fTrnlwvVl'BfgeiK;re' "mess-em THE ROCKET: THURSDAY, JUI,Y 9,' 1891.' LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Commissioners--Notice. - , ' H..C. Doclery Douglass Shoe. :iw Alex. Q, HallidayA & M College. - H. C-VatisQu Bottom J Dropped Out. ., " t - ' - A. CovingtonEllerbe ' Springs 'Hotel.',,, 4 V- V ' '- Faulkner, Kellara & Jfoore-Crys- jta'l Lenses. -,. . .'. ' . .41188 L l5iaKeyrA ouamiwB Proceeding. 7 - -The family ot Msj. John U. bbawj ia spending som time at Jackson Springs. , , , ( 1 " ' - . : " Miss Loula McLeod 1 of Lumber ; Bridge, is on a visit to Misa Ella Covington 'Misses Williamson and' Johnson ere visiting the.- family of .Rev. L Johnson. ; , ' , " Some of the young people of Rockingham had a pjo nic at Eller be, Tuesday. " 'v The fir8t"home raised" waterroel ons of the season, were on our streets ast Thursday, : - 1 - Thpra will be a xmblic meeting of , the Y, M. CV A- Sunday at 5.80 P. M. Indies invited. 'For flour ana tooacco go 10 n. j, Watson's. He is offering ? it by re- tail at carload prices. . , ' " The colored Farmers' Alliance in the United States has an .aggregate - mpmhpmhiri nf 2.000.000. ! Jkr. W. A. JfcKinnon has been Awarded the contract for building the new Baptist Church at Laurin- nnror. 1 1 . " . r ! ' The neonle of Maxton are raisins -funds foe a fine school building to cost between ' three and fire thou sand dollars. . - n ; Sevepteen sfeamen which cleared the port of New ' York for foreign porta ou last Saturday carried over 720,000 letters. "1- Look at H, 0. Watson's r new ad vertisement. If ia need of groceries you will do well to examine his stock before baying elsewhere. ' In a game of baseball played be tween the Rockinehm and Roberdel nines last Saturday, the score stood W to 4 in favor of Rockingham MessrsiGeb. S. Steele and W. C. Leak spent last Sunday at Jackson t TfaevreDort the new ho- r-r o -. 1 . telat that place as elegant and that about 100 guest were - registered for dinner Sunday. . ; . The Board of Regents of the South Atlantic Presbytejrian University met in Augusta; GaM last week, and after two days consultation on the , location arrivea at no couuiuswu. Asheville is' a heavy bidder for this institution. 1 : At a meetig of the i Y. M. C. A. held last Friday night, Benry Smith was elected President, L. M. Blue, Vice President, Geo. S. Steele, Secre retary, J. H. Hasty, .Treasurer, and W. P. Webb, Uolleotor. v Last week, the house of Mr. Sam uel G. Covingtont iwberdel, was struck by lightning, and strange to say, some of the faanily .wefe lying on a bed and were unharmed, while. r the bedstead was scattered. ' " Dr. Walter L. Steele.' who has - been taking a practitioners course in - Dentistry in Baltimore returned last " Tuesday night.. Can. be found in his office : irom 8 to 12 a. id. and from 1:30 to 6 p. va. Teeth extrac- ted without pain, Mr. Dick Ussery died at his home in .Pee pee Villuge Tuesday ana was buried yesterday the Moun tain Creek Section. ; The deceased was about 50 y errs of age and bad the respect and confidence of a,l , who knew him. He had been - a great sofferer for over thr4e months but his last hours wers moments 0 resignation to his Master's will, in ' Whose mercy he placed a firm and unfaltering trust. The North. Carolina College of Ag. riculture and Mechanic Arts, , Ral flehl begins its,third session on the 3rd of next September. - r, . - - This College is laking a high ran among the institutions of the State aad is doing thorough " and ; hones Work. The Board '"of Trustees is adding largely to the , pWt of ,the yoIlege,;and willthjs summer, put, up two hew building;; and in addi tion add such newejujpmeni as is needed in the "devfilopmen.t,; of? the work of the College. ; - ' -L- - - ' -"' . 1 - ' If some people .wer not ." born kicking, vthey have i earned how since, jno public spurted enterprise can be Initiated without a lot ' of "deadheads1' backing their ears and kicking against it mst to see them selves kick and hear their heels i fly. We fully believe that if such charac jters should happen to get into heav- ven, would kick about the manner in which things ; were arranged up there and sneak around trying to get up" a revolt. We don't know where such people go finally but if his satanic majesty has to entertain them all we expect to hear .of. his risignation being handed in, i soon after their arrival. We clip the following item from the Charlotte News; Mr. John K. Mclhenny, ; who , has successfully conducted a factory for the manu facture of chewing gum at Rocking ham, N. C, ; was in Charlotte to-dayj la conversation with a News repor ter, Mr. Mcllbenny ' said he was thinking very seriously, of moving his factory ' from Rockingham to Charlotte. The cause of the inten ded move, he says, is not because of not meeting with success at Rock- ogham, but that he . thinks Char otte's excellent railroad facilities and its position as a distributing point will add much to his already arge !, business. If this factory cornea to Charlotte how many tired aws there will be. in 'The Sun do More" The tradesman gives the following new industries established in North Carolina during thVsecond 'quarter of the current year; Agricultural im plement works,,!; barrel factory, 1; boots and shoes, 1: brick works, 4; canning lactory, i compresses, i cotton and woolen mills, 9j develop ment and improvement companies, 7: flour and grist mills, 2: foundries and machine shops, 2; rice works, 1; mines and quarries, 3; oil mills, 1; phosphate companies, 2; railroads, 8; street and electric railways, 2; wa ter works, 1; woodworking, 11; mis cellaneous, 3. What Rockingham Hay Get . " -. t . m H A petition signed by the citizen of Rockingham asking for a passen ger depot to be erected at this place, was sent to Major Winder some time ago, to which the following is a re ply. Raleigh, N, C,, June 30, 1891. T. C. Leas, Esq,, . Rockingham, N, C, Dear Sif Your fevor of the 26th enclosing a petition signed by citizens of ypux town asking for the erection of a passenger station at your place, is received. I will at once look into thfe matter and see if we can not provide suitable pas senger accommodations. Yours truly, Jno. C. Windee, .- General Manager. The Catcher Caught Napphg. Carthage Blade. Recently the town Commission ers appointed John M, Adams Mar shal and Hog Catcher, On last Saturday he was especially vigilant and could be seen at most any hour with a gallon pot of corn in bis hand tolling the. unsuspecting hogs to their doom-the town pound. By the time old "Sol" bad hidden his face behind the western hills, he bad sucoeeded -in bagging quite a number of the aforesaid unsuspec ting hogs. Indeed the day's hog harvest bad been a bountiful one. and Johnny was happy. - In order to make sure of his four legged game he appointed a young map to keep watch at the pen that night. AX. SLU early hour the watch er took up his lonely vigil. Sook tiring of standing, he ensconsed himsel f in a wasron body on ton " of the pen where he could rest more cpmtortably, And there he rested very quietly through the long wea ;zy night'. On arising Sunday morn ing be discovered that a bow-legged qyclone had struck the pen, and that there was "nary ' a hog left to tell the sad tale of John's wasted perspiration, ' John girded on armor afresh Mon day morning, and is again on the Warpath, a ; . -' Xh tlid. llerry Month cf Juno. - '. The low price of cotton, the unu saally hot weather and tha continu ed oppression of the McKmley bill, all combined, seem to have no de pressing influence on the - marrsage market. The following "if Rich mondV list for Jjjne: ''. t '(-' ; . . 4 - white. - 1 - . : " ; ; fY, P. Jernigan and Miss Elizabeth' Stanly, Tv iV, Steadm'aa and Miss Eliza Benaettei H; O. Covingto and i Miss Jfattifr iieji tiuinnj NV.J. ykes and Misa Evaleen McCalp'jJ: H. Bal lard and Miss LaurarJ Reynolds, Geo. C. Terry and Miss Bettie ' Ben nett, D, R. Walters aud Miss Mary C. Graham, Robert Soears and Miss Maggie Stubbs, William Brown and Miss Mollie Pankey,": Archie York and Miss Mary Burke; J. :S. Keller and Miss Cora M. Lee,;Geo. H. Sted man and MissvEugenia Willoughby, Richard ;" Daw kins and Miss Mary E.Sandford. , - . , v- COLORED. - , Mark Ramsour and Sarah Bos- tick, Ed. Oxendine and Martha Mc Kay, L. E.; Singletary , and Jennie Covington, A. S. McEachin and Eli za Adams, John Smith and Mary J. Covington, W. H. Littlo and Auli2a Boetick, William Brown and Mollie Pankey, William Pankey and Mary Pankey, Charlie McXnnis and Lizzie Parker, Geo; Ingram, and Mary Mc Rae, Andrew Graves and Katie Digg J ohn Little and Martha Po wel, San dy Hooper and Dianna Ellerbe, Jas. Cooper and 'Lou Jackson, Tbos. Johnson and Laura Mcintosh, Ed ward Green and Nancy Henry, G, M. Trollinger and Lucy Hester. Tbe PourthatHaztoii- i ' The "Glorious" Fourth was algala day at Maxton, when the sturdy Scotch manhood ofthat section gath ered to memorialize the event of America's birth as a Republic. The gathering oi the people for such purposes needs no apology, as before the rising American is brought the grandeur of his country and the pa- tnousm 01 nis ancestors, lie is tauent 01 tne stormy patns over which liberty jbas beaten her way, which will never fail to inspire the youth with the value of his priceless heritage, cause him to clasp his arms about her. and poin t a finger of defi ance in the tyrant's face. The procession started in front of the.McCaskill House at 11.30 o'clock, : preceeded by the Rowland Band; marched , to the Fair grounds. Here the exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. A. McQueen, and the Declaration of Independence read by L. M. Bluer after whioh, Hon. J. M. Johnson, of Marion, S. C, was introduced and made an excel lent speech. Mr. Johnson is not an orator in the popular use of the word, but bespoke with an earnest ness thatjgained the sympathy of his hearers, with a simplicity that made all his ideas understood, and with a wisdom on questions of govern ment that would give him standing as a politcal philosopher. His theme was uThe Sins of the Past," from which he -drew lessons for the future, but where he elicited most enthusiasm ! was when he touched upon the dangers that threaten the present nearly all growing out of ' a paternal govern ment, which is made paternal by the enormous money power it holds through hoarding its coffers with the people's money; He said the functions of government as first launched by the framers of our constitution, is to protect the life and property of the citizen, nothing more, but here is a Congress just adjourned that spent a 'round bil lion dollars. What .is the remedy ? He uttered a great truth when he said that the remedy lay in keeping the money robbed of, the people by the government, in the peoples' hands by striking a "death blow to the thieving tariff. . And what can be more evident? Is it not a fact that class legislation has enriched some while poverty .has put its feet on others? How does it do this? Simply by the money the govern ment has stored in its vaults and distributes , to its - favorites. If we keep this surplus money out of the treasury, keep it in the hands of the people to whom it belongs, where is the possibility bf class legislation ? ttf here is the power of the govern ment to oppress ? Let any man answer this question. After Mr. Johnson's speech was concluded the people -had . dinner and at 3.30 returned; to the grounds to witness some fine trotting. From the Laurinburg Exchange. The Baptists here have decided to build a wooden church. At the residence of the bride's father, last night, by Rev. W. ' B. Doub, Mr. W. Sykes was married to Miss Evaleen, daughter of Mr. Av D. McCall. " , ; It is the sworn duty of all officers to execute all laws, whether or not thex approve of thern,. They can't do otherwise without insult to their wn obligations. - i .-, Alter a lingering illness of several weeks, Emily, the sweet little daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector jMcLej v died early, yesterdar morning. At 9vo'clock this morping her funeral was preached; by Re v.Al N; Fergu son, after which she was buried in the graveyard near $he country reBi dence of Mr. A.". L. James. She was ahouttwo years' oidfT-'-: - - t ' Charlotte; Jxemsr There was a great case on trial last- week at a" special term of Montgomery county Supe rior Court at Troy Four hundred witnesses and 30 odd lawyers are engaged. The Republican candi dates for sheriff and register of deeds of . Montgomery- having sued jthe present incumbents for their offices, these cases take pecedepce over all others. . - A man run over by a train at Lancaster, Penn., exclaimed: 4,If I am -going to die give nie a chew - of tobacco." ' . j ' HIED' '. Mrs. Mary Watson died in i Rock ngham last Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, and was buried at her old home in the country, at 10 o'clpck, Sunday morning, Rev.-Dr. :M L. Wood conducting the funeral rites. Mrs. Watson was for many years a consistent member of the, -Metho dist church and died with a firm faith in Him Vhose promises had sustained and soothed in the' trials of life. Her life was a striking illus tration of the reality of the religion of Christ, and while she is gone, the light of hejf influence and example will live after her. She leaves six children to mourn her loss, " among whom, is Mr. Henry C. Watson, one of the leading merchants of Rocking ham. ' . ; " , - Knots on iny limbs as large as hen's eggs, Doctors said I would be a cripple,', but B B B has cured me sound and well I shall ever praise the day when the ineentors of Blood Balm were bo Dorn Entitled to tha Bst All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every fam ily should have at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or billious. For isale in 50c and $1.0Q bottles by all leading druggist . ' I SPECIAL NOTICE. SI A fine line of Caskets and Coffins at atson's. ' When you want Mineral Water on draught, Sherbets, Soda Water or any kind of iced drinks, i call . at the new fountain under Hotel Richmond. when you want Sherbets Soda Water and all kinds of iced drinks go to Dr. W. M.Fowlkes. Office Bcaid County pompsdosers, On motion it is ordered that the Clerk have published in the Kocket notice that the Commissioners will meet on the 2nh Monday in July, 1891, for the purpose of revising the Tax jist for said year. Bv order of the Board. W. G. DsBERRY, Clerk. THE NORTH CAROLINA l -AND- qchanic Arts will begin its third session on September 3rd, 1891, with increased facilities and equipments in every department. The last successful year has given practical value, and its young men are already m demand for responsible positions.' Total cost, $100.00 a year. Each County Sup erintendent of Education will examine applicants lor admission, x or catalogues. S dress AJjEX. Q. HOILIDAY, Presidtnt RALEIGH, JV. G. f. C. Douoijum. Thos. J. Shaw. UUUliLASb & SHAW, -v w . . v . m ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Caethaqk, N. 0. Will regularly nttend the Superioi Courts of Kichmond. Office 1m Pee Dee House during the terms of Superior Jouxx. Beport of the Town Treasurer. J. P. LEAK, Treasurer, ) In acccount With Town of Rockingham, N. C. For the year ending May 1891. To ree'd Liquor . License, 14UU.UU Tax col- lected, 859.62" Priv. taxes, 109.00 Fines (by Mayor), . 57.00 Cemeteries,' ?1.75 M.P.Cole. on account, 9-00 " County , .claim No 2.15, 654 CR. By claims paid ,, ' , - and, canceled :. I , ' bv auditing - committe, " r ' 229128 1 Cash paid, -,Wm.L . Steele, Treas. ' as UflSMfl. Ubl 4tto4,n of Agriculture OQ ENJOYS ; Both the method and results when Syrup" of Fies is taken : it is rdeasant and refreshing to the taste and acta enuy yet promptly On the Kidneys, -over and JBowels. cleanses the bvb- tem effectny dlspek l coldsp he acbes and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs .'is he only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to fke taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. j Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and. $l bottles by all leading drug gists. 'Any, reliable druggist who may not 4 have it on hanofwifl pro cure it promptly, for any one who wishes to try lL Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAU LOUtSYlWE, KY. NEW JtQRK, N.T, Brand Closing Out Sale OF MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. Saturdays flffpnd&ys THE Trimmed Hats 50 cent, cheaper than any pZace in town. Dr s s Goods 25 ofil We want to reduce our stock and for the next 30 days make this ex traordinary offer. It will pay you to come and see our stock and get these prices. v You. can find in our Millinery Department a fine assort ment of. the very latest styles in trimmed and untrimmed hats. You can buy of me the cheapest trimm- ed hats ever brought to this market. i assure you, that you can get goods D per les On tne JJol ar than, at any other place. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS IS MY MOTTO. Call early and convince yourself. Let your eyes be your judge and vour DocKet dqok your guiae. jno trouble to show goods. We call your attention to our Ventilation Corsets, fine Silk (gloves 1 and Mitts, ladies Undervest. ladies I and cbildrens Mose,pwiss Jim broi deries, Black Lawns, Cross-Bars and Dress Goods of every description. The Kora Moire is still the leading dress goodst The Figaro Suitirjgs: 8 yards fox; $1, makes, a nice ana suitable dress: ladies and childrens shoes. Come within tne next oU! days if you. want to buy nice goods , cheap. Kespectfully, MBS. SUE P; SAHDE0RD & CO. I " " I .b UOO VU A U1J DU1U 4IWH I I Tl- kna Kann inltT oai1 4Vo' ltolf the world does not know bow the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfect health, owing to the impure condition of our blood. But we rub. along from day to day, with scarcely a thought, un less farced to our attention, of. the thousands all about us who are suf fering from scrofula, salt rheum, and other serious blood disorders, and whose agonies can only be imag ined. The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla for these troubles, as shown in out advertising columns frequently, certainly 'seems to justi fy urging the use of this excellent medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every , claim in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. is fully backed up by what the rned- icine baadone and is still doing and when its proprietors. urge its merits and its use is upon all .. who suffer from impure blood, in great, or small degrees, they' certainly -mean T.hs a Rockt. and the Southern a I Cultivator, only $2.25 1 in advaaee or, one year. , , J The . Rocket 'and "Weely I New j The . Rocket and "Weely t New genuy vet OTomDtlv on the KMiiAva . , ..-. . , Sincb we first spread 1 ? ' V"--. Banner to the breeze, it has been our constant aim to be known as leans a vou can ffet for your money than you can possibly get elsewhere. Groods well elves. the buy mg, not in the of goods that " Q -"' We buy for spot cash, and never make a single purchase without we see a chance -o save our customers money and . still make our one small p.oht. ' visit our 8 tore and look through. You will not find a single article that is not a genuine bar gain. Many goods bought in band- rupt atoct at heavy qiscount, we have marked down just one biaJjj their real val ue. - - Ra&d our matchless d notations: 100000 yards best plaids or checked homespun at icenteayard. Kheetmg yard wide at o ceta, jHice line of figured lawns at 3 cents a yard. Think 0f it; a nice summer dress guaranteed not Me we make a speciality df. shoes, pi have nearly Misses Ladies 2M numbers at 48 cts. Big: jobs in: ladies shoea finer quality some i of theie in 2-a3 s wholesale $1.50 in we offer them at $1.33. Dont forget do Your purse the Very Repectfajly, j ; I . . I,'.'-. . f- -'rt . - headquarters place where better values bought sell It is in the selling money our. to fade, for 7 cents. Vicria, lawns., and Piqueafcom 4 cenaup, Our cream cashmeres at 37 cents are wellwotth 50 We can't keep them. ' v -'Beautiful line of i figured mull yard -wide at .5 cents a yard worth double the." money. ' ; . - . CU)THinGv New lot clothins' just in. Reeular Dricea.- cut in two. , . every kind made. shoes in smalt and 4?s costinsr bankrupt stock from 33 cents to that iiie place io most good is at r r A4u .i

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