" t '--- V $&mt THOSE CETJBCH STEPS. Written for The Rocket. From the., lobby, or vestibule, .al most on level w ith the sidewalk, opened, just in front of the entrance, large doors, of the Sunday-school and lecture rooms. - On either hand rose winding, stairs -to a vestibule above. After the. first ,half-dozen I steps each was an -isosceles triangle the galleries and the belfry. As soon as the benediction was pro nounced and the organ pealed forth, as a postlude, one of Beethoven's "Haydens" or Mozart's "Sonatas," living streams- poured from the sev eral doors,' to precipitate themselves down the winding stairs. Now people will show character by the manner of entering and leav- sconomical than the ordinary kinds, and Hug church as much as in anything eannoi db som ra competition witn tnemui- e8e. Some walk in quite naturally, ititude, of low test, fiort weight, alum or .---'. . , Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of jaunty! strength and wholesomeness. More were ashamed of their appearance; One of these bright tnaidens, with jn fact, alltbe boys who wished to j bronze hair and snowyf brow, tame escape, special notice ana yei see leaning upon ine arm; 01 ner com what was going ou. ... ., panion. rA.boy; was waiting at the .. .The .- orphans from the Church door to escort her home.- She caught Home filed in, led by a sedate Moth- his eye. t Just then the'Jdoor ol the er-in-chief. The tiniest one walked organ loft sjammed anc! startled her. by the Mother, holding her finger, Her fbotslipped and i down jshe roll thlfigest fringing up the rear with ed like a trimly-made barrel, twist the Assistant Mother. The' tapering jng her clothejBJntii perfectcrw lufiCHa-.iWontn ivlace likeome TMost of the coharesration had dis- fWf.r" shai-p-protfed boat tails landing. persed and; there was nothing to to the side of the hand-railing. On-f ;'::. -m 1 " r V: , - , t .,.,. the upper vestibule opened the doors ' :, - a ' ' - t - at , ,. v , i ? ... rr, , -h, ..r gaily-floating pmnons here :r all were other girls i shrank back; giggling, of the church proper, the organ loftv , . ... , . , ... 'if , . V i . clad in sober grayj with only a slight and on jsbe went, with nothing to dash of blue on the bonnets. The stay her going. The boy, abashed, faces, patterning after the Mother's, ran off, and the sexton had to pick were, very strait and mostly meek, her up. She was red with shame but? one or two expressed in their and tears streamed down her cheeks, twinkling eyes the unnatural repres- but her heart was worse hurt than sion of youthful mischief nd mirth, her body. Sne never spoke to the VVell, when the services were over boy again, though he had been her the people began to disperse, and sweetheart before, there were many who "stood not Such performances were becom upon the order of their going," but ing too, common. Deacon Shaw shoved and pushed, and caused oth opened a subscription list for re ers to shove and push, towards and modelling the down the winding stairs with isos- church. Many : -, .7.- Controlling Southern Electibns. . InJiis f articl'laina ay number of The Forum irrE.. K Gpdkin dis. cusses the: negro prbblera- ini a can did"and comptatively-faiftoanner. He had studied the subject. "Tt. is a problem not easy of solution, and'&e recognizes the fact.; ".The , igdorance ofthejQegroea gndtheiiu-totaUonM fitness to' be voters are not denied by Mr, Godkii. Altogether the ari ticle is a good one, and well worfty of heiiig . read fey all the people of the United States, North and South. He cites well known decisions of the United States Supreme Court to prove, first, that Congress has the right to take charge of the elections for members of the national House of Representatives ; and second, that the fourteenth and fifteenth amend uients operate only upon States. To these citations of authority we make no objection, but we must ex press our surprise to find Mr. God- entrance to that lu "'-""s v""sic "ao names were soon r,ght to take charge of the elections placing all congressional elections under, the control of Federal elec tion ofl'cers. .When .the foundations of the republic shall thus have Cyclone "at Warsaw, A fearful cyclone visited the town of Warsaw, Duplin county; on the been removed. it will matter' little Hne of the Wilmington and Weidon ; whether presidential electors shall rauroaa' ytaay alternoon about , hafir h rhnon bv th States or 4 o'clock.-. Reports to the Star say bv the central despotism, as such the destruction was very great; bat ; elections will be a'mere formality-. POv ''ri.i'"L : c Inal Ihe Thresh vteria 11 and MethnHist ' a mocuery oi me peopie, wnu, 11 . - 7 they are such : fools as to intrust churches were blown rdon 'jid power to a party which would thus scattered to the winds, only the pal destroy our free institutionswill Fn one chair C the Presby teria n T have merited the contempt with church being left on the ground, which they will ever afterwards be The storm came from the north regarded by the whole civilized west with tremendous force, but for-' world.-Richmond Dispatch. u"aiei us wmin oniy ooux uaw a mue. scarcely a cnimney is left standing in the town, and many trees and telegraph poles were pros trated. On the outskirts of the town a few small houses occupied by col- ' : Bitten by a Mad Horse. We learn that on last Monday Mr. Harrison. HoneycutL, ef Stanly 4 j i. . I aa uv .t N.T -' Wil1 f 1 ? UC? rWa8 DeCTn tmW' celes steps. obtained, and among them, for not for President of the United States, ! : : OI the town OI Li He Was a I - T . , , . . I., , . . . e i?..t' nr h mhrp nnrreotrw nhrgaa it jjeavingcnurcn issoainerent irom ine leasi amouni, was in a 1 01 mue" w j - Johk W. C6l. Frank McNeili cole, McNeill, , ATTORNEYS" AT LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office on corner of- Academy Square. BurwelL Walker & Guthrie. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hockingham, N. G. Office opposite the old poetomce. notice. man from whom a full-face look was something to remember and smile about. He was honest to the heart's core, and it did one good ? to see it written in his face. 4 If one had told bim, "You're a good man," it would have seemed like an. unexpected piece of news to him, but he was as good as men ;are ever made honest in his secular business and honest in his religion. When he died he would stand before his Maker with as pure a soul as ever appeared un veiled before the Divine Perfection, I will begin my school at my house on and the idea of going to that august entering. The thing is reversed, and Miss Timpkins in leaving this particular church in the city of L , at the date of which I write', many found them selves Tjuite reversible ti proprice persomce. The good deacon march ed down calm and self-contained M. Pleasant Homes. county, was bitten by ahorse which ored people were destroyed, but no was supposed to have the hydro- loss of life is reported. ' , phobia. On; Monday morning Mr. The storm was accompanied with Honey cutt noticed that the hone hail which covered the ground to a appeared to be sick, and instead of depth of two inches and caused putting him to work as visual, much damage to crops, especially turned him loose in the pasture, strawberries. Wilmington Star; 2d. About 11 0 clock Mn. H. went to catch the horse, and while attempt- not understand upon what ground inS t0 bridle him the hor8e anv intelligent man can base such vicious ana oh mm, innicung a 0 I t I- t TT 1 I 1 1 1 lit an ODinion. The Federal Constitu- PaiDi wouna. neip was summon- aaeipnia uiuo who has been.quail tion nlainlv savs ed, and, after considerable difficulty, shooting iti the South during the '' . il 1 ax 11 -i.Li. . 1 y Each State shall appoint in such w,ts uorBe wa8 S"ea ,nto meaiauie. asuu was asseu: for the electoral colleges.' We do Ezpensire' Quail Shooting. A prominent member of the Phil- and walked towards home meditat ing upon the sermon. Little Miss Timpkins, fair and frail, with head MONDAY, MAY 6th. Tormg at the usual country rates. Considerable reduc tion if paid up monthly. M. J. K. McASKILL, - , . I Ellerbe Spnng3, K C. - April ?2d, 1889. Burial tribunal never disturbed the sereni ty of his soul, secure in its trust of the savior of men. Little Miss Timpkins, whose pew was just behind the Deacon's, came in like a March wind was pursuing her. She walked as if on peas with billiard heve a rooms at night could not pleasant home, and the CASKETS, VlUtJ WUJUUUUH UUJJLiUi, gmall-sized cyclone had slipped in More especially as, coming up the aisle, she always managed to drop, at intervals, her. parasol, her book, her handkerchief, her fan, or a little silver-mounted vinaigrette of ancient date. ; Now, little Miss Timpkins could in air, came rustling to the bead of the stairs, squeezing between the mightier and grander folk, clutching her parasol, fan, handkerchief, hook, and viniagrette. She lacked a hand til liolrl tt tha rail anA triiotirnrlv j l , ?,T Ipquire was right. A man who pre stepping down behind the blue silk . ..... . train nf f h rit'- Koll Minrl n n rust ' I I ,A K mi.na an anna an- mg place for her dove-like foot, and . ... . , , - . . - j j j ciety which is usually found in came wheeling round and round. . , 1 t v a .if t 1 tT. places of this sort,: to the musical , ' , ,. 1 laughter of children, the sweetsmile a littlA ftnupal; nr two sh licrhtl v I -o i bare feet. If she hadon a silk gown raaioA . r 15tu f a .Jof a loving wife, the perfume of nowers ana the companionship 01 dullest imagination might fancy a and around f faer good books, must have a very de- 11 1 1 I 1 1? 1 I 0 r I n . n T . 1 t..no T- It c aiira hero uciuuKiuco. Dtiv Kiaoucu iucui auu I : Squire Jones, wno was a very plain spoken old gentleman, used to go into the public loafing resorts manner as the Legislature thereoi By this time the horse seemed per- "What does it cost for a trip such about nine o'clock everv evening, may direct a number of electors j fectly wild, and attempted to bite as you made and after lookinir around inouirins- e(luai w.wi? wnow nu.muer 01 rerything .that came within his "Well, we wre gone about ten v would sav. Well, eentlemen.l ,. -k. t;ti- in rvn- what are you doing here? Are gress : but no Senator, Representa-1 aecaea symptoms 01 nyaropnoma, 10 get to the shooting ground and in your homes not pleasant?" The tive or person holding an office of biting at the walls of the stable. It the four days that we shot we got squire inferred that a man who lov- Proni or trust unaer tne uniiea soon Decame evident that he could about 1UU birds. Takingeverything ed to loaf around bar rooms and not long be kept confined, and be into consideration I should say tb liife in' Olrlalicma. And YerythiHg m 4tbe Undertakers' n t reasonable prices. I have A Fine Hearse whieh will be supplied when wanted. 4"Ordr by, mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. W. T. HUTCHINSON; 5-tf Wdesboro, N. C. tripped away like a trap-ball. Then came the orphans, the little ones creeping close tu the wall and the iaithful Mother, on the side of danger, carefully holding on to the rail. Then the boys, who had miss- not be suspectedofanyatten.pt at ed gettinS down in lhne to ran8e producing a sensation, for the dove "mseives m a row Deiore the door. was not more innocent than she. " " o.V"- Merchandise. homes that are not pleasant, and it is no marvel that men fly from them as from a den or lair where crouch and crawl the poisonous serpent and avage beast. The wife growls and whine? and snaps and snarls, the children fight and the baby squalls. There is a continual bedlam, an everlasting hubbub. It may not be pleasant for the woman, who can not flee from it, but she has made her own bed, and it is just that ihe Mr. uodkm assumes that pres.- wa3 kiiied. It is not known whether dential elections are elections for he had been bitten by a mad dog or federal omcers. I5ut this is exactly not. Monroe Enquirer and Ex- what they are not. II they were pre8S. Uaere might toe some piaoainHity m his other contention, though even then it would .. base to . be a forced construction of the Constitution Kaie lnimoiengger paid us a which could lead to such a conelu- pleasant visit yesterday and told us sion. The elections called presi-lthat he had just won a fine quarter dential elections nr not elections section at a shooting match with a for Presidents of the United States, tenderfoot. He paid the funeral ex but for electors of Presidents of the penses himself. Rafe is a gentle- United States. These electors when man chosen are State officers. It was not the intention nf the frnmpra r.f the Constitution that the people should 8tarted w"st of this Place, oveaP have any direct control over the .We learn that the seven new towns trip and outfit would cost about $1,000. Your dog will cost $350; your gun $300, your hunting-suit $50 more,' y oar boots1 $"l0, tips to farmers for shooting, privilege,-rail way fare, ammunition, etc., will. foot up to about $1,000." V " "That made your birds cost, then,, about $10 each "?" "Yes." ' - "And what did you do with the birds?" "Gave them away to the farmers,?' was the reply. , A pretty expensive e port is quail' shooting. - -r ATTENTION. ' ' I . . .1 smH less noiav 9t ther eamrlit tha To ch nuvers of Can I Her little sun veiled moutn was purs- aA nn anA h haA a n-metua look WAluu"Jc "ki - --- t 1 1 r i j 4 r . - . - . 1 nriiHii 111 biiiiiiiiiffrr hiiii KLriiiiir ill i . .... . .. m. . M as 11 tne were trying w com pore e should lie in it The aim 01 every waitea at tne loot or tne stairs 1 . i u . . a heaven of home, then the men will seek it as a place of rest and peace arid joy,and the children will not become night prowlersand street scavengers. Exchange. - election of President of the United States. This was to be done by electors chosen by the people, but chosen by them without any knowl- one another very serious! v. une man from Illinois lives in three of the towns and is running for mayor of all of them. Coroner Gooeefelter is so far be- When it is remembered that news paper editors have no opportunity: of rewriting their -articles, and -frequently have not the time even to read them over after writing then, edge as to the man whom the elee- hind in ha work tnat he requests usl it is astonishing that they make 8 Hivinor imt ifa.hliflhd nnrwlvpq in our 1 cnmolViinn . it must, have Ue'eiV s nun. I arra jew store, at the old stand, you. wiU find fo -t. couVd never have com bosed for his "girl" who 8at in the choir- our usual assortment ot Dry (ioods, Uro- I ' I it.., mnlu ua ceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware anything weightier than that. Her " , J " iiuuuicu, iuiicu oivjwijr atuug uiiai- tmg to friends. She had been un able for years to see where she put her feet. She had, perforce, to "walk by faith," but her faith was without Woodenware, Hats, Shoes. fec, complete and offered at prices that will Surely Astonish You! Bought for cash, and to be sold for cash, rr 1 omj. we can oner you superior muuee- - fonnHntmn when h lnnerl rlnwn ments, aad, to verify our statement, invite Uoming snows, and the lormer oy r eyes were small and watery and set in the most appealing Chinese fash ion in respect to the thin litU sniff ing nose. Veiry fair:Vere skin and bair, the latter all the fairer by the tors intended to eupport for Presi dent ; just as United States Senators are chosen bv members of the State it Legislature who are elected to the Legislature by the people without any knowledge as to the men- n bom to inform his patrons that he is do- J few grammatical or other mistakes ing the best he can. His friends will and that their style is often so clear oblige him by not making efforts to and correct. Those who write books increase his business at this time. Jim. Triggers called on us yestep Hot Inquisitive. you cordially to come and see for yourself and be convinced of unexcelled bargains. Anetien Sale Every Saturday of all kinds of General Merchandise, in good order and sold from regular stock, the depaTted ruddiness of yodthr When little Miss Timpkms was seated safely the sexton felt that his "coup" for -the day was clone. He had nothing to do with her getting which, if you don't want at my price, you out 0f church, and ' Wa8 thankful for can have at your own. it. A slim man, slipped inside the tu twri- Rnefliai uttAntion is dirrtftd 1 1 door and on to his seat almost un- our .elegant line of Furniture. Bedsteads geen, as he escorted an almost Bound- ?r Vf.SnnL n5 nZl ts rotundity 'of wife.' He seemed Chairs,. $3.50 per set up; Cane and Split- . :.! ;::,, 'J seat Uhamber ouits, jxnaroie bureau-. ti,-, 10 suae iuiu iuipctupuuiw eco 00. Other suits from 12.5u up. Wash- cause(j by the rolling gait of his wife, tands, Window Shades, Curtin Scrim, Ta L - ,,1.. .-iU--K ble0ilcbth,!all latest designs. Toilets The lady stepped lightly enough Hat Racks. .Cradles. Safes, Tables, Pic- considering her avordupios;- but she tures Picture Cord and Nails, Rugs, Mats coutd not help the puffing oi the efl-1 in fort. nrlv mraro, arh(lfl in the Knr- 1 r . -r - . . iinbnairv line all at bottom 1 cine necessary, for her iocooiotlan. -r J , -- - pnees. A. P.-STEWART. rganizod 1Q45. flEU YORK LIFE W. II. BEERS; President. Cash Assets. $90,000,000, V Total Paid Policy Holders, $115,000,000 Surplus by State. Standard, $13,000,000." Inwraoee in Force, $400,000,000. wti Claims paid, $44,500,000. - Aaaual Income, $24,000,000. - . B. F. LITTLE, Special Agent, . r Rockinghsm, N. C. , . Send to The Rocket office for Job Print- That was audible all -around arid among thg Corinthian CQlumrrsand I etbect even up to the Tgrojlied arches 'bf the stuccded ceiling. f . une mue miss Bbumpeu m s u fully two-tbirds of the sacred edifice were ner especial property. ,mauy others of Ihefage and sex 6a me sim pering and blushing, imagining j&m all others were looking at and crtti- :'?;:4-' -N vvO- L-'ilf 1-JLJ cising inera. : oome oi . mese occas ionally cast ifuftive glances at the gal leries where a good many nonde script -boys' satbbys irnr bad ea- caped froJM:tbe''o.otheria pronstring or the fatbery HidmoCtst hoya whofiSdorr their rst high hat, or proud-boys who had been unable tb adopt the latest lad oi lasnion ana on the narrow side of the stairs, and she came lumbering down like some huge boulder scratched from the top of a mountain. There were screams and cries from the wounded and from the lady herself. Oh, my!" "Ah-h-h !' "Catch her!" resounded on all. sides.. Clearing s course for herself, she dumped into the arras of the strong young man on the ground floor, who, seeing the coming woman" and rec ognizing this grand opportunity, had thrown himself in a position to re ceive her weight aud bear her up from harm. Ahj thank you 1 Oh, it's Mr. D. Thank you kindly; I should have Fe& pre8g; been , so hurt u it bad. not been lor you!" ; -W'-i' M r v.r-: . She had escaped, with only a few There was dust on his back and the grime of two weeks' standing be hind his ears, and as he stood on a corner yesterday, he was beard to remark- that he was from Lansing. "What is the fare from Lansing to Detroit?" queried a dudish looking bystander, looking waggishly at an acquaintance. UI dunno," was the reply. "Don't know !" echoed his ques tioner, incredulously- "Young man," returned the tramp, impressively, "when I want to go to a place by rail il get quietly on the train, and when it gets there I step off again without ever asking any bloom in' fool questions. Detroit they intend to support as United day and traded us a nickel-plated der- KrutM sumntnra Sr. intent wrr th rineer lor a rear s suDscnouon to tne fathers of the republic upon making Boomer. He got the derringer from the presidential electors State offi- a man who, died suddenly after call- cers that, as appears from the sec- j ing' Jim a horse thief. Come again, tion ahnve ouoted. thev would not! Jim allow any congressman in either Merit Wins. house or any person holding an of fice of profit or trust under the United States to be appointed at! elector of President of the United States. We are not theorizing. We vare stating facts which ought to be known to all such men as Mr. Godkin. His ignorance of them is unaccountable. He must know that up to the year IS&1 the South . Carolina Legislatuie always met in session on the day of the presidential election as it is call ed and chose the electors of that State for President of Ihe United Stated. Every State in the Union still possesses the right to choose its electors under laws of its own mak ing. Thbnly constitutional limit ations upon this power are the we bruises on the callops of fat pillow-L ' l: quirements that the electors o.rres- And Mk' fV- V.-'- .m:- ru ident and Vice-fresident shall be ing' her figure on all aides D., fortunate Dr. King's New 1 Discovery for Con young man, had. to call sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, chosen in all the States, upon the lire how the lady was Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electrip 'same day, and that Congress may on which the . There will -be a faro game and a Sunday-school running in this town to-morrow. All are invited. The new cemetery soutb of town is meeting with general favor. If any reader of the Boomer sees anything that he doesn't like in this paper we will gladty take it back in our next issue.--Jvingnsner (Ukia- homa) Boomer, often spend months and sometimes years in rewriting them, and jet one frequently sees a newspaper article written in the hurry of the moment and under pressure, which, in bril -lianey of diction, cogency of argu ment and elegance of style, ja tb equal and sometimes the superior to anything we find in most books, Indeed, the Press is moat powerful . for good wbeq in the hands of intelli gent and;-conscientioug gentlemen and is doing much good, and the wpnder is that any man who eau read or who has children thai read will go without it. Warrenton G- zette. ' . A PhOTomspal .'Well BWUii VUU uii w - . v w I v . 3 .. i . . . . 1 w ' nd his "best irirl" was sweeter than Bitters, . and hav never bandied rjeine the day Rin,fthehad"8aved Ma. The !m!S Electors shalr vote for President and r;r- - ' , . ' nave given sucu j uuiTcioai joim.ir- . tTta.,i it.M giggling school girls bad of course (ion. We .do not hesitate to guar- ice-President bf the .Umted States., giggled when the fat lady iell. They antee them every time; and we stand " It cahf hardly be;dbubted that if never tried hejp ciggllng they ready to refund the purchase price- they had had the' power the Repub- rather eloried in it, at all times and ifsatiafactoryresulta do iiot follow iican8 in Congress, backed by Presi- ratner giorieu in at u ymum uu eiruse.,. These remedies have Aani 1. -riaaa a law in all places, and had not ceased to won tbeir great I popularity purely ntr:lfL m-wrU Wn after the carriage she en- nWflir rnr1tsr:!Dr. W, M. Fowlkea districting all the Southern States - at- . ' " ' t-x -,. -1 . - .y; , ''lfa.- 1 1. .1 k ! a vi m a n a Aoo m n - a n tered had driven off, ; , K vo. jjrnggisis.; . -wnuc wwhum , There is a well on the bid Adam - . ' " Clark place in Lilesville township' March April May this county, that has peculiarities Ara tha months in which to nurifv thai that the neonle livina in th nJtrK- t3 l5l.8rtel w mo? 8asceit" borhood would like to have explain.. -lble to benefit from medicine. Hence now. - - - . is the time to take Hood's Sareaparillaf a ed by -gome competent authority- medicine peculiarly adapted for the par- This well is 40 feet 'deep, and Up to and also srives it vitalitv and richness. , It alwavs had (winter and summer) 7 '- p.rAatfK an annetild tones the dicrRRtion. in- 1 t . r j a- til-j'. . '.7"- : o i ikvv ui -guou water in it: n uau nevee energy to every function of the body. The Deen known to go diy, but on the. ' testimony of thousands, as tothe great morning after the earthquake it didU benefit derived fromi "Hood's Saraapariila; t .' j - .t-in ; - should cdhvince everybody that it i. pecu- n.ot have a drop of water . IU U, n4 liavl-w fVa Kaaf Muv. nnmAav nA nvnriv ftllliA Ah fit il m A In A TXT Catltttia thft medicine. " ' r well has been.perfectty vdry, but T , j. - ,. , , during wet spell? it gets so full that' f - lowed bv death ?,Usked a little cirl. sometimes run ver. .Tha wellv v VNot- always, my dear : sometimes bag been known to be full of water?- V thA man tnst RflOnlfl fit inftnncr miS- I at -niffhl nnH .h nrt rliv - fMlim! ? ------ ------ ---j - i bbv , Mo - aaw w mj ww.a : j.- Am him U. ; Rnl hn III -'Noari Hmo J : . - . ' ti 1 n'-i't-- oil- :"iiA;. f.fc I FV'J r"'FJ A -wsw 7"' - Cniitinm. ManKlna ia laft aritl, a lrla I ,?-r;f la - .nrV.hi ,-;!! nd na sarface , water runs into it.l VII. ,'allPI aw--v7 aiwaaw c t,', uiju y 11 f II buy a New Home .'when she bqyi a : .r--u:- . : -. -' .- .J-.'-.., fauuuiCa WfcrQ can explain this phenomenoQ f '-Wadeaboro Intelligencer, ' . ' si -i

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