: 4 1 w,TTrJ, - i Aemr That is their little game, and : w. .x:.p ? na PV feftl t,-e tQ hi, party alle- The 9Cca8ion promises to bea grand iance. will take a hand and belp success; as we nope u may ue. fjffieefjl .' r "-'V c-i..' . , ! QVKR EVKRKTT, WALL FAYirrxEvaLE will appropriately pelebratethp adoption jKorth Car oling ofCtheiFederal Constitution. SUBSCRIPTION One year, .:.... .....;...... Sir months, Tired months ............ 4c compajti s 4 lhem to win. Fresident Jenerson lMvis was invi His language all through the let- ted by the qmmittee. or Arrange- j $160 !fer Dreatnes a P1 o lncenaiarwm i iuu w uo msuh uu j , 75 tnrnati nff anvth n vci heani op an aaaress on ineoccasion. xxe rc- nonths .40 ad durjng jhe last campaign, AVe plied, stating jhap he would be pres All subscriptions accounts must be IV - 'ki n'- if .i?K1 km .fcin, th,.tanm paid in advn. - are gurpnseu iniu s mau ui vui. o fwo,u,v.yv; r. f ' - inteliigenWand a man whose inter- one else be chosen for orator, on ac- tSP Advertising rates furnished on ap-1. are identical with those of every count of his feebleness. In "closing plication. Publishkp Evert Thursday. COL. iOCKERY WEITES AGAIH. white man in the State, should have his letter he says : writtpn snnh ii letter. North CaroHha,N first in assertion " - i . . ... -... -- tw th Pnll i in hUHotape. ot the unalienaDienguts oi man, of the prompt in open resistance to en- ers which'might be' perverted to the impairment of her liberties, and faithful throughout her existence as a sovereign State to every obligation of compact, is to be honored and revered as well for her promptitude to resist aggression, as for her care ful guardianship of the community rights of her people. , To Col. Dockery, who takes such "Hope deferred maketh the heart roachment by Mhe . crown upon the Col. Oliver Hart Dockery has writ-1 every political contest for the past the maintenance or the JJeclaration i.n nnmhor lpftr ritl one which ten vears and now overlooked by a oi inafpenaence, siow to grani pow VM , MklUHllV p V J - ' f , , , , W will be apt to give him considerable Kepublican aJmmistratipn, is ais notoriety, if not fame. In the last posed to look upon the dark side. issue of the' Spirit of the. South this He tells the negroes that, for them, 'modern Brutus airs his views on j the future of our State "is dark and lTne 'New Election Law? and the foreboding," and yet there has been Exodus.? '! This remarkable paper no time in the history of the coun is addressed to "Messrs. Quick. Cov- try when the negro was more pros ington, Mason and others, ' some of perous and treated better than he is the more prominent colored politic- to-day. The colored children of the ians of the county, and assumes to State are educated at the expense ot a pessimistic view of the situation be a reply to certain inquiries pro- the white people; they have their and foresees our good old State driv- pounded to the Colonel by these col normal schools and colleges ; they jng faSt upon the "demnition bow ored men. However that may, the have. an asylum for the cnre of their wows," all on-account of the negro Colonel was no doubt much gratified insane, and all these institutions are exodus and the new election law. at the opportunity afiorded to vent kept up principally .upon the mon- we commend the following survey his spleen upon the Democratic par- ey contributed, directly, and indi- as made by that level headed jour ty and to express his great grahnca- rectly, by the Democrats of riorth nnl, the Wilson Advance, whose tion at the result of the DeBerry- Carolina. Col. Dockery knows this editor is presumed to know more JSicholson case. to be so, and yet he would create about it than Col. Dockery .and, be Cpl. Dockery's letter is unique the impression that the negroes are sides, is infinitely less of a poli- and, in some respects, amusing; but, "enslaved, hand-cuned, oppressed I tician Jike all of his public utterances of Such duplicity is disgusting. The industrial development of like nature, teems with glaring if It will be noticed by those who North Carolina is being achieved at not willful perversions of facts. He read this last stump-speech of Col. leads off with a grossly exaggerated f D.'s that he addresses his correspond rehearsal of the evils of the old law ents as simply "Sire." As that is a and the frauds perpetrated under it question of taste we shall not criti- learn a number of horses hae ; recently died in New Salem township,; ' and it is feared by some of the farmers that an epidemic will break 'out - am'opg ; tbmje Jiave not.Iearned. the nature ef the d isease with which they are aifected.Mon roe Express. i --J c V' i The iron- bound' bucket factory shipped during the past week about 175 dozen buckets to different parts of South; Carolina, Georgia" and Ala bama, with new orders constantly coming in, from this and other States. -Fay etteville. Observer. f ; . j , rTr-" ' -For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. ' " ' ' ' Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Sliiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation Loss of ; Ap petite, Dizziness, ad all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Croup,; Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sate by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Company f ','., The UJorld '. I: :. . ' -7-NEW yore:- Moves." and I am &roinar to make it MOVE FASTER. . I .- am soon to receive a lot of 1 i . s. .... j .1 a more satisiactory rate now man has ever been the case. Every part of the State appears to have put on new life and energy. Factories are springing up with a rapidity that is the not far distant future to see the time when almost everything used by our people shall be raised and manufactured in the eonnnes of our own State. The Asylum girls have discarded bustles. What will our friends ot the Statesville Landmark, Biblical Recorder and Raleigh State Chronicle say of the innovation? Orphans Friend. We hope the editor has not dis by the Democratic party, and char- cise it further than to say that, in perfectly astonishing. We hope in acterizes the new election law as consideration of the fraternal rela- 4'infamous in the extreme" and sup- tions which the writer has so often poses that "is intended to substi- and so loudly professed to this class tute so called law and justice for of his admiring countrymen, he frauds djabolically practiced for years should have used a more endearing without such pretext. In what par- style of address. But what can be iicuiar toe saia law is lniamdw tnougnt oi tne sincerity ot a man the Colonel does mot undertake to J who appeals to the passions of his specify, nor do we think he or any negro friends, and those whom he one else can possibly point out an couples with them, by telling them "infamous" feature in it. The im- that they -are in favor with the white plication by Cpl. D. that ignoraut race in corn and cotton fields but carded hers. If she has, when persons will be practically disfran- not when election day comes, when Father Time begins to weave the chised is not true and is unworthy it is an open secret that they whom silver threads amongst the golden a man of his intelligence. We have he abuses are quite as honorable in gtrands of her sunny locks we fear not the law before us just now, but paying the laborers whom they em- she will still be in the state which is we have read it carefully and we do ploy as he is, and who treat the ne- falsely called "blessed." There may not find one cjause or sentence in it groes aflrr the election with quite as he some things more unsightly and which in the least abridges the rights much kindness and consideration as less inviting than a woman without of any person entitled to vote. It is he does. Why did he not tell his a bustle, but none occurs to our "known of all men" that under the dear correspondents that he and hits mind just now. old law there was much illegal vot- party friends thought much more of ing among the negroes, many of the negro at election times than aft- whoin have no fixed homes and are er the ballot boxes had been cios constantly on the move from place ed? Is it not strange that even his to place. It was to circumvent this correspondents have not long ago that the new law was enacted ; and, seen that, with the Radical party, instead of givjng countenance to the negroes are only valuable, as fraud and intimidation, it throws I Wm. Napier once said, to put certain greater protection around the ballot men with white skins in office? It 1 hat was a commendable aet in Mr. John C. Davis, of Wilmington, who gave, $6,000 worth of properly to the Fifth Street Methodist church of that city. A condition of the be quest is that a school be established which is to be under the coutrol of 17": r l o. i r i i i ruin oireei 'nurcn, ana wnicn. box and prevents the very evils of is useless, however, to attempt to we presume, will be open free to a which the Colonel so loudly com- answer, this false and libelous out- certain number of indigent children. plains. giving of Col. D. His capacity at AIie congregation of the church pro It must be remembered that the misrepresentation is well known, for Pose t0 ere a new house of wor- Colonel IS talkiner to the nearrtP5 in hft ran cnmnr.a mnrp ftilcph SUXV lu CU8k 4 7 . - . r " vv -p-. w w Mww his letter, and this is a sample of the within the space of a few minutes language he uses. He says of the than could be exposed in hours new election law : Such is and alwavs has been, and I imagine the practical result will we fear alwavs will be. the nlan ne, as inienueu, airuosi aosoiljte dis- wh ch he will nursue. Hi latet piece is simply disgraceful and ma licious A TERRIBLE STORK Half a Million Dollars Lost in and Pennsylvania. Tke Ckif Bmim tor the great suo tess of Hood's Sarsaparllla is found in the irticle itself. It is merit that wins, and the tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa- Mfrit WinQ riUa or blood pnri men l Wllld fler before the public Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. IId's Smraparill is sold by all drug gists. SI; six for $6. Prepared by C. I. Hood Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Haas. flrmninri nf nrinn R Tempt iHeetitHmH- p r ' ' J We are offering one of the largest stocka'pf Millinry "and-DEea Goods ever ihon in this section, and prices quoted are macb lower than yon can find elsewhere. Our line of HaU,-. Flowers) Feathers, Ribpons janji Millinery Trimmings is complete and prices are below wholesale." We have some jobs, (hat will stnn you. ComeaaH see for yourself. . ' If my 'coffee is not cheaper than any else's, wen i wiu sen you lea. If Cbetse makes you sick I will sell you Oranges and Lemons. " A fine line of Dry Goods, Notions, Ac, a little lower, for cash, than jott could ask them.:.;: ' - A. C. COVINGTOIi, May 7, '89 ' " ' " Rbberdel, N. C. I'JOOL UJArJTED ! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES will be paid for Wool, by . -a W. 1. EVJgR DRESS GOODS. Henriettas Mohairs, Plaid and Striped Nainsooks, Cbambrays, single ond double width Worsteds and Challiea, White Goods, Lawns, Ginghams, (we are offering thee at 8 aad'lOcents), and many others too numerous to mention. Trimmings to match all our goods ; on these we defy competition. H. 8 LEDBETTER. E. 3. LEDEBTTtB, JE LPiDBETTEil BR0THI1S Have in store a COMPLETE STOCK OF A full line of Notions at Racket prices. Beautiful line of Hamburgs from 3 cents up.. Pins and Needles 1 cent a paper. " ' - All we ask is for you to give us call and see for yourself. Thanking you for put favors we solicit a continuance of the same. MRS. SUE P, SANDFORD & CO. r jj jfj fcng V. XJmsU LA. 1 OF ALL" KINDS, AND Farm Supplies, Is redete with evervthins in the line of Ladies' Dress Goods snch to which they invite the attention of the Piques, Nainsooks, Muslins, Summer Worsteds of all kinds and lower than the low' I mi l i i- r -kt j 1 i -. i 1-. -i - , . . . ""-. est. xue Diggesu nne oi iouons ever exnioiiea m nocKingnam. Ulothmg in thi latest styles and at the lowest prices ever offered. Hats till you can't rest.. Shoes in abundance. Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery, &c, cheapest ever shown. They are surely as pfceap, if not cheaper, than any goods on the market, and quality guaranteed. ' , I returnthanks to my friends for past patronage and hope for a continuance of th same uuuer mis mof lo : public. - Meat, Meal, Flour, Corn, fyc RECEIVED IN CAR-LOAD LOTS We propose to sell as cheap ai any in the market. Give us a call. LEDBETTER BROS. I like opposition ; I defy competition ! And under no condition, Will I budge from my position As the "Boss Dry Goods Stote." XX. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND TVTOTICE. Having qualified as Ad-J 11 ministrator of J. J. Bennett, dec'd, late of Richmond county, N. C, tins is to notify all persons having cUims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them lk l.n.JnnnnJ 1 f. . U OAlL ' of April, 1890, or this notice di be plead Uillinerv, Fancy Goods and TJotions i vui wa tuiu l v v. j . Jiti '1 OVJ Lin I LI debted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This loth April, 1889. R. H. BENNETT, W. R. COVINGTON, Administrators. Valuable Property for Sale. HALF INTEREST in the Watson store building will be sold cheap. Also J. S. Watson's residence in Rocking ham, and I lot at Rohwrdel. A bargain can be had in this property by applvine at once to A. M. McAULAY. That has ever been shown in the city, consisting of ladies, misses and children's Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed. Lace, Milan, Tuscan1 and all the fancy Braids, in the latest New York styles just from the metropolis. Also a nice line of Hats for small boys. Infants lace Caps from 20 cents tip. Large black and white Straw Hata for 25 cents. Feathers and flowers in all the newest styles. The cheapest line of Ribbons you ever saw from 2 cents a yard up to the finest grades. Gloves, Corsets, Collars, Cuffs, Parasols, Rufflings, Laces, Veiling, Windsor Ties, Jewelry, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Call early and be convinced. Country orders carefully and promptly filled. Thanking the public for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of same. THE LEADING MILLINER, 2 doors east of H . t Do ckery's. THIS SPACE Is Reserved for the New Drug Store, Where You Will Find a Full Stock of Drugs and Chemicals-Fresh and Pure. J. W. CRIFFIN & CO., At Capt Everett's Old Stand. A New Departure! The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT of VJ. T. COVIUGTOU & CO., WHO HAVE IN STOCK A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Gloves, PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, nn TV T 1 RIMMINGS, IN ECKWEAR, JTIOSIERY, And everything else needed by the people of this community, all of which will be sold as low as ny one else will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON & CO. H. Ohio franchisenieht of the one side, and pen, unconditional adrnission 6f the .other". Xhen where rests your boast ed American birthright? You have your, contemptible' autocrat and must submissively bow to his will. In legislation at Raleigh, in county government, our people are enslaved and nand-cuHed. Their rights, prop- EELP THE OLD SOLDIERS. God speed the effort, inaugurated by the VY'Umington Messenger, to erty,' lives, are all at stake, and yet establish a Soldiers' Home in North this remorseless D.emocratie anacon- Carolina. All oventhe State there tla cries ''more?, more, fur all m quick i 3 i-'" . i j j ad . Such legislation, my are cr.ppl.ed, disabled and md.gent friends, is unpardonable, inexcusa- soldiers who gave their strength We, and should be resented by a and. manhopd for the old North free. brave people.'': ." ' . " State, and it is ahamjfql that in the Is it any wonder .that the negroes hour of their" need and in their de are restless and even turbulent when clining years they should be denied ;he white leaders of the Republican substantial aid by those of us who party counsel them' to ''resent'1 the are in a position to extend air and !aws J n.e lan 9- li equivalent for whose benefit, more particularly, o inciting them to a resistance of the they fought the battles of the way aw and to deeds of violence. Such arid Wrought upon themselves the language is seditious and is calcu- afflictions consequent upon th Jated to d,o harm. We marvel that bloody conflict; Pol. D. should' be 60 indiscreet.' '""' Georgia has just contributed 850, ' We do not wo.nder that the negroes 000 for the erection of a Home for are leaving the btate by the hun- the disabled. Conlederate goldierg dreds. , nd yet, in our opinion! it of that State, and we can do the s only to. serve Jjhe ends of the Re- same thing if the proper effort is publican . party, j jynce Harrison made. No effort should be necessa- . b is refused to recognize the negro ry t. the simple'announcement t)f a fie is an elephant otr the hands of the purpose to build such -an institu- Republiean party and they want to t tion ought to be sufficient to brinsHn ;d themselves of him thatisj inthe spontaneous- contributions from all ' ''r gro by Corigresstonal enactment-rit tribulions to the Wilminffton Mess- c li'A ';-.?.uM.H ?ui"V i n(i 1h?y enjgerj or we. wijl keleMure Trt IIa?:hjd may be ieft i jkr"sP V T v " ,'riV" 1 1 omce. Pittsburg, May 10. Reports of damage by last night's storm are coming in to-day from all parts of Alleghany, in fact from nearly every place in Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. The loss, however, cannot be approximated at this time. Farms were washed out. bouses, fences and trees along the banks of the streams swept away, and landslides occurred on nearly every road leading out of Pittsburg. So far but TWO DEATHS FROM DROWNING have been reported. Two children of Conrad Scbaefer, aged 3 and 7 years, respectively, of Spring Garden .Borough, JNortn ot Alleghany, were swept1 away by the flood, and Mr. and Mrs. Shsefer, narrowly escaped meeting the same fate. Their house is located near the Bank of Butch er's Run, the scene of the frightful disaster of 15 years ago, when 200 persons were swept to death by the angry waters. When the banks overflowed last night, the Scbaefer house was mbv ed ujava Us foundation, ! and the family Jeft the house-and sought sneiter under some trees. In running out of the house the children, bpth girls, were caught by ihe current and carried away. Mrs. Shaefer becan?p go frantic on seeing her children in the Run that she got in the watjer gp and was almost arrrwneo. The bodies of the children were recovered. A physician was called to see Mrs.; Scbaefer. but it is not thought she will recover.. Two other cnuaren in the tamijy ijee saved. Humors run riot in the bpod at this season. Hood 8ars.aparUla expels every impurity aud vitalizes auu enncnea ine uiooa. DOCKERY'S o -XX- Having made arrangements with one of the best firms in New York City for the selection and purchase of our stock of Shoes, we are now able to offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in this line. Our Agent watches everv sale and evtrv failnr- unn Un rr. v. rf " J WVWJ MmW VU VU VS verge of bankruptcy and ruin, and sends goods three times a week, I am still in business But too busy Selling Goods and BUYING COTTON to write advertisements. iCome to see me and save money. H. C. DOCKERY. under regular prices. Nice line of Misses' Button Shoes just received, every pair solid at 48c, 53c 68c and up. . Ladies Fine Shoes, button "and lace, 58c, 68c, 73o, 98c, 1 18 and up. - Gents Fine Shoes in Button, , Lace and Congress at 75c, 98c, f 1.-18, pi.o, fi w. vi.ro iiiu up. jviobi, oi inese are gooa, solid goods, warranted. uoi oi uent s uioining, L.adies White Uooda, Ladies, Misses and Children's Straw Hata to arrive in a few days. These are sood aualitv and latest atvW W .iir an extra discount on them and can sell them at a greatly reduced -price. JOHN D. COLLINS, WAGOJST AND BUGGY FACTORY. D. L. SAYLOR, ROCKINGHAM, jST, C, UJadesboro, TJ. C, MANUFACTURER ANDDEALAR IN Wagons and Buggies RICHMOND TRAINING SCHOOL, ELLERBE SPRINGS, JV. C, DeWITT W. ODOM, Principal. A Practinal Summer Gourse for Teachers. No bar-rooms or vices near, aud only one mile from the famous Mineral Springs, thus affording a pleasant, recreative summer for its pupils. - - . ALL GRADES BOTH SEXES. Summer and Fall Term-Wins on -1st Mondav - . v Expenses: . Every Job Warranted. HnrBBshdBing anil Repairing II one at Short NoticB. I will sell you ONE-HORSE WAGONS from $35 to$40. TWO HORSE mauuwo u iow as any one m tins market. 1 MEAN WnAI ISA1 I AM ALSO SELLING THE . j , - - Ihe work is sold tinder a Full1 Guarantee. nex- Pur- Primary Grades, per month, ...V... .,..,..;...M...i. antermeaiate, Normal and Advanced, $2.00. a.oo. "1 Board, including washing, Ac. id students, at $7.00iier month: ' if you contemplate -attending any school, write to the Principal for information, BLANKS AT THIS OFFICE. r f

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