irds : and u: -Orot Perkinson, Miss Ella Edwards"; Tk.1 lUlvillJi llcXJ.Il XiUUivvyU. I it Tnnoa were - na m nnh en- titled tu belief as Dr. Gnssoraand im . : ... k i a-v.:-;;- -Office: QVFR CAl?Tr: EVERETT S NEW STORE. .v JsusqiiPTiQN bates: One year,..1tvw!-v-; $1-50 Bix months, 7o Three months, " -.40 All subscriptions accounts must be paid, in advance. Advertising raxes. iraiuBu uu ap plication. - Published Every Thursday. DE. GEISSQM ACQUITTED, " After a month of taking of testi mony, squabbling over pointsof law, and" speech-making, Dr. Eugene Grissom, Superintendent of the Raleigh Insane Asylum, has been acquitted of the charges for which witnesses, with-the. Rogers leuers thrown in, which we never, did be lieve ought to have been admitted, yet we never had the slightest idea that Grissom would bo found guilty hy the "jury" before , whom he was tried. We honestly believe-that thev went there biased in favor of Grissom and remained so through the trial, and it was simply trying a man before a set of men who had made up their minds to clear him when they hrst sat down to near the case. We think more strongly now that Whitaker and Waddell, and their clients and witnesses had , just as well have remained at home. We have never seen a more one sided set of men in our life. Golds- boro Mercury. We were in our last issue mislead by the evidence, which appeared in one of the Raleigh papers. Later in the week we had more time to ex amine into the testimony, and was he was tried by- the directors of that convinced as the minority of the jnofitntmn Board that the evidence in the case We know none of the parties, and ?"slfneana Parl 01 9 i,Tg ? ' " y r r ' that. T)r (Irissnm should have been i t -i . a . r a i -w, - - - speaic only Tor ine mteresi oi me expelled from the asylum. Durham State when we say tuat ine veraict Recorder was a surnrise and aeainst the better - w ,,., . . ... .11 iudcment of the whole neopla without saying any tmng as to tne , i : l . : r r t :nA ; eunior inuuueuueui any one oi u mii T I orlft phurofl wnniATPr thf fnrt. that. mind, before half the testimony was u i investigation has been made fev- taken, that Dr. Grissom was guilty en-granting that there was no cause of cross immorality. We believe so for it), demands a thorough clean ing out. uive us a clean sweep We believe nothing else will be ac ceptable to the people at large." Henderson Gold Leaf. If the Raleigh Asylum is to be maintained as an asylum Dr. Gris som will have to be removed from the Superintendcy. The people will still, and, think the evidence bears us out in the opinion. We do not believe thaf he really meant to be cruel to patients, but his treatment in some instance was harsh to say the least. No doubt it was necessa ry oftentimes to use very vigorous means to sabdue violent patients, not submit to having such a stigma but it snouia nave been done witn on the institution as would neces a firmness free from Dassion. But sarily rest upon it with him at its w. n, rTr;M,m ot timo w head. The verdict of the people is ,. .; , ., already made up. If the verdict of ms xemper ii aoes noi necessarily the Baard doe8- t coincide with follow that he was cruel. tbat that of the people, it is only As to the misappropriation of question of a short time until the supplies of the institution it was latter verdict will prevail clearly shown that Dr. Grissom at times appropriated some small arti cle of diet to his own use, yet we believe him to be an honest man so far as his dealings with men go. We do not think he would defraud any man' out of a dollar in a busi- i i i i pess transaction, yet ne naq no right to use that which did not be long to him, even if he did not try to conceal me iact irom his em ployees. It was not right, though strictly construed could not be A BOY'S CRIME, Ha Murders Sis parents at Midnight, Chicago, July 27. A Times' special from Mason City, Ipwa, says: Wednesday flight in - Elk township, " Clayton county, West Elkins, but little more than eleven ears of age, murdered hisrfather and stepmother. After committing the crime he took his infant sister in a carriage and drove four miles to a neighbor, reporting he had discov ered his parents murdered and fled to preserve his own and his sisters life. Yesterday he confessed the partricide, to Judge Hatch. West Elkins related the story of his crime. He had had. some difficulty with his-fathei. The night of the murder he slept in the barn. Be tween 2 and 3 o'clock he got up and went into the house and took down the rifle which was hanging in the kitchen, loaded it and went into the room where his father and mother and sister were sleeping. "I placed the muzzle of the rifle near my father's head," he says, "and sent a bullet through his brain. This. frightened my mother and she arose and knowing that I was discovered, I went into the kitchen, seized a club, went back into the bedroom and killed my mother. I stayed around the house about thirty minutes, then decided to arouse -the neighbors. I took the baby from the bed where it had laid between its dead mother and father, took it into an adjoining bed room, removed its bloodstained clothing and with it in my arms went to the neighbors and related the crime that had been committed, but shielded my6elf. I am guilty of the crime." J; W. GRIFEIN & COMPANY'S Iew ISrii tore. V Everett's Old Stand. NEW YORK- Opening of Spring Goods. We have a nice and well selected stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,, Oils and Varnish. Toilet Articles in great variety. Exquisite home-made Cologne. Cigars, Cheroots, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Jewelry,. Stationery, &c. We propose to sell goods for reas onable prices. ' figy OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is complete and is in charge of an experienced Pharmacist, and we are prepared to fill Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts both day and night. We ask a snare of the patronage of the good people of Rockingham and country, and .hop, by strict attention to our business and politeness to our customers, to merit a liberal share of trade. Residence in Covington's dwelling. J. K. MclLHENNY, Manager. T.lattings and Lace Curtains ! An Elegant Line of Mattings at 15c., 18c, 22ie., 33t c. and 50 cents. Lace Curtains at $2.50, $2.75, $3.50, $4.00, $5.50, $5.00, $6.00 and up, (per window). Everything in Summer Washables at H. BARTJCH'S. Will be elad to receive or ders for any of the above named goods or anything in the Dry Goods Line. From now on in his line astonishingly low. All the latest shades and styles in Spring Millinery and Dress Goods, We are offering one of the largest stocks of Millinery and Dress Goods ever v in this section, and prices quoted are much lower than you can find elsewhere Our line of Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons and Millinery Trimmings is row and prices are below wholesale. We have some jobs that will stun von C plet see for yourself. ' 3 Come nd DRESS GOODS. Henriettas widtli Wois at 8 and 10 all oar goods ; on these we defy competition .Mohairs. Plaid and StriDed Nainsooks Chambrara i teds and Challies. White Goods. Lawns. Gingham c4c a ou.b'- i I . ' - -'-.""Cling th( .uva v uujcis luu uuiiiciuus lu mennon rim mi"gs to matcll Motions, cfbo. Doctor Rogers should also be investigated. Newton Enterprise, We have this to say, with much confidence in our ooininion, the people want a new administration of affairs at the North Carolina In sane Asvlurn at Raleigh. They want a Superintendent and a second assistant physician there above sus picion or reproach. No man knows what day God may deprive him of nis 'reason, and he may have to take up his abode in that asvlurn for treatment. This thought comes to all of us, and none can conceive called dishonest beoause he made oi a greater hell on eaith than the n oflfrsrt tn if confinement in a mad house, tortur Hilt wnor nnoc onH cHrkfilrl I J demn Dr. Grissom most in the public perintendent. Dr. "Grissonrs own rnkid is the licentious liberties he evidence convicts him of cruelty and took and attempted with some ?n ungovernable temper. If there fmrla omw0e f f K a noim I is one on eann mai ousmiio receive guiaiv v. 1 1 j vjj .v,q vi vuo acuuui. Ill 1 " I 1 r . i i heart and human minds can j;fTord. in. t - i a T " -ii ... ' w e nope mat, ur. unssom win re- u is the poor unfortunate insane. heve the people of his presence at banford Express. the head of the Asylum, by hisres Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Shildh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes& Co. Are you made miserable bv indigestion. constipation. Dizziness. los3 of aonetite. vellow skin ? Shiloh's Vital ;zer is a nosi- ivo cure. Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. Ignation. The people want a man as Superintendent who can control his temper, and one who is not in the babit of kissing women in a ''father ly manner." Below we append some opinions, taken at random, from the State press : Dr. Grissom was acquitted on the charge of gross immorality by a vote of 5 to 3, and on the charges of cruelty to pmtients and misappro priation of public supplies by a vote of six to two. This is the ver diet of the board of directors : but the verdict of that other "jury of his peers, the intelligent peopleof North Carolina, will, in our 1 . . ILL . "t, if Dr. unssom s testimony does not uuuiy in manner ana lorm as help him out very much. He ad- charged in the indictment." Doc mits so much of the testimony of tor Grissoaj ought to resign : and the prosecuting attorneys that his the osculatory demonstration of statement could well be, taken as a "sympathy" should be forever corroboration of the whole of theirs, banished from our charitable insti Matters have doubtless gotten into tutions. a very bad way at the Raleigh Asy- Five to three, within one vote of a lum, which every body who has read I tie, aoes not place ur. ijribsom the reports of the investigation where he ought to be, above suspi greatly regrets. Newton Enterprise, cion, if he expects to remain in the - position ne now noias. In our opinion enough has been For the good of the Insane Asy proven to warrants the removal of lum, for the good of the State, for Dr. Grissom' from the Superintend- , ency of the Asylum. The man' who occupies this position should be above the shadow of suspicion, and that is just what Grissom is not in the minds of a very large number pf the citizens of North Carolina. Wadesboro Intelligencer and Messenger. his own good, we' repeat, Dr. Gris som shoula loJlow the examn e ot K Dr. Rogers. Wilmington Star. Buckieu's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the. world for bruises cuts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum.. fever sores tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns; and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required 1 1 is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dr. Griss'om denied every charge made against him except of kissing Mrs. Perkinson, and said he only by Dr W M Fowlkes & Co aid that through sympathy for her, and he thought she understood as such. This may or may not be true, but if true, we think an official, especially one holding as responsi ble . positipn as does Br. Gnssom should not so far forget himself as to let his sympathy get so much the better of his. judgmant. That part pf his testimony, we think, is a little thin Person County Courier. Short in His Accounts A report reached this citv yester day to the effect that Wm. Clapp, a white man living at Bakersville,and x former deputy for Mitchell county. had been stabbed and killed in an attempt to separate two other men engaged in a fight at Bakersville Mondav evening. Asheville Citizen Lost. Somewhere in Green Lake neiehbor- l l n ii i .i uooa, a sraau, venow aocpunnv. witti a wlnte stripe on his nose and breast. A suitable reward will be paid to finder, on returning me animal to its owner, THEODORE WEILL. tf. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CRAOLINA CHAPEL HILL, N. C. The next session begins Sept 5 1889 Thorough instruction is offered in Litera ture, Science, Philosophy aud Law, Tui tion $ 30., per session. For Catalogues &c, address, Hon. KEMP. P. BATTLE. President. THE HABERDASHER will sell Neckwear, Flannel Overshirts, Hats of every description, and everything Very Respectfully, Jane 12th, 1889-tf JULIAN II. LITTLE, 36 Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. We become more anxious to close out seasonable goods for another season's stock, and to do this we must knife the stock on hand. So we have marked down every thing to close them out for the cash. One line of Challies we mark at 6Jcts former price 8c, our 20c Challies at 15c yd, our 2oc Challies at 20c. The two last are novel Challies. We have a few pairs of Bazoo Zephyr Shirting left. We put them to you now at 7i, these goods are very desirable for the summer season, only a few pairs lefL We have a fine line of Ladies' and Gentlemen shoes of the best make. Will close them all out at lower prices than here- tpfore. In fact we will fell you every thing lower than ever for the money. We have just received another line of white India Linon Lawn and Bared Nainsook from the lowest to the finest. Also Pink and White mosquitto netting. We have on hand a lot of pants for men we will close out at from 50c to $1.25, good value, cost more to get them up but we put the prices so as to move tbein. A full line of Notions at Racket prices. Beautiful line of Hamburgs from 3r up. Pins and Needles 1 cent a paper. nt All we ask is for you to give us a call and see for yourself. Thanking vou for favors we solicit a continuance of the same. put MRS, SUE P, SAUDFORD & CO. BRACKET 3NTO. 1. Is replete with everything in the line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Buch as Satines Lawn Piques, Nainsooks, Muslins, Summer Worsteds of all kinds and lower than the low est. The biggest line of Notions ever exhibited in Rockingham. Clothing in th latest styles and at the lowest prices ever offered. Hats till you can't rest. Shoes in abundance. Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery, &c, cheapest ever shown. They are surely as cheap, if not cheaper," than any goods on the market, andqualitv guaranteed. J 1 return thanks to my friends for past patronage and hope for a continuance of th same under this motto : I like opposition ; I defy competition ! And under no condition, Wih I badge from my position As the "Loss Dry. Goods Stoie." COME Come all ! ONE, Closing, out sale of Summer Millinery and Parasols at cost, for the next thirty days, to make room for Fall stock of goods. JVOWIS THE TIME TO BUY BARGAINS. July 1, 1SS9. R.usselL Leading Milliner. TWO BOORS EAST OF II. Ladies' Eazar. C. DOCKERY. Oak Ridge Institute AND Business College. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. 14 Years under same management. 235 students last vear. FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 13. This School has good buildings, good Halls, Excellent Societies, well supplied Reading Room, Library, etc., etc. Prepares for Teaching for College and for Business at a 'ess cost than any other first class High cchool in the South. If you are interested send for the new and beautiful Catalogue, Address -J. A. & M. H. HOLT, .Mention this paper. Oak Ridge. N. C. B. NICHOLS. Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages. An elegant line of Baby Carriages just received. All stvles and shades to suit everybody. Please call and see them. My stock is now complete in every respect, viz: Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Beds, Mattresses, Safes, Tables, Lounges, Chairs, and everything in a first-class Furniture House. Goods sold on the installment plan, weekly payments. Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. The oldest Undertaking House in the city. Prepared to conduct funerals in the very latest style and at the lowest pric?. Embalming either in or out of the city. Orders promptly attended to day or night. Night Call Central Hotel or 410 JN. roplar. 1? WBst Trade Street, Charlotte, JST. G. Louis "VDriii,s Sievj Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Full supply of New Vehicles of all kinds. Canopy-top spring wagons for pleasure parties, picuiC3, drummers, etc. Hack line to the depot to meet all trains. Horses boarded by the day, week or month at lowest rates. Also dealer in Buggies. IT IS WITH The Prettiest Girl in Town WEARS A JERSEY BOUGHT of W. T. COfflGTOPJ & CO.. WHO HAVE IN STOCK A beautiful line of Jerseys, Wraps, Gloves, feints, dress goods, Trimmings, Neckwear, Hosiery, And everything else needed by the people of this community, all of hich will be sold as low as any one else will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON & CO. w says here This is a strange country! Dr. Eugene Grissom, Superintendent of the North Carolina Insane Asy 1 u m is an unstained (!) man to-crav be- cause the Board of Directors said so Saturday, notwithstanding the , strong , and damaging evidence brought against him by honorable and reiiable witnesses. We have no - flpite against Dr. Grissom, but judg ing irom tne testimony given we have every reason to, believe that he is a bad man, and is guilty of every charge. Goidsbora Ueadljght. V.. We bad thought and still think. - , W&lAhvtfAnesses, w pt -King,-Ml- despatch from Easton, Pa., Jos. A. Stack, ticket agent for the New Jersey Central Railroad Company, was last night discovered short in his accounts and this morning committed suicide by shooting himself iu the left tem ple. The deed was committed in an outbuilding, at the residence of Mrs. Dr. J. P, Hojf, whose husband is in the Norristown asylum. Stack left a npte giving a -description of the jewelry belonging to himself and Mrs. Hoff, and stating that they could be found at the pawn shop. For Fine Sewing Machines', ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, SUPPLIES, And repairs of the best possible material, apply to D. T. HARGROVE, Laurinburg, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. WHY VOMEJi FADE. Women lose their beauty because colds uudermine their life. IX Ack er's English Remedy for Consump tion is an nbsolute cure for colda, : ' For sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes Co. PURSUANT TO AN the Superior Court countv, I will sell at ORDER OF of Richmond Public Auction at (he court house'-in Rockincham. N. C ou July 30th, 1SS9, at 12 o'clock in., for cash, a certain tract of land in. Richmond county know-u as Lot No. 2, in the parti tion of the lauds of H. W. Harrington, allotted to- Mrs. Rose T. Wetmore, de ceased, containing about 1,300 acres, more or less. For a more particular descrip tion, see petition of Hallic P. "Wetmore and others in Superior Court of Richmond countv.- - JOHN W HINSDALE. June 2"), 'S3. Commissioner. : . SALE" POSTPONES.' The sale of the lands. above -advertised ,has bectrv postponed until Friday, August 9th, lSpV.; : . . - t J. W-nHUW'r: I am still in business u (t That we direct the attention of Merchants and Farmers to our GREAT REDUCTION and the LARGEST SALE OF THE SEASON to make nreDaration for our larcr- Spring purchases that are being manufactured expressly for us, and to make room for uiese gouus we oner ior nexi tnirty aays only : One lot men's black Corkscrew Suits at 5 25 u Ti n : o . i - xiiuuy ussimere ouiis at O O ;" 7 50 9 25 10 25 12 75 12 25 1 3 75 UDU LU lb ot Boys' and Children's Suits regardless of cost. A few odd lots oi flien s and iioys Uvercoats regardless of cost. Respectfully, tt u Bu t too busy Selling Goods and BUYING COTTON Come to see mo and savr monev. H. C. DOCKERY. to write advertisemeats. Fancy Cheviot a Fancy Cassimere Suits at THE ONE-PEICE CLOTHIERS, CHARLOTTE, X. C. ROOM RIVBR SPRINGS, Open June First. THE HEALTHIEST, CHEAPEST and best place to spend the Summer. Kxcefient board can be had for $20.00 per month. Liberal discount to families. . A 3-seat covered spring wagon will run from the Springs to Wadesboro and back Monday and Thursday of each week, after July 1st, leaving Wadesboro at 2 o'clock p. m. Round trip, including lt)0 lbs. of baggage, $3.00 for adults ; children accord ing to size. For circulars, &c, address, C. C. FOREMAN, Silver P. P., Stanly county, N. C ; Send to The Rocket office for Job Print ing.- WAGON AND BUGGY FACTORY. D. L. SAYLOR, Wadesboro, FJ. C, MANUFACTURER. AND DEALAR IS Wagons and Buggies. Every Job Warranted. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified before the Probate Court of Richmond Countv. aa Adminia- "ief "dSedm-iPte H"sBBhoBing and HflpairingDanB at Short NotinB notily all persons having claims against said decedent" to present them to me for payment, on or before the 1st day of Au gust, 1890, or this notice will be pleaded 1 it ii in Dar oi men recoverv. All persons in debted to the said decedent will make im mediate payment tome. This the -10th July, 1589. A. C.SHAW, - Adm'r William Flowers. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint vou have a printed -guarantee" on every bottle of Shiloh's VitaTizer: ' It never fails to cure. Sold by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. I will sell vou ONF.-HORSTT! WAnnwc r Twn.HORSB W AbUib as low as any one in this market. I MEAN WHATlSAi '1 "AM ALSO SELLING THE Celebratod Colombus Ruggy, also the Single Center Spring Bugav, both stand Unrt -j- j auu i "e uoixom scale in pnc chase, the work is sold rmrW VnU n . a mi uuaiauirf. Seent; before yoa niasc Pur Xa. Sa-yloi" BLANKS AT THIS OFFICE.

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