THE KOCKET. We seelhat many of the county Alliances inr recent : session y passed resolutions against supporting men for county offices ' w ho get drunk, cut dd and wonY Day" their Ironest r . .-. , -. -grjRSDAY, JULY ,28 1892. - HOMES AMD BOSS FOLK FISST. "Jhe County commissioner! meet gresa andif Richmond County 'AY- i The" Cream of its News Raced before v - J2h& Backet's Eea&ers. - me vrater-meion mar&ems run- Personal Mentica. Mr Jno.r C.Eilerba is at Ellerbc Spring??- - Mr Charley Terry is-at home for a few' days PEE DEE ITE2IS. tfepcrted fcrThV; Socket z by Chas Willis. ?;;, It 'seems-that a certain boy lik es . debts. . TbaV a.step in moral pro, mng over.- - ? V; A t- w w Everette andchUdren I "RoteCs)" very much, from tbe way , The Baptist: Chorch has just re- K .. ... . ,. - -y- xWnllr - he .visits Pee tfee. :-V-:- - in Fiance has not yet pasaeduch a re ceived and hadput upa 700 pound - , t The Presbyterian Church here for our offices. , - . . will elect four additional elders next We saw a youngster piling wood Sunday. 5 -'- : . .1nl:n 'teo Knna if Drill ttnti Rlir.fclhpll It is reportea tnta an episcopal 1 - v , - z- I 'flmrch is one uUhalhings in store jor Rockingham. - - Elias. Catr and JSx-lioT. inos. to it. "We have enough gooo men EillnO' vail aaiv w w - I - - - . ... . .. - j 1 xj v;1 - t ..; will nfsk "at Maxton on for the tailroad company last week i Itf is reported that the Female In J . tl k" o-j- - - I and he took snecial care to place thei atitute will soon be TeoDened -with . Jnaen i v - ui ua u. i - i , - . 'i Yon don thaw to look at the ' cooW jump eleu Mr. L. B. Trince as pripcipal. A v. t find - out wrougM crauB u (beriD" t-f R-1nte- Rome folks think it's bao i nor H Ml IIX. "-" !.- .1- how iu - '- colored school the Bsni of McFarlan has been appoin- ttj postmaster at Lneraw, The crops in this section are' not very promising, but compared with those of some other section's are fair. The cotton- seed oil " millwHV. put in two 80 saw gins and be ready for ginning by the first s of the cotton I season. The latest advices as to the re moval of the railroad shops at this place are to the effect that the shops are here to etay . T' ' Revs." A.- N. Ferguson.' 4md W. B smart and no sin to cheat but migb ty bad to steal. They are the same i thing, one. being done mostly in the I dark and the other both day and Tbe Methodist congregation has J nj-ght , - .-J Vtot noctr.r . Pav -..VV , R : ... . r ...-.v. panieu rw.,.,,.,.v. v?. . pit wilrnor be long- oeiore ine poub, a vacation of one month. Democratic convention of this coun- -Mr. Walter L. Larsons ana lam- ty wiji called and if tt wilt be iU are now in their new and elegant careful a the selection of its candi- jiaaie that has just been completed.; aatcg Richmond, county . will go The Elders and Deacons' Insti- J Democratic. It muBt be extremely tllte Opens -m .-. jpiujja ; vaiciui uu,n uvu in.. - Tuesday and promises to be a profit- people who pay the county taxes, jble occasion. who have the mass of the county's j u: na mt intelligence and who bave its inter- -.llliman auu u FH"" . T , f- .HW ITpv Tnstitntfl Mondav and 1 est at, uearv win aanuauwr jus huh r of Government. r , i at. uiixubuuiu smw n.soiuugu ed. lney speatc 01 it in, tue niguesi Committee Meeting. 1 terms. ; . : : ? - ' A meedng of the Democratic Mr. Henry W. Malloy, who cam: ecutive Committee of county -will be held at Rocking are visiting relatives '- Mips E." E.Blakey left Saturday for Richmond and other points, v Mr Ji m .Parsons of Wadesbord is the guest of his brother, W. L. Par sons. ' MissEasd ale Shaw and Mrs W. L. Covington have gone to Jackson Bptings. " " "Mr. W,P. Covinston and Dr. Jen- ningVof Bennettsville spent Tuesday in? he City -Mrs Dr. Stahsih, Mrs T. a Goth - . . r -V 11 . .t .I'll ne, Mrs a: . LeQDeiier ana cuuureu leftTuesday for EllerbeSpringr. Mr. Oscar McAulay returned Saturday from Florida and left for Aberdeen Tuesday with his mother. Mr. J. E. Batton i and Mr. John bave established a first class tonsorial room on Haslingder street. fs Semes lik -X v jVvTVtt ESGlHJiiiKIKSr " . - SCEE3ICS AID) iSX. . Count) lnTeleeraDhr, Xostimctloa: Mnsie and Art. Cornet Sand.; r;- Tcalio-a Tamons for Beauty andfiealth. . .. For those tot prepared for College Clauesr theroisa . - ' Complete Prpparatory-pcrartacttt. , Resident Surgeons. l rteparatory MefltcnT Imo cnarge jor mecueai tteti Mrs. JOtm r. Xiaoivr nits juot i t, - JjOW rtc For narUcclar addresa tnrnpd flora a visit to ' Rev. F. L. TbwnsendsVfamily of WadsboTO i Mr. B. J; Bolton has received- the eontract for erecting Miss Jennie DAVIS SCHOOL Winston. N C. Our.Club-Sates. - ' -- We have j madv- amngements Mclrmis' dwelling on x Haslingden whereby we can furniTHB.Kec- street. ' ' - I w oiner siauuru yrci creat lv reduced nrices. lnero oucnj o r -''- Mr George Ussery was baptized in ' are open too!d and new subscribers ; ; ,,. : 1 J'.vw 1 alike and in all cases the cash mosl at nan pasi o uiuc x.. . aAAmnniinir lVft nr .pr p -d thew . CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATES. Stamey. Rev- Stamey began a series ot meetings at Zion ch urch last Sun day. He will be assisted ins his work by Rev. F. L.,Townsend of Wades boro. - , : The Cleveland Fan is now in order. The Rocket with Home and Farm one year, $1.85. With the; Southern. Cultivator; one year, , With the New York World, one year, $2.25. With the Courier Journal, one in BennettsvPle last rough times were looked for but up to this boor we have received no particulars. - " ' ;;i Among the visitors to the Dem mllv last Fridav nieht, we noticed Squire Peter McRae, of Lau-r riaburg.and Mr. H. H. Covington, 0Lurel Hill. . . ' Tuw Press convention is in ses iiod in Charlotte. Eat hearty breth- .- . I wm ,m m i fW;H- .1 . . . 1 r J 1 Arrowood began a series of meetings TO me wonvenuoa .waica meeu ay May it assist in wnnmg ua iu Avuo year,2.U5. ........... at Aberdeen school house, near Old LTimbertcn 0a ATOgnst 10th. in, forever, infernal force Bill in- Wilh the Weekly Star, one year: Hundred, this week. , We republish the delegates, by tentions and Protection Millionaire $2.25.. . 1 Tu:a tAwnJrtd vicinitv has had townships; that were elected to the Policies. .- r M With the Philadelphia Times, one Congressional uonvenuou oi ims , We were glad. to see ouroia inenae year, Messrs. Joe Shaw, Will Shaw, Jas. With the Atlanta Constitution, one Melton; HenryBlount and otners m i yeart ja. ao.j Darlington, S. Gira a visit to Rock ham at 10 b'clock a. m. on Monday the first dav of August at which meeting the prompt attendance all the members is requested. D. Stewart, Chr. ,'f - t 1: I- ingtaim lasi. i?ees. era will be a Picnic at Rocky ram, JNeison MCASKin. - Unrigs in Montgomery county next Turk 1 . ... vr... -m .i i : Of District which' meets. at Lumberton on August 10th. Steeles T. F. Stanback, R. R. Little, Will A. Smith". TKnhmnnd U..i" r:,: :,u aDa f , Mineral opungs r. - n u ru inmi 1 1 hi iiiv buu n l ia a vwou i i - Li..:j t .'. ia J A. lng typUUiU iCVCl BUUIC UlUO ogu. auu at the residence of his father-in-law, 'Squire Peter McRae, is reported convalescent. . Mr. Maxcy L. John, who recently graduated from the University Law School and is one of our home boys, will hang out his sign in this place after the Supreme Court meets and he has obtained his license. T. M M RifnVt whn has attained . ---.--- . I 1WVB1I'6UUAU I . - - . . a some notoriety as an inventive Guthrie, J. W. Cole, R. u Steele and twv genius has come to the front again S. G. Covington. I Dynamiter" pays for ita insertion with a patent self-adjusting Bed Laurel Hill-J. H. Walters, H. every week one or the other ad Brace. This is the fifth'' patent of McLean, P. H. McEachin, Wm. nauseam. which Mr. Ritch is the author; Johnson and Jno. B McNeill. We went to Haml et the other day A prominent citiien1 of William- Stewartsville-J. P. McRaev A. L. and viewed 175 convicts at work son's township was intawnlihe James, W. H. McLaurin, T. J. Gill, there orrthe cotton compress being Hirlnxhonij J.T. John. D. D. Mcintvre, J. u. erected oy me v;. v. ft. xw vai. xuwj celebraUng the coming xanniversary o tnere oemg 'Vyjx. ,. CIevelana wouId ooll r.v and S. J. Hunter. m . m ni oiio-nr aiinpr nn ui uu mm- i t uiti uw luiww. v... I ' - ' ..... 50 votes m tnat lownsnip You cannot fail to find m the above list sbmrpjrper to suit you, so select and send on at once time when men ' must be : straight The IDemocratio Bally, even outside ol polidca ; " The first guns fired for the Demo--Miss Judith L. Steele, daughter cracy in Richmond county went off of the late Col. Walter L. Steele was last Friday night. Jas. A. Lockhart, married in Salisbury to Mr. Jas. H; SoL Weill and W. G. Burkhead, Stewart last Tuesday: The bridal three'staunch Democrats and ex couple left for Washington cjty and cellent orators, were the speakers other points. ' r ' for ; the occasion and made good -The colored people of this sec- speeches. A fairowd was present tion will have a meeUng here on but very few from the. country were x, t,r,hrnno-fmk. on hand to bear the ; exposition oi AUguBk m rrry-Z2 -nift frfmTfcaiact ing preparations loomngowaras f-- r? Zant nthr dav and said he; didnthbn Beaver Dam and Black Stephen Wall, of Black Jack y A. H. Page and H. D. Ledbetter, of Beaver Dam. Mark's Creek G. J. Freeman. Wolf Pit W. E. Crossland and J. A. Harrington. Williamson's G. T. Pate, E. J. Mason, M.-Y- McGregor, M. M. Gib, W-v TTw ITT 1 ' sod, -u. u. v rigni. Rockingham T. C. Leak, T. C. Sotnrdav 1V1A 5?0th. Evervbodv is invited to go and carry baskets. A grand time is expecied. Mr. Frank Alden, Boss Machinist, has returned from a visit to Jackson and Ellerbe Springs, where he has been recuperating, his beaUE," which I we are pleased to say is improving. The editor of the Spirit intends for some one to solve the "hard quea- C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., writes: Mtt fliftT.Ai jATinie.. wnen sne was youu eirl. suffered from white swelling, whici greatly impaired her general health and mariA tir Mooa verv imBure. j.a uuc spring she was not able to do anything and could scarcely get about. More than she took three bottles ot Botan ic Blood Blm, and now she is perfectly Let US' r .. . . . fif full inotW hut all ofcthe -The convicts have finjshedlheir ; J v . . Boinb hohtbat hci part of the eompreseat Hamlet and hope reVuUed H much good "mmmMmm .re gone. A large force of bands breatbing into our Demq and hard timea,.Third, party n6r the wUl be empiyeo m operauug - . . . . nd it will nrove auite a ben- - t - efit to Hamlet's trade. We are powfully tired seeing "It am a TaoV this patent Medicine advertisement . Deah breddern, it am a lac? dat headed, "How to get tbin." Ibis dere is many a po white man in dis Sam Small's ToothThe Jury says it .ItWfiiJhwSpa. Atlanta Journal. '" -7-4. The front tooth lost by heJRetj' Sam Small in his fist and skull en counter with Tom Minor, the" oar? and silver question' seem to have any depressing influence on' it The : ...u;.. ta tha Anltr nno that u'1"' . V " I keener, was worth $500 and costs concerns it and on last aiuruay .ne wastbadecisioa of the iurr receipts were $12o. ., ih morning Mr. Sman wa8 auack4 One of Laurinburgs's lawyers says ed by Mr Minor George , Yaw from his travels through some por- borougha barber shop, on Peachtree tions of this and other counties that &nd fae proceeded to defend he is forced to Deiieve tne itepuou- himBelf ifl the rough and tumble cans will carry the State in, Norfra- .... folowed Mr.Small lost a lront ber unless changes are brought tQoth He gued Mr Minor for $5 009 about before that date, j,mAffM Mr Minor did not defend One hears no mention of County the case and the jury this morning $500 and office don't need any such stuff; the county dat you wouldn't pick cotton editors have to lean up together, far two days on a credic, but when nnw fn maka a hhadow. 1utV&hnm dav' comes VOU'll foller The Rocket office is the place after him and booray fur de grand for Richmond county schools to get ole Publican party. If yer can't resk tbir school printing done. Circulars a man fur two days wurk, my deah and all kinds of school Vork ore breddern, yer better be mighty keer- 1 fnl 'bont how ver resk hisaevice on nn.;ew ;tH Wrtrk the ouestion ob politicks in de politics down here, not even any brought ma verdict' for r,' . u. - u v ? eomin' campane. Dat 40 acres and candidates suggested for the coming the costs of court. Mp0n a" r? oaiAn v that the a bob tail mule am been xu. a so loner dat ver needn't pend on 'em you get your rr..::"MT.; when , h;re. mf? mw Tko f 11 !na fgrminornniin. noici. u .0 1. - - . . brudder omitn win please repon ei answer in iiw ucgaiuc. all de chickens continue to roost white Republicans in Laurinburg hieh T)out Rockingham as a result mrm . Bn-Tnrffie hen's teeth but one ob de late confrence held in dat city wore the' regulation "stripes" woven by the Pee Dee Mfg. Co. . Our efficient weave-room-overeeer Mr. Geo. Warbufton has been very sick foi some days past at his home on" Randolph street. We are glad to ihatMivgmgbeer and we bop isfljirji "atlja. accustomed polst of dntya Tattle Octavius.8QlrWjr9na jure. J. E. Shaw, died in Darlington; last Saturday of typhoid fever. The remains were brought to Rocking ham and interred in the East Side Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs Shaw are former residents of our town. Mr. Wat Steele has gotten every thing in readiness for making brick at his yard near ' the mill. He has all the most improved machinery tor this work and can manufacture brick at a rapid rate. He will trans mit water to the engine's boiler by TOW Absolutely Pure A cream of Tartar Baking Powder Highest of all in leavening strength. S. government report. Eoyal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St., :;New Yprk.;- try and when anything like a season eomes fine crops are made. " We are requested to announce that on Saturday Aug 13tb, childrens day will be held at Mt Pleasant. The public are cordially invited to attend and carry their baskets. W. D. McEae for Begjster of Deeds The manv friends of W. D. McRae, Several speakers will be on hand and j the p0pvJiar mayor of this place, will a grand time is promised to an. A crowd of nine persons left here to-day for the mountains. They had a full camping outfit and . will be awav for about one month. H. C. Dockery, Will Steele, John Terry, E. E. Hamer. J. A. Covineton. Settle Uni. nanaeitv for business. He y w r 1 J -rf and John Dockery, and others, Con county who would present his name to the Democratic county convention for the nomina tion for the office of Register of Deeds. W D. Mf.Rae is a gentleman of of trade, went put in high character, popular and excel- His first venture was to buy a horse has was asked what be thought about tbe Third party. He replied that Portrirtlirflna miffht lose some votes but when the Democrats be gun to shout "nigger" every white Democrat in the State would be found returning to his first love. Some timejdnce,oneof the young merchants here seeing the dulness The Woman Knew. O-rfnr1 T)nv A farmer called on bis brother m- means of piping laid underground a law in Oxford the other day, and distance of 300 or 400 feet from the the Third party was discussed. pond. "Why is it," aked the Oxonianj An annex is to be built on Pee Dee "the Third party people are always factory 52 X 100 feet and when corn abusing the Democrats and never pitted with the- machinery added, sav anything against the Republi- .he will be a "hummer" indeed. cans?" , Let the work of progress go on. If "I can answer that," said huswife Rockingham keeps on at the pace before the farmer had a chance to. 8be is going mill in work, ere .long reply; "You never hear a child abuse 1 wiU rightly be termed the Lowell of its mother." Instruction is offered in general courses of study, six brief coeraesy & large number of special courses? and in law medicine and engineering, fke faculty includes twentv teachers. Scholarships and loan funds are available for needy young men of talent and character. The next session begins Sept. let. For catalague with full information, address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel HilLN. C. Wit hmVcS:7 --. "-.I-"' . Asit is getting lite in ther eeaspri ' T V : : J we will Bell ' ' ' ' " Our entire stockv of Spring Cabthmgf. - FWishing Goods; Straw Hiis..- . , s - We do this to make4- '', X ". - room for - - v , . . our fall, stock of 'T ? . ' a " ceods as-we will put-ina 5 beautifui and attraetivei line cf aothingi - DftV fiinTHIMfii" "v;:..- 1 - . . .. .. ,. at greoly ruced-pricei Call andU- . .,.-r" , i t examine our stock; v p y f:V,C ' ' ' We are agents andalwaysTceep o ' B I hand a fullline of Earl' & Wileoo " - - Collars and Guffs ; ' - '"'-. i We also carry in elockf; the Har- ' ris wire buckle Suspenders.- ; . 1 We earnestly desire all to examine 'Ip: our stock beforepurchasing.. , , ; ' i? f1 YouraReapectfully ' . r Sev. Plink Plunk on Dignity. I Btitute the party. Elsewhere in this issue will be sen a call for the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Richmond fields anew Efde air ob superiority dat seme for 35 cents, this be swapped for a men put on, deah breddern, wuz an- hundreds of friends all over the mule, giving a 6 suit ot ciothes"to alyzed, tne toundation uu De seen u Uo. tTa ortid the mule for 514. rfistin' on the toase8sion on a new Bcckingham Produce HarkL:vi. Reported every week by E. B. NuttaK. Chickens. - - - - iateK- Butter - - -Turkeys, - -Sweet Potatoes, - EggS, - " " : J Country Hams, Beef, - - " -Pork, - -. -Peas, - ' - - Dried Apples, ; -Corn. - - 'vir4 Dried Peaches Mntton Thes&r cash; prices. 20 -1 to $1.25- 60 - - - 10 , 14 - - & ; 6 - - - $1.25- 5 - '80 "'" 6 - ,5-- : -THE KOCKET- ; Ui cnr,nrt Thornnehlv familiar boueht the tbirty-five cent horse suit ob clothes or somet n xi . ;oi nniit;.. and HupV for two dollars and then give irifin'. an' not on any quality oj not connected with any faction of J him to a "nigger' for a birthday head or heart dat udnach ly entitle "Institute Notes." countv. to assemble at Rockingham I our party, he could secure more of present. August 1st at 10 o'clock, i Tbe j: those voters who are "open to rea Chairman is very desirous of a full son" than any other man we could &ttndanr0 a a itora will Ha knainM nominate together with the earnest, enthusiastic support ot the truly uunng ine niaer aim WuD loyaU 5 No nomination that could Institute at Red Springs we shall K rnndo worild do more to enthuse publish a 4-page. 16 icolu ran. daily dem to put on airs. the South. Mr", M. S. McDonald left for Che raw, last Saturday in response to a telegram calling him to the, bedside of his aunt, Mrs. Lucy Grant, who , was not expected to live next day. ... 1 Y I .J .intnfl A telegram receiveu . iuuuuttjr omwa i , , . tk.tahfl died at 5 o'clock that day. Will be S6Ilt tO ailV aO- u ! """" " ! I - .- equally Her 9ge wa8 about : 55 years. She rpo fr0m IlOW UlltU was a consiswni meinoer ui wv ,flnft. Januarys isu ioo iui the small sum oi 60c Methodist church. oi very great importance, We are requested by Mr. Jas. T. LfGrand to state that his profes sional and personal engagements are such, as to render impossible his cceptance of the positiori of Elector in this District, if tendered unani- mously by the Lumberton ' Conven tion which meets August 10th. Some of the darkies in Lower Richmond have a new idea of the "uver Question. Thev j the young men of the county than newspaper, giving a fyll report of the "Bill" McRae, for they all love him proceedings, wun copious exiracts, because of his goodnature, generosi- embodying all the salient points, ty, unfaiUng couttesyand disinter- from the lectures ana aaarefcuw, ested devotion to his friends. Give carefully compiled from stenograph usW. D. McRae for: Register of ic reports. It will be a valuable pa Deeds, a good man from the lower per for reference and preser vation, end of the county- for Sheriff, and 25 cents (silver or postal .note) will farmer candidates for all the Legis- payfor the ten issues. Send in sub mit it. Ihn i.1!ur-.iil. .nj 1?;limnr mnntv K orint.innH at OnC6. -vA? limited HUm- k"- mw w i iuwiwh am ii'.rn. nun miiuu uiuuvk wv m mm w a w m -- - - - Ijktawavw v- y I a ... i f .. . . T - IS ..1a I U f nnAKiflflfinn EspMneT His Grounds. "On what grounds do you ask for a free pass over our road ?" asked the superintendent? "Brother-in-law tailed in the news paper business, but said your road was a good one six -hours before he starved to death r .... - .ispstmi sons I,.,. Having quasfied Wore the Clerk of the- j -AND Business Institute . MALE AND FEMALE. . Telezranhv. Book-keeping Penmanship T,.t,in Greek and Mathematics a specialty. Board $7.50 per month, iuition irora to $3 per month. A magnificent building is being erected. Over 225 students last 0 . . tj Un.n fliof 1 rear. jW urn Der oi leauuera o o ui The Sanford Express learns, that AlJgU8t 16th. For catalogues, ap- a ereai many oi uie lariueis- w j Piv to j , Liberty High School CASH. No name e Ssj&SjffSK: j J rxi i. iunn . iwttinA ! hrAhvcnTn.ioaiX verautw - ey. Sena JNow. Mnore countv who have for the past feWmonths been afijliatlng with the j Third nartv. are returning ta ttte Democracy. ? Harrison has issued a proclama-1 three corners of silver" and think wiU be aaved from Republican rule ber of unobectional Advertisements . Tenuesting the observance- of M; WEATHERLY, Prin. - Liberty, N. C. Mortgagee's of the earth will grow up in Jimpson eeds and the sun hide hia face if the future silver dollars are not made Uh three corners to tbem. By reoueat of thfl nmftr.rntln Executive State Committe, we are tfad to atate, Mr. LeGrand will take "0 active part in the State canvass together with Dr. Sanderlin and J10-' C. Scarboro Esq., will maka wnr or Qve speeches in this County efore entering actively in the State for. the next two years. Democrat. Col; A. K.': Hectare,' Editor of the Philadelphia Times, has challenged Gov. MoKinley, of Ohio, to a joint discussion of the tariff i in Philadel phia on Sept. 5th. ; MtKinley replies in a very unsatisfactory manner.- - will ba inserted at 75 cent? per inch fot lf insertions eash ; with. , order, i v Maxton, N. C. October 21. as a general holiday be- ine- the" 400th- anuiverjary of the O r - : . , . -i. ... discovery of America. - ;agee nnder and by 'virtue of power of sale J hnntained m a mortcaee deed (nvenby ' w- m . K M A 'Bethune, i A J3etUune,A einune ini) h F. Rftthnn. to... Mountain Creek PnrmriR' Clnh: and recorded in Book XX 92. Ac. of the Reeistera-office- of t.o. ' . ' . i, .m Kict 5tb sale. i scribed in said mortgage d decadent to present the same to me lor - payment, duiyvenneo on or wm vu 1st. day of July5 1893, or this notice will be---pleaded in bat of their recovery. - All per . sons indebted to said estate will make im , mediate payment to me i . - " 5, F.-""B:,QIBS0U Admr-" of T. P. Gibsos, aec this 23x4 Juna 1892. . ; Los t G e rtifica te !: Allnersona are herebv notified that cerr . uacate names r-ior-ou c : ItisaWorlcloHJliange.. Danville Register. " . 1 ' "A' fe'w years ago ISeneral Weaver wanted all the Southern people who According to the ,censs, in the United States ides.' " 1890 The nndarsienfid bv virtnre - of power I o.t torut -nA. -mnrlrtw's- doweri i. the dee d and all peiaons are hereby; warned vtd i Wra bv a mortszae made to hmt -tnt nA the north, aid otlaeautfttwungfor.orraany miBW by S. P. Alaobrook the 16th Masch. 1886, iQni', Fork e Job Creek and a the mg-of said stock and itthey da o.tttey do which, ia-duly reguierea xa .tae jeiBvers i Crawf0rd road, contajMngott4aoresjttore i.o iou. , .j V"" omce ot Kicnmonu, voiuii pages 362; 47 April -18 in Book Q. Q. or w9 For more, partieajar deacaptioaf session of or knewrng or th wbrrt shout,. - wiU sen to I ( iA TanA -ATtfnE X Xaeea 92. 1 aja swcsiii , rWBW. ;wo The mayor has directed the mar- Riirvived'AnDomattox. to be shot or j shall to visit all the premises in this hm1,,;ttmi now' be" wants them to town next week and those not lound l D; .-,' r?" nd in good order will be reported at vote for. Weaver.- Timea change and once to the town commissioner. r 1 meYichange with them.T ; v- - , bad 7,866 homicj the highest bidder for cash, atuhhc sale fiwcriptidn grven day f alia. ,Tarma same oc give iTjcVMcroatifitt as they 'i . at the Court House door ui tne town oi of 9aie Time of sale 12 m. - may nave to vne raaerRgsea aamwmv t . Rcckineham. on Monday, tne OtD oepi. j , JA. INGRAM, Agt. tor , wroiiae swa-r. owtosuksi ;- itch on numan ana norsw auu a - ,,n nr!ren of and Buffalo tj,;- 9n Tn IRQ,?. anituuia vuieu ; iu w 4J.v.kv- .Jjureefe, adjoining r. tt. - uticuwayu uu Woolford Sanitary Lotions "This" 0thersr and fully described in said- Mort- never fails;? Sold by Dr. VV. Al. gage. - ' " - v - 1 T7IVE two-cent stamps win- Rnrkinir.'t TF. Stanback, Mortgagee . I A aamDle of Abthttb s Home M. ham, N. C. ' ' - - r, 1 This;july-20thl892 . I,,.- -. v fiiladelphia.- Ageats wanted. IVE two-cent stamps wuX get you a sample of Abthtj a s Bomb Maoaziha, i signed willapply and have aduphcate.cer-v I tincaie of saia lost stock iwaed iothe es " tste of his Intestate. - v , . " " , . H.,W;LEDBETTERf Admrr. of P.N. Stan back 'deed. - ' -"T - .This; Jnly 6tn V&L, 1 z , i S-

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