1 IS D . as v : C. ?e- re- 4 ,92 ' id ' . tul l a - Si . FARMERS 5 NOW. IS THE TIME I ,,8 UUil OUt kMleli ; - rwVJ puoijvi, jji - , - i " - Fke'i- kfMSfeJt . HAMLET, JY. C. - Having several thousand dollars -worth' of General Merchandise which I . am deter mined to close out as fast as possible,-1 iave this day naadea-general . "Bust" on Prices I all along the lineJTam selling all Oroce-. nes at prune cost, ana JUry trooda, (Jlotb- jug, xiais, onoes-, Hardware, Ac.,- at from " P3t cent below Tcost; and shall con tinue o do so until all of plesent stock is , closed, out.. Until present stock is sold I ( shall consinue to buy a few staple" goodrr ' siich, "as Sheetings, Plaida; Calicoes;-&c, : add shall keep a full stock of Groceries at of which Will be sold at what they cost -me delivered; in store. -I am" to-day selling Flour at $3.75, $4.75,' $5.25, $.5.50 and 1 $6.00,: Granulated sugar 14 lbs for $1.00 iExtra "CT Sugar 15 lbs for $1.00; Best uqnee ids tor $LUU : Uood Uuffae 5 lbs for- $1.00 ;- Meat, best D: S. Sidea, 16 lbs for $1.00-' Salt; large sacks, $1 00 ; Lard 13 lbs for $1.00 Rice 15 lbs fnr 1 t)n V )taer goods equally b& low.i Now ia the time to lay- in your Buppiies, as most goods -will go higher, - TH0S. B.PACE." j " Hamlet, Feb. 16, 189L? ATTOBNEYS - AT - LAW ROCKINGHAM. N, I I advertise the largest stock of Furniture ia the State, and the lowest prices of any dealer.North or South. . I prove it by'figure3."r , A" Rattan body Baby Carriage, .Wire JVheels, only ............. jGfenuine Antique Oak Bed Room Suit (10 peices,) .... vjWalnnt Frame -Woe! Plush Parlor Suit. (6 peices,).. f A.ntiqae Oak bideboard, with large glass. I Standing . Mail Kaeks. with glass..... Antique Oak High Back Wood Seat Rockers.. .. r -Mexicans Grs4 Hammocks large srze...V.w.vv..w....;T.....Tu".. fe'Mosqaitb Canopies, 'witlr frame' ready 'io hangi?..',.i..:J. -u...v'.,. ; " Ladies Rattan . Rockers..;.............. ............. 4.... . .Antique Oak Center Tables. ,1. 16 inch square; topr... Holland window shades, Dodo Fringe and Spring rollers.. 1 rlatfcrm bpnng Koekers, (Carpet beat,)....... Sterling Organs 7. stops, s Walnut Case..j.. f Sterling rianos i octaves, JbDony uase.. J lavejast pat in the furaiture-.for three large fiotels, aud am receiving orders irom -4 j jver IJorth and South Carolina. daily. ' ' $ " I One price tq all aai. that the lowest known, 4s myway -.of dbisg business. Ifytfu . i iy jin article from me and it doesjjot1 some up as represented-return it at my ex. p?n88 and get your money back. tr " " " " 1 Write me Ibr Urtalogues, OLading OExirnitiirfi and Mxisic Dertlr 6 and 18 West Trade Street; : - GISR STQCEt :OF. - c; Iran v SUMMER GOOD IS TJOW COMPLETE IN 1 - Dress Goods, Clothing,r,Shocs, Hats, "And eYerythirijfelse needed by be --people- of this community, all of which "will be sold as low as any one elsejvill sell.them. .-. . . W. T. COVINGTON &CO. - THE HOTEL J. NET?. CAMPBELL, Manager. EOCKINGHAlIqr'- : : r; Fitted up witli: all -the. ; modern apppin ments of a complete hotel. Electric "call Kolls, tiot-;and cold baths; &c;: " . " . ' 1 ' " 1 - - - . " - " ' ' . i. , j YOL. IX. ir-fn U BOH v for these imitations and : substi- - tutes; they are poor stuff at the : f: best and 'increase your misery. - Take Simmons Liver - Regulator. onlyj:4 You Avill know it t by the ' 1 . large red Z on the face of , every ' -when taken for Dyspepsia; Indi gestioni Constipation, Biliousness ; and Sick Headache. -l ' z. "V ESIMMON9 X. H.!ZEIUrj & CO., Philad'a, Pa, $7 50 2500 3500 16 00 5 75 1 50 i 50 . 100 250 1 50 ; 65 3 50 50-00 500. s. ..... ....... .... . . ............ ....M ......... ...Ma... ...... . t RICHMOND). ONLY - - RQOKmGHASli -BIOHMOU'D COUNT-N. ;.: LIPias, A SCHOOL.' .Naugh t b'u t' a ecrTool is' Li fe,' And naught hut the"schoIars' By -the Master trained andtatigbiv,' For Ihelife that is to be? - - " . ' . " " And 6ft are the essGns hard ' " " That. the Master teaches" here' -Though we ruay question w by f - Withm'any' a "eorrowang tear.'- s . ' - ' t " " But the hardest lessoD? of hllT "-Are by daily trials taught; :" ' For in conquering Jittie things, i ? ,- Are the hardest battles. Toright. But,!i f we h a ve;6 1 u died w ell Add have learned thenj, every onev A glorions life we'JLhave " " When Ihi our school is doije. , And the .day.wLen our school id dom' ; ; Is the day when our spirits ill yrrit From our. training scLooLtha 'tarifir To the "Judgement Uall,"ou hfgh HIS REST LOLLAL. Preadsnt Lincck Tell . .JariHawit Was I'kdc; New York Evahgelft. "One evening in the executi'o cham- Jber there we re, present nbmblr pf gentlemen7araong th,eto5Ir. Seward: A point in tbe conversation suggest ed the; thought, Mr. cJAaqglmdi "Seward, you never. heard, dd you, how i earued my first dollar ?" 'JNo said Mr; Seward.. 'WeiVl reVifeti he, "I was about . eighteen -yearof age.: ,x: ueiongea.yoa rqowj to wjiat are aometimes. called the $erj$Z-- people whd do rot'own iland.: But we had succeededfn-jaisSidlyfly by tuy labor, sufficietit pfocfucVas 1 thought to justify rne taHngT down the river to sell. , Afier : much persa asfon ; '1 got th & coaen o f m y mother to go, 2nd constructed adjtUe fiat boat largo 'enough to take the barrel or twoof things tlrat rwei liad" gathered, with myself;. an& Jjttle bundle, -down to -iNew Or lea us.. A I steamer waa.cnming down the Vj ver.l We have, rod know, no wbUWeli "on the western streams; and tue.custoui was,1 jf passengers were at any of the landingfor them is g'o7 obfe in i: boat, the steamer, stopping anL lad ing them' on board'. . I was contem-. plating my new- fiatboaCand Ntorx-? dering whether; I could make' it stronger, or improve it in any par ticular, when tvlo men came 1 down tq the shore in carriages with trunksj and looking at the d liferent. '.boatg, singled out mine and ; asked, 'VVha owns thi8?T I answered somewhai w 4-." modesty, '1 do. 1 VV ill you,' said one of them'. 'take U3 and our.ironks out to ibe steamer ? yOertairilyiPsaM. I' was very clad tchave the jopportu- nity of earning: something. "lsu1 posed thateaph woui4 give je wo or. three-bits, ;The trunks: wetB tit on my flatboat, the passengers wreJ seated on trie truuKsr sma lfecuueti hem out th the steamboatThpy "got on board, and I ift ed.lb e&.iieaVyk trunks' and put them on deck. LThg steam etf.was about tdpu.dneam again, whenrl called out that they had forgotten to pay me. Each of them took frora.his ptoketf a- silver half dollar and threw.t on the fidor of my boat . I -cou I d - sea f tfef y' Be lieve. my eyes-as 1-. picked . ppAtbe money,': GentIemen,"you may think it a very little thing, and in these days it seems to me like. a trifies- but irwas a most important incident'in m v ' life. . I : could v scarcely1 credit that I, a poor boy, bad earned a dol lar. The world seemed : wider and fairer before me, I r a .more bopefu 1 and confident being from that time. . . Lll J- If you'could see -your r own scalp th rough " an ordinary" magnifying glass, you would be amazed at the amount of dust, dandruff, and dead skin thereon acCumulated-.The best and most popular pfeparalion for cleansing -th scalp is' Ayer's Hair Vigor.-; .r- "P-" ' . - The Maine coast ;rdweIIers:? have peculiar remedies-of :"ttieir Jdwd for alLsorts oidiseases, and among them that prescribed as a -s&re'cure fcr cancer by i-ari i ancieat 5 rnft-rineT of tiarpfwell ia ' the f, tjucerest. Tnia old saU---declare3tbfc "a - poultice made from a pieceof the belly of a No, 2 mackarel will' draw-any car. rar but by the roots.V -A loll macV erely he says, is too" fat and a No". 3 not fat enough. - , - - T'aa .EiMa the Charter clLitsrtj ; Jas. A.McGroWiinr - 1 ' - Whfh tljf-A'postle Paul declared lhatt'-vvheie thaSpiritcVf the Lord' is there is liberty- be doubtless meant civil libertys xvell as spiritual; that llront ejuiiliau' Urn latter end. Once Bvliere the gopd accepted 'wtielhtrf there was a "law 'ver who thTif n ty'natiwivor; by individual, as a an estate cae but1 he" died ImanV revelalionofahe Spirit hi Ood"him self, there is . liberty -;of conscien ce, freedom i tcv worship r God after", the -dicta teg -pi oh's own. conscience. England and iho-. .United taW -are eiuinept examples"" of this and 1 1 1 ij an d B ra z 1 a re J u s t n b w - g i v i hg stnkirig illustrations of 'this truth i jor twenty years Jhe Bible has been un open Uuoti iu- ltlay.; , We can bafdly,fex peel the proscriptive' pthv eoCtheJacy;! the yeaV '6iasg:etjon of aYmile. I, iOj.ioyiioyg-usuiicrioa 01 izw yearsj -.bouid ,be speedily "uftctoue and rfhpjuugh freedom c.Tjjjoyed in all thut iapdK -Yet, 'when the;:Xlafian' army , entered -.Lhe, Eternal 'vCityj twenty years ago, carrying with them the Bible, the nation was given ' its in spired charter .of. liberty.-. The no ble Uaribladi well said: "The Bible is the "cannon which will deetro'v the Papacy." Alrt ady ' has " heaveifs Hrtilery shakea the foundations of a system built uponworldly ambition fSnd'thinst't or power, a system of lust, absolutism, lying deceit and politi cal trickery. Just as God raised up Luther to lead out the army of Ger man Protestants from the corruption-; pf Rome, so Count Cavour. GariWadi and Victor .Lmanual were designa ted asibrave lea3erin Ita. to guide ibft hols of fr.eedptn, into. ' tbe '. light and liberty of the gospel. v -r ears ago , a Brahmin one thing I am convinced: I, oppose it a we. f'ffiay, it is theChristain.s Bible tha yitijl Korfcjtq? regoneraUon of India." Yesl And it is work i jag the ' regen- eftilioir o!Pranc,ir?Ital.-"!A.U8triai pSjiaipJieland; MeXico,South Amer ica, and every spot on earth over? hadtwedly theUpastree of popery., fFatb.e? vHjacinth Jonde , said: "1 have ;tropUjea English sol on- two occaBionfiVad I have ;couie to .the eorvictiontthit the Btrenglh uf that ue evry Qrman s(Mdier-bad' oMBibl in hTs helmet vo"r cap." The Bibl : Ti -l.. w .. 1 . . j - . . P. e in Italy, France ' and Germany is better "than all Krupp'g guns moun ted opon a-ithousanU Btralegetic -fyrr tresSes.'. Il ls' the Gibraltar of every hatibn-, the charter of universal lib erty. -Americans should -honor it in btrhrjutKecluirch, the school ' JfycQaldUaTid of chills and fever take Simmons Liver Re?ula' jy men wixe surethev' could i get (-to'eaven )f hrftrk.-eve'ry'lIoaf- er wCuiclapon b busy1-." " v ' U whless Cbristiana ra1kVlVorres pois nvjf h hi3.;alkvtheJe88 he,hns Unless we walk wbere-.we should somebody elesetwiU beHsureo walk wher'e they shouldn'rj f. As long as there is. v AKdng thre isj.-Dne sin in the heartit ti ; IpVslsible ; to keep the door fehut agarast-oiherd. . 1 -Oneway to shorteu. lbe -arm of God is to see bow much yoa'can do to discourage your preacher. --. If we do not Jet; our light shine as Gad wants" Us t9 , somebody may have, to stay.'in.Oie' darktbrever. - y fKobotjy feVxr thinks a!5out - the Slick" that carrfecf if'ip-iwhen they seiAhe beauty U)f the sky-rocket. v f 'Wv are a"s responsible for what we Jpermi C o t h era u doJjs ou rename" as' TAve we,arefor whatwe do ourselves.. People' kill one anotber for tlie i perifihblaMthangs ;-'"of ; this life, and J refus&to take eteraal life as a g'Jt.--Kams Hor t . - ; Sam, Jones told the people ot New Yorkfthat more than 100,000. of "their citizens Had gone a-fishipg on Smi day. "ft WEfy! God ble?s ycu," said be";-f the' niggers down'; Soutn-won't go. fishing on Sunday ?.nd you ought to1 be ashamed to do "what tLefjoor f niggera afe tto'good loj&u"- ' " ' - Presto I "Change! Gray and Ja ded beards, -made Ha; assume their original color, by applying -Buck-, ingham's Dye for the Whiskers. -It never faite to satisfy ' cquntry. is fron$ Ihe fiiible; Do you Snow' why 1 Prussia - triumphed in in neitt oi oattJe r ' it was beea -.0':; SEPT: 10,-lS9i; Detroit Free,PressX v ."V" -' .The report that the , the'rTilden wurcflsewas atm end was piema ture..:It Is a'lrood dp:il nearer. the years ago. - lie, was a you tig man. lie had iludied law in his. fa therms office andjiis father finally retired and gave the bm-intss to him. , One daj'les! tlian .a - Weefc 'after- the old gebtleuiarj. had retired the young man ciim'e home and. proudly said; .-"Futhervyou know ihat jold Gil pii fstaie case that rypu. have been tryiug for years. and years to settle." Yes," answered the lather with a ;yvrell,;irdiln?tvtii1ie me two days wyer Gilpiu - es tate? " r . t : . . ,Yei-:;,und It was as y easy as rclj- ing off a log." : - . ."Well, you infernal, idiot, Tou I- Wny, that Wate has" pajd the liv ing expenses of our fauiily for. four gbneralions -and - might have paid them for four: mre if I' h ad n't left the business to a ninny ,"i - - ' (For wakefulness, .weak tils' - or lack of energy take Sim mons- Li ver Regulator . - - .1 ' TEs Sight'm and Left Foot. St. Louis Giobe-Democrat v .? The rigot annus always a little larger than .the leiti but the left foot is almost always larger t than- the right7presumably because, -; while nearly every man usea his right arui to lifta weight or strikea blowvhe aiways luosi invanauiy kicks Willi his left foot, while the lounger stands tjaliis'leftleg and lets the-right fall easily, because he has. learned;-by experience that tins is tbe best atti tude he can assume to prevent ias'sU tude ami fatigue. . This -constant bearing' of the weight on ; the left j foolt makes it wider than the - right, and .it often happens that a man fS8t and gets a close fit-' has to dis- icarci "tKe sfi'des'af together because he cannotendure the pain caused by lh tightness "of the lefL If when riding on .a street; car -you will take the trouble to notice you will see . ... - . , - - - -y- - - . : -. . that io .laced shoes the gap is much s'maller on the . right foot than on the left, while with button shoes the buttons ha va to : be, set back- ten times on the leflhoelo once'on the Ticlit.";-- ' - 5 Wbal",Bteam- id 'to 'the engine, Hood 6 Sarparillu is-- to the- bodya producing; bqdily power and : Xur niblnbg mental force- - -1 ' ' . All Post "-Ofaoes to be Visited. -".'WlSHiNaTON, Aug. 28.--Postmas- ter-Qenerar,Wanama6:er.- has sent a letter to jthePostmaster at ; each county seat throughout the - United .States, asking him to make a per sonat visit to each-Post' Office in his eunty and f make a detailed re'port upon its condition as, to convenience of.location.of the office, 'cleanliness, order, keeping of . the accounts, per sonal attention of the Postmaster, improvements in the- serviee ; made duriug.the last year, and growth 'of the v business the - past twelve months. " -3 :.' Life, Health" and 'Strengths " APALA:HtQOLA,":FLA.,' Feb. 17r 1889" Messrs. ippmanj .jUros.j Savannahr x DeakBirs: I will - write- to you to inform y ouVthat i was " affiicted with r: Blood y Diseases i I tried-on e bottle of and-it, gave" me ' no relief. I Was in. bed senen montbp; I ; tried prominenV phygicans,- and they coujd not dome any good. I sa w- your 5 advertisement of xPrP. P.. in . the Apalacbicola ?Timesi and- I th ough 1 1" w ould try it. The bottle 1 got to?nfebt makes seven or eight; and, (ohi. hbW good I feel.-have 'been up "ever since at ;my business lumber' inspector Yod may pub lish ibis ifv'yOu desirer ." I-'have in formed my friends- that P. P. P is life, health and strength".. - - ' B0LDy- r ' - :Th e ' under la k er w h o . furnish ed , Mrg Polk's coffin ., performed the same service for President Polk forty three years ago. . - to sciue 11 alter 1 got at it." ' till r. 1 1 I ' . y. x iuvl L, .uomeu xte old la "lou have settled the NO:35. This Fall's' Elections.' Washington Post. - The following States" will "hold elec tions on the :3rd of November next:' " Virginiaj will elect .one-half, its Senate and a lull bonse of delegates.: : - Iowar and - M aenach u setts will elect governor atid other State officers ant legislature.. Mississippi wjlK elect three -rail roadl commissioners and leeislature. . Kebraska -will elect associate, jus "tfeea of the suprente court ;and two regents of the Sute Uni versity;1 l -: " - New Jersey will elect; part of the Senate and the Assembly . -. Ohio will elect governor and oth-" er State officers and legislatureand vote'-uporKi' apro posed - arnend ment. to the constitution pcoviding foi uniformity of taxati' 11. " - - v- Pennsylvania will .'elect' treasurer and auditor-general, and Vote wheth er a constitutional convention- shall be beldj and elecVdelegales to; -the " "New York will elect governor, lieu-. tenant-governor,-secretary of Btale, controller, treasurer, attorneygener al, engineer and suVveyor, v the Sen. ate, he. Assembly, ten justices, -of supreme court and a -representatiye in. congress from the .tenth district. ? - Maryland will elect governor and other Stale officers and legislature, and vote upon, six proposed amend mental to theconstitutioh ' of tbe Stole."'; y. V i 1 : Nervousness is from dyspepsia. Take- Sim monk Li ver 'Regulator and be cured. " 'V---. ' ; Killing Hawks- Cor. Home & Farm. , .-, - sie- . I ivill gi ve:- my ,way Jafktlling hawks and owls:- -Mix strychnine with molasses to the .consistency ef cream and make a . smalt iwoodeu paddle. ' Catch up yobr; little chfeks and put iu something. (I use a bas ket) so you can take, pue3 out jat a time. Dip your, paddloin, the mix ture ana pm a mi 01. it ron. iop. vi iuj head' smoothing' it . backward Treat all in this way -andr feed. , have had them wear, their little caps' tliree weeks ;berore wearing fofi. One spoonful of i- $be; mixture, will cap one hundred chicks, and if used by 3'our.i neighbors, ' will"! fcili all hawks and, owls. Barn your ves sel; you-will not have to repeat in two or three jearsi Tii- "Wm.Sprague Smith,-:Providencet fl. I., writes: VI find vPJ3radycrotine alwavs cures headacbe"sT - 4 - And They Are .Ayery NumeroTtSi Phrenological journal .- - Many of the fools" think they -can A t. X beat the lawyer in iexpoundingJ.be lawrone halfthink- they 'can beat the doctor in liealing the sick,;twb thirds of 'them think Atliey cari beat the minister preaching the ;: gospeW and all of them know they can be(it? the editor in making a- neWp'apeH ' -t-v". , - - ' - fc ; -- - - 4,- -X ' v Sallow and leaden-hued complex- ians soon give place; to the loveliest pmii-aiiu-wuite, wucu f mw use,; ui Ayer's Barsaparilla - persisted in, and cosmetics entirely-s abandoned Nothing canV couhterfeltV the rosy glow5 of perfect' heal th,which ,blessr ea those who use tbis-medii3ine.V j The Durham Sur is determined to make all its - subscribers pay up. It promises s&ortIy Hipublish 1 a list of those who lak& theaper arid re-: fuse to pay for.it and .adds' that a merchant is anxiously - waiting; for the list toappeavas he .desires 'to know exactly; who ' are the "dead beats" in Durb? m. . 'V ' , z. , 7. , ; T f N ": : For-distreijslngoppression and; fullness in thVatomach :take v Sim- mons -Liver Regulator.-; 2 - Never break a promise, made to a child; -To do so blignts the faith "ol a sensitive -child in a- way .' seldom recovered fjomZ-wbilej the ' dogged. t phlegmatic or sulleh-are confirmed. in each mood,, to arxtent -not-eyen dreamed of. except by-- those who lina thls year is expected to be eight fhundred mihoff feet, valued at over ten millions of dollars, . - ' ' have not forgotten the ''impressions- this.ctfy the the day that the negrov of childhood. ; -,s -" was good morally ano! sbciallVls ' . - bewbUQmAnbVrlotteronlcle v-.The"lumberiutD"ut of North daW ; 7, .r rr- ,i affair it. 13 no uncertaia aid pcoleinat--' - ical condition.- The neeslty, at times ?r medical treat3afiE$.l3A3"-4videBt an4 - pressing ..as aoyvQtlier.aecesaity, anct - I- it iff' for; tliia : reason .4$ ' f.8 " wou!4 ; earnestly - caution . Our, Jeauer against x -tiie. use of any bat tlie post approved. - remedies. irreparable fnjury is often-' I done by-plaeiDgc0nfid4MiJe iu-xnedi- . cnea wlilct(faih6ugh -ne. and preten-" - tious, are oiten -wortiiies. ; . it 1 tiie .aiaiostanevitaU'-faUtiwel'tbese com- ' -pounds that tlirowg dLsciredit upon phar- njacy amiiaedical edenee lvt general. - Pliysi'tSaas are now pf the" ojriaion that - many diseases-are tbe resuttof it morbid -Condition' Of the blood, either through t ; -i Inheritance or ;contaport anP that th - v only rational-and effeclis;n.way of ur- ? . ing these coniplajntg ia, io produce a ,- ; : Radical phangaiii-tble vital auid,- The ; ,-, -" prevalen,,f.or.exampJei pt.vcrofnla ia ; & - the most prolific cause of consumption. , A specific that expela-tfre""trereditary 1 --- . taint' of scrofula, from the blood Is, Zs v ; - therefore, tfj preventive ifl odnsumptlon. ; ?hat Ayer's SarsjariUa 4iaa fepeated-' . ly proved itself such jipecinc i al x - well-known fact that cannot lie too fre- '', - neatly and reutlyfroo1iiincd; i," - " 'A distinguished phycianhas - re . ; ceptlj-ut'Drded his wliffl,.-. founded : ; on. tbo most satiHtactory amT reliable ; v '- evidence,- lat''-thtfJaifUfui- nse of . ? Ayer's Sarsapaxilja vwpttVthoronghly - - r eradicate scrofaia.' lie further asserts . --"I have used it as an alterative and -blood-purifier, and" must that'I ' honestly believ it to be the best blood- - r ' Bfed1dne.ver;coinpund(!d.fvTIiiB te- - " timony'g whicb has :bejsn le-&airiued byv hundreds of otliers,shoiiId "bejjnfnclent to induce all who are of si-rofulous habit- to Tesort, wliiOufidelaV?,to-the nse ot . - " Ayer's SarsapriHa. Aj ; " ? Another malady very prevalent In th vr -I United State ia catartlftllila is also a. ' ' " blood disease, and one ot-tue most 8tub-,v , born with wliieh physician have to con-, , tend. '"Wo have been" repeatedly as 5 i -j.eurod, howavex; that the persistent n.'--":' of-Ayer's Sarsaparilla eSectaally ex-. pels" from' the system th!,.m08t dis- -.' v,': . a iwortl, the way JtOrheattljtrj through " the ' purification' of the, blood which"-' ;. ; nourishes the whole aystem.'Try Ayer'a r ? SarsaparUla. iiV . . 1 j Strategy.- it r - 4 " "Brownston has cured hj3 wile of -everlasting talking" K : "How, for goodness sake ?" . - - He told her slie loaiudLrettle with" ber. muth closed,. a rrd now she can Jiardly-bevinducedv t?Uer " & :l syllable?. . j.rili lnllamatory RheamaUsnTjs cured ' by P. P. P, Prickly A8h,Ppke Root I - and-Potrasium). , Physiciana have " been consulted, and Xq, joo purpoge. As a last resort patient r takes P. P.v catesJa this effect are ln pssesaioa ; j -of-the manufacturers. andj)?ill bQv-"-' shbwn on application '- None iut thV htkW- SSseifvSd the . -' T 7 ! - ;,As Drden saiddrrAsIexSnfier" . And I have heard orreadsofjaewhere ' That no one but the"-"fcraTe- canl; - stand hen rs-. 'i $saK Jf5you areidpw itblhl)lues you, peed jtnmoasciiwf eula--K for ' - Time's Change h,it - r :" PenelopV(sighingifhl!einen are not what tbely UselFfo be.,01-0 : ' .TomBarry-iU'driEencknow why not?rt;'--JiaieX:T - ' Penelope "They used WiTrJoys, . ' ' yottknowc Ia mx il - l", , 4; .The iai PeBgtedw" . ;;: . " ' . The, pleasanMffectiirdithefcer- ' -' ' feet safety., ith.hjchv.UadiES; rmay A'-. r. use. the liquid friiiUaxatifea Svrnn ' : of Fjfgs, under all . conditieas-nrake- I ' I His said tobVfIcVrfaVVufrfor ...wiwgivuB frtsijueacy ,01 lDn.egres notr more" than one-third 6lF thejajv yers in some parts - of v the South Sunv J.W.,Yateu, Tnlla4wmaITenrr.: writes; "It does me cood, to nrkka Botaiiic Bipod almi f It eiiredtae , . . oiJ&ww'i thtt.lungs'andasin- v " ma mat KQrt Weain-Hmj;5r'afid' that other remedies failtt to.6'eiEie-, - fit. .!,: .1 i -vd L.a : -: 7 L- Jtt - ' 2' ' In China previous to the Eleventh " century cotton was rare and Drecious' : and a cotton robe was de.emetljafit-. 1 J tmg'gifl for an , emperor, . Jt .was ' grown only in gardens, apd Chines 'J poets sang beauty. 61' its? flowers, it - ' ' vas early known in Arabw,. , for its -' ' - - ikiixic, tuuiu 3 aenvea irom an - - Arabic -word.': her, she does' itto beicoy.,,A" maSj . never surprised'a woman yetby telV, ' ' ing s her hejhought:a gread'eal of -her.-".-.v.:f. V1.' . r f - : t i--' ' Jerry Simpson Said InDeectfTr? -The 'maBukctore' of j false?-Uecth? for horses is a new industry josfe r opened in paris .with a capital "of V. 2,000,000 francs. - " ' 'i i f i i r - 7i i