r ' ' ..." .I.'.. KaraaJWa'a 1 ! ' !" i 1 I" V, -V 3- i if r 15 if- '4 ' i THE BOOKED. rusjjsijmif kvery;. Thursday by, J- -J- t..MLBLUE ; v' Editor and Proprietor',;. y ., j, subscription bates;.' . r "M One Dollar a& a'lhalf n year in adyance. J6 Advertising rates furnighe o& ap phcatiqn. - a TEE LAST -QF BEABHAK; - j To-day one week ago, at 1 1 o'ckfck, Henry. Brabham, the- r murderer of , -- Jpha B. Mocca, was hanged in Char ' lottein the presence of about 100 ' men. ' "The editor of the Rocket was there V; a short' while after the 'execution .. and expected to find everything in a gtate of excitement, but to learn any -- of the particulars information had to ' " be sought , We saw the liberated prisoner that foiled Brabham's atr tempt to break jail; saw the mark of the blow on the' side of the head re ceiyed from the murderer hand. This negro said Brabham was -the ' meanest man hte ever fcnewy and, 'n--- deed, several said thSy never saw a human face .death ; with such cool ness as. did he. s , i " - . On the day preceeding his, execu . tion, ho went to ' see the gallows on whicl;he was to receive his doom; ' shook itjand made the remark, "I am the" most vigorous' man that' -ever .ascended such a scaffold." , He also kicked against the kind of coffin the authorities were to bury him in and gaitf if lie couidnt get a better one he would rather not be buried at all. His spiritual adviser xnade a con fession for him, openly acknowledg- ing the deed for which he was hung, ' and warning his friends to steer clear of a sporting life, as it was that which brought him to the gallows. Jackson's Ashes Removed. Lexington, Va., June 25. At 4 o'clock this morning the ashes ofoBe of the greatest generals of modern .times was brought forth to light. The body of Stonewall Jackson was taken ; from the grave in which it has rested since the burial in 1864 and quietly placed in the vault built ; far it; over which the moriunlent wfll be erected. Mrs. Jackson requested that the re-1 moval be, made in the night, that no carious crowd with prying eyes or relic-hunters with their kleptomaniac greed desecrate the almost sacred scene.!' ; . - Not oyer ten persons in Lexington knew anything 6f it this morning. A - f sw minutes nast 4 o'clock Mr. E. J Laban, the contractor in charge o: the monument work, stuck the first spade into the grave. - Two negroes then assisted'in throwing out the earth until the coffin, was reached , exactly at five o'clock. - . They then returned from the scene and Capt. J. C. Boude and Colonel John A. R.Varnar, 'two of General Jackson's devoted followers during the war j Dr. J. Ham Campbell; M W. Paxton, of the County News ; William C. Charlton, keeper of the cemetery, and another person raised the coffin from its resting place and took it immediately to the vault, where, after, a slight examination, it was placed and sealed up forever from the eyes of the" world.' The coffin was in a perfect state of preservation, except rust hung on the large iron casket. It was carried to the vault by the handles alone. The'plate was then removed and a view of the - body showed the clothes were in a Mr . state of preservation. t Much, however, to the surprise of all present, the coffin had considera ble water in it. The frame on the plate had rusted entirely away., . Our WadssTboro Letter. The ' County ' Cojnmissioners in session here 'yesterday voted an ap propriation of SIOjOOO for the new Court ;House to built in Wadesboro. The old Court House is to be torn down and all the material that is serviceable is to ho' used" in' the new building. , The old Court House ma terial will be . worth about i $5,000. This will give AnsDn Count jT a Court House worth $15,000. The build ing will be. located on i the lot now .Used as a cotton , yard and about - 300 feet back of where the '. Court ; House now stands. -The - work will ii be commenced as soonks all arrang'e ments are perfected. - The town in the neighborhood of the' colored Methodist . ehurch was aToused on Sunday night about H o'clock by cries,of distress. It was soon found that the i trouble was at the residence' of Misses ' Ellen , and ' Lydia Moore two maidenladies who ; live alone. The" -ladies '.were, both y asleep and were awakened by a'marf roira. . -i neir crxes caused the man to jump out of the window -which he had raised 'in getting into the house,. -It -was found that a plank had , been' .placed . up to the window and a nail ;with which the window was held down, was broken off. The ladies eay it was a mulatto man dressed in lightclotliesbut they Have' ho idea who he was.;- ; The'finishing touches are being put uponA. G. Bmner's large' two story brick store. -jIt will be, ready, for use in ten days. .. . .; ,t ' ; Mr. Shaler Henry, on of Wades bora's best young men; has givpto up his position as clerk for Wilsop Redfearn'. with, whom . he has been for two years and left this nioroiug for Columbia, S. C, where he will connect1 himself "with Rev: I.' Pickett and devote his life to evah gelistic work. ' , AT. B. -Wyatt . arid family left on yesterday evening's train to spend a while at Cleveland Springs. ' . F.' T. Biggs Soperintendend of the Darlington S. C, mill .spentSat urday and Sunday with his broth-erg,- George' and v SylveBter p.f our town.7 " 1 Wadesboro, July 7. Proceedings of the Veterans.' , Rockingham, N. C, July 4th., 1891. The third annual meeting of the Confederate Veteran's Association of Richmond county, was called to order ip the Court House at half past ten oclock by , the President, Captain- W. H. McLaurin formerly adjutant of the 18th N. C. Regiment After prayer - by the " Rev. M. L. Wood, of Rockingham, Mr. R A. Johnson was requested4to act as sec retary in the place of the secretary, Mr. t Parks Chappell dec'dj D. T. Hargrove Esq., was requested to act as assistant secretary. ' Mr. H. C. Wall delivered the ad dress of welcome in his usual ' hap py style of oratory. Capt. W. H. McLaurin followed wi(h an earnest and practical, address in explana tion of the day and in commeration of the valiant men . who answered their country's to duty and defence The call of the roll of the survivors was then ordered and it was found that of pur comrades, Angus Blue, J. H.R. Bundy, W; C. Cole, Parks Chappell, B, L. McLauchlin, John Ranl, H, 4. BarbervT. R Baldwin Nash LeGrand, Calvin VhHe and J. H. Chappell, .had -answered the call to judgement, and upon motion of Mr. H. C. Wall, it was ordered mat one page m our dook or r - cord, be set apart for each survivor that passes away It was then announced that dinner was prepared at the "Hotel Rich mond' and the good people of Rockingham will eyer be remem bered for this bounteous repast while a survivor remains to rela e this whole hearted hospitality. Evening Session. The members of the Executive committee, consist ing of -one man Irom each town ship, were asked to report and it was found that nothing had been done in nearly all of of the townships. Laurihburg was agreed, upon a the place, and the first Saturday in July 1892 as the time of the next meeting. The election of officers for the en- your resulted as follows: For President. John ,W. Cole. Vice Presidents, Steele's Township, Neil Nicholson. Mineral Springs, J. M, H.iqes. Beaver Dam, John H. Thrower. Jlockingham, Capt. W. I. Everett. Wolf Pit, J..Diggji. -Marks Creek, L. Strickland. Laurel Hill, Jas H. Morgan. Williamson, M. D. McNeill. Black jack, A.CJ5enton. Spring Hill, J. Lv Oooley: Stewartsville, D.T. Hargrove. Secretary, R. A. "Johnson. V ' Treasurer, H. C. Wall. Resolved. That it shall be the duty of the vice Presidents to make a complete roster- of all the qodiers urnished 'from thei? respective townships as well as a complete list of th9 Bjurvivors and that " the -vice- presidents constitute -.the executive committee. - . ? Piatt Walker Covington, six years of age, was then placed upon a table and repeated ;lThe Song of the Camp" in a style of poetic oratory which delighted the entire audience. Maj. Edwin Sully of Pelham's Artillery, Va was called for a speech and answered in true Virginia style as readily as "Pelham's Battery,'' go well cknown-to many of us spoke in tonea 'of- thunder to the enemy, when an occasion was offered, , t ' ' John W. Cole delivered a very ap-. propriate address, in memory of, our lamen,ted President Jeffersofe Bayis. -Capt. A; D, Armistead went o,the very hearts of . the ' audience; in a timely 7 , peeh" ' apprppriate" ' . o the pecasio and his,lglowing tribn,t9 to Jefferson Da vis will ever, fglpw. in th e hearts of, every : true , man present who wore the gray; , t5 DrVM;L, Wood siqnaryto Chin gave invbi& esperi house was , on fire; -; reach, arid whose anxiety " for welfare of hs CDunUy, J;ould grny be appreciated by one : under like circumstances.' ' ll r.-' - ; -;i -'The martial ni tisic Ja nishe4 ,hy the'Pee -Dee band, rekindled jhp martial spirit of the bia soldiers and was enjoyed by all. , , ' J The Confederate Navy was repre sented by Capt Jfts. Maglenn one of our braves who as phief engineer of the" Confederate stramer t'Advance,? stood by her engines night and day and supplied the Confederacy wilh so much Nassau beef, Rio coffee and many other necessaries." Greater heroism was never displayed, than he heroism of the bold patriots wha served the Confederacj' on the 'high seas. ' - The thanks "of the association were tendered to the proprietors of that palatial structure the ''Hotel Rich mond," to the hospitalhfcitizensiof Rockingham, to the Pee Dee Band and to the Carolina Central railway Company Jthreguh their Master Mo- 0 ianic,Capt. Jas. MaGjepn for cour tisies received. 1 R. A. JoHNsqN,.Sec. Bv D; T. Haegeove, Assistant Sec. Advice to Worar If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men-? struation you must use , BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR - :. Cabtbrsyiua, 4-PrH 29, 1888. ' This wfQ certify that two members of my immediate family, after haying suffered for zrom mennrau xrreKUMntyy treated without benefit by pnysicians. were at length completely oi nf nndflcld's Female Kesri le Regulator. IU inreat one bottle effect is truly wonderful. J. W. Sxaaxaa. Book to" WOMAW mailed FREB, which contains raluabls information on all female rttsntiai BRADPTELD REGULATOR CO.. '.- ATLANTA OA. Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. TJ. S. government report, . Ellerk Springs Hotel, B, COVnraTOlT, Proprietor, B0ARP PER M0TO Withldgiflg, Without, ' Board per Week, " " Day, Single Meals, - $17.50 15.Q0 5.00 1.25 .50 Children under 10 years of age and ser vants, half price. - I - sm to announce to my friends and customers and most satisfactory in the history of my pn re jis: oca whose! ' mS - ' --i . ' - " fly virirow fwu eiwuiiwu., w " v - - , y,-; ,- r T-1' .. -, J prices than were ever offered befoi e in Rockmeham. owing to the tact that 1 have just bought ftom J. A. Caudle's assignee the ever sold under one assignment in this place, present large stock of general merchandise September lftt to make ropm for my Falljpyrchases,. I wish to call special attention to the fol lowing facts: I have on hand the following goods to, be they are part of the assignment stock. Jis,uUU of the most popular brands of cigars, est i iq oesi. a.i ainereut oranus oi louacco cue largest .ana cneapeaii slouk. ever onerea Rockingham, from 18 cents up.' 2000 cans of all kinds canned goods. 30 boxes in crackers.' 1000 It, candy, cheap and fancy. mention.' Thanking raj friends forpast patronage and o merit thecctntinuante of it in the fatnre. Yours A SmLESG PBCSGEEDiPO. - .What is? JJThis is.!- Why? , Because our omly reason for baiting our hook with - the above head Hue is to catch your eye. 1 3 ow that you are. "hooded" v.ont you, . glance dqwu,ali,ttle.lower and scan tbeisgoois we Ae offering t cut rates. I am npw offering the biggest bargains you eyer heard o My etocls is largeand must be reduced: for? the nex60dayg J will sell you, a $S.00hatfor,p.00J $2.00 oS1.5D.and. $l.,5a for Big Reductions in Parasols and IUbbpM.-.; Jfnfants cap, 1,5c i hay e nice. line of; oves Corsets "Belts, etci Jin fact every thing that 'i8t0.bfoondiv'iX' A'fira 'cls-'m$SKerj anANotion Hou&e. A sale will convince you. New, Yass&r hataiust receiyed, y,t out of his ; rrrS; 0nd CountT7lshan sell for cash'ta the , " ' ' :StSAfe ' the well kilownBroceraJ Staunton, Va. He says: hlehest bidder -at' the Court House door M , r-' , m - r.' - " J eroceri "Before is78 X was to eatceUont health, weigh- Jng over wyppaads, '- la that year an aumeni . dereloDed Into" adute ".dyspepsia, and soon-1 " aras reduced to 162 pounds, ;nflerlng huroing . Intense - 1 , - ' oAntioTis in tee stomacn. pxlpltatton-ol the heart,' naosea,' and 't Indigestion.. T could not sleeo. lost all f heart In iny work, had fits of melancholia; and :: for days at a time I .would have welcomed'"; I death.' I became morose, sullen and Irritable, I and for eight year life was a burden. 1 tried-; I many physicians and many remedies. One day.-. 1 a workman employed by me suggested that I I talc e a mm , t, Hood's. ! Sarsapa; U ilf f ft ri fi ftf rilla, as 'I'i'SS .uBM!5 -'555; ' sia. I did so, and before taking the whole of a bottle I began to feel like a new man.' .The terrible pains to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided, my stomach became - easier, nausea disap-. peared,' and my entire system began, to -tone up. With returning f ' ' ' '; strength came activity of . J .-y ft f V&b mind and body. Before IJ lyOlo ' the fifth bottle was taken , X had regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." , N. B. v If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla do not be induced to buy any other. " Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold byll druggists, gl; slxforS. Prepared only by C. E3IOOD if CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Uasa. IOO Doses One Dollar Nature's Specific FOR fiANY DISEASES. An absolute ure v for Pyspepua ClHinie. Diarrhoea, Diabetes, Gravel, or ao j deriintrement of the Urinai y Organs, Sick tid Kervous Headache. Tj'cerutlou an t Hemorrhage of the Womb, Jtrj sipelas, Hheumatisin, Leucorrhcei, Gleet. Syphilis, Piles, Old Sores and Eruptions ef the Ski a, Blood Poisoning, Cancer, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, lUngwomi iore Eyes, Chronic 3ore Threat, Conghs, Catarrh, Billions Colic, Warts, Bunions, Oucs and Hruises. t-FOR THE- .Mm fetfite MINERAL WATER, Tatien from a vj ell ouer forty feet deep. T IF NOT RELIEVED MOEY' WILLBE RE FUNDED. .' FOR CIRCULABS, TESTINONI ALSOR OTHERINFORMATION CALL OUT W. T, CQYINGTON & CO., OR ADDRESS ME AT GIBSON STATION, N. C. 1 L My Gen'l Agent for North and South Carolina. - Glad - that my summer trade has been the largest bushiest. I m now prepared tojoffer closer largest stock 'of heavy and fancy groceries and i propose to oner me same wn-n my at greatly reduced prices itiy reaucea prices irpm now ui, sold considerably under the market, as on, the market. 15 brands ot a lour cheap- lUny other articles' too numerous to hoping by square dealing and low prices ' ; " . to count on WATSON hkh. in the town of Bockinghara, on Monday the- Sri day of " August A.-D: -1891, the following land to-witL'AH of 'the Interest and estate of Theodore FvJialloyrin the lands of Pr. John Malloy, dee'd, in Rich mond County, and in the lands of Pan'l Malloy. dee'd, in' said county which last ands are particularly described in a mort fage from Theodore F. Malloy and wife to all and Pearsall, recorded in the Regis ter of Deeds' office, Book XX page 254 levied pn as the property, of Theodore P. Malloy,' to satisfy a judgement in said Court wherein Seevers and Anderson and Oak City MfgCore plaintiffs and Theodore T. Malloy is Defendant. w ,; . - This, June 24th 1891.' J. M. SMITH, Sberifl of Richmond Co. Dont Forget ! - THAT .- . YOU CAN ' ' ' - ' ALWAYS FIND -' ' AT THE STEWART, STORE A FULL LINE OF -GENERAL MERCHANLISE " IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVES AND .FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR- . CASH AND NOT TO BE UN , ' DERSOLD Stewart (Taiming1 So. urn mm J. E. HOLT, Proprietor FANCY, GROCERIES, CAKES & CRACKERS i . .... CONFECTIONERIES &C. HEADQUARTERS. ' - -FOR- J ".. Groceries, Confection eries, wood and willow ware, crockery and glassware. Dont cut prices, but buy and sell for less thanxany body. My trade is im proving daily and it must be my low pri ces causing it. Am giving 20 R Brown Sugar for $1.00, 17iR) Granulated Sugar for $1,00. Try my Clair- ette Soap, it is a soap that stands first and is second to none. Try HoltJs XXX Patent flour. It stands high; 500 split baskets 5cts each. The best baking powder is the One Spoon in qual ity it cannot be sur passed. Tripe, sauces, sausage, Beef, Chick en, Tongue, Ham, Oys ters, Salmon and Sar dines are my leading canned goods. Come and try them , they are J fine. T he fi - nest French candy in town can be put up at my place, I have got the lead and am going to Holt hold it. . come One and -all. RESPECTFULLY, Ihe'Etaimer Scrocenj. J. R. HOLT, Prop, The.Rookex d.tho. Weekly isovs. Younyr Men and Men.. VV& can drera th miilriinrL,,; ; Ivi .i r4 and best catterns and i'abrica to Suits for'childrejrfroinSto 15 years old aV .prices froin to Sin B6yssmits 12 to'lSyt-ai'S, $4." to $1S. sWe are prepared" -to fit a i pleas any size maa'na matter wha-t his proportions. - The Iodo- and g aer, sliort'and stbuteJstva large1 and regular -size3." Our"stocf is renft" -with all 'the light' weight, tbiu fabrics for hot weather, 1 Alpacas, Serw silk and wool mixed prabtetes; Cicilians, Sersnckers &c. - The bTa5' goods in-'Alapacas'BrabfiBtes Serges, knd woisteds are cut in loiiss stoit extras and clerical; v Full line of 11 thfe late3t things in straw hats also tl celebrated Silverman & -YcumanVstitfhata. The" prettiest line , ospri Neglige Shirts ever displayed in the pty.1' In a" Word, we are "He 'lf quarters" for everything to-b& had or wanted in a first" class Clothing " Furnishing Store. Orders from abroad promptly and carefully filled' paying Express charges one way on- 'goods sent on "approval. Send Ir your orders. '''.' ' .- CHARLOTTE I have just received a large invoice of A large quantity of Beautiful Table Chrnaware. to call and see it. ' - 1AM STILL ON WHEELS! Having on.handa and ea route another car load of Buggies, Wagons and . . ''.''. .; , - - J- i., " . X 'I-;' ' I' . v . ' .S ' h Prices all Reduced for the Holidays. C A. Li Li ; mk JLS ASS & Iff They can give yjoii good Goods for your money. They are receiving some of their Spring Stock and want to g lose out all Fail and Winter stock at a big discount. We alwayskeep in Collars YOURS g.EAE PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES W. I. EVERETT, ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, has exclusive sale of these; celebrated glasses in" Rockingham," N. C. : - - 1" 4 i- "' -- ."'.'-' V f..-' ',','1. ,f, . The only manufacturing opticians in the South, Atlanta," Ga.. . ; l4PEDI)LERS ARE NOT "SUPPLIED" ' TH TH ESE, FAMOTJ& GLASS ES. SUBSRIBE FOR THERQCEET be Jiad in .the tnarHf:, ' Ml i,HQ ai j N . C: The ladies are invited STBKLB THEIR stock, a full line of and Cul TRULY, & STEELE, One-Price Clothiers LA? for Wi hp Doactai Shoes. 1i not for wle in your place ask your dealer to Bead for catalogue, secure the agency, and et them for yon. ' WTAIUI NO SUBSTITUTB-al for WHY IS- THP - L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenRmen THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and. easy, and beoause me make more shoes efthit grade than any other manufacturer,. St eauaJnand- S 5 v weBntn Hand-wed, the finest calf w8h"?5 '?e,"ed or $5.00; equals French toportedshoea which cost from $8J to12.00. Sal WySad"s? we "Welt SboS, fine ealf, Jra stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever ottered at this price"? same erode as ous-toBj-tnade shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. CSt 50 Police Shoe t Farmera, Mnad Men a!1 and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sionedge. One pair will wear year. 9 &rftne calf no setter shoe ever offered at mw,y this, pricey 6ne trial -will convince those who want a sfioe for comfort and'serrice. C?0- nd 'i.0 Werfclneman'a shoes : are Tery strone and durable. Those wb hase- glTBS thema trial will wear no other make. nu. X'l.nil a at : mlinnl ahnna 1 Those ermal ant S1.9S school shoes are on.fAelr merjt as the in " wombytheboyseverywhere; theysell sales show.. and-seweo snoe. best TrytylMh; equawj and &$- J5 la. Stylish and:dasabtj ' L. Bouglas' name.- as m oi eacn sno. saw- BY . . Hw G. DOCKERY, ;. ( J I to V r- If 1E' r." ... '. - - '& -tf .- V

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