Rockingham Rocket. THURSDAY; JUNjE 120, 1889. ' Church Directory. METHODIST CHURCH Kev! M. L. Woop Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m., and at ai cou r, si, .. Praver-uieeting every Wednesday eveh jncf at 7:30. . Sabbath-school at 3:30 P. M. . . BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. John so;t Pastor. Services 1st Sunday and Thursiiiv night preceding at 7:30 p.-- m. '; and third Sunday at 11 a. M. and 7:30 P. g Services at Cartlidge's Creek 1st Sun day in each month at II a. m. and Satur day preceding at 2 p. m. - - - Sabbath-school every Sabbath at 9 A. M. PEE DEE HEIGHTS M. E. CHURCH Rf.v. F. L. Townsend, Pastor. Serv- iefs at 11 a. ra. on the 1st Sunday arid at $ p. ni. on t he 3rd Sunday in each month. Sabbath-school every Sunday at 9 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHUHCH-Rev. p. . Law, Pastor. Services the 1st Sun av in each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath -school every Sundayat 9 a. m. V. M. C. A. meets every Friday night. THE MAILS. Postoffice opens at 7 o'clock a.m. Mails going W est-on-U. U. Railroad close at 6:3 p it. mails going East closer at 7:15 A. M. Money order department opeirfrom 8 A. U. to 0 P. M. D. M. Morrison, Postmaster. r "-..--. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Once more we remind, you to list vour taxes at once. SoTne very fine peaches are'being brought to our market now. Mr. W. E. Thorn as left Monday for a two or three weeks' sojourn at Cleveland bprmgs. - Cur friends of Laurinburg are I have a $25,000 cotton seed oil mill ii fact which we are glad to note. Dr. W. L. Steele will be absent in attendance at the meeting of the Denial Association at Greensboro from the 24th to the 27th inst. Mr. J. W. Holt, who has been suf fering for some time with liver trou- ble and rheumatism, has gone vto try the virtues of Cleveland Springs. We can print your letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, business cards, &c, as cheap as any office in the JState can do first-class work, and we guarantee satisfaction. We had a pleasant call on Mon day from Prof. Pickett, Principal of Rocky River. Springs-Institute. He pays he was well repaid for his ad vertisement in the Rocket this epring. Mrs. Elizabeth Mclnnis last Sat urday received, through Rocking ham Lodge Knights of Honor, a check for 2,000, the amount of in surance held by her late husband in that Order. Prof. R.'H. Broom, of Jonesboro High School, will deliver an address at the close of Mr. J. C. Wright's school, at Roberdel, to-morrow (Fri day-) night, commencing at 8:30 o'clock. The public invited. "The Shaughraun," advertised to he repeated last Tuesday night for the benefit of the Johnstown suffer ers, was indefinitely postponed on account of the extremely hot' weath er and short nights. Rev. F. L. Townsend has at last received a lot of the new Methodist Hymn and Tune Books of different styles, and they are on deposit and for sale at Dr. W.-M. Fowlkes & Co.'s drug store. See advertisement. The N. C. Teachers' Assembly is in session at Morehead Citv this week. Several persons passed here on the east-bound train luesday morning en route, among them Prof. W. P. and Miss Rosa Andrews of Monroe High School, and Prof. R. L. Smith of Norwood High School, We direct attention to the adver tisement, in another column, of the celebrated Rocky Kiver fcpnngs, in fttanly county. It is not what is called a "fashionable watering place, but for rest and genuine home comfort it is not surpassed, while the water is equal to that of any springs inlhe State. H. C. Wall, Esq., left Monday for I iew York, whence he will emoarK tor hngland as a delegate to the In ternational Sunday-school Conven tion which meets in London July 2nd; that is, if he don't change his notion when he gets to New York. If he does co. The Rocket wishes hini a pleasant trip. We cheerfully give space to the communication of: "Lower Rich mond" this week, not beeause we coincide with what he says, but in a "spirit of fairness, that all may be Jeard. If it would accomplish any- e4l"!:::rra "uouiuc iimi mo nine ui.vuoi art oitt ,i uuvauLt'o euine very enuu us ideas, but 'twould dd no good, however, the people of upper Rich- -una are lully determined to have 'rlt ' uocKingnaniBianua 'd'e and lets it go to some other town, good-bye to her dreams of Wure growth and prosperity. purities of the blood often cause OOlPn G Ml- v. -4U.'. K1 - . -.J . l.l Fl'l -1 , r, llliril 1114 i mm cures an sucn anections O rwl II I OP PfotsD rW. Odom has 'returned from PeabodjrNormal School, Nash-' yille, Tenn:, and will open his Train ing School at Ellerbe: Sptings 'about1 the first of July-; We hepe he will have a large attendance. : A team of mules belonging to Jtfr. - Murray, who hauls for C. W. Brown, Esq., ran away one day last week and smashed up the wagon to which they were attached. But the most seriovJs part of the accident was the breaking ofthe left hind leg of one of the mules. The broken leg was properly splintered, and, as the rauie is young, it may recover. Tile Crop Bulletin for the week ending June 14th shows a verv fa vorable condition- of the croDs throughout the State. The wheat harvest shows an abundant yield, but" it is feared that the oat cron will be light.. There has been a suf ficiency pi rain in -most sections of all the districts, with heavy rains in Halifax,- Wake, Lincoln, Catawba, Mecklenburg and Guilford counties. The 1st inst., was the monthly col lecting day and much-money chang ed hands. If4id other creditors met with more success than the Weekly our sympathies go out to them. IteidsviJle Weekly. We venture the assertion that other creditors, or some of them at least, did meet with more success, brother. It is the newsnaoer man that is "stood off" generally. We have had men to tell us they could not spare the money they owed us, that they had to pay off tueirhands, &c., like the employees of a newspa per office do not have to be paid as well as other folks. Henderson Gold Leaf. i lirSaitai Mia?. 6 - & 117 . ' 1 we are auinorizea to announce that a grand railroad meeting will be held at Little's Mills on Friday, July 12th, and distinguished speak ers will address the meeting:. Ren resentatives will be present from the Richmond & Danville Railroad Co., the Maxton & Salisbury Railroad Co., the Rockingham .& Salisbury Railroad Co.. the Cape Fear & Yad kin Valley Railroad Co., and the Carolina Central Railroad Co.; also the business men of Salisbury, Troy, Wadesboro, Fayette.ville, Wilming ton, Maxton and Rockingham. Come one, come all; a grand time anticipated. 20 to 40. Not satisfied with their former tusse! on the diamond with our bo3's, the Roberdel base ball club chal lenged the Rockingham club for an other came last Saturday, to be played on the grounds of the foi mer clab. Our boys promptly accepted the challenge, and at 3 o'clock Sat urday afternoon quite a crowd went out to Uoberdel to see the tun. At about 4:15 umpire Guthrie called the game, with the Rockingham boys at the bat. Some of the Roberdel boys played well ; others played badly. All of the Rockingham boys were in first-rate trim, and that they did some good playing is attested by the score which stood .40 for Rocking ham and 20 for Roberdel at the close of the ninth inning.. Rockingham's second nine has a standing challenge for the Roberdel club. Death of Mrs. Ha Smallwood. The painful intelligence was re ceived here by telegram last Satur day of the death, at her home in Paris, Tenn., of Mrs. Ida Small- wood, daughter of Dr P. W. and Mrs. Eliza Stansill, of this town. We doubt if there ever lived in Rock ingham a lady more universally be loved than was Miss Ida Stansill, and her death carries sorrow to many hearts outside the family cir cle. Miss Ida Stansill was married to Dr. W. P. Small wood, of Paris, Tenn., in JJecemoer, joo. one reiurueu i-v i 4 r orr m i . i home on a visit in November, 1888, when she was stricken down with a severe illness which culminated in partial paralysis of the body. She so far recovered as to be able to re turn to her Tennessee home in Jan uarv of this year. But she did not regain her strength. Gradually the vigor of health yielded to the en Croachments of disease, and on. the 22nd inst. she quietly passed away - , m it. n the 83rd vear of her age. To the -- t . grief -stricken husband and family The Rocket, tenders sincere condo- lence an(i sympathy. PROMPTNESS. : First a cold, then a cough, then finnan m ti tion then death. ''I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con enmnf im the moment I began to cough, and I believe it saved my 1 i fe -Walter- Nr Wallace, VV ashingtou V - An - Entertainment . Will hi given to-night '(.Wednesday) at Watson's Hallmnder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society trconsit ing of charades, &cv Ice-cream and other refreshments will be served. General admission1' 10 jcents; chil dren, 5 cents. . . ... Why don't the town officers have our streets cleaned ? WiH the cititzens have to raise a private subscription and hire; hands to remove the typhus-laden -filth? It seems so. The road in' front of Mr. W. D. Ussery is in an awfully' bad condition' lined with weeds, rags and. paper. The large revenue derived from the liquor and other taxes ought to be sufficient to keep our town in good trim. The Old Soldiers. . We are requested to state "that all the ex-Confederate soldiers of Richmond county are requested to meet at the court house in Rocking-J ham on the 4th day of July for the purpose of organizing a County Con-' federate Veterans Association. It will be necessary to electa President, Vice-President, Secretary, and an Executive Committee of five. The call is made by Mr. Julian S. Carr, President of the State Confederate Veterans' Association. Death of Mrs. Peter McEas. The long suffering of Mrs. Peter McRae ended last Tuesday morning at 6:10 o'clock when the summons came: "Come up higher." For many years she- was a con sistent member of Smyrna Presby terian church and the end to her was not of terror, but of the fruition in eternity of an exemplary chris tian character on earth. Hers was a life of consecrated piety an illustration of the sustain ing hopes built upon Christianity living epistle known and read among men The deceased was interred at Stewartsville yesterday evening at 4:30 o'clock, when a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives witnessed the last sad rites of her "who is not dead but sleepetb." Laurinburg Exchange. Railroad jacket Correspondence of The Rocket. Dear Rocket : I noticed in a late issue of your Kiner a railroad communication un: the building of a railroad from Bockingham un the Pee Dee. The writer was not concerned at what point below it started from Maxjon. Hamlet or where so itcamein'at Rockingham. He was concerned somewhat about the fateof Laurinburg butthe great point was to strike Rockingham and -then go up the river to Salisbury. To do this he thought a 850.000 or $100,000 subscription the correct thing to do by the county since this section had helped the lower end to a road (the C. C. R. R.) long ano. Now your present correspondent thinks the lower end' helped Rock ingham and the upper folks fully as much, ibey hepled them to the same road, to a court house and jail, and public roads coming in from every point to .our county seat. Ibey did this cheerfully for the common weal but to run up the river (as well as over it, as they have hereto fore done). They think it would be very unwise and impolitic for the county, but might do for the land owners and railroad corporations if they see fit to try it for their own ends and by their oicn means. As to Laurinburg, the lovely town of the Scotch, we think she will do very well without any of that strange sympathy that would ask her for a ruinous tax to help the up-river folks. She already talks of a rail road to cross Lumber river and strike the great net work of railroads to every point of the compass. This, too, without calling for county aid, but she certainly ought to get town ship aid for this great and necessary work, as the township as well as city will be greatly helped by it Maxton, too, is putting out a hand to the help of our county, which we ought cordially to grasp. She does not ask that the whole county help her onlv the townships. She helps in her triumphal march into the great outer world. Surely the town ships through which it passes will . see their opportunity and come eagerly to their own help by helping her. We like Rockingham will build our court house there the up river folks too-r-but let them build their own road. Lower Richmond. We learn from Mr. A. B. Moore that within three days of the past week, E. C. Phillips, Esq., in the neighborhood of Brown s Store Randolph county, lost three of his children from typhoid " dysentery The first died on Friday of last week, and the other two on Sunday of this week. Mr. Phillips has bu two children left and the latest in formation was that they too were not expected to live. Montgomery Vidette. Simon Ellerbe, col., lost $5 last Tuesday which was earned by hard, honest worK Anyone finding it should return it to him as he needs it baaiy. . A Brooklyn Sensation! - There was a great 'deal of excite ment among the; colored people of Brooklyn-last week, over the myste rious movements of alarge rock that has been a Jandinark for a century or less-near the corner of Ninth and S wan n" streets. The rock "got tired, probably, of being half imbedded in dirty "sand , and- used as - a resting place for every5 idle darkey that came along, and ; actually started to CRAWL away at least this is the story told. It had moved but a few feet, however, before the discovery was made that it was "on the go," and the fact was soon noised abroad, resulting in hundreds of frightened and excited colored people flocking to-the! place to see the nioving rock. A woman living in the neighborhood avowed that she saw it moving and that it emitted a souiid like running water. This was enough to start a half dozen others, each of whom made the same statement, and . the excitement was considerably height ened when it was found one morn ing that the rock had actually disap peared -and could not be found any where; in. the neighborhood Wil mington Star. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. A nasal injector free with each bottle of fohiloh s (Jatarrh Kemedy. Destructive Storms in West Virginia. Chicago, June 17. A special from Martinsburg, W. Virginia, says : "A heavy storm passed over the southwest part of Berkley county last night. The terrific gale of wind, that did great damage, was followed by a terrible thunder storm. This was followed by a heavy hailstorm that added greatly to the destruc tiveness. Hail stones lay in places three or four inches deep. Crops and trees are ruined. Live stock was badly bruised and in some instances killed. Several houses and barns were wrecked by the wind. No loss of life has yet been reported. ASAUSXOlir. The child coughed. The mother ran. No remedy was near. Before morning the poor little sufferer was dead. 'Moral: Always keep Dr. Ack ers English Remedy at hand. For sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. A Fifteen Acre Fire. Montreal, June 17. Last night the upsetting of. a coal oil lamp caused a blaze covering an area of 15 acres belonging to the Bushel Oil Refinery at Mile Endl The works are situated alongside the Canadian Pacific Railroad track, and a lare numoer oi ireight cars were soon burned. Surrounding the works are many small ponds, into which the blazing oil ran and formed a num ber of lakes of fire. Loss $30,000. The Virtues ofths Cabbage. Mr. A. D. Parks, one of the crack gardeners of the town, is to the ront among the first with new cab bage and has remembered the Land mark with a contribution from hia crop. Uaooage is not an aristocratic dish but it is mighty lillins and when a man gets loaded up with it le has something to hold to. States- ville Landmark. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold bv Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. Col. Duckery has at last got his sop. it is not large or savoury, out it is a sop. We suspect that like Dickens's "Oliver," our Oliver, the great farmer of the surging, boiling, roaring Pee Dee, will be "asking for more in less than six months after hahas been painfully exercising his brain over Spanish verbs and inflec tions.. He goes as consul to Rio. Thankful for small favors, Mr. Presi dent, please give my a bigger sop soon. Wilmington Messenger. Why will yon cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 1(J cts., 50 cts., and $1, at Fowlkes' drug store. Physicians; Confess;' All honest, conscientious physicianjs who give s. . a. (.Botanic ciooa isaimj a trial, irankiy admits its superiority over ALL other blood medicines. -' Dr. W. J, Adair, Rockmart, Ga., writes : "I regard B. B. B. as one of the best blood medicines." - Dr. A. H. Roscoe, Nashville, Tennessee, writes.: "All reports of B. B. B. are fa vorable, . and its speedy action is truly wonderful." Dr. "J. W. Rhodes, Crawfordsyilie, Ga., writes: "I confess B. B. B. is' the best and quickest medicine for rheumatism I have ever tried." Dr. S. J. Farmer, Crawfordsville, Ga., writes : J.I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a fine tonic alterative. Its use cured an excresence of the neck after other reme dies effected no perceptible good." Dr. C. Montgomery, Jacksonville, Ala., writes : "My mother insisted on my get ting B. B. B. for her rheumatism, ashercase stubbornly resisted the usual remedies. She experienced immediate relief, and her improvement has been truly wondertul. A prominent physician who wishes his fiame not giveu, says: j "A patient of mine whose case' of tertiary .sypauis was surely killing him, and which no treatment seem ed to check, was entirely cured with about twelve bottles of 5. iJ,i ii. tie was tairly made up of skin and bones ahd terrible ul cers." - ".' !; " - Send to The Rocket office fof Job Print ing. . . ' ' . " The Asherille Citizen "referring to the meeting of. the North Carolina Fruit Growers' Association, remarks that the time ia too early for West ern North fJarolina fruit growers to participate to advantage, as much of the best fruit of that section of the State dofs not mature until later. This is true. The exhibit made by" -the Association is really an exhibit or the early fruits and hence must be held as early as it is;- Western North Carolina is famous for - fine apples and vegetables, "and Central North: Carolina" for, fine, apples and late peaches. If a second fair Was held at some central point, it would niake an exhibit worth seeing, and would show "what North Carolina can .do. as a: producer of fine fruits and vegetables of keeping proper ties. Wilmington Star., The Administration at Washing ton should not be accused of treat ing colored men unfairly but the white Republicans of the South have placed themselves on record as square against the negro's having anything. Let the negro demand his -rights. Let him put the blame where it belongs, and let him at the proper time, in a proper way ex press his indignation, and rebuke these men in no Uncertain way. Let us assert our manhood. Charlotte Messenger. WHY WOMEN FADE. Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. D. Ack er's Euglish Remedy for Consump tion is an absolute cure for colds. For sale by Dr. V. M. Fowlkes&Co. ROCKINGHAM MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY W. I. EVERETT, DEALER IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Produce is quoted at buying prices COTTON Middling, f9J Good Middling, 10 BACON Sides, per lb (c7J Shoulders " 68 Hams, " 12ifai5 BEESWAX, 1616J- CHICKENS 15(20 EGG.S, per dozen, 12.V15 FLOUR Country, per sack,. ...2.253.00 Northern, " " 2.50(3.00 Patent, " ...... (3.75 GRAIN Corn, per bushel, 6580 Oats, " 0 65 Peas, " 751.05 HIDES Dry, per lb, 810 Green, " 4(ajo SALT, per Sack, 1.001.20 The Chief Beaton for the great suc eess of Hood's ffiirsaparilla Is found in the article itself. It is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and Bale greater than that of any other sarsapa- Mprit WinQ rilla or bl00d puri" IVieni VYIIIOfier before the public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Eheura and aU Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Xired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drug gists. $1; Six for 5. "Prepared by C. I. Hood b Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Kevy Advertisements. COME AT LAST. rp'TE NEV HYMN BOOK (Method- I iat). (.'all ana examine them at Dr, Fowlkes & Co.- diT.r store Prices accord- to style of biii'liii. as folim Ordinary siA 'i'o cents to $2.0 j : Larger (excellent type), Si. CO to $3.00; with mu sic, $1.00 to $2.50 Sell the finer styles only on o:;er. F. L. TOWNSEND, Roekinnam rocky mm mm, 'Open June First. milE HEALTHIEST, CHEAPEST 1 and bt at ulace to snond the Summer ' xcellcnt board can be had i'or'$20.00 per moiitn. Libera! discount to iamities. A 3 seat covered spring wagon will run from the Springs to Wadesboro and back Monday and Thursday of each week, after July lit, leaving Wadesboro. at 2 o'clock p. m. Round trip, including 100 lbs. of baggage, $3.00 for adults; children aeord ing'to size. For circulars, &c, address. TU. C. FOREMAN, Silver P. O., Stanly county, H. C. 5-Ton Ooiisn Sin Scales, S60 BEAM BOX Brass Tare beam Warranted for 6 Years Freight raid. ' ACENTS WANTED, tee ml for ierms. "JONES HE PAYS THE FREIGHTS For Free Price Lrtst, Address JONES of BINGHA.MTON, Binghamton, K. Y, For Sale. A LOT OP SCHOOL FURNITURE f with all the latest improvements and as good as new. 30 Single Desks. ' 1 Ten -.Foot Recitation Bench. 1 Cane-bottom Revolving Chair. . Will be sold cheap. Apply or write, to ..; Wm. Cabboll, . Rockingham, N. C H ? The Coming MUSIC HOUSE OF THE STATE! . TYf'il t ' - V 1 witn advantages possessed by no otner house in North Carolina, and unexcelled by" any 'in the South,1 we are destined to do the leading P'iano and Organ trade in thia section of this State and a part of South Carolina. . ' We have direct access to manufacturers, and less expense at home and can sell the Best goods for smaller profits m And on easier terms than those who are subjected to city ex penses and a team of traveling men. Besides, we are not dependent upon this trade for a living. Oar large Sewing Ma chine business suppliea that. For particulars address - J. A. WRIGHT, Rockingham, N. C, NOTICE. I have impounded a steer which has been on my place for two or three months past. He is about years old and has dark-spotted foreleg3 and red spots on head and neck. Has horns about 6 inches long. The owner can get the animal by calling on me and pay ing all damage. A. P. COVINGTON, June 7, '89 Rockingham, N. C. - Ttakigh; J. 6., Importers and Retailors of DRY GOODS. The Great SUMMER DRESS GOODS. We are prepared to supply a large demand for materials of very light texture for mid-summer wear ; just the weaves we can recommend AS THE M03T DESHSABL3, for the reason that they combine lightness, coolness and firmness, Viz: Tamise, (Jon- vent Canvas, Silk Warp Challies, Dress j veilings, Printed Mohairs, French and American Challies, genuine China Pongee, Printed India Silks, Ac. Complete Mail Order Department with ail the machinery for filling orders, by competent men. N. B. On all orders amounting to $5, or more, we will deliver goods by mail or to the nearest express office FREE OF CHARGE. W H & R S Tucker L Ca.,. Raleigh, JV. C. H. S LEDBETTER B. S. LEDBETTEB, JB. LISDMSffiR CROTliniS . Have in tore a i COMPLETE STOCK OF OF ALL KINDS, AND Farm Supplies, to which they invite the attention of the public. Meat, Meal, Flour, Corn, e RECEIVED IN CAR-LOAD LOTS We propose to sell as cheap as any in the market. Give us a call. LEDBETTER BROS. Mi 1. C. Dry hh fa! Dr. M. Fowlkes & Co t ROCKINGHAM, N. U. Pure MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, TRUSSES, SH0UL DER BRACES, CANDIES, STATIONERY, PAPER, PENS, INK,&c. Letter Paper, Clank Books, Receipts. Checks, Fine f nfectians, &c BUIST'S FRESH GARDE? SEEDS. The Best Soda and Mineral Water and Milk Shakes I- - Phvsicians' PrescriDtions carefully oomnounded st all hours, dav or nicht. o iamauta wS pirc'oMMEDEDPv FFT"5iciAis. tion at lowest prices fine diamond Ringst ElV GRK ACKETt NEW GOOT)S ' " " ""' p" Coming in every day. . Although this is the dullest season of the year, U takes.daily arrivals to supply the demands of our trade. We buy bar gains for cash and at a small per cent, and sell only for cash. Hencetv as we lose nothing on bad debts we can afford to put prices down to-" ROCK BOTTOM. Among our daity arrivals we shall place before the. people some Land slides which cannot be excelled;1 prices which will' show you the dhV ference between the cash and the" credit system between the right and the wrong way. We believe in the old maxim, "Quick sales .and small profits." Never hold goods for long profits but shove thetn'ofF cheap for cash, and keep things moving. . New line Ladies' Hose, . 4c, 5c, 7c and up; Gent's Half-Hose, 4c, 5c and up also full line better quali ties; Gent's Linen Collars, 4 cents and up ; Ladies' Collars, 1 cent and' up; Blacking, 1 cent per box; Spool Thread, 200 yards, 1 and 2 cents; Coats' Thread', 4 cents. New line of Torchon aud Oriental Laces, 1 cent and up; variety of Swiss Embroid eries and Flouncings; new lot Lace Window Curtains, all prices; Ham burg Edgings 2 cents per yard and up; Figured Lawns, 4 J cents and up. Ginghams, latest styles, Piques, India Linen, Victoria Lawns in abundance. Just received a full line of Fine Woolen Dress Goods for Summer wear. As these goods,just received, were bought late in the sea sou we can offer them at reduced ' prices. New line of Corsets at 25c. and up. Big drive in Ladies' Trim med and Untrimmed Hats, latest styles. Full line of Seersucker Coats and Vests, Moleskin Pants, &c. Shoes, coarse and fine, for gents and ladies, fully 25 per cent under regular prices. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes 5o els and up; gent's Gaiters 75 cts and up. We. are offering la dies fine shoes, worth $2.50, at $1.63. Gents $3.50 Shoe for $2.83. Um brellas, Valises, &c, cheap. Call early ; we will save you casfesf Very. Respectfully, J. IX COLUNS, New York Racket. Come and see the most perfect Otling stock of Clothing ever shown in this State. Look at our PATENT, BREECHES We fit your pocket book. All of our goods are marked in plain fig ures. ' . 15 East Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Valuable. Property for Sale. TTALF INTEREST in the Watson store building will be sold cheap. Also J. S. Watson's residence in Rocking ham, and 1 lot at ILoberdel. A bargain can .be had in this property by applying at once to - A. M. McAULAY. Drug's, PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES & DYE-STUFFS' TOILET AND - ' FANCY ARTICLES, CIGARS, TOBACCO AND . CIGARETTES.;; ' SPECTACLES, AT. ALL PRICES. Ladis and Gents GOLD" AND -?B&VER' WAAunJK, ana uioccs - wia -.wresp-- u.- warranieo. jJCiVvrjijrki.oi every qm Pins, Studs, cc. r'."-:'-- -s-2&--?'$ IT Fl WEI!

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