4 i- v PI 1 "I, i i 1 ! r t i m I-It.. ? . .. ' f. . r v6ahsbary is expctin.r a factory to , . .. , t t , - build railroad ears entirely of pteel and which will employ from 0U to 2,000 skilled lahorei. Pkin and scalp diseases, the head at times a running" sore, the hody Entirely covered wiihsores as large ' -as a quarter of a (lollar. and no med icine-had the desired effect; urtil P, ' P. I, was t.ikt-u. The disease yield ' ed at one, and P. P.'P. proved it . self the best blood hurifierof the ., i , . A' good band lull of rock salt ad ded to the- hath is the next best v; .', thina to an "ocean dip." and a car gle of a weak solution is a good and , ever jeimsuy lur bujc iiituai, , . J J ; . ' ' Consiaapticn Cured, i v Aft old pLysi'cian, retued from practice, v -7-hanng bad placed in ; his hands by an East India ;TiiisiiioDary the formula of a "v simple vegetable remedy for the . speedy ; , aad; permafiaDt cure f ; Consumption, . j Bronchitis, Catarrh, ;, Asthma "and All '' throat and Lung Affections, also a positive , . ' and radical curts for Nervous Debility and all ;NervQns Complaints,' after having ' tested its , wonderful curative powers in ; thousands of cases, has felt it Ins duty to ' make, it known to his suffering fellows. ' Actuated by this motive and a desire to - relieve human suffering, I will . send free of charge, to all who ? desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by by mail by addressing with stamp, e -1 naming - this paper.-. W. A. Noyes, 820 ' Powers' Block, Rochester, Y. . : , Starving or freezing an animal is oneway .to render farming" both un profitable and unpopular. "Oath" says that nature seldom affords a man more than two chan ces, in his lifetime. (Juarantesd Cure for.La Grippe. e authorize our advertised druggist to sell you Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Cougns and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy ac cording to directions, giving it a fair trial, and experience no" benefit, you may re turn the bottle and have your money re . iuuded. We make this offer, because of the wondenul success of Dr. King's New Discovery dnnng last season's epidemic. Have heard of no case m which it failed, 'iry it. Trial bottles free at Dr. W. M, Fowlkes & Co's. Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1,00. fa The Chinese and Thibetans have a week of five days , named after iron wood, water, feathers and earth. , The Greeks and Romans dor'ng the prime .of the prime of the prime of their republics contented them 8 4ves on one meal a day. Cra Yo-cr Corns by Using Abbott's.East Indian Corn Paint for Corns, Bunions' and Warts, it is great. Itch on human and horsps nnrl al animals cured in 30 minutes by W ooiJord banitary Lotion. This never lulls;1 Sold by Dr.1 AV. M Fxwtlvs & Co., Druggets Rocking ham, i-;. C. Any one can act natural by seeping still,'' says an exchange x his will not work when it comes to sluing down on a yaller jacket's nesu . V- -Good-Lcois. - Good iooks are more, than skin dee depending upon a healthy condition of a tn vital organs. If the Liver be inan t. tive, you have a Bilious Look, if vour owaiaca ie rnsoraered you have a Dys pepsic Look and jf yonr'Kidneva be affec ted you have a Pinched LookA Secure good neaith and you will have good looks liecfno Bitters is. the great alterative and . Ionic, .acta directly on these .vital orcans Cares Pimples, Blotches,- Boils and gi vk a good compl-xion. Sold at Dr. W M owikes & Go's. Drug Store The republic of Costa Rica, which has. only 220,000 inhabitants, has oecidt'dto expend 850,000 for the display, of her marvelous resources at the Worlds Fair. Pennsylvania has a law which j rovideea fine of sixty three cents per word for swearing profusely. ' Abbcttls Sfast Indian Com Paint - Is a quick cure for Corns,;Ban"ions and Warts. i, A, handful of flour boniid on a se yere cut wiir often :etop the bleed ing. .'. , Bspcrt cf the Town Treasurer. $ - P. LE A K, Trea s u rer, " In acccount With ' Town of Kockrngham. N. C lor the year ending May 1891. io ree d Liquor - x License 1400.00 Tax col- - lected,' r .859.02 ' " Jriv- txes, 109.00 ". Fines (by ,v - J netenPS' - 2l-75 " M. P. Coler " . " . on acqouat. .9.00 : v county claim &o 2.15. 1 654 , Bv claims liaid , and canceled ' ' Vy.'auiting' ' . : Ca&h paid., ' ' filtelb,Treas.-T 224.28 es.ca 2,462.917 $2-,4VZ$Xi ili iejnJ;ar that when ma,ti uaB. , t , , - , ,- full he hits a vacant Jock, . . . -"Wr:. . J"i j i jv. There i.- only one si'dilen, -death nnmng. womeat to jevery eight among men. When Baby was edek, we gave her Castoria, -..." When she was a Child, she cried tov Castoria, ; . When she became Hiss, she clung to Castpria. When 6he had Children, she gave them Castoria i .Buchlen's Arnica Sah?e ' The best Salve m the world for bimses u i-s, sorest ulcera, salt rheuni, fevers sores etter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aac all akin ernptions,'' and positively cures Piles, or no navreouired.. It is srnaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction, or monpv re funded.' Price 25 .cents, per box. " For sale Dy vi vv Ai j?owuces & Uo. -t . r - ' " Steamboats will soon be running on the sea of Galilee. Piles! Piles! Itchik'g Piles. Symptoms Moisture : intense itchinp and stinging; .most at night ; worse by scratch in j?. ; If allowed to ontiTirift tmrMrs form, which often: bleed ond ulcerate; be coming very sore. : - Swatne's Oiktment tops the itching and bleeding, heals ulce ation, and in most cases removes the tu mors. At druggists, or bvmail, for 50 ceuts. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Maine and New Hampshire make- all .he world's spools. . Enalish Spavin Liniment remov? all Hard, Soft or calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses. Blood Snavins. Curbs Splints, Sweeny, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, -Coughs, Etc, Save $50 by the use of one bottle, War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Dr. W. M . Fowlkes & Co. Druggists Rockingham. . A Hope (Ind) cow gives 15 gallons of milk a" day. A Household Remedy ' FOB ALL BLOOD andSKISS DISEASES Botanic B!aod Bala 1 It Tlf rW XCR0F0UL ULCERS, (ALT , IV lUreS t;F,m ti7Ps ery Torm oi malignant KIH ERUPTION, Se sldes being efficacious In toning up the . ' system and restoring the constitution. - when impaired from an? cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify as in guaranteeing a cure, if . directions are followed. C!CMT CDCC ILLUSTRATED litn I rrtt!: 2k r wonder." BL000 BALU CO., Atlanta. Ga. aaant tr. tr. tf. as a (uleadia comitDMio. Sow, Ghndulw Smlltapu Ehe miffafl &! trrtmnt. CatarrV. LodiM whoa. iTitemf nn duobmI h. i. j-o.uii.ny iwwav.d by the .uM i, ,ni h, JWeUjr AAoto Boot t Brnggisu, Llppmaa's Bloofef SAVAITaAH, QA. , MPPMAM BR03., Proprietors, ' 'Gnigaists, Lippman's Blsck? - SAVANNAH, Cft- mm m I 1 ' 1 iy.T m. wi in 1 1 Kr.rJiooflMsDH 1 icirrr Miir:":TT 1 nQQc cures, I I e it K Malaria I 1 I UiMDODg pTOptfttM and Potmcciom. - - .. . i .- , , ., ,, , , ., .... . 'V for infants ; Ctoriiairenadapted to children tht I recommend it aa superior to any prescription . known 'to me.w H. A. Akcheb, U. D., ' , 111 8a Oxford St, ErooklTn, K. T. Tti oa nf nmtcaiA is bo nniversal and its merits so weU known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Catnona within easy reach , V r- - " - - tf ew yotk mty. Lata Pastor Bloomingdale Betormed Church. ---'-i-a v. - ' x Souse Pianos Organs, Sewing Machines, Needles, Culs, xne "uavis". J. A. WEIGHT L That FoUovj Christmas Dri'tld give us a call Suwior Roods a! low-prices, polite salesmenand a determination to Mmays Bring My entire stock of Dress Goods, clothino-- Underwear, shoes, Hats, etc., has been mark- ea down lor the next thirty days, come and secure bargains. r- f Very Respectfully, HE IS DEAD! I CULLED HILl :? First Sight.' Look for the Old wnt?h fjicrn novt. Tnnr to a. 1;. JJockery. Elgin, Waltham arid nowara w aicnes m 3 'GOLD, SILYER OR SILYERINE , Cases, all guaranteed. l Spectacles and Eye-Glasses in Gold, Silver, Nickel or Steel Frames. AIwlvs envp. I satisfaction. Chains. Rings, etc.. etc. Watches and Jewelrv renaired nromnt- ly and work guaranteed twelve months. i-hanksor ga.?t patronage. Give me a ti":&I. W. S. FO W'LKJuS. r Glevelandi J?ick will etand at mv place tin? balance of thig season. Ail wishing to -ruise ood large Jmules will doM'llto have him serve. Thelwiwill b ..ten dollars (810) . to insnr- !.oal. I also have a eood jack for eide.s JAS.A. INGRAM. notice; Havinc dulv aualifjfd accSrdine to law as Administratrix of the es tate of William C. Qole, ; dee'd, all persons holding claims aeain6t, the estate 'of - rmyt intestate 'are -hereby notified tinder - Section f1421pf,Ahe Code, to exhibit, the sameV tqt.he undersigned on :;or Before 1st day of Jane, 1892 oi this notice ; will f be pleaded ii b,ar of.reqpvery. " 'V t Ait 'nersona indebted W the eetnte -willl please make" 'immediate p.ay- ELE3RA Administratrix of W; C' Cole, dee'd. v TlHATTEIi Mortgages, Qrpp Leins andi , May 2$th;l891. - 7' - ,yVy.StatV Warranta at iU office. . ... -j . ... , ... ., .M r . : r . ; b .': '! ..... V 3' "and Children. ' Caatorla cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. -Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes a .out iDjoriou medicatioik y ' y For several years I have reoommended your Castoria,' and shall always continue to- do so as ithaa invariably produced beixenciaJ results." - .. , - r . w Eswnt P. Pabdxk, M. Dn The Wmtnrop,,4lSMh Street and 7th Are - ' " , - VewTorkCi. . Cokpajtt, rt Mubat Stbktt, KsrToar. 3 usicaS Ensarsrser.ts Attachments, Parts and Repairs. lias JNo HJqual. . ; "WHEN TOP WANT Any ol the above named goods be sure to get our prices before buying. . We can save you money, and sell ypu better goods forthe price paid than yon can get anywhere else. & BR0., ROCKINGHAM, N. C- Oisstomers. The Best in the World. The "DAVIS.' OYER HALF A MILLION IH DSB rzs, rrax?3, exo., assess?, DAS'SRnsS MACHINE CO. Cs35ciJyf4G0 Machines per Day.4 EJKT SHOPS CI" TEE DAVI3 SEWKftt lUOHJirX 0av .AT UAYTOI OEIff. " :r TTT ,. - 1 n .. 1 ,., riALL'al THJj;rtccKElf"'oicfl feTin . 1 tin(qa-f t cfc ir"ri . . J- ' ' ' i If I i H -7T I 1 i " i ... .... " .! ' &gr:-.' Jfr$ifW'i 1 ''J Xj PT A-i'JO 5K1 isAauiTar. J .T ,.- j ' '-. 1 ' " " . "r'--v.,-.. MEEK; T. YOU "ARE LOOKING FQIl - A. "THOROUGHLY REPRESENT ATIVE line of Embroideries; Ging- hams, "Muslins,- Carpetings, i Mat- ' ,i - " , - n ,i vt tings", Shoes, Silks, Notions, or .in fact anything in the - V ' Dry Goods Line or other lines, write tP JULIAN n. LiniE.: Charlotte, Ji C. v : Good values, and good, - styles.- Orders promptly attended to. HELLO, MISTER! Stop a 'Minute J r Do you want first cla? goods cheapei than you ever bough them before? -ThT-?ome to see me, and if we don't trade ' if won't b Div fault. I Lave on han i h Ure lot of ready -made clotblnjr-1 3kIon,V, xxd coy s sacs8, J rocK8, ana Cutaway. ( all kinds and descriptions, of the best material and make, bought at the lowest ish prices, which ' ' ' MUST BE SOLD Also a large supply of tie besi and cheapest Shoes and Boots ever oHered in this market, be ' sides Hats Caps, Hardware; Crockery, Potware, Tinware, Guns, ; Trunks, Yalises, Cilfee, Sugar, Shot, Pow der, &c FLOUR! ' : 'DIADEM" brand of Flour "COOK't DELIGHT, " and other lower grades con itantly on band at the lowest cash prices. J. W. COLE. Dr. .L STEELE, OPERANIVE AND MECHANICAL Offers his professional services. to the citizens of Rockingham and community, also to the citizens oi AnsoD, Stanly, Moore, Montgomery and Robeson counties. He is well furnished with all the latest improved instruments. 1 O'Ol- DENTIST, Offers liis profession al services to the pub lic in, all the ' various departments . ol his protession. Office over tlie. stovp ofJ.V.Cole. May 6th, 18U1. DENTAL OFFICE. AT. B. FRAZIBR, B. p. S. Offers his professional services to ,1. .i t. , , 1.1c peupie 01 XWiCKipgnam. ana the Surroupdinc country. Office over J. W. Covington's store. CANCERS .CURB Dr. S M. Wriffht. of Oihnnn Rtn.finn "NT 0., offers his professional services to the I 1 -1 ' I 1 ueypie oi ivicnniona ana aajommg coun- 1 ues. vv 1111 a long nne. oi successtal expe 1 rience he feels warranted in savincr t.hnt the most obstinate cases, where cure is posBioie, readily yield to his treatment. SANFORDj N. C. Rail Road and Commercial 'House and all other .transient custom .solicited. Ne,ar.the C. F. .& Y. V. andS: A. L. Depots. ' Satisfaction guaranteed -or no charge. . The largest and most convfinifint TTntel 1 in town, re-paintea and re-turnisheq and i opened Nov. 1st. ' Hacks furnished to natrons. Tta.foi I reasonable. . ,. - J, M. MONGER, Proprietor. Shoes; and Harness ! A j W. JONES in at, 1 at. h A.Bfan ! 1A ana is aomg nrsp-ciass wort m nis I Une. "Boots, Shoes and Harness made and icuaiiau m tu oesii Dosmuie manner nnn u.uaviv Aivvja uuu VUCJ lidtC CVUJ UtStfn snown in tcms market. - uood nand-made Wagon Bridles at $1.00;. other, bridles, at correspcincjing' low prices. A full stock of Harness and Rridla .lwn.vo' t -on hand, and made to order rm Rlinrtnrt.ivi i -. ' . , : vv. JUJVhs. i, iE.. tj.qcjKETj. anq;tpa. eputpejn Jj jQrer.qnly. $2.25;. in adyanee tlfflirei ; TWO NEW- DEPARTMENTS, viz-: . Ladies made-up (Cotton) Undp wear, Gowns. Skirts, ; Corset-covere. Short Skirts,' Pants, (njr Drawers) & -a beantifuUine of gopdaand well made- : :.' p: Jall Paper "and Shades, Embracing; nil thenewjhings. : We send samples of any goods that" can be saniDP(i and onr MrWhitaker wili call on the ladies of ; Eockineham from time to timo ,. ,'.it samples. - :Respectfully,t Aug. 25th, 1890. Koch's Lymph Will 1 "We haven 1 1 any on nana just nor but. will have as soon as it can be obtains nstantly adding KEpARTICLES to our list as they come out. 3 we are .consi iiCBearinniner pur already 1 luciy uuiu the . greatest wnoiesaie If you "are sick and need medicine, Dr. Fowlkes can be found in his office in the Drug Store and will examine and .prescribe for yon with pleasure. . We haye all kinds of Patent Medieinea at the lowest prices. GARDEN SDEDS'A SPECIALTY. We also carry V nice lot of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, &c Sold on a positive livm w k,vv,w u ipxiu pu, wuu uur ivesb Dr. W. H. S. LEDBETTER. , ; ; - R. S. LEDBETTER Jr. - Ledbetter Brothers, IfAVE IX STORE A Complete Stock of Groceries, ' : OF ALL KINDS. AND Farm StLpplies? To which they invste the attention of the pabliiC, Meat, Meal, Flour, Corn, Salt, Etc., RECEIVED IN CAR-LOAD LOTS. We propose to sell as cheap a? any in the Market Give us a call. Ledbetter Bros. oaj-l oy W, I. BVSREJTT . , ' FOR . . CLOTH I.NCHA1 S, . Ladies', lien's and Children's of the best maker TTnan ncir.linaA roii Thread, and SdooI Ootton . Plaids nhi. inff. Piece Good. RipA.hPd rp.LI.H .1' Schosl Books and Stationery. T..L1 T. vj a 1 .uootsr lieiimaro, ana 10 mcbes Gum Pacinff. Crickrs, best Cream oaeese. panned Goods, Flour, Meal Lard, Heat, Molasses; in fact, a, fall line of Groceries. Also Waeon Harneas. Sadrllpn rtnllam Hardw.are, Crockery, "Wood and WUlow EPAU goods offered will !m fiQ von . resented,, -. ' ' a a 00 S3 rt- o -1 S f I D g s.n n r. S! Sm rit 03 a: s-sr pi Z So 5 C g O 3 B 3 to : CD . fo. B O S M a S- i c S-S. -3 1 e- -. 5 2 i . so. fc - C J3 ' aflo . , p - o so l!.fS t 3- B ?8 a. S o -l -o nr. to c ... 09 CKf . O " S.' I - m t (Jj a a- Sr.. t t co C o, c ?o ; - . IclSr. - :"Swayna's Qmtment'a P - ... - . - .V WILMINGTON N. C. Cure Consumption T3 ' ; r GREAT REDUCTION, IN PRICES! 5 - with the large stock of . HI i Oils, iVAENISHES, PAINT BEUSHES,&c. Having bought uuiouiviD auu iu iota large enougb to get discounts, we can sell them as low ,' nouse m t neoiate. iise, wxiicn win leu you exactly what vou E3, Fonlkes & Co. HI t mm:. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY. OFFICE OP C. C. R'Y, 1 BOCKINGHAH, H. tJ.j April 5, '91. i TBAING GOING WEST, LEAVE For Way Stations and Charlotte: 12 fU n m.; 8.54 a. m.; 7.53 p. in. ' For Wav Stations. Charlotte and TJnfJi. erford: 12.04 p. m.- ' .i . TBAIKS OOINQ EAST LB AVE For War Stations and Wil 3.55 p. m.; "2.57p.m.. X' 6 ': nor. way . btatioqs. and. Launnburc 11.10 a. m. ' ; ' " For Hamlet: ; Raleitrh Pnrt. Points North: 7.28 a. in, - ' m&- unice nours v a. m. to 6 p. m. B Ticket office onen SOminntna VtA. ibre each passenger train.- - . - W. it. HAWKINS, Agt. COMMISSIOJIERS SAIEOF . ! .-' . LAND.. . : - Under and bv virtn nff&Aeruk -nf thA Superior court of Richmond county, made in a cause wherein ChaB. H Kelly. Fran cina Kellv and others . an. ; nlaintiffs. ex j paste, the same being" a ' proceeding to j sell land for partition. I will, on Monday, I AV. J -I . 1 . rr . '. . . . I. l luts.otuuay o: July loyi, expose 10 puouc, sale, at the Court House Door, in Rock ingham, td thehignest bicder the follow ing tracts of land, viz: One tract, of. land, containing 18 3-5 acres, atd- being sama tract conveyed to J. L. Kelly by Chaa Ran som and wife by deed recorded in: Book 00, pages 320 &c, of the office of the Reg ister of. Deeds of Richmond conty, also, one tract of 2f acres, adjoining , the. above tract and more particularly described in a . deed from J. B. Cherry, and wife t L. J. Kellv. recorded in said RpaiRter'a nffipA in Book PP, pages;533.&c;' full description :iven dav of safe Time of sale,, 12m. L'erps of sale cash. - '.. ; A-' SHAW, commissioner... June 1st, 1891. " ' 8. 'OMcft- puv Pe.-jftSv- ,Joas- W. CttuL' "sra.dr(iMiiJi ROGKJNClHA'M;.N.... .' Tnvi -RocffRT an.l tharWeakJF ConrrJCpwmajl ;craft eajr fojiv a 11 mm I . Dt.-W,IIc Fc-wlke 3 & co 11