jJIJJggjjjnjJgJljl mi mh hi -ii .L..ii.'.-iJ -J.) ' ".Ji- ilX'. 1-U.iiii.i i ni i " ."-J. . IJUI.-'. " " h ""JJIIJ v WE- INVITE YOU Ttt COKPARS ' : -TO .THE ROCKET Wilh" any other Weekly ii this section -' : ' theState. " gatisfaction gnataiiteed in Price and Quality nfWork. IT IS GROWING,-" ITS GROWTH IS. BASED ON. ITS. MERITS,' VOL. X. ROOEINGHAU. BIOHUOND COUNTY, : NO, SEPTEMBER 8, 1892. ghoes and Harness! ,i Wi JONES has njoved over the A - store of J. W. COVINQTOi ".nA is doini? first-class work in his line Boots. Shoes and Harness made and rpnaired in cue oest posf iDte manner ana lower urices than they have everbeen nown m ttus maxKet. uooa nana-maae Wagon Bridles at GI.OO; other bridles at corresponding low prices A. full stock of Harness and Unaies always . 0D hand, and made to order on short notice bv skilled workmen. - - . 7 W.JONES. Don't Forget THAT you CAN ALWAYS FIND AT THE - STEWART STORE A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANLISE IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE STOCK OF STOVES AND FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD Stewart (farming CANCERS CURED. Dr. S M Wiricht. of Gibson Station, N. C, offers hia professional services to the neoDle of Richmond and adjoinine coun ties. With a long line of successful expe rience he feels warranted in saying that the most obstinate cases, where cure is possible, readily yield to his treatmfefit. hTR.Ti PASTYITIS. Sichmmd Cotmty Weaverites Hect and Nominate ' a Cototy Ticket - The Third partyites have time and again eaid .-tbat .. their reforms must come through National Legis lation and thatno improvement could be made in our State and county t ickets. Some of their leaden once advised against the ' party placing State and County tickets in the field as such action would only tend to divide the white people of the State Bow It Zs!3 to ftgS&51&3. Thatthl RepuWicana mti patffc V23tzX T&kK the force bill when they bare Hht iIWW ; poer oo sane n can -4enyaid fbe Democratt are WkzZ .wr the Hotu AdUi EL Stevenson ixLhis ajainst Exnmiwn, Weaveriam and speech of last week at Bloooington, Cadicalism w Wolf Kv townthip. in his own State. He is right The The Democratie ob met at 'rovt- fight we are now engaged in ia ,a dence tebool house, last Thursday fight Iw tnewccest of the force bill night and representatives from all and the turaLig over of the Federal partes were present. . The. Demo- eovernment to the lUouUicao part crats ctrried everything before them to be conducted by that party at its and so . convincing and irrtfuuble property, and in the, coUectiou of private nroDertr. Yet. the contest I were their arguments that the Ee-l taxes flogging is resorted to force now is between the friends and the I publicans and Weaverites couWnt I payment.- Inaol vent-peasants, says J somewhat surprised. Atlanta Constitution. - ftussia emancipated bier 45,000,000 serfs more' than thirty years' - ago, several yea rs before' our 4,000,000 Southern slaves were " freed. 5 But these white fredmenln Russia are practically to-day worse off than the Southern blacks were before the war.' They are balf the time on the verge of starvation. Erery year the tax gatherer sweeps away their tittle r Ti!a Fsmer and His Laborer Have it TSiftings: ' A iarmer nired .'a man to help' work the i farm. ' One summer day when laborers were very scarce, the j two were mowing tn the field, when several larks flew up. "Look af those 'big - cranes, " said lite hired man. Tbote are not only: vhrka,ft replied cranest tney areJ the farmer, ' antl turn U Over lO wpupucan mis- .m - . UlnilMi nn nd walkl IfifUk mr flrx In. hndv tn! Tf -nn aH .Wf.M.M mM. 1 here has been a reaction ox t , A . ., t .Ajr t.. ah 1 ..i. .t..t. 4 voor j. ihi.-v;.l.:-l j: ... UW .UUMi witKnwviwuniw bui aiu. u luui inuusi a H KUiqiK UU WUrK (IgUk DOW, - eiVlu rule. Let the advocates of that bill itm-foot. : fAnd thus make cowards of us all."; district, 100 peasants" were con- . .. . MwrftnMiiMinvit nfaia It ma will uevvr iw wuiw wr 1 iva tAMoi m mMiimn un . wk.. i " t . o , r- r r. . v lmnnt kMKi nf .M;n in tk RnntUm I .l . m... 7 . i j i I ment of taxes. Under our old slave ticketp. The Kichmond weaverieis i - 'rr-: 1 -u mw s f" j 1 ik - - - . - . De. her. lMt Th. Jto " .53 BoektaJh.-. Jd. to , Wg-." Lrention was called to order by Mr. UMJ nni w w County CooTeation, U was oow- Geo. J. Freeman and Jno. B. Cov- Wl" "awiw wnpw i poaed ef 8 members aod.we are told afterwards made permanent chair- 7 " - I in 1894. At that election the Con 1 1. it. I the Caar to the black freedmm cranes.9 man. iugn uurne was Decrevary. r I w -..-- Li,v.o.,i1 .uws-ii- greuici4 Miw """(neoiMi motiOQt. vnt aetegate made I t. t . " "- v. called to the chair, who was J. f0.1 that new Parliamentary law was tensive use of the lash as now pre vails in free Russia ' a generation I after emancipation. Turn from' this the hired roan. As the farmer could get nobody to take, the hired man's place, he was ' obliged to yield to ' the whim of the menial.' f: 4 Yea, said the farmer, "I see thai they are cranes, b'iii tliey we not big When it got-down to business it Ttie bired man 'was satisfied with .K.t . 8utee,will be returned as Bepubli.1- aoMch itt mhkh hr.Wa forin. of their o!d masters. Our this concession. Some months aftet m ytarty a SODnO GrUDOinS DeCaUSe I Z . " .- . -, - iu.i, tuv unu uuuohu waig iu uc he had never been tent by it las a i " . " vu"rr8?? uj BC 1 np,oy OI me iarmer ine latter saia deleeate to one of its conventions. I Pf9"y, na in ueor-1 at dinner one day as ne poured out v'k m . J. . ii umv w own tw,uwA a glass oi water: ar. bran, pwv nuow, w bmtiob i Thev are ed noted almoat entire! v 1 7. .vm- vor. fln luoga uo. ui wm - iuku I at the ex Dense of the white lax-Da v-1 Th.t. nnt hr- th.t'. wtr era. Thev have the same ' ti?h4a in I tnH1 th himxT man spoliscooTention pledged the Be- 2TXTh tT T-T o w' PWtie i whites enjoy, and I Ifyoti don't publican party to this course not -w w .-T. nourgatberer.oranyothercreJitor can lender your resignation, for I bemadetand up and swallow the cans, sm Ihwn, jsnA tt sud of tie Omaha platform. Jna M. McKin- tcof olifoot enroH. non and Jno. B. Covington were no- R? minated for the Legislature, B. P. Ci M.,fR0i.- nf tw J ceed to provide for the. election of n,ur& .. , - 1 nnll1jJLii fiui.r...mMi In all t I U. WW UOW Wit LGaUoway for Sanreyor .d J.cob SSSaSKSrSfi tS.! "f ' lie ington was nominated for Sheriff but he refused the nomination and FORKING PEOPLE'? can tako Bimmoiri1" Liver ' R e 1 a tor .v Jt r jl - witnout loss ox time ordant ( jger.ii.from.exposureu- Its . takes the place of a doctor and costly prescriptions ;! ahdis tberefoTe the medl- ' cine to be kept inv thi -' liousehold to be given up6ie any indication or appro: fing sickness. - It contains -no dangerous ingredients but ia purely vegetable, action, and can be given 'with safety and the most " satisfactory results to anyM ' person regardless of age-; " -. It has no equal. Iry -it. the office was left open. We heard a speech in that con venjtoQ in wbjqh personalities in LOCESAftT ' & MORRISPr ATTORNEYS - AT - LA Rocking ha tn, r -v- - A7. ,C Office over J. C. Wright &66 '., Store nolitical matters were discounten- Libertv Hisrh School nd iiub 881116 ph 8neer- a xt n . ling references were made at a r irir.n inFWT,R' ? to boloTup to scorn-any. ttB. wnoi , - . ..,11, 14 - i- .k-' Latin. Greek 'and Mathematics a specialty. I the ptople of this country against BURWELL, WALKER & GtJTHRlE " " - inwordsvool oecause toe certain, if . " . T . " , . w aug wirm. iuiooni want any oneosive partisan sure, UMVoidablo wisequaiies 4" the place. Juit taste that theenactntcithefbroa bfll inte . -"-TS!TV " Tdoniciirse to its former whites a law, which bill that body did an- TTL "w r uiy' M but; the patient and sympathetic yon can quit at once." dorse, would bo the conversion of --'F v Bootberners are standing back off The hired roan knew very well ail election officers into Republican I , ur ..P"" "TT w"" bondmen, encouraging and 1 that he could not get another situa aiding them to an extent sever before tion at that time of the year, so he Officeovlr Dr. Ji M. StWlrXOne aoorHS witaassed in the history of the world. I tasted the watr and cheerfully en- ' east 61 Hotel RichHwaA T : k 3"t ATTOEKKT8 AT LAW,' ROCKINGHAM. TT.G. era left to us. Federal supervision I note from a mend in another county I To our Kortbern mends who have I doreed the administration, say ing: of congressional eiectlons cannot I ana wno, oy ine way, is an ts jour- i sucn a greai aorairauon wr aussta, i -yr course it is beer, but it has not Johx W. Col. -jff eoexiit with free institutions. Board $7.50 per month, Tuition -from $2 1 nnA nnther. The pood sense el the h'r?- Afira ctlizenshiD of Richmond county 18 oeiiiK ncviai. uiw omvuh j . . -. . w i .. a . . Number of teachers 6. xt term I know bow to4reat8UCj cendUCt as I 'IAS BXSSJ - we commend For catalogues, ap- vear. begins August 16th. ply to J. M. WEATHERLY, Prin. Liberty, N. C. thnt nd thev will do it It IB an WUmington ueaseager. , nA s. I It is instructive to awe what tax Inalist; Please lei me tender aay congratu-1 contemporary history. lations on your nomination, and, ' " .. ' ' wish that tt will not prove an empty j ALitiMlKUI. 1 have this brief chapter of 1 got much body to it." Horalr-trlkers should he careful to select the proper season at which to stiike. 7nxvlic27Enu COLE AH0 UCntlLL 4 ATTORNEYS -AT ROtJKINGHAM. .' it i- i i . " j I.. Iff,:. ' 1 'r1 , White supremacy is no more a po- nolesshonorjobe a good l-wytf J e necessary to society i .r?rr"r. r--. . I tw nvt iumI .. Jesse - Eloree- for lawyers are necessary to society re iu w.M, u vh;eh - - t credit to VOU nnr mnntrv'a vont enemv. is the njoi tob-s oionaw wm tavi - . ..... - man w nna 1aaa thai rthr AliUMAB it FA ma. whites in this State cala. 1 .Reference' ho.uod.up.od pe.,. N rfUn.fiMTEoUrid. w Tin 8 celebrated young Bay Stallion will stand for his first season at Rockingham and all parties wishing to raise Fine Blooded Stock will do well locall on or write to Wm. L. Steele, at Rockingham. The Pedi gree of this Horse can be had on applica tion. ' and society's worst enemy, aner aii, TT I which is a great credit to you. must recognised because it is the corner -stone of the Southern social I t.i. J In DmItImmU.m 1. TtniM 1 a aitrnknt aiAAtal iVina mlld . ' - " . . . . inuWHl mmm mmmi-m -- . UUAH I SBMU WbMia 1MJWVH WVW.W . . I I Mitluufa BA .WA I aa I mt I - ifx a a mm,mm. a a . iiniiBTi wti uiau w inn mm mmm m. . w mt . - , . a . . . Km.i,iwmiw. w u..u, w r -- Idsv mominx. She died Wednes I be tne result. This u not mere crackerbox editors, about .w edouoa wb knew her sp-culati inn. i;. anH 1.sfni4 faola AMI WOOWniiWU WMU MM IWtJ WW bUCI saw RUU waa-.w ww-.v Mw,a have mercy on that man's soul, once a Republican, then a Democrat, how an Exumite with the Omaha platform on bis stomach and a mo- Do not min the stomach with 1 chemicals. Simmons Liver Regulator ; is purely vegatable and effective. ENTAL - OFfJCEi: t We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's Hew Dicovery ior Con- sumption, Coughs and Colds, npon this condition. If vott ' are ' afflicted -with a COLE, D.D. Si i-.--r-. Um A mfrw n I irounte, ana wiu use iui lruacv speculation, for we bad some very a fair triili and Offers: his professional services teethe pe- pie of Rockingham and the, surroundings Cough Cold or any Lnng, Throator Chest I coon"- dBtTWince over vt. j. ja. ctav trouble, and wiU use this remedy as direc- sin s. ? f r v v hdi-w-h. enceno Mnnn tr a tui T i-l a I and ctTnAriAi iu it. r v.v- ;:'-- a - tn--,tm i r 5: ".t. t;;;Tr . i -j.rir- . - r virrarn burdened and oppressed tne state i rT. ; M . i U. . V. '... --v. AnnM J Uku&. .w.a-. v-bJVIflB 1 1 'f-rrri" COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAf.D! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Richmond County made in a cause wherein E. F. Moore is plaintiffand M. B. Stewart and wife are the defendants, the undersigned will expose to public sale in the town of Rockingham in front of the Court House door on the 19th dav of Sept. 1892. All the right, title and interest of said Stewart and wife in a tract of land de scribed in moitgage which is recorded in office of Register of Deeds of - Richmond County in oook U. U pages 544. Terms WALTER H. NEAL, Com. Monroe High School, MALE AND FEMALE Monroe, Uuion County, - - N. C. The fall term opens August 22nd, 1892. Branches taught: Latin, Greek, French, Mathematics, Physics, Music (Instru mental and Vocal), Book-Keeping, Steno graphy. Typewiting, Src. Boys and girls tuorougniy prepared for college or practi cal life. "Six well equipped teachers. Building, Desks, Pianos, : Wall Maps, Globes, Slate" Blackboards all new and first-class. Healthy, cheap, thorough. Uur boys and girls take high rank in the colleges. For high toned work and char acter building we defy competition. For particulars or a catalogue apply to L. D. ANDREWS; Prin. Seabord Air tine C. C. DIVISION " ' Schedule in Effect July 20th 1892. " Passsenger and. Mail daily lor local points and North 7.06 a. ro. Passenger and Mail daily except Sun day for local points and Wilmington 7.06 nopoly of truth on bis back. Marion Butler in the issue of the Caucasian of July 21st, 1892, said: "All this is not the fault of the De mocracy. There is nothing wrong in Democratic principles. The trou ble is with the scoundrels and hyp ocrites who have betrayed the people who have perverted ai:d misrepre sented Democracy. Our representa tives from this Stats are not among the number. Tbey stood by the peo ple. And on the silver question every Congressman from this Stale, includ ing the negro, the only one in Con gress; voted for the bill. North Car olina has done her duty." TbiBk about where Mary Ann is now in the People's party trying to break up that party that has so faithfully stood by the people. What do you think of him? v ol. j OA i mmimmm. i tUtm Jn'n. 4Um mm,winA i he Tour monev rciuCueL - WB coma and the whole South. r.w.". - r : I not make this offer did we not know that Take th thi MUntiesnreaMt UB Dr,King'a New Discovery could be relied 1 . ' by our Raleigh regular correspond. :it rog thai W mar need. Int-Ennland; "' i i t : ra 3 9t i " , J r r. . V j !v . vilT - Large size 50c. andjl. enttoabowhow tasea for educa- mourn her loss. ,i mm, m mmmA - aVllai . I . Tm t ff aaataat aaV BMa ka.a.a.a KaaaauS education for tho year 132; , s.l Congraa. ia this disUict, wUlaoon U r W 'For white aeloW t ' fob, ViA SS; .bjt&r.th u nerra tf fdOLSS5.lt. I and Loekbart and other DemocraUc Wot Bad Snongh. for Thai Wilmington Star. eaver ..was e Democratic party so better in fact that he used to ex- the Continent and manjjBtherforv eign countries, mysejf and wares arei . s " well known. " Many American m-? ; ilies on their return from abroa4, r bring -my articles with tbern for, they know them pretty 'well, putf- Uon. The Caucasian, edited by ir.J.. T..i. .. .r t. 1UJ , . IwAit maw nntlw nn-nf thPSK .... . -t rf.j . : I- . . I!.L .i Ll It. -A I NMIUU UUW.I. UUW UU. VI UlVinu- ..u.lk..anM in MiT anaaAhaa Uv whit nmmruflfl ai um xax tm i tiir norm rn a iicx ami u hi i ... - ; .- . . . r . ww iu.uuwkiu " w t . .-v. . t r - i r. ... . 1m Af iti thM nari HaaiBMrf iini i . - t . . i Lnnaence oeiweeninaaaiiutuaa - a lost I i " " . 1 inai tne proper piace ior wbb.iu a lew wees agn inai it . was. me . ( rroflrressive farmer, anoiner .mra i - .... a tcniiu uT tjjap uut Ci uuuu t iiuuk " ir- I nartv orcan. saia bo unui ....u; W.1J4 .F,r.M KA w .:.' " . .- - .. mm---- m -I -w ... - I Ml UIUI1UII W.l IUVUIU WW WM akAiiiiMi aanaaniinm iLflccinvniin i : - j tU..w 11 .. i . nvuuaai .viw4t.. -w 1 WBCai Kg1, HUU UUIU U( VUfU UC" has tbenx by dosens. The Jaat one voluntarily borne by the whites for j of rolling reform pills will be education T The valuation of pro- j one. perty in the three counties ia given thus: Valuation of whites, $27.-402.876 Valuation of neiaoes,ll.l5StEW. It will be seen that whii thb amount distributed in the three counties ia but little mora for the white than for the black children, that the white own mora than twentyx dollars to on onwed by U LesWtiw ticket last 3T dared that this made U essential was held by tha ResuUicana Ut that the democratie oarty io North Friday, when dsle-ates were elected Carolina must be sustained, because to tho State.Itepublican convention democratic ascendency meant white at Baleigh.' C laupremacy. Now we find these iM R nii-ii.tn nnti.natl An loreaDs advocatios? a party which 1 ia elnai nf rrtTkwl n nnri wnn - lotrtrt. TUis ; was crueL . The Demo-J " .T ''"7. "7 "tV,7 AijQ insauj -eJLSaa-i,i3' . aw i iwwpv7,.i'Tiy your cenfidence and. make, a referjj. ence to this Journal to endorse tba.te'? confidence. I do not think it wtfLW. be misplaced. " ; ; T. make the best form of a cun - vf an absolute one for biliousness an4 deoaned to speud eternity at Repub lican headquarters . " tber negroes. The white people ii so minded to do could easilv evade inaxinc a dol lar for tha education of the children of "the colored man and brother." 1 But with a truly splendid magnan imity, and a fine recognition of the ; importance of educating the negroes out at more than fiOjOOO. and lifting them to a higher plana of I meetinsav few waeka ago j usefulness, respectability represented this county in the Legis lat are on the Republican ticket, Ho will never do it on the Omaha tom foolery. .;. ' : ; Tha Tarboro Southerner learns that tha membenhip of tha Alliance in Nerth Carolina in 1390 was gm nl At the it Since its first introduction. Electric Bit two fe,b" p?y HiP0?r avorr headache tiiat can be found in' lbia- k I unjul now it is clearly in the lead, among . . ,. .. - ir , 3ch pnn medicinal "tonica; ad vdjtenativTss-- yeSfThe cure is so small in ltselft ijmorea white auprtiascy and de- l110??'18 w land yet; its comfort to-you 1 to-,4. sova the barriers wew" white being .fts 4imt all ailments of btomach, laver or niaaeys It will ware ,8ick Headache,- Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from . the system: Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the 1 mnev will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. For sale by lr M. fowlkes'i Co's Drugstore. ad en-1 atatad at 23.000. -Till fini Atnn itf iMiiMaAn4i.ea selves to educate the oBOsntotertlwii W.'aV-.. tkt I yi twajaa aai aajanajMyarv ,mm' ?'-.T?0,t aaa l.a OH. tvul ar Ka. H fit 1 dnmm. mmm, tm.rn.rn aa.li.1 I IHtflMW v. vaa. V Ml W Maa I rassenger and Mail daily - except Sun- 7 for local points and Charlotte 8.24 deDt- m. P- m. Local 5n.l f..:i.i. :i-jZLj i . - " iicigiiu uanv except ounaay ." '"inw ana unarlotte 3.23 foi-i aad frei8ht dail7 except Sunday 4ur local points and T.annn. in. a thia ?ffice opens -30: minutes before Jh . 'f, of each Pawenger train;Uckets ehflrM 8Jummer resorts :and baggage ReJ v-d k nation. 1 Through palSS !te rih an.d Soth without change of - u.o Hum . ni. io op. m. The Third Party tfexninees. Wilmington Messenger. The Weaverite State ticket is frofrranf "Af ninA hllllrC f(11oWB composing it, wven belonged to the WeaTorvtiuy old moribund "Radikil" party that w stole everything it could lay its tbwrjormer alaTes, constiuction in the South. Was the biterow PSf had w balca and the price paid was there ever such before put on fj.-f 435. ' ' one ticket? The candidate for Gov- SSSSI IhTta emor is under indictment; th can- r.T has tecentiy been idate for Lieutenant Governor baa rrTn doubled and tha financial condition badicted jbr presentingfsW vouchers asa Deputy United btstes wam.-Wa zVWm Marshal. iThe candidate for Htate ZZ'r"l-Zml Auditor, that ar-tried-old : "Badi- SSSSaraWtfli Thetthrwtlart minztoD. Raleiehno! ate mated at tVoa W to 20 thousand are in the three counties named. I Gen. Adlal X Stevenson; will greak in Charlotte on Sept. 17tb. Raduced jiatea wiU b givenron all railroada. TYou had better go.J ' Everythins points towards the kil." tKurhal'? Lone, is a defaulter for thousands of dollars and never I for local pointsand Atlanta 8.24 p. m. eot in the penitentiary or paid the rassenger and Mail daily except -Sun- ; ; . Am.t-rA.1 XI C WHS 1UJ UUgCU a uvantuwa in Alamance court. . Another one of the Weaverite State ticket ran away with his brother's wife and took her tn Canada these are -the kind : of fellows ncrats support: :PiesJ PlJTCHixo Fox.; SmrroMs Moisture . intense itching and stinging.' most at night ; worse ty ; fkiU,iiir'i1.- cratching.s If allowed tocontmne tumor ajwuitatlbn of Jas. EBoyd for.Got? i that Intel hgent, honest em- ,wbftetf bleioaA ateerate. Iq. oVurtblic of the Alliance are invited to tsoming very-sotwfl:wAtrw,a:Oiwim ?)f3' toM the itchins and bleeding, heals iilce t, tons the itchins and bleeding, heals nice f The Unlversitr'ODened last weeh ation and In mortSM revethe J-jC so tudents2 a fine oDenlns for .S--'---. .. ' . . '-"lt I mnra- At nrncmiK." or'Df mail. lOr Ol rr r . ." .. - . . Mnn, ia trnnr rima rr niiRirinB ior i "'-i' - -oe tt. a. .. . . .--i-t- wr. isa - and black by taking negroes into their conventions "as delegates ' and by nommatiiie: negroes for office. Is inai toe way me wnue larmera . oi North' Carolina are asked to presenre white sttpremacyy ; j TOTHELADtfiS. TKars'are thousands of ladies through out the country whose systems are pois onsd. and whose blood, is in : an impure condition from the absarntion of impure matter,' 'dae to menstaai irregularities. Tab class are peculiarly benefited . by; the wonderful tonic and btood-cleansmg pro prtie of Prickly Ash; Poke Poot and PcUasium (Pr P. P-V Roses aft! bound ing blth Uke the place of the, sickly look, the lost color and the general , wreck of the j system bV thi 'ns M Piekl Ash, rese nooc ana rcaswu males will testifr. and many certificates V in jfMwsession cf. the 'Company) which tny inverotaieea no pnausa, via u prove PP,P. bl-ing to woBjankind. a J aLo it nf concern :I take fjeat ptoasure in testifying to the efficient qiJaHtiei f tk popular ventedyl for ernp" tions to 4h skin known -aa P.; P P. Prickrv Ash. "Peka i Rbot and Potassium). I sufters) several years with atf ugbth; and xhsagreealeTeropuon --oii .my. iace, and tried" various remedies to, remove -it, w.mmm Jt 4ritnk' MtSTvTT.tia1i oA vtK a - aKiwt4: nntU valdabla nreDaration was retorted tgby-five (85;y ears old. .She has. had -;c i ft taMZtrfSir bntiW in aaoM-d,.'? the rheumatism and asthma ioj A ThWParty RelaVtive of Cobb Can't f , it "r.Wffftrn : ritm. 1 1 s ... . " ' 1 - -f "-..j- PW BaaTBaFaaTpaa) aaaBBBBBBBBBBBj ' Isle wtw Etrise, , . e TCobbj once run a j?i yard in .Newton andjeftmnxe. than, one poor fhan who, had credited r him m the lurch A. kinsman of hi iiere wbo is jmaj: opjimwS'" mmsiiheoff Third frty jnen.if th he cannot vote for him. .He says they eure!y;,did not know anything about hun. that, he w the worst, man. that conihao been und ;. and4hat be would give $100 to have, bun offtht . - at) ate '. Af a a. " 1 . I c when retiet comes--tnat u ,nas De?i.3 come the Tnarvel of its; time. :;One;i$ : and a-half grains of medicine, coat- edwith jugar.it-my iwmedyfiAvtajijf?; shape Of one small' pill, known;lo : commerce as DRHAyDOCKTS . NEW LIVER PILL-HIt is . old .a 1, the, markets of Europe? hot ih, n"t!4- h 'North -America; - Tha prse isjaarrj orf as -an honest- medicine ; can hr sold "tity 25 scents. ? Send a pdl j card for a sample; vial, to trv, theHutI ' before you purchase. t DR; H AYDOCK, 63 Fulton SL, N.Xaj4 : ticket. T i i If ;M UuxoF Rzdob, ,N. C, June, 2 1891,. Mr.Jobn,JsWebbji,ir,;-S Dkab Sot I I pQrchased s ene of the Electropoiae on the 5th day 'of May and using m on : w.rs, xiazeu, . wno w ance withUracUons,I am now entirely J, D. JOHNSTON, n V ; Of the firm of Johnston k Donglaa, Savannah. Ga. sSWbenlybueelti about the stomach;: - take Bimmont lor twenty- as wast Ir.D. L. STEELE; OPEBAJirVK AH1 MECHANICAL J S Offersji w rofeseional. services .,(6 the.. citizens, ofitockinsiiani arid, - community, also to the citizens 6tJ Anson,; Sta hly, MooreV " Morittfonier -and Robeson counties.4 He iff wllF furnished with allihe latest iui pmvt ihstrumehlsr - , .r i . " r Teeth .extracted withoutpanT'Of; fiice ov'er Miss'Blakey'a stQf e-' f X the five or thirty ears --She was relieved from the first aprlica- pj tne poise, ana nas greauy improv ed beyond- our mostr' sanguine vex pecta- lions. Irecotnmend it to the ahliote J Bslieying it to be all that you claim ior am ypurs jrespecuiiy,w n z-mpM 8tore.om1n -HotetEich: : - w t,wiB uJr wjr jru way . mond buildini. AboIt toT C T,wlV r.- For. Rent;: s v- c i a i j. f i jj f l - ' . 4 J 'it,. , 'I - 1. - ' " - -" ' v Cm- r liver Iterator. 1

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