r i . , " ! - - - - . ...... sv i . X5he A nglo-S ajcori accessor to the :Rockw.Kam Rode EtaL!Uhed lS3 J PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY " ! ifat-Hiti imiJH! ccifiit. ( Incorporated.) I A.J.MAXWELL. j 'Cdltor id BosInes Manager. THE RECORD ! ! THE RECORD ! ! i - 1 A Complete and Faithful Account olthe Democratic Steward ci . ... tu v, nf Control in Richmond County, ti -. ; T?rmhhcaxi adminisir the ,n.,;nr;fnf the Democratic over mc uu.. r- . , . .... ti . u:-. Ki nftonle's money witn a Wmie Ice RepUUUvaua et-wu--,r r .- - lavash hand mbered by the 1 - r i is q 9r KDOWU auu TT w - among inciriauui, ...- -r- - . . n(T nst citizen, of .he coonty.that they "-Tw the county they got pay for & in , "5., j a i - rtr nn LI 1 ro fl 1 1 HUILU JO - ' w - Q UlOUJilUUJ uv - . hio m inree icar vi -..ki nn xvu:U Citizen Should Kcad ana Kcueci us. Tbe best ti:ey cou a that has been ww - - w a v www i .jAVdi-vinrii wi -iiiiiii .a. w a w not get Healer in cordiat support from the people I sl.y.e-sometimes ndvcrtUi, , j of Richmond county. r."j ."..... .l . . wtS-biS; undo, eiperi- for a runy. In ,he ((!!tori,; DOIU men uv y n UnlnmitB WA hnd ft inn tui 1 J :n I inlnmna we find a molmt a : ,nin oublic affairs. -ney w T ;:r .t ' " V ailifl ,! will I 8lllCl SpiJClOl'tO IU lUt) DUC cr,t ill interest fairly.and win 8iV r , , . . JL1.- r .J.he district. -They nee... . "a..?,, v,f m, ; lies were loose enough in tl-ila r r ' o; 'TMner Vital county script at a considerably discoun Justice is Still a Living, vnai alow;d bythe Dem0Gratic mmistrai trr in the County Compare the Sheriff Wright.. Not a single fnan has ntered t l'ostofllce t Rockingnau, N C.. a mail matter of tecond cla. 1 THTmibTYTocTfJER l6 w2- THE STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Walter Clark, of Wake. j For Associate lattices, 1 Matt V. Walker, of Mecklenburg. Henry G. Connor, ox Superior Court jude, and Dit-R. B. Pebbles of Northampon 4th Dt-C. M.Cooke, of I-rankltn. J h ii,t W. K. Allen, of Wayne. h ,oth lit-B- F. Inp. 01 irruc... , ,h Dift E. II. Jne, of Forytb. J h l)it-W. B. Council, ofWattop. l h li,t-M. H. lunice. of Rutherford. .re. of Buncombe. Dist-G.S. Ferpuon. of Haywood. fir Solicitor Eighth Distnct-L, H. D. Robinson, of Anon. , Tor ConKration Co.nniiioner Eugene C. li:dJinRCeld, of Wke; ln!lruC. For Superintendent of 1'ubhc It"ic-tion-Jame Y. Jorner, of Guilford. For Congress Seventh District-Robert N. I'ajce, of Montgomery. For Senators Tenty-Second Senatorial District If. A. London, of Chatham, mad U. L. Sience, of Moore. j Cooflly Ticket. For the House of Representative A.S. Dockery. For Sheriff T. S. Wright. . j For Clerk of the Superior Court John Tor Resect Deed-W. S. Thomis. For Board of County Commissioners W. C. Leak, E.C. Terry and E. D. Whitlock. Fjr Coroner D. Gay. For Surveyor N. A. Graham. the Ncszro Issue be Dead, Pr!nrioleLct Every Voter in the County Comp, Record of their OldciaUand Stand by them or Condemn ' . them as their Record Shall Merit The Republican party ha again come to the front to dispute the rieht of the Democratic party in Richmond county, composed otfifteeeo hundred white men, to continue the ood wor, it has done com! order, cood school., decent politics end economv and honesty in the expenditure of the public funds Tbe Republican Executive Committee Uas nominaiea ich they ask the ptople to elect in opposition to the D the stratibu has been promptly paiuy, i fQ,4 n rfriner voucher to nim lean a Kt".'":: rc which Their W.j,h w allowed bv the Dnocratic lioara 01 r : ".,A11f U-... f.,nnmmr,tlv oaid. 'You don't have to serve ' v . n on m " " 'avs. wlrenomiuawu.u-..-.- . . . . .,nm co umn- Wp-,;K, tji hirh was attended, oy ? fJ f ' . a. about two iour wuuv- r. . . .. , thi-n liunous "comiH,il.ii..'t recent oppouciii, - ' hill in uongress -aivi wa rhich was attended A" T f " 7 77 - f i hundred delegates, from good story told of lien rV C!.v. Mr !T.f thL district. Clay,m Con,r. h.d v,tr,, ;r! n of ou its juries, in its couxts, on Its bridges, n .buryl anv other caoacuyanu .-.- . nromDtlv j.n prcrv countv order and get it promptly I . . .:otd hv an his aiinoinUiiPnt ht ti. t ii. i, 1 r 32 its poor, iU Scot and,- were uuuuua.v- -j , ..... rr ....... . ",J Jg, Vrt tret u vi orrord- influential friendolhi-nii; ..s ,M ted senpt. You get - f J2ht people, accora m" ' !; Tcn't wr'r "e iniS' truiinmii ini , 111,1 this a condition ot auairs citizen of. the county? ; which should be appreciated by every good gaid, "Well, linry, I've bi-i, n h vou in six trouVile-; I a:n r ; i cost?' which they ticket. . J . i. . ,v l. ..t months more Ot puuiit. i rtririr.rint was to. .. . . i j i ;n nc hAttfY trnooi nuusca, m - i a i " rrntir schools a year humanely ior ou hririfres W uuiik . t-i . iTeveryidistrftia the county; bas cared properly ana p) 3ur lar numler of afflicted and ind.gent poor, has which nresent themselves inc to our information. jNiaj.uouuu . - ' . . i a. a mav-i infT - t T - I a rhanPYi r cuiaa i ,,'q, in nauuci iwww i vuu wne held. ana, 1 must deeri vu liwu I i I . .. 'I ftl-.. II .lit ll-l. . . tAw who his leveuiu, uu .. ... The uemo-: having. a curiosity y y . m,8erftble co.i,pen8ton li 1 . - I mini ' be inquired 01 me lum my b(l(k up , Vl,u " . TAXATION. The 'next inquiry should be : 'What has it . . r he result of rnnneior 01 ' J umvv . a. r i rrir L.tlLl V LUtivt. v I . . - i heneverf needed, guarded our people nf Afier nonderingover the subject for ued upon .; t'txr vutd Til "19 it so frieii-l Scott? I, tj.jj This Reoublican Executive committee w acting under jinstruc- fecnous dI5eaSes, met jV.'Vtime naid for all these things spme time it tinally d ivp 1 i mar rtir rnnntv. hull uo i vw t ... tJnn.of a Renublican county convention tk;. Rnublican county convention instructed motion of Republican II. C. Dockery, whose motion was to instruct the Republican Executive committee to select a ticket not later than r.K-. ih that the oeoole ot tne county woum uc r portunity to vote against -the giant enemy of good govemment-the Democratic party.,f : The ticket thus selected by a Republican Executive committee, in obedience to such instruction from a Republican county convenuo u, has no sort of right or title to any other name tnan tnai oi a raM. Republican ticket, and so far as we know or have reara, u aos ut stultify itself by claiming to the contrary. Hut as thev represent the expressed itica mat u.e ueniuu.uit i-; is a "giant enemy" to good government in Richmond county, let s go to tbe record and contrast their administration with that of their Re publican predecessors, and if they have not given you a better admini- .mr rtir rnnntv. and has at me ..... . . . - .a In Hir i r rrpr ine iiiuuc v . u num. viv - fej - - - - . Lei s sec. . . j. nrAmntlv It lO GO bo uFuu r; r - ru-onle leviea neavier iaj.co "p" -"v r - -1- - - it with? It in must have Richmond . . i fnr the vear ioqo ll,e epuoiica v.u - - . . . certificate county as loiiows : vc wiuiuuv. -0 -o 1 .M4lAmAn him that seven or egm g"1-" had secured an up-stairs room from him the night before, but he knew -iL:f K..t thir nurDOse was ut 1,-irt rlnne. All We W S. Thomas. T,nnTTnl lP A T T PVV TOH lSo8. .tt on to..t tbe: Republican om.. For general county purposes............... a3 -4 ti o " ' ' '"" i ontstandins mdebteaness;.. Court House Bonds..! -3 Poor House bonds.. ..i.:.. ;..". r-s01 Wnrp Ton real estate! xo i oiais ................." - ti it i 3 .09 .03 tt The Democrats.ieduced this levy in 1899 5 cents' on each $100 of .ertv ami i cents on each .poll, and levied for the years .1901 and nees is that one of them, Jur, -,cr, WnB a fusion member ot (bl our -i " rrA fnrever odious fusion Legis- lature 01895. property and 15 1002 as follows DEMOCRATIC LEVY FOR 1901 AND 1902 For general county purposes... ..........23 cents on fioo and outstanding inaeoieuucsa. ....-"o ( .i Cmirt HfllliP Honds ' J.r.;'.. ...02 WUl b . .L.U.. ..'05 Ll Eighteen'Thirty Mr. T. C. Leak has a copy of the It is. VWe must get over it the lost 1 .1 I. . ... . 1 Can. IOU ure 1111 U114 uuui;mn," ; 'Yes.' - ' 'You have killed many a fit buck and hear?' 4Yea w ' " ;'" ' "I believe you hare a v.-ry roo 1 rifle." , ' i ' "Yea, as good a one as ever ctacV- ed." i- . wVell. did you ever have a fine buck before i you, when your g itl snapped?" "The like of that has h.jppenel"! "Well, now, friend Scott, did yi u take that faithful riflle and break it all to pieces on the very next :!i.c' you come to, or am you jr.cx U. Fence on real estate.:. Totals ii t ti tt 33 .62 oration, as they promised you they would do, vote them down. But -. r- iii-j t.: .ia.rrc it t cv h ive sivcu Ine DcOuie b "lDeynaC "u h ... . ,i,J o.urBnftheountv are actually paying 12 cents ayear pa money and been zealous 01 tne pumvcua,, w 1 rIAllars worth of property owned by them batch - - .1 a. 1 An i ner r it 1 ijc-: in r-vr-iv ia w 1 vv , - . . w. 1 . justiceand the patriotism to support mem at tne " 7. I ,nd 21 cents les on eachj poll, than they .paid under KepuDi.can t- 11 n the record wc couia not uu ucuci iaw i- , - .u' h.tife.hnnls were wortniess anu iuch ... . , . r rrfm nf fmvcrnm,nt which comes . . j i .t :uiafa onri enlH tn the highest Didder, vvnai .1.-. nnh i crhon . a ua.r l ut uui bio.i i-. rt w wn auoui. uic onscw o I1IC UUiuw .vv.v. T - . I TLi I . , -ie., the neonle than anv other, and upon which depends WiVSVi -w 1 x ;J old -newspapers are alway .interest- an$ed he' a., ( la 1 i fino ihinof vn I ing to wos iivci. uiio ' you again. will always find in any old news- i- Anj it j8 ft(i,jed, Ihe-wi-ikm nn ners printed before the war is a I with th buzzain? p'amin.-i ot thi of advertisements aoouu uy-ei""" .y - 1 boys and girls shall be prepared by a common school to meet the duties and battles of life in this the most 1 . t - 1nr, Mtlt r a . A n MATMPr nr iiiii :i vriv 111 ) u tciiki w v"- 1 1 it'r 1 1 ni,u uvm - . r - . momentous que- uu u . - o - o;r4rfiftri which has done these i education aueuio vuic uga... -- -------j- TiiO Republicans are not only enlightened aBe m the world . h.rfory. tnrta" to Lt white men to take Here is a h.storynn brief of the pu J'r. R! illrfnehbea county for tne last year of Kepubl.can gov progre.-sivc i : system of the and them? teachers... 23 57 school term 12.3 weeks f thmr disfranchised tilU IMUbUU w , nn n.f 1 . FROM liccroes, uui iney aro uoiuh m, 6ame raotnoaa to tuiTE. tlioy Used tO USO to hold th He- ToUl am.t apportioned schools Kroes in line - holding Utile lZ.'Tlu 8.6 niirht meetinKS about herei ana Arerage salary paid S ... ..V Average length schc inero whuuuu jiv.ij tice; beating the bushes i and f alia reDorts. The Democratic candidates aroj go ing before the people in a pub lic way, addressing them in lanre crowds at well advertised blic school ernment : SUPERVISOR'S REPORT FOlt l lak mwunvj JULY ist, 1S99. ! o . -li:. .:f ,.;t;n nf th rnnntv. who. has not honest, patriotic, puuuu,u . . .. . t f our been seduced with a promise of a revenuejob, mil find it in his heart ueen bCu jL:;rra5ri which has done these things for ttae NEGRO. Total am't apportioneil Fchools fdeductin": amount appor tioned to S'otlanJ Average salary paid teachers. Average length school term ; 13. 2 ?3 oi7 73 . 26 2 weeks. This is the Republican record, leaving alto,etner out ofj the con sideration, the fact that they put a negro on the Board of Education and two negroes on each towriship board which managed both, while and colored schoals, for we are entirely willing to take sober, busi ness view of the matter entirely removed f'om race prejudice. Note, however, that negro -chool teachers were paid by them more than white teachers; that more money was apportioned to negro than white not only given higher' priced meetings. If the Republicans Lchools, and that the negroes were hive a worthy cause ;why teachers but longer school terms. ,W. .hnv hrim? it out to the Now for the Democratic record. uvu j j- JUL.1 It, 190 WHITE. i NEGRO ti,1 amount annorlioned $; 163 26 ! Total amount apportioned........ 354 5S The a.-mo. lar male leachtr;.... 26 ?o j A. crage salary male teacher?... 23 o Ifeht It Democratic ofUcials FROM SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING . . , - .u.:- Ur, . JULY it, iooi. nave not- uouo meu uuvjf thpv meet them on the av" w - - j stump and tell them so. j ReDUbllCan UCket. WiS 10mi- . , 8choti term ao weeks, i Average length school term nated in a second-Story back You will see from this that matters are conside rably reversed from mom and Drefers to make what they were in the Republican record. Note the figures carefully. its canvass in a Still hunt. iThis They forma part of Richmond county's history of enough importance to i.x.ir .!n. xv.i trood iustifv vour reading them overagain and taking in their full meaning 1 - Average salary female teachers 23 00 Average salary female teachers 21 Ox weeks INSOLVENT i;ND DELINQ.UENT POLLS. . noint which1 ffie Reoublicans seek to make much ot is iiuui"1.' wv... " .-r.-;- - - . j ji: that Sheriff Wright made, Return ot 1140' insolvent ana ae.ucu poll, for the year iS99. arge list was returned for that year because Sement wis being piadebetween Richmond and Scotland counties bat a-large unmber of tbolfi- returned was afterwards collected and tunWinto the treasury, wch would consideraoiy reuuee iuc b" r f nd for the vear f9oi fes entire list of insolvent and delinquents ' ... ... Ti pnrnn Sheriff for the vear 1808 returned, j 164 WaS Olli V -S4T - r-" t" ' if , , . L "fl insolvents and deliuquen3,i greater number than returned by Shenfl Wrht for the vear.of settmsnt with Scotland. . " COST OFf COUNTY OFFICERS. The rru'ity officers .alleceived a great deal more for their service to the county under the Republican regime than have been .paid Demo cratic alliens. We.gavefthe figues some time ago,, showing a great si vino- to the county in the administration of the Sheriff's' office com p red" with his predecessor We now have the figures of the Register of Deeds. R. J. Pence was paid for his services as clerk to the Board f rntv Hnmrniioners in i8qS, outside of fees collected from j in- j: '.! j.. .1 ;-.nA,T 'Ka'tYMs: isKiiincr marriaere license. ? etc., the sum QlVlUliJIS IUI itViUiuiof; 1 I 7 " " . - ' . . .. of $i,4iS.63w- VV. S, Thomas was paid for the same service in .1901 tk,.ffr.iP fimifls are taken from the oublic records IJCIII -III uu"" mm. "r . ;,nor pp.iific'itp nf the Re'fristcr'of Deeds. . Now What are the people going to'do about it? Are they going to vote against these men, who have been so taitnrui to tneir mterebis, m all matters, and who have been renominated in a primary participated in bv more than a-thousands the good white people 01 tne coupiyj Or are vmi fohiP"to turnTtKem down and vote for a ticket . nominated by seven Republicans ; a tjpket representing the old Republican ring which domineered over. ybiT for years, squandered your money, left the county heavily in debt and insulted your manhood Dy putting negroe iri office over you? . f The record is with yoil. ' . - Mow is To select your Fall Suit and this is the place. J . ... . t . ....!... enouch to hold neRroes in -line, d importance. oic u.a. wnue .... out hardly inspire the -ool.. thateven they have benefue d by-1 1 ' ifc J , ' they have been given better schools, and FI E WEEKb MORE Ul Confidence Of gOOd White men. SCJ100L IN THE YEAR. Note that the white school have been madi bv increased in length TWO WHOLE MONTHS IN THE YEAR aj. London in his speech at You should also take note of the fact that not only h,va the .ool terms Deen mucn increat-cu, uui mc ruciai iua. . the schools have been wonderfully increased. It is well known that the public school system uuder the old regime wus worse thun a farce. Dut'with the schools which are now being run by the democrats m every neighborhood, there is no reason in the world why every boy and girl in the county cannot obtain a good education without pay ing one cent of tuitior. All this h t been dons without increasing whom he had never found it in the general tax levy one cent. j j heart to Criticise SO harshly How can any cne stand up Ulorc the pccple of Richmond county, those who, when desolation was in the face ot their record, and represent the Republican party, and Spread all over our Southland ask the good citizens of the county who cm not b- bought i with the ' . r . L . . U .1,- .115 iud sickness and starvation promise ox a nine revenue jou, iu iu:ui n.c was found in many homes,5 laid Maj. Roberdellast Friday night in ntrard to I'ritchard s deserter bill, is that his bill reaches only tho most inexcusable class of deserters. There was one class of deserters, Maj. London said, down their arms out of an over- The showing made for ihe public school system as shown above is . . r I . 1. J ,1.. m r(la uniinfii a lair sample oi wnai nas oeen uone iu cvciy ucuiuitui v wuwiy : AS-o kn. tVioTT-1 aua'r, I cruiBocu-uypv- The Republicans seen to be lodging their, greatest jcomplaint families at home, ihesej are Dcmocratic Board of Ccnnly commissioner. Well, let', not reached by Tntchard s j bill. fee wfaat th have done wilh lhe peole.g moncy, and if they do not HlS bill only includes those who make a bcttcf 6howing than their Republican predecessors, vote them not . only deserted the Con- down federacy, bat put ou tho suni- That you may be assured of the accuracy of these figures, we give form of the former enemy; and firEt the certificate of W. S. Thomas : j turned their guns on their form- north Carolina, omce Register . Richmond Countv. S of Deeds. Or COmradeS. And the ilajor jf w. s. Thomas, Register of Deeds for the county ar.d Stale aforesaid, do here. a. in tAlliin oy certify that the following tatt nu-nts are true ai d correct transcripts as appea. j;uw A""u " .w-. oQ the minutes of the UotH of County Commissioners, cm le in say oihee. about hOW long anil IlOW UOl ll J Witness my hand thi the 2yth day of September, ly 2 would be before he would vote for the man for tho Unite!! States Senate who passed that bill. We hope that no Democrat ip the county will fail to register and vote this year because he thiuks it of little importance. It is of prcat importance that wo should give such a majority to our county ticket as will estab lish bvond Question the - - - . pre mac of primary. V. S. THOMAS, Register of Deeds and Citrk of the Board. Now, here f re the figures for the lat two year cf . i . REl'UDLICAN ADMINISTRATION : i 8U- our hite man's Expenditures for year 1S97, general couuty purposes t-kk fence Total t Expenditures for year iS.)S, general county purposes moc. Iw ftr.ee Total , -. Total for the two y tr DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION. Expenditures for the year iS. general counir purpose-.... " " Mock fence Total... "V Expenditures for the year 100, general count purposes stock fence. . Toul. : Total for the two years ."T Republican Democratic AMOUNT IS FA VOX Oh DEMOCFA TIC ADS2NISTKA TICS, 75 . l 091 .. iS 04b 46 .. 31 906 ...$11 157 7 - 54 94 ... 11 707 O5 ..Mi 95 !( ... 541 20 3 4V ' ... 25 1 07 61 .i.$3l M 20 ... 25 io fix Tlie Republicans failed in their efforts to protect their! ne- gro v1 l trying td get! AMOUTTT IS FAVOS Ob DEMOCFATIC ADSSNISTKATICS, 6 766 55 wltenien tO Lake the place' So yon have in plain and uodipuub e figures that the Dsuiocra c Of the disfranchised negroes- administration saved the tax payers of the county in two j 3 ear the The Republicaus( havep. circu lated the report that registrars arc lef using to register certain white men. There isntv white man in the county yo has been a resident of j tliQ fpouuty and State the length of jti'me re quired by law who is r ot en titled to register; and .vvro has been or will be deniedjre2;i3tra tion. There' may be three or four who failed ' tb pay 'their poll tax as required by law, but even tbese are entitled to regis ter, but are liable to be ; , chal lenged if they offer to vote at this election. Every white man ought to register now, -and he will never have to register again. Chairman Simmons request3 that every Democrat familiarize himself with thenames : on the Democratic State' ticket as printed at the heard of . this column, a? he has reason to fear that bogus tickets will be circulatel on elation . day. There is no Democratic tate, ticket without, each j pf .the names as given at jthe liead of this column ou it ; Tobacco- ' - ." , : Mr.' J..I Leak, . Malieadx '.le:ion-trktina that- the riifit.g of tln.r-u.'ht-retl h-ef c.ittle fir'nmrket can i rjn jile a profitable bnsip.ep ii J llK-hii. .m l coautv, txpects to try it . cr n .f tobruco nt-xl var if he can"! .ki sky suitable arrangements lor'do ?. lie thinks itjis a' mistake f r '-r-.-rs n st ke Hvery thitifr on on- . sip -wiiicti is ' frequently a !i-;n.' !"'' 1. .'J''hi(cni raisfd have I een ii.- i:iS;"t prosperous jclia of Non!i Cuoina farmers, anil this year has urn. the heit ytar., ihey have IkmI in a icii? lime. Tfe are plei.ty 'f i tn i- iu ihisjcbunty.bf the same chu- 'c'er tf that' upon Iwhicb iobipc .s :'.. ssi'uOy groivn in otht-r fHtion-i tl H e S te, ' and we nope Mr. Ia nnd others t'ui bo able to give ila thorough tri$. . ' That Republican Meeting. Objection has been made to our statement last week that the ticket nominated bv the Republican"! Ex ecutive committee was nominated in a secret meeting, and we are ask .a' ' ! . ' . ; - ed to correct it. we will not mis represent anybody if we know it and we give them the henefi!, o their denial tbat it was a secret meeting and we wilt etate the cir cumstsnces of the meeting and let the public judge of whether it was a public meeting or not. It was held in the private office of the Chair man of the committee, which is lcTTted in the rear end of the second story of the A. V. Sorter & j Co building. The hall-way leading to this room is stacked up as high as the ceiling with coffins 'and coffin- boxes (appropriate political era hlejti, ihese) leaving just epuce fnou'h --ti p Uirouih. It va heiit without any public nolu e as to wl er ii would he held i Th only 1 u?'lin anoouncemen " ' . - . . . made s 10 ine nnii.p whs ny uir ctiairnian f the commute at thfir . . . . . . i hi.t ro!iventio . At tne t : rxi e 1 the announcement was mad- the t hair- man of the eonvi-nlion putigfgted to the chairman ol the commiilre that he h:id better aiinonnc- th' pi ice at which it would h iielJ, and, i h a mi'e, he replie.d that it would I e held 'in Rockingham." If j this !ui? 'not umke a 6teifct meet ins Wr lo not kne w wh-it would he necfp- ar to ctn!fciriue one we show you all the latest imported goods, and want your patronage. In order to interest you wo are quoting prices that will cause competitors restless days and sleepless nights; hut don't von worry. The dollars saved will jingle in your, rocket. as we are satisfied with a very small protit. Men's Sviits. ib every imaginable' coloring, cut in all ; styles, $198 to $2000 OvercoaLts, An endless variety to select from. Prices : $2.50 to $1800. j j YovitK's Suits, In all the latest styles t $2 00 to $10.C0. j Boys' (El Children's Suits in everything up-tDtc. 95c to $5.00. ' I Men's Feints, All colors, all styles, all Prices. Ladies Jackets. From $2.00 to $12 50, ,' Cocpesi 40c to $750- , , v . HATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS. Our line is complete and embraces all j the leading styles. Come and see our windows for prices they are lower fwi the lo west Come and see us before you buy. We can sj hs fyyou- Yours for business, .' '' . ' - -.- ; SandhrJ Building. Leading Firm oi RockinrJw Mi Ilillr'Mipfi'UpPilJBft Has recently been enlarged, and we are now better prepared 'than frr ftirnishi'rto anv stvle of Coffin or Casket, and have J.7 c ever lor furnishing any style of Coffin or Casket, and ha equipment for a complete and satisfactory Funeral Directory, a part of our business to take entire charge of all details when sired- Charees reasonable- Free Hearse in or out cf town all Caskets. Call on us any time, day or night This departmeo is in charge of Mr. W 7. Fulford, who can be found at the Mid. house, on Fifth Avenue, after business hours' vrtU You Can't Stop Us! London and Spence. Mesr. London and Spe.r.ce. Democratic ca HJtdi'e.s for the State Senate from this dis-i ricts failed to reach hr-re in time to fill their : r-p- pomtrren' last Thursday night,1 as the tr;'.:n. wassevetal hours late, and the speaking at this place bad to be postponed. 'They spoke to a good Crowd at Ro herd el on Friday night, and strengtl ened their cause among the tfood people of that village. : These gentlemen should receive hi i r. We are bound for Arenson & Sucsmzfit Is what hundreds of the gxd people ci Richmond "county are -eayir.' Sixty days ago we Loaght our large fall stock, hat oar prices and gooU - -each enormooa 'trade that we faw we wouli -hv' atain a ta RFTTIRVFTi in iKa Northern ri.ark- . account of the lateness-of. the season', we t'Ou, . gis as you never paw before, and now we r ! divide tjitn withou. Now if y u are going to tuy any th ng in the Dry Cood, CI -thing, Shof, Hats cr .Gents Fumii-hings line, g v na. ene call is alt we ak, f r that will mean another regular customer for us. ; We kacw that we can save you money and 1 vince you cf the fact. So don't buy until yoa g -and ne will convince you that every word w? Ycurs for largaics, - t i- AR-ENSON (SL SVSSUr