Dont FoRGEr ! . THAT rou CAN ALWAYS FIND AT THE STEWART STORE A FULL LINE OF ' , GENERAL MERCHANLISE ? IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE ; STOCK OF STOVES AND-, FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND NOT TO BE UN- -I;ERSOLD - ' ';: Stewart Gaaalag (Lo. We are every day receiving fresh addi ! ions of . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. SHOE TRUNKS, VAL ES, CUTLERY. - T : AND WOODEN ARE, ' And all other articles belong 8 gen oral stock. '-ne k We also keep all the School At3ooks ec mmended by the btate Board f Edu atioa, which we sell at contract prices. Call and ses us before purchasi . A Respectfully. j. a WRIGHT $ CO. NOTICE. Parties desiring to purchase choice lo in a select portion of town would do wel to call on T. J. STEELE or H. S. LEDRETTER Joan W. Oolx. v Fbasx McSimthL. COLE AIJD UCHEILL ATTORNEYS - ATC - LAW ROCKINGHAM. N, The Sensation -THE DUAL- Attraction offered by our New Line of Men's Youths, Boys & Children's suits and Over- ' . , J . , ttt. . 7 coats for the Fall and Overcoats-Rich, Rare, Right, Reliable In Youna Lien's In Boys Suits We are from In Children's "ECnee S We son SPECIAL ATTENTION DIRECTED TG OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP MINISTERIAL SUI rS THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES AND FABRICS. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT TO MINISTERS, -t All orders shall have our prompt and careful attention. We pav return charges. CHARLOTTE N. G. TO THE I have just received A laree Quantity of Beautiful Table to call and see it. I AM STILL TT-! U J J ..i. ziaviug ou uauua uu en ruuw au Prices all Reduced for the Holida s. OUR STOCK OF EW SPRING AND IS NOW COMPLETE IN Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, m And everything elseneeded 'aAu; which will be sold as low as any W. Ti GOVINGTON &CO VOL. IX. kiiro - Your Liver? t- Is the Oriental Balntation, knowing that good health cannot exist "without "a healthy Liver. When the liver is torpid the Bow ela are slnggish and con stipated, the - food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the Blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system i3 de ranged., Simmons liver Begulator has been the means of restoring more people to j health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary' power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED, At ft gonftral family remedy for dyspepsl Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc, I hardly ev a. use anything elBe, and have never been dis appointed in the effect produced; it seems to be almost a perfect core for all diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. W. I. McElboy, Maooa, Us, ever of the Season. Winter season. Suits Mm IIUVV am - We show every Style Frock, Sack or Cut- away. The manufacture, trimmings and as- sortment of fabric all one could desire. are very strong. The styles we show very n unierous, affording a wide variety which to make selections. 99 are able to offer the very best and most original designs. This department has been given every care the productions this sea- i surpassing heretofore shown. - . TRADE a large invoice of Chinaware. The ladies are invited ON WHEELS! 41 1 J f T JT J vr iuu ui uuggin, w aguua auu SUMMER GGODJ n one else will sell them." " OC - v : 1 - . t i m , t- - - 1 ! . . ,,.. , . . , , . 4 i - - - - -- -' - - a. , ROCKINGHAM. RICHMOND COUNTY; K ' WEALTH OP NATIONS. The f United States Oomjmred With . Other Countries. Indianapolis Ne'vys. ThtJ . fear of Maltlms that the wo. Id's opulutum wonld outgrow the .resources of subsistence is brought,to mind by an examination of the rvHJfnt ceneU8 on the "wealth of the United Btntes. This country la far Qhi.Qii rvf ull rvthoV ifili7al no. I tions in aggregate wealth. Specula tive economists might busy them i t - - selves in trying to find out what this wealth will feed on when it has reached its ni axi m u m; for th e va s t wealth of a country can be as sen- J ous a menace as a crowded popula-1 tion of the planet. The fact that this wealth in the United States is being concentrated within the hands of a few adds seriousness to the out look. Th assessed valuation in ioia;, atiuiuiut: iu me icufuo uuiii- i tin was 824,249,589,000, a-ainst against $13,902,9-93,543 of the census pre- . 1 . 1 Tinne -In 1X7(1 Mia vn np wfl X14. . 178,986,782, and in 1880 $12,084,- 560,005. Of course, the tjrue valua- tion is much above these assessed valnes. The computation of the actual values tor the last census is not completed' butwill reach $62,- 610,000,000, nearly $1,000 for each inhabitant. Next to the United States the wealthiest country is the United Kingdom. The census is now be- ing taken and no accurate figures for the purposes of comparison are at hand. But, taking into consider- ntinn n refifinnflhlfl rpr pent, nf train 5o,ooo,ooo,ooo is a safe approxi- mate. In the same way France's - I a 1 i wealth nf8y beaaid to be $45,000,- 000,000, Germany's $35,000,000,000, Russia's $25,000,000,000, Austria's $20,000,000,000 and the wealth of Italy $12,000,000,000. In all these rvMintrioA thprp. i a. crnin npr r..mitn j - - as well as in aggregate. The gam a jD proportion to the growth of . F niof: ' , .. urban population, relative to the D I 1 I growth of the country in its entirety. Whatever the phenomena are that are tending to the increase of wealth in this country, they seem to be widespread and not confined to us. But, in the direction of the con- tralion referred to, as it applies to the United Spates, lies a peculiarly interesting inquiry for us. George. I Sherman, and other American stu dents of economy, have pointed out this evil. It now remains some one ! to tell how long the existing condi tions will continue and to what they are leading. Children Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle -action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most grat- ifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Not Luck, But Work, i wenty clerfes in a; store, twenty . . . . .1 nanus in a pnnimg-omce, iweniy . . i . . . nr. j .... - .n U J juuuK utvi iu a luru, n.i nau iu cei on in me wona ana exneci 10 I . ... . do 80; saysua old merchant. Vuv v buy " "vv,uv nartner. and make a fortune; one of t - - - j -- me compositors will own a news- paper and become da influential citizen; one of the apprentices will become a master builder; one of the villagers will get a. handsome farm, and Hve liKeapatrUrch-bat which one Is the lucky individual 7- Lucky I There is noT luck about it. The thing is almost as certain as the rule of three The young fellow who will distance his competitors is ne wno masiers nis ousiness, wno preserves his integrity, who lives cleanly and purely, who devotes bis leisure to thejacquisition of knowl- edge, who gains friends by deserv ing them, and who saves spare mon ey. There are some ways to for tune shorter than this dusty old highway, but the staunch men all go this road.' ' - IE Founds of Blood Is about the quantity nature allows to an adult person, c It is of the utmost import- "ce that the blood should be STept as pure MpfeibV ByitS remarkabl,e CQre scrofula, salt rheum, etc., Hood's Sarsapa ; , r " , " - r, - " "LITTLE LIGHTS. i . 1 1 Shot From the Socket -Some one has Btarted a ridicule on the South Carolina- Legistature !... t . trod uced ttf prohibit dunning. Tbe county commissioners of Mecklenburg county have refused to grant license and after January 1st, the leeal linuor traffic: of that countv 1 ... - I - iiijiuuuftA . - - i in vtuov. , . i Messrs: W.-&-iR; Tiddy, paper manufacturer8 of Charlotte, have made an assignment. Senator John VV. Daniel was re- elected by the Virginia Legislature without opposition. Falsa Sentiment Wilmington Messenger. It is bad for any county or State hen public sentiment is unsound, - i unsafe, puling, sentimental and anti- nnsate, puling, sentimental ana anu- 'Biblical. When divorces become . XV.-7i.-i 1 eiiav nue w tue oiaw. vt ucu.wiwc is a powerful sentiment against hanging women,' it is time tor mis- sionanes and apostles of common sense to begih their work. VVhn sympathy for burglars and murder- ers abounds it is a sure sign of manly decadence and of a low standard of judgment and morality, bo long as the Governor has the anamajous power to set aside the verdicts of the courts, he should have the grip ot a mnn and principles, the foundation of which is God s own moral law, and a thorough understanding oi an cases to be dealt with. We confess .Jwriur.w,!b that readiness which causes men to sign petitions to get scoundrels out of the meshes of the law. The adminstration of justice is too often now a solemn larce without petitions and pardons to bring it more in contemntand derision, lne , bedt people are becoming more and more impatient "with the corruptions ,1 nrf nf ;rv trials and snort comings oi jury inais, Let "justice temper with mercy. but let it not be said that in Isortb Carolina -'justice is lam." Simmons Liver Regulator is tbe fo of malaria as it throws ofl the bile and prevents its accumulating. The Bileville Banner. Atlanta Constitution. Last Sunday Parson Jones pulled out his Waterbury watch to see if he had preached an hour and a half, when the glass fell off and fifteen yards of the mainspring flew ont, and, catching Deacon Scruggs round tbe neck, choked him to death and caused Sister Spraddler to break her . . t .d ;r;DDed OD . Steward I , , Ka nnlnit Th urJ fa ia Uule, but live- lv- - , , iiurgiars nnea me jsiuvme post- ..... , t. 4, 0 .. J , " . r-r office last Wednesday night and . orth Carolina, Dav- We do not believe there is nopgh made off with the year'a receipts, holds twice ;M j many as any money to meet theemands of bus consisting of fifty two-cents stamps, other institution in the two Mai iness. We know .it is often so., 8tat onftnacWeaf stamned envelones. except Washington and Lee Umver- ed, but we think U is ptobably one baii of re(j and one Bide of o - - - I . 1 meat j lg a-gH(j 50Wj lo toe gov ernment DUi a messing 10 me posi- ma8terf wno iooSL advanUge OI me A nm(gn(M nH rairnpd. I O Coronor Jenkins held an inquest i vesteraav on a arunaen man wnu i I T j i ltrX:. .u.. jv, ineu iu wuir us. uhhuwiu'ibiii. There i8 ar good deal of resolution in Billville whiskeybut cussed, little judgment. We took out an - accident nolicv ,nBt xfnnHflV nd had the cmod for- tune to break two of our legs tec minutes afterwards, for whichwe will t e200. Now, if we canonly Weak our neck well come into a f,Ptnn- , Coughs and colds kept off by taking Simmons Li vr Regulator toiegalate the system A Wilmingtonian. in ' Trouble. Wilmington is greatly excited overlhe arrest of Jno. Davis, prom inent in church affairs And princi pal prom oter, of the elegan t ne w Fifth Street Methodist -church, on the charge of false pretense - to- an amount approximatins . 81OOiOO0; i Much of the money was church. funds. Widows. orDhanaod labor . i - ... of era are reported to- have offered - h; hands f!lnim'nf mrr. already -in- the lawyers' hands : collection, and Davis is in the -n.. tody ot the sheriff. C.; DEC JflMBEK 241891. NO. 50. A' Change inUxe -Phrasealogy.- Raleigh Chronicle. :" : At the recent meeting of the Na- i! .1111! . . T 1. "u, i". "?nce at inmanapoii a roai cnange was made in the ub- treasury demaqd. it was decifled to change the word lend" to "issue" and the word "interest " t "tax" ' . - - ;-. j making the , sub-treasury demand cannot afford to do the work wilh now read: - , out par. and as a result do not do it We demand that the government ck..n A. Ai:ni, u . : i iHiRiinr na in ,ino covomi mi:iMs i . .i i it. t i which shall issue money direct to the people at a low rate .bf-, -not I to exceed 2 pereent. per aunum, on non-perishable farm products, and 1 also upon real estate, with proper limitations upon the quun iiy of land and amount ot money. s The National Economist thinks "the demand is greatly improved by the change because it now conforms to the sub-treasury plan. The mon- ... A A - L I .. 1 A A.I. - . - , . ' J ." are not? charged" interest but pay a - ..." : tax to cover the cost of issuing it." Why suffer with dyspepsia, biliousness or any disease of the liver when you can be cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. A Hog's Reprieve. Statesville Landmark. Readers of The Landmark will remember an awful stiff yarn which appeared in this paper about a year coloredf wno Hve8 n tbe we8tern f t ha& undertakea tQ . .. . , butcher his hog, and that after he had knocked it in the head and cut his throat, it hopped up and ran away and be lost it after having chased it to Kestler's mill. Well, he found it after about a month, alive and well, and put it up to fat ten it again. It will now weigh 300 to 400 lbs. and the first morning the WCUkllCl IB I Uol BUililUlO MUU an I1 sjKXls riot Jack will make anoth ' f v,uM : attempt to butcher it. weather is just suitable and all the er I used Simmons Liver Regulator for : indigestion, with immediatejrelief. O. Q. I Sparks, Ex-Mayor,;Macon, Ga. j Davidson Students at John HcpldnS. The latest university circular is sued by John Hopkins aflords mat ter of congratulation to our Presby terian friends. One hundred and thirty-eight, colleges and universi ties of this country and Europe have graduates pursuing advanced cours es there. Of the whole number, in- S - eluding Maryland itself, only eleven have a larger number than David- son College, and no institution suajMlow prices, as is the case with North ol Virginia has more man ball as many' . ..A U!8UC?88 the U VlUs0D lue success of the Davidson men wnIle lnere ls" 8nwn Dy tbe faff. i . T" schollarships awarded to graduates from the colleges and universities of tt tn. I : ri o: mon8 Liver Regulator for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. An Sxdting Wedding. I Atlanta Constitution. A runaway couple, pursued by an angry fatner rushed int0 ne bedroom of a sleeping justice and demanded an immediate marriage, Arrayed m a flowing gown of white, l the i0 leaPed from his wqinga woman present, as quickly leaped behind the bed. "What do you want?' he thun. aerea, peering wnaiy over me neaa board. "Want to get married 1" shouted the man. uTake her and go, and God you P cried the justice'. help -' And the nuptial knot was tied. To purify Your blood - TakeH&od'a Sarsaparilla. Farmers around Scotland- Neck, Halifax county, declare they cannot make cotton at prices and a general tingol the Alliance of that place I li k 1 1 J t.lL . nn. l. a J - Wl11 ed 1or th26th to consid- win vv vuueu ior uieoin io consiu at lhe acreage questton. -.Not only the A" ancee called together, for!, V l? ,rU9 , communuy win mtum io oe ppesen ana partici r - mwu , All Workand No Pay- state chronicle. ? ' Some years ago thelegislature re pealed the portion of the school law which allowed the school commit teemen some compensation for tak ing the public school census Sum ot the committemen n(Sw nv thfv at all. This is bad for the schools, i as upon such census returns the ap- iuimi)nm(ni or Tim tuiiii. a,.ira . . i . r . i i tund is made in January. The cum- mittecmen ought to either" lend a hand in this matter or withdraw. The State superintendent of public instruction urged the legislature to again enact the law a '.lowing com pensation, but the legislature did nothing. Mrs. Jones hasn't a gray hair in her head and is over 50. She looks as young as her daughter. The secret of it is, that i she uses only Hall's flair ReneWer. A Pointer for Our Peopb ' Wilmington Star. The New Berne Jonrn il announ 3es the arrival there of a car load of horses and mules, but slates that the entire lot were from Western North Carolina. Now this souuds better than Tennessee or Kentucky stock. If our eastern planters will buy horses and mules instead of raising them, it is not so had when the slock is furnished from Wes tern North Carolina farms, for that helps the western North Carolina stock raiser along, keeps the money paid for them in the State and helps North Carolina. But horse dealers can't buy North Carolina", stock to sell to North Carolina planters un less the stock is raised in the State and sold as cheaply as Kentucky and Tennessee can sell. Adapted as central and western North Caro Una are to grass and grain, culture, there is no reason why stock can't be raised and sold at a profit as low or for less noney than Kentucky or Tennessee can do it. As Aycr's Sarsaparilla ootsfrips al I other biood-purifier3 in popular favor, so Ayer's Almanac is the most universally j fara mlar publication of the kind in the world... It is printed, in ten languages i and the annual issue exceeds " lourteen millions of copies. Ask your druggist for it. u Good!eport. Wil. Messenger. The South is doing fairly well as a whole. Some of the States are sufferiug much from poor crops and - pQerplina. But the most of the SJhern States are in a compara- tively. healthy and prosperous con- dilio.n' There is no plethora ; of currency in any of these States, It i- dpnidodlv iUht in mnnv wminn.- I r X (PL. cious. l ne actual money nroircu lation is far below the figuresVof; President Harrison and newspapers' generally. There is in tbe eountry locked up in various places enough to make the circulation per capita much larger no doubt. Dun says bnsiness is good in the South. It is Baid that there are $60,000,000 of cotton money yet to be distributed,; Unfortunately North Carolina will get but a small share of this huge sum. Thepecial quality of Ayer's Hair Vigor is that it restores . the natural, growth, color, and texture of tbe hair. It vitalizes the roots and follicles, embves dandruff, ' and heals itching humors in the scalp. In this respect, it surpasses all similar prep arations. - Three Ba?e Qood Hits. Texas Siftings. , . The Rev. Whangdoodle Baxter has the most flourishing Sunday School in Austin. He asked one of the pupils: "Who is dat ar my?l4- rioua bein' from whom nuffin' am hid who sees and knows ebery ding what: happens? I axed ver dat queshui last Sunday, and V now wanU the answer.' "I knows hit, I . . ' - Fodder tole me de riirlit answer. said one bov..v JfWell. den. who does ver fodder eav am dat? ravsterious ue bejn- Who knows all things- what - happen??" wDe foahman' eOxde 'gran' jury' ' ' The msg of "YariokTiftSuiMiateMiat i xoH WauMfy Jiair ovutom as !&- '- ' tnrt imiY'sr.sal s&-th6 taco;fl)it'jitO'pat-r.- -" lions to lv"aA'n1' t?w nf frviu fr.itii j; ... not, or Irr resWrsr t. to its onjitmlr - rplcr anil fuJfae-wtM.M t t1 mmlvrtA - i rfj-1n and .connned' ro the IrmlCvuf tae- i highr-fririhzatitm -Prtl)y T5rfat tit- : . tstie and : imiHir.-iritioiia ideas - of the - cnriclitst'a-nU. of liiost Vsailwwtis jxHtjiler. " would firlM tJtefr nttrfwv? wit fyh&. -saeias to- liij tbau course of iiaiure, in . thinning t!njjn ks and sjirinklhig tbfui , " tlv'gr::;, life advaTitei'Tv.-fiird the " Ttfa tmeu-nt ITthreTT poetically termi t '' whlti hnit ?ti crown .plorj,,""tiiil o t a .-vt wliear-it rai.JlTjdoihe-lrc-3 ; of the sgK But when ajpersins in tlie ; , fall vior of tife becouies gro.vTiis gray f ftir, bo far from Ix-iU!? a crown of glory, . U ratlior an Indication of-.V:alu:csa sod preciature V.ecivy. "Whai nuiy'Le nd- -Xiired in " John Juiderson, . jpy4- Jr -Jolm" at eighty, t -lo, d1oxitfd Jolin A si dor son at tlrirtjtor forty, ..-v v It has been observed that' earljy jbahl. - ncss is more ceiujDoa now thep fjjr"iner-f !y. Whatever may be the causa of .the early loos of hair, ihere are Ife'w'bUC vronld avoid it if jwss:bcvSo)ie sttcaftpt' to" conceal the- loss oftlidr hair'Jiy " : brushing, what .Is laft ovct the"vacanf phtefM; otSwra brare out their iuisfom tune, ati diil ile fox v.-hen ha lost hie -tail; but the ninjorify of the Vtoo rrc-: Vjohs" ones look aflxieiuiiy- ftboHt.for--Something that-will restore lost youtUva fulness aV& hide their tell-tale T phreR'v logical- deflcincTes. " For this -purpose nothing has as yet- been discovered thai surpasses" Ayer's Hair Ti;;or. . 'i Ws clo not pretcutf thut this- prcpara ; , tion will cause hair to grow ou JKcalp that has been xdCnnded for yoar3,cndC polished like a billiard ball, Twit witinm claiming for it any more thair ita, JhRtfS du e , we assert that it certainly promotes the growth of'hair, restores colorjo f atlcuV and gray locks, heals hwinors, keep the1; scalp cool, prevents dandruff, and-Sm--t- parts to theihair a silky textureand a lasting fragrance. It will not staia th skin or clothing. Though Ayer's Hair-' Vigor has been before the public many years, it is still In greater demand than-'-any similar preparation a convincing" proof of its superior merits and exten sive popularity. Xhsy Don't Dis in Hastsn. Maxton Union.: . , r. "r It is a fact that the body of .only" one grown "person-is J)urul in . the Maxton cemetery. It iseo .healthy here that the physicians have to en-t gage in the insurance busincs?, toe turpentine business and patent bed clamps in connection 'with their pro--fession, to make a decent . living.- When a person here becomes 5Q.old v that they g"et tired of, livings ihgy have to move away to die. - , We do not claim that the fountain of beau ty is located in this community, but it does seem that the spring oper. rennial life bubbles up hereabouts., For a general family cathartic we confi dently recommend Hood's Pills'. They should be in every nome niedicine'estT1 Tha Hub of ?inanc3i Providence Journal. - The first financial centre of. th& world was probably somewhere in. . Uhe valley of tlie Ganges River;-then it began to move westward by -sway of Babylon, Thebes, Roine,'fjondon, and finally it is about, to skip across--the Atlantic to New 'York. .ItV,wlL doubtless remain here through as many centuries as it has, in any , o-f its other temporary abiding places. Judge Schenck and DadSchenckL Jr., were trietLat Greensboro ' Cottrfr-1-, last week for the assult on Mr.: Fifer last summer. The jury Sifter beinff out a few minutes brought in a vet diet of not guilty. Dr, D. R. Schenck-. leaded guilty, and was fined a. pen. ny and costs. - -" r JPPM AN "BROS.", Proprieiort, v i Druggists, Lippman'l BloCV, x SAVANNAH, Ci . . i -. k PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSE$ - TIMS MAMU. 'Wr-J yep Wil. EVEREH; t , . m GENERAL -MERCHAKDISE, has exclusive sale oflhese celebrated v glasses in Rockingham, N. Cf 1. SJTelfem & Jtfaoraj .The "only. t man ufacturing opticians m tbeSutbAtlaBta,Gai4 "PBDDLEBS U0TBPEWBlf : WITHTHESE FAMUSLnLA3SES.

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