "debtors'" room. Nevertheless, he declares, he will stick and not turn over the records. recommended because where land has been previously manured for many years, salt is a developer; that is, it brings put and makes available things that had become dormant in tne soil. W. L: J., in Atlanta Constitution. Mr. Harrison confesses, that he is vexed because some of his friends talk too . much. ; "I keep still," he Says. "I don't see why others can't. Ail that is needful is to keep one?s jaws shut" Not every pair of jaws close "with the snap and force that seem to characterize Mr. Harrison's performance 8 in this line. Prime some men with "private informar tion" and they .are as certain to' talk as a leaky kettle is to drip. ;;Mr. HArHsontitilljhlive-aawopinipu before March 4th. of a secret that is shared by two. N. Y. Worlds i r do no sliirriSB any longer. knowing that fa cough can. be checked in a day, and the first stages I of consuniptiotf- broken in a weekj. Class in Composition. Teacher Now children, I will give, you three words boys, bees and bears and I want you to com pose a sentence' which will include ill three words. ' v Small Boy I have it, - What' are you selling all your cot ton seed for? You can't spare them, and every acre of your ground needs them. In the language of William Redmond, as good a farmer as ever Edgecombe had, "You can't take everything from the land and expect it year after year to make paying re turns." Mr. Redmond is entirely correct; Edgecombe; farming proves this. But you are defying this well settled rule, iou can t sen your Husband "Humph! The Israel ites did well by keeping their wo men in the background that is where women should be." wiie "iiui sun ine isioie says that " Husband "Oh 1 I know there are a few women mentioned in the Bi ble there was Jezebel; she was a woman." Wile "Yes, and there was Ahab, he was a man ; and there was ey represents them, all hearts swell with praise and gratitude to the great Creator for his wonderful good ness. Judge Russell is equally vi tuperative as Col. Dockery, and is mere revolutionary. He would over throw the existing order of things, dethrone virtue and intelligence. A Dodge, The Farmers's Legislature is not - much on braving a popular majori ty. The House has tabled a propo sition to amend the Constitution so as to compel electors to nay tax. By this act they reaffirm the declar ation that it is proper and right-that ig'norant negroes that do not pay ' one cent of tax shall still have the - right to tax others. In the forurr of common 6ense, fairness and Jus tice it will be hard to sustain that", action. Again the Star 'repeats its own conviction that ho man sfiould. be entitled to exercise the elective' franchise who does not pay a. tax. Why should any man be burdened. ' and afflicted with taxes levied by"1" impecunious and blind ignorance? Why should a roguish rascal who pays no tax, robs a henroost the, over night, isas ignorant of the dur-v. ties and responsibilities of citizen ship as a baboon, be allowed to go . and "give the negro absolute rule and control over the affairs of the to the pollslo select public officials bouthern tetates." In. private life and to levy taxes Upon theintelli Judge Russell is represented as a gence. virtue and enterprise' "of the Husband "It is no use talking, gentleman. In politics he is a mad- State? It is a stark-naked, outrage.-; Mary, lhe iiible is a history of men. v omen are mentioned onlv incidentally as they had influence on the actions of men. The good book says little about women com pared to what it does about. men!' man. Fortunately his rage is asim- Wilmington Star, potent as that of a Texas bull in a- prairie fire. The policy he advocates has no supporters. As Phillips said of Napoleon, he is "wrapped in the solitude of his own originality." We Wife (musingly) "You may be lear-nothing from Judge Russell, right, John, now when I come to think of it. There is one thing, at any fate, it says about men that it does? not say about women." Husband (smiling) "I thought His beaming of San Domingo gongs will terrifv the North more than it does the South. Harrison, whatever may be his preconceived opinions, will take warning, and pause on the 1, i you .wouia come to your senses, banks of the Rubicon. He dare not Mary. What is it the Bible says cross the stream and build his for Teacher John McCarthy, you cotton ,ee(i or the meal from them may give us your sentence. John McCarthy Boys bees bare whin they goes in swimmin'. Har per's Bazar. r., and then expect to make crops. Farmers, it can't be done. Your practice just begun,; is ruinous and leads to inevitable disaster. Permit the Southerners give you some ad vice. Your cotton seed, excepting a lot of manure, should furnish the fertilizers for your farm. It is rather about men?" Wife (placidly) "It says all men are liars," Then the husband rose and put On his hat and went out to see what kind of a night it was. tunes on hi3 country's ruins New- berne Journal. ' - Philadelphia," Pa., January 27, The wreck of the famous clipper ship Merrimnc, which went down . . --r -r S . - - on ine JNew Jersey coast zi vears rronibition ooesn t prohibit in aeo has been discovered near Town- lihode island, lhefrovidence Jour- gend's Inlet bv Romer- Point wn-nV nal has just published a list of 529 Lcs after years of search and the ex- We are in favor of corporal pun. . ishment. Let us have the whipping post and it will be more effective. ;, than all the penitentiaries in the ; country in breaking up petit larce nies, etc. - The penitentiary has no, . effect on a large majority of the ne groes sent there. They have a "hog killing" time, plenty to eat, well : clothed, and not worked over hard,. and "when they are released, aie. anxious to get hack. While on the contrary, they have a perfect horror-, of the whipping post. It would save, the State thousands of dollars, and would : be more effective. Rocky MountP6cenix. : i What. "Peculiar", Means. : ' "Applied to Hoock's SarsapariUa. the word- , Peculiar is of great importance. It means, that Hood's barsaparilla ia "-different from ! The Verdict Unanimons. W. D." Sulti Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend TT.lprttrirt Rittpra as th vnrv f hp-it remedy. Every bottle sold has given an easy calculation, tor be you ever relief in tevery case. One man. took so far from a mill, your seed readily six bottles, and was cured of-libeu- selMor twelve dollars a ton. - Make matism of V 10 years' standing." j your calculation and see it you can Abfaham-Hare, Druggist, Bell ville, not , furnish all the fertilizers jour Ohio, i affirms : i The best' selling farm' may need for the price you can ! r i- -- . ' . ..-.-..- i - - . . r, l i a i . k. i . medicine 1 have ever handled in my sell your seed. Tarboro oouinerner. mai cnews luuacuu , out ukkax 20 years' experiehce, is Electric Bit- ' ; . j est sensation is Dr. Bull's Cough Salvation Oil is the greatest de- siroyer oi tne age. ii speeu uy an places, with diagrams showing their ;t.,,.' f , W81? m 'PW rucauon, in wnicu nquor is openiy by many different companies and Sold in that city. This does riot in- pHvale individuals.. The Merrimac elude the drug stores, some ot which wa3 one 0f the old time liners, and have a private drinking place tor cleared from Liverpool in March, customers. laKipg me population isr7 fr Phn.lnhio pnnin rt x iumucuvo ,u o a uaoio ivi jeter Wright oc oous. The cargo calculation, this would be one open consists mostly of silver bars, zinc saloon for every 198 persons. Al- and other metals which water does not corrode: Its value is placed at $150,000, and the wreckers will en deavor to recover the; metal .next 8 u miner. lowing for a liberal increase in pop ulation since that date, it would still provide one open drinking sa loon for every 225 inhabitants. - j As a valuable remedy for dyspep- A western newspaper says the i siat siok headache, torpid liver, and latest sensation is ti bt. Louis horse such like diseases we can recom- oroncrhlv honest and re liable medicine. It is Peculiar, in a strict? ly medical -sense ftr&tlti" the combinaticra 1 of remedial agents used ; . second, in tba. . : proportion in which they are prepared third, m tne process Dy which the active - curative properties of the-medicine are seO' cured." Ktudy these points -well. Tbey . mean volames. They make Hood'a Sarsa-, parilla Peonliar in its enrative powers, ail it apcomptishes wonderful.' cores hithertcv Unknown, and which giv to Hood'aSaxv aaparina a clear right to" the title of "The, greatest lood purifier ever discovered.""! terB.'- Thousands of others v have A SAD STORY. we hereby guarantee Dr.'Acker's.En-1 added their testimony,; so that.lhe The child coughed. The .mother elish Remedy for Consumption, rfnd .f verdict is unanimous that Electric 1 ran. ; No remedy was near. ; Before . - . -yr--. -r" -- ii - i '" r 'nil . . " .-j '.'ri jr- i -'. . .1. -'irAi. i r will refund the money to an wno jjitters ao cure uu uiseareses oi tue j morning ine poorjuue suuerty was buy. take rt-as 'per airecwo.ns.iiiiui luivei- umuexaiui dioou. iuuij a ueau.iioriu: Aiwuya avb. do not find: our statement correct. rForsaje byj)r, W.. M. Fowlkes & Co. Fowlkes & jCo.'s Drug Store ; t er's English Remedy at hand. For sale by Dr. VY M. Fowlkes & Co. nihilates pain, whether: from a cut: bruise, scald, -btfrh, frost-bite, or from, a wound of any other. kind. Price only 25 cents. NlSW VnTSV Tan 9-T)irr fiftv destitute Immigrants were, landed atv Casus iuardentojday by ht. i6 WHI WOHOi FADK. mend Laxador. It is for sale by. all druggists. Price only 25 cents . per mep steanishipEnoa. Axi unpleasant passenger Jh a. Bireei car is a crying uuuy. in sucn cases Dr.-Bull's Baby Syrup should be given to the -little- sufferer to ease, its troubles. Price only 25 cents a bottle. ,'x . . . v'.v . . '- j Women lose tbeir beauty becamsu ''"I a& undermine thf lileV5!."; r eVs English! Remedy fbr'CoUsnmp tion isarr absolute cure forcolids. 4 For sal? by Dr. WM. Fowlke$&$o ? t

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