xlockxw Hi AM ROCKET. E. W. KNIGHT,, Editor and Proprietor. Office EVERETT'S OVER CA.PT. NEW STORE. ' 'hi SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One year, i...... ....... $1.50 Six months, .75 Three menths, ......-. , 40 MP' All subscriptions accounts must be paid in advance. v 1 ' -' S ! ' Adversing rates furnished on ap- plication Published .Every Thursday. POLITICAL STBAWS. The murVicljal;and town elections in the Northern' States are always considered-a' 'pretty correct test of the trend of'Bdlitical sentiment. If it be a correct criterion, the Repub licans cannot feef elated over the re sult in therecent elections in some of the Northern and Western States. Here are tfre figures, as given by the New York World Rochester elected a Democratic Mayor for the first time in 14 years. In 1888 the city gave Harrison a plurality of 2,627. 1 In Newburg the Democrats made a clean sweep. Harrison's majority over Cleveland was 612, and for three years the mayor has been a Republican. Elmira, Gov. H ill's home, elected the.; entire , Democratic ticket by about 800.niajori'ty. Ulster county went Democratic. Harrison's majority there was 338. The Democrats carried Dutchess county, which gave Harrison 1,016 ver Cleveland. , In Oneida county the Democrats made large gains. Harrison carried the county by 1,968 over Cleveland. Utica, the home of the muzzled Republican editor, now Sub-Treasurer in New York, elected a Demo cratic may'drby 900 plurality, al though the city went for Harrison in 1888. c At Oswego, Port Jervis, Kingston, Amsterdam, Whitehall, Hornells ville, Buffalo, "Batavia and Dunkirk, all carried by Harrison, the Demo crats were victorious. The most significant results, how ever, are the Democratic victories in the once Republican stronghold, Iowa. TnVDemocrats achieved suc cess at Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, C res ton and Fort Dodge. At Conesville trie Republicans elect ed their Mayor, hut the Democrats carried the remainder of the ticket. Is it not a direct rebuke of the Harrison Administration ? It shows that the people are tired of favoritism as practiced by Harrison, and that tfiey do not approve of the usurpa tion and high-handed robbery of Reed and his associates. The masses of the Republicans at the North are honest and conscientious men, and they do not propose to aid unprin cipled leaders in dishonest and dis honorable measures. That is the meaning, exactly, of the Democratic gains. ; The able and soundly Democratic Raleigh News & Observer has don ned a new dress, and is as bright as a new pip. . It is now ne of the neatest as it is also one of the ablest of our N. C. dailies. The State Chronicle has been changed into a morning daily and is replete with telegraphic and other news. Under the editorial charge of Mr. Joseph us Daniels the weekly Chronicle was one of the best in the Stale, and we have no doubt but theDaily Ohronicle will be one of the leading dailies. It is bright, atowsy, sparkling, and we wish it much success. The meanest man we haye yet heard of lives in New York. He k the proprietor of two stores, one of which his son an only child managed for him. The other day the son died, leaving some $2,500 in a bank which he directed be paid to his wife. 'The old man stepped in and claimed the money, charging that hie son had stolen it from him. Under an o44 English law a creditor could seize?be 'corpse of debtor. Il there haderi sluch a law in New York we supsetbe old man would have takeft-'iMbwatage of it. . The Cfcwleitou News & Courier offers a number of prizes to guessers at the eoiton crop of 1890. The prizes consist, in all, of 19 tons of a certain brand of fertilizers, and the one whose guess is recorded on or WforcMoreh 8ist, if correct, will get 5 tons : the brie whose guess is recoicbd on or :betrr, April 3Uth, if corre t. will gt tna; and soon. In the News ife jCourJer each week cou pons are trtytfhed upon which the guesses must be made. If any of our readers wish to "try their luck' thev may get a pointer by observ ing thut the cotton crop of 188G-7 was 6,513,623 bales ; 1887-8, 7,017, Every day or two We see that some big English or Northern syn dicate has purchased a large tract of land in North Carolina, or has bought some fine mineral or ether property in the South at an ex travagantly low figure. We do not like to sea this. Of course our re sources ought to be developed, but we disapprove of foreigners buying up all our best properties at a sacri fice and then reaping a big profit. There is in the South enough of brain, brawn and capital to develop all our resources, but it will take longer to do it, but thai is of no con sequence so long as the wealth is kept at home. At the rate foreign ers are gobbling up our forests, mines, fec, it will riot be many years before the choice properties of the South will be in the hands of other people than our own. Our people are too eager tejump at a little Northern or British gold, and it will not be long before they will regret that they have allowed their inheritance to pass from them. Bet ter go a little slower and reap greater rewards. Political Points. Harrison in ene year has ruined his own political prospects by inca pacity and gross unfaithfulness : in another he will ruin the prospects of his party as well. N. Y. World, Dem. They are rapidly undoing the work of the people who elected the ousted Representatives. But Ne mesis is eating four square meals a day, and collecting thundering big clubs to be used in breaking Repub lican heads next fall. Arkansas Ga zette, Dem. Boss Quay is now in Florida, and there is reason to believe that he will consult with Judge Sway ne,Mar shai Mizell, and some of the other boys, and endeavor to keep Bill Chandler and other Republican Senators well supplied with South ern outrage material. New Orleans States, Dem. The Republican party, under the leadership of Boss Quay and Depu ty Boss Reed, is carrying out its pro gramme to the letter.- Democratic Congressmen are being unseated without the pretense of a hearing, and the House will soon be strongly enough Republican to carry out the scheme of the Republican leaders. It is a desperate game, but it is be ing played by desperate men, and will be played out. Kansas City Times, Dem. Frightful Accident on the Lake Shore Railroad. Buffalo, March 6. Train 12 on the Lake Shore from the West, due here at 9:10 this evening, and run ning very fast to make up for lost time, broke in two near Hamburg at about 8:50 p. m. The front part of the train, consisting of engine, tender, smoker and two day coaches, was quickly brought to a standstill. The rear half, composed of five heavy Pullmans, came on down the grade and crashed into the second day coach. The Pullman, being the heavier, lifted the day coach into the air, and they now lie one on top of the other, both having telescoped the day coach. Both the day coaches and the pullman were full of pass engers, and the number of killed and injured is probably very large. Ten are reported killed outright. Senators from Montana. Washington, March 8. The Sen ate Committee on Privileges and Elections has decided to favor the seating of the Republican contest ants from Montana, Messrs. Powers and Saunders. The Democratic members of the committee will sub mit a rainoritv statement in favor of the Democratic contestants, Messrs. McGinnis and Clark. The vote was taken on strict party lines. He Wants to Add His Name. f ermit me to add mine to your many other certificates in commendation of the great curative properties contained in Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) It is certainly one of the beat tonics I have ever used. John W. Daniels, Anderson, S. C PIMPLltS AND BLOTCHES. iiavins? lor tne past lour or nve vears been troubled with pimples and blotches on my face and body, and finding ho relief in any of the chemically prepared soaps and medicineS prescribed for me by physicians, I concluded to try your S. S. S. remedy, and have found great relief in the same, four bottlo3 clearing ray skin entirely. cheerfully recommend your medicine to all who are in the position that 1 have been in. You can use this letter and my name as a testimonial to tu e merits ot tne fe. B. to remedy. Alfred P. Robinson, 320 Sansom St., San Francisco. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC Ca.Atlanta, Ga It does look as if this Republican Con gress is determined to clean out the treas ury. We hope that cool counsel will prevail, it all tne appropriations are voted that are asked tor, the revenue laws will remain unchanged, and the Republi can party will get a solid black eye at the polls next fall. We do hope the great extravagance which is mapped out will fisdan early grave. Greensboro North State, Rep. . Platinum Discovered in Moore. J. M. Kelly, of Jonesb or o town ship, brought some metal to the of fice this week, that has every ear "MpfeHyr ro&nlifa; ts metal is found in a vein of blue quartjz pyfs feet in diameter on Mr. Kelly'sYarm and he says therein an abundance of it. Platinum is darker than sil ver, is the heaviest of all metals and resists the action of all acids. Mr. Kelly applied nitric acid to particles of metal and no reaction took place. He has sent some of the quartz bearing this metal to State Chemist Battle. Sanford Express. A Strike of Factory Hands. Petersburg, Va., March 10. A law recently passed by the legisla .ture prohibits the employment of women and children under 14 years of age in factories for more than 10 hoars a'day. To-day in the Batter sea and Ettrick cotton factories the managers announced a reduction of ten per cent in wages as a result of the reduction of labor hours, and in consequence the operatives, about 500 in number, went out on a strike. All of which goes to prove that it is best to let capital and labor ad just themselves. When the law in terposes both are demoralized, to the detriment of each. Ed. Business Failure. Last Tuesday evening ahout 6 o'clock a great part of the business element of the city and the public generally were astounded at the an nouncement that the dry goods house of Messrs. Norris & Carter had made an assignment. Assignment papers were filed last night in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county. The assign ment was forced by the failure of the debtors of the firm to make pay ments. The assets are estimated at $35,000, (commercial value) aud the liabilities at $25,000. The deed of assignment provides for the pay ment of all necessary expenses of taking care of and selling the stock of goods, and for the payment of all amounts due the employees of the firm, aggregating about $550, and to Pace & Holding $100 for profes sional services. Raleigh Chronicle. When a man is ill he should send for a doctor at once; but when be has a cough or a sore throat he needs only Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents Think twice before you swallow once in medicine. But remember that Laxa doris pre-eminentjkjthe hver-rsgulator of the daw Price zoccnts. They Protest no Longer. The Agricultural Department yesterday received a formal appbcation from the Allison & Addison Fertilizer Company of Richmond, Va., for license to sell "Acid Phosphate Dissolved South Carolina Bone.' This was one of the companies which for merly applied for license under protest and to which license was refused. The fertilizer which was seized last week at Monroe was the property of this company. In their application yesterday they asked to have their goods released. License was granted them, and Commissioner Robinson wrote stating that the goods would be re leased upon the payment by the company of the cost, amounting to about $25. News and Observer. Neuralgic pain is usually of an intense ly snarp, cutting or burning character. To effect a speedy and permanent cure rub thoroughly with Salvation Oil, the greatest pain-cure on earth. 25 cents. Mr. Thurston, President of the Republican League, said in his speech at Nashville, Tuesday, that if the Republican party dominated in the South it would give a great impetus to her industries. About the only industry it would give an im petus to would be the steal industry. which would bound to the front with giant strides and overshadow all the others. We are not Thurston much down here for that sortot im petus. Wilmington Star. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Our new book by Dr. John ,H. Dye, one ot INew York s most skilliul physi cians, shows that pain is not necessary in childbirth, but results from causes easily understood and overcome. It clearly proves that any woman may become mother without suffering any pain what ever. It also tells now to overcome - aj prevent morning sickness and many ol er evils attending pregnancy. It is high ly endorsed by physicians everywhere as the wife's true private companion. Cut this out ; it will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two-cent stamp for descnptive circulars, testimonials, and confidential letter sent in sealed envelope. Address Feank Thomas fc Co., Pablish- ers, Baltimore, Md. Fbanklin, Pa., March 8. J. P.Mitch ell, aged 45, a nitro glycerine handler, was blown to pieces' this morning1 at an Oil wel one mile from Franklin. He had hauled glycerine out to the weH and was prepar ing to put in a torpedo when in some on known manner it exploded. The boiler house was wreeked. A few pieces of the bones of the legs were found more than one hundred yards away. He leaves wife and two children THIS Uftn Wilt: To Buy Your Goods From th6 House that Underbuys and Un- Ci Y: J' f ( We handle besides h 1 ! t turn A i our regular goods, ! M.i . : - many lines bought by our New York agent at a heavy discount from forced sales and bankrupt sales. We know we can save you from 25 to 50 per cent on most goods. In order to convince .yourselves get our prices betore yeu buy. We wrU quote you some astounding figures. We boy and sell strictly for Dollars are the end of all financial tran sactions. Why not make $ $ $ $$ the be ginning? To buy on credit ..nd agree to pay $2.00 in the fall for what one origin DOLLAR will buy to-day in tha NEW YORK RACKET takes just double from the hard earnings of your summer's work takes two days' work instead of one. THE NEW YORK RACKET IS FREE FROM ALL TAINT OF CREDIT! No losses for you to pay vour part of. Therefore our profit is small, our prices low, and you pay us only lor what you CARRY HOME. So as to give our immense trade quicker and more thorough alien Hon, we have now in full operation SPOTT'S RAPID TRANSIT CASH RAILROAD. See how rapid the cars run as if feeling conscious of having given FULL YALUE, good measure, shaken down, and running over for their cash freight ? We offer sweeping reductions in winter dress sroods for the next two weeks in or der to make room for the heavy spring stock our buyer will go north to purchase in a few s Some eiy or, in at 4 I 7; i fr cents, and up: r.s. Nice line of fine Dress Goo Is worth 50 and 7o cents per yard, offer at 33 and 48. less than original wholesale cost. SHOES! SHOES! SZ. 's.vtuftyn nn)iii to Hfin Big stock of Shoes of all kinds. Ladies' Shoes, coarse and fine, from 68 cents up. Nice line Gent's hand sewed Shoes, latest styles, to arrive in a few days at the NEW YORK RACKET, Having qualified before the Probate I Court of Richmond county as admiaistra- tor oi cne esrate on nomas 3. minney, deceasedr I hereby notify all persons hav ing clainls against the estate of said de cedent, to present them to me, on or be fore the 1st day of Jlarch, 191, for pay ment or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said decedent wdl make immediate pay ment to me. This 4th February, 1889. A. O. tertA W, Administrator. , , -orTncWsJ: Hdntley', feceased., NORTH CAROLINA, V Superior Court. Richmond CouUty; Feb. Term, 1890. Caroline McLauchlin, vs. Ml. A Anderson McLauchlin, This it a cil action for a divorce. The defendant, Anderson McLauchlin, is here by notified to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Richmond county, to be held at the court house in Rocking ham,, in said county1, On the ISth Monday after the first Monday in March, 1890, and denser or answer to the complaint which wll be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court within the first three days of said term, or the relief asked for will be granted. This, Feb. 15th, 1890. Z.'F. LONG, Clerk Superior Court Richmond county. F It is one of the Solid Facts of the times that nowhere in Richmond or anv adjoining county can you buy better goods for the money rnan at Pace's top Cash Store, hamlet, jv. a it is a settled determination with him tuat while he continues in business no man shall undersell him, quality, quantity and price all considered. In fact, he ex pects to do just as he has done in the past, Pace Along a Little Ahead of any one else on low prices. And whv 111 . . . 1 A snouia ne not ' wnn a stock ot well se lected goods worth $8,000 to $10,000, pav ing cash for nearly everything he buys, with fifteen years practical experience in tne business, studying tne market, when and where to buy and all the details of his business with as much energy as anv law yer pr physician does his prutession.-sell-ing almost exclusively for cash or barter, he sees no reason why he cannot meet any competition and then go them one better. His prices are as low as can be afforded on all goods, but he would call your special attention to his GEORGIA JEANS (the best goods for working people on the mar ket) and his Fall stock of shoes. He did notuv these goods at New York auction. neither were they smuggled from China, but he bought his Jeans direct from the mills in Georgia in a 50-piece lot. They give their lowest discount to the wholesale trade on a 50-piece lot, also a cash dis count of 4 per cent., of which he availed himself, and you can buy them of him as low as anywhere in N. C. His Fall stock of Shoes were bought di rect from the factories in Lyon and Brock ton, Mass.,-for spot cash In fact, seven hundred dollars worth were made on order especially for me and among them you will nnd some ot the bet bargains m shoes you have ever seen. He makes a specialty of Flour, Meal, Meat, Sugar, Coffee and all Heavy Groceries, and guarantees them as low as they can be delivered here from any point. If you want rotten spool thread, pot-metal pins and second-hand clothing, go somewhere else ; but if you want 100 cent's worth for every dollar you spend, go to Hamlet and call for PACE'S CHEAP CASH STORE. Nov. 1st, 1889. THE WORLD'S BEST KM Bolton $2.50 Shea Has no eqnal for Style, Fit arjj Wear. PosltlTelj the best sboe In America tor tue money. Do not tx oeeeivod. See suunp on bottom of each shoe. TskJ DO other. Every pair warranted. ' Stylish sad eai to m.ay fc& mboa to ttut ruarttaC ForaaieW J. M, PEEPLES & CO., Chicago. Sold in Rockingham only br m a DOCKER Y. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Richmond. SUPERIOR COURT. Elias & Cohen, Plaintiffs, AOAINST L. C. Robinson,' Defendant. '' This is a motion by tfte plain tiffs for leave to issue execution on a judgment Re covered bv them agahist-the defendant on the 14th day of January, 1880,.bofpre H, O: Walt, a Justice of the Peace for said coanty(Iand duly docketed in the Superior Court for county, for $79.50 and interests and costs. The defendant is teqdired to appear at the office , of the Clei-k of the Superior Court of Richmond county on the 12th day of March 1890 and' show-cause why execution should not be issued in said judgment. 1 his January 2oth,, 1890. J , k P. LONG, Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County. Burwell, Walker & Guthrie, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. ' How to Cure Al Lll 9K1U Simnlv aDolv "Swavne's Oittment." No internal medicine reciuired.i Cures tefc ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, tiao. kanrla Jtrn 1 0Qtnnrr fh Mflr- ilz 1T1 r OQT white and healthy.. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your, druggist for Swayne'e Ointment. 46-6m ossessed by no other s 6m Subscribe for the Rocket at once. MY FRIENDS Will please, remember that owing to the fire and to extreme illness in my family I have beert delayed in getting my Fall and Winter Goods But I HAVE THEM NOW, and my wife's health is so improved that I can now wait upon you personally. Come to see me. Btetck is repb)&-with everything in the line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Notions Clothifig, Shoes, "Hats Woolen Underwear, and everything, and lower- than the low est. The biggest line of Notions ever exhibited in Rockingham. .Clothing in the latest styles and at the lowest prices ever offered. Hats till you can't rest. Shoes in abundance. Saddlery, Hardware, Crockery, &c, cheapest ever shown. They are surely ai 'cheap, if not cheaper," than any goods on the market, and quality guaranteed. n J 1 return thanks to my friends for cast natronace and bono fnr n mrtinnoro. .f same under this motto : Bring Me YqMr Cotton, I will soli you what jou want as cheap as anybody can do il, And SWEEPING Closing out Sele AND CLOAKS AT COST for the next forty days, to make room for Also great reduction in Ribbons, Fancy Feathers, Birds and Notions, &c. Call early and get your bargains. Miss TLm. -El. ElakLey, OUR STOCK OF EW FALL AND WINTER GOOD IS NOW COMPLETE IN N Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, And everything else needed by the people of this cfnnnunity, all ef w hich w ill be aohi as low as ny on else will sell them. W. T. COVINGTON & CO. piuos. eiictss, mm Sewing Machines, N-edl-s, Rt-pairs. The "Davis" Has No Equal: 0 . W. WRtBV-VT JAS. A. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON Steam Granite and Marble V orks, All orders for work will receive prompt attention. -223 and 237 West Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, 2S& C. E. M. Andrews, FurniHtre. DON'T 20 different new and artistie patterns in j.lushe, Wilton Rujrjr and Silk Tspistries bought at very low prices. I am offering some SPECIAL BARGAINS in Parlor Suits now, and if you want one don't wait as they will never go lower. I give a few prices to show that I MEAN WHAT I SAT- I never say I thing unless I mean it. .-. - . . Walnut Frame Hair Cloth Suits...... $29 00 Red Wool Plush Suits, ... 35 qo " " Silk Plush Suits, 45 00 Antique Oak Silk Plush Suits,.. 50 00 Overtaft Silk Plush Suits, g5 00 OyertuftSilk Tapestry Suits........................................ , 96 00 I have some very handsome suits at $100, $125 and $150. I would be with any Bb I would be glad to mail you photos of Jorthern House. " EL. W. ?HDRES, PIANO, ORGAN AND FURNITURE DEALER. r TAKE THE and PATRONS ' I REDUCTION. off Winter Ki n. .i s spm instruments, ac Oils, Attachments, Parti anil WMEJV YOU WANT any of the abeve named goods b sure to get my prices before buying. I can save you money and sell you bet ter goods for the price paid than you can " get anywhere else. , Rockingham. T. L. ELLIOTT. & ELLIOTT, Charlotte, N. C any of my suits and let you enmnar. nri . a 3L 707 bales, and 188S-U, o,oo,uo. V i . - ' '