if . ' 5 ixii4kKU,UiVjLiX'. : PJBLI3HSD EV5:t THCJIHD V X. BV Editor and fropriefcr. - EtJBgCEiPTjelr filss : . Olie Dollar and-a hajfia year ill advance. Axtyevtising rates furnished en ap BiUOATIONAL. ' belietinz thai the masses of d jple eVi tertaht ; er roneous ideai Awb&.edpea: tion is, sent to some1 xf tbe'proi- . tent feachftfsvof thfc eeunty ; this j qustion : .What is it tabe educated ? 8'otnd have been kind enough to reanorid an received - tc - a vj. j ii nis. w - i, ask the eiheir careful ' ' ; (jRocrixanAM, N. Cv .r- - ..r; pb,'28, i. b. editor : By' yoar?reqneet, I offer some tbougtojr di edMtton., and ;shali refer more; particularly to the respective-duties ol parents and. teach ers. Too many' ' parents do not seem to realize the fact that their teipori- sibilityisearfuk They should not. xpefet SISajaiWSito act mi the double cipajcity of parent and teach er. T)?e sia! adtyjblF te teach er is Intellectual, that of the parent, moral training. .Bat the respohsi- m 1 1 1 w ni nil rtn h mira iiijl khu. nucii l ";i-.:tr-. iT; , I ml tor any person, nrm or corpora thmtrtdwt cialdren to school. . . . i awav or otherwise mi e T..j..i .il. i i nearty w-operawonuunu :lUB I theiirh'iidreh; " - r. Tiieteacherwho loveshis work, an (f who h4heinterests of his pu pils at heart, ean, by proper tact, inspire tb majority of them with a love for study. But where he faihtUe parents of such children should come lo his "assistance. If , inducement 3ai1i,hen I would sug geaeitaint! .'Require them to stay at iomeiM)re,'and tarun about the L streeGPIes; "natticnlarly at nieht Appoint study noura, and require them to study. These boys are not nrtessarilbad, but the 'farce of habit nas ice mastery over mem. AfieriaWfle,-they will be compelled to refj-ect. Then they will realize triencrinHfeey ?e been'4 doing wrong, and'refarmation.will, in most iristanfies be thf result. Efl)rspniMlity of the teacher, The man that confines his efforts taTthlM!elletaf trafninerof his du- pUi i&rnoworthf of the name of that th destiny ofj immortal souls il,Homttenependent upon , .3WP1 -. - - V: --. ..I th4Muiftya.&c?j a1"1 houll watchrevery opportunity to assist pafeBtsf;li rawraj training ttheir cMldrep.)Pift shdnrdjni press opon ehf 5rdV?p3t they. twt ie tti.feW,Saw $Dod$ WUepSi spectaty,iao irarnnd leveiopr tneirj mental tac- mtiesJhe shfaldjioforget that it is moms onyi teaen mem now.io PPa1?0.8 lo &wu nu aoij purposes, v , Th abovriMightg suggest to my mind thet question, What is true education TS.i ; " . . iaere, czjir vc no vms eaHtaima unless moral and 'intellectual train- fhandTdeT4opent go hand in Ifandcv'ho ui iaikk0 intellect tii?JWwt1iW& : to 1,16 lionof of God and ta the injury of iaanfeinferTPf:: . ' f3$SfeW: trab fevmifeWblo a man -to use nis snowieugo mm giory OfGrodano : the ad vaneement of His "cause." " " - ,- Respectfully, p. ARMISTisAD. IT. - ' Al though every one may be said to be acjjttiring information, from . theTadfe-io ' tlife grave, education p?op6t, felates"tof that training,, de relopment, and cultivation oLlhe . physical,' intellectual and moral facoltiest -"r'Kicrf . prepares youth for. the after duties and pleasures of life. ' To beeducated, theft, in the highest and 'most comprehensive sehse, one must not only acquire . knowledge irAlitrature1 ciencej art and busi- nes3,ot;in.addition to this, there mU8'b6cnt!vatioh of those moral -iMei Tbichare iadespensable to sohditv of character, and which aompanyue religious principle. We often see those whose education Beems nnisueu, aa u were, m one direction, while in another there . t j . . has been very imperfect develop M. - mi , . i r i.. uiciii. ins uieniai iacuities mav have been 'stimulated to such an extent, that the strain has produced weaisnes or bodily power. The -: T a ftrpo rnrnr if-nr-- . t . 1 ' l -" mM P 1 ' a wa ar H m V m ' ixjt'ii oiiiiiatit itiutit'vtual- giiu -una acquirements are sometimes found in painful conjunction with moral delinquency." Again, one may have almost reached a point of supremacy in othtfr respects, and still resemble the "young man" upon whom Jesus looked with admiration, yet with city saving "One thing thou lackest." TThe failure to " stand the crucial test applied, ihat of Christian' love and consecration, proved him wanting iii true charactfMrainingvandngt to wear the badge of graduation from the Great Teacher. To whatever height one 'may rise in worldly knowledge, therw must ever remain a fearful omission in thef structure nf rwrfrC Arlnnut inn if 'ti sincere vi . rwaw ? christian faith does trot underlie a strict morality. "O bleeding Cal- vary ! ihe true morality is love 01 fir 0lThe!'i,;Afwth.this greatest gin or wGbd tornxaS, once accepVelSVJhefe be unKea we acquisiuou w . , v ... ., -n . bJe cultivation of mind and man- ners, .with a srenerous amount of intellectuality, one may reasonably, expect to enjoy the pleasures of life, which follow such a prtpralforfr usefulnesv and the promotion 6r od to 0Beg' fellow-beings. Mary Mackik. - No Hore Cigarettes to Lays. We give below the bill as passed by both houses of the General As sembly, prohibiting the .sale of ci garettes to bo3Ts uader 17 years of age: Section 1. That it shall be unlaw- ' c . j garettc3 or tobacco in the forrri of form or shape, hich may be used or intended to be used, as a substi tute .for cigarettes, to any minor under the age of 17 years, and any one violating the provisions of this act, or any person "or persons aiding, assisting or .abetting the violation thereof shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction shall be punisned bv fine or imprison ment in the discretion of the courtj Sec. 2. That any person who shall or may aid or -assist any such minor child, in obtaining the possession of LigareUe9 or tobacco in any form used as a substitute- therefor. by whatsoever name it may be called, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined Tr or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. csec. 6. lnattms act shall be in force from and after its ratification Ratified the 3rd day of March, A D. 1891. Digest of New Fertilizer Laws. Thu fnllnwinrr Hirof ttf iVtm nmme fertilizer laws just passed by th o General Assembly will be of general inierest. The law substitutes a ton affe cbanre in8tead of the nri vilis tax On the brand. Manufacturers or others must now Day a tonaeo charge of 25 cents per ton on all fer tilizin? materials. TWs must he. porcured from the Commissioner of Agriculture to lie attached to evert bag before shipment to agents, deal- ers, or consumers m this State. it is a misdemeanor and a fine of $iq for each bae. for an aeent Or dealer to offer for sale an v such fer. tilizer 'or ' lertilizme materials not properly tagged, or a consumer to r(moTe it. or a railroad agent to de- liver it. - Fertilizora which now have U license to tell (seeured last year) wiH not be reauired to vav the charse or to be-taeaed until exnira- tion of their hcer&es. Allf oiherrf on Lie must be tagged properly at once, lioods kept over from last season must bo tagged to ropreeont this fact, and all dealers are reouired to report the amount on hand at the , j close of the fiscal year on Nov. 30thV No fertilizers can be sold with con tent less than S per cent, of available phosphoric acid, ; 2. per cent, of am monia and 1 per cent, of potash. Kainit, cotton seed meal, for fertil izing purposes, and other fertilizing materials must now be Inspected and analyzed, and possible adulter ation so prevented. H. B. Battle, Experime'nt Station, Raleigh. Appointment of Trustees, Raleigh, March 7. The Legisla-ture.to-night elected , the followmg trustees of the new deaf mnta in'ti- tute at Jferganton : M. L. Reed, N B. Broughton, Martin H. HoltjS. McD. Tate, W. H. Lucas, R. A. Grier arid John J. Lon? 1 he following were-elected trua tees of the new cojored Agricultural and Mechanical college f Hugh Cole, J. M. Early John S. Leary, W. H race, Chrrles H. Moore, W. B. McCoy, W. A. Graham, S. McD Tate and W. H. McClure. - IN THE STATE. . The Legislature- adjourned last Monday. . , , Under the act passedtroth bouses f Gonjrress lo refand the direct! tax, North Curotma.wT Bymx act of the generarAssenobry Stat solicitors will breaiti wsejo- tett by the people likejudg8. The increase of the white popula- tin of MoTth".Gfolin .'ferlrte Jastt ten yean has been over 20 per cent wkile the . increase of the -oolosod has been only About 7. . ,' ; Hoase4f ? fiepveteBteflves;;wtfprii sexited "with fine gold ; Wetoh as testimonial pitht tatcem iojlwbieiir. tbe.rgembeinii ieMJam..,., , A ;M Unless aone4 jng f utfcer is vid6ney the Charlotte Female Institute will close its doors in June. The peo: plo of that city have failed to sub scribe the amountjrieceesarytopur. che tbe -bur We fear tknt onr: farmersj dp' "not availf themselves f the" tisoful infor mation to be gained from the bullo tins and reports of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Raleigh. ' We huve oq our, table -ji large pamphlet entitled "Bulletin No. 73," which gives a listof North .Carolina grasses, their history, cultivation and their relative value as food for stock andcattlc. Every intelligent farmer, andby the way, every far mer should be " intelligent; should know tlrese facts and thousands of others which qan be had by sending your name to the director of the Ex periment Station. Clevshnd and tha People AUant Journal, Every day's . revelations afford evidence thai the hold of ex-Pres ident. Cleveland upon the Demo cratic- party f .-has hot been broken by his anti-silver coinage .letter, The great body of the Democratic party differ with him on that ques tion, but they are daily 'showing tnajt they are not disposed Jto break from kim on that account'1' The party still regard the tariff .question ti. ' ' il i c ... as me paramount onein ine ponu cal contest, ond look to Cleveland as the leading champion' ' of tariff re- formV ' - One of the meet signTfie n teda monstrations of this kind, as shown by a dispatch to in to-day's Jourria from Indianapolis, was furnished by tho results of a poll of the preaiden tial preference of the members the Indiana legislature the other day. The division of the Democrat ic members was as follows : -Cleve land, Gray. 26: Hill, 7: Palmer, 2; Vocrhees, 4; Vila, 1; Turpie, 1 It will be remembered.. that a .few day's -ago Senator Voorhees de elated himself against Cleveland and in favor of Gray; yet with the in flu enco of these two distinguished and honored. ' Indian iont against' him, Cleveland beak Gray- twfftoxjaev Jikjually significant, aa respect Kepubucan iprefeiences; was tne poll of the memberrof 'that party It stoodBlame,; 2ftH:rrieon, .17 Gre8ham, AlgerI: Blaine thus beats Harmon in his own State just "as Cleveland boat (Grayj'but not by 10 great majority. The Hepub lican party ifripear to be concent rat - ing on Blaine, and the Democratic love lor Clevelandiis still unbrokea. : The censes reports on ths con vict population of the count'ry'pre- sent a striking commentary on the charge that the negro does not re ceive due consideration in theceurt of the South. It is shown that Mas sacVusttts sends to the Penitentiary m proportion to the colored popula tion si'i times as mariv necroes as Mississippi; New York fourteen times as many, and Nebraska six teen times as many. The propoi tion of convicts to the negro popu latie ri is lowest in Mississipi, but is far lewer in every Southern State than it is in the North. It appears that the negro finds . his best oppor tunities in the South. He either behaves better here than he does in the North or his sins are more read ily forgiven. The census reports ought to " put an end to the silly .1 siancer mat me negro, is persecuted in the South. When Congress adjourned en the 14th inst., the cempl i mentary resolu tions of commendation of the epeaker1e fairness, Were carried by a a strict party vote, all the democrats dissenting, , If you want a nice black Blazer or Jack; tt of any kind, go to Mrs. Sue P; Sand- iora 8. w&eri re you can save 15 per cent on them. Sewing Machines, NeedlesiOilAttachments, Parts and Repairs, - , . lhe Uavis xia8 xso xutjua. . j " plT J , .... i . ... - f ' . , " ill WKMHM 'fas - j r r ssp?f)f IJpSsSSssSs ztr)d ppinjDjirjs. WO SEW DEPARTMENTS.fVix: wear, Gowns. Skirls, Cofset-covers; a beautiful hne of goods and -well ISall Paper Embracing nfft he noW tbing. We send and our Mjy Whitakor will call oa-the :ladies samples. Respeclfia!ly, Aug. 2.1890. ) ::. All winter stock ;on hand will be sold at a general reduction bf 20 per cent Now is your time to buy goods cheap. So come right along. Don't forget the place: 1 ry Leading A2. doors East of TOTE ' S-.T X haire just received A large cjuantily of Beautiful Table to call and see it. A ' ' ' f " : pI STILt, ON WHEELS! Having on hands and, en route, another car load of Buggies, Wagons and Carts . ; . Prices-all Reduced for the Holidays. O- q!w!sl!i:.f;C?I yt2iBirBSf J . OUR STOCK OF " EW SPRING s : IS NQW COMPLETE IN Qress Goods, CSothing, Shoes, Hats, And everything else needed by wuiwi wiu ue ouiu aa jow as any one eise will sen inem. , W. T. COVINGTON & CO. ' WHY AWE SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS LATE yu . j a", 1" nor reopie nave been kncvn to wait till Diamine seatort run to A am. them6 frtKKSWSS fcS(eld Wint' is th veTd1 rro millX vTpU them. It it is nowererVeSetableiweds. Plartts: B iM.nranvih noin tut v j. urrn , WVi this vear. but send ToM-t?rr Vt Ji ti;. Vri. . -f fwo in casn -premianu .to those sendine clufe orders. Siooo cash prizes at one of the State Fairs. firaWrl ' I " Hh oner, cnance tor all. Waae in amerfnt shapeifrom ever before; 100 paees U x io4 Inches C i 1 .Dr nTlPV"AV lUmA I ahs.dlusical Instrumcnia. Any oi the above namd eoods bo sure, to getottr pricey before buying. x'-We can save vou money, and sell you I better goods for ih pnee paid tkao you. Mty ayr v . - "t , s. . mm,, ROCKipH AM, N. C. 'Ladies made-up (Cotton Undsr- Short Skirts, Pants, (or Drawers), Ac. made. and Shades, samples of any goods that can b sampled, ol Kockmgham from time to time witn WILMINGTON. N. C. eduction! Miiliner, H. G. Dockery. T a large invoice of .3.1 Chinaware. The ladies are invited Dookery. ANT) Xr.-.-.i:. 1 SUMMER GOOD the people of this community, all of """' ucuuci mc io cents, trora tim cwuer.n r'Y.i: il j -"C"?""' "VV"ii costs 1 THISE Belongs Rdckinghani Drug Full fitock fresh , SwSSsSBSI ways on hantf -Prescriptions caxefally feqSSr " pounded. ys ' 17f They can give your money, iney are receiving some of their Sorms Stock and want I i to close out all Fall arid Uihter sM t a big discount. eep YOURS H. 6. LEDBETTER. We always k VCollartaiifji Ledbetter Brothers, ttA YE ik STORE 1 , A Gomplete Stock of OP ALL To which they invste th atUntlon of tht public v , Meat, Meaf RECEIVED IN CAR-LOAD :IQR" V; We propose to tell as cheap as any in the Market Give us calL - 4 1 to the xoiiB " I3;.v rug and vMedioiDK rh-vf .-J THEIR you good Goods for u - - II I I II I I lll ! r in stock, a full line of TRULY, LEAEl &: StEELEr: : .': One-Price Clothiers R. 8. LEDBETTER, J. Groceries KINDS, ND I 4 . - ' v .4 r