mi LJaiii'factTirbi iatho South. ', In hia jnaugural address President v JJarrfton rpitiajW that it -was only the esisteace' of Blavery in this sec tion that prevented the cotton-pro-ducing States from apiwrimjxtheir own fabrics at home. , ? . Just how iar slavery presented this -we need not discuss, but slavery exists do longer and the conditions that haTallndes to are beginning to Assert thewselyes. The South is in vesting in manufactories at a very rapid Ft0, The cotton mill is get ting nearer and nearer to the cotton V patch, and this fact is having its in fluence in New England. We are told'that a great many mill men in that section are arrang ing to 5 transfer their capital and their 'plants to the pouth, and when once t his movement is begun it will never end until all the cotton-spin-ping and weaving establishments in that bleak region are transferred to the South. Here are the climate, the cheap labor that can be made expert, and all the possibilities that pan make large dividends. A dispatch from Boston not many days old says that the manufactur ers, jit Fall, River, in spite of their large dividends and profitable con tracts for six months to come, are already undergoing the mental pro cess of transferring their mills to the South, One of the Fall River man ufacturers has recently visited the Southern mills, and his account of what he saw has created a feeling of unrest in the minds of his associates. The idea is that while the New Eng land cotton factories are fairly pros perous, they can be made far more profitable by transferring their ma-! Chinery and their methods to the cotton fields. Thisufeeling and this movement will grow and gain in volume. All the New England factories 'will not pome "hither at. once like a flock of sheep, but there is not a doubt that competition will compel them to come after awhile. Here the climate is perfect, . The cotton fibre can be spun and woven to the greatest per fection under the genial sun that grew it, and it has been shown that factories in the South have a great advantage in the matter of freights. r-ltlanta Constitution. " .I. Tb9 Application Came Quickly. ''What is ah orphan?" asked the x teacher in definition. Nobody seem ed to know. "Well, I am an orphan," said the teacher, seeking an illustra tion that would not reveal too m uch. At this a hand popped up and the owner of it exclaimed : "A oiphan is a woman who wants to get married and can't." Conyers, (Ga.) South. - . "Shpepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands open thousauds of dollars are spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may. be had by all: We guar antee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good digestion and oust the demon Dys pepsia and .install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Pyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle by" Doctor W. M. Fowlkes & Co. The race question is annoying the Episcopalians of South Carolina. ;The negro churches of this faith were organized some years in Caro lina, and very soon demanded negro rectors. The negro rectors then de manded, admission "to the church convention; jihK werejrefused. A charch commission has just decided there shaJJ be two separate conven tions for whites and blacks, but that ' 9. white bishop, elected by white votes alone," shall preside over each convention. Atlanta Constitution. The World has two very damag jng articles in its 4th of March issue Une is on Vannamaker and the Other is on "Vice-President Morton s wxe!dfed;jesord. It sho ws how Plutocracy is personified in this ras alljfJRail icajj .ho wtf h is, mo n ey has Veen felt in State and national poli- tics; how hoodie makes Presidents ; how luecurdjrojn ..first to last is wnuen-uj Dang. . anecii?. :: lt ia .s . startling record of baseness and cor ruption. AVpromiqen Republican rtfgtrr? a tip -Morton's election money psud'iiy hnk o corrtfrjtUhfejjallot , beginning "with 1Z2, when he paid qQ,0QQ.tQ hHY?Q'anUbet" Greeley; . to 3 when he paid . $550,000 to icui xinrnson ana mmseii. at more than $2,765,000. Wilmington - .- i?: Har Private Code.1""- v. His daughter was going to Europe. He is -a very rich nan, but a lionaire will always make up a teie graphia code 'to, save JEoneyy It would be nothing him if she sent one hundred words, but , he will al ways' get - as much as he can for nothing anyway, anil he will have a telegraph code. X don't know, though; Perhaps he thought she would take as manj words to say a thing by telegraph as ladies' ordina rily do in conversation, and that would bankrupt a millionaire. Let us acquit him of economy. Let us say that by confining her to 1 word be would understand what she tele-J graphed, whereas, if he left her to express it in her own way he might never have found out what she meant. He leftlier to make out the code. She made one quite to the point on all important matters. She selected the words herself, wrote it all out, and handed it to him when she left! He locked it in his desk, and it was all right. Last week he got a telegram from her. It consisted of one word "Laugh." He laughed. . It seemed to be something pleasant. His code was at the house. He went up there in the best humor. He got out the code and read : "Laugh Send me $500. - March. April Hay Are th months in which to purify the blood, aa the system is now most suscept ible to benefit from medicine. Hence now is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, a medicine peculiarly adapted for the pur- ?ose, possessing peculiar curative powers, t expels every impurity from the blood, and also gives it vitality and richness. It creates an appetite, tones the digestion, in vigorates the liver, and gives new life and energy to every function of the body. The testimony of thousands, as to the great benefit derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, shoujd convince everybody that it is pecu liarly the best blood purifier and spring medicine. Too Good to .Keep. The Danbury Reporter says that the bill amending the charter of Winston passed both branches of the Legislature and was a law before Senator Edgar Lineback knew any thing about it. Shortly after, its passage, Mr.'Lineback met a promi nent citizen of Winston and said to him : "I don't think yoa Winston people have treated me right. You have passed this measure without even consulting me as your repre sentative." "Consult you, the devil," said the Winstonian, "you represent nobody but a set of dd negroes and the most of them are in South Carolina, The people of Winston," he continued, "have no representa tive and they come down here and look after their own interests." Salvation Oil quickly finds its way to the seat of the disease, allays the inflammation, and, by removing the cause, effects a permanent cure. Price 25 cents. Mr. Ruskiu thinks there is a great future for American art but he hardly real izes the enormous de mand over here for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Cuckleu's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for bruises, cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aad all skin eruptions, and nositivelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to. give perfect -satisfaction, or money re- mncied. mce zo cents per Box. or sale by Dr .W M Fowlkes & Co. Attention, Of Randolph and Richmond Counties. rvB. McGILL'S "ORANGE BLOS- J SOM" Cures, and is worths its weieht in gold to any suffering girl or woman. By addressing Mrs. Lou D. Miller, at De fiance, N. C, and enclosing two cent stamp, adies will receive by mail, free of charee. a sample box of this valuable remedy. Those who wish to enquire can easily be convinced tnat, wnatevet tn,iauures of the past hare been, we have at la?t found a safe and sure cure in "Orange Blossom." A lady Agent wanted in every township. Address . mrs. lu u D. Ml LLiiK, jan24 Defiance, N-C. SPECIAL OFFER To the Readers of this Paper. : CUT THIS OUT and send to us with $10 and we will send you by re- j turn Express a gents' Double-Case : I Stem-Winding SILVER WATCH, j t with genuine Elgin movement, guar- anteed a correct time piece. i ... ...... .,mt;t ...nr,f, This, is a bargain which we offer as un experiment. References : . Commercial National Bank: ' Merchants & Farmers National Bank. Bqyne & Badger. leading Jeweler? aiidtptians, ' ' .Opposite Central Hotel, ; ' . Charlottfi.'ISr. C. ; "THE CURRENrv?"'S5 Clean, perfect, grand ! Over 600 Iwllliaat eootrib. ators. $1 yearly; (t mo tXfiO. Bay It at your new. r-u( iW 9f oajppje copy ( . -j esee I We quote an exchange ; :'Blessed is the man who sitteth not ins the seat of the kicker nor. mingles him self in the congregation of the moss hack but his delight is new rail roads and brick blocks, and ' in schemes to build up himself and his own-town -And he shall bo like an evergreen tree planted by the river of waters; his' leaf shall not wither inthe early fall like the Cottonwood, for the Eli of boomer shall get there, but the kicker shall be left to hold the bag. " One of the most surprising things about the inauguration was the fact that Foraker did'nt.ride his horse up the capitol steps to shake hands with the old flag. Atlanta Consti tution. t . WHTWOMKHPADE. Women lose their beauty' beca use colds undermine" their life. D. Ack er's English Remedy for ! Consump tion is ah absolute cure for colds. For sale by Dr. . JV; M. Fowlkes & Co. COLD li5 HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Cream Bal m Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Healsthe Sores. Bestores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hoaxing. - . ) A particle la applied Into eack nostril ul la MTeeable. Price SOo. at Druggist sr by maU. LYBB0THES,56 Warren ,Now York. THOS. B. PACE, ' HAMLET, IT. C. . Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN 'eneral iCaerckandis e. Now in Stock and to Arrive: 12,000 yards Calico, Ginghams, and oth er Dress Goods. 2,000 Tarda Pant Goods. $1,500" worth of Shoes. 500 dozen Keer's Thread. 2,000 Balls of Ball Thread. 10 gross Diamond Dyes. 200 boxes of Tobacco. 35 gross Snuff. 25 Sacks of Coffee. 10 bbls. each Sugar and Molasses. 250bbls. Flour. Lard, Fish, Salt, Canned Goods, Candy, and a full line of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, : Notions, Clothing, Ac. Now is the time for those who buy for cash to lay in their Summer supplies. I am offering Sp trial Inducemens to the WHOLESALE TRADE and buy ers of large quantities. Will sell MEAT BY THE BOX, Sugar and Molasses by the barrel, Coffee by the Sack, and all Heavy Groceries in quantities just as low as they can be de livered here from Wilmington or Charlotte. With a large stock, and my Sledge-Rammer Motto oj Cash on Delivery, I propose to always LEAD in prices and let others "run after." I am still selling (at the rate of 100 bbls. per month) that good common Flour at $2.25 pet sack, ($4.25 for 5 to 10 barrels). Very fine Flour at $5.25 to $5.50 per baarel. Full 200-lb. sacks Salt at $1.00 each. Good Coffee 18 to 20 .cents. Granulated Sugar 12 lbs for $1.00. Good Coffee Sugar 14 lbs for $1.00, and other goods in proportion. I am still ceneral aorent for the CATJ.Y WAGONS, th best Gnehorse wwcon sold in the State at the price.- -Price reduced to $30.00, cash, with bed ; without bed, $27 cash. Special prices to'merchants. They are first-class farm wagons and warranted to give satisfaction. Come to Hamlet call tor JrAGis ts CHEAP CASH STORE, and judge my goods, and pricea for your selves. ' Very Resoectfullv. THOMAS B: FACE. LANDS FOR SALE. 300 acres of land on both sides of the railroad, 4 miles from Rockingham. Price $1 per acre. - ' . 07 Pv ACRES, one and a half miles from town, at the low price of $4 per T,l ..ul j -.1 , , . r cie. f yur settlements, witn aweiimcs ana. outnpuses; on, in germ's; made ea3y t XkUVJivi nuuoii on I'ear st.reAt in ZJ good condition. .. Jjofc-170i50 feet r n sijjatleaoitheitaaYrn, j j on which is a good vineyard of scflp pernongs-r-lO acres, in bearing .vines. 1 lot known as the livery stable lot. 6 acrpstjarith1ipuse on eameone mile 10,000 acres of Pine Land at $V per acre Jrarties wantmsr to bur nr soil latiH woald do weU toiconstilt me before buying vr eeuing. . i All the above property will be sold cheap au4 uu koou terms. k A. M. McAULAY, K?l Estate Agent, G'AmRRH THE:SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT aihe's Celery: 0 Purifies 'the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the -; Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor: to ; every organ. There s nothing like it ' ;rLast being very much run down and flebiUtai i p roc urea some or raiue s ueiery Ttie use. of .two bottles made me Compound. ieei lite a new man. as a general tonic and eprlDg medicine, I do not know its equaL" -5.;L "'"' i W. l UREKNLEAF, ... ; BrlgaOler General V.JJ.G., Burlington, "Vt ' $l.eo. Blx ror $3.00. At Druggists. DIAMOND DYES SZittTLXShUCTATED FOOD 5g tZ. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL ggPOPHOSPHTTES Almost as Palatable as Milk. ' Bo dlsgvlaed that it can be taken, ligeatd, and KMtmll&ted by the mti euAitl've atomaeb, -vvHen tlx plaim ell wut be tolerated) and by the oem ktaaUoB of the ell with the hvpepkes yhltea la much mere cfficaclemsT -, BeaarUU as a flesh producer. SOOTT EMULSION is acknowledged by Phyaicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ntton in the world for the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, QENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, OOLD8 and CHRONIC COUGHS. Tho great remtdy for Cbnsvmpfiajt, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggiets. C..H i A GO COTTA ORG h Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no huperior. It contains every Improvement that Inven tive genius, skill and money can produce. These eicollent Organ3 are celebrated for vol ume, quality of. tone.Qulck reeponsc, va:-Io or combination, artistic desJjra, beauty in finish, perfect oonstructlon, making them the mewe attractive, ornamental and desirable orirans iVt homes, schools, churches, lodges, societiesetc ESTABLiSliED REPUTATION, VSEqCAJLED FACII-ITIES. SKTT.TiFB BEST HATESIAL, COMBIXri), HAKE THIS THE FOPULL! 0R5AK HA3JCS, SI v JLS, BOOKS! Cat&lopues on application, Feeb. CHICAGO COTTAGE GRGAN GO- CHICAGO, ILL. CAPE FEAE k mm VALLEY E. I. CO. f ondruscd Time Tabic. To tike effect Tuesday, Feb. 12. 18S9 TRAINS MOVING NORTH. No. i. Passenger and Freight and Mail. Accommod'n. Le Bennettsville, 5.20 am 6.00 am 6.30 a m 8.20 a m 8.25 a m 1.25 pin 10.50 am 1.20 pm 2.25 p m 7.25 p m 6.50 p m 12.00 m Ar Max ton Ar Fayetteville Ar banford Ar Greensboro Ar Mt. Airy No. 1 Breakfast at Fayetteville dinner at Greensboro. ' TRAINS MOVING SOUTH, No. 2. Passsnger and Freight and Mail. Accommod'n. Le Mt. Airy, Ar Greensboro Le Greensboro 3.45 a m - 1.00 p m 7.45 a m 6.55 p m 10.00 a m 7.30 a m L Sanford Le Fayetteville 1.55 p m 2 30 p m 4.15 pm 7.05 a hi 6.25 p. m 12.25 p m 7.45 pm 2.50 pm Lie Alaxton Ar Bennettsville, No. 2--Breakfast at Greensboro, dinner at bandford. Factory BranchFreight and Accommo dation. TRAINS. MOVING NORTH. Leave Millboro 8 00am Arrive - Greensboro, 9 30 a m .Leave Greensboro, 10 10 a m Arrive Millboro, 12 25 p m .TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Leave Madison, 1 45 p m Arrive Greensboro, 4 15 p m Leave Greensboro, 4 45 pm Arrive Millsboro, L .. " 6 30pm Passenger and mail trains run daily ex cept Sunday. " Freight and accommodation train runs from' Bennettsville Tuesdays, Thursdays and !' Saturdays; from Fayetteville to Greensboro on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; from Greensboro to Mt. Airy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; from M $.i Airy td Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; from Greens bora tcK FayelteviU'e on"Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, and from Fayetteville fo BennettsviUejoa Mpndays; We'diesdays and iFrtdaytfr " Cm j. J Factory Branch train runs daily except Sundays. 1 ' - . j-v ; : w. e. kyle, ; - . " General Passenger Agent. . GENUINE PETERKIN : COTTON SEED for sale at $1.00 per bush ei. r yniy a limited quantity. Most pro- iuu vttuL Known. .. H. W. COVINGTON, Hft Rpcington, N, C, Ana ! 'fefJS BAKTED '!au.yiar; v - Use It Now! "Having used your Palne'8 Celery compound tnls spring, I can sately recommend it as the most powerful and at the same-tune most gentle regulator. It Is a splendid nerve tonic, : ; and since taking It I haverfelt like a new man." RE. Knorb, Watertows, Dakota. . , "Wellb, Eichaedson & Co. Props. Burlington, Vt. ; o in a V fx. 04 m p? C3 a, s 60 a 03 o O PS Q). -P -a M s. wife - S O .S 'g S 5 H to S .3 W a 3 was ?. a-a i o o w PS m eg O n3 ' a S3 CQ . 13 &. Oj o a o a o CO o w i to CJ 35 G O iH u Ah i-3 -3 j 8 S TOO O co 2 oh9" t-H o a co O 'a? .2 o .S CO o a T3 T3 Si C v a a g c a o THE LEFEVER ARMS COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Automatic Kammerless Made With Top Lever. Price $75 to $350. The only Hammerless Gun in the world with compensated action to take up wear in every direction. Automatic Safety Blocking triggers. Rebounding loc s. Send for new illustrated catalogue THE LEFEVER ARMS CO., Syracuse, N.Y. When I eay Ctroa I do not mean merely to Btopthcm for a timo, ana then have themra. turn again. I mean A RADICAL CUiUS. I have made tho diseaso of FITS, EPILEPSY op FAIXIHG SICKNESS, Allfe-lons study. I waruant ray remedy to OOTiB th worst cases. Because other hare failed li no reason for not now recemnj a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Frbb Bottlb of Tt I?rLLIBL Bxmwy. GWe Kxprea and- Post Office. It. eoet yon, nothing for a trial, and It will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT, W.C., 183 Peahi St NewYobk .Shoes and Harness ! AW! JONES is still at hi8 old stand and is doing first-class work in his line. Boots, Shoes and Harness Tnade and repaired . in the best "possible manner and at lower prices than they have ever been known in this market. " Good hand-made ; ' - : r Wagon bridles at SI.OO; ' other bridles at CorreHTnnincr 1 A fall stock' of Harness and Bridles always. ew KanI J J a i - t u'ii ! j uja,1B 10 oraeron snortnotice ujr Biiiuea wortmen. ' : ...... . A. W. JONES. ----- 1 i Of Interest to Ladies T" Remedy Sa-i x o, Boga &. JV. ,N : fill A l JOSH C KERING PIANO S ; Arion PJSKdsV ; mathtjsheb: pianos, t MASON cSt HAMLIN PIANOS. . Waterloo Organs. Packard Organs. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. At low prices and on easj terms. WRITE ME FOR PRICES BEFORE B UYING. The Largest StQcErofr:EhIture in E. AHDRE17S, Charlotte, TJ. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufactures and Keeps in Stock Steam Engines & Boilers, AND Repairs CHEAP and PINE GOODS WEST TRADE STREET..... .....I.. A C O ftl P L ET E "THE PRIDE OF THE U ife. ' De yon want to aid in bnUdiBg rp a, pipor tbat skaU rtet the trmUmU mM em lTuft Ah THE WILMINGTON- MESSENGER A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER. tiat eqoala the Ut-hs the largfal e0ciLtoo, ked bMtr wSSm mm . . - at?. llienmlMotiba tor. v.., ' s THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER Ze 'JpAttT MESSENGER bY uiuo utcmus on urai lor . 7- " iei8 RESERVE YOUR ORDERS . FOR ' ' : "For . Samples and Prices; ofQi: FULL STGGK OF ST ACTION E R Y. .Our work anil prices will Compare favor ably with .any iu the " ' RICHM ON p; COUNTY ' MM j IPIL ESTATE AGIiNCY TTTILL BUY ANDt.SELL I.ANns : fft kmda ,of Real Estate.,, -U t . . " T T property placed, the hands pf this Aen-I ' ' Ua&SimereS. 0 eanS, cv wite advertised ffee of cost to.se&rs C CO " J Strict attention given, toi all - business, and vuc mvcsta 91 .patrons .carefully guarded. m burveys made and plats' or charts-furnished tr parties pttrcbasing through me .Fiopertyt nted and rents collected on rea8oni,bla terms. ' :. Correspondence' solicited.''-Address - - A. M. McAULAY, : " . . .Rockingham, N C. THIS PAPER Wr?teg ' MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Promptly Attended To. JOHIf WILKES, MAhAGER. , . . Ji. Nichols, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Before baying elsewnere, b eure to get aj 'LOW PRICES FOR of the LATEST PATTERMS. ........;...:.:.'..CHARLOTTE N. C. TJ E W SPAP E R I NORTH CAROLINA1 PRESS." oth. "T - . Btunpis eopies i-THB s UNTIL YQU'dONSWT. r' ; Statev ;- TJ i 7, ijIANTrTACniRERe : OF 'J ' -FLANNELS, UNSEYS. COTTONADE8, ke . Wool .CAT A fTrhoan for rsh or CD sbar WOOL WANTED, for irhich wt w pay cash qr exchange goods. Address all communication! to O. J. FREEMAN, . Proprietor Hamlet Woolen Mill. !' -V J"'

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