Jffiftvll 1Q W JKISWIl tfl.TYfT Pld aerie.. Vol. XVII. Wo. 2. ROCKINGHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 19J2. imriRms iioo.tf urate. m 4 " "'Hi, I wtleriea. Vol done. Vol III. No. 38. TO UTILIZE COTTON WASTE. Area: fe Mill To Have a Plant for Its Consumption. C :mbla, S. O. March 8. Preal isi R. T. Fewell. of the Arcade cot tor!!!. At Rock Hill, has completed a for the consumption of "mill TH'S'S As the name Implies, It will It put Into marketable shape, that airh Is lost from the ordinary cot tea milt The output of this mill con list of "felt" and commercial "bats." Tfce plant Is located near the Arcade, cf wtlch Mr. Fewell la the Individual CWBtr. ; J' ' . The D. E, Converse company, of Spartanburg, has decided to build an other $3"0K0 cotton mill at Glendale out of surplus funds on hand. SHOOTING IN A SCHOOL OOM. One Student Wounds Another One at Edgefield, S. C Colatnbia. SI C, March 8. Informs tloa was received here last night of a situational shooting In Edgefield. It u sported that George Whatley, cf DircSeM. a stuJrnt at the Edge lt lu county institute of that town, shot Crawford Clinkscales. a fellow student. Tfi- schoolroom was crowded, and for a time intense excitement prevailed. It being supposed that Clinkscales was . deal. He, however. Is not mortally hurt Details as to the cause of the shooting are lacking. BRIDE DESERTED GROOM. Cards Issued for Marriage. She Elopes With Another Maruf Leaksrille. N. C Marcn 10. This place ess a sensation In the marriage of Miss Latya M arable and Mr. Haze l!p. who elojed here from Roanoke, Vs.. and were married. Cards were out and trousseau pre pared for the marriage of Miss M ara ble to another man this week Charlotte Man Sued for $125,000. Charlotte, N. C March 1 8. The brothers and sisters of Fred Oliver, of Charlotte, have brought sultj cgalnst h.'a for an amount aggregating $125, In connection with the aale of the Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer works to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical com pany. The plaintiffs claim that Oliver sold their stock in the Charlotte works for core, than he paid them for same, and the suits are instituted to recover the alleged difference. Oli ver, denies the auctions. f Will Not Make Loss Good. Durham. N. March 8. Southern Railway. Ticket Agent Samuel Lee, at this place, claims that last Sunday he wij attacked, sandbagged, his office Ify taken and the safe opened and 11) of the company's money taken. The company makes demand for $140 of him. basing the claim upon 'the fact that he ought to have put the funds in another safe. Le denies responsibility and aars he will not make good what the robbers secured. Wilcox Trial Comes Up Soon. Elizabeth City. J. C March 1L The case of James Wilcox, 'charged with the murder of Nellie Cropsey, Is to be tried there this week. The grand Jury haa been drawn and will begin examining witnesses today. If a true bill Is found. Wilcox arraigned for trial Thursday. will be Sawed Through Bars to Jailer. .. i . uaiciga. March : 10. Ben j Age, a rriffr.er in South port Jail, with re markable rerseverance devoted eight days and niphts to cutting with a pock et knife a five-eighths Inch steel bar. He removed it and crawledj through the opening. The Jailer found him Just after he crawled out. Their Tracks Betrayed Them. Itotherfordton. N. O. March,' S. WU l!am Carswell and Jefferson Ferguson are In Jail here charged with: burning tae postoffice and the atore of E. T. Klrky at Thermal City after) having robbed them. The footprints betrayed them and they were run down' after a loi-g chase. North Carolina State ""air. Kalelgh. March 10. The next state fair here will begin 6cL 27. which fol lom the fair at Hagerstowni Prepa rations are in progress to make It rrter tbin ever. It has for several years ben at once the largest and aost succi-ssful of all the fairs south Maryland. I Editor Perry for Legislature. Canton. Ga,, March 10. Ben F. Per JT. editor of the Cherokee Advance, f r.i:iy decided to yield to the so-luaatie-is of his friends and make the ratVfor the legislature from Cherokee wr.ty. iiu friends feel assured there "U1 be no Question about his election. Score of Bridges Swept Away. Raleigh. N. c. March 10.' Only a third of the bridges In Buncombe ounty are left standing by last week's invat Cood. Scores are swept away In other counties. There is kreat dam age to mills, bottom lands land roads fcy the raging floods. Loganville Mill Sold. Loganville, Ga March 1L-4-R la stat, d on good authority that the Southern Cotton Oil company, of Atlanta, has bought out the stockholders jthat conv Irtse the Loganville Mill company. The amount paid for samei la about JX.COO. Smallpox In Many Counties. Raleigh. N. O, March lO.-j-The state board of health reports smallpox la 24 counties. In one county 150 caaaa aa two deaths ara rrt94 MOTHER. AND NINE CHILDREN CREMATED Holocaust la Family Homo at Ilatane, Quebec. - - FATHER ONLY ONE TO .ESCAPE Flames Started In Kitchen Stove at an Early Hour" of" Mornings-Warning Came Too Lats for Doomsd Victims to. Escape from Burning Building, Matane.. Quebec, March 16 Fire, which originated in the kitchen of the j residence of Arthur Bouchard yester- J day, caused the death of Mrs. Bouchard and nine children., The' fire was dls j covered by a servant, who immediate ly gave the alarm. ..Mr. Bouchard Jumped from an upper window and , was about to be followed by his wife, but she failed In her attempt and per i lshed. together with her nine children, six boys and three girls, the eldest be ing a boy of 14 years and the others being: .. - J r " : , Girl, aged .11 years. " Four boys, aged It. t.4 aai T years. Two girls, C and 4. . J .. . Boy, aged 3. ! 1 Bouchard "arose about S Vclock and lighted a Are In the kitchen. and then retired again.' ' k ; ' J- - "NO SABBATH, IN SO .YEARS." Ntw York Minister Makes 8ome Sen sational . Statements.1 - New York. March 10. In discussing "America's Religioug Crisis." Rev. Dr. George C. LorlmeV, pastor of the Madi son Avenue Baptist church, said: , "Religions,-especially evangelical re ligion, is today of yeix.lowYalI.dIty. The attendance at church service la shamefully smalL We are attacked by secular writers.' They tell us that the ministry Is deteriorating, that the churches have lost their influence -to the schools, and that education alone ro n enrnnmii - all tha At!vit!a , flf t life. 'They say that the churches spend more for the superfluities of life than for the gospel, and point with scorn at the Ice cream suppers and other cheap ening methods of obtaining tnoney to support the gospeL They condemn, us for sending missionaries abroad when our people are spiritually starving at home. But however true these accu sations may be in part, they are over drawn. They must be taken with an allowance. Yet a thoughtful man will not Ignore them. He must admit that there is a crisis In American religious life. "As has been said, we live for money by day and pleasure by night I have no fear In saying that at the present rate at which we are living In 60 years we will have no Sabbath." MISS FORAKER'S WILD RIDE. Frightened Horse Ran For Milea With Senator'a Daughter. Indianapolis, March 8. Miss Ethel Foraker. daughter of United States Senator Foraker, of Ohio, had a thrill ing experience at French Lick Springs with an unmanageable horse. She and Miss Katherlne Maltland. of Michi gan, were horseback riding, when Miss Foraker's animal became frightened at a piece of paper and ran for over 3 miles. ' . ' , ' ; 4 Gerald Sewegemlth. of Chicago, who was with the ladles, and Miss Malt land followed as rapidly as possible. At a turn of the road Miss Foraker's horse vaulted the fence and continued across the open field and leaped a small brook. There he became mired In the soft earth and Miss Foraker succeeded in holding him In check till her friends arrived, never having left the saddle. Miss Maltland was thrown in the chase, but not seriously hurt. . . . BRAVE ENGINEER REWARDED. Three Times Did Man Face Death to ' Save Women. x Kokomo. Ind., March 10. The city council has voted a gold medal to Frank Wyatt, a Pan-Handle railway engineer, for bravery The local lodges of the orders of Odd Fellows and Red Men also voted medals and cash to him. although Wyatt la not . a jdem ber of either order. Wyatt left hia engine at three natu ral gas explosions last .week andL car- ried four women out of burning build- Ings. rushing through a mass of flames t,0 thom Thm vomon were Mrs. Ida Achey. Miss Ellxabeth : Phil-. ir, xr Xf.rv narHnrtnn and" Mn. Xf.i-r Snnrrpnn. ThA two former died of their Injuries, but the others taay - recover, wyatt was. nimseu Daaiy burned in pulling one of -the women from under' a fallen chimney,. ... . . Fast. Mall Train Wracked. Neola. Ia March 10. The Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific fast mall train No. 2, eastbound. was wrecked at the Milwaukee and St. Paul crossing, west of this place late last nighL Engineer Shulta and Fireman Gotta chalk, who went down an embankment with the engine, were Injured, but none of the passengers were hurt. The acodeat i was caused by a misunderstanding of I truli. Sponsor for Tannissea." '. Chattanooga. March 10. Miss Sarah Fraxler. of this city. " the' " beautiful daughter of Captain S. J. A. Fraxler. a well known confederate Teteran. baa received frsma Cameral John B. CkvCaa MAN WITH HORNS AND TUSKS. Greatest Natural Curiosity Ever Seen In Georgia. Waycross. Ga., , March 8. Dr. J. " R. Dedge, of this place, has just received from Central America one of the great est natural curiosities ever seen In these parts, and the presence of the freak in bur town has created wide sprad interest. . This freak is a man with two well developed horns, similar In appearance to the horns of a goat, growing out of the top of hJ head and turning slight ly back, with about the same angle and curve as goat's horns. He also has two prominent tusks protruding : from Ms trmnth' ATtcnillnc nTvhVlv 9. inches from his gums. They grow out In the place of eye teeth. - Thft m A n reaamhlas tha rtt AmaT. lean Indian in appearance very much. being probably a shade darker, in col or. His father is said to be an Ameri- can negro and his mother an Indian of the Black Hawktribe. He has long. Jet bUick hair, a piercing eye, , but seems rather stupid. He is 6 feet high, weighs ,190 pounds and Is said to be 23 years old. In every respect ! March. 7 betweeni Hnburg and Lich except the deformities mentioned he . tenburg, Orange jRftr colony. - The seems to be a perfect specimen. ; British force numpefeii 1,200 men. .The DEATH ENDS HONEYMOON. Georgia Man. Married but a Week, Sui cides In Baltimore. Thbmasville, Ga., March 8. The people of this city were greatly shock ed, yesterday afternoon to hear of the suicide of Rudolph Hastings Crovatt, which occurred in Baltimore. Mr. Crovatt married a Miss Stiles here two years ago, but the marriage proved unhappy and separation soon followed. Since that time Mr. Crovatt has trav eled. His wife is in Balnbridge. Re port has it that he marrledNagaln in Baltimore a few days ago, and when next heard from his suicide was re ported. ' 'V - Mr. Crovatt .was about 26 years old and of a good family. . For several years he worked with the Plant sys tem here. He Is a son of J. G. Crovatt, an engineer on the Plant system and one of its oldest employes. He Is a highly respected citizen of Thomas ville. Besides his father, Mr. Crovatt leaves a sister and brother. MEETS AT CUTHBERT IN APRIL, Presbytery of Macon Will Have a ; Large Attendance. . " r , Cuthbert. Ga., March 8. The spring session of the presbytery of Macon will convene with the Presbyterian church in Cuthbert Wednesday night, April 9. . 4 . The session promises to be largely attended, besides pleasant and profita ble. On Tuesday before the Women's Missionary societies of the presbytery will meet with the local society of thjs church in annual session. The several lady representatives expected will warrant a pleasant and profitable ses sion of this also. The congregation is looking forward with pleasant antlcl patlon of these meetings. Cuthbert, as usual, will extend a very cordial welcome to the visiting Presbyterians. R. L. Moye, of this city. Is moderator of. the presbytery. FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED. Sudden Death of a New York Men 'chant In Savannah'. Savannah. March 8. H. C. ' Cable, a merchant, . member of the firm of Cooley & Cable, 194 Duane street, New York, was found dead in his bed In a room at 112 Harris street, east, yes terday morning. .He had been spend ing the winter In Florida and came to Savannah to visit a friend. Mr. Cable was well and apparently happy and retired in tha best of spir its. When ' he did not respond to a summons to breakfast an Inquiry was made and he was found dead In bed. Mr. Cable was abou 58 years of age and was a man of wealth. Weekly Bank-Statement. New York, March U. The statement for the associated banks shows: Loans 1935,015.800,', decrease $3,089,100; de posits H.005.666,700,' decrease 311.821, 600; circulation f 31,336.600; Increase $127,900: legal tenders 370.845.600, de crease $1,608,800; specie $184,529,500, decrease $7,904,000; reserve $255,375, 100; decrease $8,972,900; reserve re quired $251,416,675. decrease ; $2,955, 400;' surplus $3,958,428, decrease $6,- 017.500.; 1 . . , . Rains Have Ruined Crops. Norwood, Ga., March 8. The recent rain and wind storms in Warren conn- ty did mucn damage in some sections. Bridges" were washed away and in one or two instances tenant wrecked, but noninjury houses were j was dons to i. persons, ice oai sua wui crxip in Warren is almost a total failure Many farmers have planted twice without any encouraging prospects, Spree Ends In Death. Atlanta. March . 8. J. C Waldon, who waa rolled to the police station In a wheelbarrow Thursday afternoon while in an aparently drunken condi tion, was found dead in his cell yes terday morning. The man had evident ly been dead for several ; hours, hav lnq quieUy passed away while"-the stillness of the night reigned through out the 2risonL - - . Oood Sport on. Etowah. Cartersyille, Ga., March 8. Local t sportsmen have had fine shooting in 1 the Etowah bottoms near here the last j f aw.days. ' Unprecedented numbers of . -wild ducks have'" appeared in the bot toms and gunners In great numbrj Aava xoo aular taem with anccesa. REDCOATS DEFEATED IN FIGHT llTH BOERS ' ' i jj ! Begnlar Wateoo For Brit- ish Under methuen. T ' GENERAL ' IS MvdE- PRISONER Casualty List Show That Three Brit- Ish Officers and 3SiMen Were Killed and That 200 M Are Missing. - . . - it Burghers' Captures Four Guns. i ' London, March!: M.General Meth- ; uen and four guns gave been captured Vl. Lina TV-1o voir ? a 1 tiw nortnrni TV1a rev 3 ! the thigh. Three! litish officers and 88 men were kiUedf Five British of flcersjtnd 72 men wfa. wounded. One British officer, and S0 men are miss ing:.':;, ;jf j ; : The fight in WhlcfijjGeneral Methuen was captured occulted before dawn Boers captured allsjthe. British bag gage, uenerar Metcsen is retainea as a prisoner. - - ' If 2 BOER MAGAZjjjE FOUND. British Soldiers Disver Munitions of War lnjpave."': ';":' London, March j8jf-Lord Kitchener, In a dispatch from Pretoria, dated to day, reports the 'dijjjlovery of a' Boer magazine in a cayeortheastward of Riets, Orange river Iony, containing 310.Q00 rounds of ;, fple ammunition, hundreds of shells. 2o pounds of pow der, a Maxim gun, ielIos, -field tele graphs and quantities, of stores. Thirty-five Boers Jave been captur ed in the same neighborhood since j March 4. The magazine wags discovered by Canadian scouts cotSynanded by Colo nel Ross. " - s Compulsory Military Service. V Pieterrcaritzburg, pTatal, March 8. The Natal legislative has adopted a resolution in favor o' compulsory mili tary service. p . . -trr NOMINATIONS . BY PRESIDENT. it t- Luia M. Farmer Gif fen the Postoffice, at a Thomson. .Ga. , Washington, Marlj 7. The presi dent has sent the Mlowirig nomina tions to the senate: : ' Navy: ', L ill ' "- ". ' Commanders William A. Marshall and Lucien Young,: g!f Captain Henry B? Mansfield. ' Postmasters: .. ;l Georgia Lula M; farmer, Thomson, Alabama S. E. Yk, Athens; John A. Bingham, Talladega; Robert Cloud, Tuscumbia. ' .Ij-H ... Louisiana B. MsjjiYoung,: Morgan City ; . Elwyn J. Barjlow, St. Francis vllle. . - , "t if 1 : - Mississippi Salliel Millsaps, Hazle hurst.' . 1! ' . ' r ' -..-' SPANISH TREATIES &i MUST WAIT. Will Not Be' Ratifie'tfjJUntil Coronation - of Youngj(King. ' Washingtfti Marclsi 7The new' Spanish treaties itixMt, wait until the accession to the thraie of the young SDanlsh king before tlhey can be rati- fled, owing to intern! political condi tions in Spain and jtje reluctance of the existing governfcfnt to assume any measure of resplisibllity pending the expiration of .thelregency and the coronation of the kinjfj - " This event will dcr some time in May, and as it is eypted that a new cabinet and a stronger" one will be in stalled, it is hoped '' fat the delay in the treaty negotiativjp-s - will be very brief,-; v v.". - ';-, Long Resigns; MoifcJy Successor. , Washington,- Marci; 10. Secretary Long today handed Ijf resignation as secretary of the navyio the president. It is to take effect. M L The. portfo lio' was tendered to pngressman W. H. Moody, of Massachusetts, and he has accepted It. i ' ; , - ' ' ifA " - .. - '-''" Permanent Cens Bureau, dent has signed Ihebjlrcreatlng a per-' manent census bure:wi- ';. . TO ERECT CAR; WORKS. L. & N. Will Spend Over. $500,000 at Pensaco!agFIa. .Pensacola. Fla.,ff Jkrch 10. The Louisville and NaslIle road will erect here at a cost M elver J 500. 000 Im- mense car build; ig ?orks that will give employment to s everal hundred skilled workmen. !' lij f They have bought aiof the lands be tween their present Chops and Bayou Texar, upon which! 14 'Plant will be established. .-. . ' Negress Slayaif Brother. ! ' Columbia, S. Cf. farch U. Near Darlington John Coreman, a negro, waa shot and killejby .hia sister. Coleman's, wife was fffith his sister. He disguised his voicij and demanded admission. When i lw&J made several attempts to break in door bis sis ter shot through it Thinking she heard the man go 'a-ay. she opened the door and f6und'ty brother on the ground with a bullet id bis forehead. Leander Defeatt Walthour. -Atlanta, March Ifcj-SCJeorge Leander, f Chicago,- won two oi the three 5-mile seat from Bobby WaMhour at the Col- jfeeum last night and fl'aow the &-mi2 snotor-paced champtoal; EXHUMEO: BODY SHOWS. CRIMEA Evidences Go to Show That Macon Man Was Murdered. f Macon, Ga., March 10. The body of (the man who was found dead a few (days ago in the swamp below the city and was burled In Clay's cemetery, in East Macon, without identification, af ter the ; coroner's ! inquest, was disin terred yesterday and carried to Un dertaker Hart's under the idea that it might be the remains of Mike Coffey, the well known plumper. - When Dan Coffey .viewed the body this morning he felt convinced that it was that of; his brother Mike The body j was so badly decomposed' and fie flesh of the face having come off, posltlvel identification was impos sible; but J Dan Coffey identified the : t pants and - shirt that were on. the corpse as like those which he knew his brother possessed. The same-was true about the shoes. v V: County Physician Worsham made an examination1 "of the corpse and discov ered an inch crack in the skull, which j was caused! by some kind of a blow.sj The supposition, therefore, is that the deceased was murdered, but by whom is a mystery.- Minder Leaves for Pen. Macon, Ga.," Marcn 10. Transfer Guard Pearson, of the state peniten tiary, arrived in Macon yesterday morning for the purpose of taking Isa dore Minder from the Bibb jail to the Chattahoochee brick yard camp to commence his life sentence in the pent-, tentiary forj the murder of Mahoney. Minder appeared lh very good' humor when he left the Jail with Guard Pear son to take the Southern train for the Chattahoochee camp.. He expressed his thanks to Jailer Stephan for the kindness shown him while in JaiL Blowa Hia Head Off. Crawfordyille, Ga., March 10. Ju 1 Han Ogiltree, a young man living 1 about three miles southwest of this rxr r: . ; r? place, killed himself a few nights ago by discharging into his neck a gun heavily loaded with shot. His head was almost j severad from his body. There - is no known cause of the sui cide, save from the fact that his mind had been impaired for some length of time, and he had on several previous occasions made unsuccessful attempts to take his own life. Strike Threatened in Augusta.- ' "Augusta, Ga.,TMarch 10. There- Is much interest in the possibility of -a strike in the mills on March 17. The textile workers have made' demand upon the King mill for a 10 per cent increase in j wages in certain depart ments, if not , all over the mill, and have fixed March 17 as the date on which they will expect a , response Rumor has It that if the request is not complied with the operatives intend to walk out.' Accidentally Shot With Parlor Rifle. - Covington, Ga., March lO.-r-Saturday afternoon Din McCalla, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.' L. McCalla, ac cidentally shot himself through his arm with a parlor rifle.- He had been out hunting and had returned .home and struck the hammer, of the rifle against a door, causing the cartridge to explode. I The wound is only a flesh wound! and he will soon be well again. '' Plans for Columbus' New Bridge. ColumbusJ Ga., - March 10. At a meeting of the special bridge commit tee xf council the plans for the new $40,000 steel, bridge across the river here, as prepared by . M. O. Bellln- grodt, of Savannah, were accepted and bids will be! invited at once. It will probably be six months before the new bridge is completed. It is not decided yet whetherj to have stone piers orus cylinders filled with concrete. Old . Man Slain In Quarrel. Clayton, Ga Marcn 11. In a diffi culty on Saturday between Calvin F. York and Charles Ramey, the latter sustained fatal injuries from which be died. Ramey was 83 years old and York is about 45. No one witnessed the altercation "except York's wife. The trouble originated concerning the dls- Dossession of - Ramey : as tenant of York. York lis confined in Jail on the (charge of murder. l"V '. - ' . eieDraia oa oirxnoxy. Carrollton, Ga., March 10. Mr. Hamilton Hogan, a wealthy and influ ential pioneer citizen, of the eastern part of this' county, a few days ago held a family reunion at his country homestead, being on his eighty-second birthday. He has lived with his wife longer than j any man in the county, with one or two exceptions, and is a well preserved, vigorous and active business man yet. More Smallpox In Wilkes. Washington. Ga., March 10. Three more cases of. smallpox have broken out on the place of Ben Cade. AH par ties had been exposed and have since been closely confined. The cases are mild. The other two cases are Im proving. - 'Newt Telephone Line. . Washington, . Ga., March 7.-C. L. Groves and Ried Nash, two prominent merchants, of Lincolnton. and Flttpat- rick Bros., of this place, will build telephone line from here to Lincoln- ton, to be In use in 30 days. ; T - i . Death of. Oldest Resident . . , Lawrence ville, Ga, March 10. Mr. Mary A. Orr. the oldest citizen in this town, died last. nighL She leaves a brother, Floyd Cobb, of Cedartown. j and Mrs Judge. N. L. Hutchlns." her , enly living child. - , FIVE STILLS DESTROYED. Revenue Men Have Busy Tm In tha "Dark CornSr.wr 11 ' Greenville, S. CL, March 7. Bevenda officers destroyed five illicit distlllerlss Wednesday night in the upper sectloa of this bunty, known as' the DarV Corner. Of the number f three- were standard copper 4' ; M stUla; tha , others 1 -wooden. - They also destroyed ' ii f ermenters . and about 4,000 galldns of beer and mash. " ' i ' The raiding party, consisted of Rev- enue Collector Aiken and Deputies JonesBell and .WhltmlreA'v Notwithstanding the frequent raids of the revenue officers,' the mountai neers continue to make blockade lio tier, always having m supply of .stilla' on ' hand to begin operation shortly after theirs outfits are destroyed. : " ILLINOIS DAY AT CHARLESTON. Governor Yatea and Party Welcomed at "City by the 'Sa,w-? i Charleston. S. .Cv March,-1 10. Thf special train with the Illinois, party! headed by Governor Yates and ; bit i 'staff, arrived here at' no6n arid' "was I met at the depot by General Appleton ' and Colonel Fred Smith and Informal ly welcomed. The program today In ' eluded a sail on the harbor and a visit , to . Fort -Sttmter.:'-; a ,.- . - s , ( Tuesday. la Bllnols day, at the expo sition arid there will be formal, speech . ea of welcome, responses and an ad . dress by Governor Yates, Congressman ross and; others. ;,.?ff K . WRECK NEAR CHARLESTON, S. C. Southern Train Goes Into Open Switch. Killing Engineer. j - Charleston, S. C, March. 8. A sub urban train on the Southern road this morning -mn into an open' switch 3 miles from this clty.rr :f-rj ISi Vn The engineer was killed In trying to Jump, railing between the engine and teridearid 'beirig icrusbed' to deathl Jump," falling between the engine and The fireman was slightly bruised' In Jumping. No passengers were burL; - Taking Jacks6nville Census. - ' Jacksonville, ; Fla March ll.rln ac cordance with an ordinance passed by the city council' last" October an 'In dustrial census of tbe fclty Is to be U? ken and five policemen have been' de tailed to collect the statistics.: They have started' on their, rounds arid will Tisit every house. Though the chief end in view is to -obtain statistics as to industrial enterprises, the .canvas-, sers will also compile figures as to the population; and in this way the census' will be of great interest when It is completed, especially as showing the condition of the city since the fire. Building Up Like Magic; ' -Jacksonville, FJa.,, March 11. It la riot only that buildings in all secUons of the city,' and especially so in the burned district, are springing Hip like magic, but that they are being com-' pleted with wonderful rapidity. The feature last week In building opera tions, t was .that the -1,800 mark ..bad been reached; the records' at the oiBce of Building ' Commissioner Prioleaa showing that at the close of business Saturday night permits foi 1,812 build ings had been Issued at the office since May. Of this' number 168 ' are brick and 1,614 frame structures. " '' " Stepped on Wrong Track. 1 Columbia, S. C, March I. a' report from Furman, Hampton county, gives' news of the: accidental death of Dr. W. J. Ellis, formerly of that place. but now a resident of Dand, Ga. While waiting for a train to return borne be stepped on the main 'line,' thinking it was a sidetrack, and being very deaf did not hear the . approaching train. which killed him instantly. . . Dr. Ellis was 46 years Old arid leaves a wife and seven children. He was on 4 visit to his old home to pay taxes and visit relatives. : :,-'-''-.. . -. - '' Pneumonia Scourge In Family' Valdosta. Ga.. March 1L W' E. Har rel, one of tbe most prominent farmers in the county, died of pneumonia at his home' in the Cab 'creek neighbor hood Sunday night? Hia young son; James, died of, a similar .lllnesa on Saturday and another son la tying at the point - of death ' with pneumonia. The sons were stricken first and the father, it Is believed, contracted the disease from nursing them. .. senator Metiaunn at Horns. " Bennettsville," S. Cw March I. Sen ator J. L. McLaurin la here at hia borne and drove yesterday to bit fine plantaUdn in Redhluff. His numerous friends ; enthusiastically greeted blml When any of : bis friends referred to the Tillman trouble he simply laughed and treated the matter pleasantly The purport of his visit Is purely of a pri vate character. ; . Safe Robbed at PalatV Palatka. , Fla. March i 10-ThievM entered the office of N. J. Tilghman ft Sons at this place and secured $60 In cash from the safe, which 1 was probably left unlocked, as the combi nation waa ; uninjured. There la no clew to the burglars. Negro Lynched for Assault Little Rock, Arlc, March 10. A tele gram from Foreman, Little River coun ty,, says a negro giving bis name as Horace McCoy, waa lynched there at 11 o'clock - last night for assaulting Mrs. John L. Emmons, white: -r- - Explosion Kills Many.' - ' Keokuk, Xsw March' 10. A big exphi sion today at the Moors powder works kUlsd a number cf people g&3 wrccii saresxl ttilrca. ' , I fT(TT "All 'well-air hajjpy lots of fun" That is the regular . report from the monkey cag cf Bamum's Circus e"cr since the keepers began dosing tho niohkeys' With Scott's Emu! I sion. Consumption was carry ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. ' One day a keeper accident- J ally broke a bottle' of -Scott V Emulsion near the monkey ' cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from 'the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott s, Emul sion than new monkeys and mat suns tne circus men. Consumption f in : 'mpnkcys . and in man is the same disease. C;you nYe lt r are threaten- 1 ed.with it can you take the hint? . ThU picture represent the Trade Mtrk of Scon's Emulsion and' U on t'j wrapper of every bottle. Send for fret sample . SCOTT& tOWNTV 409 Pearl Mt.,; ,Cv rtr!v SCC and $17 alt dnyr'A f 1 1", SEASONABLE GOODS. full line of Pickles, Too ixnato Catsup,- Pepper Sauct, Olives," Preserves; Mixed Sweet Pickles" in keg, Raisins, Dates, Cur rants, Prunes, Dried Ap pies and Peaches. 2Z X, IN CANS. PINEAPPLE . Sliced tod Cnttd PEARS I' Verjroke PEACHES - Dftrfd?k APPLES ' : TOMATOES ' SUGAR CORN SUCCATASH - Cent tad Stank TOMATOES ( v It ', AND OKRA TRIPE ' . .. SALMON ::. It .i DSIED EEbF a CHIPPED BEEF HAM LOAF MACKERAL (1 VIENNA SAW" sage SNOW FLAKE .HOMINYnmlth Country Su$ge CORNED BEEP SAUERKRAUT OYSTERS SEAOUODS - CONDENSED MILK Est or Dun Crtndt ROYAL REX, AND COOD LUCK BAK' ING POWDERS CORN SYRUP . t ... tThe above it s p&rtUl list of the good thing to tat which I have in stock. Call ana make selections, or phone , your err der Free delivery in town JHL.CIIlIilfJI,it.- -i 111 llll; 1st Cl

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