rf.- -ii. V it; 101 I r 1 5 f :l r ;! i t I I il. i! - THE PUBLISBtD EVERY THURSDAY JJY '".. M. BLUE, r ; . Editor and Proprwior,- ffmMrttTPTTOir rates i J -n - i One Dollar and a half f year in advance. Advertising rates furnished on ap- pucetiiv SDITOSI NOTES.' v The Agricultural and Mechanical j fUoliege oas ppeea wiioooueiiu.ch,idren in music, for their is so.tne V " " '-. . - i j thing in it that .brubhes away the There are tea Alienee, papers in a North .Carolina. , . J i Faveitavilie has oreanfaed a street nilmTComiianv. . ' . : " . . ,j Th. nMJt t! Class nnm- hera fib ' "1 vTIm nhMciana attendins Ex-Gov. - " i - i &le8. report hb case almost hope-1 less. " 1 j There are 10291 persona in -South t Carolina engaged in the liquor traffic. Xbe hro,e cannot attractive with ,; ; " . r out music and we say lo.you add it .Th Schools throughout the; en- y00r household and ifwill bring rlireSUte Report the best openings i or jeara. - i .Bpurgeon he jeat London di ;rine iaimpyjng in health. Fififten Ihonsand gallons of wine -Tiavje been maae in me city oi nai-1 ehis year from grapes grown in 5&ety, vicinity. It seems to be a settled fact at this time, that the . late disaster on Western North Carolina Rail d waa caused by; a rail being tak- The Ctored farrjaere Alliance, - jof Texas, .atatedf an prganixation . that demands a dollar per hundred poBndaor picaing .cotton. ? I ' Unrml Dri,tment nf 3 tMfn o -Ci --v- t--ii i? 1 tT . . w wuvr jr uu was celebrated throughout the coun- .try by pe,piciucs and 8ies , . H; - Ff"00- iujreA Kansas. .- i From the recent behavior of the weatberitis learned .that .there are .two sides to the rainlquestion: Not fV7 ww w maae u ram, uui, aiao H?F 10 Ji$8f IU j The State Uunivereity opened last . wbu wiui u viuueuis, ui wmcu .v. il me j i i i.!.t. umber over 100 are Freshmen. J new political party. The Democrat Th'is'is the largest number the Uni-'i ic party is already the "People's ersity has had since J.860. Jt takes nerve to speak and act in opposition to tbe publio mind, but when duty points' that way it must be done. The man who has opin ions and who has the backbone to them, will always hare the express respect of those who differ with him. : At the late meeting of the Far mers Alliance at Morehead, a reso lution was considered ; asking ' Alii ancemen to take no papers unless in sympathy with the whole" Alli ance platform. The resolution was defeated. - : The South Carolina Methodists recently called Evangelist - Tom ?itcb to account for the 'character pf the language he uses in the pul pit. This is the man whose sermons a Iforth Carolina paper was recpjjtly reporting when, it : said if a horse thief had used the languge he did he would have been' lynched qq the pat ;J y. The News & Observer and ;the Progressive Farmer ; are having' a newspaper - war. , Sharp words", are passing between tbenv and sensa tional dispatches from Raleigh a few days ago stated that a duel was im minent. This is a mistake. Neith er ot the parties ever thought of eueh a thing as a duel, and this -re port is but another il ustration ' of now some people like to lie. j : , That50tton pickers trust started by the colored Farmers Alliance in Texas is an anomalous thing. It : numbers 600,000 darkies and they detaand $1 per hundred and board for picking this 6 cent cotton: It Inoka like it would be better to give tfct the whole "crop, but then hey'd kick up and want the earth. JJiMeOBBSSR v -HUSK III THE HOME, v-v ; Bill Arp is a philosopher of tbe truest ty pe one that philosophizes.' His letters cheer np and thrpw new no man cap read them without be ing made to feel thai life is after all,' . ' i .. . vonn utui? ,wuen . we avail uur gel?ea of the il)lM,cent pleasures in our reach. - Bill never fails tospeak. of three jthings which throw around hi3 home that spirit ' of ; ha ppiness seen on the face of his utterances his wije, children and "music. lie speaks words of 'wisdom when he. adviaea parjenis : to educate , their. cares of the world, .''soothes the sav- age breast ', ana inspires tne . soui with a Jeelinsr that brings out tne better part of our nature. -k ,,- ,,,, Before this country is ever re formed in the way of morality, the uon? mu9l first be purified, for jn- ee & seems to be an institution in which liod ba8 planted tne nope tor lihe moral salvation of the world. f , . i ...... . ... t.-,.. It must he made attractive to youth before it can Jove it, and it must love it to cain therefrom that spirit thalelevates that which jt touches. jn rewards Sjuch as cannot be had from things materia!. II the world ever neeaeu music u neeus it now, lor life jwenried with the nervous rueb of day, needs at night a solace to chase awav-the menial strain thi olace mDBic -iv Simpson Scctrins Sepudiatsd. Concord Times. The Alliance of Mecklenburg evi- dently does not intend to follow the doctrines of Jerry Simpson, the sock- lesa statesman, as enunciated to i them in Jim recent speech at Char-1 lotte. In bis speech be directly and emphatically declared that he was wheat; Linn Erwin, 850 buhels in North Carolina in the interests wheat and 450 oats; C. W. Earn of a third party. hardt, 212 bushels wheat and 215 Last Thursday there was an Alh- w R. B. Hunter and Green Steele were present and madespeech- 9rW.cr?wd. Both the apeak- e.djenoonced the third party em- phaalxine the fact that the only way ! lur larmerB lo secure wmu loevi want w throueh tbe Democratic oar- ty. The Charlotta IJews says that the sentiment was wholly against any third party-scheme. It was a siemncant lact that some in tne I nd!nM whn rhMrml Rininsnn Innrl and long when he spoke his third 1 party doctrinep, went up to Mr. Hunter and told him that he had put the matter in a different light i to tnem, and that ther. felt that no I AHianoemanwho bad at heart the good of the order and the good of j the people, could afford to run after I a -mi w -i.mrwwj iu m uiiro uiit . .:n k : i. - .. i r PartyM- of the people, for the peo ple; and by the people. The farmers of North Carol ina are not yet ready to go into a third par ty. They are not yet ready to turn I over the State to a gang of carpet baggers and thieves, They are not o invite a retm-n of Republic uiu uegru ruie, ana oeiore iney are , ready, some other man than a Kan sas Republican and an erstwhile I South-hater will hare to come to them as a pijieionary of the new and untried faith. ; Salisbury Truth: Do our people not know by experience; that ' tbe Democratic party is the best friend of all classes, the enemy qf ,violc nee . of extremes, of dishonesty in public affairs, and the support and protec tion of life, liberty and property be yond "all other organizations that ever had an - existence in this coun try ? These facts are ipcontroverti ble, y Thenis it wise, is it safe, to turn our Jiack upon the ever true Democratic party in this the crisis of our political existence and risk the dangers that it has always op posed? .Force bills, high tariff laws, pension swindles and negro destina tion . will have nothing- to oppose them ;if the Democratic party is destroyed. . 1 No Hore Advice." -' . A preacher prayed for-rain at the meeting the other night, and in ten minutes afterwards before the amen' got cold, one of ; tbe heaviest rains of the season came. r But when the old man discovered next day that the rain bad ruined the entire brick yard of -his son-in-law, he said; ''Brethren, this is some of ray work, and that prayer cost my daughters husband just $1,000. Hererfter 111 let the Lord regulate the rain busi ness.n ' - ' j - - IHM'iVWMgJ :That Libel Suit- "' Concord Standard. .- iTh celebrated libel cases Cof ex- Congressman JSrower came "jnp at liorn and.Qlif er, editors S)f, the. Reids ville Review, were arraigned under three separate indictments for reflect ing upon the character of Brower. The first cage tried ' was the same one in which the Review-editors of fered a compromise some time ago. Brower would accept noneV and the case came upt again, ine jury re turned a verdict of not guilty, and Brower beinf defeatedhis attorneys nolle prosequied the .other indict ments, and also that one against James Bradfieldf a noted politician of Salem. K A Glcomy Outlook far Cottos. : .; Nashville, Tenn. SepU S.A Florence," Ala., 'special says: The effect of; the - cool weather, oh the cotton crop is beginning- to be no ticed now and the prospects for a vood cron is more "eloomv' than . at any time during the year. The Au ust crop is shedding its pquani and yung bolls rapidly, which, in addition ta the rust which has made its appearance during the past week promises to.be somewhat disatroUs to the crop. It is estimated that the cro8 will be 20 per cent less than it was thbught ' to be ,one week ago. The damage is general in this stc tion, and not one favorable report has been received from any point in this of adjoining Counties. They hrshl 9540 Bushels. The Concord Standard aayg Earn- hart and Cortine, in winding up tbe threshing season f twenty sev- en days, find that they have thresh ed out 6515 bushels of. wheat, 621U bushels oat,-15 -bushes rye. The biggest crop was A. M. Brown's 840 bushels oats and 176 bushels bushels oats. i . -OvftUio Schools. Are the mainstay of our rebubhc In them are being culUvaled the thinds which are U be oar lluture lftwvem-mnkera nd lendera in avrv wniir nf in haw amad ur. t -a tht thB minr1 RhnM K ,nita to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from impuriUw and poisons in the blood thatil is wnndpr thaL thov r n tin tn t nnJ ir..i... .nia 1 cannot find- wards alron? enansrhlu I w nuuiuu. vut uicuu ex Dress their irratitude to Hood's Sarsaparilhi for its good effect upon children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood are effect- ually and permanently cured by this excellent medicine, and the whole being is given strength to re I . ... gist attacks Of disease. JewkL. Farmers for North CaroUna. Wilmington Messenger. v Mr. W. W. Long and other promi nent and extensive planters of th Roanoke bottoms, have an agent in Odessa, Russia, who has secured and will bring to their farms 500 of the best of the oppressed and expatraited Jewish families.. They are all ex perienced agriculturists, and will en gage in the culture of cotton. ! BosticVs Hanging to ba Public- r The. Carthage Blade says: The county commissioners last Monday made the following order in regard to BoktickV hanging. - Whereas; Ben Bostick has been duly convicted of- the murder of Jerome C. Currie, and is sentenced to be hanged on the 30th day ot Sept. 1891; now, . therefore, for reasons deemed good and sufficient by this Board it is ordered that the execu tion of said Bostick by the Sheriff of Moore County be public. .: " - - :,f;itlE;.' Absolutely Pur, , r ; A Cream, of Tartar - Baking Pow4er Highest ofall is leavening strength. U; S. government report. , v; .v ; ' The Rocket fand &e Weekly Courier-Journal one year for $2.25, in advance.' " . ' ' Dont Fqrget 1 . -.vALWAYjarjiirDT- AT THE STJSWA&T t .- -V. STORE A FULL lyljfjs OF . 1 1 GENERAL ' JJ ERCHANLISE -: IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVES AND- -FUBNITURE BOUGHT FOR ' ; CASH AND NOT TQ BE 'UN--' " . - v ' - J " DERSOLD Stewart (Eaaaino (Eo. I have tbif day been aJftjnted by the proper Coupf ja' fthnyjjjjj cflSty as;aa niinistrator of rasly K. Sianback deceas ed and I have qualified as such, apd here hv i notifv all neraona . havincr claimn against the estate of said Decedent to pre- Rpntthf! Rama tn'mftihr navmnton or be fore the 6tb day of August 1892, or this notice will bar their recovery. All per sons owing , the estate of tsaid Decedent must payihe same to me at once. This 1st day of August, 19J.- -" , ' .;H. W.LEDBETTER, Administrator of P. N. Stanbackf de'oed, OF lUTKRiaT TO GIBVE&M ' So much bat been aald about t&e use of Soalep at the gin house that we call particular attention to a new book entitled M Facte about Scaled,' published by "JONES OF BINOHAMTON,1 la Bingluuaton, N. T. It contains full Information regarding ooete, patents, to., and should be read every intelligent ginoer. A postal will get it. In. OT CUTTING Again 1 Gome with GROCERIES & CONFECTIONERIES, . Urger than Ever. i i Past experiearie has bemnaDut to be in ing & rplhng with lo.wpnces. Fiom nowuntil Jan. 1st., l aija gping to sell my entire stock of goods at a very low price. I am goine: to change business, l am not srolnsr to cutDri- ces but I am going to. and let Ml QOiw down sonje one to tpllyou about bargains but come at oncQ, 1 oav0 got to make room for a dif ferent stoct. A WORD TO THE Trusting that what I have said may be receive a bargain oy conung to see me. I AM RESPECTFULLY, ' J. K. HOLT. - . . would like to say to my customers and to the publio al yhci.t S am jaow off to the 3XTo2rb!aeT& where S espet t0puar- s Embradng tvarj Mtide that the trade of bound to tell. ena I wish to call especial attention to the fact that I have by far the lar gest stock oi PTJSNITUBE ever shown in Rockiqgaip. - juTX-0 ri f hY -I, " ' J 1. Thanking you- for past patronage and expecting a big Fall Trade . - , I, REMAIN YOURS. . ' O - - A SHArjL5g$.-pRQCE;EDir3i9;. do,na littlj loww and tU good. we awoferingat eqt ratea." I am noVoiirinc SSTmK11 -I.tb5'TWW thathtatafoaad in a 6rt clau i,miieS and No.bpu Bnm A ali will eMmace jon. New Tmht kato jut reeeiyed!:- . Gibson. Station N C FRANK PrWYHE, A.B.; Pmhcipax. Fall term Jbegins Monday, Aug. 17.' Experienced Teachers in all deparlmants. i-Th.oraagb Instruction. , - -" Firm discipline". ' " " -,jOW rates of 'Tuition And Board. : - : V Sixty dollars will pay all expenses of j ooara, ijaunary, iuei ana xuraon nn lun glish department for a, term of 5 months. x or furtner ntormauon address - tne Principal'-- v " ' 1"' ' ' r NOTICE, Having duly onalified according to law as Administratrix of tha estate of Henrv Stewart deo'd, all persons holding claims against we estate oi my mestate are nereDy notified under Section 1421 of the Code to exihit the same to tbe undersigned on -. or before the 1st day of Aogust 1892 or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol recovery. All persons indebted to the estate "will please mate immediate payment. - ' SALLIE O: ST1.WART. ' Administratrix of Henry Stewart dee'd. July 27th 1892, - - ; ' : We are every day receiving fresh addi tions of " , -. DRY GOODS, JSoTIONS, SHOES, - -' - " TR0NKS, VALISES, i JCUTLERY, TIN AND - WOODEN WARE, And all other articles belonging to a gen eral stock. - - , . We also, keep all the School' Books recOinnK-niled 1y the Stale Board of Edu cati"n, which we sell at . contract prices - Call and see us before purchasing. . Respectfully, . , J. a WRIGHT CO. SCRAPE. 3 af my fall stock of taught me not to'gou tront. So 1 am lock knock . the bottom out now; don't wait for WISE IS RTTFFTrrrTWT a blessing to vou all and that Ton mar - . thiigMUoii - 'demstids, anS t price, that are vould also say that my line fTJn- dertaker's goods is complete in every re - BPect from tD cheapest Coffins tothe fin- es Metalie Caskets. . - . - " WATSON markets Iff ifou have and are wide awake to your best intrests ",v w - va. oct4 u a uuuu uiw. ' 4.1 u uio nuowieuge iBoi no benefit to you unless you can .realize the truth of it. We prooos fo give you an opportuni tv of domgso by pofntingyou to ourtJ. - . which we will inaugiirate on July lstand umuau August, 11 ueuc99a1jr-7ahieaa.il uuMt to ouai nave unloaded of a large and selecj stock of Spring and Summer Clothing. - Space will not admit of our giving discriptive caialbgne of fabrics, patterns, styles, Ac, suffice it that we mean to give you SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES. We must unload hence the sacrifice Don't be afraid you can't be Fitted oir Pleased. Send in your order, we will attenH tr tKofr.ort.nf if. : Oni- RtuV THfW TllHT'Orffrntl'l". 4 17..1 . . , . v. vuvjl ... v. v mi wvo-v a uij jii u - n jiiMiii ftuu v t?D ic complete in yARIETY, QUALITY and SI Z ES, comprising all the light fabrics in Regulars ance Sale is our $10. Counter which embicejsuits formerly sold as high as $16.50 Don't fait to take advantage of thiapportunity and put to the; test the old adage 'A Dollar saved is a pollar made. .-. We pay return Express Charges. - ' 1 - nq rt' ' SP CHARLOTTE TOT e s J haxfi just received a .large invoice of v-A large tjuahtity of Beautiful Table Chipaware.x The ladies are invited to call and see it. . - - - f . - r IMSTILLOWHEELS! Having on hands and ep route another car load of Buggies, Wagons and Carts ' - . ' ' Prices all Reduced for the Holidays. " .- .-- . IN BSIW They can give you good Goods for your money. They are receiving some of their Spring Stock and want to lose out all Fall and Winter stock at a big discount. 7e always keep in stock, a full line of STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, Codhtyof Richmond. ; -i : i - Superior Court. J Ella Boss, Plaintiff, ) , Action -Against'' y , for " Adam Boss Defd'n. r y.. Divorce. TorAdara Rsss; . - , ,ys are hereby notified that I wilr on the 10th.day of September, next proceed before W. W. Entaminger, Esq., at his office at Blytewood County of Fairfield, State'of South Iparolina, to take the depo sitions of J. M, HaJjley, R. W. Fann and others, t be read if evidence in the -trial of the above action! you can attend then and there u you sel fit and cross-exam me said witnesses. ELLA BOSS, Plaintiff. July iqfo 19i:- v- LAXtRINBtJKG . . - - Next Session ' Beginninq Sept, 1st. ; To parents: who are" seeking an economical School :iif a quiet, healthy , village, with experienced teachers, and good moraand reli gions influences, this Institution of fers special ind ucements. - For rates and particulars, address J. T. ROBERTS, A. B. Principal, v Female Institute (Ff3 A IWP ea to business Tyhen purchasine sdods. von are iwn continoe- through the entire month and N. C. ' . . . - ........ .. .. . THEIR ' - Collars and Guffs. . - YOURS TRULY, . . LEAH & STEELE, One-Pride Clothiera A dealer to ml far eatalscae. Mm u.k yoar- v xaivk au gu liaTITUTa. WHY 18 THE W. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE CCNfegEN HjE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THG-feOKHf Itlsa aMinlm iho& with no tack or wax thread to hurt the feetf made of tbe beet fine calf. atrUh ftBd easr, and becaua Mt mora aHoc of thi Brad that any othf ntuvufactwr, it equals hnd- S? Ste,00"1? fESm avoo to as-oo. . SS ?i.S5n"ln,,HdHM,,r? x finest falf C 4. 0 H-ewe Welt 8h.e, Im oalf. noo ewer offered at this prtee : same jrrade a oae 52?Ur?2 "ii0 xOm from ecloo eoo. CtO 50 Polle Farmers, Railroad Ken V aadliettwOarrfemaUweartkan: flneealf. wanieaa, smootn lnslda, beaTT three aalaa, axtea-tooed-e. on. pair wlH wear a year ft !L ao tetter hoa rw od Uto price ; one trial win eoDTlooe ttaow Wha want a aoe tar enmfart 02. itnt e'a.vu wartnaaua'a teawa hare grren itbeta a trial wlU wear mo other make. Doy, Of m.uw ii7i obooi too ai wora b tha txtn aiawaaut tlwiv anil Ladles mnemr anna Hanumiau aatea attow. 'la. van ae7Uah: eaaata aad-aewau aaee, best tratBtUOteJ ubb; eqaawrTaooa KimearetaMbawtAneDoiiffoIa, Smlihaaid .on far, Caatiea.-8ee that W. U Booglaa' aaase aad price are Xairipwd oa tha bottoca of aao auaa. 1 davabia. . , r W. la. DOUtMJUV BVOenoB, JUMa, HrO.TDQGKEKY A 4