i - ,. , r i "THS TINY. LITTLE GJRU' . v" ... aTia'a awful bad. . GoU cross it makes her mad. v. u Wants to know If I can't do -j" - - " Bomettln. little glrV'to jrou; - ' Things I botter whip you S Rr,Ton'riroodftndtdapen.. - I in- homo U day to seo. - I - Bo don't toow how bodToab r . ' V - Wuen I wo her p curl '.-"' Tor sho'tich very lituo . - Euch a tiny. little tfrlt r . "wiuldn't mind a ord todaj Spoctthafa wM nor " " " Jtet &a uoa as ut - -.. & Pt in Httl apelU, you - - MoUr tell me . - gct$ her aomettoeaalmostUd- Voa' I punish her a biV f - . Think lie' better alter: it. , But I couldn't bear to , whip . J - Wbcn I aoa her aweet UP"". , 1 rotshe'aattchaveryu"''- , . I -- n4niBrf heralid-yloB - . . . 1 Vap i l. ". '" - if: -k m.'. I f,aaolum t.red x'wai.i r iUIry Java " - ar -screamin an goin AYCOCK ON THE AMENDMENT. . ' Via r.. v. i man necru I rinnrin "Hneu ... it lAna i - ' - Wchally chimed In. . - of-lhero, who'- had med from first page.) SSSSk-ru .y,J :to the fullest thhonors JolS er own Ju.nenls of office Kivea h.m by 'MVJL Vbeia the xoVan become the unJividea support oM U.e ne ::&?.: Sv2 Dad. I can't -ta ornp3 ,d lQ in9 very 8O0n after the a- uiiu . . n imftw cii f . . . . 1 m.ma nn Xa ukm . " tbis hokw.8.--- fpiw. Jim election: . ""F" . . ;. I fTonrt. Awful oacswfj r..f...,ni.!thBne?ro-weliae out. was. Alwaye tako no poiian. . 'Git out T v e ii o" - - :I . hope yotl Democrats JTW he couldn't win disfranchise the negro BW1" . . 1.1. ..a nnt wm carried him on our b.WumWn wml ...I i.ar. tiA nero question J&WSS-JS settled many white men .ill vot, co0Mmotii'iwmkhe jniDio w .i-k.." That man i - Moti rinwu. hujcvu' x- I T iih n-cuuwiivu" !f .n f flie waegin whip that w . nnnosiD2 the constitutional ly not the Noilh drohna bupreu Court. m'rity nr;whov ra -lle- pubjican.l Certainly Seizor rmc": nrdaudGovernorussell and the other Uepublican. Jeader3 ia the - ' e t i ii.if Rome Stat- who are bu1 a. ram .m. r white men wh habitually vote nst them may he drancniseu, not expect a Republican Su- lo be anxious to . ...i... i hotffl le;ii ers are so. a f.i tin ess agai do ( " But your motner -y - - h v B-d luaa'a got a hold ot you. I ' Hebotttit.mtla wi. V - . " f ith the roay Ul to kiJ J rtocldn't punish kerbW ' - iitt lost clcatt aetues i. - - , .,ln 1 t Rat I couldn't bear to whip ner her aweet lips curl. -IW the e auch a verrlittle Such a Uav. little girlt JIIS SEVEN SONS. I . . ' U TV- puts mem mma ci "f" , mln.-aaid Ilr. Teakwwd reflectively Ts he Shaved a keener edge on the ' "oodpn sword be vas making- and - elgbUdalons the tlode with a discern , OKI roan iwuTsruncu - at .'more reassuring angle -and clasped hfa hands about his kneea in an easy attitude , for listening. :,Oeprge Smith ceased the eoft drawl which he had ndrcniBS into the cars of the atore- keeneri and Pendama Drougu hviSSJ cushions and made himself com fortable on a cracker bar. i "Well, what about ole man rree xnanft George Smith at last in anexaBperatedway: - "Ole man Freeman, he's back on tae iia r.lace." the story teller finally be- thnt boro his'n. tna Jim. an throws " ' . Mwin to USB hangin up under tne guu. tne nanaie - . vi vfl - ..The hin was outen reach, but be . ' V: crahat was bangm up at the ena o xn uiuu.v; . hi g?ve that boy sech a vnth ?hem tonga as ain't Aerer JJ on in this part o' the moral "He beat Jim. the ole man did, tiU he promised to deed the place back . , : t, 'im nn held im down -i Vo hsTida went for squire W w someesses, an oneof 'em Safrne! The i made the ole man saya toJim. rpw Sing - the waggin roun', an J it too. for vou're gom to Hg" buuuv ... . - , a., mo'a Tne oie wum" r. ei, nil not be-'done rt i3 anxious to do so how. will ey to see per ... -nolloH so to decide. ricb as were some molasses "ana 8Die -. i J a " -ii.ith it. and, then get some lint cotton and st.c ic u -molasses: We tried that trick on a bkby NYhose doting mother vimpur ed on good nature to such an extent asto feave her' yelling "toot wootsy"Jnour care for -a short while, and it acted like a chann -ffc-.t kid aot interested iu tose hands and we haye pam B -" formances not nan w - . . rnnfronts the average hoase- it? A mountain oi Vi:ned. They re gr.. wife after all hi0,ebeVcleTntvith 8oap and .water, dishes, too. and i hatd to get a cheapest wa, to wash ttle rier.iae I r-JK r were iuc ""-j - ... J-i I . t---&n ftff : its ' hands. . oimoRt every cnnsuiunw'"" gei vuvw, - - . - . when aimosi every & . m!.9e ku So d m liiwyer m the State ' C " 3 dres- ho ll3 " investlgn"!" tnose u". . . " ,.,ki.. If a-avw I M,livian'l I e I a. U itrdC niliet iWO believes the ameu- Bing mut , . ISO exirn -- i constitutional. Then it must be the minutes . . .t.:-;r Monroe B.nquirer. tUa. TTmt.pd Stales lor imsiT" . .... . i .r,ai, m nnu Hunt n i Yiiai ue o " 7 i s(at worthy of the greatly. interested was the I i;iwver in mo i - - . .. . a. amendment. Why? He says oeu f...,;.i it will be held uncoi.sti- .X U not afraid ofany such q-uon o thine. .. 3 -m Ual ha HUI Ciuw wv - l . a 1 YV 7r Lu:- k ,woC ..tlenien are afraid- youuTH or joly excuu- . .... i. .,fr,.wl of. is that wiiu oi vu.v I...--.,,- :,.i ; ; mayjuauy"" R , that too is liepuontuu .. . .nr. t 0ne at one the elimination ol the negro from uol to disfranchise -m - lilies a belter Twepublican pan 4 8 compelled- to, Sea1oard Air tme. L;m 1 formed in the State, which any v looted ! - tTri.rnUntrv folks and down-country . i . . l rump nnuiiiciii oinv" r- . . aor- , put oeuer . "7, n,mpnts lQoking folks need a shake up at least on. The shake-up might as wen . 1 . .i...n l.n ia. No reonie, mat to'be free can long he governed by TS- A t rAzra 1 1 ' I I . HI. flil 1 v I "VJ ' ' Vat I IH-l I t I -ji i a i a -. a a , a kieon -we . springs. . . Pi WASHING POWDER tl dlshesperfectly clean. In act llUleanuJis aie eaaief J thj great cleanser, and at hall the cosf terfeconOT THE N, K. XS.t Vnrk . ' BO Bostoa will, if it comes to Dower, .0i;iniinnal amendments hac f.f,,i mew in orace . . w anu uiorts bi-- . ; . BPi(lement ol tne negru aeserves - . I,, the gut wjfg," i . . - , . . : f r nave gittin midmina-7r llfi advent of bra ... Hot. Mountain lOias The Supreme Court of the ofjuiy j f sp9aide and seaside folks J ,t r..j o...a i.iia hp(n annealed to . A. . ,-,i!nr something caiiea , ...la and this man unueu ---- t- , neea , . . is kind mgraies aim i,u.. r I lin;n from South tjaromm i mountain air." romirv-: a I r.w. .. ,r KvervDoay place w r rhat cabin "An Jim, no - on the Hi Watters place. .It 'pears to me like it was all the fault oWim's wife." said old man n ii ..AulW T. 11 mm ill uurot Jim f . w there hfijrins to auow u.s - " 7 t; ain't no help for him arter xnai. never had no sperrit nohow. .That's thewayit stnkesme, je- ir Tpakwooa meuiww'v' ! " ' "r : ; Mississippi to save the negro from f a jolly affair WLZ d ver. stronger Kepuoucau i.,n from the ballot ; box. moveimewne. r ?;-v. will be without a job, hence win i . nnrnns iu I :. . 't nonai. ii " Rut with class. and more the Republicans in the I 1 In I illilSiailllU t tW"?"" I , . i.n,.f nnn S OI IQe oiuc &- ih.t areer uumD- ., ...ij ; ana ae r- . I . . iahl .class of o" ate. who of a joined Mr. Teaiwooo Th" rMllv believe in the principles These things nas go.- - - , . flre jrui "f"" -- Uie 1)uuiiv- f . n.n ,na firlnnted in I ., i :n nut on sale tickets imuar u. r i I'nis raiiroau " r - , , 1897 and has been in operation chasable of any agent, juty -ana, 3 loa,.imi ui ,viaiona cod to return on or before-July since, unuer """t1"" . . the n r . - - eer critters, let em aiuu - . . . the best you can do with 'em, an if you oncet let 'em git the upper hand th, re , i. it nn hear me. n " I'.a been mi that married that wife the very nrs? aa. 1 . . vr .v. tt; Wot. 1 1 : QQ he eoes V,tattemuieiMw;- Vangyleen'-tnai . T dltin IcTlSarVherethegal'ry'a Jwlll5 to be accommyda T . ' f- 1 ,i ;a but when I set my foot wat made - im racvei ! If aeked Gcotkb Smith, whose weakness it was to try to h2lp along wim 1 no use to try I'm the tiona." .. - -' I been a-knowin old man Freeman for nigh cn to a real long time," pur TVwood meditatively, "an it lookf to me lite ne couiauu rood !jcb now ir he coma go 7"" , Knra over seam. It a a iUSftil pity, it seems like to me. that a man can nao w raise nia children, an if they don t seem tbnt .time there am t no more show for him. I reckon it was a mighty bad year when ole man lfree man's boys begin to grow up. They was a-plenty of 'em, sech aa they was." remarked old man Bolivar irith! quite unusual and unexpected candor, . vra .. irr Tho ole man had seven boys. Air. Teakwood went cn. with a dry inward chuckle at some memory, "an if the ole folktSdem rigbt he CO1? J2Sck in' bis easy cheer an never lUSd uo more work as long as he lived. Be did try the easy cheer game, but it -IwM-everlastin'ly too late. Them boys iXgTeWupto think that the airth T wTs'eUy much. . f ' tm an nothm to aa I "SfSilo' them eeven boys " that'a worth killin today, an the ole t J.; wSkin harder today than be did - - Ate mm arn ' r.tlrtou he thonght Jim wa. t, t-w let winter in r aomei uiu- i-e. . on all occasions, but when down it's sot, an it ain t , nt.hr nTdTtSXer fam'l7 yon 'kin depend tfthe silence that fell a .the soft drawl ceased came the cry of the whip !Wi;n lck in softer echoes from "."ArrVni, Then a head was i?e t the doorway, its ranburned countenance all one wide sunDuxuc ormm-anying the S !JaSd m he came into full ututu View ' . r .nn Tin 1 .to thpv was a-iooKiu iw j " A t the house. --4r.il l?V,!rJ J5;C,h celerity that nanan. tibk - .U ra no stPDoed on tne cai. . -tettex beV-goio- I'd a-gone before new W Sjatoowed that Effen was a-lookm for ever since, uuuc, . r-- --r- - , f for tne the whites do vote and the negroea 7tn, o-c - be v rouna trip.. -r - . . do not vote. . but 9llch ample accommodaUon will Where is" the Supremecourt ot the ue provided that there will be plenty of . - : l nVtMll f . - - n.1nfam. ! United States and what, is it room for the children lo.iuc w The Republicans in Louisiana had There will be no struggle nor ex- tears identical with those of Sena- hdUStion incident upon crowchng for fears me nuc Rasell. tnn,e who take their Fourth of July out- tor rri'Cliaru nnu uu.c..- - r " uthP Seaboard Air Line. "Remember, the Fourth W ... t nnre a vear. it win cuu.. Republicans through evil and good ,he elimination of the ne negro from politics will bo the beginning of a brighter day. They will yole for .he ameddment. Rut the Repuoli- an leaaera mo uCfi.o. - . but lhe constitution oi m:u oa- ,heir anxiety lest me uu,c?.. The trulh is that the white voters shall .he diafranciiueu - - such a failure as a ince nearly all ot his lhal a greal change of opinion .hitevoteisunuormy f hM come l i.ii'i n ii iiiv i I le UCJIUUUwMii j rreatly admire the generosi The whole about in the United States :,v ol and that change has been so marten ,iy i n ii, t evt-n the Courts U,e,e Republican leaders. The train . however, compels me to say rettlia- that lhe dea hey have no such lear. f h n cf this governement, State and ment expressly provides that , ever . wrought out by the lob . k:s bnrden -the could wnue -. cu T - himseli a part w j . r ,u. K.irriAn Coneress nrsi man who could voto in .i.M rlpsrendenls of those who icA7 vnn forever vote -iu , .gro VOlc ll iuui ' North Carolina, wlvthei thev can ad and write or no.. This provision protects every white man and every . . . n. ivMrRtif ace eX- whlie ooy uei j solved me." . oa." Upnt ..erhans a few foreigners, win ,'I ion 1 iJ rn7are- inder 13 years of age will. didn't let Mandy taow when I wM to ond wnlt. i :V.t Ka TlTtPflBT o-oroin. an sne Buffalo Times. as is It is not true, said, that the good which men sometimes do i ,i lnnk the matter in nana aim the problem in the District of Col umbia, disfranchising every citizen while and black. South Carolina, ui-aiinni. Louisiana, North Caro Una have all in turn taken up the Iiiih come oacK to it in dealing with Hawaii and el iminates the negro without the slightest hesitation, and without ex ..i.hi.r on lhe nart of Senator lMtch KocKingnaui, x. - .1 .a. m a J: .;th thm. Un ine couna.; uica ...... - . :iir...J n mn no inn i . . . . i a i.aa rnm iiiiicirv ....... p. ai'soiuiiu", noi quite new the . - e K Wck Y1 C . I'o meet this emergency u.o t ;otoinr increased the chool fund $100,000 this year. H vi,l ,o,m,ue to .ncree ' - f -wreck ,.f m.lt. , ! ,,! t.y l'JOS we n .. - 0fworl.U." In Cub;,, TO ;t survives their A-mannt force, in becomes a """ . wor d. 'That it is often lost sight of. is unquestionably the case, but not that it has perisneu has been mergen lhe young, at . i hs tne nemo- 3Ihibega toEhine up to one o tnem K-thconewnhthaturunp 1 nose -an it woaia a " "t Va I Siick to hare saw the way the ole .you. W. outcome to that 2PfS. ther. Pleased as its effects as rightcou, - ruooiaa- .-r: tiuht they I .. gw 1 ".er hirrfi - tr, lip's cot the nervo to try l. t ; J I A:-TV-eman business kinder ac-tS-kTou see. long middlin :'-WPToTtlereSqnlreftOT ,-. I -ipa ridin away. an some more " -- - 4lwx w tt . mt me m tbe-gai ry a wTbn a-cryinT?5 a-nxin forchange, UiV . crt married San- , J im s a-Bv iaa- :his shows, hut onlv that it in'o other influences, and so has en tercd into the general life of man kind. Nothing is so enduring m living, noble deed lives on trom Re..c,.. tion to generation in the characters A those that arc touched and mod- -J . . r- Itcot' it, ana re-pruj"" Tl.is thought ought to bt al list. so lar . ri ...i.;i nra rnncrtneil. i ue V IJ1V.CO A cratic party through its amendmen. ,-ives to ever while man and Woy oyer l3.yeirs of age the absolute and unquestioned ri-ht lo vote in con- 1 nnute facili- leiueraiio" ui mo i ties which we have heretolore hau lor education, and il says to every a . I a . child under 13, we underlie i to ii ns to si saving, however, CHATTANOOGA. NAbriViui, AND ww. tv YORK.' PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON. NORFOLK. RICHMOND. iled by "ore er. . rrrt source of comfort to hosi wh are toiling in the nvdt ,( manifold' difficulties to gt)rify 3d and bless their fellow-crea ures Selected. , rovide vou vtith fultopportiniity ' . i : I id wrtie asm in . i ft from the Slate for Laming t- iu. nrAmnn IS leS to tare xt " , TSNUY WISE OW CHIMNEY BOCK- feat VirRinia. Former Governor Said , Thia Famous Norln Carolina i,raK. In the midst of one of hU impassioned speeches years ago, during the -Koow-Mthin campaign, the late Henry A. Governor, oi llr hl!i whicli ws la a-soin ofonr days. wu. formerly ZrAM't know how happy and nerhaps its most eloquent orawr v . , , i . , . . ' :.7 ,V me ttel I'm a-gom io 9tTetched himseu to n rbi- cheer an set out hero mine Cairj . dir., r,lnwin in the far to paster. nman t -Th- fl.M -an whera me - -. i Hm'a wife potter in rouuu ney Reck is one JtnJ .n-Ikin kinder oversee an LhUtorthinfurJimdon't . A much alX)Ut anniu. Youer on to that deed i t i U ' ekTs I in a warnin voice, 'and taS? como first.' an. gra rioS t5 olo man was so mad he come SSr nigh !nct lcttin have the ba?cll. ahore enongh. Jim he married tiekets Kood tl. - - trot hl9deed 1 : -n of 1 anbTUDS ft ne . rlrtimed: "lbose v.r, .h-ir hands to milk the clouds old chap was without doubt referring to rhimnw Rock. His mad nnSci ;tinr directly at Chimney n.nrv a. Wise is dead. Rock still lives. Henry A. Wise is mortal. Sol. Chimney learn l read an litii.n io this iree g ah offrr as a priz r.ad and write participation in the government of the Suite. Can any man doubt the splendid results ot .i.Sa ..mvision? Each party will ,w,iJ . - i t... I.nmniffn were vie with the oiher in provuuug ,uhlic schools all olher expenses .f ., ,'M.vern.d will be rigidly ..cruiiirzttd .ini.ropiialions will it .1..... iin economical i. r biivh money with u, educate the children of lhe Slate. This political virtue will hfcome iikew.se a private virtue and citizens everywhere in lhe borders of the ... '.. a.. ..! ..Cf ll.4flt.R8 full Mght and 3tum ; . . , I i : nv..u.jua io ordttT llliil mounUins wnicii .,mi imunuu c..- - iheir children may become veruii ble kings and rule the St.le. Econo my, self sacr.tice, the seeking to work out through our children greater and bailer things than we have been aide to do will he some ol the fine results which' shall come to this provision . . i t. i: ; . . ..o i In. I ' -. nn r r atti? Porto Rico, ami me rnnipi'.- ATLAiNTA, i.naftuvn negro not only doe. not vole hut i- , KEW OR L E A NS, ATH ENS, ,B L.,n,Pt for even ' .WILMINGTON, AUG Tj ST A snot ov oui fi" - hile Senator w;iiiiiiiii ' Psi.chard calmly vote! ap)ropri i- 1 . . . I - ho t them into ouemcov , time enough he- ,ween appropriations to weep ovei r.a.1 fae ot the "brother in blac k" in North Carolina. If it ' "manifest destiny," and the "White Man's Burden" to civilize and gov ern lhe weaker and more ignoran race in lhe Philippines, it canuni he ireasou to undertake to shap that burdeii here. We began thd good work in 189S. The sacrifices of that great .1 ' ....... f .o o worse ina.n uacicoo if we lay down lhe work unfinished. We have put our hand to th plough and we will not turn Lack- ard In ISUo we uniuriew ... This Popular Summer Resort Will be ... Under New flanagement " ' " I this year. . Grand Opening June 1st 511 rrcn under i -Rnfkv Biver Springs, Stany .coumy, xn. v,., rS snpper land dance. It a the pupo' note the - new JLgernS, to brinS thts noted summer reson up to a 'standard comparable to any resort in the country. te paters are Hvul to y-l"M.. Arsenic. S01phr Md Magnesla ad sarpass jnany ol the Water, of now Famous Resort. This- heretofore so-called dark corner of North Ca.ol,n but really one of it. garden spots, is very rapidly commg to .the frrirt The neighbonng towns, Albemarle and Norwood have let on n'w 1, the latter having doubled, it. populaUoum , the laltwo years the foimer, for so long a time a mere ham I L,is Iking progress, and within a decede or two we expect I to see it a city. j Ly Improvemeuts Will Be Made at the Springs. A 'phone connecting with all adjoining uiwub, first-class laundry, blinds put to the .hotel new bath houses built and spring houses repaired, will constitute some of the oTern.L is thepurose of the management to huve a ten-pin alley and Other game in readiness by June 1st. The hotel will be supplied with new furniture. A band of music wi!l be on hand for the season and dancers can dance at will.! The dancing hall, however, will not inter fere with those who do not desire to participate, or wish to be disturbed by its noise, as it is nearly a quarter of a mile from hotel. ! , As a special inducement to mothers we would say j jrrango ments have been Imade to have one or two good phys.ciana nrpsent durins the entire season. P To reach rtie Springs via Southern F.a lway change cars at .iliv thence; to Norwood or Albemarle, where. fine livery By Seaboan v ScnEPULE is Effect Dec- 11, SOUTHBOUND, No. 403 TV New York 11 00am (Penn R. K ) A An Lv. Wushirgton j 40pm Lv KinMnoid A.C.L 6 00pm Lv r.,ri8iuouth3.A.L8 45pm 1898. No 41 9 00pm 4 30am 9 05am dtile toft. Springs, 7 1-2 miles distant Bv Seaboara Air Line Wadesboro is the nearest pomt. F.ne livery here also. " For further information address, , R. B. BECK WITH M. ,D., Silver, Stanley County, N. C. TheBank of Pee Dee. Ar. Weldoii Ar. Henderson Ar(. Eirieigh Ar. SoJ Pines Ar. Hamlet Ar 1 1 1 Inm 12 57am 2 16am 4 23am 5 07am 9 20ani ll 50aru 1 50pra 3 40pm 5 58pm 6 53pm banner to the brezej Wilmington A.r. Monroe Ar. Charlotte Ar Chester Ar Green wo xl Ar. Athens Ar. Atlanta ' I2 Oonm 6 43am 9 12pm 7 50am- 10 '25pm T. C. LEAK Presdt. Capital, - "f 1 Stockholders' Liabilities. Sdrplns Fund, Total Responsibility . W. L. PARSONS, Cashier. - $24,950.00 24,950.00 - 12,500.00 Rock. But Chimney un Rock. Chim- of the boldest of Amen- n. c- u-.,.l Air Line will I i can craS- i ne omwuiu .... . U9 n uui take vou there miles bej Ail" ins It is only seventeen! e8elhjng3 th.lt awfu demagogue- neninciatlC i i i ...;ii. iho mllviner cry ol elV Ui;iZ'irii. o" ' White Supremacy.' We volun te red under that banner to the end of lhe war. Woaye won the out posts of the enemy, we have driven en them back in disorder, ond the ar., making one lt desperate ,1,,,,) re-formi.Tii their broken lins Ar. Charlotte il.o lirn:iiwuiks of prejudice Ar. Hamlet and denmgoguery. They fonn in vain. The iruditi. ns of Nrth Car olina Democrats are filled wiih glorious achievment: their .courage ia of the best, their determination i unyieldfng, iheir certainty, of vicrj amounts to inspiration 8 OSam 10 35am 1 13pra 3 50pm 10 obpui i 1 07am 3 43am 6 20aui NO KT 11 BOUND. No. 402 Lv. Atlanta S.A.L- 1 00 pm Ar. Athens " 3 16pm Ar Greenwood " 5 41pm Ar. Chester , ' -7 53pm Ar Monroe ' 9 30pm No. 38 8 50pm 11 19om 2 03am 4 25am 5 55a ra 10 25pm 7 50am 11 15pm 7 45am Ar Wilmington Ar So.' Pines Ar. Raleigh Ar. Henderson Ar. Weldon Ar. Portsmouth 12 05pm 12 08am 2 10am 3 2Sam 4 5-3am 7 25am gafaan nn nn liu i inns aic c B"U"V . r ima I as nice aa p. wjid mountai . . lrn VT-1Q ver iinvr. - n.n'an ole worn . ..!- Ki.o tw ownea w "v .. i I ctecrs. t X chunk o- the PThe pool, are so 7 - -- fc- t, crt A i-' l anritieu iruiii.. o an pop o -;r w o rnr whiClvSeeKS io uci'-, .... r... . iltica o-er the stage nne. . , k0 .i.,i will beat in Vat:i. . 1 ior I" UPlc' Phenomenal grandeur. The acy ID the fetate will beat in V L, fof llBl da. wh,n the race IS- ...p Af the luva known lew .men, ; , t..v. an et coziij " - n,!,,, sue torever sciuci, r.o t. - n range. One dollar to two could r,a,, aa r u. ..r - - ftb8o!ulely ,ree hallot and a f-K dav. 'lhe beds are .cica... ra W1 me lor uieir v.i.. ..--.. i...:,.Q riviW of . ... 1 - t . couni iur vnc hi"ijm " ' lifi,l vnd tOOinsouic. 1 .nrani0 I linve I . . i la . uiviin' 1 trmva 1111 111 1 . . I llPIIlcr Ar Kichmond A.C.L.8 45am Ar. Washington 12 31pm (I'enn K. - Ar. New York R.) '6 23pm 9 00am 11 18am 12 50pm 2 50pm 5 1:0pm 7 12pm 11 10pm 6 53am - $62,400.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Directors: m T. C. Leak. C. Wall, W. I. Everett, B. L. Steele, Wm. Entwistle, H- & Docker y, Tf . L. Parsons. The ffl0 h 0 Mtm&B::: b-u - . , fhdv nwueu mj i . .. . 1 a h. 1 . . 1 . nnwn one mother who am noi im- teninr with speckled tro.it.-; . t,e8ire lol l,er off sprm2 some- of the step Is a ceases - h had. The done, the laCe aad Oimalant, The thermomecer u,,n? ; - tP.ir.tiera 01 iucvi' - 13 tli9 man gaidfce b'lievod he DMa'o;fadin away an dyin as ny Stiil o rtrtM-'.' done, th ' JJ cJe woman begin to pearten Joes ht duty, baying a -beat" of only clo rj5 . t over the,, I . mft. to c. meandeep sleep by it ia x . . . v ha Varrr I - . . . , .i;,nr,;niy walks br- dar-" Tmle tor o w"lur : " 1 nignt ana rong vi, o - m - - Everybody wants to want r SYJse said it all. Summer, tourist rates f ;'-n rta of North Carolina. Pou't miss ft, men and brethren. Inquire of al Anti'Kick'' if everj thing . r not nrfectlv comfortable. Watch the baby ' rf .. .. , - M n. welL - Watch the dot; "oiu touh as hickorv If Chimney Rock unvthinsit U a place to set the family Dn ar-alnst the Fall ;Excursioa ticket on sale at all Seaboard Air Liae ticket .. tnChimnev Rock, and return at greatly reduced rate. ; : " i ; , - more years jew ; - v ; " "!nf H3 vi?o beerd it. an 'twat ' J i-1 cn 1 ; 'Lre Jim's wife begin lX after tt tre Jim oiksVha. f r l lccanse the ole jnan r, t u'.vrnl t: - cc 8 . . didn't U: f f ;un,r cf 'era because r;;"; vniTC?. an fhe made I- ;i v. rl J and . ' 1 i 1 v. . v. 3 " ,u tu. id jroTte.' and ; o'.I.er ri'.ar wittvui on the que8tior-th moth .rcn.l churches are with us. ,;Who ..,., .1. vail asainst bs? HUt say 1 lie RMnhlicnn leader,: , We are airaiu that the Sdpreme Uourt win the descendant clause uncpBstitu- tional, and the other clause corisU tutional.Vand thereby bring upon the' State white incn well Mje; rOPga sufifra qualified-by - the rrnuireimnt thread a.nd write U P. nt in Hk of what Snpierofi Couri these leaders ire afraid? Sare- j indei eration of honest if mi-taken opin ions, we renew the contest. Let the hanner of 1898 be again unfurled. Let it still be .inscribed with lhe motto - While Supremacy," j; but above that let there also? appear. e the aim . and end of white supfema- cy; good government j for all, aoso i..tI;nVtitn bpfnrA tlm hiw and : un- tl U tC J viov axv w v. w. - - " - , . t j- ' . oucstioned liberty of opinion, s. - The Kind vw Haw rWwg Dail) t Daily except Sunday. No&. 403 and 402 "The Atlanta Spec ial" Solid Veatibuled Train of Tollman Sleepers and Coaches between Washing tun and Atlanta, also Pullman bleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, b. U os. 41 and .38. "The & A..L. Ex press," Solid Train. Coache'.andlwpen o..4mnih nd Atlanta. -Com- pany sloepers between uoiumoia. iu -- lanta. - . - ... Both trains make immediate conneciions iii.i. ft,-Mnnlromerv. Mobile, iCW i Taa Po iinrnia. Mexico, cnai- rtrra - . NflS 1V1 C . .MempU19. mMwjj. . . , - - s For Tickets. Sleepers, etc., apply to ttgenl8a Mc. P. BATTLE, T.-P. A., :r:;C'.i Charh tte, N. C. 5:bnewland,g. a.. "i ; AtlantatQa.' IE- ST.JOHlftr Vice-rres. ana uearagr 1 H. WrB. Glover. Traffic Mgr. 4 Vi McBBE, Gen. Supt. U 8. ALLEN. Gen. Ta -l.'r t General Office; - PnrL-wttlh, V. - -. are faithfully v portrayed in ! the criginal and exclusive cable tHspatches which TflE CHI- i CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading i capitals of the old world. - This magnificent '. i i special service is in process of being greatly- ..j extended to include, every , important city ; in the world; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso-i ' oiated Press. - ' , ' ' ' The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside JNew York city, - , now prints jo figinaland exclusive (PsWe dispatches r daily from ; ; - . : " ? tteadlnspitpfBupe 1 i ! ? M ;l I I 1 I; 1;- ::t. r t. . - '. . ! I i V . .. V.v f:i . V

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