THE ANGLO-SAXON ' BIB MS, , " at Ii:ic -merits inserted under this head r line for first insertion; 3c per ,,r -uh?equent insertions. .- j ;: -ackcral at A- w- Porter & Co.' . vtmr orders for job printing, Anglo-Saxon. al at A. I;':"- to ni.v ;- mark' -t ; Shoe If) daj-, ' new -' chikir.-:i prict. barjra'-- vmge try them fresh macker V. Porter & Co.'s. " ; .i e any raw hides bring them ess shop and get the highest -ict- for them. . J?, S. iavis, l harnees shop, Depot street, i.iin. N. C. ' Misses Sallie and Callie Web ster, of Mangum, are visiting Mrs. v . 1. uovington. 1S8 want-to buy shoes at greatly re rics for these dull mid-summer . to my store. I have a lot of 'r. m shoes for ladies, gents and ,s inch I am going to sell at some c ry day next week will be" a i.iv in shoes at Mrs S, P. San j, v ,:: want anything in leather, go to " .. t '- -1 II. t s. ) is Harness ouup. 11c na Han dle! ti "- i,r11 i:arness 10 tuowa gooa one, arid vou ill save money by dealing with birn. l.iV l,u a Lamp atcost 15 up Get one u turt tney are an gone. .0. JJiggs. : when yu want a good Pair o ,r nice Pearl Handle Pen Knife Bijjgs. His cutlery is all d to give satisfaction. ; 1 I niv 1 -al Library consisting of 300 1 . i-. ! r 1 1 01 . worK, .in L-.ul if (TO t'l ing 10? copy at S. Biggs. Try 'my Sewing Machine Oil once and TOU Will have no other. B. F Talmer. Toilet-So ip, Perfumery, Face nil 01 her Toilet articles, nicest Sir t Imci' i r iit niii, iiui ai lust, uu( uougm ..... .ill,.,, coma C T)!n. rl".ll ami .-ivi.iiij ooiut. j . jjgga. Save 1 1 to 15? per pound on chewing Toliaeco l.v buying trom S, liiggs. He 18 offering tins line at cost in order to re duce tin--tuck. Now is your time, move quick ii vou wain a uargaiu. I repair all kinds of Sewing Machines at reasonable cost. II U 8 a a I will repair it FREE. B. F. Palmer. A beautiful line of white and clored, organdie- at reduced prices. At Miss Blakev'. We i;et meat, meal, Flour, corn and hay in car lots and can make, merchants same figures as Richmond and Norfolk, les freight. 15aldwin & Co., commission merchants. V; i,ted To huv anv kind of real ts- tate (own lots, farming or timbered lan l Morrison Wbitlock, Real Estate A puis. Stationery at Cost. . A larie and extensive line of Tablets Box Pap r, Papertry, Paper in any old shape wanted at a cut price until present stock exhausted. Don't wait, come right alum; and buy while it last, sBargain day S. Biggs.- Mrs M. A. Hobbs is Cain at her home on Watson Heights, jv Mrs. ,1. A. AlcCaUley is -visiting friends in Montgomery County.; 1 tie train c'lODDed on a head at the depot Sunday ni!ih. Mivs p Tuesday S r r i 1 1 s . ttt'e McRae night from Mrs. J. H. Caudle and liive returned from Conn; v. returned Jackson children Anson Mis. tiiinrc better. Xora Thompson, of BaK is visiting Miss Mary Leds Miss. Bobbie Thomas arid M Mossie Long returned Monday irom a. visit to relatives and friendt m Anson.. . r "l , Pof. Petty will .return to Rockingham. to-morrow and begin work on bis school, which is to open 3rdfSeptember.-- . Mr. R. A. Johnson and Mater Robert I, went up to Cleveland Springs last week and returned Sunday night. ' Rev. "J. P. McMillan D. D. is expected to preach" in the Presbys terian church- Sunday morning, and' at Roberdel r Sunday after noon. i Mrs. Eva Tift, of Tifton, Ga., accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Shepard, and little sister, Miss Ten- Jiie, is -visiting at Mr. J. S. Led better's. ' - ' ! . . Mrs. Judge Henry R. Bryan and ber daughter, Miss Isabelle, are expected Friday evinicg to spendafew days with her cousin, Mrs. V. R. Coppedge. 1; Mr. W;L Parson's family' arid Mr. W. N, EverettV familyre turned from Ellerbe M onday. Mrs. Parson was threatened with an attack of fever, but it has been averted. - k , i ' Mr. Louis Wei 11 returned' Sat urday from an extended European trip, and has been delighting his friends with tales of the old coun try. He has two brothers and a sister living in Germany.- ; Prof. Scull, of Charlotte, came down Monday and has organized a class of. about fifteen who are taking lessons on sttinged instru ments. We are getting to be quite a musical people. Maj. John D. Shaw returned from Charlotte Friday night very sick, but we are glad to learn that he i improving. Messrs. John D. Shaw, Jr., and A. B. Shaw, of Scotland, were up to see ; him Monday. .. From the Atlanta Journal: Rev. O.'H .Haywood of Jackson, Tenn., is entertaining his cousins, Mrs. L. P. SheenV Mrs. T. Rl Thompson-, and Misses Stella Bertha1, and Daisy Baldwin, at f Sweetwater Springs, Ga. : " Rev.F. M. Shamburger returned from Pekin and filled his appoint ments in the M. E. church Sunday He will dedicate a new church at Sardisnext Sunday, and Rev.iW.J Fulford will occupy his pulpit here. " We had a oretty good shower Tuesday 'afternoon, . It came too late to. do" cotton nd corn puch good, but will nelp the pea'crop. During the electrical storm. light nix. g struck and splintered two teU ephone poles in front of Mr. J. H. Walshs residence. ; Rev. L. Johnson,( formerly pas tor of Rockingham Baptist Church has been conducting a series ot meetings in Wolf Pit, at Pleasant Grove, .which began. Sunday and closed last night . We learn tlfat it was a very profitable meeting and that a number; otnew mem- A Nerro Sht At Hamlet.' . Sheriff Wright received a card from Hamlet . yesterday "morning telling him to look out for "Petty Ingram," a one armed negro, who shot another negro whose name was not given, in Hamlet Tuesday night, and made his escape. The wounded negro is thought to be very dangerously wounded. - . m , v ' Hesry Blount. . The apostle of sunshine, will give one of hi famously laughable lectures in the court house in Rockingham next Wednesday night. He needs no introduction or endorsement in North Carolina. He has delighted audiences in al most every lownju the State, and doubtless many our peop?e'remem berhis 'Beyond the Alps" lecture here about three years ago.' "Well, he'a coming again next Wednes day night, August 29th, and of course you're going and take "ypur best girl. His lecture is for the benefit of the repair fund of the Baptist church. Admission- chil dren, 15 cents ; general admission 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents. : : HAL EE ITEMS. Mt. Walter Scales from -Jackson Springs e v e 1 1 i 1 1 . " ' returned Tuesday Mrs. W. T. Covington returned Monday from , a visit to- upper R tchnioiiil. Miss M ary Belle Cole of China tirove is visiting her sister, Mrs. "!iu:n Holt. Maj. Stilly attended the unveil- lns: ceremonies of the Vance statue K t i rh yesterday. -Mis Lilly Peacock, who has visiting at Mrs. J. S. Led- ci s. vls returned home. Mr. Ed Biuton is very low with typhoid fever. Dr. Garrett is very busy now, he has quite a number of cases t attend. . Miss Dicy Covington s visiting relatives uear Pekin, this week. Misses Minnie and Lena Town sendreturned to Rowland Friday. Mr. J. C. Key of Roberdel, spent- Sunday night with his brother, C-H! Key, who is quite sick. - - " Mr. Si A. Williams, who has been quite sick, is able to be out again. Mr. T. W. Week is on the sick list this week. The school in this neighborhood opened Monday morning with Miss Jan ie Clark as teacher. Misses Lfllie Smith and Flora Webb are spending this week in Wolf Pit. Rev. L S. Etheridge being call ed home by sickness, closed his meeting at Bethel Tuesday morn ing. Green Leaf. , Roberdel Dots. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Reynolds, of Hope MUls, N. C, are visiting their parents here this week. Mrs. Calle Childress left last week for Charlotte, Misses Ada and Ma mie left Thursday night. They will make Charlotte their future home. Misb Hattie Smith left Thursday for Charlotte. Mrs. K. Sanford is visiting her daughter in Randolph county. Mr. Sanford is teaching a'night school at his residence. He has several taking lessons at night. Rev. W. R. Coppedge preached an excellant sermon to the Junior Order last Sunday evening the Order marching in a body from ' 1 11 1 l U i(M T) i tneir nan 10 iuc uiiurwu. j. x- MARRIED At -the house of Mr. Chas. Hicks, in Roberdel, last Fridav morniner. Mr. Ab Crouch J w CONGRESSIONAL , CONVENTION. bers were received into the church. I to Miss Alice Gordon, both of Rnherrlel- Rev. W. F. BvrQ 111 been t Den, M Willie Land is visiting friends i Baltimore and com "'' '4 business with pleasure. Vv 1 Hasty, who had been s 1 r some time at the residence Mr. Will Nicholson, in boarding a running train, at Hamlet, Mon day morning, got his foot caught under a wheel, crushing three of his toes. He heldonto the railing, pulled his foot out, and went to Cheraw, bnt returned to Rock-, ingham by the next train. He is doing well, but will have to j keep his bed for seme time. f j- We have assurances that the recital by Miss Georgia McMillan to be given in the court house, Saturday night, August 25th, will be a rare treat. She has the strongest testimonials wherever she has oeeu, and we have no doubt she will be gi ven a j good audience Saturday night. Admis- ic cents'f or children; adults, sion, 15 ot tfl McGLrt, died Monday Mr- T. M. Smith and her 'ter Miss Nellie are expected Jackson it- Springs daii'.r 1 nie from week. - Benson Ledbetter and I)r J. M. Ledbetter .left vester tla' morning lor Cleveland Sprigs,. Mr. Edward Gibson, deputy Agister of deeds, spent several ayf at Gibson, and has returned to his post. . officiating. 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents. Hamlet is to have a large electric light plant. We learn that the Compress Company has a contract with the Seaboard "to furnish 40 large arc lights and 700 incandes cent lights for their yard at Hamlet. The small lights wilf be used mostly on the switches. j-Their hew freight yard there has a cap- wjacity of 2,500 cars, and will, be one of the prettiest yuards j to De found anywhere. ' Paint the town redrilack -or any old shade you wish, but be sure to buy . the "Hatnmar Paint" from S. Biggs. He sells it to cons timers for $1.35 per mixed gallon, Do it now, dream no longer A Card, Henrietta. N. C. Xug. iSth. Editor Anglo-Saxon, Sir Pltase allow me space in the columns of your valuable paper to express my ctnrK thanks to the kind friends 0awww- who met me with the precious re mains of our dear little Robert Guy at the depot of your town and con veyed all that remained to us of our dear boy to his last resting place for interment. These kind frieuds hv this act endeared them v w. J " . - - Knives to me more than words can adequately express and they will ever occupy a warm place in my heart. To them I am profoundly grateful. W. R. Culberson. Gentlemen and Boys : St pat S. Biggs tn ret rour cullerr. The Boker Tree brand Razers nd Knivts Glass guar anteed. The Pixy Raxer for Boy are lit He beauties. Prevented. A Trdr. Timet v iiiforrl&ticn Given MlS. George Long of Kew StraiUvilIe Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful cough-had hmg kept her awake every nighU She had tried manv remedies and doctors but steadily grew wore until uiged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One tottle whoily cured her, aud she write, this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a seveie aitack ;Ol Pneumonia. Such curta are posnite proof of its power lo cure all chest and lung troubl. Only 50c and 100 Guaranteed. Trial bottles free it S. Bisgs Diug Stoic 3lUi. y Renominated aid Dawd Noala ated for Elector. Both Yj Acclamation. Probably the last Congressional Conve ntion that will ever 'be held in this district -was held in Wilm ington Saturday. : T wo jnears from now the ; different candidates for this distinction- will come directly before the people and the success ful candidate will receive his nomination by a majority vote, at their hands. . Tht gives every man a fair show and no chance for grumbling,- . The convention has had its day in court. It has serv ed well enough the conditions sur rounding it. It must give away to the new order of things.' The primary, which brings every matter right home to the people, is a part of the new : liberty and indepen dence promised the 'people under the amendment and the promise will be faithfully kept. , And yet we regret to see the old convention pass' away, as it must. It was . always a "pleasant gathering of the men of the dis trict who had sufficient interest in public affairs to attend, oftjgn at a sacrifice. We could always be pleased when' Jt went our way, and it furnished a convenient subject of criticism when it didn't. But as before remarked, the last one was held in Wilmington Sat urday. The attendance was not very large, but surprisingly large considering that there was no con test over the nomination for Con gressman or Presidential Elector, Mr. Bellamy was given a second nomination for ' Congress by ac clamation. This was an hpnorto which his diligent and effective canvas two years ago, and his faith ful services since election, clearly entitled him. He made such a fight two years -ago as has seldom been made in any district, and has had to work almost as hard since to prevent his being robbed of the great victory won. His brief speech of acceptance of the lionor was well worthy a mem ber of that distinguished body. It was as clear as a bell in it, arraign ment of McKinley's policy of im peralism.. 4tTbe whole drift, at the national capital is toward em pire," he declared. 4It is scarce ly concealed"by many prominent Republicans. Some of them will frankly confess to you that they want a strong government one that is capable of prote6ting the wealth of the, country, fhey frankly confess to you a fear that the old rt-public of our fatbars can IIUI UU IIJIS. ; Three things are necessary to the conversion of our republic into an empire. The hour, the man an-sl the force. We have the force, the man is here, but, thank God, the hour has not arrived." Mr. Bellamy will plead for the old republic:in every county in the district. Mr. WVC. Dowd, of Charlotte, was nommated by Reclamation for Presidential Elector This honor was well bestowed. Mr. Dowd, in addition to being an effective campaigner is a true Democrat a platform Democrat. He has been a member of the two conventions which have nominated Mr. Bryan; he is an enthusiastic Bryan man, and can appeal to the people in ail sincerity to support him.. " Mr- Dowd made a splendid speech of acceptance, and - after touching oil the other important issues of campaign declared that the negro was bound to be an. issue against a President who. would in sult the people of a great city like Wilmington by appointing a negro collector ot customs for their city the chief port of entry in the State. The following platform wasj adopted by the convention with out a dissenting voice: We congratulate the Democracy I ot North Carolina on its recent splendid victory in ratifying the constitutional amendment and in electing its entire state ticket by a majority far j exceeding any in the putt. We extend o-r j thanks to those patriotic Populists and'. White Re publicans who aided us in winning the great victory. ; - We believe: that the politica independence of the white man in North Carolina can be realized by the submission of all political differences to a white primary system, and we urge the Demo cratic executive committee of the State and the members of the next General Assembly to have the plank in the State platform de clartng tot a i Jegauxea primary L; South which are aiming at elimi-' 6 di.UDRuUhed C6.greHma Hon. Sg JWlWUlilH UUMlll ilUttUUU 1 W K iohn D. Uiiatnv.acd we condenen "r-2 . - . P.' the contest of his opponent for hisRS sJ O seat in the House of Representa- : lh . .. . . j ! i n n law and morals. - - ihrf The term of this school Will Is- We approve the national Dem ocratic platform recently - adopted at Kansas City and congratulate the Democracy of the district that our standard-bearers are those tried and matchless leadets Hon. William Jennings Pryanfor President and Ifi'r? Hon. JwAdlai E. Stevenson" for COLLEGES, vice rresiaent." jur. ucu. aiuunuu uiauc one of the best speeches of the conven tion in seconding the nomination of Mr. Bellamy, v The delegates attended -fromtfffl Rockingham were": 'i Messrs. Geo. Iri'n Warburton, J. W. LeGrand, P. C;'2S school room. Whitlock and A.J. Maxwell. Mr. iBS . Warburton was made chairman or the delegation. Mr. Whitlocjt was JfJ' made a member of the executive I committe. i Ip'rj . ... ... I t aiy uhuj mas teiriuiv bh;k wiiii the diarrhoe'Vsays J. H, Doak, of Williams. Oregon. aWe w ere unable to cure him with the doctor's assist ance, and as a last ( report we tried Ciiiamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dorrboea Remedy. "I am happy to! say it gate immediate relief a ndas complete cure. " For sale by S. Bigg drocery. Business for Sale. I wish to sell at once my grocery busi ness and rent the grocery side cf my store. The goods which I want to sell are 'all sta pie groceries molases, flour, coffee, canned goods, also tinware, etc. Will close the lot out at a bargain and will either rent the grocery store to the pur chaser, or will sell them to be moved to another stand. This is one of the most desirable locations for any kind of busi ness in Rockingham. Speak quick if you want to buy this stock by itself or with the store, for I intend to dispose of it in a short time A fine opportunity to get into a good paying business. - Mrs. S. P. Sanford. It Helped. "Win Battle. Twenty nine-officers and men wrote Irom the front to say that for Scatches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sor Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Erup tions and Piles. 25cts a box.. Cure guaranteed. Sold by S. Biggs druggist. - - vThrouch the months of June and July tiur baby was teething and took arunning off of the bowels and sicknefn of theetontflch," fays O P M . Hoi Ii d ay,wf Demin jr, Ind. "His bowles would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Cbamberlan'a Colic, Cholera t and and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gifve him four drops in a teaspoon full of wa ter and he got beHer at once" Sold by S' Biggs. rf : BEGIN SliPTBMBER 3rd, and conlinae NINE MONTHS.1 SB fir! fit! Three teachers, ALT. HOLDING DIPLOMAS FROM n 3 . Prepares students for COLLEGE, HUSI-ffij a NESS OR LIFE. iM4 an The principal has had SIX YEARS experience in the Qfj Tuition reasonable.' For further particulars address. , uG ariajrxrrjrcarartf air or oTcaxoj: iCttU zu sit at an MsumMer sale !l f We have some Bargains to offer otir customers which will re .mind them of low-prictd times of past seasons. They are - not worthless odds and ends, but some fine selections in Summef goods w hich we have left and which wo wish to close out to make room for our fall orders which have ! al ready begun to arrive. We have out-classed all competi tion in prices on these goods during the entire season, but cut goes still deeper now and prices named below are in some instances less than the goods can be bought for now at wholesale. Look oyer this list and see if there isn't something you want: . enacted into a 'aw, We denounce the plank in the national Republican platform con demning as revolutionary the con try It are relieved, ask roar arvgpn for a ft bottle of Wine of Cardot, and do not take a substitute if tendered yon. Mr. Willie Mltfhell. Sooth Rastnn, K. C.s "Wine of Cardai and Tbedford's Black. Orsajtbt bare perforaied a mtmcalons cmrm In OT rtae. 1 had been a creat anfferer with fall loir of the womb an! leaeorrbeaa. and nr toenaea cave erery week for two laontba a" d were very painful. Mr bna band Induced at to try Wine of Card ml and BHck-OransaU aai now the leoeor rbxea has dlaapoeared. and 1 am restored tj perfect health." f ... 7 VMt OF CARDUI V has rongbt permanent relief to a mil lion Sufferinc women who were on their waTtoDremarare rrarea. Mrs. Mitchell -was fast declining In health, when Wine 12 of Cardnl performed, a -wonderful en re" in her ease. She anffered with the ago nies of falling of the womb, leueorrhces and profuse menetraation. The weekly appearance of the menses for two months sapped her vitality until she was a phys ical wreck. Her nerroas system gave way. Then came the trial of Wine of Cardai and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell's experience ought to command Wine of Cardai to suffering women la words of tmrning eloquence. is wtthm the reach of all. Women who 1 'fV In rasee requiring rpertal T i"V N aynioma. -Tl Ladiea' At I Ti 3 Jr - M ri Hrfartmrm" The h fa-y-mM ChaMinootaa Medivine C'o y ChattaaooKa, Tenn. J 1. 1 r , . J .A ( .f . ' '' Shirtings at 4c , at 4 c. at 5c. Lawns All 5c. All 5c. All 6c. All 25c. Organdies at 20c NEARSILKS, usuaUy sold at 25c. Avhicli we nave ueen selling ut o -o, .iio.w ginn ing at 15 cents. .- All DUCKS and PIQUES at cost. OIL GENTLEMEN: We offer all STRAW HATS at cost. An elegant line of Summer Shirts at cost A. regular $1.25 shirt f or 75c. and others down in proportion. We have some nice goods in this, line, as frell as in all lines j)f gent's furnishings. We giveyou one and all an uigent invitattcu to call and see what we have m the lines mentioned as well as mine goods which we are opening, 1 How About Your G10GE1?IES? If you do not buy your Groceriea fioro us did too eter think of th idvantages we have to offer you? Tlre it no other stock of urocerim in Richmond county that ran compare witb ours in quantity ana qusiuj If you send ut an order for anything to eat y ou are rety apt to gel ti, ce the best quality and at the lott price. And what's more, we will lake pleasure in delivering your pui chares, free of chsrge. Our hsndfome de lirerv waeon boueht for this nurt oferuns every dsy. Does any one elae offer you all there advantages? We would appreciate it ii jou would think of these things fcnd give us your patronage. w . v a aurrtrvM C Je U. VaAiYlCKUl, Jeweler, IT miUCS, VIUSVS- AUU alb n J. j Repairing of Watches. Clocks anJ Jewelery proinptlj and -neatly done. Cat alsrajs te Xauod ia the Uat ilicket t Three Prices. The three grades ia The Herrick Shoe Cot women are distinguished fey three fair pricea-$3.50--$$t.50. The $joo and $3.50 shoes are of a little better quality than the $a. jo shoe a tittle more select in the uppers, a little better beet, little better quality of leather, but the workmanship In all three grade U rlihU right itrmigH tkrgk. ' The Ilerrkk Inner sole will appeal stron ly to all women and especially to the woman with tender feet the cushion" effect nukes walking very eaay. , Three grades and -each, one is guaran teed Sj.o$ voe 4VI1UW 'TV The Herrick Oxfords, ia cents per pair less taaa abort prices. t . 1 rnviwr.TnM rnMDANV I Lm VV V lilV 1 XJiy 4liU Willi ni'i . i ft

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