" Markets. Illlk Wit) VAIl Mik properly display- iua nave been a have purchased kc, to secure the i't her you buy or fent with quality, y successful with I our sales have e can suit almost if If so, viwt Ie request you to v vvikiuuc VOU i tue gooas. RD & CO. H. C. WALL. IPANY lines, nerfumerv Idents' lamps and KM goods very low p will sa ve Icncfit of an addi here and the new ES" anager. illinery from New York test and best se- ry that has ever lv every shape and p. l.ace cap m nts to the finest line ot IERS of Tips ; Bovs' novelties ; ' Kid Mitts 25 cents : ind quality ; Cor- kes ; Gauze Vests :ery shade, width II the Latest Nov- found in a first lers for the larsre solicit a contin- AM, N. C N s, Kats, f imunity, all of CO. MENTS, AC. ftn and WANT goods be Bure to inS: .. . . and sell you bet- laid than you can L. ELLIOTT. T, rks s ROCEINGHA.M ROCKET. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1890. Church Directory. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. L. Wood, Pastoi Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m., and at at 7:30 p. si. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday ev en- mg at ( :6V. riabbath-school at 3:80 r. n. Baptist church rev. l. j0hn- bon, Fastor. bervices 1st and 3rd Sunday nights, and 4th Sunday morning in each month ; Roberdel, 4th Sunday afternoon at i o clock; rieasant wove, 3rd Sunday at 1 1 a. M. ; Cartledge's Creek, 1st Sunday at 1 1 A. m. ana fcaturday before at 4 t m Sabbath-school every Sabbath at 9 a. m. PEE DEE HEIGHTS M. E. CHURCH Rev. R. H. Broom, Pastor. Serv ices at 1 1 a. In. on the 1st Sunday and at o p. m. on i ne ora Sunday in each monwi. Sabbath-school every Sunday at 9 a. m PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV P. R. Law, Pastor. Services the 3rd and 5th Sundays in each month at 11 a, m. nd 8 p. m . Sabbath -school every Sunday at 3 p. m Y. M. C. A. meets every Fridav night in rmw - . , . vHH - hi' ,a ues Lon' of Alabama and daughter,-Miss Pearl, are "n V18,i io relations. Mr. "Walter Covineton wb k. n ,.r. i , v,' ,clur"eu nome a few days A k A - . . "cell KUini? A XOhnn T :i 4 j , THK M AILS. Postoffice opens at 7 o'clock a.m. Mails igoing West on C. C. Railroad closest G:3o t M. ; mails going East close at 7 .15 a. m. Money order departm ent open from 8 A H. to 5 p.m. D. M. Morrison, Postmaster. ADVERTISING- RATES. 1 time. 1 inch, .75 2 ' 1.25 " 2.00 i col. 2.50 4" 400 1 " 8 00 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 2.00 4.00 6.00 2.50 5.00 9.00 i-00 7.00 10 00 5.00 8.03 14.00 7.00 12.50 27.00 15.00 27.00 45.00 ' ihse are net rates contracts payable p uarterlv . All 12 mo. 10.00 12.00 14.00 22.50 45.00 80.00 yearly LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Theodore Weill now supplies' our market occasionally with Kansas beef and mutton. . ago. obe,rdel and Pee Dee base ball clubs played a game last Satur day evening vyhich resulted in a vic tory for the Roberdel club. The Rocket congratulate the Kobesomao on its removal into its new quarters. It U a good paper and we are glad it now has a house or its own. The New York Racket is out in a new advertisement this week, and Mr Lolhns quotes some astonish ingly low prjces on shoes, hats, dress goods, parasols, &c. vuuraeuce win meet in Car uiago to- morrow. W. H. Neal, Esq ol this county, is president. It wil continue through next Sunday. Th uiegves to represent the Methodist uuui ai mis station are W M Covington, HC, Wall. Misses Fan me Wood and Hallie Steele. lae uavis School will bo moved irom ljaransre. N. n. to vv;of UB,C U' J e ocnool will be located u large, oeautiiui grounds a short instance lrom town H1,ion uuiiuiugB win becomn eted hv th. upening or ttie session next Septem- y. auc equipments ot the entire institution will be 6rst-clas8 in everv particular. Davis Soh Hoi Ifl An A nf me largest Milit.irv SnhiQ tu O . i . , v w.ww.o 111 iu ooum. Many sections nffhQ TTr.; btates are represented every year. The new location of tu yi i ; am surpassed anvwh beauntilul country famous for health. Two Incendiary Fires. vvectneBrtay night, shortly after two p clock, S. L. Gardner's house in Monroe was burned. Loss $600 to $auu.; na insurance. The fire was clearly the work of an incendiary. Shiloh Methodist church, three miles south of Monroe, was burned on Wednesday about 10:30 o'clock. This fire is also thought to have been the work of an incendiary. The Monroe Enquirer and Express of Thursday says: "There had been some dissension in the church. Some of the members had with drawn and wanted to hold the church. It had been reported that the deed to the property had been ost, but recently the deed was found, and the olai m nf th. vil-if f.J Hiv ULUUU Auction! There will be an auction at tii store of the late G. E. Wisbart on Saturday May 17th, from 11 o'clock until 6 o clock. If vou want bar gains don't fail fo attend. Mr, Gladstone's Books. - 1 was asking the venerable book seller, E. W. Stibhs, who was the most indefatigable reader of books in London, and he answered: "Will Ham E. Gladstone, unquestionably; Everything that comes ta his net is fish. He is the biggeat book buyer we nave not that he indulges in rare and costly books, but that hi Mr. Walter L. Scales, of our town, is one of the marshals for the 20th of May celebration in Charlotte. The cold nights of the latter part of lrst week damaged the gardens hereabouts and has injured the cot ton crop to some extent. We call attention to the advertise ment in this issue of Mr. A. C. Cov; ington. of Roberdel, who offers good bargains in shoes, dress goods, fcc. The final cap stone of the Itober del djam will be laid this week and me mill will start up n next Mon day. None are more anxious than the operatives for work to be resumed. A Rattler. Dr. J. M. Covington, of our town was the recipient of a rattlesnake from a Georgia friend last week. He is a healthy specimen with seven rattles and a button. He looks to be ready for "business" at a mo ments warning. His appearance was quite a sensation in this region of staid old moccasins and coach whips. We want no more of his kind here, and would rather "raise" him than raise from him. The Supreme Lodge of Knights of Honor meets this week in Detroit. Mich. Our townsman, Jas. T. Le Grand, one of the representatives of me order from North m l.fi last Friday to be in attendance. left Rov. R. H. Broom's child, so lona a little sutlerer, died on Thursday last, 8th inst., and was buried in the T 1 f i . JieaK lamuy cemetery. The parents have the sincere sympathy of all our people in their sote bereavement. The "Bright Jewels" of this town are getting up a fund to erect a mon ument to the memory of the late Mrs. M. L. Wood, who was for a long time the lady manager of the bociety. 1 hey have already secured aoout one hundred dollars. We are in receipt of a copy of the memorial volume containing exer cises at the University Centennial last summer. The speerhes at the Alumni banquet are published, of whudi that of Judgo Dick was prob ably the best, at- least the most elo ueiu. ui. . iM. rowiices ac vjo., ever, watchful for the convenience ofiuuiiiiouBiion oi meir customers. have placed an electric bell in their drug store. By pressing the button on the right hand side of the door you can have your wants attended to at any hour of the night. nxena JT James A. Lockhart, Esq., chair nian of the Democratic Executive Committee of the 6th Congressio nal district, has issued a call for the committee to meet in this town on the 4th of June to determine upon a time and place for holding the convention to nominate a candidate for Congress from this district. We call attention to the three col umn advertisement of J. A. Wright -Z ' on our fourth Pa2e this week. ysu menials are from people well nown in this section and are undoubtedly genuine, for the origi riais can be seen by calling at the Messrs. Wright's office. This house has been established here for a num ber of years and, by fair dealing, has built up a truly enviable reputation. Tb 8clVl commencement season is at hand and the invitations that come in are varied in dojign and beautiful in execution. We ac knowledge this week invitations from Augusta Seminary, May 13th to 15tb; Carthage Academic Insti tute, May 23rd ; and Oak Ridge In stitute, May 25th to 27th, and Greensboro Female College, 27th 28th and 29th. Town Commissioners' Meeting. The newly elected town officers met last Friday at Mayor Guthrie's office and were sworn in. At the meeting of the Commis sioners which followed, Mr. J. P. Leak was appointed clerk and treas urer, and his bond fixed a $2,000. H. S. Ledbetter and Dr. J. Id. Cov ington were appointed street com mittee. The salary of the town marshal was fixed at $25 a month and fees. His bond was fixed ni $2,000. M. X. Hinson was elected marshal. For the present it was de termined not to have any assistant marshal. The liquor license tax was placed at 8350 for a year or any part of a year, payable before the issuing of license. The Mayor was instructed to make it a condition of every license that if liquor is sold on Sunday the license was t be for feited. The privilege taxes were left as they were last year. The salary of the Mayor was fixed at 875.00 for the year and fees. The Falary of the clerk and treasurer was fixed at $25.00 for the year. The .. i r j i -i samry oi me commissioners was t $24.00 each for the owners fully established. Last nieht keeP8 himself fully informed of ev-. tt0 ursi iime Kev j F YVash burne had occupied the church since being assigned to this work. It is mought that some one through re venge or malice burned the building to prevent its being used in the fu ture. Uharlotte Chronicle, lOtb. T. 1 --... . i took William Kadam's Microbe filler tor general dilapidation. rom the first dose I felt benefit and a daily improvement until 3 gallons ot JNo. 2 were consumed when 1 was comparatively a youth again, i believe that it is all that is claimed lor it. and know nf own knowledge complete cures for erytning in current literature. As! soon as a new book appears he buys no matter whether it be a novel or a history or a philosophical trea tise. He is not a rich mao, yet he spends large sums, of money for hooks; his library must be g large and curious one." London Letter to Chicago News The baby has its preferences as wen as anybody, and the taste of Df. Bulls Baby Syrup renders it acceptable to every infant. Price 25 cents a bottle. You are awaro. of coursed that in nasty consumption, rheumatism, activity induces dyspepsia with all """"j iju umuuer uimcuities. Luther C. Chaliss, Atchison, Kas or sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & company its wretched consequences. The rem edies needed for such cases are ju dicious exercise and Laxador. 25c. Some JLind Words from Our Ex changes. R. W. Knight, Esq., retires as ed- nor oi tne Kockingham Rocket, and Mr. H. C. Wall and Mr. Thos. C. Guthrie will "conduct the paper. Mr Wall was its former editor and holds a place among the ablest, wisest and best furnished the State. Mr. Guthrie is a young ujrtij oi laient arui ltamrv , ... NOTICE. There will be a called meeting of the Board ol County Commissioners of Richmond'county in the office of the Register of Deeds at Rocking ham, N. C. on Monday evenincr th 19th, at 8:30 o'clock. Peter McRae, Chaa'n. An exchange says: There are more puns made on Dr. Bulls Cough Sy- ments. He was elected U.., rtf "P, iree oi cnarge, man are paid for x-. , . . J K .. 4 l.i- i Kockineham on Mnnrlnv anJ w-v a gooa ming oe- on Monday, and en joys the confidence and regard of his people. State Chronicle. Mr. R. W. Knizht has rMrd no editor of the Rockingham Rocket and Mr. H. C. W ail and Mr. T C Guthrie h a ve Sllpperlfrl hi i . vail is well known in State journal ism and Mr. Gnth awer oi anility. bantord Express. Mr. R. W. Knight Retires from the ownership and editorship of the Kockingham Rocket. Messrs H C Wall and T. C. Guthrie take rharoe Mr. Wall was the founder of the paper and is a Christian gentleman of de cided intelligence and writes well. Mr. Knight will have charge of the mechanical department. We wish all of them great success. Wil m ington Messenger. The Messenger is mistaken, how ever, as to Mr. Wall being the founder of tho Rocket. The paper was founded in 1883 by Mr. R. W Knight. owners. serves the notice of the press. IIU K NX Of Our J&ool Davs. It is pleasaiWto be reminded of the old times. Tn this day of rush and calculating progress our minds are necessarily absorbed with the present and future, seldom exercised in retrospection. But now and then a friend, turning aside a 'moment from care and business, recalls an luviupiu or occasion wmcn causes refreshing memories to roll in upon us. It was th us the other day when our eyes fell upon a sheet, printed in Cheraw, S. C, announcing a dra matic performance Dec. 25th, 1855 at the old Richmond Academy by the troupe well known in that day as the "Thespians." The play was "Douglas." a tragedy of no mean merit, written by Dr. Home. Who of our older citizens does not recall the splendid acting of Louis Webb in the character of Glenalvon ? He was the"star"of the troupe, and was assisted by John" W. Cole as Lord Randolph, Clay Wall as Lady Ran dolph, Jas. S. Knight as old Norval, and T. C. Leak while the minor casts were filled by boys who are now likewise crr.nr. beards and on the shady side of life Under the skillful iT tt . " AJUUIO vvebb the troupe became nroficient in acting and snored a -rr i, . i . v ouvsoo, ii-ven in the days of imurovenaenf since that time th OUT llirlomnont . , ' ru; imnnr. Kii; ,1 J . fc"'v " " wur periorm- u, ...... la mime auce 10 eaua ihsit nf tK. ij nt rich and healthful by taking Hood's pians," in mir town J'lr Sarsaparilla It cures scrofula, salt , reason alone that we ha ie had no rbeum, all blood disorders. Louis Webb here since. It is well known that a man can live with less than one lung. Rad am's Microbe Killer cures consump tion by simply stopping the fer mentation that is eating the lung away. We do not claim to restore what is gone, but simply stop the decay, and you can live happy and contented the rest of your natural life, even if you have but one luntr For sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Company. Dear Sirs. I have been suffering with lung difficulties for seven years; three months ago quite se riously. I learned of the Microbe Killer, and gave it a trial. I was also quite deaf in my right ear. I have improved in my hearing and gained at least ten pounds in flesh. am leehng like a new man. I the greatest confidence in re commending the medicine. Yours truly, Frank W. Conant, Treasurer Grand Opeia House, Los Angeles, Cal. For sale by Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Company. Bucklen's Arnica Salr. The best Salve in the world for bruises cuts, gores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores tetu-r, chapped bands. chilblains, corns, aac all skin eruptions, and nosilivelv enrea r . . r, 7 . : riies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed 10 give perfect satisfaction, or monev re tunded. .Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by Dr W M Fowlkes A Co. ABoy'e Composition. I heard of a boy's composition to day that struck me as purely origi nal. Here it is. He wrote on man. Said he: "Man's an animal. TTf hna pvm that he sees with ; nose thtrt he smells with, and mouth that hteats with. He is split at the end and walks on that end." If Joe Caldwell can beat that the hat is his. Tom Evans' Letter to the North State. j - " T" Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1819. In the treatment of rheumatism," gout, neuralgia, sciatica, &c Salva tion Oil should be thoroughly rut bed in. It kills pain. Price 25 cts. New Advertisements. ROUT F. WILLMMS A CO., Importers and Wlfeak GROCERS RICHMOND, Va. Represented by Edwin Sully. Baking Powder ABSOLUTEiy PURE ONE WILL BUY TO-DAY IN THE CENT NEW NOTICE! T) Y VIRTUE of a power of sale con JLJ tamed in a mortem o-a A J .?ntui oy jacic aostick and wife, on 9th Febru ary, looo, to William Parsons, Son fe Co., .iiu duiy recoraa in Sook "Q Q " paces 248 and 249 of Register's Office for ftich jmond county, th undersigned will, on rnaay, tne yth day of June. 1990 nt. tli vuuru nouse aoor in town ot Rockingham jeu to nignest bidder for cash, the lands inerein conveyed, default having been made in payment of note secured by-said mortgage. This 7th May, 1890. Wm. PARSONS, SON t CO., Mortgagees. Jas. L. LeGrand, Attorney. ROCKINGHAM MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY BT W.I. EVERETT, DEALER IN GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE. Country Produce U quoted at buying prices COTTON Middling, in Good Middling Ccbiol RACON-Sides, per lb 78 Shoulders " 6(a,8 Hams, " 1215 BEESWAX, 16161 CHICKENS 15(20 EGGS, per dozen, 10(12i FLOUR Country, per sack,. ...2.253.00 Northern, " 2.50(3 00 Patent, " 3.75 GRAIN Cora, per bushel, 6580 Oats, " 5065 Peas, " 751.00 HIDES Dry, per lb 810 Green, " 4TA52 SALT, per Saok, 1.001.15 The Clayton Investigation. Washington, May 1. The Con grassional committee th at investiga ted the Clayton-Breckenridge con tested election case returned to Washington from Arkansas last night. During the 13 days that the committee was in Arkansas, it ex- nunmorl omit 1(1 ? . rn i nwu j.w wimesses. lhe members are satisfied that there i no foundation to the theory that jnos. tiooper wag the assassin of John W.gUayton. They also speak in terms of praise of the courtesy shown and assistance given the committee by Representative Breck enridge, and they think that he averted a serious- difficulty that might have caused a tragedy, by preventing an altercation between Messrs. McClure and Arnstrnmr during the stormy session of th committee last week. NORTH CAROLINA, l In Supbbior Richmond Couny. Court. A. L. fehaw. Administrator, of Thos. J. Huntley, deceased, Plaintiff Against Martha M. Huntlev. William TTnnflov Susan Huntley, Rooert Huntley, Cleave land Huntley, A. R. Morrison. Nancv Morrison, Isabella Morrison Mary Morri son, batnenne Mcfavden, Llaniel McLean and wife Flora McLean, M. R. Morrison and wife Melissa Morrison, W. I. Everett H. C. Wall, H. S. Ledbetter and R. a' Johnson, partners, trading' under th.e firm name of Everett, Wall & Co., Defendants. T Martha M. Huntlev. William Huntlev. Susan Huntley, Robert Huntley, Cleave- land Huntley, heirs at law of lhomas J. Huntley, deceased : This is a proceeding to sell real estate of Thos. J. Huntley, de ceased, to pay his debts and th costs of administration. You are required to ap pear before me at my office in Rocking ham, in aforesaid county, oa Saturday he iitti day 01 j une ioyu and answer or de I HAVE JUST RECEIVED And opened for the inspection of the public Ik Spring M OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS SHOES. AND MY DRESS GOODS consist of Calicoes. Lawns, Challies. Sat teens, Chambries, Linens, Piques, Nuns veiling, Henriettas, Cashmeres, &c. They are pretty and cheap. I have Lawns for 3J centa. GET MY PRICES ON SHOES and you will decide that I am Headquar ter. I keep as good Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars as there is in the county. Respectfully, A. C. COVINGTON, i Roberdel, N. C. May 15, 1890-tf. YOKE RACKET e Pencils, two Lead Pencils, Paper of Tacks, Crochet Needle, Box Blacking bpool Thread, Paper Needles, and hundreds of other items worth 5 cents. If one cent will buy so much, only think of what you can cany home for One Bright Dollar SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Nice line of Cofconades. Pants Goods from 8 cents up. Straw Hats! Straw Hats! We have bought out a line of drummer's samples nt a heavv discount and have marked them down to just half what they are usuallv sold for. Among these are some Ladies Hats, very fine and all latest styles, which" we offer at half price. Boy's, Youth's and Men's Hats FROM FOUR CENTS UP Elegant New Line of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Trippings, S5c., just in at bottom price. Impossible to make prices on all these, as stock is so variei We have them from 10 cents up. J ust received a new lot of fine Silk Parols, all colors. Shoes Shoes Misses' Button Shoes, all solid, at '47 cents nn T.a,li.' Rntt bl - SrnJ i oUpr Sm . La,ies S.ho- very fine, cost $2.75 in bankrupt stock, we oiler at $1.98. Men's Fine Shoes from 63 cents up. NEW LINE GENTS' HAND-SEWED SHOES, BEST QUALITY, Call in; we will save you money at the mur to the complaint which has been filed 6th, 1890. Z. F. LONG, in this office. This May 6th. 1890. Clerk Superior Court. How to Cure All Skin Diseases. Simply abDlv "Swavn e's OlTif,mrf. " No internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, nose, hands. &c. leaving the skin eWr white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your, druggist for Swayne's Ointment. 4ii-fim Everybody should subscribe for the Roekingham Rocfret. WHEN YOU VISIT CHARLOTTE, be sure and see the handsome slojk of CLOTHING and FURNISHING bought this season, including Light .Weight Summer Goods, in White FlanrfPl Coats and Vests, Fancy Flannel Coats and Vests, White Shirts with Silk Pongee FronU, something entirely new, and as pretty Flannel Overshirta as can be EQTTEN UP. Five Hundred 4-ply Linen Collar at lOcents each. Truly, Wl: 15 East Traile St., CHARLOTTE, JV. C. AT COST I Great Reduction! I am closing up the business of G. E. Wish- art, and in order to do so in as short time as possible, I am closing out goods at COST! Those wanting bar gains can now avail themselves of the op portunity. Mrs.G.E.Wishart. New York if Pwockingham, N. O, May 14th, 1890. Racket. 5 , . Insure Against Accidents IN THE U. 8. Mutual Accident As osciation I OF NEW YORK. $5,000 for Death by Accident or Loss of Limbs. $2,500 for Loss of Limbs or Sight, or for Permanent Total Disability. $560 for Loss of One Eye. r $25 per week, np to 52 weeks, for Tempo- ' L m j l l-v? i i j rary iota XJisaoiiiTy. Costs about $15 per year, payable in one sum or in installments of two dollars. Membership fee $3.00, payable only once. MEMBERSHIP, 52,541. Losses paid during 1889, $ 384,868.00 V nce 1878, 1,769.567.39 Insurance in force Jan. '90, 254,313,750.00 Assets December 31, '83, 246,736.55 It will pay you to insure. Accidents happen oNLT when they are not expected. If there ia no agent for this Association in your town, write to the undersigned. We want an active agent in each town in North Carolina, and will give liberal terms. Correspondence solicited. FIELD A ROYSTER. State Agents for North Carolina, 13-t Oxford, N. C. HEADQUARTERS for DRUGS Prices Lower tlian EvBr Bef Sfu T TRY US and be convinced yourself that this is the place to buy your Drugs, Oil, Faints, Tarnish, - Paint Brushes, Ac. Our prices never have been beaten. V e always have the best goods at the lowest fiiru res this airy of oor customers will tell you. Time ancTagain houses have sprung up to compete with us. only to meet the same sad fate-disappointment. Our experience, hard study and careful attention to business have taocht us exactly what the people need, hence we are alwawWady to serve you and give you prompt and pol.te ttentn tv vatt , rit, EuaiouiCT tausiaciion. 1 YOU ARE SICK and don't know yourself what you want Dr Fowlkaa an In Season We Carrv Olir usual lnrirro atL- nf Frn.l, n J a., i . . j 73 -;'' vi .11 vjaiueii creu. resenpuons careiuay compounded day or night. Come to see us. Dr. W. M. Fowlkes & Co, TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS: Wait a few days. Don't buy your Spring Dress until i return. I start to New York to-day. Wait and see what I have to show you. Yours respectfully, April 15, 1890. The Rocket Job Office IS PrtfePARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF - Plain and Fancy Job Printing AT SHORT NOTICE and on reasonable terms.