THE BjOCKET." :-- t Tr ;;V " 'send your. ORDtna. for" 'we invite you to compared ? TiiB-iiocEBt r t tot) "7o-rli. With any ther rweetly in IbU wction TO THE ROCKET toe State. , , Satisfaction guaranteed in Price and p AP-m GROWTH IS BASED. PI . Quality- nf "Wnrka - FES MERITS. r - ROCKINGHAM, RIOHMOUD GOUNYi N. :0,:JU1jY"14J892; -2STO' 27 fSnBsntnTMH pBic:fiSr$L50 Pet "J Year. VOL. Xr ;j::.ilk-:-fil?lLi I , . . , 1 , ., . ., .... 1 , 1. . . r . - . . . . . - ' -' - J - Tl . ; -i " j t j I- - . f . t- Shoes. aid' Harness : ;;ft9tecaaa udAdprodty 'There' mucb, she aaid, "in politics ""To rouse my curiosity; J j A 'deaP I cannot understand; r- " . WATES HUUS UPHILL; AW. JONES has moved oyer -the . atore ofTj; W. COVINGTON, Si X,1TkZZ Tmade aid What is 'protection tell me, and repaired.' in 'the best posrble manner, and . . Wkat's reciprocityT t lower ,rs than tney nave ever wen Known in mis Good hand-made ; Wagon Crldlos at SI.OO; w KrilM at eorresTJondine low pricea A. fall stock of Harness and Bndlea always on hand, and made topraer on snorinotK-e by skilled workmen : 3 -,.;:. A yr. jones. deU-im inedyta aiakft every f effort for his election aa- (lie - sure' means ' of nullifying and crushing oit the Re A'Simplo'BspUnatica' i'-at-Straage'. publitan forpe bill ctnspkacy?? Thingia Katurs.:V4(r 1- ' We appeal to theissalisfied'tbe -.Youth's Companion.' l"- r ' r ion passioned Souiherr Democrats u Can a yiyer;inltitflral channel m&h and 'tm t rinta 7. Wr IiriTr i him -in OUetl lO ther. air. JTin h UT)hlll ? ' ICQ- Just then his arm slipped rotindher waiatl r)Q n 8a hd'to possible iaa ThU'seeuw, itfe an estab- I - "With love like vehcity;'- "That is protection, dear, and this-" ? ( Just then the maid returned his kiss) c "Is reciproeity " - " ,. - - LippincotC - boldness - and . decision, nver The 1 lished fact; In 'truth, jtvery circumstances whicbl ensnare n& are fWing toward the eq'aV for a suj mostslrange and peculiar!' cThe BclfndistancernnsiipfiHL. J,v' scheme of Negro Domination In. the ' The monilt if theMissieeippl M SERVED HIM EIGHT. i sunthrtn ftnfA ia ? ft :-f vnritA ;W1 threeniiJes mahertiiarf -a - gonrce. with Piesklent Harmon. Many of That in, Minnesota, wbrethe sMi- w,a rnHnA a tmmn(ivhiiiN) 1 Bis! t)Di rises. .iff three miles m nearer 'Ki'-ti STw C1tS?!en-i?,lficr in ftUmWir! it-wih frtnnf imni pnurflto 1 lb fieiitre of the eanb .thani the T X ORGEIIS tefionth CaieBnaTcn. 4 Ihs own. - He is repning the camH Gulf of Mexico.; ;In th -reason .(or , , " THAT : - YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND , " AT -THE JSTEWART STORE A FULL LINE OP . GENERAL MERCHANLISE T IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE STOCK OP 'ST0VE5 " AND v.; FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR .. CASH AND NOT TO BE UN-, ; DERSOLD :" . ' Kershaw iS.CV Era. - 1 raien himself more than any candid eucti a amrence in ieveL win ,w 0&&adar of last wetk, a hilelytg ever did before.5 . Every Repub. -found the explanation ol irie,mers i man bail ine frbm" Rockingham, N. I iirn who is ncrminated for ConiLress uphill flow ewhgave j,is WmfraaJi G. Smith, m" be" pledged 4o the odious, mea's k . As any schoolboy will fell us. the madftbis wajy into town. :-Alter be J ure; " To resist it there iff no method eartti is a ball flattenea at me ing here for a couple of day? be got hopeful or nlore encouraging This flattening, while comparatively Btartpff out to nam t iuf iMienlm4:insiffnincant 18 still sumciem 10 i thoinArn nr nartdine hue. When he 1 fnr T.p. thr lie nn Rotitliem Dt-m became thoroughly exhausted from ocrats'in'any .ThiTfd paxty; and ktj miles shorter tban the equatorial his efforts In this direction, me niei ay unitedly stand by 'the ticket nora-- uiaroeier. iu uuier.-vi-,- i tendered him aroom in. his hotel hnated at Chicago! ATTDRNEYSX AT-LAW, .- Qffltfe'ovf r J. CL Wright S Co.,- Store. - can get employ nrent here; hence," not 1 - Tea Culturfrnear rayettevila. , " many are to he touwl, Ana no more l a ayeuevuie uDserver . t -v.i arc wanted except for election pur- j - At the NortU' Carolina experiment poses.-- ;-l Z t yi-Sl-: Iwrm near itUieigh, ihtre are now A nother thing o' - be learn'eoC s i8 f grow ing pevral thousand .tea plaijis the nensioiT fraud business. S In thai one thousand of which -are"-to- be r - r - 1 . j i.""-' it. - t t- Souihweread thepeiisiontisticlH1"1 .' wu ui wfiile here'we see W living frandii Andrew iBrpadfootnear . this city, who draw tuese - pensiorisSome wbere-afaujnal and t&orougn lest draw them Worthily; the majority -I U to be madeon tea culture in the havo en.' fraudnlentlv, ?A lnasis - woods- of otlk : Carolina. f-.t.fetMM-fAji.- tbat'hWibniioYit i Should the first, attempt . succeed,-1 rnorepple'trottld go m b'ell-Jfor Und.we know.nothiaglo the cqn rwPMTln-nfvnsion lies tlian lor - anv I inasmuch, as it has been grown ttra other sin. -AJew 'minutes- since' a v7 liaite4xtent on Mrs8mUb nuinSvas-npjiaedHhat he had been fnn, about 3 miley Xwra.iow, il is rmi m granted'a back-perisiorr-fbr several ai . Prcj grf at inings ior in i.Aranr I section orj this pcore. .The tea grown S12 month. He Immediately .ai by Mr. Sirith is- a .black tea, and p KOCKINGH AM, N, rilipd for an inorease. Hei as able wen curea nnos a reaay r maraei ai t - tv labor as e is lazvandi never be- $1 peround. By the woy;we see ncMT A I 4 fl -1 1 1! f lonffed to anv arrav. "'He was in the that Mrs.a is curing a" tenponnd ULlI MIL; vl I IUt- bome guard a shorr while." I was hkw th-W.l FH-at . r r"- - talking to-day with another man who meago. .rrora nepiMing Dn:.uw UUljJir UR WELL', WALK ER ife TD TH RI E, J"lT 1 ATTOENETS AT I.AW, -,""i(.- , s-, ' ROCKINGHAM, - E p.'XiV, Office over Dr.J:M. Stansill's, .One -door?. -i-r - s" east of Hotel Richmond. A v" 7 "- h FBAk . Sir-NETiw ATTORNEYS r At , .LAY 7 C' J-r make the polar diameter twentyeigbt f draws bissixteen dollar? per month m in Booth Arolin. we ,pnder rr, v (7 : . (T where be might reslhis weary limb?, j Stewart oaruimg vo. Heacceptt,doi the chiefs bosPitii-1 tj and siKjnt the night there.. -1 he next morning he was informed thatl '-kalr''rkitft livn tnnn nftthniff would be charged-him for jus night's The Two Platforms.!-. CANCERS GURED. Dr. S ML Wright, of Gibson StationylT. C - offers his prolessional services nl of Richmond and adioinine ties. With a long line of successful riw he feels warranted in saying ihp. most obstinate cases, where 8 enre possible, readily yield to his treatment. ' - and the South Pole are tourtecn miles nearer the earth's centre than is the equator. - Now. the distance'from the North Hcah: for they The two. platforms; says the New j p jg equator, roenpured along 1 government and they well know the i.uiii. uiiut fo.JMjf icacoo mo pi-1 tbe'earth,8 surwee, is six inousanu j ieinuurHis wm euui-uu. vnv- poses oi tne two parties, out in e can- jw. 8nl the distance from rib e They remember now: ueveiaoa ve - - ... - , . . - . - .1 - . , M ' 1 4 . fmrri -TTnrle Sam a 'heartv man 8ta,d Dri Shepherd", who-is well Q tf Drofessional -services' to the peo working at aialary of $65 a month J known to-many;of oaf readers, will pie of Bjj" TV ?: . . it r nm r countivr "Oflice over JJr. M. cstan-r , j,. with only a wife to support, 'these I m,g - , t Apl2592-tt -j-- . are only sample ca?es.:': No .wonder these Western States arejll Reptil -r are living . offjthe ten acrefieldr ConsTunBtioa CxtrejSLi An-old physician, retired from .practice, having had placed in lna. hands by. an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for .4he. 'speedy i - - . . : MHnto chit mnro opimipiu vpnrp i i : . f n .1 f fnninnr : rnc hi ic nrf i Anil vnerrrrATiaTit cnre oi Vyuosuiiiuuuii: i lodging. He eeemed willing eneugh 'Z 8UCe.lQ V1! -ul,u" , :M' c!" . tTL" X BShiU.. atann, - A.tLn a .A all eit countries, myself andwares . li it,- .nr,n;(;nn onH tnrtlr arm, urao iuiuu.- w ..v, ,..j-vr--. nl ifi aDOUl Ulteen OUnurei mtiiw, w.V tuBY mun no..iao i;u. w fk-rtatar.riT.Tmcr Awfinnf a fk si nrwi ivft 1 ."- :"-:.:'ii::,l-fIi;jj.i; ro toe 1 10 ttucrui ii", Fvtivo.ww. .... . . . r. . - . . - tr " . , -r . : i.: !;... rrf", C"V VTi :"J5 f We 11 Known. : .auanv.njriva,ii. conn- Uu nflrinrP.Lnt instead of leaving "UP"- - : " one fourth ot- six mousana. ti, again 11 eiecieu.. now quihiu rna rau.cai cure iot wyouuuhy iu - i w - . ... w " - . v - -ii... - i - .i . i t . n ki a t- . Mm r 'Am i ninT ex. ai op - iiainri- rm r--i i utir a - exPe7 nn 1,5. nhndp nn the outskirts Wr- Wererana s e.eeuon wi. mean lhere fa a difierence in level man can behold sucn . iraucis ana ? .-jr--. . -7- " " t: . . . . . mat .....,...-,--.-..-.- - - . . 1 ,- j ,i .. i:. r 1 ia 1 . . . . ., ...L .m lti nr - ,t . Ti 1 rbcoicu w .wuu.;,.-. j-yr 1 onnz. my H,1 is of the town: .It was learned later - 1 01 iouneen B ' . ,7 ' " V : ir,01us??! 01 casT' ?r i; - tbev know them pretty weji; .bat this toan ind a wma n n ecom.ea -. Pole tbe equa.or, there wm M. wnlf n '"1" " ..11 v nav riot be.Dn. ofthe.C -, ' i ; - i iib ni vprniiiMiir iti i . i iui i nwi p i i . . t i i. .1 ika a.n rna 1 nirai- in Bira ncriw-iiti kki r i it mi imiiuh. i v - -1 ,r -i . - . .. .. - ..c-., .t---' . . i n r no. inuri . riitniHii 'rm ir i - i w i u v. a v as ww -- - , - - - - g iai tova r n man - nn iifi mi . w ui bcuuhcc i -. fi- , ,i Miin- ki uoan m an hiiii ivmg Smith, had been living together in TTTT?. rr.KVELAND GRAY, v I -Jl nl Pjtrinnham Jnd t.hfl.t. A KKTUGKl J AUli. the woman had been lodged in jail Thi. clpbTJited Jack will stand the en- t that nlace for the cri me, but upon suing season, commencing 15 of March, at he prom4ge to leave the State, she was released and made Jier way to of charge, to all wno aesire , wis recipe. - . - , . ff', il- nf tbrp tinn wbirb baa bPen onlv confirmed inGman,-French or finghsh1 witbluu w .u m.g.M vy . t v. ,v.vai v.. ... j - . - - i . - . i .. t J ' Arma mv mace on jaiouuituu 9 rach sun as wnen vaii owujuo ouu sucks. No pains will be spared to prevent ts place, After reaching here she aCCldentS DUS 1 WUJ. DO!. UO icopuueiijia tor any that occur. Alll wishing to taise will mean astill furtheiLad vance to j (j lne Mississippi and its I mouth of i - Some time since I made a predic wnrds the ideal ot the aicruniey bill, the taxation of, the people hr the enrichment of: a favored class, embarrassment of -trade and the (aggrandizement of monoplies. I come to you with a small affair" that you, may. need..-In England,,: j-. the .Continent and many other for-.,V "f- are 'v fam-" . ; , abroad: ' man-.. Hps . I bv toiler observation ana which l But- the territory watered by. now, reiterateJor.ther -benefit of my the Mississippi has . been elevated friends, vik I hat . tne i hru party somewhat bv volcanic or similar leaders care little about carrying the i- . i: j.. A ..oln - finnt. I ti- !i-,.I.A In oh la L. I r ftBK iiW uy .u.ujt a yoDr conhdence ana mass i.rf naming thisjntper. -W.'ANqyES, 820 W v" , r, voI' RfcTRochester. N. Y." . 1 wee fa this- journal to endorse.tnaC confidence. , 1 da not tmnK it win W. R. Lindsay.- lhosrrH. Long hft miftlaced. l .11 CmUU o 1-tlr nntilvin- bim an f Utl ui uuuuucd . uKnn(, A nt writtPn will mean their enlargement by Smith to this woman, after he wi-s Ordered to leave town, was found on last Sunday morning, in i which he asked ber to meet him that day on outskirts of the town, and the name xt;; ukvoiv,.kit1u. rt-f oi tne pariy wnu -uuiu a.vx,w wrship heretofore existing between the j the place was mentioned, bhe was nntlesiCTecl. under tne nrm nam oi ieun. i -t,fcfi , WH, rii?covered where party of government m Mr1. Cleveland's election will mean forreg yn(Uhe actual ce89 n height West lor their nominees, hut have in - otho'Wilaon are the members m the bet forra 0f a iuir uouwuiip I lA nver'u mnnfit ia reaucea 10 imnu tuauiu iu iwiu ipuuvu u W A ktlV ------- . . -- - ... I . TINE-MULES will do well to have him serve. Respectfully . - JAS. A. INGRAM Notice of Dissolution! & Steele, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. W- C. Leak assumes liability for all debts owing by said firm. A 11 per sons indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment to W. C. Leak, who alone is authonzed to make collec tions. W. C. Leak & Wro. L. Steele. Mr. "Cleveland's success will menn free elections. M r. Harrisou's - will mean force bills. - Mr. Cleveland election will mean an end of squandering. ; Mr. .Hard-, son's will inaugurate a new era of still greater, extravagance. ' - Mr. Cleveland's election will mean the interest of the 1 of People's Party National Executive an absolute one-for biliousness and i;ominHieer;-ruri,H uaium'. , headache that can ne looou m uu Th Wre is so small in itself, ,v Shuoh's Conmmptiontzcre.i yet "its comfort to you is ' -u.L Tw -ZZIZL fcf-'m'nfAim-. creat 20-:minut8: being its lii IO..VMV. ...v. .r- . w . ,- , . .. 'T- -'. ' i L !(.:.:. 1,.,,.AU I (nat, it hn8 IIAk. . ofwaler from . a swiftly turning w"nmtt'- a few doseabvanablycnre the worst cases fi ihelm;TVel of its time.' One" w,pp1 our irlobe became a hu-eball General Bid well, the Prohibition ofollgh Croop ftntf Bronchitis., whrieits forne the maryei oj - VMwJ if! iftlw Bli party'fr.candidate for President, is an wondSsucceimthecrfGonsump- an (L half grains of medicine east- of mo.ttn rock, itself swiftly revolv- F J m .ithoit : naraSenn thehistory of anaar k mv Termdv.-!n'tbe A-;-...innw-lnisri oia iamornia pioneer. neu-r: v; ",t-A-AvitTilw ? - - t. - is the three .miles- first 'mentioned...- then be rewarded by the Repnbli How is it possille for the river cans. I am pot a. politician yet can tluiR fn run unhili? ' Sfethis. UMiPn flcrpa. the sun had-thrown tim rnrth from its surface like a drop The Nominee of the ProhibLUonists. SO ? imit ing in space. As ltgrnuuaiiy wioiea itfhrunk; and by ehrinldng, its ve-1 locity increased just as a stone tied Tti ninlit It a;wi.i,. p.... -.ipJ ihpm - The People. Mr. Bomwin will mean mde her escane but Smith government in the interest of pluto- to a ul l and lwiri4,d aboul a hoy's waa iriven a good drubbing. Parlies cracy- ' ; , , - finger revolves more rapidly as v the living near the placesay that his cries PP BPon ,r I string winds around tbe fing.r. almost h? their ballots which. of these poli- lolieeol mkm 1 We the undersigned have this day form ed a partnership under the name and style of Leak Brothers; and will continue the business formerly carried on by Leak. & Steele. Thanking buf friends and the public for their past patronage, we hope to merit & contenance orthe.same." W. C. LEAK, " J. P. LEAK. J. W. LEAK. -. a-nA nlana fnr mprrv were A 'WoTn who came c'e8 thev prefer. - broken over his misdoings and also several small children." Smith, while rrom a letter of Capt. S.- K Alexnn 1" 1.1J iL.nLt.tlU.t ki. .. V"- - - . - - x . .. mine jug, aiso umu tu vui mai. n-1 der to tne unairman voi ine - iNew was married and had several cnu- J Hanover Democratic Executive eom dren. He was served exactly right 1 mittee : anA if io in he. Tinnpd that tills treat- l utXho- T ein,iol in W 1Ur T ment will learn him a lesson, tfnd he .um,0rted the State and National earth a material wnen pias ic, rtu. ... . . . . 1- ia ' iJ I . - . . . 1 ,.: ,, ottTQf. in t.h fifllDP will return to his home: aeiermneiu eke"ts. it did not occur to me thftt to do better in the future. When tbe centrifugal force bad to increased as to" exceed gravitalion.a huge mass shot o2 rdrn - the earth's equator and became the moon," Still the centiifugal force retained ample power to expand the. earth's equator nd to retain it in .-this, foraa ... until cold and brigid. Nor has this force yet abated. A . . 1 a1. . it drew -towaru tne, equator ine owner ia bis own Stat. bora in Chautaquacoun 1 81 9, and w hen ten years narnfo aaitiaA in .. TiTriP; ' ThpV - TG movea irom- tnere - ia., nainnuui medicine. Smee its first- discovery rt nas hoAii snld on a frnarantee. a test which no was i other medicine can stand,.; Jf . jw have a J commerce Conjrressman and a wealthy land- Ucen sold on a guarantee, a test which no e"P I " "AVv, --is- as DR." l,i vr v jfi' "S0 we earjaesny asK;you-Mj, .try in.., i NEW L1VEK JflLlA, 1 Jt ia- om m ty, in. prig m an!. lf yHuTigs are f - c p . f . j - oia - nis i eorechest. or back lameHBe&nunu s t o- . i.Z V . - rons Pla&terr Sold bv Dr. w. U. iowmes to North America, i ne price vi ' price: low as-an honest medicine can bew - - -. I . - - . - . . . : . . much Isold, at, 25 cents. ' bend ft porM nntmio flfiin and M isRori Hi bpcross- I ' f!hnrlpfifr.nians are? verv ' m' ed" the plains to the Golden Gate in wrought uP over the appointmentby card fora eample:viato try. them .. 1 fUl . In the Mexican war. be rose President Harrison of Dr. .Crura, a J netore you purcnase frnm. the rank of second lieutenant to negro, to be postmaster, for that city. thatof maior. and during : the civil -- i BRHAYDOC&rfs 63 Julton Sl;N, Y.- same 4he Jesse - Ctoree. An Appeal to the Solid South.- New York Sun. " There are 'some Southern States whose Democrats regard brover Cleveland with aversion, and have 'nrnr.laimed beforehand a settled purpose to carry election, so far continues to attiact in m .. "11 .-1. . U. -M hat T pnHnrspd direcuon- an me uuiua upuu 1 . k...rrt-A w Tn ik.e mow ni-otritfl. -..,,1,1 bt a tion is partially, overcome, and the J I : : .its flnora ilaadil V tin 1M Prpshvterian endorsine tha "Com . '.p: s- that, vmi mvl three-mile hill to the Mexican nii. -i-nnr., T Bbte that A second question is suggested. UUV aaa act u.ii ww - - - - y - . -.- T endorse the Democratic State - UmoN Ridge, N. C, June, 29, 1891. Mr. John N.Webb r, Beak Sib :.. I purchased- one of tfce ; Electrdpblse on the 5h.-day of May and J M rs.;-Hazellr who vis eighty-five (85) years old. She has had the rheumatism and asthma., toritwenty fia thtrtv rears. - " ; - - .-- j ; . ..." ... i - i-. . . She was relieved irom tae nrsv appuca- i tion,ofthepojsei and lias greauy lmprov- -OF- SlUMSlL'aii-JSlSfcECCSS,; What would ensue if . the srevolu- bia. wine. upon. Ue ground, and I... - .1 U:.-. s tir.n . JttviaAtr in frlllt. eforehana a settiea UIBO .v.awv....-- . ,., . . 0,a lunicu mo r rv this fPelin into the Platform made by the State -Demo- on or . eaxtu - 1 raising. He now owns 37,000 acres Xn to sunnort cralic Convention, held in tbVcity means graaua, y lltllMI . . . i . , . . . .,, cicbiivu, r v - ; ... . rr--.-i . j------ . . , i MisotDimm nnnin nKromit uiurctiiiui mis celebrated young jjay quuiioilwih ,:J . .u -PormAra' Alii ifand for hi first seasonat Rockincrham anal . - - - .-. . . " xt-: .i t Tilorfnr i T iL. Tl ....l.'a nv uihaf- I IR '1THL LfCUlUVia 1W uiuuv. :.. . all parties wishing to raise Fine .Blooded anceoruie, up, I a u tua Vo l Dprnncratic the great lakes would swell into an StockwiUdowelltocallonorwrite to ever name tne vvmvmny , m ihA r,tv of inland sea, and the Gulf of Mexw ttt x , nrri'ji.'f thPae SiiiU Convention, held . in the city, oi . . ,.-v . wm. Jj. oieeie, ar, rvoc-mgnam. ine iru- j uuanjr nou"'c- .... . N, . - . ; South Carolina is perhaps the most tnicagu, i I rmcii in . fiCflrv reunnaiffn pun e 1 ? - - -vl , ; ; - re- J 1 . . . . 1 .1 1 . of Raleieh. N. C: in Uav last, and Mississippi wou.i ..---- . w hijn afl . snual fa. r- -vv - , - - i i iu a ito i o nn i ... . . nn n k.lrva Al,r tt t h a f!i It frtm 1 Will niw fl. .uiitcmn. vi i - ..s ' - ? - . .. . -i'-: j5.'"-v ::;:.i'::.j.ivi5.sii,iV militial " The Repnblicans.. in his district sent him to Congress in 1864 He ran for Governorof Catifornia on the Republican ticket in -1875 and was defeated- In 1890 he was the Prohibition candidate for, the ? same office with tbe same result. General tJt Tan?7k HPQ WW V, SUMTWOm & Ofcr . t:j1! ,oQ of Ai,6 t ma. ii In ran I .- J t j a v, .ffllfoPL miutuH . . , . " wine-grower., nut on , oecommg ,a " ZJLn7r"Z" All thenew-hadea ;in Bedford:: on vert to Prohibition he-gave up 1" T.M.TABSCOTT- I fwds.-Serses, Plaids. Henriettas " - the business at a great sacrifice, spilt L 'Yon-carruse this in anyway yyT'rtn'tbe -oaf goods with. SHk,V, - f Z - " ------ - j- - Yelvets and lrimmings lainavu--r, Hon. P. IL Simmons, of Winston, Evening shads"also.t CMusHnLSv". has been elected chairman : of the hvblack white and tans apd; new sstaie f emocrauv oiiAuvivv wm toimuw .w t"-. .. V 1 r per Sacramento Vally which iid to yield h come of $100,000. mittee.-' revere bad, '-Novelty Gingbams? gree of this Horse can be had onapplica- tion. MUM HOTEL V -. - - i ' ..." . I Vn.lh Prtlo xealous and the most prqr.ouncea. , 7 k-v --- - f . , should. ceae to Now we appeal to bouth uaronna "uiui " 1.-- . nd tn all those Southern Democrats timesas an omcer-auu ..nvC of other States who cherish the same my duty ttrthe Democratic party as feeling and contemplate the same best I could. If there be some . ho course of conduct, to reflect on what want to ngni me ior ..u.-, or even acraicn ms..inr-u city, 01 ..- w-.. -- The J5euneusviue nanuer jr I have would feek: through them its way 10 bhat Prf. F. P-Wychp, :of Gibson Siatinn : purchased last soring . from v-.Wal for BtM erpa, Athena. : Ten n,.': writes 'nr ir vfara I hadbeen vamictea wiw ? Chantilly Mu4uisrWes'; ErabTodJ.3 ith eryr- Nainsooks, .Peques, "Calicoes r- .rr .,imnt Ar thalOVilts. iynreads. Utuoon- JUices,m bone in. mv le&- ) tried . everything -I loll the shadesun fact anything 70U BLOWING ROCK, N. C. 4190 FEET ABOTE SEi LEYEL a hafnra ihtm to na.HSP. to nOStOOhe 10 uu.r.w r , ' . flit : n .u....!f.nn r" tT,P?r firt mnnlv thev have right tO 00 SO. lue uruiu impulse, and to sacrifice to the pubJcratic party bos always .contended lie safely and well being Jbeir pres- tor tne great e-u n cuy v- u TI..I . . 1 . 1. Jt; ant nnnn M nng n(1 fYlirflOPRH "OI ' TJU"- 1 ttUU . . " . . ..... . . . 1 - - .... . . . .... I . -. . . 1 AHWI TlCi, - lliivt' 21 II V ocsy Mountains. Average temper- litical dutv. The Cause tney pro- uuuimauuu, . yvv ; ature at noon dunng June, July . , - , t overthrow one to vole for me wh ana August. vi amv: ---- ----- : , . . - - rtBM ft mP WATAUGA tt oth. T . f iW Btri p Ti i ch ot the Democracy ana tne victory ui uvuo.j 110 tVat. in loncrfVi ft in 1 - . : -Ia a - J i . m . ; "ft X . 1 .:, ' l-, ni...i Afli nIrttio- : M hern v. iiPA nnl. ... . rtl - J ' j T 1 'T ' ilIM I till lilr; !!! AIVM , ; W - election. To tafee any &iae oi ine ---- - volve altogether the oceans of the eauator would ' forsaken their beds otiri hfljtipii. toward tbenoles. Prob- ably the entire globe;north " of the latitude of BoBlan would be submerr a dealer in Philadel phia , three Irish potatoes of the Freerrran variety, lhealed are now in better health navin- for tbena. one- dollar., t lnese i than 1 have ever been potatoes were planted and the yield was one and"one quarter bushels by actual cou,nt 400 potatoes. . Kooi wtirATit. smv nermanent benefit until ( Wnnt mine to US and Save vour tlffle' Botanic Blood Balm" was recommended aDdv money, which - is a big item . "'r:'- to me. After using six ooiues these dava and we have our price- tt-,;,; , - nioniahunsolicit&d because I ta be benefitted. -i seUwant others at' the gOQds which Will show for ; . , i2Jlm themlves. . Our WdlineryR.b--. - , ' "What They Want, - A native North Carolinian now Jacksoiiville, Fia., riot last wtek. ' . had a' npgro bonsJlflowers, Has, pf evefyshnpe J; . ,1 .... A - I .1 n . -r r. I . I, 1 I mm .-w. - . ... - . ' . S A v a kjj ah Ga., April-26, 1889. rrstvl ,lrfift lotitte& of P. P. P. situated on a plat of thirteen acres of eround. Laree Front Yard. 9A0 W fiOO feet well shaded. Six Double Cottases on I South T ... . . " j. ijawn. : , Sunset Lake stocked with Mountain Trout free to guests. Table First-Class. Finest Spring on the Mountain, Tempera- lure ifanr. Daily Stage Line from Lenoir via Blow- r IS- COngCien ii'. oK mS,T &nd hivine derived Kreatbenefits from. the 1 'BIM V ' K IV: same,havrng gained 11 pounds m weight . ' -, 1 Landmark, from which we clip the m four wePk5j i take great p! 2nre- away from tbe; uniuw.-ig. - - - - Yours trnly m A Southern man -may r - JOHN. MORRIS. - " uo " r . . lu. -,-v a Pt nf Pb-ri on Tb!nra bv travelins in the -vest.--it stre.ngm m, wu uC - - TffnVpmb,,r :fl -fTmlornarv . for the Republican Osi.a hdo. Fx,a.. April 20, 1891, - immensely to lhe prospect otHie- u, fa , JL1 - '," - papers oflthe West toabuse Uhe Messrs Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. J , N,. , 20;" weighing 500 ,ng Harrison. Jwery. electoral voxe . ; Q, 28,672. ' " 1 SSutH for minting-the , negf KDMau $150,000, wilt be that is deducted jrom , me emu- . . - ' tUa nmVlo- nf n(1 Tr11 h i that the necro has 'W ZB y r - ,-..:., na nd TWinlne inese names iruiwcu ..-. 1 , iuv " J ma 1 size to-aay , '- ijbmihiiku m - -- t- dur rU'w " VVp bftifA. Irirfo1 been . county issued a .marriage license one aclwjgVd the .leadersk-in Uhis day, to a Mr. Iong andlbe next day line, and still bold, claim with more' to a Mr. Short.: ; goods at reasonable prices than yoaV,' .i, . . - .lean get eisewnere. v vome au Pims 1 PILES I Itchxtso Piles. I tha indP. and ewe will not let; YOU : SYMPTOHS-Eoistnre:;. intense; itchiigko away'nntUu-re-fath'fid thal:.-:i: ; and stinging ; most at nigUt ; worse i3riwe ; are ,ngni. cnre. a- cuswui-i scratchme. If allowed to continue tumors falwavsa customer with U's." : .r C form, wmcn .oen ,xueeu mm uuju -a- 1 v . , 1Q. lg92 coming very euio. t v'"- tops the'itchiiigand blefdmgrteals ulce ation; and in 'most aases i-emoves the tuv mor8.,:At druggists,, or by,mafl 7oe 50 ceuls." DSway ne & Son, Pfariadelpbia, STEELE 0PERA5IVE. AND- MECHAKICAI." ing Rock toranberrv. Two Kverv stables T. 71 n: sofd in the Umted tatesfrom March nere. va was , ;- nr;t winter and ahalfbottlel.00 Helena,- Won., mine oer aiijenoir ana two at Blowing Rocfe. Jb'or -1 " v-n llto.Marcb,:aa. iwo mniionfc.wu uuu.-i e0Qpioye wuay Rgtes apply to L. S. WILLIAMS, Supt. craho aggregate is so. much poweri bottleg of Kmg Diec0Very fwl greater liberties in the-sojilh,-than I Th&P p.p. cured my wife of rhenma-K UJ. t lnff-Vorid', Rut- by a J At;' oesioweairecuy or iuuwcc, ulvxMUon8limpuoU jjr her(,- t wns tamirur with a railroad tism winter oe ere - jmm' MAn min owner. - " , I ; ( ittra nia nrcMessionai SBrvicca. nr TJ!nrh Soavia: Liniment removes all. fcUC ; V-; "Ia - .. j t .. j .j or. For Rent. The Corner Store-room. in Hotel Kich- wojid teniiding.' -Apply to T - C.Leak or Wall " - ; -s- the South, and, ot-tOrce Dill, inter- dred and tvventy-'eifcht thousand, six pun-l.,, a-hr.,p - . i , Enelish Spavin; liinimeni; removes air. ,;. fW ritirensOfci s - - l..:.........!,. i.wrtWilpa Bold in one4 y'"Jl . . , ";-VTL-, f t. t p- i fn? of r rri snft nr nofised Lunn8 ami im-rwui...M.Vi -v xa uu a i r BUit f o i" . J 3n a positive guarantee mat money wquio. of Kansas filing i , " ) ere a ne- . - d hls wlfe gave a teaspoonlul. Splints iSweeny, . wng-ne, . , TTn a u Jfrtmi tedbv the Dcmocracr of South Carn-Xded il Satisfactory results did not - - . ; . o,K h'weM iSwin the evining. - ' .. - i. . . -j. - -. m. i i .1. irrti lit m: uv.i-. . i- - ,.- . t ... . -. v r-. - . ..... . ... . .v . .... i . 1 l i a - . j. ka in WAm-- I .......... - . . ..-.; 'i. . . ' -. . ' i t . . - ..;-- ufs- i f-ii.. i M".'rhA aAfirftT. or na uucceas isifei-'. : . ; ? - ,. i -i , -j .. : j Vn-ha : u ipa.n. - niiB i ks.i Minn use ui.vhw -wuifcvv .. .' i imtntmcmsf - - . - ,r -,T i- 1 liilain . It never disappoints ana can ai-i ior 1 to go np and vole for Mr. CLevilund, bel ended the. very best . ; . 1..- -.t.i ; mfrnt tKou r .lv. -rnMa tA -Price 50c I fc ; doingand 'mean to-do "itr likermen dfl at,vv;w owiKes ayui- iiraiiiuucmuiiuu.w. i next nioroing was up boliqwing ana weu.JrantedtnftmoHwouuCTiui. u.. '"tTeeth extTtPtfd ffUBOOt pan. . . , limes for their, votes,- J?ew iiesrwr--, i.-- .. " r . - -----r - ir,A"-r'-v . : - i