- -a. I fm' WHAT IT HEA2TS. citv in th3 Wesfandou -Mre currency, proportion atelyv is needed in .these rural communities tbnij jn the East becauee'here all payoienta" are made "in" cash, whilst here the WEAVES AS AHADICAXiTr : Ona -Thing and Another, Els 'Attitude Towards' theSdutli as" -- . seen fixm his Pnhlie ytterance, -fflia Folly c :- Bailroad : Owak V : flacea of tore tne ttsaasr. if irfwpr.iopic ;- . . Ure made in cash, whilst here thel ' He Paid at'AJUia o& July 18,18' ..Sff !S Vat majority o debts are paid: by 66r WJtnt congratulate yoHrst . PSVnM bank checHndyeUey cannot feniiioa the sapproiiof 2 Jhe railroads in the interest of the keep their currency. It is all drain- purejy Democratic rebellion, gqlten - i.eople. Third party plattorro. ; I ed towards JNew X orlc ox some oiuer b Democrats for the Democratic hr.?n aopve jae iinesr wiu po founu i cuy. Ci ne reason its luav :. wiiw-u-. pUrp08e 6f dissevering i the Union jo the thjrd party platform, $hich 6Ually ca)led""the "balarice jof .trade" and perMtualFy establishing iioman - -printed on the first page. I Ybal is against these .communities. ,lQey hiavery Now'and fprevfer it ises- felloes it mean? Simply this: I means buy pore than they sell and hayeto -ublishing an eternal truth Jhat Uhe fM buying upnhe' railroads by pay'the ( difference in- cashVlf-a xelifocraCy' in uo place or Slate can , 'the Goyernment jad.h.e paying of man has a wheatcrop -or, a - cotton 1 yer oe . trusted -"witb vgovornroent.' X 'e purchase price over to the rail- crop to eelV'ta finds no difficulty in a party it shouUT'disband, justa ' xmd capitalists. " What will the rail- getting cash' for it. All the market- n n nfu ..i ft Atr6mattox., roads cost?rfTbey fc are -assessed X r J able products -will command cash, 1 ,tje at Qentrevtne in 1867: This seems to bye a famous year for making nominations n tbe first ballots The Eepublican, Democrat-. jc, Prohibition 'aad People's ' party candidates i for President pwerel rail nominated onihe first ballot ,-Tbey got the nomination without much trouble? but after the. 8th 'of cKovem ber, three-fourths of them will wish 8om,e other fellow was in their shoes, Senator Vance is not too sick to joke.' A-Charlotte visitor; met him atvthe Hammocks; last" week and., anxiously inquired.-AVbaL is a the. matter with you, Governor?!. VVell reolied Senator Vance, VI. have had : TQ ;aLL ' WHOM f. IT MAY CONCERN. 'H; S. LEDBETTER.. -Cl": K, i. LEDBETTER J R - Tb undersigned -hereby notii all nefsona' that heintends' to be absent from his-office -on Monday the 25th dav of Julv 1892 as helhas the consent of the resident Judge of the District but the office- will be kent onen duriner mv absence by a competent deputy. - - ' - Z. F.LONG. 1 c C: S. a Rich mond C6.z This June 28th, 1892., . "-. iiestibetter Brothers A Gomplet : 'itk YE IN STORE - CStOGkvl3f?Grdceries, OP ALlVkinDS. AKD :' s ' : ' taxation. aJ nine -billion V doliai but if U takes all that thecoltpn crop k'Agajn has the Democratic party of just a little bit of eyerythingrexcept 9 OnO.OOO.OOO. Is vour nronertv J or wheat croo fetch to pay the lerti t assessed for taxation a its ful value? Hzer bill, the bill for sbaes,-clothing, s,,; WoulA you sell for double the assesT blankets and ironware in the city, " "iped valualibnTIs it probable that no cash comes back to the. .'farm, evf vhe railroad companies are" assessed TJie Soutliein planter and theWes- v'Tai.the'real'yalue nf their property ? tern farmer are subjected to the drai- : .-rinntfl ihPir nrorwrtv be bought tor I nape of federal taxation, ana live e t . r -' r " - . z .. Jess than fifteen billion dollars ($15,- po6f000,000?) .Jlave you any, idea , bow much that is? " ft ig just five 'I'7-: limes as much as the United, States ' ' had to pay to carry on the late war. J ibly short time " Wbre awpuld the government get 1 1 nsioas alone. h ' the money to pay this $J5J0(X),(XX), J jJOO toxhe Jail road men , for their lailroads ? It has no way of getting money except by taxation, to which piety citizen contributes : his share either directly or indirectly an im y raense burdeu, laid upon the mass of nor mo us volume of this drain is liot appreciated. It is sufficient to with draw the entire circulating medium from a Southern Slate in an Incred- Take the matter oi Any onofthe So- utbero States has to pay several mil lion of dollars imp the treasury for this.purpose. This is withdrawn from these States abeolutely.and put into circulation ; in . the ; Noithern States... If we add to this the amount which the tariff withdraws from the Iowa spoken. Why, sir, ; 1" am as tonished beyond measure that a par ty with a record so - utterly vile and wretched and wicked should" be so lost to all shame and decency as"; to make an'appearance before the loyal people of Iowa. They - should be tramping in the wilderness 'of obliv ion and never more return Laugh ter on tbe Republican Bide. "He said in a joint debate ' with Colonel JI. H. Trimble at Bloom field on September 6. 1868: . 'Here we have the old fight over again. The rwfpHirftti Democracy. . .North and J ;tr. - :-,i n:j ' South. in wch the infamousCop- uumiuU4CtI 1Ui ' Ten" days before Col. L. L. Polfe died- be tol4 his physician and a North Carolina Congressman that he was opposed tp the .railroad ; owner? ship clause of the Alliance-platform and would use all his efrergy ta keep it out of the phrtfcrm to be adopted at Omaha. " The Democratic Congressional Convention of the 3rd District, met at Clinton last week, renominated B. P. Grady, for Congress by acclama tion, and John G. Shaw, of Fayette- the neonle in order that a: few men might receive in cold cash the value South and West and hands over to ihe protected manufactures of the p property-tbat in many instances j East, it will be readily perceived why is Day ins no dividend. Another in-1 money cannot remain in toe States : stance ofbleedjl-k the many for the J whih are now alaaforing lor it un- few. The public is now benefitted less the farming industry is so pros Jjy taxes paid on nine billion dol- perous as to overcome all. Thetruth " jars worth, of railroad property." If is that tbe - lemedy . for the troubles . VaiA miserable , proposition were 10 f which the West and outti com- r Jecome law. those taxes would cease, plain lies more in an economical ad- yrndeBduntrywould be taxed to ministration' of government and an - jteep up its railroad system just as adjustment of taxation upon" that v it is taxed to keep up its po6tomce basis than many wild momentary system. A? new- cabinet officer, a Secretary of' Railroads, would be added to ourigovernmentai system . andwe should soon be regaled with schemes or tinkering with tbe cur rency. The scardfty of currency is the sympton. Let the people, like ... . : pIMl WU tUUUiU eJVU u- ujaicu nuu I a WISe PUYSICISIB, Bul&O Bi lUt! XUUV biennial appeals to Congress to give 0f tbe disease and the symptom will R bli id -i tttons tp our railroad system just as SlVnow urged every two years to im r-.:1r'x'y---r :- move our navy; ? :The treasury could not turn out the money fast enough at the spigot but the' head of the parrel would have to be knocked i put. Congressmen would trade with ? pna apptber apd wbuld vote lor pcb otbes $150,000 public build ing v apprppria lions in return for 'yotes for two and three million dol lar appropriations for J.he building 7 pf new railroads. The possibilities i for corruption and extravagance are " limitless, V not to speak oL-Je, ; Extravagant . ; power ; tha(-4rould be placed in tbeadiroT an admin- I J5j!?rst"tS tl10 offices ronnepted with the railroads. The . Railroad employes alone , could :: nominate a candidate for the Presi- ilency. If this wild ' measure were p become aIaw, the railroads would rfreedr6lethaTconn IS jnJyJjoaa;to ojfice would hae steel rails. The lidea of ."railroading a -' inan hto office" yould at aBt be . realized. The rights of the States would be trampled jinder foot by the iron horse and centralization would: " crule : rampantly, ' crushing' put every vestige of constitutional, De mocratio government. rJ Jt would be a revolution of the widest scope and r freemen would . no r:, longer ' live in America, Does any party advocate this measure? Read tne third party's r platform and see if it does , not "WVeaver and Field are its candidates. " ;.'Np patrjbtoan support ', them and ' tbiff platferm. ; What then is the al ternative? Either Peveland or Har- 'lisou. Can any North -Carolinian nesitate between these two ? TJmion Ridob, N. C, June, 29, 1891. Mr. John N.Webb: . Dear Sib : ;.. I purchased - one of the Electropoise on the 5th dav of May and began using it on Mrs. ; fiazell, who is eighty-five (85)years old. She has "had the rheumatism and asthma lor twenty five or thirty years. ' She was relieved from the first applica tion of the poise, and has greatly improv ed beyond our most sanguine expecta tions. I recommend it to the afflicted. perhead division of Iowa appeal are again contesting with Grant for the safety of the Union. As at Don el?on, he proposes to "move on their works a once and there is ho es cane foil this rank-, traitorous horde except in another surrender. Charge on them, fellow-Republicans, and spare not one, not even a deputy road supervisor, from total political annihilation.' f Laughter on the Re publican side. , . "He said in Bloom field on Septem ber 26, 1869: 4What ia the use of further arraigning the defunct De 'inocracy, with all tbe bar of public opinion ? We know that its acts comprise murder, treason,, theft, arson, fraud, preiury and all crimes possible for an organization to con- neive at. TBenewed laughter on the It would be a mercy to put its record a million miles deep in the pit that is mention ed in Holy Writ; and I may add that if alarge and distinguished as sortment of its alleged statesmen sTo which they i nsste the attention of tlie'public. Meat,;ieal,: Flour, Corn, Sad, Etc., 1 EECEIYED IN CAR-LOAD LOTS. We propose to sell as cheap as any, in the Market. Give us a call. iedbjetterBaros. LIPPMAN BROS.. Proprietors, -Orugglstt. Llpiman's Block. SAVANNAH. GA. " The Seaboard Air Line is talking about building a railroad from Mon roe to Winston. A corps of survey ors are at work on the route. Dan'l McEacbern, a colored man, was recently murdered near McColl, S.C.and his body placed on the C. F. &Y. V track. - Will McLarty, a popular young man of Union County, died near Monroe last week at ihe age of 26. The local Methodist preachers of the State held their annual Confer ence in the city of Ruleigh last week, ' The New York World offers a prize of $500 for the best Democratic cam paign 6ong. '' The American people spend $42, 000,000 a year for letter postage. Charlotte will soon begin work on her 7th cotton mill. CURE5ML5K1N AND BLDDD DI5EA5E5. Ph.ilMin. mndoraM F. P. F. U ft BOi and prncrib ttwltk ftmt MtUhctloa tat th NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO CALL iTSl Tertl The Title He Has Jkrned. New York Sun. ' . - ; - ;TO SEE ME JF YOU THINKING Ammmm .. . - . . ; NEEDING ANYTHING IN WAY OF -T-TSS-S'-.- PARLOR SUITS, ROOM SUITS, lurit. Sl.nAnUr SwalUon. Rh-nmsu-B. Chrori Plotn thrt hT mbud U wtnny Ualarte, old KI R n c w M &kin DlmiM. Icaah Ckronie fwacla ' r, rt r. a a towiim vn". apq mn xcwiin- ayi-iiiB--) CURES ison osffipSSSSS-1 jjo c5o dTg rji DINING EOOM SUITS OE AM THIKG IK THE TUHKlTUliE, PIMO OR ORGAN IJKE.- II made large purchases this season from the largest and most reliable, Factory and my stock is now complete in every respect. I can save you taoney if yon want . to buy Furniture. - If you cant cone to Charlotte and see the goods in person, write me for Catalogue and bet prices. I can show the newesT styles at, less figures than they can be bought else- wnere. -vrue me icr uataiogues. -. E. iK3.?AIDBEnS- FURmZTUtE, FIAWO,jlJV'ir OM it I am vours resDecttullv. T. M.TAPSCOTT. You can use thia-iz any way you raay see proper":7x , ' .- s : ;. The Work of the Eailroad commission. Cearlotte News. : - j The work of the North Carolina State railway commission has been summarized. Nearly all freight rates havebeen lowered on the sixty-seven railways and branches, and passen ger rates have been reduced as a rule The saving to the public ia $30,000 StrU: aVthe Boot of th8' disease. I 4 Baltimore Sun. ' ; : 'rl. , .- - " ' e, -q the South and West the farmers feel nd knew.- tha x something is ' '.isr ii-LlL.jil 3 . - .. . i 1 - :v . wronguuv luey uu no aeem-O; Be . able to see just what the' trouble is. . They j know c very well that cash; is ,: S scarce with them, : and that: when " tbey desire tovbptroff injirest is -' high.-'Many of rthem h,ave: come to he conclusion that the cause of their difficulties i a scarcity of the circu lating medium, and hence they are ' clamoring for an unlimited issue oi light weight silver dollars. A glance ftjthe bank statements of the country shows that these silver . inflationists in their diagno- money is so aburi tlaat Uia t it. is coine-beeeine at the v.;..::v. ;: ' lowest ratesof interest, and yet there TV 9fe demand for it ift New'York fgfyl't-ihtoiniother places;. Snine -otthe 'vr;-..T: 7 rtfral.Whks pf Maryland ;have sent . jfciwuuaaus oi. aouars in ew - ions on aeposit lor the" two or tares. per cent, a year thatj is allowed jor iw 4:10810. the banks of Mary land have more carrency than they know what to do with, and all 'thr -HDmerciai centres are. congested v J.UCH, i iue cause are wide 6f the mark siskin New York -r;r.S-' .I t, were sent a long it wonld only be Our esteemed contemporary, the common justice.' Applause on the Philadelphia Press, recalls the mem Republican side. or able and -illustrious fact that in moke kadicalM-'T one year Gen: Adiai Ewing Steven "He said iogSfel, September son bounced 18,678 eighteen thou- rthym ior iyfcfxl!eKmoonc", f8 -nd. sand rix hundred ,nd -mttgh. re-ioua in wr opuosuiou, uui i - xsepunucau postmasters, aooui what did they ever do when. , tbey half this number were fired .abso- had a chance ? Here in Iowa they lutely and incontinently, and ot the stole the school fund and nationally other half some resigned and others they stole the arsenals, the navy, tbe expired as to their commissions, treasury, everything that was red-hot - "This record of 18,678 changes in and created the very devil's rebellion, a single year." says our esteemed And these men appear and ask for your support, They should come on bended knee asking your forgiveness for the unspeakable crimes they have committed and tbe wretched mis cries inflicted upon our common r MB tlla lVllOI MUUUV. UdleawboM syitesM m pottos aatlwboM blood late 16 and 18 WEST TRADE mi mi mi P CURES : Malaria by to pac-liuly buafiud by t ldPM.1 wondarfttl P. P,Mckly -Uh. Fate Boot. ST., CHARLOTTE, N. C. a year on two roads alone as to pas-. society.' Loqd applause on the Re- senger fares. The reduction Of rates on telegraph lines amounts to $10, 000 a year. The commission basin- creased by $7,000,000 the assessed .value of tberailways. Of this amo unt $1,627,000 is now in litigation, but the State courts," su per ior and supreme, have decide that it is liable. The liability of the remainder is un questioned. The State tax 4s thus in creased $20,000. The county and municipal taxes will amount to more than thrice as much. Eight hew depots have been constructed and eleven: remodelled by order of the commission. "- V' Philadelphia contemporary, "stands albne""in postofiice annals. It de serves a title." It does, it does! You can beta whale to a waffle that it will have its deserts. And the deserved ' title for this un matched record is Viae President of the United States. Give him 18,678 plurality, in this Stale ! publican side. "He said in Keokuk, September 16, 1881: The record of the Repub lican party appeals to the candid judgment of oil men as unimpeach able, save, perhaps, that it was too ivttivu v t ilu wit? icauiuK xcuiuvjffbiw I xt rt . . -i conspirators. The same old gang, -i-uui otieiigtu save thdse who were shot or hung, Invigorate your Liver and are again conspiring to get possession Purify YoUf Blood To Build.Up Your System and restore aad PaCuanm. LZPFSAXT BSOS Fnprleton. Drngglsta, LIppman'i Block, BAVABS1H, QA. A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better -ban the lying scale agent who tells yon as gospel truth that the JONES' $60 5 TON WAGON SCALE is not a standard scale, and equal to any made. For free bot'Jc and price list, address Jones of Biagnanton, Binguamtoa, H.Y. THE to them, for the loyal hosts will, crush SJdloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most suc cessful Cough Medicine we nave ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the orst cases ol Lough, Urpup and tfronobius, while its wonderful success'in the cure of Consump tion is without a paraUel in the history of meaii'ine. omce its nrsi aiscovery n nas been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand, If " you have a eough we earnestly; ask you to 4ry it. Price 10c 60c. and $1. If your lungs are sore, chest, or back lame, use Shilohs Po rous Plaster. Sold by Dr. W. M. Powlkes C5 vO. ' " . Telling Tacts for Toilers. Bostoa.Globe. i .( :v There will be no want of -tellingl campaign ' literature during .-- tbe coming months. A lengthy account of over two hundred and fifty cut downs irithe protected industries since the passage of. the McKinley billKas been compiled. An equally detailed Recount of 473 stritceslihder the operation of the same bill vis, in print, and thaV there -shall: be no mistake about its account is made 9fthe 900-000; men who work in the protected indnstnesv relative to the' whole- lljmSJOa ..breadwinners 4"of the nationhowing that by- far the greatest portion of.slrikes "has ' been in the protected lindustries.-Work-" men who have yes Jo see-cannot mistjikelbe im i iort oilhe author! . live figure, and in a'.campaigrFTof euuuauou.,iney citn nave; nuii.one. Strengthen your Nerves and them, and crush them forever and (-XlVe all Appetite torever, out of all possible danger Ot Take that Excellent Medicine, such a misfortune to our common T T T country. "He said in Oskaloosa, September P"ckIy Ash Poke Root and Pota8siam 25. 1872: No Reoublican can ever. "Abbotts East Indian Corn Paint cures j . . , l all corns, Warts and Bunions, ft sf A. A w nl win M A n nAa Kama " a n M I ' ...v..'j uuuci auj ui.uujBkauicT, uaro auy nart or lot with the hunsrv. rebel li- - ' I -m - rr, -r . - ous, man-hating, woman-selling gang , governor i. j. Jarvis and Mr. corporated under the name of De- E-iMSto-Vthe Democratic candidate a name so: fill of. -ttcnnh 1 " u-u iua caw DR. W. M- FOWLKES & CO., mocracy, and poison that it should be blotted from the vocabularypf civilized man and banded over to the . barbarism that it fitly now and in all the past has represented.1 Prolonged a p plans on the Republican tide. " m- "He said at Stiles, September 11; 187S, in relering to tbe financial policy of the Democratic party; 'But then; what could you -expect . from the; poor, blind, diseased, decrepit, dismal,- da mned : old Democratic party ? Prolonged laughter on tbe Republican side. v "The election of a womau attorney - general i9 among the popsibili ties for the State.of Montanawhere Efla -t. 1 K no les,l h e only , worn a n lawyer in the State, has - beeni. nominated i by th. People's party, - .It. was through the in fioencei qf- Miss Kno wles. that the bill was passed to admit women to practice law in the State, and she was, herself the fi.st candidate-' for admissioniinder the new law. Jler practice is largeand lucrative! paign by making speeches at White ville, Columbus county, on Monday, August 1st. & strictly hlgh-fl-rade family aewlns mavrhlne. poaaeewtng all modern ,. ImproTemeBti, EQUAL to the BEST Price Tery reasonable. Obtain tnera ana make comparisonH. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVfDERE. ILL. f m& wmi I are. congested, verdict to render .t-thV-; polls iieit 'Now i8 your time U Subscribe for UW.MV-M VincaNoven-llt 7:V.-. v- -vV. Vrhe Rocket, only 1.50 a year, r-- ;kWwvWft Why Not Tiy Old Virginia Cheroots? ; They are made of the best obtainable stock, rriade by skilled hands in our mammoth factory; where every attention is -given to details 'to makb a ; perfect smoke,. Sold jn every-town ?n"trf TTniWJ Qfotae- ' UumjKMkMW fivf FOR TEnTcfn : Rockingham lri-taf wj Eiiii. That is. Dr. W. M. Fowlkea ACo., 1 avirg lOBgLt tbeir entire fteck far lelow Kew Yerk cost have moved it tc their old Flsnd next-door cast of the W. 1). JdcEae ttore and can sell Drugs cheaper than Chaih ite Ar WDmmgtc n. They have enlMgVd ll ir store and refitted it to such an extent lfcat it is the Landtomeat Drug Store in this ection. Call and eee it. - We keep all kinds cf PATENT MEDICINES, DfcUGS, PAINTS, OILS. VARNJSHES, PAJNT-BIiCHtb &c- -We Lav, in la rae Quantities for cash, therefoie ttt .tbe largest discounts. .Country merchants will do well to examine oar stocK belore buying elsewtere. " : WE Will SAVE YOU MONEY. If you are sick and don't know-what you need, Dr. Fowlkes can always be found in his nice little office in. the Drug Store nd will examine you and prescribe with pleasure. - -,j " -' Presciptiona csTefully compounded day and night. We also carry a nice lot of fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, HiBgsj feieastpias, &c, which we sen cheap and F on positive guarantee. If you need Spectacles Dr. Fowlkescan tit you exactly with hwTest Case, from 25. ents to $15.00. . A fine lineStalioaeiy, Blui.k Pouks, Draft Books, &c. The Sensation of ihe Season. y - ; THE D UAL Attraction offered by our Ifew Line of Men's Youths, Boys & Children's suits and Over coats for the Fall apd Winter season. -Rich, Rare, flight Reliable In Young Pen's Suits Overcoats In Boys Suits .We "shw every Style- Frock, . Sack or Cut- away. The manufacture, trimmings and as sortment of fabrie all one could desire. We are very strong. "The. styles we show ; are very numerous, affording, a wide variety xruxa wnica w m&Ke selections. In Children's --(nee Suits" . -In ' : - t We are able to offer the very best and most, r " original designs. This department has been. given every, dare-the productions this sea-7- son surpassing heretofore shown. SPECIAL ATTENTION DIRECTED ToT OUR LARGE AND VARIED. STOCK OF MINISTERIAL SUITS THE LATEST AND: BEST STYLES AND FABRICS. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNTED MINISTERS.-! AllOidera shall have ourprompt and careful attention. We pay return charges 5 iL CHARLOTTE N. C. : ECOCJObY ISiUJEALTH, And the way to economize is-to first find out what merchant sells goods the cheap est and the way lo. find-that out ia to try the marked - 1 do net ask you to Lgy.from me if. you have' the least doubt that you can get same article elsewhere for less money, but do ask you to call and get prices. '1 he? 7 the market and you can be the iudge. ' : - " I sell no Furniture .but what is tbe very best for the money; rnd when I tell J'0" article ia good, you can rely on it; --T- i--s' ; 1 always carryin stock a full line of Furniture and manv Novelties. 1 can aWV . ply your-wants. If not right at the tune, lean do it in a few days' notice, r iea me before VOJi hnv b T ran fnniiaK vnn niitavii riill considers V luuney van to seeBie.-r WfTOV, ' C VV Wfst Trade StreCH4RLOri-E,;N. 3i