r If'ttl 1 ' 1. Xr ft" 'rr-x f HE ANGLO-SAXON. Established ib$i ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY At Rockingham, f . C, b; fiS3l0-SAX0K PflBLIW C0IPX3T. ' (Incorporated.) . A.J.MAXWEU Editor kid Business Manager. - Owe 8 and io S. Spring St., oppp he Hotel Richmond. $1.00 Per Year, la Advance to Everybody. Advertising Rates hoe'ral and fur nished on application. j ; Sntered at Postofllce at Rockingham, N C.. as mail matter of second cUus. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 190 LOOK AT THE LABEL. tentiary problem. It cost the State a hundred and ten. thous and dollars to get this institution out of the hole which: the fus ionists lett it in, though we have not heard that its management ever shed much lustre on the Democratic party. It. Is a dis grace to any party t . make it a burden on the u to Treasury, The labor of one ;iiebodied man is sufficient to produce the n ac cessaries of life for a half dozen and if the penitentiary farmed o raise cotton instead of jobs in the shade, it would turn money in the State treasury every year, especially when cotton brings eight and ten cents. On rour racer and tou can aee ex ctly how you stand wim us, and if It is imonvenient for you to call and settle snd the amount due Ly mail, and see that Toukeeo the date on your lable always ahead. Yours Truly, The Axolo-Naxon Co. Along with the dog tax, the labor law and , other bi-ennials which come regularly - before the Legislature, the proposition i9 again to the front to increase the number of judges. We don't believe the proposition will appeal favorably to a Leg islaturo which has a due regard for economy when the number we now have are. actively em ployed lt:ss than ten months in thei vear. and when there is a decrease, as the records show. in me nuinuer ul cnuiiua prosecutions and convictions in the state. It does appear to one of the uninitiated, however, that there is genuine menc in the proposition to enlarge the jurisdiction of - local inferior courts and give them final ju risdiction over the- more trivial 1 indictments, suck as carrying a weapon, petty larceny, etc., o that the attention of the Super ior Courts may be directed to the more serious criminal vio lations, and balancing the scales ot justice in civil matters. Another problem that have with us always is the Pen very tnnch larger proportion of the cases among them prove fatal than among whites. This is due he thinks mainly to the want 01 proper nursing and nutnirent. The general reader has a com: mendable aversion to anything "with figures in it," but statis tics are sometimes very impor tant We find the statement in the Wilmington Messenger, which is probably based on the recent report of the State Sil- perintendent, that there has been an increase in the white school population in this State of 51,280, while there has been a decrease for the blacks of 3,619, The colored race is real ly retrograding in som'e very important particulars, ,and not ably in their physical standing. The progress of consumption among them, which was un knowr "befo' de war," is start ling. From statistics we have seen but have not now at hand this disease threatens the de struction of the race. We are reminded of this by the follow ing from the Clarkton Express: 'In conversing with Dr. Clark a few days ago he gave us the in formation that within u period pf about two years at least a Jdozen negroes had died with consump tion within the circle of his prac tice. While on the other hand he knew of but one white man that was afflicted with the, disease. This is a remarkable statement taken in connection with the fact that while the negro race lived in a servile condition consumption was almost wfl4 unknown among them. Speaking 01 tne lypnoia iever, wnicn is very prevalent among them, he says a A very Email error in a news paper sometimes points a tale. For instance a newspaper gets caught with some fake ad vertisement. If the adv. had been genuine, the paper would never have known that there was a single response to it, but if it turn out to be , a cheat he will get dozens of complaints from readers who were hum bugged. What we started to refur to, however, was a slight slip of the pencil last week in writing "President Winston, of Normal and Industrial College,' when intending to write "Pres ident Mclver," and, to continue the story, onr attention was called to the mistake by quite a number of peoplo, which points the further tale that the names of our college presidents are about as familiar to the people generally as any class of our citizens, and that any im proper association of their names is as readily detected as would be the . names of any of our State officers with the ex ception of the liovernor, if. we have a live one. There are indications that the old time rivalry between Cleveland and Hill for the leadership of the Democratic party may be revived. A semi-oflicial announcement of Hill's candidacy for the Presiden tial nomination four years hence is followed closely by a pronuncia mento from the Old Sheriff the first since his retirement four years ago. Mr. Cleveland writes with his old time vigor and evidently takes much vindication for him&elf in the defeats of the party since hia retirement. He, of course, argues for a return to "first prin ciples." He has also given approval to the views of ex-President Har rison, recently expressed, in oppo" sition to the Administration's pol icy of dealing with our new pos sessions and says the Constitution must follow the flag. GRADED SCHOOL And ELICTRIC LIGHTS Are tlf Next Steps la RocUnxfasm's March fjoxress--Thc$ are sow PracUcalJ 7 Assure. jr ' . The Anglo Saxon has not made any announcement with more pleas ure than it takes in being - able to state now, with entire confidence in the correctness of the statement, bat Rockingham is to have in a reasonably short time a first class graded free school and a system of electric lights. These are the two things needful to give us a com munity in all respects equal to any in the State. , Under conditions which have obtained in the past it is little, if any, discredit to the town that these improvements have not before been made. With, our school system in the hands of as hungry set of Republicans as ever despoiled a public treasury (as the records show) our property owners would have been simple indeed to have voted greater burdens upon themselves simply to furnish grist for the mill hereinbefore mentioned. They would have been equally sim nleto have ioined in with anv move ment which may have had as mucf. of antagonism to property interest as of love for the children. But the time is now ripe. Our school affairs are most excellently managed. The educational en thusiasm of the time demands en larged facilities, and we have for Senator a youpg man who is not only fully abreast with the times, but who ' takes a pride in doing whatever he turns his hands to do. He has gone about this matter in the proper spirit, and, as was to hive been expected, has received; the co-operation of a large number of our people upon whom the bur den of these improvements will bear heaviest. Under the plan which he has formulated we can be provided with ample school build ings, a free graded school of nine or ten months terms, and a system of electric lights for the town at an increase in the town tax rate of 30 cents on the $100. worth of property and ninety cents on poll. Our tax rate would thea be less than that of any other town of equal size in the State and less than one third the tax rate of several North Carolina cities. Mr. Morrison has committed himself to the advocacy of a" meas ure before the Legislature submit tog to the qualified voters 0 the town the privilege of1 adopting these tuuchneeded improvements. We think these will readily be adopted as more desirable at pres ent than a water works system. We confidently believe that the adoption of these improvements would mark an advancement iu the growth of the town unequaled;' by any period ia its history. V may add to this that there has been a decrease in the county tax levy in the two years of Demo crat h government, by reason of economicil management, of half the increase that will be required for the graded school. Important Noto to" Da fcant Tax - .' Payers, ;' : ' i. . . vv.J- ' What is your reason for not pay ing your , taxes ? -I have been in your neighborhood several times and you did not meet mc" Now you will find me in my office until the first day of January, 1901. to receive taxes. Come and pay and save costs, and trouble, , I must settle up the business between Richmond and Scotland counties. Tho?e who have not. paid their property-tax for the year' 1S99 must come and pay or their prop erty will be sold. - 1 ours, T. S. Wright, Sheriff. CQcBUp 000 zstotioie. -The regaUr annuil mietinj of th stockholders of the Dank of Pee Dee wi 1 be held in the office of the Bank at Rock ingham, N. O., on Tuesday, the oth day of January, iooiratro o'elock a. m. W. L. Parsons, Cashier. Dec. 8th, 1900. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that application be made to the next General Asseme llv of North Carolina to amend the charter of the town of Rockingham. W. N. EVERETT. Mayor 1TOTIOE Is hereby given that application will be made to the next Ccneral Assembly for a charter for a graded school for the j town of Rockingham, and to submit to the qualified voters' of said town the question of issuing bonds forTsuitable buildings and maintenance of said school Also to submit to the voter of said town the question of issuing bonds for an electrfc light plant far said town. CITIZEN. Supsrintiadeat far Coiatj hi. WANTED. Marltflflire Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. Notice is hereby given that the Board of County mmissijur? desir; to cure the service of a competent man to Superintend the County Home for the .fear of 1901. To this end bids for same will be received with its meeting January 7th, 1901. The contract will be for services only, as board and lodging will be furnished free. The Ioard reservee the right to reject any or all bids. . ALSO. At same time it is proposed to contrac. with a responsible party for keeping iu repair the county fences. Bids will be re ceived for keeping up the entire line, as one contract. Seat all bids and deposit with Clerk to Board. W. C. Leak, Chairman Board w. S. Thomas. Clerk. COD LIVER OIL MHmJWHaSWffTESofimEtSOSA HtWi This. Weoffer One Hundred Doll t-. or anv Case 6t Catarrh that cured hrWall Catarrh Cure. " F. J. CtfENEY A Co . Prom, i , . MW. toe ntidersigned, have krjon y j bun perfect lyhonorable in ail hn transactions, and financjily ahU t0 Crr ont'anv obligation made by their f,u. " wesitS 1 ruax, holesale Lrcsritj Hall's Catarrh Care is taken ir.u.i . acting directly on the blood n n,i ' , ' serfacesof the system, Price.T'c t - it we ooia uy mil uruggjsis. l gt;: free. HaU'aFamilv; Tills are the l?t. COMHISSIONES'S SAL3 ' Under nj by virtue of a jn.' ot the Superior Coort- of Richnii'r.d r, ty, December Term, 1595. in una, theiein pending, wherein hx 'icw(ri. mer," Jr.,F.C, Quinn, David Dr fi;f ijohn C, flamner, Partners trading 0 genheimer a Co., and Z F. r: "t plaintiffs and Thomas Townsml an 1 h wife Patny Townsend are de-fen.in.tv I will at 12 O clock or M0nb.1v, ih i't, day of Jsnmry, 1901, at the Court l ; Door of said Conntyof Richracn.l, f; m to tale to the bighfet bidder for rj!; i e following described lands lyinj? anil ! . ;n . in the countv and State a(b're.ai , n.J m Black Jack Township, adjoining th v, of H, C. Dockery and others, and m particularly described as follows, wit Beginning at two gum pointers on jamin w. Covington's line, and runs , uih 23 east 126 pol8 to a post oak, a c rner of Bet jam in w. Covington's 100 acrf ;ir vey, then South 48 E. 73 j..,u.s with C ovington's s 1: r'. vey to a:postoa, Dockery's botlom tnrt, thence north SO east a sufficient ditan - ul make 75 acres, then north. 23 weU to the dividing line running from the walnut tr south 74 west to two gum pointers. I ..n a corner of the 75 acre tract, thence M uth 74 west to the beginning. This Dumber 13th. 1900 Cameron Morri- iM, Commif!..:i-r i will generally correct this I difficulty. . f - If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful 1 in baby's bottle three or four I times a day you will soon see I a marKed improvement, ror larger children, from half to la teaspoonful, according to I age, dissolved in their milk, , j if you so desire, will very f soon show its great nourish- ? ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the 1 b'abv. she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect f at once both upon mother and child. 50c and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. II 11 II MS II II II ll I.'thep I o,h Executor's Notice. The undersigned having qualitie.l ;i jexecutorof the last will and testamftif f the probate coart of Richmond coum v ' lierebv notify all person holding r , ,! ! against the estate of this testator to i r. - f ent the tame to them for payment, duly oumeniicaiea, on or betore the J5tli of December, 1901, or th is notice w i pleaded in bar of their recovery, All prsons indebted to said etat- will make payment to the undersigned. December 3rd, 1900. W. M. COVINGTON W. T. COVINGTON, ' Executors of all? n Il.tviu tn, 1 be Administrator's Notice. The undersignek havint? hefu o'i:!y qualified a administrator o? th ftat of Caroline Covineton. deceapd. Uf. t. iU hereby notifies all persons holding vlo.n.n against the estate of his intestate i i r fentthem to him, dulv autherific;i!- l! f..r payment on or luefore the 15th Dea-n.! r. 1901, or this notice will be pleaded oi tneir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate w make payment to the undersigned. December 3rd, 1900. W. M.COVINOTO.V Adm r of Caroline Covington, ill ! :tr li 1. Watewrks aiid Electric Lnsrlhits a X ralOE, ROGKINGHAM is what ve need to make our town a modern little city, and these two features are what we must have to satisfy those d Bp who are mteresteu in tne convenience ana comiort ana weiia e oi our ciuze citizens and general eommunitv, and we seeno reason whv avo mav not have these two blessings along with others which we are now en joying. i 9 gyu were crazy, delirious, out of your head or your brain affected, YEARS AGO If you had told some of our old citizens that we were going to have a HOUSE FURNISHIKG STORE here that won! 1 keep everything that oes in a house and would sell goods to everybody in the county, and ship goods all over the State and part of two others tLcy would have told you o a o 6 0 Q P Q Q Q A15"T THITT i II A II A A t pinn u JLL I q q r j c tz c i That we have this o n TTT ui uuur space. wee ammoth lai store, which is now that we have one of the utiliziu g almost a quarter of an acre 1 argest, best assorted and fanciest lines of Furniture and House! urnish ing Goods, and give V better prices and easier terms than anv house in the State. C most complete our customers MBTMA8 at ova B oors And everybody wanls something new to go in the house to make everything look more .complete and be more comfortable v, ,,v v... .tMMv vuv.r iuiiuw, oioioi, lvirtnc mi iiieuuo ouiiju tiii iiiiju tio-' h luiiuii oi svveec rememDrance. JN ot to w""tw v vvr, v v vv vavcv" luuniug tin urci tvuu iu-niiu auiiieLuiii auiiuuiu iur tuu uccasiou, Just simply nx vourses West's Furniture Store where vnn will fin 1 nnvfhJ " -J vu lUU LU & A UOVj 'f UUIOUll Mil UOiV I I II IK III W Mllllllir II ! Tl Mm r Wi n I t" . WIUVU1 -MUHuouuic. OtUUK OI and with all get these little and go to J. T. goods, espe- TO cially our C hristmas goods, and if you are not wanting to buy it cost you nothiug to inspect our stock. 3M&&3&E&:dL "Gja&2St SSSIP'-llffinrnhrift in makfi: nrw.t in cult nnr nnotnmn j ..u v.rj-i.rr.i, : ' C, yuuui uuoiuiiioio aim nut ou Hiuuj! Yours for business and more of if, . 7TB for ourselves. PHONE 71. QU a JJ Jj-zlk) 11 at

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