- H 4 t V - V- fx - ''. T ,. . . . - : . ' ' "- HIM I II .11 " ft 1 1 ' Rbcldnham - Rocket. - 3Et. "W. KNIGHf, Eetrtco" aal-Proprietor fT ; iT, . , " 1 -. QVFR CA.PT. EVEftET'S NEW STORE . - ' gtTBSCBIPTION RATE : 43 HA VfiST..oMl4.M4iMMoi Six montlap, 7. a.... . -Three montts,.. ... .40 All Subscriptions .'-accounts, must :be -paidm advance, v ' 7 . , , 1 8 Advertising' rates furbished on ap plication." V" ' ''. ' " ' -: . ' 1 - PutiLreHEb Every Thursday NOWIS OUR CHANCE. Elsewhere i1lie found the ;open letter of -Mr.. J. T. Patrick, ex-Corn-; missioner of. Immigration for North Carolina-Haow Chief of one .of the most important branches of the Southern Inter-State Immigration ureauJ : We join - with Mr. Patrick in urging the people of. bur section to' see ; to' it that fine display of .'ro&and grass is sent in at once to the Secretary at- Raleigh. We shall iegiad to receive from our- farmers fine specimens of grain and grasses f every variety, and see that it is 'cent to: Raleigh' as directed ; but do not let ali depend on collecting and sending in what is asked for. If you 'receive a . request , from Mr, Patrick ie sure to do what you can to com ply with it ' Many people seeking homes, will -visit the Display, and those sections Which have the -most complete ex hibits, especially of grain and grasses, will reap the largest reward ; while thai sections' which, do not. heed the advice and show little enterprise by tiot having any display need not ex pect any results from the efforts now being mad. All people acknowledge we are overstocked with idle lands. That We need more manufacturing enter prises, :and that new settlers with means adcl to the prosperity of our native people ; but in most sections the people do not in any way try to eek the remedy for hard times that 'we are all sure would redound to cur benefit. ' "Now, that the public spirited cit izens of Raleigh have, offered us the Chance of exhibiting what we have 5to attract people, and without the expenditure of a single dollar, we do hope every section of this State yes every county will be handsomely shown up. Recollect that it is im portant to show what kinds of grain and grass grow and thrive in our Soil. ' . N the suggestion Mr. Patrick as to issuing special editions of the county newspapers goes to show us more Conclusively thari ever that he know the true way of advertising. We vnl take the advice of Mr. . Patrick and make the canvas at once, as there is no tinV to be 'lost. The display at' Raleigh is to be a "Hustler."" They propose. to show that there is pluck, energy and get up in the South ; and that in four months,r time a grand success can and'will be made. This is going to be prie of the best chances for adver tising our resources and we propose on our part to lend every assistance to have this county and section fully represented- ' We say to the business men and our sabscribera generally, we dp not propose to make any money out of the' special edition. If we can get Anything like cost we shall be satis fied'; for we know that the advertis ing arid building up of this section means the building up ol every Interest and industry of the bounty,' 'and the enhancing of every person's property and the placing ofiie money outside money, into every ooays nanas. inereiore we are Willing to do our part. - LaTirinbtrs Notss. . ' Friday, morning, June 29th, found: quite "a large number of our towns people on the road to Spring Hill Academy to join in - the joys and enjoy the festivities of the. occasion which makes memorable the close . fit. P-ClL :., lfol TiDQCSlf T?. . ...... ' . - l O . U . M McLean's popular scnooi; , opt nigr Hill is situated in the extreme easr tern part of the county, in one-of theold renowned Scocth settlements, and is .characterized by the great number of teachers, lawyers, and honor this and other counties with their inteligent, hightoned demeanor and efficient: service, xiere sianus i-u i5H,u,uiiiJ brick building, where for .nearly the last half century the Spring Hill Literary and Tem perance association has held its sessions, and here nas. been sown the seeds of character and usefulness which have borne fruit on thenar m, at the legal bar, in the pulpit, and in that honorable, vet arduous and responsible -posi- -j tion of instructor. We shall, say nothing of the addresses offered and accepted or rejected among the young people who graced the occa sion and I of course furnished the beauty and vivacity, and made the grove at times take on a flower gar den appearance. As to the address of the Honorable Thomas' H. Sutton of Fayettvi.lle, the orator of the day, whose subject was "character," we have only to say it would have been appreciated on any occasion and before any audience where intuli gence, refinement and a high tone of morals prevail. The manner in which the address was appreciated was shown by the ringing applause which was continued while a beau tiful bouquet of flowers was presen ted by a lovely little girl. Miss Sarah Purcell, chosen to perform this service, which was rendered with such delicate grace as to ellic it no small part of the applause. Mr. Sutton will be remembered by many in all paTts of the state as one of the most faithful and efficient workers in the last sessions of our general assembly. The Spring Hill Literary and Temperance associa tion is said to be the second oldest temperance organization in the Uni ted Stated and stands as a monu ment to the credit of the eturd Scotchmen whose sons are follow ing the fathers marked out by the footprints of their honorable sires, and the bounteous repasts enjoyed here annually for many years are proofs positive that there is a pow er behind the scenes as great as the power of spartan mothers of old, for the hand that rocks the cradle shapes the charater, and tempers the spirit for usefulness. RrcnKOND. A number,of letters havingbeen re- tceived from rilrdadmenand others, desiring to attend the Railroad Meet ing orrthe 12th of July; it : has .been deemed advisable-to chanere' the place of ro eeli n g fro ni Li til e's M tl 1 s to Rockingham, as intlicatiohs'poinf to a much larger attendance than was at first expected. Several protni- nent speakers, Iwiye been jnvited to address the meeting, an.dsomethuig tangible will be dono.;,, Come, every body !.: "'tT. : : " J. -Mi:. GRIEEIN & GOMPAW'S rua: tore - Everett's Old 3tand.. Ths StdlivaiEilraini'Pight. - ; New Orleans, June 27. Regard ing the Governors proclamation against prize fighting in Louisiana it may be stated that the managers of Kilrain never contemplated hav ing tile battle ground withifrthe ju risdiction of this State. Bud.Iten.aud who has charge. of the afia1r,.said last ight that the proclamation would not interfere with the ar rangements made.. Harding and Stevenson were' interviewed as to the effect of the proclamation. They concumd fully.ia the opinion that it could have no possible effect on the meeting of Sullivan and Kilrain, as they never, intended locating the ring within thejurisdiction of Louisi ana, consequently they feel no spe cial interest in the matter. ' . i no 1 -a - fmvba nice and ib ell s elated stoclc-of - Mre :DrugSf Medicinss, P aints Oils and Varnish. ' Tietf Articles- m 'great variptr.; Exjw'site home-made Cologne: Cigars, Cheroots,. Cigarettes1' nd Tobacco. 7 Jewelry; Stationery, &c. We propose tofsell goods, for reaa onaWe prices. " - " ' . : ' , . - fi OUJi PRESCIilPTIOISr DEPARTMENT is complete and is in charge of an experjen6ed Pharmacist, and We are-prepared to fill Physicians'. Prescriptions and PamilyReceipts both day-and night. : - " - We: ask a. share of. the patroitase of the nood people of Rockingham and country, and hbp. by strict attention to our business and politeness to our customers to merit a iioerai jgaare oi craue. ixesmcnue m vjuvingiuu b uncumg. J. K. MclLHENNY, Manager. in the combination, proportion, and preparation of its ingredients, Hood's Snrsaparilla accomplishes. cures where other preparations entirely fail. Peculiar in its good name at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad,"' peculiar in the phenome nal sales it has attained, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most successful medicine for purifying the blood, giving strength, -aim creating an ap-J peine. Waitings and Lace Curtains ! An Elegant Line of Mattings at 15c.7 18c.? 224c, 33ic. and 50. cents. Lace Curtains at $2.50, $2.75, $3.50, $4-00, $5.50, $5.00, $6.00 and up, (per window). Everything In .Summer Wsishablcs at H. BARUCH'S. Will be glad to receive or ders for any of the: above ,iamed goods or anything in the Dry Goods Line. tV7vA f-M rs-ns THE HABERDASHER will sell Neckwear, Flannel i iUiis &jKfc Overshirts, Hats of every description, and everything m his line astonishmjiiy lor. Very Respectfully, June 12th, 18S0-tf JULIAN II. LITTLE, 36 Trvon Street, Chaviott, N. Th3 E9ad at Johnstown. Johxstowx, Pa., June 29. Philip Flinn vyas today ordered by Col. Douglass to lay off 6o0 workmen. This leaves only 2-50 to work. The authorities have taken the cleaning np. of Kernville. The sub-committee appointed to secure an accurate account ot the living and dead has filed its report. The report, however,. is as unsatis factory as any, of the preceding re ports. ' It is as follows: Fifteen thousand, lour hundred and fifty-five men, women and children have been registered as survivors, which include 420 heads of families. The morgues1 have ac counted for over 3,000 bodies found while the registration reports show onlv 1.3o3 as the total number of lives lost. The committee offer as an excuse for the discrepancy, that they have not been allowed sum cient time to properly cover the ground, and that a part of the, in- Jormation given them was incorrect. There are but few people here who estimate the loss -of hie und.erlu,uuu The citizens afe very, indignant at the last retraction in the working forces, and have requested that the force be increased instead ot reduc ed. v A Pearfol Storm. Mrs. Richard Neville, sister of Mr." Buck PitUnan, was killed by light ning at her home about six miles west of Enfield, in the Heathville neighborhood, last Thursday. She had been out of doors, "and seeing the storm approaching, she went in to the house, followed by her son, who is about ten voars old. Just as she entered the house and was standing near the fireplace lightning struck the chimney and killed her. She . lived a short time after the snock, but was unconscious until she died. The bov. who was onlv two or three feet behind her, was un injured. Weldon News. For -Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloli's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. Near Old Hundred one day lasst week the mighty champion and suc cessful hunter of the Sandhills, Mr. Westville Quick, who has made a glorious record for the capture of everything he attempted from the gentlest to -the fiercest, met a foe worthy of his steel. It was a bald eagle sitting on the ground, which, when first 'approached by its ag gressor, receded sullenly a short dis tance and then made a defiant stand, as if ready for an attack. The hero of many a Sandhill battle ac cepted the challenge, and, advanc in on this king of the feathered tribe, after a hot contest he killed it with a lightwood limb. The eagle measured 7 feet from tip to tip. Laurinburg Exchange. Wc 'become more anxious to close out seasonable goods foranolher season's stock, and to do this we must knife the stock on hand. So we have marked down every th'insto close them out for the cash. One line of Challios we mark at G'cts former price Sc. our 20c Challies at 15c yd, our 2c Challies at 20c. the two last are novel Challies. We have a few pairs of Bazoo Zephyr Shirting left. We put them to vou now at ti, these goods are very desirable tor the summer season, only a few pairs left. We have a fine line of Ladies' and Gentlemen shoes of the best make. Will close them all out at lower prices than here tofore. In fact we will sell you every thing lower than ever- forthe money. We have just received another line of white India Linon Lawn and Bared Nainsook from the lowest to the finest. -Also Pink and White mosquitto netting. We have on band a lot of pants for men we will close out at from 50c to 1.25, good value, cott more to get them up but we put the prices so a to move them. ;;s;EYORK Opening off Spring Goods. - All the latest shades and styles in Spring Millinery and Dress Goods, v We' are offering one of the largest stocks- of Millinery and Drew Goods ever rU. in this section, and "prices quoted are much lower than you can find elsewhere. . Our line of Wats, a lowers, Feathers, rlibbons and Millinery Inmmmgs is comply " and prices are below wholesale. We have some jobs that, will stun you. Come and see for yourself. 'v -. - DRESS GOODS. Henriettas, Mohairs, Plaid and Striped Nainsdoks, Chambrays, single ond rlr.ni.u width Wor&teda and Challies, White Goods, Lawna, Ginghams, (we are offerincr tv,, at 8 and 10 cents), and manv others too numerous to mention. Trimming tomatA all oiir goodsT on these we defy competition. Mptibnsfd3c. A' full line of Notions at Racket prices. Beautiful line of Hamburgs from Scent up. Pins and Needles 1 cent a paper. - u ! All we ask is for you to give us a call and see for yourself. Thanking you for past favors we solicit a conthruance of the same. . " MRS, SUE P. SANDF0ED & CO. Is replete with everything in the line of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Satines, Lawns Piques, Nainsooks, Muslins, Summer Worsteds of all kinds and lower than the low est; The biggest lin of Notions ever exhibited in Eockingham. Clothing in the latest styles and" at the lowest prices ever offered. Hats till you can't regt. fcrhoes ia abundance. Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery, &c, cheapest ever shown. They are surely as cheap, if not cheaper, than any goods on the market, and quality guaranteed. ' return thanks to my friends for past patronage and hope for a continuance of th same under this mot to : - I like opposition ; I tlefy competition ! And under no condition, Will I budce from my position As the "P.oss Dry Goods Store.'' THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AMD EMiiliinerjf,, Fancf Goods and Notions July 1.1S59. 32- :. Russell. RICHMOND TRAINING SCHOOL, ELLERBE SPRINGS, jY. C. DeWITT TVr. ODOM, Principal. A Practical Summer Course for Teachers, bar-roo:r.s or vices near, and only one mile from the famous Mineral Springs, thus' affording a p!eaant, recreative summer for its pupils. ALL GRADKS BOTH SEXES. Summer and Fall Term begins on 1st Monday in Julv. Normal Course continues 12 wetks. The best of Teachers will be employed and 'wo will do thorough work in all department?. Expenses Primary Grades, per month, Intermediate, " Normal and Advanced, Board, including washing, itc, to students, at $7.00 per month. If you contemplate- attending any school, write tothe Principal for information. 2.G0. 2.50. 3.00. NICHOLS. ab Carriages. Babj? Carriages. Are you weak and weary, over worked and oppressed? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to purity .your diooci and give you strength. WOOL iiJkHTED ! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES will be paid for Wool, by W. I. EVERETT. - I V .' Tulare, Cal., June 29. A man V? ' " named- Egan, suspected, being : a , - . burglar, was taken froncL .jail .at mid '' hight Thursday night by a 'gang ol ? ;.''. '' .12 tneri: They pjheed a rope'arodnd :-V" V:- Iiia'necli, dragged hith 'toi a tree; and : ; " ' ' f iskM linn to confess, ireprotested ;. - '7.lis'jftnocence, but lie asstrungup. -r r .Hd-was 'let down alter hanginff tintii '-:':';;;'-' '::;HdrIyead.and again asked to ? 'i iiiakeVa confession. He refused and - v; 'va8-jfl Second time hoisted in thenir.- 'yf-'':$:J begged for mercy v : iyntl'wa8takn back to hisfeell. The - -l : T-rrtWtraEecaurted aiBensation as- there :tf vl;4s 6nlrsusjiic0n against him. ; -rS- nf' ix o' 5r-"!!f!3'" reported, the '-: ' a .;ras u'nd?as .WnS' i-' also seyernL THIS PAPEH 'rMg1 For Saie. Minneapolis, June 23. A Rusb- ford, Minn.. Special says: A com-"' Lined cyclone, water-spout and hail storm passed from one to five miles of here last night, destroying every thing in its path, a helt two mile wide in the "path way oflhe storm for thir--Jy miles in length is absolutely lai'd waste, trees Ifeing as Lare of .leaves as hi winter. The loss-by the storm cannot fall much below $10,000. Itnxivense treestwo feetqr fore in diameter, have-been" torn up ami twisted off. For two miles in width merciless! bail' pelted "everything in to the crourrd. It crossed the rail-' road track where section men were" at work, jirid they say; that bail fell fully as large, as a Iman's An . d re w; Fisczco, v "b f, : jdcatk n , m drowned . in- tbe flood . Another d ro wnin g is reported -from II o ti sto n . A LOT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE, XI. with all the latest improvements and as fjood as neV. 30 Single Desks. i ion-roopi-iecnation.jjenc.il. 1 Cane-bottom Revolving Chair. Will be sold cheap. Apply or writo to "VVji. Carroll, Rockingham, N. C. An elegant lino of Baby Carriages just received. All styles and shades to suit everybody. Please call and see them. My stock is now complete in every respect, viz: Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Beds, Mattresses, Safes, Tables, Lounges, Chairs, and everything in a first-class Furniture House. Goods sold on the installment plan, weekly payments. Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. TThe oldos t Undertaking House in the citv.l Prepared to conduct funerals in'the very latest st vie and at, the lowest price. Embalming either in or out of the city. Orders promptly attended to day or night.. iNiorht Call Central Hotel or 410 N. Poplar. 17 West TradG Street, Gharlatte, N. C. Mew Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Full Supply of New Vehicles of all kinds. Canopy-top spring wagons for pleasure parties, ionics, drummers, etc. Hack line to the depot to meet all trains. Horses boarded by the day, week or month at Valuable Property for Sale. TTAL1' JLi the Watsoh oi encap, irTEIJESTrm building will be Also J. K". Watson's residcnce'-'in llrrclunsr- hnni. autl 1 lot at RoljerdclT A bargain can ,t: bad in thus property bv apntvi-'.' at ncr- to A. M. McAULAl'. Also dealer in Buggies. IT IS WITH That we direct the attention of Merchants and Farmers to our GREAT REDACTION and the LARGEST SALE OF. THE SEASON to make preparation for our large ring purchases tnatare being manutactured expressly lor us, and to make room tor .':''-:;-:'-gi!xleT -pieceisiTr-Stanly Observer; 1 1 urbsaiif ijhwmi ( w Klsnioelbt. Where a i vurviBln . 2srOIlTH CAROLINA,; ", -' i Richmond Cox:nty. J The Board' of County' Commissioners "will meeib at the Register's office in the" town "of Rockingham on the second Mon day in July (8th day) to revise the tux list tor 18S9 and complete the same. All per sons objecting to the valuation .of ttieir property will.be heard on that day. ; -And tor the tran.saet.ion of other business, . ; . By order of the Board. ; . ; -- , " . ;v ' Jso.-A. Nicholson',4 Cfcrk. -., . .July i, isy. : ; these qoods v(e offer'for the next thirty 4a"3 only Otie lot. men's black Corkscrew Suits at " Fancy Cassinjcre Suits at a . it - it u Fancy Cheviot 5 25 5 75 ' 6 75 7 50 " .' 9 25 -10 25 12 75.. 12 25 : A FEW ODD LOTS of Boys' and Children's. Suits recardless of cost.'"-A few odd lpts ot Men s and ioy a uvercoats regardless ot cost. . . ' .' . - Kespectfuily, . .. .. tc Fancy Cassitncre Suits at 1?IIE pNE-PRIGEf CLOTHIERS That has ever been shown in the city, consisting cf ladies, mioses and children's H and tfonnets, trimmed and untnmmed, Lace, Milan, Tuscan and all tbe fancy Bra m the latest JNew l crk styles just from the metropolis. Also a nice line of Hats small boys. Infants lace Caps from 20 cent? up. Large black and white StraV H for 2o cents, feathers and flowers in allthe newest styles. The cheanest Ymc. libbens you ever saw from 2 cents a vard un to the finest erodes. Gloves Cow Loilars, lulls, .Parasols, Kummgs, Laces, v eihng, Windsor lies, Jewelry, and other artieles too numerous to mention. Call early and be convinced. country orders caretuuy and promptly nued. Thanking the public for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of same. ids, aa of manv THE LEADING JIIIJ-INER, 2 dnors east of H. C. Dockery's. The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT off 17. T. COVIKGTON & CO., WHO HAVE IH STOCK A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Gloves, PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Trimmings,-.N eckwear, H o si ery, And ererythinj; else needed by the people of this community, all of vfhicli will be sold as low as any one else-will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON &CO. -n- I am still in business -r But too busy Selling Goods and BU XING COTTON to write advertisements. Come to see me and save money. H. C. DOCKER Y. WAGON AND BUGGY FACTORY. D. L. SAYL0R, Wadesboro, U. C, MAliUFACTURER ANDDEALABIS j . gons and Buggies. " Every Job Warranted. Wa HnrsealioBing an d R cp airin gE one at Short NoticB' I wiH selV vou ONE-HORSE WAGOKS from $35 to $40. TWO-HOBp? WAGONS as low.as any one.in". this "market. I MEAN WHAT I ' ' V ' '. :' I AM ALSO SELLING THE Celebrated Colombns Buggy, also" tbe ingle Center Spring Baggy, both stand celled in quality, and at the bottom:tscale in price. See me before you make a 4ch.ase. The work is sold jaiider'a Fulf Guarantee. -.- BLANKS AT THIS OFFICE. . s y . :

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