75he Anglo -S axon - j. . j occeuor to the Kockiuvuam Rockrt EttaUIithed iM; I - i PUBLISHED EVFRY THURSDAY BY UjIO-SHCI FLELI5B 16 C01F1IT. (Incorporate?. A.J. MAXWELL. Cdllor asd Uaalnes Manager. Entered at lotofHce at Rockingham, N C as mail matter cf tecend claa. THURSDAY, JUNK 35. 93. The inquiry . is frequently made as to when tlio laws of the- last Legislature will be published, and what the law if upon some particular subject, but there is no answer. The last information given to the public on the Fulj?ct was that the contract fur the punting had been made, and that the contractors had ordorrd ma chinery with which to do the work. It is said that in ye olden tyme a certain ruler FOUR MEET DEATH In Collision Near Southern Fines News and Observer. The first wreck which has happen ed in this aection for many years occurred at 10 o'clock this raor ing about 200 yard north or Ni tation and three mile north of Southern Pines, From the best information at hand it appears that a flying engine left the station of Vat tmt-. : : . a small station still farther ; north, about I possibilities of our own county Shall Richmond County be Dry? This is a question which is now under the consideration of some of the moral leaders of this county to day. No mightier j nor more im portant question could possibly be considered. It means much every and to every body. When - - i ;iik of the industrial progress we hive made throughout the State in the last ten years; when we contemplate the industrial in ROBERDEL NE$. W. It. Church, of Atilkesboro, is a visiter here this WtSc, . Mrs. Fannie S;ognertis visiting her sister, Mrs. Edensj p Roland, n. c. .;: 1 1 mi three miles of thia placv, without I tobacco raisins, the oroduction of - . J . A I . ' I oroers, going aoutn, ana atiempiea 1 A ., r ,... 1 .it 1 1! e I corn ana cotton, cotton manufactr In mak-A in awiincr at Man! r. ft. half- I tation between Southern Pines and IDS and manv othcr industries not Niagara. Local freight No. fi.l mentioned, because yet unborn; northbound, left Southern Pine? on I when we think of the great crowds lime anu was running on regular r 0,l.,; ,i .,ai: , . j 1 1 . . , 01 people gathering' around andlin orders undar fall headway down r r b , . , 1 grade and was ran into by the flv- our. towns and ketone from ing engine going at the rate of forty- which would radr.Te the very best iirn miled an hour. moral - influen-e aud intellectual It waa a head-on collision which Vr. R. L. Thomas Jn.H$Childr:n, ol Troy, itre visiting relatives here. Misses Ruth McKi tion. Mary T. Moorr . Masreie MlKe and Mrs. Ma,'f;i Dvrd Mc-'i! Turf day for JackKou Sprint;- to mUad the uaoitsi meeiiDP. ih a. rw - power, yet crippled and almost ruined by the common demon, strong drink, when I standyonder on the corner of our streets and se young men and old men, white men and blackTnen, poor men and occurred on a sharp curve and in a cut. Both boilers exploded and the scene is horrible beyond lcription. Envine-r Wm. Wall was killed on train No. G, though his fireman, named Wright, scaped by jumping, though he i seriously injured. Engineer F. T. Stewart! rich men, church! men and men arid his fireman, V alter Bond, on who are not church men enter the thn fhiliing entitle, were both killed. Li t a.u 'a a pnblished the laws in small Ulso Charlie Brewer, of Aberdeen - fsuui'b letters' and posted then, in ." ihaii ip op ' , h' not n . w r aa a w . w w r a w a 1 a v v iir'iii m 1 1 inaaia-'i ica rr. r w r " rnor fireman on the road. which satisfies not." I arnun mv Fireman Bond had a piece 2x4L,- n :iJ u. Hcanllinir driven throtmh lua hrwl v I r , Mr. Wall was thoroughly dieembow- sha11 R,chmond county be free? eled, his leg broken and his bead I Shall the youths here among us be printing to thj lowest bidder, to smhed. Mr. Brewer was found free? Shall the womea be free? bo done at odd times when " Shall the children in our homes , . . . ,, 1 oig ure uox 01 engin iio. o wun nis business is dull. We do not hand burned off and his flesh cook- know thatany one particularly I d iu steam and burning coals. deserves to be criticised high place?, thus to ensnare the people. At this, late day we accomplish the same purpose by knocking off the public Quite a number fro no. here at r Mu at Rockingham tended services last Sunday. Henry Gay and wiferMare visit ing relatives at Charlotte We regret to learn of jbe jllness of Miss Haltie Covingtbri MijS Hattie Simmonsii visiting friends at Charlotte, j John Dunn left MonJa' ing for Raleigh. . . morn- . 5 1 in this matter, for it is just a condi tion that ve havo gotten into for which every one who has anything to do with it and his predecessors ueiore inni are alike blatneable, from the cease, to feel the pain of hunger and the chill of the winter's breeze? Shall that nation yet un born be hampered and handicapped and ruined by the vices of a de- Against the Law to Kill Bulbat. A Warning, The secretary of the Audubon so- bauched ancestry ? Who answer ciety, T. Gilbert Pearson, has is- this in the affirmative? Who? ued the following statement: Bar rooms Distilleries voters? According to a recent act of the Not voters any more I ttust. ! It 1 I ! eg.s.aiure. generally Known as Voters of Richmond rnnrv v Legislature which prescribes the Audubon bill, the song and in- can drv vour countv if ' w: T the elude mcihcds, the council hect eating birds af the State to- belfete you would have done so Of State which lets out the con- gether with their nests, are now iong ago if SOme chance had been tract a month or two after the protected from destruction by the offered you. I have great faith in work should be completed, the printer . who "bites 6fT more b!rd ,n North cu the I woraing people, j 1 was once a Mrs. J. II. Robinsonis visiting relatives at Ellerbe Sprigs. Mrs. W. . J. . Noriam and children, of Meridian,' Jliss., are visiting relatives here; MlL,-' Mr. and Mrs. Norris0ovingtonf . Is. ' , are attending the jnud-siimmer meeting at Jackson Spngs. j A meeting was hpd -at . the Methodibt church Tue0ay night in regard to getting upa petition calling for an election tftget prohi- Let body sign it. oition lor the county. 3 Jet every H'M. R." Bv virtue of the power conferred in a tertasn mortyae-e deed executed on 6b ti ? of iUv 1J2 17 Pleasant KkM son at l wile ami dulf rfcorded id tr e fSi ! 1 b K gustt-r of Deeds of Ri li no' .n.l ':jdi v in book TTT page ; 54 et peq dtTuI; i.vicg ten made in the jy-uit-utof tbe fn.;e, J will expos to public sal". lo the highest bidder lor cash,1' at lb- o urt bou -door in Richmond county htrxh farolinn, on Monday tbe 6th day of July 1903 at 12 o'clock D3. the follow iDK dtiii-ei t act of land; to-wit: Ly- 1 . a . ' a" a a in'a,!': utit4-iii i actiiroru coaniy, cia;e .,ith Caroliua, in Mineral 'Spring ton nship, and lying on the waters of Bell Cetk and Rocky Fork adjoining the lands of M P McDonald, dee'd, the aame being a part of a tract of land conveyed by ded dated July 18. 1873, from Daniel Covington to Calvin Nicholson, beginn ing at a stake on-tbe aide of the road leading by Gibson Mills, Drna Nicholson's corner, and runs as her line W 15.23 cbs lo Bella Creek, then np said Creek to mouth of Still Branch, then op eani Branch.to a pine at ita bead, then N vl E 5J50 chains to said road then as said road to begin ning, containing 24 acres, it being tbe lot aligned .Pleasant .Phenol son m tbe division of the lands of his father ainon? the several heirs. . 1 This 1st -day of June 1903. JOSEPH UltfSUJN, : " seicrn'eo of D M Morrison, A S DOCKERY Mortgagee. Attorn.ey. C a e 1 10 11 Two Great a Risk. In almost every neighborhood someone hasdied from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remedy for theo diseases should be kept at hand. 1 he risk is too great r i a 1 1 . : 1 1 : . tor anyone w vuiuiucrium o vuiiv, Cholera and Diarrhoea demedy has un doubtedly caved the lives of moie poole and relieved more pain and suffering than any oiner meajcme in use. n can always be depended upon. For sale by Richmond County 1rug Company. - i.-' . Fewer GaHons; vVears Lcrfger. COVINGTON NgWS. than he can chew," and eo on tlirouoh the line. It is really surprising that term after term We are about to getutof the grass at last. Since t, rains set in it looks like thp're vvlbe a short crop of cotton made ji Richmond this ytar. : Rev. John Hoyle fild his ap pointtnent at Concord shurch the law. One of the most valuable the moral back bone of your be- third Sundav- Thereivas a large inclloved old countv. I love our night hawk, usually known as work(ny oeont- ; T bulbat.,, This bird feeds " olow bov. Your sons are the l..B;.1 .innn .'nc.. I I J w,5ai,UKwrgc hope of lhe Iandi The baiance of auintities of flies, cnats and nrufi. I 1 .... nm,llnrJcAm.l,;mr.nn,o l' . .7 I POWCr 1U tniS 1UDQ IQ-Uay IS IQ ine u iuh.iw vi ov iuuvu .ui,.w Wuv,v Doppen, wuicq are so trouDie-l. , f ,. totheneonle of the State is some tu man. but perhaps he nds of working men. ou ;an i i ... t.. i- I renders us no erreater service than pour a blessing into the laps of neiriecieu ncn uif rcmeuy is . 0 . . I.u j .u' . i ., . , , .f m I or eating mosquitoes. Since it is I this and the next generat on if you WDu.iW.. i....rAk DOWknown that the malady known will. Now. the time has come for ure SIIOUIU take up mis matter I as maianau carried Dy mo.quitocs I tn'e tinai 8lruggie! as soon as it meets, contract crowd. Mr. md Mrs. John papel visit ed at S. F. Key's Suilday ttfter- noon. j,gf j i 'm. 1 Messrs. Clyde and ilfBad Crump are bringing in their dew goods Mr: Presley liowersUost a. 'fine a .w milK cow last week.'f til ne' cow . , . was worth $50.00. - '! S. F. Key has a pig tgrpe months old that measures twdrj feet and eight inches long fromjthe root of I hear the ou ? . . . . v'L.,,!.ini- ; k coming forces 01 ngm ana trutn iortno pniuiuai, once, ois-. bulbat should be accorded the nro. bear the drunkard's wail, and tribute it amori; a sufficient I tection which he so readily de- see the orphan's tear, and listen at number of nimterj so that each 11 ua lous ocen toe the thrilling widow's shout and its tail to where its he.4i ioin ii could readily do Ins part, and I r.orn1;r tn ,1 V . I maiden a songs of cheer and turn- neck, and measures taine inches .. - . I v uuua iui. . . , , . 1 . . : ,fes i then Have the lawn delivered to great numbers in the late summer! s suaueniy arou na, 1 see the across its shoulders. m a a . I. t a . H . XT a I til la hnnH a FiifnvA'B Fk 1 . I tne primus uauy UUllU tue I a -rnwui.. numerous cases nave i",v V4 ,ult b ..iuiucm Mrs. Flora Rush of and face the foe and for the victors all urging us to beat him bncK session as tl.ey are ratified. and ueeu T,lcu rc ana "PnK P' ,CI victory, . . . I seen ine same wun my own eyes, I hiah above all I behold a smilino- there is 110 valid reasou . why where these birds were tht H-" g . ' ! aa. bfn,IIU? Sh 1 1' 1.1 k- .u. a . r " ;: froviaence witn golden and not lie bi.und ;u.d distributed Ptice of shooting and the sport Newe,c diadems . A1 I of seeing them fall. Some shooters I righteousness, over mo riato m ioorinree do not even go to pick them up, weeks aftt r the Legislature and I have seen wounded bullbits adjourns. The State could 1lnRn lhe ground late the next ,, ir , , . day after they were shot, very well afford to pay a little The Audubon society of North more if necessary to q t its Carolina appeals to tbe g-"t po- woik done promptly. , P of the State to u.e thi'r in Iuucncc in every way pcoiO'.e in behalf of the bullbat, and t see county, died Sunda on l gome ry morning. wife of Mr. Atles Rush also very sick. behind t'tie barriers of harmful HOME! II Notice is hereby given that I will, on the first Monday in July, A. U. 1903, the same heine the 6th dar of Tulv. at 17 o'clock, M., in front of the court house door in the town of Rockingham, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the following described tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Kibnmond, and in the state ol JNortft Carolina, adjoining the lands of j. G. Freeman and Eli Smith: Beginning; at .a stake- on U e North side and near the Rockingham road in the line between said Smith and Freeman and runs S. 43 W. about ro hains to a corner, thence witn said Free man's line to the old line between said Smith and Freeman, thence S. 55 W 76 chs.' to corner, thence S 70 E to the Beaver Dam, thence tip said creek to a corner of Freeman's land, thence N. 70 E 40-50 to corner, thence N 6. W. 33 to the beginning, containing 186 acres. The above will be sold by the under signed as commissioner of the court, having been appointed by the Judge of the Superior Court of. Richmond county to make sale of said lands under a judg inent of foreclosure in an action entitl ed R. L. Newton and T. M. Newton, Executors of Younger S. Newton, versus Eli Smith and his wile Effie bmiti. The land is located within . about two miles of Hamlet, is much superior to the average sand hill land: and tms is a good opportunity for some one to obtain a good farm near the growing town of Hamlet. FAULU. nnlTLUUK. Commissioner. ; Made Young Again Oie of Dr. King's New Life Pills each Shall we . heed the accuracy required in a printing office, says an exchange. Some reader who detects bad spelling or a letter upside down feels that his mission i not fully accomplished until he ha called the attention of friends to the gluing defect. He did not notice the thousands of letter that are in placet or the multitude of words that ure cor- .1 . rr 1 L rcciiy frpc'iru, uui ins ragiirs eye existence, call? Some one. asks if we can dry the county. Is it po9iible?t I answer it is possible to close saloons and to it that tbe dreadful iftffe-Wb hut Uown st,Hs under tDe 1 m. t .1 1 . . O ! t 1 l . cauea Dy ine cnougntless JaUl 'bterliooQ, we can noia an eieciton in of these bird? in the past t Ji. I. noM August by getting on petitionsxi-3 tniS SUfll- I n( 1 Km numKr nf ' vntc --1 cf in ik. r - r- " last general election and sub,. nutting these petitions to the Board of Commissioners who will 77ie Quiet Girl grant the election. I find we will a San Fraacisco Bulletin. ' I have to tret bet ween no w and tbe Cultivate the reticent girl. a n e y VtrNii T P r a" Q me 14 '.' j a a . 1. 1 c noa auuui 3 vi wkiwn vie. 1 nigni ioi two wees Das put . me in iuv bhe was a good womanfthe second r ten aga n writes D. H. Turner, of Dem and he is I pseytown, Pa. , They're the best in tbe world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels, Pnrelv vegetable. Never errine. Onlv curing a muuaer jsiorm last 25c at All Druggists week the lightning strirpk a shade )r virtaeof power coof erred in a certain mortgagee ; deed executed to Kath in A. Hamer by Benjamin Dove and wife on the 3rd day of December 1S94, and dulr ret orded in the office of Register of Deeds of Richmond county hi Bonk EEE page S et seq, default having been made in .th payment ofin. same, we will expoe to public ale.. the bighest bidder for cash at the Court Iloue door in Rockikgham, N. C, on Mcnday the 6th day of July ox3 at 13 m. the tollowii.g des ribed tracts of Ian J, t wit: An undivide J cne-fifth interest in urid to tin- t!?.w"i s tracs in Rcb uond couu., Suit of North Caru.ina, adjointng the lands' of John Dawkins and others. First Tract : On the water of Cov ington Creek beginning at the beginning corner of Bryant Lovin's new urvev and runs with his line South K W 18 chains to a stake 2 pine pointers, then South 35 E 54 chains to a corner, then E a; chains to Samuel Dawkint lines then as and with said line N c W 36 bains to said Dawkins fourth crner.o cbeu North 17 chains and 2t links to a corner, then to the beginning, contain ins: one hundred arcres. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake two pine pointers standing on tbe West side of a road leading from Jackson O'Briens to Dennis O'Brien's ol.t place and ruus N S7 W no poles o a correr a stake and a pine pointers, then b 5 poles to the center of the run of the big branch to a Black bum, white oak and poplar pointers, then down said Big Branch following its variations to Covington crevk following its various courses to a corner on a ' sweet guuu, a poplar gum pointers near an old fence then S aSE no poles to a stake in a ditch or gully B. B. McKenzie's Hire then up said ditch N 17 poles to , a branch, then up the various courses of said branch to a line of Eli Terr? a d a corner of B. B. McKenzie's lanci,'ien W 35 poles to a stake and a pine pointers, then S 40 poles to the beginning, cotalning 60 acres. . Third Tract: Beginning at a sUke Dennis O'Brien's corner on the North side of the big branch In the Eli Terry line and runs S 118 poles with Nathan Gibson's" line to a stake, Gibwns corner then E ii8poles with said Gibson line to a stake in Gibson Field, then S ao poles with said Gibsons line reversed to a corner near Gibson Shop, then E iaa poles reversed with Gibson line to a stake where said line intersects with a line of a Henderf 011 survey of Thos Gibson the a S 33 E 16 poles with the line which it intersects of Neil Gibson to a Black Jack, Gibson corner, then N 54 then W 6 1-4 pole s a pine Tilotson O'Brien's be ginning corner of a bundred acre survey then S 73 W reversed with Tilotson O'Brien's line 156 poles, to a stake where 1, T. Moorman line intersects said O'Briens line, then North said Moorman's line reversed 6a poles to a rtaae Moorman's corner in the field near Mary O'Brieus house, then W reversed, with Moorman' 1 line iao poles to Moorman's coi ner, then N re versed with Moorman's line one auncred and twenty seven ' poles to stake in said Moorman's line then Black Jack pointeis then with Dennis O'Brien's line E 10 i-a poles direct to the beginning containing 30 acres. : fourth Tract: Lying on Covington Creek oeginning ac a stake a pine pointers near the head of said creek the 3rd corner ot Dennis O'Brien's land and runs as said O'Brien's line reversed. S XX E ca to the corner, then as a line of Addison G. Terry survey, reversed NW ca hs thel corner, also, the corner of. Bryant ... a 101m, uicii da n II11C til U1C V. v. Watson's land S 59 W 7 chains to tbe Deginnmg, containing 19 acres. This ist day of June 1903. W. H. RAGAN. . W.T. HANNER, 1 ' Executors of Nathan A Hanne, Mortgagee, dee'd. A. S. DOCKERY, . , -Attorney. New Macrket I have a UiJ 70 ny other nui nessa.i up toi ifomeat market and ask our p it rpnage. I will keep ' .nil tinr- u nice line j of Reef, i'ork, S tusiire. Fish, Oysters, etc., etc.) and guaran tee a f urtcoi a tid t:itisi actpry , service. trvlNCY GROCERIES. Don't forget ih t C m at be old Rtaid will, i compl-te ijne of Fancy Groceries; Candies Cor4feci'ler!-.. c. Plenty of nice things tu eat. Prices are right, too. Very respectfully, J. A. Newberry H. C. WATSON. I A A ft . A complete line of Caskets. Co!' fins. Undertaker's Sue cites and Burial Outfits Free hearse with all caskets Prompt attention day or night. Lowest prices euaran teed. Phone 35. CLYDE ULES, In charge Undertakers Dept. 5 Compl Burial ete Outfits. COFFINS, CASICETS, ROBES- Ect. t a ( Always on Hand, ALWAYS on hand good Watches, Chains, Rings, Buttons, Clocks. Machine Needles, Attachments etc, watches, and colcks repaired, all work guarenteed. Glasses fitteu to the eves so that as vou come blind you go seeing. W. S. Fo Ikes dewier.! WEST BROS, ROCKINGHAM, N. C I (I (.) ) () tf) 2. II imimumun mi !HH Oyer 20 Companies in Agency, Our BOND We can give you at reason able price bond for Admin istrators, Guardians, City and County Officials, Bank Officers, ' Railroad Em ploycs and other bonds I tree in thirty feet of j Parson's store1 house; j hurt. ! Ttfr d: a. 4o one was be reported in the State mer. Fewr Gallons; Wears Longer We understand that?vthe picnic law of I at Cohman's mill Saturday was a very nice one. ; j 'M We had frost las.il iweek on v. Mountain creek. j $. F. K. USJ easoii Fewer Gollons; Wears ISnger. czpr- . HAMLET NEWS A congregational meeting of the This 18 the "bu8Y season" with the farmers but it i the season of all others when they are ip ne o farm hardware, and we would like to again call their attention to the fact that we are. the largest de triHnrnra nf farm hardware in thin ct!n onA a K.i:.. - i ' . . . . ww. w'lcic c rc ucucr prepared to give them a 1 ervice in this respect than they can get anywhere else. We spare no pains to keep every a rticle may need, and every article of the class that will give you the very best wear and ervice for your hat w moiie She I first Mnnd.i v in Julv. ahntit a m I Presbvterian Church at - Suodav I Tn nHditinn to a full lin of Plnws. fattirnrc Tm... Un... ... l . . . 5ld,lu.Ua i. ou, of cay .b. . pe.f.c. foo.. bu. . he cy TOtet. to ,ie the We elected Mr. D. McNar jijdir and , . ' " ' TT 7 7 u6 "Jlf'Jv"l'a wwiiWax umw nuiv "4W4J bwb, auu WfliLii VYC WOU1U DO glaU tO SllOW yOU. Dbce. So it is Without deed nnd aUo have" vr .1 : T UW x"? a w VULiUJl I'l I . s '.a no attention i& m id milm hn I tnrt nA I must nave no less man mis num- if he makes one mistake it u dash- I well and win her res Dec t ind con-l bcr' Mny?of the petitions have ed over the- world. A lite time I fidence she may turn out a far I been sent out.! Others w.ll be maybespent in building up a more entertaining, profitable con- sent. One ' man in a short whiu reputation mat may oe wrrcked in I verser than her shallower sister ne worm is a narsn i wno cnaiters so gayly, so frothily t m a w... a r 1 & f w i . . .a a nuiv-.tiacuuiu Muu. w. x . i sua so incesMinti. a rule. rsews. I neoDle who tnik ecAintT . . -m t-j on nrst acquaintance oecome tire some alter extended intercourse. The reticent people wear better be cause, as a class, they think best A girl who is silent when she es in Mr. Neimyer deacon. Miss Lottie several days Fewrr t1lbt.s; Wears Longer. Scholarships at A. & M Ex imitiat'ons for admission to the Agricultural and Mechanical 1 1,38 nothing to say makes a better Colltgat Raleigh will be held about 50 votes. After securing the granting of election. the campaign will be open for the real nht. I urge that those who hive 'petitions push the work vigorously. If any body, manor worn .in, desire to work with a petition in their j community write McJJooaid spent witti :.fr!Sends in Hamlet, and returned fV Raleigh Monday night. fa rm THE "COrJTirJECJTAL" D3J0SK CULTDVATO Messrs. N6imyere ad Caudle have bought ouc th furniture store of West Bros., ana will run . Li : tt i r ... . ' . - t?or couoncom or iouaw.w, ia a macuuic wuica every iarmer ougnc 10 nare. A farmer can cultivat e a thir more crop with the same force with thii machine than by the old method. It can -be easily chan g d in disk harrow. We know that our people are rather slow to take on to new machinery, but we re the busioess under the ajbove name! his one will make a valuable addition to every farm. at the some stand. t '. -. f i July 9ti, xo a. m., in every county uourt House in the biate by tbe County Superintendent of School. The- tctu!ts of these examinations , will be con- aidered iu awarding scholarships at lhe coiirge. i.ach county is entitled to a many scholarships as it has members of the House of Represent ait ves. Plant .fr Harrows. One of the most atisfatory-' machine made by the l'.ntt Jr. folks is their one horse, live tooth, wheel barrow. A fina taltivator. We hare them, and at mot anything the you can imagine ia the hardware line. JCrerett Hardware Co "The doctor ho makes a practice f .telling his men patients that they work their brains too hard, at.d hi womeu patients that notiung but their win aeeps them country and proves effectudly that up, is bound to succeed." De I roid mini pit m nhK - - . n wm. wuy m iron r rec x resa. companion for life than a girl who lone and go aberd, securing names always thinks she has something Lf voters cniv. ! s' to say. AmoDggirls, as arrong . , . ... men, ths ablest minds, tbe truest! u(.c yyuh we pur- friends and the most agreeable I P0 holding the election forbids companions are not always tbe I the sale of whUkey or liauors of ones that talk most. Often a erirl v kind Th;!r;iittA,.ik. 11, who sits as, quiet as a mouse in L. n . . ,u. '1 . company does thinking enough for : ::M" 'T'. "c Pco' a whole family. pie out side of .the incorporated towns can t vo'e under tbe Wat s 1 Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. (liquor 'aw. For this reison we work now under the nA l iar ihle Gold Ore XTarth C?TLW , I . ' 1 uiu tan ixA9) uvt wvu Dr biR. bayer. re.igned r TJ VATTJT1T1 lATMn hi posiUon a, S A I Surgeon. J j,yj ft UU1M U ana leic last weeK lor jrytneville, va. . Mr-;' . Mrs. E. A. Stewartf Laurin- burg, is visiting friendJin town. Mr. E. A. Lackey his returned home from a trip in Kentucky. Fewer Gallons; Wears Logger. t . - - . i ".a 1113 taia mat noiLmg is are in Stanley County. Salisbury, June 2 The Whit- nv i?,4.t;A r- ... I ' 7 F,ur. o mis 1 tk. r city, has struck a. phenomenally , w. ricj Diviner streak in iK-ii-..;r..J-i ana women wno nave aiea as a ar j w -miiiui' ti i gold mine, in Stanly county, and result of liquor in this county with already has taken put six tons of in less than two years call noon u ore that Hy Moo to ibe ton. to act now. Will we bear their This is one of the greatest finds in '.mi the history -of mining in this ". D oa will pay. Charlotta Chronicle. exceD death and taxes, but that ne,t sJLo7ethr repealed.-Tbe j trne. Dr. King's New DUcovtry, foj country people and all can sign the onsumpton is a soreenre :ior all lung tt to tht- Mrs. C. B.-f-fanM Shepherdtown. W. .Va., si " I' had a severe case of Bronchitis a4 i for a. year tried everything I beard oQ bat got no releal One bottle of Dr.ijZing't New Discovery ihen cured meabsolntely,' It'a inalhble for crouA Wboonincr Cough, Crip, Pneumonia and Coasump tion. Try it. I fa guaranteed by All Druegiat. Tnal botUes free. Bee aixe 50c J1.00. ' - Fewer Gal loos; Wears Longer. Fewer Galloas; Wears LMtet TO PAINT Don't forget pur Sherwin & Wil is ms Paint. Its an article tb; t gives satisfaction every time. We sold two thousand gallons . of it ast year and haven't had a single complaint. Don't hire a man to put on cheaD paint. There isnt much difference between cheap paint and the best-r-Sherwin & Williams. ; s u Saving at the Spigo at the Brnjg" Wasting That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may Ikj lor-priccd by tie gallon ar.d be extravagant to use owing to the poor eoveri;::r power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start nent and use The SHERl'mi-l'lLUAUS Punrr - , .- a niiif Made to paint bufldings with. 1 I ' " " okjuU BY 1