P Li Itilv V" ' .: ""r " VOLUME V, NUMBER 20- ff ncrir. ROCKINGHAM, M: Cw THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YE4ft. I ri Jge? &i&s9 Jetafs and (Circuta'tion mm The THE NEWS ARGOND HCJViE Lt vc Items About Things and People Worthy of Brief Mention Th'--'w rather 1..1H U--n prvtty w.!. C.tti.ii xllt f.r 12 r nt in KooWing Iit.u . , .",.,... . A isi mW rf wrlirr IkYO lKon w!an;;u t. r-l tin vok. Mai. sl.au- I now m proved, we aro V. ,- r : ! 1 to ! M r. IJrank OTrioti f o.ir i-i-r'-,:Tif a 1.i:xl-w rkHl lot wf tl.rw days. M.-r. Mc.i:Uv. Yiro & V.'vr it.- !! I.ii z 11. n-opl 1 i ! !"Ir. C.M.n V's!-i n.of r.jh-on Mill. w i-, i:i t 1 . ii V vt d iv. ; .Ii t ' r. viit tin !. i i t I H i rv .- St I'.; W. C 1. . ! r; v' 1 Srindcv v.i h fn.-Ilv i: L tkirl.ac. . iv ill fill n i 1 r ii-ti!!n:iitt of ! i !V J; rt in tl.ls ist;o. At! tlf m I 'i I k" s Mill I'swill 1 Ail tl.i I i-V iMi" : at onro. This it: : !! t in Ik-h iili't tv! for a'vrok. 1.-.. ! !.- f !! .Mt tI:Wy v. r-i .'if M: !. 1 .si:r; ai cldf l.t Iv. -r. An i 11 Vis-u anvai t t ! ! is fi rantt!i-i:i-i.y. Xl.viu. Mr. II. r. .V:i:m r.. ttltl -i cr vtl -d f. r t f .1 :, u j.t l M I i'l um ilsiijjit. V,' p.V i vlri.' U. i- ! to Ion nar-' ri.' : ! i i . t ? m it y. VttvillMt I i Aj; wiiliu t r'i?- an ivst:r ih. i in : ii Ii.'litlav?. 'Tl.Is isav.ttkly . s Mr. J. A. kltar, Kr., .il'-s'jor" v. i l. re i n ir.V.s loi.al Ju..:i.cv Ti:i -iljy. - Mr. liior;;i Warl-fjtnn ' oalloil Sat'ir f r rv tj jr. jnl V t- l' yi l !.; tUIi , i v i.. !:. T ' . : : Mr. I'.- V i- ''! ". :!; ly. -."' -in. if l.VVcn: IU- ii k.hit' a ; It-aaut Wi xv. r :l i t , ,. sv .?!r. M. M- f f ! S 1 Mi-.-' X.iy Kairli y, : v I.o I.ns lxeo i r".r it-ally ill. i mu convalescent, we ;ir . ii i i-ar. XV.- m. re p!: d fo hav a rnU lnvt Sat-nt-Vy ft.' .1 ci.rnM h'.M:!, A."S. Mct'or-lu.H-, t (' I Hid . WY j-iIi!i-h this Mock another ins'a in. ht of tLo Annual llxhibit. Thin will In ii iir!i;,lii i.t wceki Wi all l-v j cod u iic. and tLot an- t!;-Ts a I the rltLH,it ehurcli Ix-t Sun- v re n;it.;e. ' Tl i- ..; d Cotmt.f PriT Cp-.psny L.i. a i-.li e !a . a: el the 1 adir. dm;-i-!- in ! ills p:irt of the State. . J. v. Sit Ith Co. hn.ve al?owed your 1'r.-'. :i f t t open out liN Christina. jr '.. in : fir .store. ;t Iead their ad. . -'. 'e. rrefidippr H'der for K." i !'isritt vith lit family. arrt.. !n.ti Y. ilmlnttn Tuesday. I'lvi- T .! u l., was i-lot in town " a f.. , j,; ,0 t, P tl. ini. he'll i y i i.ows In w it I..ipleeetl. i ' ' ; f r f rk:eV.;i:-Lar.i prv nt a !,-: r .-:.r.we $rr tine. l-t the. ,.iti h!jv !. i kt d like a, reunion- 'r. !. Johnson. f rdnhamV i-.v, i hrjie A'iMiday r.r.d will tU lu.Ii.!as with In parents here. . -r. J. I. Cat; crou l.-is had a continual n - i in l?j'sir ns finr ocral "ays. He ' .v:ierevilli,te n ake people Lappv. Tie Ancl-"an stands reaJy to t'.rs.w ep the ii .Uveik cf a laiinul by. "r through anyivh"re. Ci.-d hand. 1 1 '- i. "Mr. I!. S. pa vis, who rrakes the rt of 1 ariit.. cellars aid 1 i idles, offer "tve r.ire bargain in Lis line. Head J.i"ad. I At the lla f t I.t tate Convention in ! irl. tte list week, the debt against V' rj tit Y h a!e l'iiicriity was paid. ieet.tly MrM. L. lilrs n sold a car 1 -d of the firrst ir.ulen $Mcn on thin h'.arkct iu nary a cay." He will 1-ave i .r in a few Jay. T!.e u.i! i a'tr c! ctrie lif;ht plant on l-.t!e rivi r yrrr. a leak Sunday, which d.-l.ty mr lit.ts for a t.Uort while. l"r. x Kvar.iiicr. v:;d bp p!ad if er corrrsfon!- i.: vi.:i'.t .-tv . . v . v: ..,.. ' " .H-viril- (I.!- 'll .H Lli: 11 I v. . .- C' t! e p pTe a t lu;nce tc -r tU hKiicLt, jcu brag on. Iincmber, tier. J.H.H11 will preach ' every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7.30 in the Methodist Lurch. Mr. II. D. Baldwin receired a solid car a4 of oranges last week.- This w a the largeat shipment of oranges ev or rocci veJ by a Rockingham house. Col. B. F. Simmons left for Florida Monday. He expects to spend the win ter breathing the balmy air of that de lightful climate. Troy Examiner. Momrs. Lew and E. B. O'Brien, Wm (lilison. .Walter Covington and others vrore . atnoog old acquaintances of long n'o whom we met in town last Saturday, tfo v. T. TTrTgnnias' accepted the rail to Cart ledge Creek Baptist church, and will preach there on the 4th Sunday in this m nth, and regularly hereafter on 4th Sundays. , " Mr. T. T. Lucas, formerly of his city. ha returned to Churlott with his fam ily to live. M r. Lucas has been located at Kockingham si nee leaving Charlotte- Charlotte News. Mr. X. G. Jficholsori, of Ellerbe i rinH, called at this olSce Tuesday, and we enjoyed bis visit. Mr. Nichol mii h a discreet young man and will 'i m kc hid mark in Life. AVe have never enjoyed anything bet trr than Sheriff Wright's call Monday i.i-ht. . It beat attending the theater or circus. Our sides are still sore. Hev. C. O. Durant, the new pastor of Richmond circuit, preached in the Methodist church in this town last Sun day night a strong, practical sermon. lie is a good preacher. The Roberdel Comet Band gave a free concert in the court house last Satur day riiht. They made splendid, well timed music, which was enjoyed b"y all who heard. And those uniforms are to our liking, too. ' . You will find on page 4 an ad. This firm, Messrs. "West TJros., are hustlers, and don't you forget It. They have as pret ty store, as low prices as you will find anywhere, and you never met nicer young men. We learn that Mr. John Walker's lam Im t plant at Wadeville was completely destroyed by fire Monday nighk The origin of the fire is unknown, ve did not learn the amount of loss. Troy Ex aminer. Hev. Jesso H. Page died at his, home in Henderson last Thursday, the ' 10th. Me was pastor of the Methodist church in thin town not many years ago, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. A creaf man has fallen, in Israel. i - .Never before "in your life have you ever known a man to charge for less than a day's service when he had the opi1"i unity to charge, even if he only served one hour; but you see two of Richmond's commissioners have two 'talf days in their accounts. . Jim Love swore out a peace warrant against Alex Washington, Tuesday; the matter was heard before Esquire "W. F. Long; Washington was required to give a lond to keep to the peace, and ot pay 'the cost, this he did all all the parties are colored. Rev. W. F. Sanford and family, who have recently returned to this State from Alabama, are spending some with his mother, Mrs. a P. Sanford. Mr. San ford is the new pastor in charge, Pekin circuit and fills his first appointment next Sunday. Suspicions were such. Coroner Gay held an inquest over the body of Perce Hales, and the jury rendered a verdict that the deceased died from a shot fired fioui a pistol In the hands of Fannie Leak, colored. The woman has left the tate. Deputy U. S. Collector W. A. McDon ald returned Saturday evening from Trov. where he attended a triaj before 1. S Commissioner Geo. D. B. Reynolds. Ruess some of those boys have been s -Mug a little "sperits in case of slck- n -s. These Holiness folks held a tent meeU ins in Troy early In the falL They went away. Two weeks ago they came ltack, and failing to get a house in which to roar,-they erected their tent, again. They closed dow- Sunday, and closed with a "diviae healing," and cured two well people. . - ' Mrs. Kelly, the aged motnerof Mr. W. M. Kelly, attorney at law, of this town, died at Midway Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church, and died trusting in her Savior. Rev. T. S. Wright conducted the funeral service at Zion, three miles northwest of town. The deceased was 73 years old, and was ready for the summons. Rev. J. Sanford, D.D, visited rela tires and friends in town and rommun ity this week. Dr. Sanford has been preaching It years, has belonged to the conference 31 years, and has received into the Methodist church during his miuistry 2.600 members. When he began reaching there was only one cirooit in Richmond county; now there are eight. r nrrd Lha Doctor's call atswsf 4 . fiosw . Joe TendalL colored, a churchman and all-round citizen of the kind, recently received an anonymous letter threaten ing to do him barm if he does'nt burn the wind. The. letter purports to be from the white folks in Scotland coun ty, but Joe says he is safe among the white folks both here and in Scotland that that letter was written by a nigger who should be indicted, and who wishes to run him out of tae state. - Perce Hales a young white man was shot through the abdomen last Sunday morning. Hales was' at the house of a colored woman, and one story U, he had decided to kill himself and drew his re volver for this purpose, and the woman was trying -to prevent him; another story is, they were tussling over a pis tol, which was accidentally discharged. Anyway, Hales was shot, and all that medical" skill and surgery could do for him could not save his Hfe " He was shot Sunday morning and died Tuesday morning. 1 Ex -Judge W. 8,'O'B. Robins!, mem ber of the Republican National execu tive committee from North Carolina, re fused te dine with the national commit tee at a complimentary dinner given by Chairman Marcus A. Hanna at the Ar lington H tel, Washington, D.s C, last Saturday flight, because Judson Lyons, the negro Registrar of the Treasury, and member of the committee from Georgia, was invited and dined with the commit tee. .Judge Robinson said he went to Washington a Republican and a gentle man, and he would return to the Old North State the same, or, words to that effect. Hurrah for Judge Robinson 1 SeeArenson & Sussman for bargains in Clothing. A Letter from Mr. Bundy. Rockingham, N. C Dec. 16, 1903. To the Honorable -Mayor and Board of Town Commissioners, and the Citizens of the Town of Rockingham : Replying to the. inquiry, "When will the Rockingham Telephone Exchange resume operations," will say : As soon after the fire as practicable 1 made requisition for the necessary equipment to resume operation of the Telephone Exchange, and as 1 desired to give the best service possible,contrrct- ed for the Bell Telephone equipment, which was to be delivered to me by De cember 1st, but owing to a rush of busi ness in this branch have been compelled to wait their convenience in delivery of same. On the' SoTlast. I took this matter up with the Bell pVple, nd asked when equipment would be shipped; reply dated 11th, stating that they had issued instructions that this equipment be shipped to me at once, and that the delay was caused by the absence ot the superintendent of this branch. . I expect to resume operations not later than Jan. st, affd will probably be ready for business before, dependent on the arri val of the equipment for the Central Office. I merely make this explanation to show that the fault of delay does not rest with me, and that I have used every effort to resnme my business at the earliest possible moment and secure the best material for good service. Respectfully, i J.-L. BUND A new line of Hat Pins at J. D. Cam eron s. Consolidation The Remedy State Superintendend Joyner gives an illustration showing ho the consolidation of school works tying that in Cleveland coudU hs number of school districts ha been reduced by consolidation from 87 to 68. In a recent letter to thr State Superintendent of Public In struction, County Superintender Autbony said : I wish you cor d come to our couuty and visit w h me some of these schools that h e been consolidated and-enlarged snd -ee the boys and girls comfonab e while they study and recite bit:e lesson and make their teacbe . aid parents gltd ana happy. Y a ust thousands of fathers and mo h- cr are now rejoicing with me le cause of the oe m hope and spirit that is now filling the- souls and heart of all the thoughtful and progressive edacUional people of Cleveland connty." Ral. Cor, Charlotte Observer. Maiton Ladies Entertain Maxton. Dec 14 Last Fridaj evening the youog ladies of the Presbyterian "Church . of Maxton gare quite a pleasant and enjoyable as well as profitable entertainment in the town halL There were nu me reus features of amusement and an excellently arranged program of music. The young ladies them selves seemed to Tie with one other in every effort to make the evening an enjoyable on : for all who at tsadadSptc. Cbsrfetta Observer PEE DEE HO. 2. It is hog kil'iag titae &nd most of oar villagers a V faring , um- ptaouslj et erv day on pork and potatoes, l lljl " - :.r' ? Mis Nora Cole who hss been visiting at Mrsy E. E.T Aliens f re turned to her homef in Charlotte We are sorry to learn that Mr Cora Crisco is retry rick ; wehopc ,he will soon be weU again. ; ? 3IrrRicbHo'r7and ; family ra ve severed ihei r con nect 103 wit h this mill and have gone to" Great Falls. V1" . t . ' . '. Messrs. John Carr- 'and Lather Mcintosh went ro Roberdel v Sun day afternoon, but that's' nothing new, they go every .Sunday. . Miss Mary Bell Cole, after spending a few days at -Mrs. C E. AIIen6 returned , to her. home at China Grove, Friday morning. Misses ' Ola Carr and Lol Copel spent Sunday, at Roberde' No. 2. - " . - -;' Mr. Wm. Roberts and Mist- Minnie Thower attended the Uc vi iling at Marks Creek Sunday. Mr. Enoch Blike is visiting at vlr. Alfred Crifcos. r - Lift YVedaesdiy evening in the presence of a large number of ''riendf, Mits Ida Allen and Mr. Frank Thomas were united it narriage, ?JSr. Wm Little Steel officiating. Mis Sallia Allen. sister of the bride . was maid of honor and Mr. W C. ; Warner, oest man. .The attending couples were Miss Mary JJell Cole anc Mr. Brady Thomai, --Miss Maggi Thomas aud Mr. Wm. Little, Mis LilUe Williams and Mr. Chasr Anderson, Miss Leili Seawell and VI r. Wm. Thomas and Mrs. MaggiV Rich:irason end Mr.EjiP. Covin g- on. May meir p do aeep as mc ceac and their sorrows as light as the foam. . . - Sterling Silver Brooches, 25c. to 1 at J. D. Cameron's. . FOR SALE CHEAP One house and ot in Hamlet. N. C. Also 45 acres of land 1 1-2 miles west of Hamlet. For urtherparticulaas address am J. E. KING, Robeson, S. C. The Wilmington Postoffice Washington, Dec. 14. Gover'- r Rubsell, ex-Scnator Mar,on Bu' er and -National Committemat, Robinson were in close communion in Mr. Builers office in the Bone: building for some time ths after ww t . noon. j. ne contest no w ou ovc the postoffice at Wilmington wa under consideration. The mform- ition conveyed in these dspatcbe- Sui day, that the names of person well known in the State , were be ing considered in 'connection witl thU office, was given, advisedly It is not unlikely that Mis. Russel wife of the Republican ex-Goven r will be given this " orfice. Go to Miss Blakey's for your Christ mas Hat and Dress. Everything at way down prices. - Nice Overcoats at low prices at Aren.- son & Sussman a. It is to your advantage to see me be fore you pcrchase your holidsy good. . W. S FOwLKES, jeweler. $100,000 for Funnan. -Rev. E. II. Poteat. president o' Furman University, GreenTille, S C, who attended the Baptist con vention aV Charlotte, has just re turned from the North, where he secured from John D.. Rockefeller a donation ot $100,000 for Furman Universsty.' pr Poteat recentl) raised $35,000 for . his institution. most of the contributions being in blocks of $350. I "- Go to Miss Blakey's for your Dolls and Toys. t ' - ; - I attended the big Baptist ccn veniion in Charlotte last week, said 'Squire A. C. Johnson, who i a Stewart in the Methodist church I met a lot of preachers and lay men, too,' be continued, "and the first question every one ask-d me was, 'What church are you pastor of Bro, Johnson? Monroe Jour- I To Suppress the Boll Weevil- New Orleans, D;c io Gov, Heard's mess lge was delivered to he) f pcc'al session of the Legisla ture which convened at Batin Roue Thursday, in conformity with; the" sentiment expressed at the convention held in this city on the 'st instant, f jr the purpose of discussing the boll weevil situation and passing necessary laws to check the ; evil..- As to tue" laws to be passed by the special session the message says a separate board of commissioner v with plenary pow ers may be appointed or the State Board of Agricullure may be. au thorized to carry into effect am laws that may be passed. MMy own opinion is that the work may be done by ' creating a board ot commissioners composed of tbf commissioner of agriculture, direc tor of the experiment station,State entomologist and two prominent and practical cotton planters." , Immediately after, the session was formally opened, a bill was introduced providing and establish ing ah organization of a State crop pest commission and to define itf duties and powers, to fix penalties for violations, to make it-a misdc- meanor for any firm, person or cor- poratiop to bring intb this State or have in their possession, except certain persons, any Mexican boll weevil in-any of its stages. RantA Clans' Headauarters at Miss Blakey's. AH -kinds of presents for old and young at lowest prices - v t. 1 ' 1 New line of Hats. Skirts and Coats just received at Miss Ulakey s. - The Wilson Dispensary, Wilson, N. C, Dec. o. Mr. T. B.'Farmer, manager of the dis pensary at Wilson, is to be assisted by M.. W. A.-Stott and Mr. Sun ny 'Lester is the clerk. The board has bought about 10,000 worth of liquor, .. which whiskey drumme tp say wilPnbt lasf - over a month, as the dispensary is expected to eell $120,000 w ortb of the ardent with- n a ye?r, If this much is sold it is thought.ihat the net profits will not fall below $30,000 each year. Jon't forget that W. S. Fowlkes is still handling Jewelry at the same old stand behind the cout .hous . Sterling Silver Thimbles at J. D. Cam eron s. Enameled Watches with Pins to match at J. D. Cameron's. - - Judge Boyd Names a Ticket How do ycu come on ?" said Judge i Jas. E. Boyd at the Butord Hotel last night. "Say .'I'll name a national Republican ; ticket that will carry with a large whoorv Here it is : : ; - :S::r ."..v.,.-- .Frv President, Theo. Roose velt ; Tor vice-president, ex-Judge W. - S. O'B. Robinson. All thr ellows who would like to eat witl negroes would support Roosevc It , ind those who wouldn't Jiketo eat wviin cciorea - oreiurcu wuuiu uc athusiastic for Judge Robinson. That, s the rightticket; Roobevelt od Robfnson. Observer. THa best watch in the world for $1.25 at J. D. Cameron's, repaired free of cost for one year. Gold Filled and Solid Gold Chatelaine Watches at J. D. Cameron's. Woodpeckers Kill Hogs. From Harrisburg, 111 , comes a strange story.- William McFar- land, a farmer of Wabash county. had a drove of 50 hogs. As Mc Farland has lost his voice he was accustomed to call his logs to feed by pounding on the board fence. He ran short of corn not long ago and turned the drove into a lot to obift for themse!ve. There are a few dead trees in this lot, occupied by woodpeckers. When the wood peckers "drummed" on the dead trees the: hogs, thinking it was their customary dinner aLiruv ran hither and thither, till tbey were all dead from exhaustion. Wabash county is the same' place where a farmer crossed his bees with light ning bugs so tbey could work vero time Ex. Sterling Silver Chatelaine Watches at J. Dl Cfemeroa's. f75, th. best watca in tat. wozli tat Vam sncssej. Report of Jorvn L. Everett, Cl'Ic STATE OF NORni CXrOLINA. County of Richmond In Superior Court. .To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners ( the Cou.ity of Richmond : The undersigned. Clerk of the Superior" Court l the said Ci unty rf Rich, (nonet, begt leave to submit the following rep art f the mont ' remalai. la his hands on the tst Monday in December, 1903. The said report contains a state ment of all monies received from the former clerk on the 1st Monday of Decem ber,' 1902, together with all monies which have been received frcm spndry sources since that time except such amounts, as have been paid out to the parties entitled to the same and for which proper receipts have been given. The monies now In hnd have not been paid for the reason that the parties entitled to the Mime have not laid claim thereto, J NO. L. EVERETT, C. S. C. ; " Continued from last week, TSKM AMD TtTLk. Page. No. To Pall 63 t Fairleyvs. Kerchener, P. -1. Bradley vs. Knight, G. A. 6)i a 13 5I 4 Covington vs. Jacobs, S. W. Covingten, To Fall Term, 1879. Gilchrist vs. Kennedy, W.T. Culberson, To Spring Terra, i SSo. , Morrison vs. Bakei, E. L. Hayes, J. P., $4.10; A, McMillan, $t.So; E. B. McMillan, 30, . r ; To February Term, 1891. Hawkins vsl McDonald, John Campbell, E. & F. McRae vs. Everett Bros. & Gill, M. M. McKInnon, " Pureed vs. Everett Bros. & Gill, W. B. Holton, $3.30; J. D. lones, 30; Ed McLean, 50; W. 11. Phillips, 50: D. Parker McLen, 50; Caroline McBride, 50, To June Term, 1893. Stubbs vs. Stubbs. judgment. ' 5 17 301 303 303 18 21 12 193 to 308 29 . Murphy vs. Patterson, N. A. McKay, 3S Kerchner vs. Fairley, F. J. Floyd, 312 37S- 25 (jibaon, admr, vs. Gibson, H, P. Johnson, 60; M. D. Living ston, 60, 1 Here v.. Thomas, J. R. Steele, , ! Mrs. C. A. Middleton et at, A. M. McKay, Southerland vs. Freemont, Porter King, $10; J. E. Calhoun, 1.20, 4 ; " To Febiuary Term, 1S95, ) Williams vs. Smith, H. McE-chern, sheriff, 60; T. M. Wat son, sheriff, 30; W.T. Henderson, 30, ' ' To" October Term, 1895. White vs. Pipkin, t al, judgment, -i L. Simmons & Co vs. E. W. ManshiD. Z. F. Smith. 5 137 I 3 148 324 26 33 39 69 74 1 33 ... . . . J - - r , I To Decrmber Terra, 1895, 6 Hailey vs. Great Falls Mfg. Co., A. R. Prevat, D. S., 30; J. A. Smith, D. S , 30 ; John S, Hill, 30, 14 Xilly vs. Patterson, J. L1 Barnes. 30 ; A.ill. McLean, 30; T. M. Watson. 30, H - 1 I 7 Currie aj. McKlnnon, J. M. Cigle, 30; VV. II. McLaurin, 8o, 133 HARNESS, COLLARS uND BRIDLES! I desire to redice my stock of ' Harness, Collars end Bridles, and in order to do so, I offer Hem art Special Prices Until January 1st 19p4, I will sell my $12.50 bviggy harness for $10. My $11 buggy harness for $9. Fine wagon aund biggy harness at rediced prices. Collars and Bridles from 50c. up to $2.25. Shoes macde and repaired. Be sire to call on me before yovi pvirchase harnes or have repairs done. ROCKETS i DERM 1 DH III 1 MIf MBMIl . A.ny sixes in while glois, Mahogsny, Walnu. Oak, Nomie Cloth, Bbck Bicad Cloth, plain, blind draped and full drsprd, While Cru"1:ed plul. Octsg on Eliptic ends, uble ard trp!e sttelld tcp, f talic Caskets as high as$i75.We have recently pui - chased a Twelve- Hundred Dollar Funeral Car which will fill the demands of the pabV fastidious. Pricrs are right on every job. Place ycui contr set wilt c tid we will handle it with greatest care and to your entire satisfaction. WEST BROS. Amount . ' 60 ii 60 Term; 1S77. W. Kerchner, Graham. '10; C. C. Wade, sc. $6 ao 70 3 $5 60 7 J 4 60 t ao i 40 3 00 11 20 1 30 19 84 30 JO 90 I IO DEPOI 51 he PI. B 1