1 m '4 tf tfs MP 9t -.da.. ROCKINGHAM ROCKET ilk wifVi hve purchase f I to securtrthe with quality" ' . with it-s nave t&est you to 1 t Coni' " L.i. T,u vCU CO. few York H best se- that baa ever reshape and Is to the ---- P of , THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890. Church Direotory. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. L. Wood, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at 11 a. m., and at at 7:30 P. m. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Sabbath-schooPat 3:30 p. ic. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. John son, Pastor. Services 1st and 3rd Sunday nights, and; 4th Sunday morning in each month ; Roberdel, 4th Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock; Pleasant Grove, 3rd Sunday at II a.m.: Cartledge'a Creek, J.st Sunday at 11a. m. and Saturday before at 4 p. M. Sabbath-school every Sabbath at 9 a. m.- PEE DEE HEIGHTS M. E. CHURCH Rev. R. H. Broom, Pastor. Serv ices at 11a. m. on the 1st Sunday and at 8 p. m. on the 3rd Sunday in each month. Sabbath-school every Sundav at 9 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev P. R. Law, Pastor. Services the Srdand 5th Sundays in each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m . Sabbath -school every Sunday at 3 p. m. Y. M. C. A. meets every Fridav night. A democrats regard their tri umph over the straight Republican ticket in Monday's flection as a good day s work. All honors the color ed voters who hd the Manliness, in spite of the pressure Wbughtio bear by their former party friends, to as sert and exercise their choice like other freemen. TUB M AILS. IRS tts -25 CAnt- W quality ; Cor W'l Oauze Vfsta ;7 ad, width theljateatNov- und m a first in. for the large solicit a contin- Po8toffice opens at 7 o'clock a.m. Mails tIT i i r-v i i i going west on u. u, nauroaa close at 6: T. M. ; mails going East close at 7:15 aj Money order department ODen from u. to 5 p. m. D. M. Morrison, Postmaster. as 0 O A ADYXBTISINGr BATES. 1 time 1 inch, .75 2 " 3 " IreoL 1 " 1.23 2.03 2.53 4 00 '8 00 1 mo. 2.00 2.50 . 4.00 ,5.00 3 mo. .00 5.00 7:00 8.DD 7.00 12.50 15.00 27.00 6 mo. 6.00 9.00 10.00 14.00 27.00 45.00 ' Those are nt. mtM contracts payable quarterly. 12 mo. 10.00 12.00 14.00 22.50 45.00 80.00 All yearly JOII s LOCAL DEPARTMENT. xvt! I" Owing to the arrangements accessary inthe change of manage " roent, no paper was issued last week. It will come out regularly hereafter and on time. Monday last was a busy day in town, being both election and Com missioners' day. " 4 : unity all of CO. At the election in Laurinburg on Monday the "dry" ticket was elect ed by a small majority. Miss Annie Jones died at Rober del on the utt., aged about 19 years. Another victim of la grippe. There was less drunkenness and rowdyism on the streets last Mon day that at any town election held here in several years. and S oT WANT joods be sure to ti ll! sell you bet id than you can Mr. B. B. Green and Miss Cenia Ingram, daughter of Maj. S. M. In gram, were married on the 24 th ill t., UEsq. N. G. Nicholson. , The farmers !ay the oat crop in thiar section will be very short, du B so much dry weather and the ravages of the fly. ,.." ':-y-?s . ,? Refreshing Rhowers fell here last Saturday and Sunday. Rain was much needed to brine up stands of cotton which had failed to come in many places. We are requested to announce that the funerals of Mrs. D. A. and Mrs. D. C. Bruton will be preached at New Hope church (Steele town hip) the 3rd Sunday in May at 11 o'clock, by Rev. W. H. Townsend. The Colorado potato bug is put ting in- his licks promiscuously in the garden world hereabouts. .Some body recomnend8 Paris green to kill 'em. We are in favor of killing 'em, if it takes a buzz-saw to do it. Mrs. O. H. Dockery, after a day and night passed with friends here, left on Tuesday' morning last for Raleigh where her daughter is at school. Thence she will go to Wake Forest to he joined by her son, a "UUBmui me college, who will ac company her to Newport News whence she will sail for Brazil ex pecting to reach Rio de Janeiro with in ou aays. uon voyage ! It is stransre that a n T VUlllIUl vote the Democratic ticket without ncurnng the hatred of all his fel lows. A few of them voted the Dem ocratic ticket here Monday, and all day Tuesday thev were niotori uy the other negroes until, in a case ur iwo, ioroearance became frazzled at the edges and rows ensued. It is a DUV that Sllf h IS the nnca. 9 .v Dr. Mcllhennv. nf ihm R ir tv . " : . uui lrug jo., is not able to supnlv mo local aemana lor his superior cnewing gum, the basis of which is the common Southern sweetgum. He is now taking steps to procure proper machinery for its manufact ure by wholesale, and expects soon to be ready to supply the home and foreign demand, from both of which be gets dspded encouragement in his truly mittorious enterprise. Died, in this town on Friday morning, 2nd inst., of consumption, Mr. Robert F. Wataon, aged 32 years. He was the son of the lute John Watson. Esq., of this county, and a brother of our enterprising mer chant. H. C. Watson. He number ed as friends all of his acquaintances So geitle was his nature that hit popularity as citizen, neighbor or companion was assured in the com munity. His walk and conversa tion among his fellows was note worthy for exceptional proprietw Best of all, he lived and died in the christian faith. He was buried at the old home place, four miles north east of town. Dr. M. L. Wood per forming the funeral services. .ready shown that they have the good of the town at hearj,, by their management of the town4 affairs the past year. Let there be no ritrn- gression, gentlemen. Having put your hands to the plow, do not look back. Do not get sleepy-headed and rest on your oars. Continue in the progressive spirit. Rockingham will be a city yet. The second quarterly conference for Rockingham Station Methodist church was held at the parsonage on Monday niarht last. Rrv J T Gibhs, P. E. presiding. After trans acting the usual business pertaining to the work of the Station, delegates were elected to attend the Distriri Conference at Sanford. N. C. em bracing the fourth Sunday in July. Delegates elect as follows : W. I. Everett, S. G. Covimrton. Dr. J. M Stansill, H. C. Wall; and the follow ing alternates: J. S. Ledbetter. J. W. Leak, W. T. Covimrton. John R Holt. ELLIOTT- ks, h C. WALL. IPANY i, perfumery nt' lamps and at Rev. J. T. Gibbs, Presiding Elder of the Fayetteville District, N. C. Conference, preached at the Meth odist church last Sunday night. He has made a favorable impression in this community both as a preacher and a Presiding Elder. The seventh annual session of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly will be held in the Assembly Build ing at Morehead City from June 17th to July 1st. We acknowledge the receipt of .an honorary membership and an invitation to be present. With favorable weather a few days longer the Roberdel mill will be ready to resume operations, as the big stone dam will be completed. Mr. R. L. Steele, president, has su perintended the laying of every stone, which tact is a guarantee of the work beinjt well dore. oods very low will save icfit of an add. i- pre and the new S" Onager. The second annual convention of the Young Men's Christi: n Associa tion for the Wilmington (5th) His tnct will be held in Fayetteville, C, May 29th to June 1st, inclu Je. The Associations throughout the district are requested to elect their delegates and forward their names to Dr. J. W. McNeill, chair man of the entertainment committee. We have received a copy of the Advance, published at Basic City, va., J. H. Lindsay, Eq., editor and proprietor. The paper shows the ork of a master hand in its get-up. We congratulate the old secretary of our State Press Association, form erly editor of the Kernefvil-le News, Jt the career in prospect for him in his new home. He. deserves and will achieve success, we doubt not. Take the Rocket. The followinc is the iurv list for Ure June term of tile Superior Court, io convene June 2nd : James 1. Mc Callum, John G. McCaskill, B. F. Lowdermiik, Hugh A. Currie, A. B. McNeill, Thos. H. Russell, John W. Smith, J. A. Hutchinson, Wm. Zach ary, Seth Andrews, H. C. Watson, J. C. Terry, C. W. Black, T. J. Wooten, Duncan McPherson, Thos. H. Flow ers, John G. Wilkinson, D. H. Bos worth, Nelson McAskill, W. J. Whit aker, M. M. Chance, Samuel Jones, A. F. Bizzell, Jacob Lampley, S. B. Carter, Murdoch McCormac, J. A. Livingston, J. Hampton Covington John W. McLean. W. W. Ellerbe, Jr! John R. Holt, T. B. Pace, Wm. L. Steele, Arch Lytch, D. D. Gibson, C. C. Covington. The Town Election The election, here Monday passed. on quietly. Both sides worked hard. Good feeling prevailed and everything was pleasant and peace able. The vote was as follows : DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Mayor T. C. Guthrie 118. For Commissioners W. I. Ever ett, 127 ; H. S. Ledbeiter, 123 ; J. P. Leak, 122 ; Dr. J. M Covington, 111 ; D. Gay, 109. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Mayor D. M. Morrison 90. For Commissioners J. M. Smith, 100 ; C Sanufordj 94 ; H. C. Dockerv. 91 ; John G. Terry, 90 ; W. F. Long, 85. As will be seen the Democrats made a clean sweep. The whole ticket was elected hy an average ma jority of about 26. Tfais result is peculiarly gratifying. It is the first time in the history of town politics that a square party fight has been made. The Democrats of late years have nominated a straight ticket. The Republicans have been in the habit of dodging the issue. They have gotten up "Down Town" and "Citizens"- tickets. This time it was an out and out Republican ticket composed of some of the lead ing Republicans in tins town and county. Ti.is fact enhances the victory, though the town would have done well to have gotten the board of "city fathers'' elected Monday, un der any circumstances. The Fire of Disease is Always Driven from the System by Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) Do you feel that theterril.l fi Blood Poison is consuming you that the poisonous virus is vitiating mm norrupung your physical Bye A Begnlar Traveler. Dr. J. S. Barb, traveling salesman for the Herb Medicine Co., Weston, West Va., manufacturers of the cel ebrated Lightning Remedies, visited our place on May 5th. Hd was here on May 5th, 1889, and says he w ill be here again May 5tb, 1891. He is driving the same team -be had here one year ago a pair of beauti ful blacks. Since he was hre he has traveled 9,360 miles in the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia, averaging .about 30 miles each day. Town Officers. Tne town officers elected here Monday are pledged to internal im provements. Last year pretty much the same board bad charge. A' though they were hampered with a considerable debt, they made im provements in the town thaTt will re main as monuments to their public spirit and enterprise long after they have "joined the majority." This year there will be from all sources licences, property and poll taxes, fines Ac, an income suffi ciently large to make more improve ments ef a permanent character. The town is picking up. A dispo sition is shown among the citizens to build and improve such as has never been seen before. There has never been a tune in all the hun dred years of Rockingham's history when her future was so full of promise. A little public money prop-rly spent will have a great deal to do with realizing the promise of t' e future. Our new Commission ers are good men. They have al- 0BITUAEY. Mrs. Eliza Biggs departed this life on the 3rd of April, 1890, at the res idence of her son, Mr. Frank T. Biggs, at Darlington, S. C. Sister Biggs was t7 years of age. She ioined the M. E. Chureb wh?n a girl and lived a consistent member up to tbe time of her death. She was the mother of a number of chil dren, some of whom preceded her, we trust, to the land ol rest and were waiting and watching at th he.mtt- ful gates for her. She has four sons living, all of whom, accord ins? to her desires, she lived to see grown and married. J hey were all present with her when she died. It is said of hr that she was never known to lie down at night without asking the protectien of a kind Providence to guard her and hers through the dark shades of night. How nice to he and sleep under the protection power or an All-wise rrovidence. Well, tosuai it all up in a- few words, she was an agreeable .com panion, a kind, loving and affection ate mother, and a true christian. "A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, h. place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled." pirations for manliness and domes tic happiness? Does the hideous nightmare face you night aud day mm you are a victim ot this mon ster which has been on the warpath for five centuries, scourging the hu man race by the thousands and tens of thousands, and which is re garded and acknowledged by many learned men to be incurable? Then we say, come to us and we will cure you. Turn your back on all the old worn out poisons, as mercury, pot ash, arsenic and like compounds so ruinous to health, and-take S. S. S., which we assert does cure, and we are prepared to prove it. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. A CARD. To Whom It May Concern : Thft rpnnrfc iraa irnnloi aA horo loaf Wrvn day that I had joined the Republican par ty and voted $he Republican ticket. The party who circulated that report lied wil fully, maliciously and knowingly. The party or parties wno hung crape upon my Highest of all in Leavening Power. TJ. a Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. tm? tbof ; j J pany or parties wno nung crape upon mv r!nrol invading your 1 office door Monday night are a set of low moral nature and stunning your as- I down, dirtv cowards who would steal and Homicide in Richmond County. We have received particulars of a distressing homicide "which took place in Richmond county last Thursday. W. P. Story and James Swarengin are brothers in-law and tenants on the plantation of Mr. J. T. LeGrand, in Richmond county. Last Thursday afternoon they quar reled about some trivial matter ml Story pulled off his coat, rolled up i- 1 . ms sieeves ana approached Swaren gin with the expressed determina: tion of whipping him. Swarengin gave nack untit he - rr-e- a srnv hand maul which he picked up and nuneu at fctory, hitting him upon the head, inflicting a wound which proved fatal about 9 o'clo- k next day. We learn that Swarengin ban not been arrested, hut it is understood that he will cive himself un and 8tandhis trial at the next term nf Richmond Superior Court. Wades boro Messenger. Swarengin has given himself un and is now in jail at this place. he, and would burn me out if not afraid of beine caueht in the act. or wo nid rnh 4.1. 1J! A J "" Ja . j i urn un me mguwav 11 noi, auaiu 10 attempt it. xuese are my sentiments, ana wnoso nun 1 use mem can netp tnemseives. L. Weill. ROCXINCHAM MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY W.T: EVERETT, DEALER IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Produce is quoted at buying prices COTTON Middling, 101 Good Middling t. 10. tJAUUJN Sides, per lb 78 Shoulders " 6(8 Hams, " 2m$ BEESWAX 1 fulfil CHICKENS 120 EGGS, per dozen, 10I2i FLOUR Country, per sack,. ...2.253.00 JNortnern, Z.b0(w,6-W Patent, GRAIN Corn, per bushel, Oats, Peas. HIDES Dry, per lb (ireen, -3.75 6580 5065 751.00 8(410 4(52 SALT, per Sack, 1.001.15 New Advertisements. 3 "God in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given, And though the body moulders here, The soul is safe in heaven " W. T. R. X Tribute of Bespect. The Sewing Machine and Music TT 11 p of our town is fast erainintr the oonfidpnr- and good will of our people. They carry Pianos, Organs, small Instruments Sfrinora and sheet music. Also Sewing Machines and Needles, Oil. Parts. &c. Prices low and terms easy. Give us a call when you come to town. For nrice and terms ad dress J. A. Weight & Bro., Rockingham. COST Many Lives Lest, or rather thrown away, by allowing coughs and colds to run into bron chilis and catarrh. Keep a jug ol Radam's Microbe Killer for ready use in the house all the time aud you will never have any uiure troulde. For sale by Doctor W. M. Fowlkes & Co. I have had a bad ooueh for over four years. It got no bad 1 could not sleep over two houis at a lime. I took three jugs of Mh iube Killer and it completely cured me. I have gained 20 lbs in weight und never felt better in my life. A. Campbell, No. 4 Metropolitan Police, St. Joseph, Mo. For sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. Whereas, God in His wise and gracious providence has taken from the church militant to the church triumphant our father and brother in Israel, Dr. Peter W. Stansill, who lor over sixty years was a faithful and consistent member of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South, and who for at least fifty years was class leader, steward, and trustee in the church ; therefore, Resolved, 1. That in the death of Dr. P. W. Stansill this Quarterly Conference has lost one of its most faithful, purest, and mqst useful members, and while we mourn his loss we would most devoutly bless yie name of the Head of the Church for so long sparing him to the ciiuruh and to the world, and that we will ever cherish his memory and imi tate his bright exnmple. 2. That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved widow and chil dren, and other loved ones, of our departed brother. 3. That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be furnished the be reaved family and that they be spread upon the minutes of this Conference; and also that tbev be published in TfE Rockingham Rocket. We learned yesterday of a very painful accident that befell Ulus a 6on of Mr. Baxter Jordan, of th s place, last Thursday. Ulus had sprained his ankle and, having had the injured ankle bandaged with spirits of turpentine, was sitting near A the fire when by some means the bandage became ignited, and before it could be torn off or the fire put out his foot and leg up nearly as far as the knee wa3 terribly burned. Troy Vidette. LiDIES Needing a tonic, or children that want building tip, should take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. " Tt is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges tion, and Biliousness. All dealers keep it. How to Care All Skin Diseases. Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face nose, hands, c, leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Is great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayce's Ointment. 46-6m Everybody should subscribe for the Rockingham Rocket. This is to certify that after taking two jugs of Microbe Killer I wa? cured of a severe attack of bron chitis and nasal catarrh. Indeed tht Microbe Killer does more than if claimed for it, and I cheerfully re commend it to suffering humanity. T. J. Naramore, D. D. S., 30b' Cedar St., Nashville, Tenn. For sale l.y Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co. lYAiiJiy L:rittt:iM Are broken d wn from ovcrv. 'Tk or household cares Brown's iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aid digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Is Supseior Richmond Couny. Cocrt. . A. C. Shaw, Administrator, of Thos. J. Huntley, deceased, Plaintiff Against Martha M. Huntley, William Huntley, Susan Huntley, Robert Huntley, Cleve land Huntley, A. R. Morrison, Nancy Morrison, Isabella Morrison Mary Morri son, Catherine McFayden, Daniel McLean and wife Flora McLean, M. R. Morrison and wife Melissa Morrison, W. I. Everett H. C. Wall, H. S. Ledbetter and R. A Johnson, partners, trading under the firm name of Everett, Wall & Co., Defendants. Te Martha M. Huntley, William Huntley, Susan Huntley, Robert Huntley, Cleve land Huntley, heirs at law of Thomas J. Huntley, deceased : This is a proceeding to sell real estate of Thos. J. Huntley, de ceased, to pay his debts and the costs of administration, Yon are required to ap pear before me at my office in Rocking ham, in aforesaid county, on Saturday the 14th day of Jane 1890 and answer or de mur to the complaint which has been filed iii this office. This May 6th, 1590 Z. F. LONG, m V " Clerk Superior Conrt. AT COST ! Great Reduction! I am closing up the business of G. E. Wish art, and in order to do so in as short time as possible, I am closing out goods at I Thoce wanting bar gains can now avail themselves of the op portunity. m Mrs.G.E. Wishart. Insure Against Accidents IN THE U. S. Mutual Accident As osciation OF NEW YORK. $5,000 for Death by Accident or Loss of Limbs. $2,500 tor Lops of Limbs or Sight, or for rermanent lotai uisauinty. fcrifiO for T.fiHs r.f Onp F.v 1 j $25 per week, up to 52 weeks, for Tempo- rftrv Tibial DinwliililA' . j. Costs ah.iiit $15 nfir vear navanlp m onp , j , r-j sum or in installments of two dollars. Membership fee j.00, payable only once. M EMB K US H I P . 52,541. Losses paid during 1889, $ 38L868.00 siice i6.8, j.oy.ooY.ay Insurance in force Jan. '90.254.313.750.00 Assets Dec ruber 31, 89, 246,736.55 It will- pay you to insure. Accidents happen onlt when they are not expected, if Uiere is no ageut for tliis Association in your town, wnte to the uudeisigned. We want an active agent in each town in North Carolina, and will give liber il terms. Correspondence solicited. FIELD & ROYSTER, Sute Ageuts for North Carolina, 13-tf. Oxford, N. C. LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderfu medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what uk' disease, from LEPROSY to thesim plest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of to-dav claim and prove that every disease is CM 'IliRMiMB, RADAM'S MIC ROBE KILLER Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannothavean ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same, as w treat-all diseases constitutionally. ES ptjj ABSOUirrsiv aking owaer RACKET RACKET BARGAINS. BARGAINS. RACKET BARGAINS. The largest, best and cheapest stock of goods we. have ever offen 3d. Our buyer, while North, attended every bankrupt sale in many lines at about one half their real value I buy bargains we sell bargains. Come and see what GREAT IJVB U C EMEJYTS we are offering. Read over these prices then come and be benefited. ought goods When we Worsted, all-wool filling, at 9 cents. Beautiful Brocades and Stripe, worth 15 cents, our price 10. Lovely line of lawns, ginghams and s?ttma, full .20 per cent under regular prices. C LOT HI N G. BIG STOCK JUST RECEIVED. LA'I'EST SPRING STYLES. Men's wool suits at $2.47. Big drives in belter suits. We can sell $10.00 suits at $7.33. Cnildrens'and youths' clothing cheaper than we have ever Suits at 98c, $1.13, and up. MOTI0K8, MTIOSS, NOTIONS. Garter elastic T ead pencils, good quality, four cents. j at four cents per dozen. Tacks, Needles, Crochet Needles, and hundreds of other articles worth 5 cer.ta we offer for one cent per paper. Corsets worth 50 cents we offer for 19 cents ReaJour aoo tations on Spool Cotton. THE COMBINATION BUSTED. Clarks best O. N. T. Spool Thjcad two for 5 cents, Kerr's Spool Thread two for 5 cents. Gents' Shirt fronts, all linen, at 3 cents. before offered. SHOES. 0 Attthma, Consumption, Cutarrh, Bronchitis Rhenmatlra, Kidney and Utcr Dtscaar Chilta and Fever, Female Trnablea, In ml Its forms, and, in fact, every Disease known to tbe Hainan System. BEWARE OP FRAUDULENT IMITA TIONS. See that our trade-mark (same as above). appears on eacn ju; Sen iusr. ienu ior oook msiorv oi tne Microbe Killer," given away bv Doctor W. M Fowlkes A Co., sole atrents for Richmond county. The biggest bargains ever offered. Misses' fine shoes, perfectly solid, at 49 cent Gent's fine shoes 98c and up. Ladies' 68c. ' HATS. HATS. HATS. Wool hats from 10c up. Gent's $3 Derby 15 at 69 ceata. 50 tegee sbirts 25 per cent off regular prices. Call early..; We'll save you NEW YORK RACKET. HEADQUARTERS for DRUGS! Prices Lower than Ever Before T TRY US and be convinced yourself that this is the pia;v tu uuy your Ml, Paint Brushes. tc Our nriv n.Utii1i.tA i a- VVe always have the best goods at fife Ibwest ficures this anv of our ciifitompm will rlt tr., t; .j ' j ijujc uuu attain sg houses have sprung up to compete with us, otily to meet 'Spthe same sad fate disappointment. Ooi'etfpwience hard uiciui anenuon to Dusmess hay taught ua exactly what the people need, hence we are always ready to serve you and give you prompt and oLte attention and in rrnaiMnfoa ... IF YOU ARE SICK and don't know yourself what vou want, Dr Fowlkes can always be found in his ofice IB the store and will eladlv advise and Dnerilw fnr Our stock of JEWELRY and Spectacles is coropMe. pnwmbc tor you. In season we carry our usual large ?tock of Fresh Garden Seed. j Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. Come to see us ur- iwi m. rowikei ait S & Cn. n I : PATRONS TO MY FRIENDS AND Wait a few days. Don't buy your Spring Dress until I return. I start to New York to-day. Wait and see a a m what l have to show you. Yours respectfully, April 15, 1890. if fit --' i ISuckteu's Arnica Sahf . The best Halve in th world for bruises, cots, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores tetter, ehappad hands, chilblain, conn, aac all akin eruptiens, aad positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarsnteed to givv perfect satiafactioa, or money re innoeu. rnee to cbh perooa. i or by Dr W M Fowlkes Co, :0m si?