.f.:.-.J:!i;f, ?0 THUR PlJiteirtre burned out some time ago, has Church Directory,, iiv, METHODIST, CJiyRCp Rbv.-M. L. Wood, Pastor.-iServiees every Sabbath at 11 A. and itrat 7:30 v. ft. , Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even- i it on ' ys. : .. ..- mg at r.oU. v -in Sabbath-school at 3:30 p. u. , BAPTIST CHURCH Rkv.Niedham B. Cobb, Pastor. Services 1st Sunday and Thursday night preceding at, 7;30 p. m.; and third SuqdaV . jitll A. M. and 7:30 i. m. Service! at Uartlidges reek lst Sun day in each month at II, a. m.,andj3atur , dav preceding at 2 &m. I ? j; s I' i'ii Sabbath-school every Sabbath at 9 a. m. Postofnce opens at 7 o'clock a.m. Miils going West on C. C, Railroad close at 6:3o p. ii. ; mails going Eaat close at 815 a. m. Money order department open from 8 a. . tO 5 P. Mf ' - PW. STANSlLt, Postmaster. LOCAL DEPARTMENT." The Rocked arid the Atlanta Con stitution one year, for $2.00, cash. ... -We are having fine .weather, and 4tgarden truckis growing nicely, S?"s-i -' Mr. C. C. Taylor has workmen employed preparing the foundation for his new store. Jas. T. LeGrand, Esq., .who has been quite sick, is, we gre pleased to state, so far recovered as to be able to walk about a little. V - - 1 ; Five hundred men paid ten, dol lars each one day last week: to wit ness a prize fight. TheWute nature of man predominated there. s-., Mr. Stewart.has opened out a nice stock of furniture in the Long build ing, immediately adjoining his own. His prices are very low. Mr. M. T. Hinson has sold out his liq uor Juusines to Messrs. Tho3. and James McDonald, who now hold forth at Hinson's old stand, - The Baptists, at Roberdel have erected and almost completed a large and handsome church which is a valuable ornament to the vil lage. . A committee of ladies were ap pointed last Snnday night at the church on Pee Dee Heights to assist in raising money sufficient to buy a good bell. The church needs one verv badly. Col. Steele? ef;our town, will de liver the annual address at Oak Ridge Institute, in Guilford county at the commencement in June. It goes without paying that it will be a good one. Attention is called to the new ad vertisement of Messrs, Boyne & Badger, the leading jewelers of Char lotte. They have a beautiful estab lishment and carry a fine stock of goods in their lihe Bob Burdette says that God wast eu muu wnenue made the man who is so little as to have the post master return a newspaper marked "refused" when he owes two or three years subscription. - Mr. T. B. Covington showed us a day or two ago a diminutive speci men of hen fruit. The eesr i3 about I an inch and a half, long and 'abou half an inch-in diameter!' with a hard, perfectly-formed shell. The Rocket has been moved. We are now "fixed un ' in our new I, quarters in Capt. Everett's new building where"we"have "splendid apartments. Our friends are "re hpectfully invited to call and see us Mrs. Flora Jones, grand moth,er o Mrs. F. T,. Cole of this town, died a her home n.eaLaii.nburg on the lm uit.. aeea a; years, one naa 1 1-2 erando i - . o o Ichildren. most of them now livinsr Thos. B. Covington, Esq!, hag re Iceived some very' handsome Spring laQd SummetDrintseinffhams. dress II. ' O ' goods, &c., to which he invites at- llnuon through our advertising col limns this week. He always keeps mi line of choice .groceries, and Feats his customers right, y vlr- Mcllhenny, who wil faanae the drug business to be car- I'ed on here hv- J. W. Griffin. Esn j .... , , Pl Monroe, was in Rockingham last Pionday looking after. preparation - "juving aown. The interior o i hi nave io i oc re-pa.ui veu the shfdv Vl11 take some time, but Mr. Mcll r "y nopes to begin, moving next l"an and made a verv favorable Pre8Rion unon thnsp nf mirnennle - ' - f r e met. he firmof ylor?:&"MckeiIl ?v&o puiyuuocu a uiieresi ; m me ousi Dess of:Mr. J. S. Goldston. The new firm of Goldst'oh & McNeill will con- Iriu tqpccupyl tlieir present quar? era ari(T will add largely to their stock of groceries, notions, &c. -: - Mr. DeWitt W. Odom, at present akirig'a course in the Peahody Nor mal. College tat Nashville; ...Tenia., writesISs that on the first Mdndav n July next he will begin a Train ing School at Ellerbe Springs, in this county, Mr. Odom is, we be- ;lieve, a native of Marlboro county, C, where he taught sehool sever al years. He went to Nashville to more thoroughly prepare himself for his vocation. - Mr. John S. Watson, formerly of our town but who has been living jn Georgia for several -years past, is at -home :on a visit, having his '-family- with him. He has sold out his bus iness in Georgia and will return to the old North State, but we regret to know that he will not again make his home in Rockingham at least not for the present. But it is only question of time when we shall haverhim with u& again. It seems to us that it would be a very foelish piece of business to put the. court house across the street, as advocated by some. Vehicles pass ing underneath the court roofh dur ing the sessions of court would be a great annoyance, to say nothing of the inconvenience to the officers who would occupy the offices on the first floor. Besides, it- would block up the sidewalk on each side of the street and would completely shut off the view of one end of town from the other. A most artistically executed piece of calcimining and frescoe work was shown us last Saturday by Dr. J. M. Covington at his residence. The work is indeed pretty and makes the Doctor's - bed-room scintillate with dazzling beauty in the scenes depicted on the walls and overhead. The picture in the centre of the room overhead is Mount Vesuvius. So true to nature is it that it almost seems that pure fire and lava are issuing from 'the crater. One scene bn the walls is an Arctic description. The glittering icebergs mantled with show are seen floating in mid ocean, on one of which is a polar bear. The mantel-board is also very beautifully frescoed. County Matters. The Board of County Commis sioners was in session last Monday, all the members being present. Very little business of public interest was transacted, the only thing of import ance being ihe appointment of list takers, to list the real aad personal property in the respective town ships of the county. They are as follows: iw , Sleeles N.G.Nicholson. Mineral Springs J. P. Boroughs Beaver Dam W. W. Graham. Black Jack A. C. Benton. Rockingham A. L. McDonald. Wolf Pit J. A. Harrington. Marks Creek M. C. Freeman. Williamsons M. D. McNeill. Laurel Hill A. A. Malloy. Stewartsville D. D. Mclntyre. Plans. and specifications for the hew court house having been de cided upon, the Commissioners will .meet again on the 17th inst. to re ceive hids for its construction. We presume the contract will be let at that time. W. H. & E. S. Tucker & Co. In placing our advertisement in this papes we are soliciting the pat ronage and trade,, particularly o people in the Pee Dee section who send orders to Northern houses for Drv Goods. We do not ask favor specially as a North Carolina and Southern house, just because we do business in North Carolina and the South, but because, all things being equal, it is policy to retain all the money , possible , in our State and the South. We vare prepared to verify-every statement in our adver iisemeht, and ask for a trial order knowing it will be followed by others. We are equal to-any house in this country in every particular W. H. k R. S. Tucker & Co., v Raleigh, N. C. Furniture. - The only exclusive Furniture Store in the town, and lowest prices on. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Tables,' Chairs, Safes,' Cradles, Hat Racks, Quilts, Picture, Picture Cord, Window Shades, Ac.,, all fresh and of latest designs; and, in fact,- everything usually found in the Furniture line. ' Call at the Furniture Store in the Long building. - A. P. STEWART. es:ofFertiHzera. A .; communication froni; II. B. aajeMefctor "of the N. C. Experi ment Stalion', Raleigh, dated March 27th says : ' :. -If " "'; :J Bulletin".No.J62J is issued todayj It contains, in addition to the fertili zer analyses -published : in No. 62, other analyses completed since that lime. . The list as printed in 62J em braces with but few exceptions all of the brands 'licensed for- sale in the State.' .: ; , v . - I " Write for the Experiment.Station Bulletin, No. 62J. Tbisand the sub sequent publications are sent free on application. : ABVICK TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing SvruD "should always be used when children are cutting leein. it relieves trie uttle . sullerer at once ; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and "the little cneruD awaKes as ' bright as a button' It is very pleasant to the taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diar rhoea, whether arising from teethine or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. G. M. Setzer, who died a day or two ago at China Grove, made a very peculiar request just before he died. He had no belief, whatever, in the immortality of the. soul, and he died protesting against the belief in a hell. The peculiar request that he made was that he should be buried without a coffin. He asked to be wrapped in a sheet and placed in a hole in the ground in his father's garden. Charlotte Chronicle, 81st. What you need is a medicine which is pure, efficient, reliable. Such is Hood's Sarsaparilla.- It pos sesses peculiar curative powers. Miss Lizzie Alexander, daughter of Isaac N. Alexander, Sr., of Sharon township, attempted yesterday to commit suicide by cutting her throat. She is a sister of the late ex-Sheriff" M. E. Alexander of this city. She is about 50 years of age, and, for a long time she has been of unsound mind. Application was made for her admission to the asv- lum at Morganton, but, for some reason or other, she was not admit ted. On two or three occasions she has attempted to take her own life, but her relatives prevented her from carrying out her intentions. Charlotte Chronicle, 31st. SPRING, -1889. My mail order business meets with such success that orders are pouring in from all directions. PRICES LIKE THESE are bound to make customers. If goods sent you are not what you want, return them and money will be retunded. DRESS GOODS. Double-width Henriettas, 25 cts. 37c, 5Sc, $1.19 per yard. Chains, rich designs, blc, 10c, 18c. 25c to 63c. Persian Bands for trimming, 33c, 50c, 75c, 85c, 95c per yard. . SILKS. 18" shades of Surah Silks at 49 cts per yard. 23 shades China Silk3 at 49 cts per yard. 150 shades black and colored Faille Silks at SI. 19 per vard. WASH GOODS. 15,000 vards Sateens, lovely fig ures, 9c,' 10c, 12c, 14c, 23c, 3c to 40c per yard. 22,000 yards of toney, tasty Ging hams at Gjc, 7c, 8c, 10c, 12c to 25c per yard. WHITE GOODS. Cord and Satin Plaid Sheer Lawns at 9c, 10c, 12 Jc, 15c? 20c to 35c per yard. Checked Nainsooks at 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 12Jc to 25c per yard. ' Corded White Pique at 19c, 25c, 34c, 40c and 50c per yard. Fine and Sheer Indian Linen at 8c, 10c, 12c, lac to 45c per yard. CROCHET QUILTS 350 in all 10-4, white, good weight, 98c each former price, $1.25. 11-4, white, extra heavy, $1.33 each former price, 81.65. 11-4 White Marsailles Quits at $1.63 each. . - NAPKINS at $1.35 per dozen. Special drive of 225 dozen half bleached, red-bordered German Napkins at $1.35 per dozen, for a limited time. Napkins at $3.00 per dozen will wear no better. Try my Laces, Embroidery, Hos iery, Gloves, Rushing, Corsets, Rib bed Hose, white feet,-for boys, sizes 5 to 7i at 12jc'per pair. Sizes 8 to 9 at 15 cents per pair. Ladies' Balbriggans, 16c and 24c per pair. Ladies' black indellible Hose at 33c per pair. CLOTHING, NECKWEAR. Nobby line moderate prices. H. BARUCH, ' Ch'arlotte, N. C. Liveliest distributor of Dry Goods in North Carolina. CONSUMPTION SUREXY CUUED. To the i-EDiTOR-i Please inform your readers that Thaver'a positive- remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of; my remedy free to anv of vouc readers who have cons'umption if they will send' me their express and post omce address. Keapecuuuv, TV A. Slocum, M. C, 181 Pearl St., N. Y The Dress Goods and Dress Trim mings are going nicely. '. Bargains still plentiful and quick witted buy ers are always picking them up In the Carpet ; Department - we have some extraordinary values., in 2 ply ' wool and extra super union we have some new, rich and beauti ful patterns kt very low figures." In Tapestry " and Velvet you can get some new designs at reduced prices. Rugs,"Mats and Art Squares cheap. An immense line of China Mat ting just received pretty patterns low prices. Lace Curtains at rock bottom figures. Our line was never more, complete, nor filled with bet ter values. A lace curtain, tape bound, pretty : pattern, three yards long at $1.25 per pair. Next $1.50, orfly better quality, and that is the way they commence. Double-faced Flannels in grand variety and beautiful patterns. AU kinds of Upholstering goods now in stock. Felts, Plushes, Silk Damasks, and Chenille land Turkoman Cur tains and Table Covers. Send in a sample order or when you visit Charlotte be sure and give us a call. We will take ; pleasure in" showing you through. - T. L. Seigle k Co. W. E. Murb, Salesman. Washington, March 30. Since March 4th 1005 fourth-class post masters have been appointed by the new Tosttnaster-General. Four hun dred and twenty-one were appointed to succeed postmasters who resign ed, and 548 to take the places of others suspended or removed. A TRUE TONIC. When you don't feel well and hardly know what ails you, give B. B. B. (Botan ic Blood Balm) a trial. It is a fine tonic. T. O Callahan, Charlotte, N. C, writes : "B. B. B. is a fine tonic, and has done me great good." . ' L. W . Thompson, Damascus, Ga., writes : "I believe B. B. B. is the best blood puri fier made. It has greatly improved my general health." An old gentleman writes: "B. B. B. gives me new life and new Btrength. If there is anything that will make an old man young, it is B. B. B." P.: A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10th, 1888, writes: "I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor." Thos. Paulk, Alapaha, Ga., writes : "I suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The us of B. B. B. has made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dol lars for the good it has done me." W. M. Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., writes : "1 had a Ions spell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in my right leg which swelled up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged a cup full ot matter a day. i tuen gave is. a- a trial and it cured me. ROCKINGHAM MARKET. CORBECTID WEEKLY BT W. I. EVERETT, DEALER IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Produce is quoted at buying prices COTTON Middling, (9 J Good Middling, 10 BACON Sides, per lb (7 Shoulders " t(t8 Hams, " 12J15 BEESWAX 16(161 UUiU XV AJ i O EGGS, per dozen, FLO U R Country, per sack, Northern, " .. Patent, ' .. GRAIN Corn, per bushel,... Oats, " Peas, " , HIDES Dry, per lb , Green, " SALT, per Sack,.... 12(A15 2.253.00 2.50(3.0O 3.7o 6580 5065 751.05 sraio 45 1.001.20 ..New Advertisements. Diaiiiond Rings? LACE PINS, EAR DROPS, SCARF PINS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, COLLAR BUTTONS, GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, Gold and Roll-Plate Chains, Breast Fins, Cuff Buttons, Jersey Pins, Shawl Pins Scarf Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces, Engage ment Rings, Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes and Orna ments suitable for wedding presents, at New York prices. Eye Glasses and Spec tacles, Optical Goods, Cataract Glasses. No shoddy goods kept in thi3 establish ment. Selection packages of any goods in our line will be forwarded to parties living away from the city on receipt of satisfact ory Charlotte reference. Boyne & Badger, Lsading Jewelers and Opticians, v - Opposite Central Hotel,. Charlotte, 1ST. O. . M , . , , I.. I . GToldston & McNeill, DEALERS IN SUGAR COFFEE, MEAT, MOLASSES, FLOUR, MEAL; TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, and ev erything usually kept in a first-class gro cery store, all of which will be sold at cheap as the cheapest.' : DON'T FAIL to give me a call wheni in want of anything in my-line; .You shall have courteous at tention, and rock bottom 'prices - .. Nice line of Notions, for sale cheap. '; Yours Truly, . GOLDSTON & McNEILL. ,' Advertisements rS'": a ice M-'Don't Bll:!t -i: Unltil you. see th'e fine selectipn of Ging .:.. . - hams, Bummer Worsteds, Prints, ,. La wnsj Muslins, &d, which- "'-. " ' : I have just received. . A Full Line of Groceries Always" on hand, and sold at lowest cash prices. Call and see me. Sv T. B, COVINGTON. 7c?ioick, jr. 6., The Great 1L C. Dry kk Ml Is Now Esady with Their GUNEMIi EXHIBITION OP Spring Importations and Purchases. Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, Wash Fabrics, Carpets, Curtains, Shoes, c, 'C. Excelled by but few houses in the larger cities, and none in the South; bought for the. cash from Importers, Manufacturers, and Selling Agents first hands in every instance. Guaranteed to be correct as to style quality and price. should the people of North Carolina send money North for Dry Goods when they have'such a house in their own State? No good reason exists. COUPLET. - MAIL ORDER DE partment, with all the machinery for filling orders by competent men. fi" N. B. On all orders amounting to $5.00 or more we will deliver goods by mail, or to the nearest Express office, free ot cliargc. WHiRS Tucker & Co., Raleigh, JY. C. The best and insplest M A-T) E . Ctrcngest Shooting. EASIEST WCSUgC. AU sizos f rora 23 calibre The to 4o calibre. BALLARD All prices from S15.00 up. has -won more prizes at Target Whoofcinsr than Stand without a rival for accu racyand killing all other maks of rilles put to gether. poweron large or small game We guarantee Our Goods EQUAL TO AnytMng Produced IN THAT LINE. Ask your dealer to show our rilles. Illustrated Catalogue sent FREE on application. Address - IARLIS mi ARMS CO. IV O T.ox SO X?, HAVE2T, COT. Lyman's Patent Combination Gna-Sigat. 40 Per Cent. Reduction in JPrice. SKJIO FOR TO-pnge Catalogn 'a 1 Address. Wm. LYMAN, Mlddlefield, Ct. IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS "FOB AIX RIFLES, Pistols and Shot Guns. TJesTra THHtVcvBtD Send for Illustrated Descriptive Circular. IDEAL MF'G CO. Bo 1064 G New Haven, Conn. 87.L0Utg.M0. utUnMi3a OALLAS.TEX. I nTfTTSt "P iTTTT? majr ho forrart on file n't Geo.' I J-U.O JTiaJt iS3t p. beweil & Go's Kewsrtapc? ' N i V to 4o calibre. H t4 wOTw poweron large B CBf Catai is just I XPk OUt. H X 6. 15 A1 car-load of primed white ccmiust " r and will be sold A lot of white and bla(3k Seed Oats. H. BARUCH'S comilet line of Novelties sivi specialties for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADEV -. He is now offering inducements that will quickly pass away, and w don't know at the present writing when similar chances will occur again. ik. don't procrastinate, " tut see to it now. . We are offering a beautiful and complete line of silks in "Enilla ' Everything in Woolen Dress Goods for Spring, i An endless variety, in White Goods, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Domestics, Sheetings in all widths', Table Linens, Towels, Zephyrs, and the handsomest- line of C&rpcU and - ' Mattings shown in the city. . ' . . . ;- '- ' - . ' . .. By all means send fos sampls of our 49 -eent Surahsy and, in fact for anything wanted in the Dry Goods "line. : " ' - ' . - . ... THE HABERDASHER is full to c-verflow with Spring Novrties, an3 we call.ti' men's special attention to our exquisite line of FLANNEL SHIRTS. Flannel four-in-hand, the latest thing, at only 25 cents each. HATS ! HATS! HATS t Beavers in Silks and Cassimeres. Neckwear for all. Silk Urifbrellas at' almost any price Linen Shirts and Collars in the latest styles. Anything in Jewelry. Will always ... make it a special pdiat to please my customers, and willfill'all orden promptly. i Hoping t hear from you all. ' ; January 30th, 1889-tf Mevs Livery Feed IT IS That we direct the attention of Merchants and Farmers to our GREAT REDUCTION and the LARGEST SALE OF THE SEASON lo make preparation for our krgs Spring purchases that are being manufactured expressly for us, and to-make room for these goods we offer for the. next thirty days' only : One lot men's black Corkscrew ii ii Fancy Cassiinere (( u ii t: ii a Fancy Cheviot it 41 Fancy Cassitnere Suits at A FEW ODD LOTS of Bovs' and Children's Suits regardless of cost. lots of Men's and Boys' Overcoats regardless Keipectfully, THE OINTE-IPRICE CLOTHIERS;; : CHARLOTTE, N. C Dr. W. M. Fowlkes BOCKIN6HAM, X . CJ Pure MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, SEOUL DER BRACES, CANDIES, STATIONERY, PAPER, PENS, INK, Ac. Letter Paper, Blank Books, Receipts, CUecks, Fine CoHfeettons, Ilc BUIST'S FRESH GARDE? SEEDS. The Best Soda and Mineral Water and Milk Shakes! Jg- Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day or night. reEqwi wend ed HYP NYStciANS. tion at lowest prices fine diamond Rings, We Have Eeceived P A TD Q MEK'S PANTS which we offer at from 50 cents a pair 0 ) X. XjLXXV'IO up to $1.25. The goods wotrid cost what we ask'you for the pants. We have also finer grade pants which we are offeriDgr below their value (winter weights) to close out. We have the celebrated Acorn Dress Shirts and Collars. These shirts we are running in pric from .30 cents each to a full dress at $1.48 cents. The $1.25 and L48 are Mareaillea and are the nobbiest 6tyles made for gents. We have in this lot all the new shapes in Linen Collars, sizes from 14" to 18 inches. A full line gents'Linen Cuffs frcm sami factory; We still have a few remnants ot Dress Goods we will sell at a low price. We expect to start North in a few days, and until our return we will sell anything we have now in stock at a low price. ' , . .- ..- ". ' Respectfully, . Mfercltl9th, 1889. EDWIN SULLY WITH Taylor & Boning? Importers' and wholesale ; cheap for cash.. is now readv. It embrase manv ercln. JULIAN H. LITTLE", 38 Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. and Sale Stables. Full supply of New Vehicles' of all kinds.. Canopy-top spring wagons for pleasure partis, picnics, drummers, etc. . ' Hack line to the . depot to meet all trains. Hdrses boarded by tha dayt week or month at lowest rates. Also dealer in Buggies. WITH Suits at '$ 5 25 5 75 6 75 7 50 , 9 25 10 25 12 75 12 25 13 75. Suits at 41 11 14 it U A few: odd! of cost. 9- Co., Drugs. OILS, VAR NISHES & DYE-STUFIB TOILET AND EANCY AETICLWP, fiSCIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. SPECTACLES AT ALL PRICES- Ladies and Gents GOLD AND SILYEK WATCHES, and Clocks scld cheap ani warrenTea. J Hi w tULtis, i or every descriD- Pins, Studs, &c. .. just received from. the Albany factory a lot of s1 BALED PROPOSALS fer.b&ilding courthouse will be received nniil the & first Monday inApril.1889,.by the builds ing committee, any one. of whom will giva any lnformatioo vanted. . - ; PETER M'cRAE. v : : . .j r ':: :W. F. BEOOKSHIEE I V . W. tEV ERETT, ,. ;-:.,- v;, v Ccamittee. ' Ha1rchj2th;i-8S9:3t. ; ; t

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